Shark Skin Secrets and UFO Technology

Post on 08-Nov-2014

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Secretele pielii de rechin si tehnologia OZNShark Skin Secrets and UFO TechnologyDan Mirahorian articol aparut pe: © 2013All Rights ReservedAbstract : Acest articol face parte dintr-o serie dedicata spargerii transei colective, dupa care vindecarea ( in cazul de fata: infectiile bacteriene, micotice) se poate obtine utilizand drept vector al informatiei terapeutice doar materia ( substantele chimice, folosite drept medicamente ), desi astazi avem dovezi suficiente ca drept vector al informatiei terapeutice putem folosi energia si impulsurile campurilor energetice, inclusiv a celor morfogenetice, care deja sunt folosite de alte specii in comunicare, indoirea timpului si a spatiului(warp) pentru a crea un camp de protectie(camp defensiv), control interactie cu campul gravitational(levitatie) si invizibilitate. Insectele folosesc campul de forma sau morfogenetic pentru a genera un camp de forta care curbeaza(warp) tesatura spatiu-timp (time-warping force-field generated by the secret geometric power of chitin), descoperit de Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov (Виктор Степанович Гребенников) (1927–2001) si numit Efectul Structurilor Cavitare (CES) / The Cavernous Structure Effect (CSE) / Эффекта Полостных Структур (ЭПС). [vedeti detalii in articolul care urmeaza pe aceasta tema] Structurile geometrice microscopice sunt folosite si de alte specii de plante (lotus) si de animale ( in cazul de fata de catre rechini, pisici de mare ). Dupa cum puteti vedea in imagine si in articolele citate in linkuri a fost reprodusa intr-o pelicula artificiala geometria microscopica a unor santuri din solzii rechinului ( in realitate nu sunt solzi, ca la pesti, ci dinti plani, cu pulpa si email)


Secretele pielii de rechin si tehnologia OZNShark Skin Secrets and UFO Technology

Dan Mirahorian articol aparut pe:

Copyright © 2013All Rights Reserved

Abstract : Acest articol face parte dintr-o serie dedicata spargerii transei colective, dupa care vindecarea ( in cazul de fata: infectiile bacteriene, micotice) se poate obtine utilizand drept vector al informatiei terapeutice doar materia ( substantele chimice, folosite drept medicamente ), desi astazi avem dovezi suficiente ca drept vector al informatiei terapeutice putem folosi energia si impulsurile campurilor energetice, inclusiv a celor morfogenetice, care deja sunt folosite de alte specii in comunicare, indoirea timpului si a spatiului(warp) pentru a crea un camp de protectie(camp defensiv), control interactie cu campul gravitational(levitatie) si invizibilitate. Insectele folosesc campul de forma sau morfogenetic pentru a genera un camp de forta care curbeaza(warp) tesatura spatiu-timp (time-warping force-field generated by the secret geometric power of chitin), descoperit de Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov (Виктор Степанович Гребенников) (1927–2001) si numit Efectul Structurilor Cavitare (CES) / The Cavernous Structure Effect (CSE) / Эффекта Полостных Структур (ЭПС). [vedeti detalii in articolul care urmeaza pe aceasta tema]

Structurile geometrice microscopice sunt folosite si de alte specii de plante (lotus) si de animale ( in cazul de fata de catre rechini, pisici de mare ). Dupa cum puteti vedea in imagine si in articolele citate in linkuri a fost reprodusa intr-o pelicula artificiala geometria microscopica a unor santuri din solzii rechinului ( in realitate nu sunt solzi, ca la pesti, ci dinti plani, cu pulpa si email)

Efectul antibacterian al pielii de rechin din care nu s-au extras dintii plani sau placoizi (dermal denticles) a fost reprodus tehnologic; Pielea de rechin elimina bacteriile prin energie de forma; S-a realizat prima pelicula artificiala, care are proprietatile pielii de rechin, care va fi utilizata de flota US . Alte aplicatii: cresterea vitezei navelor maritime, automobilelor si avioanelor ( canalele microscopice reduc turbulenta si frecarea cu apa pastrand curgerea laminara; denticle's ridges prevent tiny eddies currents; fabricantul costumelor de inot Speedo utilizeaza deja aceasta descoperire; Shark skin boosts swim speed and cuts drag ) , protectie la bacterii (Staph a., MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, s.a. ), crustacee, alge, ciuperci (ati vazut ce se afla pe pielea balenelor)The new film, inspired by the rough skin of sharks, is the first no-kill, non-toxic surface developed to control bacteria including Staph a., MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli and others.

Dintii care cresc pe piele / Shark Dermal DenticlesRechinii nu au solzi (ca pestii ori reptilele), ci dinti (placoizi), care acopera pielea ca o armura. Forma este specifica pt fiecare specie. Pielea abraziva a rechinului s-a folosit pt slefuirea obiectelor din lemn, pentru tobe. Sharks also possess a second set of teeth (also placoid) that cover the skin. These are dermal denticles meaning “skin teeth” often overlapping to create a chain mail-like armour. The shape of denticles is specific to individual species. Shark skin is not made up of traditional fish scales. Rather, they have minature teeth similar to shark teeth in general that interlock (see the close up picture above). These scales are called "dermal denticles". Recent hydrodynamic research has show how these scales actually bristle like fur and push the water down the shark more efficiently and with less drag. Also, some zoologists suggest that early ancestors of sharks developed shark skin before developing teeth and that shark skin is the basis of teeth formation for all modern day animals.Shark skin appears fine and even from a distance, but closer inspection reveals microscopic, grooved denticle scales . The cracked texture increases the skin’s flexibility, while the grooved ridges prevent tiny eddies from forming as water flows over the surface. Swimwear manufacturer Speedo applied shark skin’s design—which allows the fish to glide smoothly and quickly through the ocean—to a new type of competitive body suit in 2000

Cutting Edge: Latest shark research with Mote Marine Lab's Robert HueterEmerging trends in shark research with Robert Hueter Check out this incredible talk by Bob Hueter about this miraculous research by clicking

Sharkskin-Inspired Paint Makes Planes More Aerodynamic

Navy Ships With Shark Skin The U.S Navy has announced that it will begin coating the hulls of its ships with a bacteria-busting film, Sharklet technology, designed to inhibit or enhance microorganism growth. These bumps are responsible for keeping sharks looking smooth and clean, as opposed to whales and other sea creatures that attract barnacles and other crustaceans.

Sharklet Technologies draws on nature to prevent infections

Shark skin boosts swim speed and cuts drag