Post on 12-Jan-2016

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BINE ATI VENIT LA CATEDRA DE FIZIOPATOLOGIE !. Asist. Dr. ORASAN MEDA SANDRA. Vom parcurge in acest semestru 14 lucrari practice: 20% din ele ….. 3 absente posibile, dar care a) trebuie recuperate! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Vom parcurge in acest semestru 14 lucrari practice:

20% din ele ….. 3 absente posibile, dar care a) trebuie recuperate! b) trebuie platite, daca nu aveti

motivare de la Decanat


• EXAMEN SCRIS …………….. 70%• EXAMEN PRACTIC …………….. 20%• ACTIVITATE DIN SEMESTRU ………..10% == o prezentare powerpoint de 10-15 slides, cu

durata: 10 minute, un subiect legat de cursuri sau de lucrarile practice.

Puteti alege dintr-o lista de titluri posibile, care va fi trimisa prin e-mail.

TITLURILE LUCRARILOR PRACTICE• Studiul actiunii agentilor chimici asupra organismului• Studiul actiunii agentilor fizici asupra organismului• Inflamatia si reactia febrila experimentala• Algoritm de diagnostic al tulburarilor hemostazei

(2 sedinte)• Algoritm de diagnostic al tulburarilor functiei cardio-

vasculare ( 3labs)• Algoritm de diagnostic al anemiilor• Algoritm de diagnostic al tulburarilor functiei

respiratorii• Algoritm de diagnostic al tulburarilor metabolismului - lipidic - glucidic - proteic

Lucruri necesare


STUDENTI DE ANUL III– Editia a III sub redactia Prof Dr Luminita Plesca Manea– Tipografia UMF- 1998

2) Caiet / foi indosariate - protocolul experimentului - cazurile clinice3) Vaori normale pentru investigatiile de laborator


• O metoda des folosita in fiziopatologie

• IN VIVO: pe animale experimentale

• IN VITRO: pe culturi de celule


1. Scop2. Materiale3. Metoda4. Rezultate5. Discutii6. Concluzii

Inainte & dupa experiment evaluam parametrii biologici

1. Frecventa respiratorie2. Frecventa cardiaca3. Tonusul muscular (Crescut, scazut, contractii,

frison)4. Temperatura rectala5. Pupile (mioza/midriaza) - comportament - stare de veghe/ somn

- culoarea tegumentului - salivatie / secretie lacrimala


FIRST EXPERIMENT1. TASK: Observation of the organism’s response to

barbiturates2. MATERIALS: RAT, i.m. phenobarbital 0,2g/kg body.3. METHOD: before and after injection (after 20 min) record:

heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, muscular tone, pupils’ diameter and reflexes.

4. RESULTS: sleepy/deep sleep, decreased heart, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, muscle tone, reflexes of pupils and miosis

5. DISCUTION: barbiturates = GABA receptor agonists and inhibit the CNS from confusion to death (coma in two steps)

6. CONCLUSION: Poisoning with barbiturates produces: hipnotic, sedative, tranquillizer, anticonvulsive effect.

SECOND EXPERIMENT1. TASK: Observation of the organism’s response to organophosphates2. MATERIALS: RAT,s.c. neostigmine 0,01%, 1ml/100g body.3. METHOD: before and after injection (after 10 min) record: heart rate,

respiratory rate, rectal temperature, muscular tone, pupils’ diameter and reflexes. Atropine 0,1% is injected to prevent death.

4. RESULTS: After ATROPINE:M1 effects: nausea, dyspnoea, miosis mydriasisM2 effects: bradicardia, hypotension tahycardiaM3 effects: sweating, salivation, shadding tears

hiposalivationN effects: twitching, fasciculationsCNS: anxiety, convusions, coma5. DISCUTION: organophosphates = causes accumulation of Acetylcholine in

the synapses and produces M si N effects6. CONCLUSION: organophosphates are absorbed by skin, lung, gastro-

intestinal tract, distributed in the tissues, slowly eliminated by the liver.

THIRD EXPERIMENT1. TASK: Observation of the organism’s response to ethanol2. MATERIALS: Sobolan, i.p. 1ml/ 100g body weight, alcool etilic

33% 3. METHOD: Before and after 5-10min from the administration have

to be assessed: respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, musculature tone, pupil’s diameter and pupil’s reflex.

4. RESULTS: • Uncoordinatedly movements and reduced muscular tone• Redness of the ears, tail and paws, Agitation/ sleep, Mydriasis• Rise of the respiratory and heart rate, rectal temperature• Mydriasis.5. DISCUTION: Ethanol is a CNS depressant that decreases activity of

neurones. The mechanisms of action of alcohol on nervous tissues are not fully understood because even modest doses simultaneously change many neurotransmitters and increase the fluidity of neuronal cell membranes.

6. CONCLUSION: Effects of alcohol on the body:Euphoria, Lethargy, Confusion, Stupor, Coma


FOURTH EXPERIMENT1. TASK: Observation of the organism’s response to hypothermia2. MATERIALS: 2 RATS, at 4 degrees, for 30 minutes - TEST: i.m. phenobarbital 2% plegomaxin 0,5% + Romergan Flaxedyl 0.04% ( the temperature regulating system is blocked)- CONTROL: 3. METHOD: before and after injection, record: heart rate, respiratory rate,

rectal temperature, muscular tone, skin color4. RESULTS: - TEST: decreased heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, muscle

tone, cyanosis- CONTROL: tahycardia, shivering, normal rectal temperature, restlessness5. DISCUTION: when the temperature regulating system is blocked or the

physiological mechanism is outrun, hypothermia appears due to low environmental temperature.

6. CONCLUSION: Lowering of body temperature depresses organs and system functions.


FIFTH EXPERIMENT1. TASK: Observation of the organism’s response to

hypobarismus2. MATERIALS: 1 RATS, in chamber with vacuum pump3. METHOD: before and after , record: behavior, heart rate,

respiratory rate, muscular tone, skin color4. RESULTS: restlessness, tahypneea, tachycardia(irregular),

cyanotic skin, reduced muscle tone.5. DISCUTION: at altitude the hypoxia increases the respiratory

rate as compensatory and signs appear: mental fatigue, headache, fatigue, convulsions, coma

6. CONCLUSION: the effects of hypobarismus lead to: hypoxic hypoxia, decreases of gases solubility in the organisms’ tissues, dilatation of natural cavities volumes.

Compensatory mechanisms: increased heart rhythm, respiratory rate, cardiac debit, RBC mobilization from storage organs (spleen contraction)