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Anul II, Semestrul I

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1. Banking

Oglinda unităţii : obiective ; structura ; bibliografia minimală

Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului tematic

Modul condiţional- timpul prezent

Condiţionala de tipul I şi II

Aplicaţii practice

Teste de autoevaluare

Soluţii la testele de autoevaluare

2. The Stock Exchange

3. Negotiations

Oglinda unităţii: obiectivele unităţii de învăţare;

structura; bibliografie minimală

Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului

Oglinda unităţii : obiectivele un ităţii de învăţare, structura ; bibliografie minimală

Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului tematic

Modul Condiţional- Timpul trecut

Condiţionala de tipul III

Aplicaţii practice

Teste de autoevaluare

Soluţii la testele de autoevaluare

Lucrare de verificare

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Gramatica diplomaţiei: structuri folosite pentru nuanţarea discursului în timpul negocierilor

Aplicaţii practice

Teste de autoevaluare

Soluţii la testele de autoevaluare

4. Setting Up a Business

Oglinda unităţii: obliectivele unităţii de învăţare;

structura; bibliografie minimală

Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabular tematic

Aplicaţii practice

Teste de autoevaluare

Soluţii la testele de autoevaluare

Lucrare de verificare

Bibliografie (de elaborare a cursului) Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureşti 1999 Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002 Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999 Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999 FLOWER, John, Phrasal Verb Organiser, Heinle, Thomson, 2002 Lott, Hester, Real English Grammar, Marshal Cavendish Education, 2005 McCarthy Michael, Grammar for Business, Cambridge University Press, 2009 Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993 Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business workbook, Longman, 2005 Robbins, Sue, Business Vocabulary in Practice, HarperCollins Publishers, 2006 Rogers, John, Market Leader, English Practice File, Longman, 2005 Sion Chris, Talking Business in Class, Delta Publishing, 2008 Tullis, G., New Insights into Business, Express Publishing House, 2004 Turcu, Fulvia, Limba engleză pentru întreprinzători şi oameni de afaceri, Editura Sagittarius Iaşi, 1991


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Modulul intitulat Limba modernă (engleză) se studiază în anul II şi vizează dobândirea de competenţe în domeniul limbii engleze pentru afaceri.

Obiectivele cadru pe care ţi le propun sunt următoarele:

• formarea deprinderilor necesare pentru receptarea si decodarea corectă a unui mesaj scris şi/ sau vorbit în aceasta limbă străină atât la nivelul comunicării orale cât şi la acel al limbii scrise;

• asimilarea vocabularului cu specific economic;

• dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare in limba engleză.

Conţinutul este structurat în următoarele unităţi de învăţare:

- Banking

- The Stock Exchange

- Negotiations

- Setting Up a Business

In prima unitate de învăţare, intitulată Banking, vei regăsi operaționalizarea

următoarelor competenţe specifice: - te vei familiariza cu vocabularul specific domeniului bancar - vei putea sa faci diferenţa între mai multe tipuri de bănci şi serviciile pe care acestea le oferă - vei putea diferenţia şi folosi subordonata condiţională de tipul unu şi doi - pentru aprofundare şi autoevaluare îţi propun exerciţii şi teste adecvate. După ce ai parcurs informaţia esenţială, în a doua unitate de învăţare, The

Stock Exchange, vei achiziționa, odată cu cunoștințele oferite, noi competenţe:

- te vei familiariza cu vocabularul specific temei; - vei putea analiza un raport al bursei de valori - vei asimila timpul trecut al modului condiţional - vei putea diferenţia şi folosi în context condiţionala de tipul trei

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care îţi vor permite să rezolvi testele propuse şi lucrarea de verificare corespunzătoare primelor două unităţi de învăţare. Ca sa îţi evaluez gradul de însuşire a cunoştinţelor, vei rezolva o lucrare de evaluare pe care, după corectare o vei primi cu observaţiile adecvate şi cu strategia corectă de învăţare pentru modulele următoare.

După ce ai parcurs informaţia esenţială, în a treia unitate de învăţare, Negotiations, vei achiziţiona, odată cu cunoştinţele oferite, noi competenţe:

- te vei familiariza cu vocabularul specific temei; - vei distinge între diferitele etape ale unei negocieri; - vei putea simula o negociere; - te vei familiariza cu formarea adverbului şi întrebuinţarea acestuia - pentru aprofundare şi autoevaluare îţi propun exerciţii şi teste adecvate. . După ce ai parcurs informaţia esenţială, în a patra unitate de învăţare, intitulată

Setting up a Business, vei achiziționa, odată cu cunoștințele oferite, noi


- vei fi asimilat elemente noi de vocabular tematic - vei putea să îţi redactezi propriul plan de afaceri - vei diferenţia şi întrebuinţa corect în context subordonatele atributive - pentru aprofundare şi autoevaluare îţi propun exerciţii şi teste adecvate Pentru o învăţare eficientă ai nevoie de următorii paşi obligatorii:

• Citeşti modulul cu maximă atenţie; • Evidenţiezi informaţiile esenţiale cu culoare, le notezi pe hârtie, sau le adnotezi în spaţiul alb, rezervat special în stânga paginii; • Răspunzi la întrebări şi rezolvi exercţiile propuse; • Mimezi evaluarea finală, autopropunându-ţi o temă şi rezolvând-o fără să apelezi la suportul scris; • Compari rezultatul cu suportul de curs şi explică-ţi de ce ai eliminat anumite secvenţe; • În caz de rezultat îndoielnic, reia întreg demersul de învăţare.

Pe măsură ce vei parcurge modulul îţi vor fi administrate două lucrări de verificare pe care le vei regăsi la sfârşitul unităţilor de învăţare 2 şi 4. Vei răspunde în scris la aceste cerinţe, folosindu-te de suportul de curs şi de următoarele resurse suplimentare (autori, titluri, pagini). Vei fi evaluat după gradul în care ai reuşit să operaţionalizezi competenţele. Se va ţine cont de acurateţea rezolvării, de modul de prezentare şi de promptitudinea răspunsului. 40% din notă provine din evaluarea continuă (cele două lucrări de verificare) şi 60% din evaluarea finală.

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UNIT 1: Banking LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should: -should become familiar with the basic vocabulary related to banking -be able to make the difference between the various types of banks and the services they provide -be able to recognize and use first and second conditionals

PART I READING PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS First and second conditionals PART IV PRACTICE SELF EVALUATION TEST ANSWERS TO THE SELF EVALUATION TEST TIME NEEDED TO COVER THE TOPIC: 4 hours Warming-up activity: Listen to the tape and note down the types of

banks mentioned on the tape as well as the kind of services they


PART 1: Reading

The banking industry is one of the most prosperous industries in the

world. All countries usually have a central bank and several bigger or

smaller banks. Big banks have branches in every town. The control of all

aspects is assured by the central bank, which also authorizes all banks

operating in a country.

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Any major bank has several functions. First, it collects money by

accepting deposits and saving from customers.

When the customers consider that the money cannot be saved, but it

must be ready for current use, they leave it in their accounts, usually in

current accounts. If they know that the money is not necessary

immediately, it is left in deposits or savings accounts.

In the case of current accounts, the customers get a cheque book by

means of which they withdraw money or they can make various

payments. In the case of deposits and savings accounts, the customers

are not given cheque books, but they are paid interest on their money.

One of the services banks provide is to grant loans, on which interest is

charged, according to several factors: the length of time, the

creditworthiness of the customer and the type of loan.

Another service the banks provide is money transfer from one account to

another. The money is tranferred electronically, which facilitates money

transmission without forcing customers to carry large sums of cash.

Transfer from one branch to another is made by means of a bank giro

credit. Recurrent debts, such as subscriptions, mortage repayments and

assurances are made by the standing order system.

Banks offer financial and advisory services concerning suitable

investments, both for individual customers and companies. Among the

foreign services there are trevellers’cheques and currency exchanges or

international payments.

Banking operating techniques have been constantly modernized and

usually employees speak several languages. The managing directors

count on their company loyalty. This is important, as some banks cannot

survive without it, in spite of the billions of deposits in the banking

system. Sometimes bankers fear a run on deposits, provoked by a cash

shortage. They form sometimes emergency funds, backed by bridge

loans, in order to meet all their obligations. The banking sector frequetly

makes short term commercial loans and gives middle-term investment

credits. Priority is given to projects and industries aimed at export. There

are also countries which are heaven for banks, with secrecy provisions

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and minimal reporting requirements. Their money-saving schemes boost

earnings every year.

All developed countries have highly developed banking and financial

systems, with branch networks that cover the whole country. This

permits safe money transfers at reasonable costs, both at home and

abroad. Trade and industry can thus function efficiently, developing the

whole economy.

II. Build your vcabulary:

Activity 1: In pairs, make a list of the different services that banks in

your country provide for the general public. Tick the services that you


Activity 21: Listen to Eleanor Stevens, an HSBC Bank branch manager,

describing the bank that she manages. Make notes under these headings.


Number of customers

Opening Hours:

Services offered:

Number of employees:

Role in the community:

How do the services offered by this bank compare with those available

from a bank of a similar size in your country?

Activity 3: Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to

form common banking collocations.

1. open a. interests

2. purchase b. bills

3. earn c. funds

4. make d. an account

5. withdraw e. a deposit 1 the listening activity has been taken from: Tullis, G., New Insights into Business, Express Publishing House, 2004, p.56

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6. pay f. financial data

7. transfer g. cash

8. download h. goods

Activity 4: Replace the words in italics with expressions from Exercise


1. The Citicard allows you to ________________ (take out money)

from cashpoints around the world.

2. With City bank, you can _________________ (receive a

percentage) on your current account balance.

3. Just fill out and return the applicatioon or call a Citibank

Representative to _______________ (set up a banking arrangement).

4. You can ___________(put money into your account) by post at

Citibank branches and Citicard Banking Centers.

5. On-line banking services let you ____________ (move money)

from one account to another quickly and easily.

6. All you need is a moderm or Internet connection to _________

(transfer account information) onto your personal computer.

7. Just by using the key pad on your phone, CitiPhone Banking lets

you _____________(settle invoices) from wherever you are.

8. The Citibank Euro Account allows you to ____________ (buy

products) in local currencies without paying any exchange rates.

Activity 5: Replace the phrase underlined in each sentence with one the phrases given. Do not use any phrase more than once. challenged the figures financial means make a

wise investment

come into a fortune free of charge on easy


commercially viable on credit on expenses on the market

a) We’ve decided to put our house up for sale.

b) Jean has inherited a lot of money.

c) At the meeting Peter said he thought the amounts were wrong.

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d) No one believes that the shop will ever be a business success.

e) I am the possessor of a healthy balance at the bank.

f) Sue and Jane went to S America with everything paid for by their


g) We don’t believe you have the money to take over this company

h) All employees can stay at the hotel without paying.

i) We bought our new electric cooker by installments.

j) Harry became rich after he managed to put his money in the right


Activity 6: Read Mr Jones’ bank statement. How much money does he have in his account now?


STATEMENT NUMBER 01 53 The Mews Road STATEMENT DATE 1 Mar 2000 London L34 PY6 Date Particulars Debits Credits Balance May 1st Opened savings account May 2nd Transferred $365.00 from current account May 6th Deposited $78.00 in account May 12th Direct debit payment: $109.00 May 13th Withdrew $340.00 cash May 13th $78.00 paid into account May 15th Standing order payment: $109.00 Answer these questions: 1. Is Mr. Jones in the red or in the black? 2. Does he need to ask the bank for an overdraft? 3. If he is charged 10% interest on his overdraft, how much will he have to pay? 4. Which words mean that money went into account? Which words mean money went out of the account?

Activity 7: Translate the following text into Romanian:

Commercial or clearing or retail banks are those with a significant

branch network, offering a full range of financial services to both

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individuals and companies. These banks offer a wide range of services

which include accepting deposits, making loans and managing

customer’s accounts. With the growth of financial services sector since

the 1970’s and with a relaxation of restrictions on competition among

financial institutions, the major banks have increasingly diversified the

services they provide. Most retail banks also conduct extensive

international operations which account for a substantial proportion of

their business. Merchant banks, on the other hand, do not deal with the

public but specialise in services for companies or corporate customers.

Today they have a widely diversified and complex range of activities

with important roles in international finance and the short-term capital

markets: the provision of expert advice and financial services to British

industrial companies especially where mergers, takeovers, and other

forms of corporate reorganisation are involved. A number of merchant

banks have become part of financial conglomerates, offering an even

wider range of financial services. The main largest retail banks all have

merchant banking subsidiaries.

One of the basic functions of a bank is lending money. The interest

earned from loans brings in most of the revenue to pay the expenses of

the bank, including staff salaries, and gives a sufficient surplus to pay

shareholders a dividend and retain funds in reserve accounts for the

expansion of the bank.

It should always be remembered that the funds that are put out on loan

belong to the customers. It is their money that is put at risk;

consequently, if a bank is continually making bad or unprofitable loans,

this will sooner or later be reflected in the deposits. On the other hand, if

banks are able to lend profitably and, as far as possible, risk free, this

will enhance the reputation of the bank and improve its public image.

When a customer applies for a loan he/she must answer questions like

the following:

How much is required? This question is self-evident, the bank must

know how much money the customer needs; at the same time the bank

must be aware that whatever sum is required, it should not cover the

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whole project. The customer must be prepared to put some of his own

money at risk. The total financial risk must not be the bank’s alone.

The purpose of the loan? The purpose of the loan must be legal, moral

and within the policy of the government and the bank; moreover, it must

not break legal requirements.

The source of repayment? The answer to this question is important to the

bank. Any customer must have sufficient resources to repay the bank

within the stipulated agreed time – not only the capital, but the interest as

well. The sources of repayment could be from wages, salary, dividends,

an inheritance, profits, and so on.

III. Focus on language: First and second conditionals Read and analyse the following sentences. What kind of situations do they refer to? 1. If banks are able to lend profitably and, as far as possible, risk free, this will enhance the reputation of the bank and improve its public image. 2. If I had more money, I’d (I would) invest it on the Stock Exchange. Conditionals are clauses introduced with if. The main types of

conditionals are: Type 0, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3.

Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause (hypothesis) and

the main clause (result). When the if-clause comes before the main

clause, the two clauses are separated with a comma.

When the main clause comes before the if-clause, then no comma is


e.g. If the weather is good tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

We will go to the beach if the weather is good tomorrow.

Main Clause “If” Clause 0 Conditional (to talk about general truths, habits or routines) PRESENT PRESENT If it’s raining, she takes the car to work. We can use when (=whenever) instead of if.

If/When it rains, the roads get slippery and dangerous.

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Type I (refers to a situation that may or may not be fulfilled, that is likely to happen in the present or in the future) FUTURE SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE He will go to prison if he doesn’t pay the fine. Type II (refers to a situation that is unlikely to happen; to an imaginary situation contrary to the fact in the present; it also used to give advice) PRESENT CONDITIONAL PAST TENSE SIMPLE I would take up a sport, If I had time. The Present Conditional: Affirmative: S + would + short infinitive of the main verb I would learn French if I had time. Negative: S + would + not + short infinitive of the main verb I would not learn French if he were my teacher. Interrogative: Would + S+ short infinitive Would you come to my party if I invited you? III. Practice:

A. Underline the correct words.

1. If we’re/ we would be late, they’ll start/ they’d start without us.

2. If we will take / take a taxi, we’ll arrive/we arrive sooner.

3. If we worked/would work for ADC, we’ll get/we’d get a better


4. When inflation will go/ goes up, there would be/is usually

pressure on salaries.

5. If we don’t hurry/won’t hurry, we would be/ we’ll be late.

6. If you ordered/ order on the Net, we always will send/send an

email confirmation.

7. If I lend/ will lend you this book, when do you return/will you

return it?

B. Complete the sentences with the correct pair of possible forms, a)

or b).

1. If the bank lends us money, …………….it in new machinery.

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a) we’ll invest/we’re going to invest b) we’d invest/we were


2. When …………..a lot of orders, we always employ extra staff in

the factory.

a) we’ll get/we got b) we get/ we’ve got

3. If ……………this project again, I think I’d do it differently.

a) I was starting/I started b) I’ll start/I’ve started

4. If the computer crashes, ……………someone from the IT


a) you’d call/you are calling b) call/ you’ll have to call

C. Read the sentences and decide if the events are likely or

imaginary. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into

the present simple +will or the past simple +would. Use contracted forms

where possible.

1. It’s not far. If you ……….. (follow) this road,

you…………..(come )to the station.

2. If I …………..(be) on the Board of this company, I………….

(argue) against the merger.

3. If you …………….(have) any questions, I …………..(deal) with

them at the end of my presentation.

4. If the council ………….(ban) all cars from the city centre,

there…………….(not be) so much pollution.

5. A: I have no idea what the other side are going to propose in the

negotiation tomorrow.

B: Neither do I. If I ………..(know), I…………….(tell you).

6. A: My train leaves in forty minutes.

B: it only takes ten minutes to the station by taxi. If you

………….(leave) now, you …………(catch) it.

7. Is that the time? I really should be going.

If you ……………(wait) a moment, I ………………(give) you a


8. Would you like to go to English evening classes with me?

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I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m really busy. If I ……………….(have)

more time, I …………(love) to.

D. Decide which of these things may happen to you and which are

unlikely to happen. Write complete sentences using the appropriate verb


1. If/ go abroad next summer / change / some money into traveller’s


2. If / lose / credit card/ inform/ the bank immediately.

3. If/ need some money/ ask/ the bank manager for a loan.

4. If/ find mistakes on my bank statement/ change / to a different


5. If / earn / more money/ be able to save more.

6. If/ order/ chequebook / get /it before the end of the week.

E. Complete the sentences with ‘ll,’d, won’t or wouldn’t.

1. We………….give you a more substantial discount if you paid cash.

2. If they didn’t find our terms satisfactory, they…………….continue

doing business with us.

3. So if we order 2000 units, you …………..give us a 10% discount, is

that right?

4. We……………..be able to order more if you can’t deliver within a


5. If you can’t deliver this week, we………….have to turn to another


6. We ……………….have to look for another supplier if you were able

to dispatch immediately.

7. I’m sure we ……………..get this contract unless we offer a lower


8. If I were you, I ………………look for a more reliable supplier.

F. Finish these sentences using the zero, he first and the second


1. If you smoke…………….

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2. If your tooth hurts……………..

3. If you need some money……………..

4. If I wanted to make a lot of money………………

5. If you wanted to be invited to lots of parties

6. If you wanted to lose weight,

7. If you break that mirror………..

8. If I lost my job…………….

G. Work with a partner and discuss these moral dilemmas.

What would you do if…………

1. ……………… you found an antique vase on a building site?

2. …………..you knew that a classmate of yours had been stealing

money from other students?

3. ……………………you were having trouble in a test and the

invigilator left the room for a few minutes?

4. ………………your best friend asked you to whisper the correct

answers in an important examination?

5. ………….you were on holiday abroad and you lost all your


H. You are talking to a friend about your new job. Use your thoughts

to complete the sentences you say. Put the verb in brackets into either the

present simple, past simple, imperative, will+ infinitive or would+


You think: People say that hard work usually results in promotion in

this company.

You say: They say that if you ......... (work) hard, you ……. (get)


You think: I want to show them that I’m good at my job so that I can

have more job security.

You say: I hope that if I …………….. (do) my best, they

……………(give) me a permanent contract after a few months.

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You think: I’ve been late in the morning a few times. I wish I could

work at the Leiria site which is nearer my home.

You say: I’m sometimes late for work. If I ………….. (work) at the

Leiria site, it …………….. (not be) such a problem.

You think: One thing worries me. I had a health problem a few years

ago, but it’s very unlikely it will reoccur.

You say: I wonder what …………… (happen) if my health problem

…………….. (reoccur)?

You think: Maybe it’s not a problem. In general they seem to be very

reasonable about illness.

You say: Actually, if you ……………. (miss)one or two days because

of illness, they …………….. (not seem) to mind.

You think: Goodbye. I hope I’ll see you soon.

You say: If you ……………(fancy) a drink one evening, just

…………..(give) me a ring.

I. Read the problems below. In pairs, discuss what you would do in

each situation.

1. You have spent the last month preparing a report for head office. You

have just learned that your boss has taken all the credit for the work.

2. Your boss gave you a highly confidential report to read over the

weekend. Now you cannot find it and you think you may have left it on

the train.

3. You have been sent to negotiate an important new contract for your

firm. During the negotiations your counterpart makes it clear that he

expects a personal cash contribution (a bribe) from you I your company

is to win the contract.

4. In your CV you lied about your qualifications in order to get the job

you wanted. You have just been offered the job, but your new employer

has asked to see your certificates.

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5. Two years ago your company signed an agreement to become the

exclusive importer of kitchen equipment from a Swedish supplier. You

have just received confirmation that another company is selling the same

products at a lower price.

6. You have just seen in your bank statement that your employer has

paid you $500 more than your monthly salary.


A. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate conditional

form, using the information given.

1. You have a $ 500 overdraft and have just received a letter from

the bank asking you to reduce this by $ 200 by the end of the month, or

they will start legal proceedings against you.

If you ______________ (nor reduce) your overdraft, the bank

__________ (start) legal proceedings.

2. One of your clients has written to you applying for a personal

loan. However, she has not included enough information about her

financial situation for you to decide whether or not to approve the loan.

If you ______________ (have) more complete information, you

_____________(be able to) make a decision.

3. You have just received a selection of press articles about your

bank. Two of them are in German. Unfortunately Jack Wubben, who is

the only person in the office who speaks German, is on holiday.

If jack Wubben _______________(be) here,

he_____________(translate) the articles.

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4. For the second year running, the results of your bank have been

very disappointing.

If the situation________________(not improve) significantly next year,

the bank _____________(have to) consider closing some of its branches.

5. One of your major business clients has just hinted that it may

change banks unless you arrange more favourable credit terms.

If you____________ (not provide) them with cheaper credit, you

_____________ (lose) one of your best customers.

6. A bank representative has just refused your request for a $ 2,000

loan because you do not have enough money in your savings account.

If you ____________(have) more money in your account, the bank

_______________(lend) you the $ 2,000.

7. Your bank manager has just told you that she can only lend you $

5,000 to enable you to buy a new car. The car you want costs $ 11,000

and you only have $ 4,000 of your own money available.

If you______________(not find) the remaining $ 2,000, you

__________(not be able) to buy it.

8. You have recently applied for a transfer from your present job in

London to another position with the company’s Scottish subsidiary.

If your application _____________(be) successful, you ____________

(have to) move house to Edinburgh.

9. You are making arrangements with your bank for a holiday in

Italy next month.

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If you ___________(take) traveller’s cheques it ___________(cost) less

than if you _____________(buy) foreign currency.

10. A friend has invited you to join her as a partner in a new business

venture. You feel that you do not have the necessary experience.

If you ________________(have) more experience, you

______________(accept) her offer.

11. You are talking to a customer who has asked you to replace a lost

credit for the fifth time.

If you ______________ (lose) your card again in the future, I’m afraid

that the bank______________(refuse) to issue a replacement.

B. In each sentence choose one or more appropriate words: a) Harry gains/gets/makes over $20 000 a year.

b) Mary was awarded a grant/scholarship/subsidy to study child


c) How much did you give/pay/take for your new car?

d) Their house fetched/produced/sold for a lot more than they


e) I’m going to the bank to get out/remove/withdraw the money for


f) The manager disappeared with the receipts/takings/wages from

the concert.

g) By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous/wealthy


h) We had a good holiday but it was rather


i) We would appreciate it if you close/settle/pay your bill as soon as


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Answers to the self evaluation test A. 1. do not reduce/ they’ll start; 2. had/ would be able; 3. were/ would translate; 4. does not improve/ will have to consider; 4. do not provide/ will lose; 6. do no have/ will lend; 7. do not find/ will not be able; 8. is/ will have to; 9. take/ will cost/ buy; 10. had/will accept; 11. lose/ will refuse; B. a. gets/ makes; b. grant/ scholarship; c. give/ pay; d. fetched/sold; e. withdraw/ get out; f. receipts/takings; g. prosperous/ wealthy; h. costly/ expensive; i. settle/pay BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureşti 1999. Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002. Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999. Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999. Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993. Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business, workbook, Pearson Education Limited, 2005. Tullis, G., New Insights into Business, Express Publishing House, 2004. Turcu, Fulvia, Limba engleză pentru întreprinzători şi oameni de afaceri, Editura Sagittarius Iaşi, 1991

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UNIT 2: The Stock Market LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


Part I: Reading:

There are several ways of using savings: putting them in banks,

investing in real estate, and buying securities. In the Western world, the

Stock Exchange plays an important role in the economic life of a

country. Its purpose is that of facilitating the selling of securities (e.g.

shares, stocks and bonds), or of investing money in business by buying


Both stocks and bonds are issued by large corporations (such as

those working in the fields of oil, steel, car industry, or telephone, etc.)

in order to raise capital to develop their business. Bonds are also issued

by states, local governments and agencies, and they consist of an

− should become familiar with the basic vocabulary related to the topic − be able to analyse a stock market report − be able to recognize and use the third type of conditional

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evidence of a debt. The bondholder receives a certificate providing

information concerning the size of the loan, the interest rate and the date

when the money is paid back to the lender. Bonds usually have interest

coupons, which are cashed in due time, usually once every six months.

Bonds can be easily passed from one bearer to another, as they take the

“bearer form”. The registered types require a title transfer when they are

sold and the interest is paid in this case by a cheque. A stockholder owns

shares in a business. He can own either common/ordinary or preferred

stocks. Both holders get dividends, but preferred stockholders are

considered owners with limited rights of a corporation, and get their

dividends before common stockholders. A principle of these dividends is

that they are fixed and cumulative. When the activity is slack, they can

be reduced or even suspended, but paid when the earnings improve

again. Common stockholders get a rather certain income and higher

profits when the company prospers. That is why preferred stockholders

sometimes want to get in exchange common shares, to benefit from this

advantage. They receive the common dividends declared by the

company for every share, multiplied by the number of shares. They can

get cash or new shares. The stock is split by companies, which want to

attract small investors, people buying more easily a large number of

shares of low denomination. The great Stock Exchanges in the English

speaking world are found in London and New York (90 per cent of the

total trading into the United States). Other Great Stock Exchanges are

placed in Paris, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Toronto, Montreal and Zurich. The

London Stock Exchange was founded in the 18th century, in 1773, but

the building was opened only in 1802. The business conducted here

covers all types of securities, in almost all the countries of the world.

The desire of an investor in a company to withdraw his money at

any moment can be very dangerous for a company, which has already

spent it by investing it. The stock exchange provides the mechanism

through which this can be safely done for the company. This also assures

the easiest way for the company to raise money. The investor is sure that

he can find easily someone else to buy his shares. The investment is also

somehow guaranteed by the investigation of the company by the Stock

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Exchange authorities, before permitting dealings with the shares of that

company. The Stock Exchange is also a kind of barometer, price

fluctuations being significant indicators for the performance of both

individual companies and of the economy as a whole. The government

stocks and bonds are also regulated by the same transactions, a fact

which influences the size of the National Debt.

Discussion: If you possess a large amount of money, what are the

advantages and disadvantages of the following?

− putting it under the mattress

− buying a lottery ticket

− taking all your money to Las Vegas

− putting it in a bank

− buying gold

− buying a Van Gogh painting

− investing in property or real estate

− buying bonds

− buying shares

II Build your vocabulary:

ALTERNATIVE TERMINOLOGY Americans often talk about corporations rather than companies and about an initial public offering rather than a flotation.

Another name for stocks and shares is equities, because all the stocks or shares of a company- or at least all those of a particular category- have equal value. Two other terms for nominal value are face value and par value.

Other names for a bonus issue are a script issue (short for ‘subscription certificate’ and a capitalization issue, and in the US, a stock dividend or stock split.

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A. Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings


losses gains climb surge


securities regulations tumble shareholders

closing price

jump retreat bonds brokers

price-earnings ratio

share price equities dividends plunge


1. poor performance 2. good performance

_________________ _________________

3. financial products 4. people involved in the stock market

________________ _________________________

5. financial data


B. Many newspapers have a financial section which includes

information about the share prices of listed companies. This information

enables you to follow the progress of any shares that you own or may be

thinking of buying. Read the explanation of the listing opposite and

answer the questions.

1 What was the closing price for each of the following shares? a Cadbury-Schweppes; b Allied Zurich c Black Arrow d Care UK 2 For each of the five sectors, which shares had the greatest change in price (increase or decrease) compared with the previous day’s price? 3 Which of the following household good companies is furthest from its highest price for the year? a Allied Text; b Cornwel Pkr c Reckitt and C d Stoves 4 Which insurance company has a the highest yield? b the lowest yield? 5 What is the price/earning ratio for each of the following shares? a International Energy Group b Cox Insurance

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c Isotron d Associated British Foods

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III. Focus on language: Conditional sentences, type III/ Ways of omitting


Read and analyze the following sentences. What kind of situations do

they refer to?

1. If I had sold my shares afer six months, I would have made a lot

of money.

2. If I hadn’t taken so many risks, I wouldn’t have lost so much.

Main Clause “If” Clause

(imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the past; also used to

express regrets or criticism)



I wouldn’t have made such a big mistake if I had been

more careful.


Affirmative: S + would + have + Past Participle of the main verb.

I would have chosen that colour if I had known you liked


Negative: S+ would +not+ have + Past Participle

I wouldn’t have chosen that colour if I had known you didn’t like it.

Interrogative: Would + S+ have+ Past Participle

Would you have chosen that colour if you had known I

liked it?

!!! Ways of omitting IF!!!!

We can form conditionals by using words/ expressions such as unless

(Type 1 Conditionals), providing/ provided that, so / as long as, on

condition (that), what if, suppose / supposing, otherwise (=if not), but

for, and, even if, in case of / in the event of, etc.

B. g. a) Unless you help me, I won’t finish on time. (If you

don’t help me,...)

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b) I’ll buy some shares providing/ provided (that) I have time this

afternoon (..if I have time .........)

c) So/ As long as you promise to be back by midnight, you can go to

the party. (If you promise...)

d) He agreed to work Saturdays on condition that he was paid

overtime. (.....if he was paid....)

e) I’ll take Dad’s car tomorrow night. „What if he needs it?” (=

what will ou do if he needs it?)

f) Suppose/supposing you were fired, what would you do? (= If

you were fired)

g) We’d better leave now. Otherwise we’ll miss our flight (If we

don’t leave now, we’ll miss our flight)

h) But for your advice, I wouldn’t have been able to sell my shares

on the Stock Exhange. (If you hadn’s advised me,.............)

i) Do that again and I’ll punish you. (If you do that again.....)

j) I wouldn’t go the party even if they invited me.

k) In case of/ In the event of a fire, sound the alarm. (If there is a


IV. Practice

Activity 1. Complete the sentences with words from the list below.

Each word is used twice.

When as long as in case unless

1. I’ll speak to you again...............I’ve looked at the contract in detail.

Activity 2. Leave your return flight open....................................the

negotiations take an extra day.

3. We can start the project nex week......................everyone agrees.

4. We can start the project next week.......................anyone disagrees.

5. The Board will be happy...............................our share price remains


6. Keep your receipt ......................you need to return the goods.

7. The new stock will arrive .............................the Chrisstmas sales are


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8. We’ll probably make a loss this year ....................sales improve in the

last quarter.

Activity 3 Complete the following sentences about Apple Computer

by putting the verbs in brackets into the third conditional.

1. If John Sculley, who became CEO of Apple in 1983, and Steven

Jobs ..........(share) the same vision for the future of the company, Jobs

.......................................(not resign).

2. The Macintosh personal computer...................................(not

provide) the solution for inexpensive publishing, if

Apple................................(not introduce) the Laser Writer, the first

affordable laser printer for the Mac.

3. Apple probably..............................(remain) more competitive if

they .........................(sell) licences for their operating systems to other

computer manufacturers.

4. If the first generation of the Newton, a revolutionary notepad

computer, ..................(work) better, sales...................................(be)


5. When the iMac wa launched, people loved the colourful, fun

design. Perhaps if it ......................................(be) less attractive, fewer

first-time computer buyers ...........................(buy) it.

6. If Apple .............................................(not launched) the iMac,

they ............................(not recapture) 6.7% of the computer market.

7. Apple shares ....................................(not rise) in 1998, if their

sales ...............................(not increase) substantially.

Activity 4. Choose one of the sentence starters and write a short story

of about seven lines. You can make the conditional positive or negative.

E.g. If I had gone to the party, I would have met Alice. If I had met

Alice, I would have danced with her. If I hadn’t danced with her, she

wouldn’t have asked me out.

1. If I had studied in another country...............

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2. If I hadn’t invested in real estate....................

3. If I had asked a broker’s advice..................

4. If the company hadn’t recovered........................

5. If I had decided to set up a business……………….

Activity 5. Underline the correct words.

1. If we sent the goods by sea, the transport costs will/would be

much lower.

2. If they promote/promoted the brand better, they’ll gain market


3. If you left/had left earlier, you might have got there on time.

4. If anyone from Head Office visits, they always stay/will stay in a

five star hotel.

5. If I were you, I’d /I’ll call their Technical Support Number.

6. If I have/ had more time, I’d be able to come up with a solution.

7. If it breaks down/will break down, it takes days for the service

engineer to arrive.

8. If you needed the money urgently, I could phone/could have

phoned Accounts now to try and speed up your payment.

9. If you enter the date in the wrong format, the computer

doesn’t/didn’t recognize the information.

10. If we’d been/we were more careful, we wouldn’t have lost so

much money.

11. If I had bought more shares, I would become/would have become


12. If your second interview goes/will go well, I’m sure they’ll offer

you the job.

13. If you would have backed up/ backed up your files more often,

you wouldn’t risk/didn’t risk losing all your work.

14. If you hadn’t/wouldn’t have acted so quickly, we’d be/we are in

big trouble.

15. I need to contact Head Office. I wish I have/had my mobile phone

with me.

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16. I wish it is/was Friday!

Activity 6. Complete the sentence for each situation.

1. Emma didn’t leave early, and so she missed her flight.

If Emma …………………….., she………………………..her flight.

2. He didn’t make more copies, so we don’t have enough for


If he …………………., we ………………………enough for everyone.

3. I forgot to bring your map, so I went to the wrong building.

If I ………………………….., I …………………..to the wrong


4. They didn’t invest in new technology, so they didn’t survive the


If they………………………., they ……………………..the recession.

5. You didn’t wait, so this has happened.

If you ………………….., this ……………………

6. I didn’t realize you were so busy when I asked you to help me.

If I……………………………., I ……………………………..to help


7. The Government didn’t collapse, so there wasn’t a crisis.

If the Government …………………., there ………………….a crisis.

8. They didn’t bring out their new model on time, so they lost

market share.

If they ………………………, they……………………market share.


A. Complete each sentence, using the verb in brackets in one of

these forms: will do, would do, would have done.

1. If we got a virus on the network, we ………………….(lose) all

our data.

2. If my train isn’t late, I ……………….. (be) in Paris at six.

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3. If your talk had been shorter, I think they ……………….. (ask)

more questions.

4. If you tell me what you want, I ……………… (get) it for you at

the airport.

5. We ……………… (get) more inquiries if we advertised more


6. If we hadn’t left so early, we ……………….. (miss) the train.

7. If I worked abroad, I ……………………. (not see) my family so


8. If you haven’t got any change, I …………………….. (leave) the


9. We ………………… (sort out) the problem much sooner if we

had had the manual.

10. If you were in his situation, what ………………… (you/do)?

B. Fill in the text with the words in the box bellow:

Securities; traded; stock market; issue shares; stock exchange; stocks;

dividends; shareholder (stockholder); broker; equities; ordinary ;

common shares ; common stock; stocks, institutional investors; bonds

A company can raise money on the ……………….. or ………………..

(a market place for buying and selling shares) in two different ways.

It can ………………… (US………………………..), or units of its

capital, to ……………………. or the general public. Different types of

shares or …………….. are available, but the most common are known

as ………………….or …………………. (US ……………………)

When an investor buys a share, using the services of a specialist

company or …………………, he or she becomes a ……………………..

(US………………………..) and owns a part of a company.

Shareholders can make money by receiving……………………, paid as

a proportion of a company’s annual profits, and when the value of their

shares increases.

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A company can also borrow money from investors by issuing

……………….., loans for fixed periods with fixed interest rates.

………………..refers to both shares and bonds. Each year billions of

shares and bonds are sold or ……………. on the world’s major stock


Answers to the self evaluation test

A. 1. would lose; 2. will be; 3. would have asked; 4. will get; 5.

would get; 6. wouldn’t have missed the train; 7. wouldn’t see; 8. will

leave; 9. would have sorted out; 10. would you do;

B. stock market/ stock exchange; issue shares/ stocks; institutional

investors; stocks; common shares; common stock; broker; shareholder/

stockholder; dividends; bonds; Securities; traded;


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form to build first, second or third conditionals: 1. They’ve been married for twenty years now but I don’t think she …………..(marry) him is she ……………..(know) what a selfish man he was. 2. If Alison ………….(know) anything about car mechanics, I’m sure she ………………..(help) us fix the car, but I think she knows even less than we do. 3. Why don’t you explain everything to him? If you ……………(not tell) him the truth, I’m sure you ………………..(regret )it one day. 4. Jennifer was here not long ago. If you ………………(come round) earlier, you ………………..(see) her. 5. The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it …………..(lose), the Prime Minister ………………(resign) from politics. 6. If she ……(get) that job she’s applied for, she …………..(be ) delighted.

II. Underline the correct words.

1. I wish I hadn’t drunk/ I didn’t drink so many whiskies last night.

2. There’s so little space in here. I wish I have/had a bigger office.

3. I don’t feel well. I wish I could stay/ will stay in bed this morning.

4. I hope you enjoyed/enjoy yourselves at the theatre tonight.

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5. I’ve been waiting thirty minutes for the bus. I wish I took/had

taken a taxi.

6. I must get in touch with Sue. If only I know/ knew her number!

7. I’m not a good typist. I wish I could type/ would type better.

8. I wish Jim didn’t interrupt/ doesn’t interrupt so often in meetings.

9. I have to finish this report by tomorrow. If only I would have/had

more time.

10. Enjoy your holiday. I hope you have/ could have a good time.

11. That presentation was a disaster! I wish I could do/ would do it all


12. I’m disappointed with this camera. I wish I didn’t buy/ hadn’t

bought it.

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning

to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word

given. You must use between two and five words, including the word


1. I bought a few shares and I won some money.


If I …………………………I wouldn’t have won any money.

2. My number didn’t win because it was random.


If my number had ……………………….won.

3. I didn’t buy the house because I didn’t have enough money.


If I …………………….would’ve bought the house.

4. I regret not buying that ticket because it won a thousand pounds.


If I had bought that ticket, I ………………….a thousand pounds richer


5. John arrived late so we couldn’t set off on time.

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If John…………………………….we could ‘ve set off on time.

6. He gambled a lot and lost all his money.


If he………………….he wouldn’t have lost all his money.


Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureşti 1999. Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002. Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999. Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999. Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993. Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business, workbook, Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

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UNIT 3: Negotiations LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:

PART I READING PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS The Grammar of diplomacy: modals, qualifiers, rephrased negatives, negative question forms, comparatives, restrictive phrases, impersonal passive structures, the –ing forms PART IV PRACTICE SELF EVALUATION TEST ANSWERS TO THE SELF EVALUATION TEST TIME NEEDED TO COVER THE TOPIC: 4 hours Warming-up activity: 1. Discuss the following questions.

1. What is a ‘negotiation’?

2. How would you judge the success of a negotiation?

3. What makes a good negotiator?

4. Have you ever been involved in formal or informal business


Describe your experiences.

2. What do you think?

How appropriate is the following advice? Rank each suggestion on a

scale from 1-10 (1=essential, 10=unhelpful) to indicate your opinion.

How to be a good negotiator

− try to get on well with your opposite number

− use emphatic language

− should become familiar with the basic vocabulary related to the topic − be able to act a negotiation − be able to deal and use the language structures used in diplomacy

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− show respect for your opposite number

− make suggestions to resolve disagreement

− have clear objectives

− be determined to win

− say ‘I don’t understand’, if that is the case

− listen carefully

− always compromise

− discuss areas of conflict

Part I: Reading

There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation and,

in particular, into what makes a “good” negotiator.

One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try

to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation. They

make an effort to establish a good rapport with their opposite number, so

that there will be a willingness-on both sides-to make concessions, if this

should prove necessary.

Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the

interests of both sides. They therefore tend to take a long-term view,

ensuring that the agreement will improve or at least not harm, their

relationship with the other party. On the other hand, a poor negotiator

tend to look for immediate gains, forgetting that the real benefits of a

deal may come much later.

Skilful negotiators are flexible. They do not “lock themselves” into a

position so that will lose face if they have to compromise. They have a

range of objectives, thus allowing themselves to make concessions, for

example, “I aim to buy this machine for $2,000” and not “I must buy it

for $2,000”. Poor negotiators have limited objectives, and may not even

work out a “fall-back” position.

Successful negotiators do not want a negotiation to break down. If

roblems arise, they suggest ways of resolving them. The best negotiators

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are persuasive, articulate people, who select a few key arguments and

repeat them. This suggests that tenacity is an important quality.

Finally, it is essential to be a good listener and to check frequently that

everything has been understood by both parties.

Activity 1: Comment on the following joke:

Two priests were so addicted to smoking that they desperately needed to

puff on cigarettes even while they prayed. Both developed guilty

consciences and decided to ask their superior for permission to smoke.

The first asked if it was OK to smoke while he was praying. Permission

was denied. The second priest asked if he was allowed to pray while he

was smoking. His superior found his dedication admirable and

immediately granted his request

Part II : Focus on language; The Grammar of Diplomacy

In business the grammatical and lexical choices you make can have a

powerful effect on the outcome of a meeting or negotiation. Compare the


1. We reject your offer.

2. I’m afraid at this point we would be unable to accept your offer.

in 2 the use of softeners (I’m afraid), restrictive phrases (at this point),

modal verbs (would) and rephrased negatives (unable to accept) make

the rejection itself more acceptable.



1. Modals: would, could, may, might

− This is a problem. > This would be a problem.

− Of course, there’s a disadvantage to this.> Of course, there could

be a disadvantage to this.

In both examples above the speaker sounds less direct, but in the first

example the basic message doesn’t change. This would be a problem still

means it is a problem! But it sounds better.

2. Qualifiers: slight, a bit, rather, a few etc.

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− There may be a delay. > There may be a slight delay.

− We’re disappointed with the discount you’re offering. > We’re

rather disappointed with the discount you’re offering.

Qualifiers soften the impact of bad news, but don’t actually change it.

3. Rephrased negatives 1: not very, totally, completely+ positive


− We’re unhappy with this arrangement.> We’re not very happy

with this arrangement.

− I’m unconvinced.> I’m not totally convinced.

Using positive adjectives makes you sound more positive-even when

you use them in the negative!

4. Rephrased negatives 2: unable, not able, not in a position to

− We can’t go any higher than 7%.> We’re unable to go any higher

than 7%.

− We won’t accept anything less.> We’re not in a position to

accept anything less.

Try to avoid using can’t and won’t. They make you sound powerless and


5. Negative question forms: shouldn’t we….?, wouldn’t you….? etc.

− We should be working together on this.> Shouldn’t we be

working together on this?

− You’d be taking an enormous risk.> Wouldn’t you be taking an

enormous risk?

Negative question forms are incredibly powerful in negotiations.

Questions are more persuasive. Use them to make suggestions and give


6. Comparatives: -er, more, less

− We’re looking for something cheap. > We’re looking for

something cheaper.

− Would you be prepared to consider this? > Would you be more

prepared to consider this?

The use of comparatives makes what you say sound more negotiable.

7. Softeners: unfortunately, I’m afraid, to be honest, with respect etc.

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− This doesn’t meet our needs.> Unfortunately, this doesn’t meet

our needs.

− You don’t quite understand.> With respect, you don’t quite


Softeners at the beginning of a statement signal bad news. With respect,

is a particularly bad sign!

8. Restrictive phrases: at the moment, at this stage, so far, etc.

− That’s our position. > That’s or position at the moment.

− I don’t think we can go any further. > I don’t think we can go any

further at this stage.

Using a restrictive phrase does not exclude the possibility of future


9. The passive: it was understood, it was assumed etc.

− You said you were ready to sign.> It was understood you were

ready to sign.

− We thought you had accepted the terms.> It was assumed you

had accepted these terms.

By avoiding the use of statements beginning You said… and We

thought…. and using passive forms instead, you depersonalize the

situation and reduce the amount of personal responsibility or blame.

10. The –ing form: were aiming, had been hoping

− We aimed to reach agreement today. > We were aiming to reach

agreement by today.

− We had hoped to see some movement on price. > We had been

hoping to see some movement on price.

Using the Past Continuous keeps your options open

- you were aiming to reach agreement and still are.

The Past Perfect Continuous closes the door a little more – you’ve

stopped hoping, but could be persuaded to hope again.

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Part III: Practice

Activity 1: Make the direct remarks below more diplomatic using the

words in brackets to help you.

a This is too expensive. (unfortunately/ would)



b We’re not interested in your economy model. (would/less)



c It will be difficult to sell the idea to my boss. (unfortunately/

may/very easy)



d We should be near a decision by now. (shouldn’t / a bit nearer?)



e We can’t pay straight away. (afraid/might/able)



f I won’t make any promises. (nor/position/this stage)



g This is difficult for us to accept. (would/ a little/ the moment)



h You said you wanted immediate delivery. (understood)



i We hoped you would provide after-sales service. (honest/hoping)



j Our discussions have been unproductive. (not very/so far)



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k A fixed interest rate would be a good idea. (wouldn’t/better)



l We had aimed to get further than this morning. (aiming/slightly)



Activity 2: Study these phrases and choose the most appropriate heading

for each group from the list below. Then use each phrase once only to

complete the negotiation transcript. You will need to think carefully

about the meaning and the form of the missing language.

- asking for clarification - making a suggestion

- rejecting - stating your position

- interrupting - agreeing

- bargaining/trading - asking for reaction

1………………………………. 5………………………………

We just can’t agree to… I’ve got to stop you….. …is out of the question. No, I don’t really think so. I’d rather not….. 2……………………………. 6…………………………….. How’s that then? What we’re looking for…. It depends what you mean when you say… We think…… What do you have in mind/ We’d like to…. Could you run through that again? There’s no way…. We wouldn’t want to… I guarantee…… I was hoping for….. 3……………………………… 7…………………… We’ll …., if you How does that sound…? We might be able to make an How do you feel about…? exception, if you………. What do you say….? We’re prepared to……., providing…. If you….., I could……

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I was going to …. but what if I were to say…? 4………………………… 8 ……………………..

Why not? Let’s agree….., shall we? Yes, of course. How about….? I agree to… We could….. That’s a deal. Do you want me to…? …., say, ….. I’d like to suggest…..

Negotiation Transcript

Carson: ……………….first on how to organize today’s meeting, ……………………? Pieter: Aha. Carson: Ok, well, …………………….starting with the contract itself? Then …………………….move on to the product range, sales targets and discounts. …………………….for the morning session? Pieter: That sounds fine. There’s plenty to talk about there, for sure, …………………start things off? Carson: ……………………….? Go ahead. Pieter: Ok, well, as you know, we’ve signed up quite a few overseas agents recently. ……………………………..really is exclusivity- …………………….an exclusive agent can offer us more – more commitment, more motivation and better service. ………………………. build up the relationship gradually, based on trust, and common interests… Carson: …………………..right there, Pieter. Sorry, but…………………..that. An exclusive agreement………………………… Absolutely impossible. Pieter: Oh, …………………….? Carson: It’s just that we’re agents for a lot of big manufacturers, European, North American, a couple from the Far East, and we’re locked into agreements with them. …………………………… we can break them. In any case, ………………………..-we’ve always handled cometitor’s products, it’s the way we run our business. Pieter: I see. Carson: Look, exclusivity isn’t everything, you know. …………………..look after your firm well ………………….give us the chance- there’ll be no lack of commitment on our part. ……………………it. Pieter: Hm, I suppose ………………………………., erm … Carson: Yes? Pieter: …if you offered us a realistic sales target for the first year. Carson: I see. Well, I suppose…………………….. realistic. …………………exactly? (Later that morning)

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Carson: I want to be clear about this- ……………………for me? Pieter: …………………………… What I’m saying is that …………………offer you a non exclusive contract, ………………………….you stock out a whole range of products and an agreed quantity of spare parts for each item. Carson: Right. Pieter: What I’d like to know now is are you prepared to commit yourself to a figure for sales growth, ………………., over the next three years ………………….. Carson: ………………………. Pieter: What, not even a rough figure? Carson: ……………………. . It’s going to depend on a lot of variables_any figure I give you won’t be very accurate. Pieter: Ok, I won’t try to pin you down (to pin somebody down= a forta pe cineva sa ia o decizie) on that. Let’s move on to discounts. …………….2% on orders up to $200,000, 5% on orders from $200,000-$500,000, and 10% for anything over that. It gives you a strong incentive to exceed your target. ………………….that? Carson: Well, I’m a bit disappointed, really. …………………….at least 5% up to $200,000. It’s the going rate over here- or weren’t you aware of that? Pieter: I’m sorry, I can’t improve my offer on discounts. We’ve worked them out veery carefully. Carson: I see. Well, I don’t know….. Pieter: How about this? ……………………..accept the discount rates, ……………… help you with your mark-ups. …………………..set some limits, …………………..you can set your own mark-ups and we won’t interfere. Carson: Hm, yes, that’d be useful. It’d give us plenty of flexibility with our pricing. Pieter: Exactly. ……………………..? Carson: Right, OK, ………………………that. Pieter: Great, ……………………….then. Let’s summarize, shall we?


A. The following thoughts passed through the minds of two

negotiators during a negotiation. Use the words and phrases in

brackets to reproduce what they actually said.

a That’s impossible.

(unfortunately/would not/possible)



b We can’t go higher than $5 a unit.

(would find/ quite difficult)

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c We won’t accept less than $5 a unit.

(afraid/ not in a position/this stage)



d You’ll have to pay more if you want that.




e We need a commitment from you now.

(would/some kind)



f We should spend more time looking for a compromise here.




g It would be a good idea to agree on a price before we go any





h We hoped you’d pay a deposit today.

(were hoping/ able)



i It will be difficult to get my boss to agree to this.

(might not/ very easy)



j That’s as far as we can go.

(think/about/the moment)

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B. Here are a series of negotiating idioms using the word ground. Match the idioms in italics (a-i) with equivalent expression (i-ix) below. a You’re on dangerous ground. b We need to find some common ground. c We’ve covered a lot of ground. d You must keep both feet on the ground.

e You’re on shaky ground there. f We’re just going over the same ground. g Their offer cut the ground from under us. h Don’t give in. Hold your ground. i. We have lost ground to our competitors.

i dealt with a lot of points ii repeating ourselves iii undermined our position iv there’s a high risk of failure v don’t make any concessions vi your arguments are not very convincing vii points we can agree on viii we’re in weaker position ix be cautious and sensible C. Which of the idiomatic expressions from a-i above would you use in the following situations? a Our sales have gone sharply this year, whilst our competitors have increased their market share. b You have had a day of wide-ranging discussion, and have talked through many of the issues on your agenda. c A rival company has made a competitive bid which makes your offer look really expensive. d You must stand firm. You cannot afford to make any more concessions. e You are looking for areas of agreement. f The negotiation has got stuck and is not moving forward. At the moment, all you are doing is repeating yourselves. g. There is a risk that you could be seduced into making a silly offer. You must proceed very carefully. h. You need to be very cautious in this particular area of negotiation.

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Answers to the self evaluation test

A. a. Unfortunately, this would not be possible; b. We would find it quite difficult to go higher than $5 a unit. c. I’m afraid we are not in a position to accept less than $5 a unit at this stage. d. You may have to pay slightly more if you want that. e. we would need some kind of a commitment from you now. f. Shouldn’t we spend a little more time? g. Wouldn’t it be better to agree on a price before we go any further? h. We were hoping you’d be able to pay a deposit today. i. It might not be very easy to get my boss to agree to this. j. I think that is about as far as we can go at the moment. B. a.- iv; b. – vii; c- i. d.- ix; e.- vi; f.-ii ; g.-iii ; h.-v ; i. –viii C. a. We have lost ground to our competitor; b. We’ve covered a lot of

ground ; c. Their offer cut the ground from under us; d. Don’t give in.

Hold your ground ; e We need to find some common ground; f. We’re

just going over the same ground; g. You must keep both feet on the

ground; h. You’re on dangerous ground. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureşti 1999. Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002. Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999. Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999. Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993. Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business, workbook, Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

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UNIT 4: Setting Up a Business LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


Part I : Reading Many large businesses in the UK are public limited companies (plc),

which means that the public can buy and sell their shares on the stock

exchange. Examples include Marks and Spencer, British Telecom and

the National Westminster Bank. The minimum share capital for a public

limited company is $50,000, so many new businesses are likely to take

one of the following forms.

Sole trader or Sole Propietor (UK)

The simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and

entirely responsible for all aspects of the management of your business.

Any profits go to the owner; any losses are his or her responsibility as

− should become familiar with the basic vocabulary related to the topic − be able to write their own business plan − be able to make the difference between defining and non-defining relative questions and use them correctly

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well. If the losses prove to be greater than the investment, the individual

is responsible for paying them, even if this depletes all personal assets.

In spite of its limitations, the sole proprietorship is well adapted to many

kinds of small businesses and suits the temperament of many persons

who like to exercise the initiative and be their own bosses. Some

economic contributions of small business are:

− Small business if often the starting point for developing a new

product or service. one person tries out an idea. If it is successful, the

business grows, or the product may be bought by a larger firm.

− The small business can give an individual a chance to gain

experience, which the person may use later on a larger scale.

− Small businesses are particularly well suited for meeting

specialized local needs.

− Artizans can provide individualized products for customers who

have grown weary of mass-produced goods.

− Small businesses provide a service where knowing one’s

customers is important.

Of course, it is true that small businesses often fail. But in the United

States “failure” of a small business venture does not carry with it the

social stigma or opprobrium for the failed entrepreneur that it does in

some countries. Often, failure of a small business venture turns out to be

a valuable learning experience for the entrepreneur, who may be more

successful the second or the third time. Unsuccessful attempts t start a

business become part of the larger process of sorting out the market and

making it efficient, according to small business experts.

Partnership (UK)

Two or more people starting a business together can set up a partnership.

All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits

and losses are shared between them. The rights and duties of a

partnership are regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a

legal agreement enetered into by the co-owners. Usually an agreement

specifies the amount of money each is investing and the duties each

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partner assumes. A partnership agreement also may provide for a “silent

partner” who does not take part in the management, but who also invests

money in the business.

A major disadvantage of the partnership is that each member is liable for

all the debts of the partnership; the act of any partner is legally binding

upon all the others. If one partner takes a large amount of money from

the business and squanders it, the others must pay the debt. Partnerships

suffer another major disadvantage: decision-making is shared. If partners

have serious and constant disagreements, the business is bound to suffer.

Private Limited Company (UK)

A company can be formed with a minimum of two people becoming its

shareholders. They must appoint a director and a company secretary. If

the company goes out of business, the responsibility of each shareholder

is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they have limited

liability. Such a company has Ltd (limited) after its name.

In the US, businesses take the same basic forms. However, American

companies are registered or incorporated with the authorities in the

state where they have their headquarters. The abbreviations Inc or Corp

refer to such companies. To sell shares to the public they must apply to

the Securties Exchange Commission.

Warming – up activities: 1. In pairs, decide which of the advantages and disadvantages below you would associate with the following forms of business. In some cases there may be more than one correct answer. a sole trader a partnership a private limited company Advantages 1. You have total control of your business. 2. This is a good way of sharing the pressure and work of starting a business. 3. The financial risks that you are taking are restricted. 4. You can increase your capital by selling shares. Disadvantages 1. There is a danger that conflicts of personality could ruin your business. 2. It may be difficult to expand.

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3. You may have to sell your possessions if the company goes into debt. 2. In pairs prepare a short checklist of the questions that you would need to ask yourselves before starting a business. Example: How much money will I need?

3. Do the questionnaire, then compare your answers with a partner.


1. Are you a self-starter? a I only make an effort when I want to. b If someone explains what to do, then I can continue from there. c I make my own decisions, I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do. 2. How do you get on with other people? a I get on with almost everybody. b I have my own friends and I don’t really need anyone else. c I don’t really feel at home with other people. 3. Can you lead and motivate others? a Once something is moving on I’ll join in. b I’m good at giving orders when I know what to do. c I can persuade most people to follow me when I start something. 4. Can you take responsibility? a I like to take charge and to obtain results. b I’ll take charge if I have to but I prefer someone else to be responsible. c Someone always wants to be the leader and I’m happy to let them do the job. 5. Are you a good organizer? a I tend to get confused when unexpected problems. b I like to plan exactly what I’m going to do. c I just like to let things happen. 6. How good a worker are you? a I’m willing to work hard for something I really want. b I find my home environment more stimulating than work. c Regular work suits me but I don’t like it to interfere with my private life. 7. Can you make decisions? a I am quite happy to execute other people’s decisions. b I often make very quick decisions which usually work but sometimes don’t. c Before making a decision, I need time to think it over.

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8. Do you enjoy taking risks? a I always evaluate the exact dangers of any situation. b I like the excitement of taking big risks. c For me safety is the most important thing. 9. Can you stay the course? a The biggest challenge for me is getting a project started. b If I decide to do something, nothing will stop me. c If something doesn’t go right first time, I tend to lose interest. 10. Are you motivated by money? a For me, job satisfaction cannot be measured in money terms. b Although money is important to me, I value other things just as much. c Making money is my main motivation. 11. How do you react to criticism? a I dislike any form of criticism. b If people criticize me I always listen and ma or may not reject what they have to say. c When people criticize me there is usually some truth in what they say. 12. Can people believe what you say? a I try to be honest, but it is sometimes difficult or too complicated to explain things to other people. b I don’t say things I don’t mean. c When I think I’m right, I don’t care what anyone else thinks. 13. Do you delegate? a I prefer to delegate what I consider to be the least important tasks. b When I have a job to do I like to do everything myself. c Delegating is an important part of any job. 14. Can you cope with stress? a Stress is something I can live with. b Stress can be stimulating element in a business. c I try to avoid situations which lead to stress. 15. How do you view your chances of success? a I believe that my success will depend to a large degree on factors outside my control. b I know that everything depends on me and my abilities. c It is difficult to foresee what will happen in the future. 16. If the business was not making a profit after five years, what would you do? a give up easily b give up reluctantly. c carry on.

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Scoring: Ask your teacher for the key of the questionnaire and check below to see how you rate as an entrepreneur. 44 or above You definitely have the necessary qualities to become the director of a successful business. You have a strong sense of leadership, you can both organize and motivate and you know exactly where you and your team are going. between 44 and 22 You may need to think more carefully before setting up your own business. Although you do have some of the essential skills for running a business, you will probably not be able o deal with the pressures and strain that are part of the job. You should perhaps consider taking some professional training or finding an associate who can compensate for some of your weaknesses. below 22 Managing you own business is not for you. You are better suited to an environment where you are not responsible for making decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow well define instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and predictable. 4. Cargolifter is a company that is producing a new generation of airships for cargo transportation. You will hear a company spokesman answering questions about the different stages that were involved in starting the company. A. Before you listen, number the different stages of the project in the order in which you think they happened. a Conduct a feasibility study. b Get the idea of using an airship to transport heavy goods. c Identify the market. d Construct the assembly plant. e Seek investment for major companies. f Identify a problem. g Create the company. h Invite private investors to join the project. B. Listen to the cassette and check your answers. 5. Setting up a successful business requires careful preparation and planning but also involves a degree of risk-taking. there are a number of questions that all entrepreneurs must ask themselves concerning the products or services that they intend to sell, the competition that they will face, the structure of the business itself and the sources of finance that they will need to open their new venture. This means that all of these parameters must be defined in a business plan: a document that shows how the entrepreneur will organize his or her business, how much he or

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she expects to sell and where the capital will come from. Once this information has been put down on paper, the entrepreneur can then choose an appropriate form for the company, register it with the authorities and open for business. 1. Read these extracts and decide which sections of the checklist they come from. a At first I will be concentrating on getting the business into profit. But if I am successful I would then consider looking for other sites in the city area and expanding the management team. Eventually it might be possible to set up shops in different locations around the country. b The Tea Set. Initially the business will be registered as a limited company with ten shareholders. c In a street with pedestrian access only, which leads into the main shopping area and market square in a town of 70,000 inhabitants. The shop is also close to the station, which is used by several thousand commuters daily. The surface area is 45 square meters at a rent of 1000 euros per month. d Retail outlet selling a wide range of specialist teas and tea-related giftware. Sales will be made direct to customers and also by mail order. e I plan to advertise on local radio and in the local press and free press. This will be complemented by flyers distributed directly through letterboxed to residents in the area. f I have already worked as an employee in two different companies, where I was involved in both marketing and customer service at junior management level. g It is not easy to give a precise estimate but it would seem to be essentially passing trade within the shopping area. The target consumer is middle-aged and with a comfortable income. There is no competition in the area as the concept for this type of shop is new and comparable products are not currently available in other outlets. h Two full-time sales staff for the shop. One personal assistant to do secretarial work and general office administration. Business plan checklist 1 Details of the business Name of business Type of business (limited company, partnership etc.) 2 Personal details Relevant work experience 3 Personnel Number of people/ job/ function 4 Product/service Description

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5 Market Describe your market. Who are your customers? Is your market growing, static or in decline? Who are the main competitors? What are the advantages of your product or service over the competition? 6 Marketing What sort of marketing or advertising do you intend to do? 7 Premises/machinery/vehicles Where do you intend to locate the business and why? What sort and size of premises will you need? What machinery/vehicles do you require? 8 Objectives What objectives do you have for the business?

Part II: Focus on language: relative clauses

Relative clauses are short phrases beginning with words like: who, that

and which that define or describe people and things. There are two types:

Defining relative clauses: we use these to identify exactly which person

or thing we mean.

The candidate who we interviewed on Friday is better than this one.

The relative clause is part of the noun phrase. The information is

necessary for the sentence to make sense.

Non-defining relative clauses: we use these to add extra information

about a person or thing.

Apricot, which ran a version of Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating

system, had a hardware architecture peculiar to itself.

The information may be interesting, but it is not a necessary part of the

sentence. To show this in writing we use commas.

Non-defining clauses are more common in writing. In speech, we often

give the same information by just using two short sentences. Compare:

The salesman, who was very helpful, said this model in stock. (writing)

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The salesman was very helpful. He aid this model was in stock. (speech)

Relative pronouns

The words who, which, that, whom and who can begin a relative clause.

They are called relative pronouns.

- Who and that are used for people, but who is more common.

The candidate who they chose for the job has a finance background.

-For things or ideas both which and that are used, but that is more

common, especially in speech. The products that you ordered were sent


The food sector faces another problem. In order to participate in the

EU’s single market it will have to conform to the Common Agricultural

Policy, which makes up 40% of all EU regulations.

The fight for survival of daily business will be won by the organizations

that adapt most successfully to the new world that is developing.

The relative pronoun whose shows that something belongs to someone or


I’ve invited to the meeting everyone whose work is relevant to this


The European Union is an organization whose policies change quite


He owns 100 per cent of this company, whose sales hit close to $3

million in 1998.

In formal English it is possible to use whom instead of who where who

is the object of the sentence. But in modern English most speakers only

use who.

The candidate who/whom we chose for the job has an MBA in corporate


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Leaving out the relative pronoun in a defining relative clause

We can leave out who, which, that (but not whose) in a defining relative

clause if they are followed immediately by a noun or pronoun

The technician (who) Tony spoke to said the network was working fine.

The salad (which/that) I had for my starter was superb.

This is usual in spoken English.

We must keep the relative pronoun if it is followed immediately by a


The technician who spoke to Tony said the network was working fine.

The salad which/that came with the fish was superb.

The relative pronoun in non-defining relative clauses

We must keep the relative pronoun in non-defining clauses. We cannot

leave it out (it makes no difference whether it is followed by a noun or a


The technician, who my colleagues know well, said the network was

working fine.

The technician, who spent over an hour here, said the network was

working fine.

The salad, which had avocado in it, was superb.

That is never used in a non-defining relative-clause.

Chile, which is an important market for us, is having some currency


Formal and informal English: Spoken or informal written English

Formal written English

Please send us the report (that/which) you referred to. We know the people (who) he got a recommendation from. Could you send us the list of applicants (who) you have not been able to get in touch

Please send us the report to which you referred. We know the people from whom he received a recommendation. Could you send us the list of applicants with whom you have not been able to get in

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with? We attach some information about the area (that/which) you will be responsible for.

touch? We attach some information about the area for which you will be responsible.

Part III: Practice

1. Look at the following sentences and decide whether they are

defining (D) or non-defining (N) relative clauses.

1 The design that we selected was in fact the most expensive.

2 Wayne Calloway, who is from our Glasgow office, will be

making a presentation of the new project.

3 The new investment plan, which was announced on Wednesday,

will take five years to complete.

4 The manager who made the mistake lost his job.

5 This is Jane Stewart, whose company manufactures computer


6 The Marketing Department is the one whose contribution has

been the most significant this year.

2. Join each pair of sentences using a defining relative clause.

Example: We signed an agreement. It will give us exclusive rights to

several products.

The agreement which we signed will give us exclusive

rights tto several products.

1. We use videos for training purposes. This is one of them.

This is one of __________________________________

2. I left a report on your desk last night. Have you read it?

Have you ______________________________________

3. We interviewed some candidates. They were highly qualified.

The candidates ___________________________________________

4. A secretary’s computer crashed last week. What’s her name?

What’s the name________________________________

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5. A woman introduced me to Mr Ross. She was Australian.

The woman ________________________________

3 Choose the non-defining relative clause which best completes

each of the sentences below.

1. The firm’s 300 employees, … decided to go on strike.

2. The report, …, contained many interesting ideas on how to promote

our new products.

3. The firm, ..., intends to expand its presence in Eastern Europe.

4. The new machinery, …, is not as efficient as I had hoped.

5. Professor Harding, …, will be the main speaker at this year’s


6. KBJ Optics, …, has over a hundred patented products.

7. The Chairman, …, maintains close relations with the company’s

major investors.

a whose engineers are among the most brilliant in the country

b which cost the company over 2 million pounds

c whose salaries had not been increased

d who was elected to the Board last year

e which was written by our Marketing Manager

f which has recently signed a contract with a Polish manufacturer

g who is a specialist in American management techniques

4 Complete the text below with an appropriate relative pronoun:

who, which, where, whose, that. If it is possible to omit the relative

pronoun, indicate this with (-)

Some tips on starting your own business

Planning is an essential ingredient for a successful business. The type of

business ___________needs most careful thought is the one you start

from scratch. But you don’t need an original idea to have a good

business. If you are worried about starting from scratch, you might want

to think about buying a business_______________ is already running.

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Talking to people ______________have already started up their own

business is very useful. You can learn a great deal from both successful

businesses and those______________have failed. Your Enterprise

Agency or Chamber of Commerce may run business

clubs_______________you can meet other small business owners.

Not having enough finance, ____________is on of the most common

problems is small business, can be fatal. It is easy to underestimate the

amount of money______________ you will need to start up your

business. The time____________you spend working out your cash needs

and monitoring cashflow is time wellspent.

You should have at least a basic understanding of trading laws,

__________ protect consumers, employees, the general public and

businesses as well.

Failure to respect these laws could even be a crime. For example, every

employee _____________ employment continues for one month or

more, has the right to receive a written statement, ____________is a sort

of contract with the terms and details of their employment. Your local

tax office will send you documents _____________________show you

how much you need to take out of each employee’s wages, and where to

send the money.

Tip: We use whose in defining or non-defining relative clauses instead of


We can also use whose instead of its:

Do you know the company? Its CEO was suspected of fraud. Do you know the company whose CEO was suspected of fraud? This is the team. We interviewed their leader last week. This is the team whose leader we interviewed last week. Enzo Ferrari died in 1988. His cars achieved cult status. Enzo Ferrari, whose cars achieved cult status, died in 1988.

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7. A. Combine these sentences using whose.

1 The CEO Anton Vizi resigned last week. His leadership style had

provoked a lot of criticism.

The CEO Anton Vizi,


2 Some staff are disappointed. Their training programme was


The staff………………………………………………………………….

3 Some stores will have to be closed down. Their performance is


The stores


4 United Steel is now almost bankrupt. Its former director was

guilty of embezzlement.




C. Decide whether the relative clauses in exercise C are defining or


1. ………………

2. ………………

3. ………………

4. ………………

Tip: In spoken English or informal English, we usually leave out

who/that/which and put the preposition at the end of the relative clause.

In formal written English, we often put the preposition in front of


After a preposition, we use the form whom, not who.

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8. Rewrite the following sentences in a more formal style.

1 As a leader, she motivated anyone she worked with.

2 The representatives we spoke to were very helpful.

3 The company I used to work for is now facing a financial crisis.

4 That is the project I’m most interested in.

5 The problems we have to deal with are rather serious.

6 Here are the details of the businesses we’ve invested in.


A. Complete the text with who, that or which.

Carl Rogers, …………is regarded as the founder of the ‘person-

centered approach’, is one of the greatest psychologists of all times.

Today, about two decades after his death, his ideas are still at the core of

many leadership training and communication skills courses. His theory,

……………..developed over many years of experience with clients, is

built on the belief that all human beings want to do the best they can, to

realize their potential. Rogers identified a number of features of effective

communication, the kind of communication………………can help

people understand and overcome whatever prevents them from fulfilling

their potential.

There are three qualities……………….make effective communication

possible. The first, ……………….many consider the most important

one, is called ‘empathy’. It is a quality ……………….anybody

………………is in a position of leadership needs to have. Indeed, good

leaders need to be able to see the world through the eyes of those

…………..work with them. The second quality is ‘genuineness’. A

genuine person is someone …………does not hide their real thoughts,

feelings or intentions.

It is this quality …………….enables you to be the person

………………you really are.

‘Acceptance’is the third quality, the one……………..helps you

respect and accept people as they are.

Good leaders …………….need to be good communicators, have

to have those qualities. Many people would say that, in addition, a really

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good leader is one …………………is able to develop such qualities in


B. Cross out the incorrect relative pronoun in each of the sentences below: 1. It is unbelievable what people who/ which believe in themselves

can accomplish.

2. The ability to motivate people is one of the greatest assets that/

who a leader possesses.

3. Do you agree that successful people are those who/which seize

opportunity and take risks?

4. Mandela, that/who is often considered to be the greatest statesman

of our time, has most of the qualities that/who a successful leader has to


5. The assertiveness training workshops, which/that starts next

month, is designed for anyone who/which is or will be a team leader.

6. The meetings that/who we hold on Friday afternoons are

compulsory for everyone.

C. Combine a word or expression from A with one from B to

complete the gaps in the passage below. You may need to change the

form of some of the words. Definitions are given in brackets to help




set up


take on (x2)

turn down



a partner


a business


a request

a risk

the challenge

Half a million people _____________________________(start a

company) each year in the UK, even though they

___________________ (face the danger) of failing. Statistics have

shown that within three years, 45% of them go out of business, many

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losing all their money. What sort of people want to be entrepreneurs

when there is such a high failure rate? They tend to be motivated,

creative and eager to __________________________(accept something

that is difficult but interesting) of being their own boss. They are

resilient and able to _______________________ (find ways around

problems) when, for example, the bank ________________________

(rejects a request) for a loan. Instead of giving up, they will look for

other ways to ____________________________(obtain capital) such as

___________________ (engaging a business associate).

Answers to the self-evaluation test

A. who; which; that; that; which; that; who; who; who; that; who;

that; who; who.

B. which; who; which; that; that; who

C. 1 set up a business; 2 run the risk; 3 take on the challenge; 4

overcome hurdles; 5 turns down a request; 6 raise finance; 7 taking on a


TEST: The business plan

You have decided to set up your own business together and have approached the bank for advice. They have asked you to prepare a business plan. Decide what type of business you are going to set up, then discuss each of the points listed in the business plan. When you have finalized all the details of your business, prepare a written plan to give to the bank. Use the outline of the business plan checklist in activity 1, page 54. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureşti 1999. Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002. Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999. Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999. Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993. Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business, workbook, Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

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