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ACOPERIRE DE ANULARE A CALATORIEI ALTE ACOPERIRI DE ......prescriu in termen de doi ani, in...

Date post: 08-Feb-2020
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1/14 Pentru a beneficia de o asigurare de calatorie, care nu poate depasi 31 de zile consecutive, Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti va ofera un produs de asigurare cuprinzator care include urmatoarele servicii si conditii: "ACOPERIRE DE ANULARE A CALATORIEI" Anularea sau modificarea calatoriei "ALTE ACOPERIRI DE RISCURI ALE CALATORIEI" Pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor Intarzierea bagajelor Intarzierea zborurilor Asistenta, Repatriere neprevazuta, Cheltuieli medicale in strainatate Intreruperea calatoriei Accidente de persoane Termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare, precum si numarul politei sunt indicate in Certificatul de Asigurare emis de catre Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti. Va rugam sa pastrati numarul politei de asigurare, intrucat va trebui sa il prezentati in cazul in care aveti nevoie de asistenta sau declarati o pierdere. Numai acesti termeni, aceste conditii si informatiile prezentate in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare se vor aplica in cazul unei reclamatii sau a unui conflict ce poate aparea intre parti. PENTRU A SOLICITA ASISTENTA, IN CAZUL SPITALIZARII VA RUGAM CONTACTATI Travel Guard Sunati din strainatate 0040.21.301.77.77 (24 ore pe zi) PENTRU TOATE CELELALTE SERVICII ACOPERITE DE ASIGURARE CONTACTATI Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, etaj 8, camera 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania Tel. +40 21 300 96 21 specificati in toate cazurile: numele si prenumele Persoanei Asigurate, precum si numarul politei de asigurare indicat in termenii si conditiile specifice, document emis de catre Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti. Pentru a modifica polita sau a o anula va rugam contactati: [email protected]


Pentru a beneficia de o asigurare de calatorie, care nu poate depasi 31 de zile consecutive, Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti va ofera un produs de asigurare cuprinzator care include urmatoarele servicii si conditii:

"ACOPERIRE DE ANULARE A CALATORIEI" Anularea sau modificarea calatoriei


Pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor Intarzierea bagajelor Intarzierea zborurilor

Asistenta, Repatriere neprevazuta, Cheltuieli medicale in strainatate Intreruperea calatoriei Accidente de persoane

Termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare, precum si numarul politei sunt indicate in Certificatul de Asigurare emis de catre Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti. Va rugam sa pastrati numarul politei de

asigurare, intrucat va trebui sa il prezentati in cazul in care aveti nevoie de asistenta sau declarati o pierdere.

Numai acesti termeni, aceste conditii si informatiile prezentate in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare se vor aplica in cazul unei reclamatii sau a unui conflict ce poate aparea intre parti.


Travel Guard

Sunati din strainatate 0040.21.301.77.77 (24 ore pe zi)


Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti

Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, etaj 8, camera 2

Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania Tel. +40 21 300 96 21

… specificati in toate cazurile: numele si prenumele Persoanei Asigurate, precum si numarul politei de asigurare indicat in termenii si

conditiile specifice, document emis de catre Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti.

Pentru a modifica polita sau a o anula va rugam contactati: [email protected]

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TABELUL CAZURILOR ASIGURATE Se aplica doar daca acoperirea a fost achizitionata si este indicata in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare

Acoperire Sume si limite

1) Anularea sau modificarea calatoriei Maximum de persoana: 21 000 RON

2) Deteriorarea, pierderea, sau furtul bagajelor

Maximum de persoana: 4 000 RON Limita pentru bunuri de valoare: 1 400 RON

3) Intarzierea bagajelor mai mult de 6 ore Maximum de persoana: 1 000 RON

4) Intarzierea zborului mai mult de douasprezece ore

Maximum pentru o intarziere: 500 RON Maximum pentru o calatorie: 1 000 RON

5) Asistenta, Repatriere neprevazuta, Cheltuieli medicale in strainatatate

Rambursarea cheltuielilor de trimitere a medicamentelor ce sunt indispensabile si nu pot fi gasite local

Rambursarea cheltuielilor de trimitere in strainatate a unui medic la Asigurat

Sume platite efectiv Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor de transport al Asiguratului la o unitate medicala

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor cu repatrierea neprevazuta si repatrierea Asiguratului

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor de transport in cazul decesului Asiguratului

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor legate de decesul Asiguratului Maximum de persoana: 14 000 RON Rambursarea costului biletului si a cheltuielilor de calatorie pentru un membru din familia Asiguratului in cazul prelungirii spitalizarii

Biletul de intoarcere Maximum de persoana si pe zi: 400 RON Maximum de persoana: 4 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru prelungirea calatoriei Asiguratului

Maximum de persoana si pe zi: 400 RON Maximum de persoana: 4 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru reluarea calatoriei Asiguratului si a insotitorilor acestuia

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea insotitorilor si plata cheltuielilor suplimentare si/sau a costurilor pentru prelungirea calatoriei

Bilet doar dus sau intors Maximum de persoana si pe zi: 400 RON Maximum de persoana: 4 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea insotitorilor cu varsta mai mica de 15 ani

Bilet Maximum de persoana si pe zi: 400 RON Maximum de persoana: 4 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea inainte de termen a Asiguratului

Bilet doar dus sau intors

Rambursarea cheltuielilor de asistenta pentru copiii Asiguratului cu varsta mai mica de 15 ani care au stat acasa

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea cheltuielilor medicale efectuate in strainatate

Maximum in toata lumea: 1 400 000 RON Maximum pentru ingrijiri stomatologice de urgenta: 700 RON Suma deductibila pentru fiecare reclamatie: 300 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru asistenta legala in strainatate

Maximum de persoana: 23 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor cu avansul pentru cautiune in strainatate

Maximum de persoana: 23 000 RON

Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru transmiterea de mesaje urgente

Sume platite efectiv

Rambursarea costurilor de cautare si salvare Maximum de persoana: 10 000 RON

6) Intreruperea calatoriei Maximum de persoana: 7 000 RON

7) Accidente de persoane Acoperire in cazul unui deces accidental Invaliditate permanenta (25% - 100%)

Per Asigurat: 70 000 RON Per Asigurat: 70 000 RON


DISPOZITII GENERALE In baza acestor termeni si conditii generale de asigurare, Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti, denumita in continuare "Asigurator" a incheiat cu persoane fizice, persoane juridice si organizatii fara personalitate juridica, denumite in continuare „Detinatorii Politelor de Asigurare”, contracte de asigurare pentru rambursarea cheltuielilor de anulare sau modificare a orarului calatoriei; a costurilor rezultate din pierderea, furtul, sau deteriorarea bagajelor; a cheltuielilor legate de intarzierea zborurilor; a cheltuielilor cu asistenta, daca este necesara; a cheltuielillor rezultate din repatrierea neprevazuta si tratamentul medical efectuat in strainatate; a cheltuielilor cu intreruperea calatoriei; a cheltuielilor rezultate din accidente de persoane.

Incheierea unui numar mare de polite de asigurare Raspunderea Asiguratorului este limitata la o singura polita in raport cu acelasi Asigurat, chiar daca Detinatorul Politei de Asigurare a incheiat cu Asiguratorul mai mult de o polita de asigurare in aceleasi conditii.

Termenul de prescriptie Cererile de despagubire rezultand din polita de asigurare se prescriu in termen de doi ani, in conformitate cu legislatia Romaniei. Perioada de prescriptie a dreptului de a solicita o indemnizatie in baza prezentei Polite incepe pentru Asigurator de la data producerii evenimentului acoperit de asigurare. Adresa pentru corespondenta Orice corespondenta referitoare la polita de asigurare, daca este adresata Asiguratorului trebuie trimisa la urmatoarea adresa: Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, etaj 8, camera 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti, ROMANIA Orice corespondenta referitoare la contractul de asigurare, daca este adresata Detinatorului Politei de Asigurare trebuie trimisa la ultima adresa furnizata de catre acesta. Jurisdictia O actiune legala initiata in temeiul politei poate fi introdusa conform prevederilor de competenta generala, sau pot fi date spre rezolvare instantei competente de la domiciliul, sau sediul Asiguratorului. Legea aplicabila Polita de asigurare incheiata in baza acestor termeni si conditii generale este guvernata de legea romana. Protejarea datelor Prin furnizarea catre Chartis a Informatiilor dvs. cu caracter personal in legatura cu solicitarea dumneavoastra pentru polita de asigurare consimtiti la colectarea si prelucrarea (inclusiv dezvaluire si transfer international) a informatiilor dvs. Informatiile pe care dvs. sau persoana asigurata le furnizati vor fi procesate pentru stabilirea contractului dvs. de asigurare, pentru administrarea politei si pentru rezolvarea daunelor. In acest caz, putem trimite informatiile furnizate societatilor care presteaza servicii pentru noi, inclusiv societatilor de asigurare cu care noi ne reasiguram, pentru a putea administra polita dvs. de asigurare si pentru a ne indeplini obligatiile contractuale fata de dvs. Acest lucru poate include trimiterea informatiilor dvs. catre societati din afara Spatiului economic European. Ne obligam sa pastram confidentialitatea clientilor nostri si ne vom asigura de luarea unor masuri adecvate pentru a pastra informatiile dvs. in siguranta si confidentiale insa nu mai mult decat se specifica legal. Aveti drept de acces la informatiile dvs. si de rectificare a

oricaror inadvertente, in orice moment, in scris, la adresa de mai sus. Este posibil sa percepem un mic comision pentru acest serviciu. Informatii cu Caracter Personal ,,Informatiile cu caracter personal” reprezinta datele de identificare ale Detinatorului Politei sau ale altor persoane (de exemplu, cei aflati in intretinere). Furnizand informatiile cu caracter personal si semnand prezenta polita de asigurare, Detinatorul Politei consimte in mod expres si neechivoc colectarea, folosirea si prelucrarea (inclusiv dezvaluirea si transferul international) al acestora de catre Asigurator conform Politicii de confidentialitate disponibila la http://www.chartisinsurance.com/privacy-notice_3010_224390.html sau la cerere folosind datele de contact de mai jos. Daca informatiile cu caracter personal se refera la o alta persoana, Detinatorul Politei confirma prin semnarea politei de asigurare ca a informat persoana respectiva cu privire la Politica de confidentialitate si ca este autorizat sa furnizeze aceste date pentru folosirea de catre Asigurator. Pentru detalii complete cu privire la prelucrarea Informatiilor cu Caracter Personal, inclusiv cu privire la securitate si drepturi, precum si modul de accesare si corectare a Informatiilor cu Caracter Personal inexacte, sau cu privire la modul de stergere sau eliminare a Informatiilor cu Caracter Personal, sau de opozitie la folosirea acestora, Detinatorul Politei va trimite un e-mail pe adresa [email protected] sau va scrie Responsabilului privind Protectia Datelor, pe adresa Chartis Europe Limited Londra - Sucursala Bucuresti, Victoria Center, Calea Victoriei, Nr. 145, Etajul 8, Camera 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti. Comunicari de marketing Pentru a opta de a nu mai primi comunicari de marketing (opt-out), Detinatorul Politei va contacta Asiguratorul la adresa de e-mail [email protected] sau va scrie Responsabilului privind Protectia Datelor, pe adresa Chartis Europe Limited Londra - Sucursala Bucuresti, Victoria Center, Calea Victoriei, Nr. 145, Etajul 8, Camera 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti. In cazul in care Detinatorul Politei va alege optiunea de a nu mai primi comunicari de marketing (opt-out), Asiguratorul va putea trimite in continuare alte comunicari importante, cum ar fi comunicari cu privire la administrarea politei de asigurare sau a pretentiei. Reclamatii In orice situatie, persoanele interesate pot adresa reclamatii catre Directorul Asiguratorului. Reclamatiile pot fi adresate direct la sediul social al Asiguratorului, sau transmise in scris la adresa Asiguratorului. Informatiile indicate trebuie sa faca posibila identificarea persoanei care face reclamatia si subiectul reclamatiei.

DEFINITII GENERAL APLICABILE Detinatorul politei Un client al unei agentii de voiaj aprobata de catre Asigurator, care a semnat polita de asigurare, in conformitate cu acesti termeni si conditii generale si a platit prima de asigurare corespunzatoare. Asiguratul Detinatorul politei si/sau persoanele ale caror nume sunt indicate in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare. Agentul de voiaj Tour operator-ul sau transportatorul aprobat.


Asiguratorul Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire Travel Guard – entitate autorizata de catre Asigurator sa primeasca solicitari de despagubire derivand din politele de asigurare incheiate in baza acestor termeni si conditii generale. Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie Travel Guard , autorizat de catre Asigurator. Partener Sotul, sau sotia, sau concubinul Asiguratului. Familia Partenerul, tata, mama, bunicii, copiii, nepotii (de bunica), ginerii, nurorile, surorile si fratii Asiguratului si/sau al partenerului sau. Copil Copilul Asiguratului si/sau al partenerului sau. Beneficiarul in absenta unor dispozitii contrare ale prezentei polite, pentru toate acoperirile, beneficiarul este Asiguratul insusi. In cazul riscului de deces accidental beneficiarul este o persoana numita de Asigurat, altfel, in lipsa acestei prevederi este familia sa, in ordinea indicata de Codul Civil Roman. Termeni si conditii specifice de asigurare Documentul care confirma incheierea politei de asigurare si conditiile in care a fost incheiata aceasta. Termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare contin, printre altele, urmatoarele informatii: data semnarii politei, data plecarii, data intoarcerii, produsul de asigurare ales, numarul politei de asigurare, prima de asigurare, precum si numele si prenumele Asiguratului. Termeni si conditii generale ale politei de asigurare Acesti termeni si conditii generale de asigurare in baza carora se poate incheia polita de asigurare. Individ Persoana care calatoreste singura. Grup Mai mult de 10 persoane care calatoresc impreuna si care sunt indicate in termenii si conditiile specifice. Calatorie Transport (numai bilet de avion) si/sau sedere (pachet de vacanta, croaziera sau inchiriere), pentru o perioada care nu depaseste 31 de zile consecutive, rezervate la agentul de voiaj si folosite de catre Asigurat. Datele, destinatia si costurile aferente vor fi indicate in termenii si conditiile specifice. Valabilitatea teritoriala a acoperirii Oriunde in lume, in lipsa unor dispozitii contrare stipulate in prezenta polita. Resedinta Resedinta uzuala a Asiguratului. In cazul unui conflict, resedinta va fi considerata adresa Asiguratului pentru scopuri fiscale. In strainatate In alta tara decat cea in care se gaseste resedinta Asiguratului. Accident Orice vatamare corporala, care nu a fost provocata intentionat de Asigurat si care este rezultatul actiunii bruste si neprevazute a unei cauze externe, suferita de Asigurat.

Certificat de asigurare Certificatul eliberat o data cu rezervarea zborului. Boala grava Orice modificare brusca a starii de sanatate a Asiguratului, inregistrata de o autoritate medicala autorizata, care implica incetarea oricarei activitati profesionale, sau de alta natura, avand o evolutie lenta, necesitand ingrijire medicala intensiva, in general cu spitalizare pentru examinare si tratament. Accident pre-existent sau boala pre-existenta Vatamare corporala, boala, sau alta conditie a Asiguratului care a inceput cu 60 de zile inainte de intrarea in vigoare a politei: a) s-a manifestat initial, s-a inrautatit, a devenit acuta, sau a

avut simptome pentru care o persoana rationala ar fi cerut diagnosticare, ingrijire / cura, sau tratament,

b) a necesitat administrarea de medicamente, doar daca conditia pentru care s-au prescris medicamentele a ramas sub control fara nici o modificare in respectiva prescriptie,

c) a necesitat tratament din partea unui medic, sau tratamentul a fost recomandat de catre un medic

Spitalizare Primirea unui tratament intr-o asezare spitaliceasca, ce necesita sederea pe o perioada de timp de cel putin 24 de ore consecutive. Urmatoarele sunt considerate a fi asezari spitalicesti: spital, sau clinica autorizata sa acorde tratament si ingrijire pentru persoane bolnave, sau care au suferit vatamari corporale, detinand autorizatii administrative locale corespunzatoare, ce autorizeaza aceste practici si personalul necesar aferent. Eveniment asigurat Producerea evenimentului specificat in polita de asigurare. Toate cererile de despagubire legate de acelasi eveniment vor face obiectul aceluiasi dosar de despagubire. Fransiza Suma stabilita in polita a fi suportata de Asigurat in cazul platii unei indemnizatii, ca urmare a unei deteriorari, sau pierderi. Fransiza poate fi exprimata de asemenea in ore si zile. In acest caz, acoperirea respectiva se va aplica la sfarsitul perioadei indicate in termenii si conditiile specifice ca fiind deductibila. Suma maxima pentru fiecare eveniment In cazul in care acoperirea se aplica mai multor Asigurati ce au suferit vatamari corporale din cauza aceluiasi eveniment, raspunderea Asiguratorului pentru deces si/sau invaliditate permanenta, ca urmare a accidentului va fi in orice caz limitata la suma maxima prevazuta in termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare, indiferent de numarul partilor vatamate. Astfel, indemnizatia este redusa si platita proportional cu numarul partilor vatamate. Faliment Orice dauna, sau pierdere cauzata de tour-operator, compania de zbor, sau orice alt furnizor de servicii (fie persoana fizica sau juridica), ca urmare a insolventei, sau a incapacitatii sale, sau a refuzului sau de a-si indeplini obligatiile.


Bagaj Valize, cufere si bagaje de mana, precum si continutul acestora, cu conditia ca acesta sa reprezinte imbracaminte si efecte personale luate de Asigurat in timpul calatoriei asigurate, sau obiecte achizitionate in timpul acestei calatorii. Bunuri de valoare Bijuterii, obiecte confectionate din materiale pretioase, pietre pretioase, perle, ceasuri de mana, blanuri si arme de vanatoare, echipament si material sportiv, echipament fotografic, cinematografic si de calcul, telefoane mobile, echipament folosit la inregistrarea si producerea de sunete, sau imagini si accesoriile acestora. Razboi Razboi, fie declarat, sau nu, precum si orice activitate similara razboiului, inclusiv folosirea fortei militare de catre orice stat suveran din motive economice, geografice, nationaliste, politice, rasiste, religioase, sau in alte scopuri. Act terorist Act terorist reprezinta orice folosire a fortei, sau amenintarea cu folosirea fortei, sau violentei impotriva oamenilor, sau a proprietatii, savarsirea unui act periculos pentru viata oamenilor sau pentru proprietate, sau savarsirea unui act in scopul de a intrerupe sau prejudicia un sistem electronic sau de comuncatii, de catre orice persoana, sau grup care actioneaza, sau nu in numele sau in legatura cu orice organizatie, guvern, putere, autoritate sau forta militara, avand ca obiectiv intimidarea, fortarea sau prejudicierea unui guvern, a populatiei civile, sau a unui segment de populatie, sau intreruperea activitatii intr-un sector economic. Act terorist mai reprezinta orice act identificat, sau recunoscut ca atare fie de guvernul tarii unde are loc, sau de guvernul tarii de resedinta a Asiguratului. Contaminare Contaminare inseamna contaminarea, sau otravirea persoanelor cu substante nucleare si/sau chimice si/sau biologice cauzand imbolnavire, deces si/sau invaliditate permanenta. Servicii la sol Parte a calatoriei constand in servicii hoteliere, mese si activitati aferente (inclusiv taxe locale si inchirierea de masini) vandute de agentul de voiaj atunci cand Asiguratul a facut rezervarea pentru calatorie. Planul Tarifar Suma datorata de catre client companiei de zbor, in baza contractului, stipulata in conditiile specifice de vanzare ale acestei companii aeriene aprobate de catre el / ea, in cazul in care clientul a semnat formularului de rezervare a calatoriei.

OBIECTUL ASIGURARII Asigurarea acopera:

in cazul Asigurarii cheltuielilor pentru anularea sau modificarea orarului calatoriei – pierderile financiare legate direct de contramandarea, sau modificarea orarului calatoriei, inainte de inceperea acesteia;

in cazul Asigurarii cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajului – pierderea, furtul, sau deteriorarea proprietatii;

in cazul Asigurarii cheltuielilor pentru intarzierea bagajului – pierderile financiare legate direct de intarzierea in livrarea bagajului;

in cazul Asigurarii pentru intarzierea zborului – pierderile financiare legate direct de intarzierea zborului;

in cazul Asigurarii cheltuielilor legate de asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta si tratament medical in strainatate – furnizarea de asistenta pe perioada calatoriei (inclusiv asistenta pentru repatrierea neprevazuta si costurile tratamentului medical in strainatatate);

in cazul Asigurarii riscului de intrerupere a calatoriei – pierderile financiare legate direct de intreruperea calatoriei;

in cazul Asigurarii de accidente – vatamarea corporala sau prejudicierea sanatatii ca urmare a unui accident.


1) ASIGURAREA CHELTUIELILOR PENTRU ANULAREA SAU MODIFICAREA CALATORIEI 1.1 Data intrarii in vigoare si durata asigurarii Asigurarea riscului de anulare, sau modificare a orarului calatoriei intra in vigoare din momentul in care Asiguratul accepta conditiile in care se incheie polita, in conformitate cu informatiile continute in certificatul sau specific de asigurare si in conditiile generale ale Politei. Asigurarea este valabila 24 de ore pe zi.

Asigurarea riscului de anulare, sau modificare a orarului calatoriei isi inceteaza valabilitatea la momentul plecarii in calatorie cand Asiguratul este inregistrat la transportator, sau cand acesta ajunge la destinatie, daca foloseste un mijloc de transport privat. 1.2 Descrierea acoperirii Asigurarea riscului de anulare, sau modificare a orarului calatoriei acopera rambursarea costului biletului de avion platit de Titulalarul Politei, in cazul anularii, sau modificarii calatoriei inaintea plecarii, pana la sumele indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, platite de catre Asigurat, excluzand taxele de aeroport, daca Asiguratul se afla in imposibilitate de a pleca pentru unul din urmatoarele motive:

deces, accident, sau boala grava, spitalizare a Asiguratului, partenerului acestuia, fie prin casatorie legala, sau concubin, ascendentilor, sau descendentilor sai directi, sau ai partenerului, socrilor, soacrelor, fratilor, surorilor, cumnatilor, cumnatelor, ginerilor, nurorilor, sau a tutorelui legal al Asiguratului, sau a oricarei persoane care locuieste de regula cu Asiguratul;

deces, accident sau boala grava, spitalizare a persoanelor care calatoresc cu Asiguratul pe durata calatoriei sale, cu conditia ca numele si prenumele acestora sa fie mentionate in termenii si conditiile specifice;

daune materiale importante aduse resedintei, sau spatiului de afaceri detinut, inchiriat, sau ocupat cu titlu gratuit de Asigurat si / sau de partenerul acestuia, cu conditia ca mai mult de 50% din aceste spatii sa fi fost distruse, iar prezenta acestora sa fie absolut necesara la locul respectiv pentru a lua masurile de protectie necesare.

1.3 Limita de raspundere a Asiguratorului cu privire la asigurarea impotriva riscului de anulare sau modificare a calatoriei


Suplimentar fata de excluderile descrise in sectiunea “Excluderi generale”, Asiguratorul nu va fi tinut raspunzator daca evenimentul asigurat este cauzat de: 1. consecinte ale bolilor, sau accidentelor anterioare ale

Asiguratului; 2. tulburari nervoase, sau boli mentale care necesita

spitalizare; 3. avorturi voluntare, consecintele si complicatiile acestora; 4. anulari ale calatoriilor datorate controalelor medicale

obisnuite si examinarilor periodice; 5. anulari ale calatoriilor datorate incapacitatii de a face un

vaccin cerut de prevederile legale valabile in tara de destinatie, sau de tranzit;

6. anulari determinate de neprezentarea oricaror documente necesare calatoriei, din orice motiv, cu exceptia cazurilor indicate in termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare;

7. anulari ale calatoriei cauzate de transportator, indiferent de motivul acestora.

1.4 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire facuta in baza asigurarii cheltuielilor pentru anularea sau modificarea orarului calatoriei Suplimentar fata de procedurile stabilite in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau legal este obligat: sa informeze imediat compania de transport aerian ca

Asiguratul nu poate efectua calatoria, cu exceptia situatiilor neprevazute, sau in cazul producerii unor situatii imposibil de prevazut, sau in caz de forta majora. In acest sens, indemnizatia platita de catre Asigurator este calculata in baza planului tarifar de anulare in vigoare la data cand evenimentul acoperit este pentru prima data raportat;

sa informeze in scris Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire, in termen de 5 zile lucratoare de cand Asiguratul ia la cunostinta de eveniment. Dupa expirarea aceastei perioade, Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire isi rezerva dreptul de a reduce, sau de a refuza plata indemnizatiei;

sa furnizeze Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire urmatoarele informatii in scrisoarea sa: numele si adresa, numarul politei, motivul anularii (imbolnavire, pagube aduse proprietatii);

sa puna la dispozitia Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire urmatoarele documente: factura, nota de plata, sau orice alt document care atesta cheltuielile facute in legatura cu rezervarea calatoriei, o copie a termenilor si conditiilor sale specifice de asigurare si toate informatiile solicitate de Asigurator, precum si sa prezinte Asiguratorului motivatia cererii de despagubire si valoarea sumei solicitate;

sa furnizeze, de asemenea, Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire toate celelalte informatii si documente originale solicitate, daca sunt necesare pentru instrumentarea dosarului de dauna;

sa furnizeze Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire informatii privind orice alta polita pe care Asiguratul o are incheiata cu alti asiguratori.

2) ACOPERIREA CHELTUIELILOR PENTRU PIERDEREA, FURTUL SAU DETERIORAREA BAGAJELOR 2.1 Data intrarii in vigoare si durata asigurarii Asiguratul va fi acoperit impotriva cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor, daca a incheiat polita pentru acoperirea mai sus mentionata nu mai tarziu de 5 ore inainte de ora plecarii stipulata in certificatul sau de asigurare.

Asiguratul va fi acoperit impotriva cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor timp de 24 de ore pe zi pe durata intregii calatorii, in conformitate cu datele mentionate in certificatul sau de asigurare.

Asigurarea cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor va intra in vigoare nu mai tarziu de ora 0:00 a.m. din data plecarii Asiguratului si isi va inceta efectele la intoarcerea acestuia acasa, sau nu mai tarziu de ora 0:00 a.m. din data intoarcerii acasa, asa cum este mentionat in certificatul sau de asigurare.

Perioada asigurata nu poate depasi 31 de zile consecutive. 2.2 Descrierea acoperirii Asigurarea cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajelor va acoperi urmatoarele cheltuieli suportate de catre Asigurat ca urmare a pierderii, furtului sau deteriorarii bagajului, doar pana la sumele si in urma aplicarii deducerilor indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”: 1. pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea, totala ori partiala, a

bagajului si efectelor personale ale Asiguratului, survenite in timpul transportului acestora de catre compania de transport, sau in timpul transferurilor organizate de catre agentul de voiaj,

2. pentru furtul bagajului si al efectelor personale ale Asiguratului in timpul calatoriei,

3. pentru deteriorarea, totala sau partiala, a bagajului si efectelor personale ale Asiguratului, cauzata de furt sau tentativa de furt, incendiu, explozie, trasnet, sau dezastre naturale,

4. pentru furtul prin efractie al bagajului si efectelor personale ale Asiguratului transportate in portbagajul unui vehicul nedecapotabil, inchis foarte bine si incuiat.

In toate cazurile, indemnizatia se calculeaza in baza valorii de inlocuire, sau reparare a obiectelor de acelasi tip, dupa deducerea uzurii, si nu va depasi valoarea pierderii suferite, si nici nu se vor lua in considerare eventuale pierderi de profit. bunurile de valoare sunt acoperite de asigurare pana la

suma prevazuta la sectiunea “Limita pentru bunuri de valoare” indicata in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”;

suplimentar, bijuteriile, obiectele pretioase si ceasurile sunt asigurate doar impotriva furtului si doar daca sunt purtate sau se gasesc asupra Asiguratului, folosite de catre Asigurat, sau depozitate intr-un seif individual, sau intr-un seif de hotel.

Daca pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea, totala, sau partiala, a bagajului si efectelor personale ale Asiguratului se datoreaza vinei unei companii aeriene la care erau inregistrate si pentru care aceasta companie este raspunzatoare, asigurarea este valabila doar dupa epuizarea si doar in completarea indemnizatiei pe care societatea de transport trebuie sa o plateasca, si nu va depasi sumele maxime aratate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. 2.3 Limita de raspundere a Asiguratorului cu privire la asigurarea impotriva pierderii, furtului sau deteriorarii bagajului Suplimentar fata de excluderile de la sectiunea “Excluderi generale”, asigurarea nu acopera urmatoarele: 1. pierderea, furtul, sau deteriorarea documentelor, actelor de

identitate, cartilor de credit, cardurilor magnetice, biletelor si voucherelor de transport, banilor lichizi, actiunilor si titlurilor de valoare, cheilor, schiurilor, bicicletelor, placilor de wind-surf, barcilor, sau oricarui alt mijloc de transport, echipamentului profesional, instrumentelor muzicale, obiectelor de arta, pieselor de anticariat, colectiilor, marfurilor, ochelarilor de vedere, lentilelor de contact, membrelor artificiale si aparaturii de proteza de orice fel, obiectelor de imbracaminte sau accesoriilor purtate de Asigurat, bunurilor perisabile, sau mancarii;


2. accidentele cauzate de fumat, precum si prejudiciile aduse obiectelor cazute sau aruncate in foc, sau arderilor cauzate de caldura excesiva fara foc;

3. pierderea si prejudiciul cauzate de uzura normala, deteriorarea sau defectiunea unui obiect;

4. deteriorarea cauzata de molii sau insecte daunatoare, ca urmare a unui proces de curatare, reparatie, sau restaurare, de apa, sau scurgeri;

5. folosirea incorecta a obiectului de catre Asigurat, sau de catre orice alta persoana;

6. impachetarea nesatisfacatoare, sau defectuoasa; 7. atunci cand obiectele sunt lasate nesupravegheate intr-un

loc public, sau intr-un spatiu neincuiat la care mai multe persoane au acces, sau atunci cand obiectele se afla intr-un vehicul decapotabil, intr-un vehicul ale carui geamuri nu sunt inchise, sau ale carui usi, sau portbagaj nu sunt incuiate;

8. pierderile cauzate de confiscare, sechestru, sau distrugere din ordinul unei autoritati statale.

2.4 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire in baza asigurarii cheltuielilor pentru pierderea, furtul sau deteriorarea bagajului Suplimentar fata de procedurile indicate in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul sau reprezentantul sau legal este obligat: in cazul unui furt, sa informeze si sa depuna o plangere la

autoritatile locale in aceeasi zi; in cazul in care bagajul a fost incredintat unui transportator,

sau unui administrator de hotel, sa notifice aceasta persoana, furnizand detalii despre pierdere;

in cazul unei distrugeri totale, sau partiale, sa notifice o autoritate competenta, sau, daca acest lucru nu este posibil, sa intocmeasa o declaratie scrisa. Declaratia trebuie semnata de un martor;

sa ia toate masurile necesare pentru a limita consecintele evenimentului in cauza;

sa informeze Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire prin scrisoare recomandata in termen de 5 zile lucratoare de la repatriere si in termen de 48 de ore de la momentul furtului, cu exceptia cazurilor neprevazute, sau de forta majora;

sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare; sa puna la dispozitie o copie a termenilor si conditiilor sale

specifice de asigurare, toate documentele originale si informatiile care consituie probe pentru dosarul de dauna, si/sau alte informatii solicitate de Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire, necesare pentru identificarea si calcularea adecvata a indemnizatiei, sau a sumei de rambursat.

Daca obiectele furate, sau pierdute sunt gasite si returnate Asiguratului, acesta din urma convine sa informeze Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire si sa returneze acestuia indemnizatia deja platita. Referitor la bunurile deteriorate, Asiguratului i se poate cere in orice moment sa furnizeze dovezi ale respectivei deteriorari, fie trimitand obiectul deteriorat la Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire, fie punand la dispozitie chitanta care atesta repararea acestui obiect. 3) ACOPERIREA CHELTUIELILOR LEGATE DE INTARZIEREA BAGAJELOR 3.1 Data intrarii in vigoare si durata acoperirii Asiguratul va fi acoperit pentru cheltuielile legate de intarzierea bagajului doar in timpul calatoriei in afara (din Romania catre tara de destinatie), in conformitate cu datele mentionate in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

Asigurarea pentru cheltuielie legate de intarzierea bagajelor incepe in momentul in care Asiguratul se inregistreaza la compania de transport si se incheie la sosirea Asiguratului la destinatie. 3.2 Descrierea acoperirii Asigurarea riscului de intarziere a bagajului acopera rambursarea cheltuielilor suportate direct de Asigurat referitoare la livrarea cu intarziere a bagajului, reprezentand cheltuieli absolut necesare si numai daca bagajul Asiguratului, declarat si incredintat companiei de zbor cu care Asiguratul calatoreste, ajunge cu mai mult de sase ore dupa sosirea Asiguratului la aeroportul de destinatie. 3.3 Limita de raspundere a Asiguratorului cu privire la asigurarea cheltuielilor efectuate in legatura cu bagajele intarziate Suplimentar fata de excluderile descrise in sectiunea “Excluderi generale”, nu sunt acoperite urmatoarele: 1. pierderi care nu au fost raportate unui reprezentant al

companiei de zbor cu care Asiguratul calatoreste, imediat ce acesta din urma este informat ca bagajul sau este intarziat, sau pierdut;

2. intarzieri cauzate de confiscarea sau sechestrul pus asupra bagajului Asiguratului de catre autoritatile vamale sau statale;

3. rambursarea articolelor esentiale, obiectelor de imbracaminte si de toaleta achizitionate de Asigurat, dupa mai mult de 4 zile de la sosirea sa pe aeroportul de destinatie;

4. intarzieri pe drumul de intoarcere in tara de resedinta; 5. intarzieri mai mici decat perioada prevazuta in acoperire ca

fransiza, exprimata in ore, fata de momentul de sosire al Asiguratului.

3.4 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei solicitari de despagubire ca urmare a intarzierii bagajelor Suplimentar fata de procedurile mentionate in sectiunea “Prevederi generale aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau este obligat: sa raporteze pierderea unui reprezentant al companiei de

zbor cu care Asiguratul a calatorit; sa informeze Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de

Despagubire prin scrisoare recomandata in termen de 5 zile de la intoarcerea sa acasa;

sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare; sa furnizeze o copie a termenilor si conditiilor specifice de

asigurare, toate documentele originale si informatiile care consituie probe pentru dosarul de dauna si/sau alte informatii solicitate de catre Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire pentru identificarea si calcularea adecvata a indemnizatiei, sau a sumei.

4) ACOPERIREA CHELTUIELILOR EFECTUATE DIN CAUZA INTARZIERII ZBORULUI 4.1 Data intrarii in vigoare si durata acoperirii Asiguratul va fi acoperit pentru cheltuielile efectuate din cauza intarzierii zborului, daca a incheiat polita pentru acoperirea mai sus indicata nu mai tarziu de 5 ore inainte de ora plecarii specificata in documentele sale de calatorie. Asiguratul va fi acoperit pentru cheltuielile efectuate din cauza intarzierii zborului in timpul calatoriilor la si de la destinatia sa in conformitate cu datele mentionate in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare. Asigurarea va intra in vigoare la data si ora aratate in biletul de avion si isi va inceta valabilitatea atunci cand Asiguratul ajunge la aeroportul de destinatie.


4.2 Descrierea acoperirii Asigurarea pentru cheltuielile efectuate din cauza intarzierii zborului acorda dreptul la indemnizatie pentru costul meselor, racoritoarelor, hotelurilor, costul deplasarilor la si de la aeroport, precum si ale serviciilor la sol nefolosite, suportate de catre Asigurat, pana la concurenta sumele mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, cu conditia ca zborul sa fi intarziat mai mult de 12 ore fata de ora programata initial pentru plecarea Asiguratului. Doar zborurile programate ale companiilor aeriene ale caror zboruri sunt afisate beneficiaza de prezenta asigurare.

In cazul unui conflict, ABC WORLD AIRWAYS GUIDE va fi considerat punct de referinta pentru a determina orele programate ale zborurilor si legaturilor. 4.3 Limita de raspundere a Asiguratorului cu privire la asigurarea pentru cheltuielile efectuate din cauza intarzierii zborului Suplimentar fata de excluderile descrise in sectiunea “Excluderi generale", asigurarea nu acopera urmatoarele: 1. zboruri care nu au fost confirmate in prealabil de catre

Asigurat, cu exceptia cazurilor in care acesta s-a aflat in imposibilitate de a face acest lucru din cauza unei greve, sau a unui eveniment de forta majora;

2. intarzieri din cauza unei greve de care Asiguratul avea cunostinta, sau ar fi putut avea cunostinta inainte de plecarea sa in calatorie;

3. retragerea temporara sau permanenta a unui aparat de zbor, din ordinul autoritatilor aeroportuale, autoritatii de aviatie civila, sau al unui organ oficial din orice tara;

4. intarzieri pe o perioada mai scurta decat cea prevazuta de asigurare ca fransiza, exprimata in ore, fata de ora la care Asiguratul a fost programat sa plece;

5. zborurile charter. 4.4 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire ca urmare a intarzierii zborului Suplimentar fata de procedurile indicate in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul sau reprezentantul sau este obligat: sa raporteze intarzierea unui reprezentant al companiei de

zbor cu care Asiguratul calatoreste; sa informeze Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de

Despagubire prin scrisoare recomandata in termen de 5 zile de la intoarcerea sa acasa;

sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare; sa furnizeze o copie a termenilor si conditiilor specifice de

asigurare, toate documentele originale si informatiile care consituie probe pentru dosarul de dauna si/sau alte informatii solicitate de catre Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire pentru identificarea si calcularea adecvata a indemnizatiei, sau a sumei.

5) ACOPERIREA CHELTUIELILOR MEDICALE, DE ASISTENTA SI REPATRIERE NEPREVAZUTA EFECTUATE IN STRAINATATE 5.1 Data intrarii in vigoare si durata acoperirii Asigurarea va acoperi cheltuielile legate de necesitatea de a obtine asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta, precum si cheltuielile pentru ingrijire medicala efectuate in strainatate, daca aceasta a fost achizitionata cu nu mai putin de 5 ore inainte de ora programata pentru plecare indicata in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

Asiguratul va beneficia de acoperirea cheltuielilor legate de necesitatea de a obtine asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta, precum si de acoperirea cheltuielilor pentru ingrijire medicala timp de 24 de ore pe zi pe toata durata excursiei sale, in cazul in care sufera un accident, sau o imbolnavire, in conformitate cu datele si tarile de destinatie aratate in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

Asigurarea cheltuielilor legate de necesitatea de a obtine asistenta, repatrierea neprevazuta, precum si a cheltuielilor pentru ingrijire medicala in strainatate va intra in vigoare nu mai tarziu de momentul in care Asiguratul se inregistreaza la compania de transport, sau atunci cand ajunge la destinatie daca este folosit un mijloc privat de transport.

Asigurarea cheltuielilor legate de necesitatea de a obtine asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta, precum si a cheltuielilor pentru ingrijire medicala in strainatate inceteaza atunci cand Asiguratul se intoarce acasa, sau cel mai tarziu la orele 0.00 a.m. din ziua intoarcerii sale, asa cum este indicat in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

In orice caz, perioada de acoperire nu va putea depasi 31 de zile consecutive. 5.2 Conditii de furnizare a serviciilor de asistenta pentru Asigurat In toate cazurile, doar autoritatile medicale sunt autorizate sa hotarasca asupra transportarii Asiguratului, asupra alegerii mijlocului de transport si a locului pentru spitalizare si, daca este necesar, sa contacteze medicul local si/sau medicul de familie al Asiguratului. Rezervarile sunt facute de Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie, care are dreptul sa solicite Asiguratului punerea la dispozitie a oricarui bilet de calatorie nefolosit. 5.3 Descrierea acoperirii (a) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru trimiterea de medicamente care sunt indispensabile si care nu se pot gasi local Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va gasi medicamentele cerute de Asiguratul aflat in strainatate si le va trimite acestuia din urma cat mai repede posibil, respectand restrictiile prevazute de legislatia tarii unde acesta se afla, precum si conditiile si situatia tarii respective. Costul acestor medicamente va fi acoperit de catre Asigurat. Asigurarea nu acopera si tratamentul inceput inaintea plecarii. Metodele de contraceptie nu sunt considerate medicamente. (b) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru trimiterea in strainatate a unui medic la Asigurat In cazul in care acest lucru este considerat necesar avand in vedere starea de sanatate a Asiguratului si circumstantele specifice, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie ii va trimite acestuia un medic, sau o echipa medicala, care sa evalueze masurile luate si cele ce urmeaza a fi luate. (c) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru transportul Asiguratului la o unitate medicala Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va organiza si plati transportul Asiguratului la cel mai adecvat, sau cel mai bine echipat spital. In functie de gravitatea situatiei si de circumstante, Asiguratul va fi transportat cu trenul la clasa intai, la cuseta sau vagon de dormit, cu ambulanta, sau alt vehicol de urgenta, cu avionul la un zbor de linie, fie in pozitie sezuta, sau pe targa, sau cu o ambulanta aeriana privata.


(d) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru repatrierea neprevazuta si repatrierea Asiguratului Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va asigura transportul Asiguratului acasa, atunci cand acesta este in masura sa paraseasca unitatea medicala. Momentul transportului si cel mai adecvat mijloc de transport vor fi decise si alese de Travel Guard, in aceleasi conditii descrise mai sus. (e) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru repatrierea ramasitelor in cazul decesului Asiguratului In cazul decesului Asiguratului in timpul calatoriei, Travel Guard va plati si organiza transportul ramasitelor Asiguratului la resedinta acestuia. (f) Rambursarea cheltuielilor legate de decesul Asiguratului Travel Guard va acoperi costul conservarii initiale a ramasitelor pamantesti, costurile administrative si costul unui sicriu temporar necesar pentru transportul organizat de acesta, pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, fara a depasi suma platita efectiv. Cheltuielile funeraliilor si de inmormantare vor fi suportate de familia Asiguratului. (g) Rambursarea costului biletului si a cheltuielilor de calatorie pentru un membru din familia Asiguratului in cazul prelungirii spitalizarii Daca Asiguratul nu este insotit in calatoria sa nici de partener, nici de un membru adult al familiei sale, si Asiguratul este minor sau handicapat, iar starea sa de sanatate nu permite transportarea sa la locul de domiciliu si spitalizarea la nivel local depaseste 7 zile consecutive, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va pune la dispozitie gratis un bilet de avion dus-intors, la clasa economica, sau un bilet de tren la clasa intai pentru partenerul Asiguratului sau pentru un membru al familiei sale care locuieste in tara de resedinta a Asiguratului, pentru a permite acestei persoane vizitarea Asiguratului. De asemenea, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va organiza si plati cheltuielile de calatorie ale acestei persoane pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. (h) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru prelungirea calatoriei Asiguratului In cazul in care starea de sanatate a Asiguratului nu necesita spitalizare si Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie nu il poate transporta, iar perioada programata pentru calatorie s-a incheiat, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati costul prelungirii calatoriei Asiguratului pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. (i) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru reluarea calatoriei (Asiguratului si insotitorilor acestuia) In cazul in care Asiguratul intrerupe calatoria din cauza unui accident sau a unei imbolnaviri asigurate, dar starea sa de sanatate, in opinia Furnizorului de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie, nu necesita transportul, conform acestor prevederi, iar calatoria programata nu s-a incheiat, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati costurile de calatorie pentru Asigurat si membrii familiei sale, sau pentru o persoana care nu este ruda cu acesta, in conformitate cu aceiasi termeni si conditii specifice de asigurare ca si ai Asiguratului si care calatoreste impreuna cu acesta, pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate” si pana la limita costului unui drum de intoarcere acasa, pentru a le permite reluarea calatoriei intrerupte. In orice caz, numai Travel Guard este autorizat sa hotarasca mijloacele de transport folosite.

(j) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea insotitorilor si a cheltuielilor suplimentare si/sau a costului de prelungire a calatoriei In cazul in care Asiguratul este spitalizat, sau transportat de Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie in timpul calatoriei sale, acesta din urma va organiza si plati in numele partenerului si/sau al copiilor Asiguratului, sau pentru un maxim de doi membri din familia sa, sau pentru o persoana care nu este inrudita cu acesta, cu conditia ca acestia sa fie asigurati in conformitate cu aceiasi termeni si conditii specifice ca Asiguratul si sa calatoreasca impreuna cu acesta: costul unui bilet de intoarcere acasa inainte de termen, sau

la locul de inmormantare, pana la limita unui bilet de avion clasa economica, sau a unui bilet de tren clasa intai, cu conditia ca biletul initial pus la dispozitie acestora sa nu poata fi folosit;

cheltuieli suplimentare si/sau costul prelungirii calatoriei acestor persoane, pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”.

(k) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea insotitorilor cu varsta sub 15 ani Daca Asiguratul este spitalizat sau transportat de catre Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie in timpul calatoriei sale, si nu este insotit de nici un alt membru adult al familiei sale, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va organiza si plati in numele copiilor Asiguratului cu varsta mai mica de 15 ani, care sunt asigurati in conformitate cu aceiasi termeni si conditii specifice precum Asiguratul si care calatoresc impreuna cu acesta: un bilet de avion dus-intors la clasa economica, sau un bilet

de tren la clasa intai, pentru un membru din familia Asiguratului, sau pentru o persoana neinrudita cu acesta, care locuieste in tara de resedinta a Asiguratului, sau intr-o tara vecina, pentru a permite acestei persoane sa viziteze si sa aiba grija de copii;

cheltuielile aferente repatrierii copiilor inainte de termen, la resedinta Asiguratului, sau a persoanei desemnate de acesta, pana la concurenta costului unui bilet de avion la clasa economica, sau al unui bilet de tren la clasa intai, cu conditia ca biletul pus initial la dispozitie pentru aceaste persoane sa nu poata fi folosit;

cheltuielile de calatorie pentru persoana care se ocupa de copiii Asiguratului si/sau cheltuielile suplimentare si/sau costul de prelungire a calatoriei copiilor Asiguratului, pana la concurenta sumei indicate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, dovedite cu facturi si chitante.

In nici un caz acest serviciu nu se poate combina cu serviciile prevazute mai sus la sectiunea “Rambursarea costul biletului si a cheltuielilor de calatorie pentru un membru al familiei Asiguratului” si la sectiunea “Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru repatrierea insotitorilor si a cheltuielilor suplimentare si/sau a cheltuielilor pentru prelungirea calatoriei”. (l) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru repatrierea inainte de termen a Asiguratului Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va pune la dispozitia Asiguratului si va plati un bilet, pana la concurenta costului unui bilet de avion la clasa economica, sau al unui bilet de tren la clasa intai, in scopul de a facilita intoarcerea sa acasa, cu conditia ca acesta sa nu poata folosi biletul pus initial la dispozitie pentru calatorie: in cazul decesului unui membru din familia Asiguratului, sau

in caz de spitalizare a unei astfel de persoane pentru mai mult de 48 de ore consecutive;


in cazul unor daune materiale importante aduse locuintei, sau spatiului de afaceri detinute, inchiriate, sau ocupate cu titlu gratuit de acesta, cu conditia ca mai mult de 50% din aceste spatii sa fi fost distruse, iar prezenta Asiguratului sa fie absolut necesara la locul respectiv pentru a lua masurile de protectie necesare.

(m) Rambursarea cheltuielilor pentru supravegherea copiilor Asiguratului cu varsta mai mica de 15 ani, care au stat acasa Daca unul dintre copiii Asiguratului cu varsta mai mica de 15 ani care a stat acasa se imbolnaveste, sau sufera un accident in timpul calatoriei Asiguratului, echipa medicala a Furnizorului de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va interveni, sau va acorda ajutor, daca Asiguratul solicita acest lucru. Daca este necesar, echipa medicala a Furnizorului de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va aranja ca respectivul copil sa fie dus la spital si il va informa pe Asigurat despre starea de sanatate a acestuia. (n) Rambursarea cheltuielilor medicale efectuate in strainatate Asigurarea acorda dreptul la indemnizatie pentru cheltuieli medicale (tratament medical, cheltuieli de spitalizare, costul medicamentelor, notele de plata medicale, costurile cu ambulanta) efectuate de Asigurat, pana la concurenta sumei mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. Suplimentar, asigurarea mai acorda dreptul la indemnizatie pentru cheltuieli aferente tratamentelor stomatologice de urgenta pana la limita si dupa aplicarea sumei deductibile indicata in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, respectiv cheltuieli efectuate pentru tratament stomatologic de urgenta (care nu poate fi amanat, consecinta a starii patologice a Asiguratului) dupa cum urmeaza: pansamente, plombe, tratament de canal, sau extractie. Aceste plati trebuie sa fi fost facute exclusiv pe baza documentelor emise de o autoritate medicala care detine calificarile si autorizatiile cerute in tara unde isi desfasoara activitatea, si este autorizata pentru a-si putea exercita profesia in conformitate cu legea. Aceasta acoperire este limitata la rambursarea sumelor efectiv platite de Asigurat. Daca Asiguratul este indemnizat de un alt sau mai multi asiguratori, Asiguratorul va fi obligat sa plateasca doar diferenta dintre sumele platite efectiv si sumele primite in urma acestor indemnizari. Daca este necesar, si daca Asiguratul o cere in mod expres, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie poate plati direct cheltuielile pentru spitalizare, in moneda locala, pana la concurenta sumei mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, cu conditia ca unitatea medicala respectiva sa accepte aceasta metoda de plata. Acest serviciu este conditionat de posibilitatile stabilite de sistemele locale de control al schimburilor valutare. (o) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru asistenta legala in strainatate Daca Asiguratul este privat de libertate, sau risca sa fie privat de libertate, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati onorariul unui avocat pana la concurenta sumei mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. (p) Rambursarea cheltuielilor cu avansul pentru cautiune in strainatate Daca Asiguratul este privat de libertate, sau risca sa fie privat de libertate, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati avansul pentru cautiune cerut pentru Asigurat, pana la concurenta sumei mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie are dreptul de a solicita Asiguratului restituirea avansului pentru cautiune platit in termen de trei luni de la data platii avansului catre

Asigurat. Daca cautiunea este restituita de catre autoritatile locale inainte de acea data, avansul trebuie rambursat imediat Furnizorului de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie. Daca Asiguratul este instiintat sa se prezinte la tribunal si nu se prezinta, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie are dreptul sa solicite imediat plata cautiunii pe care nu va putea sa o recupereze din cauza neprezentarii Asiguratului. (g) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru transmiterea de mesaje urgente In cazul in care Asiguratul solicita in mod expres, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va transmite mesaje urgente si personale destinatarilor in tara lor de resedinta 24 de ore pe zi. (h) Rambursarea cheltuielilor efectuate pentru cautare si salvare Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati, sau va rambursa, pana la concurenta sumei mentionate in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, cheltuielile de cautare (inclusiv transportul pe sanii) si salvare (inclusiv elicoptere) legate de operatiunile organizate de echipele de salvare civile, sau militare, sau de serviciile de urgenta, in urma disparitiei Asiguratului, sau a vatamarii corporale accidentale a acestuia. Numai cheltuielile efectuate de organizatiile autorizate pentru salvarea Asiguratului si pentru care se emite efectiv o factura pot fi rambursate. 5.4 Excluderi specifice pentru acoperirea cheltuielilor de asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta si a cheltuielilor medicale efectuate in strainatate Suplimentar fata de excluderile prevazute in sectiunea “Excluderi generale”, urmatoarele nu sunt niciodata asigurate:

1. Evenimente legate de dereglari nervoase mentale. 2. Evenimente legate de infectii benigne, sau leziuni care pot fi

tratate ambulatoriu, sarcina dupa a sasea luna. 3. Evenimente legate de reveniri ale bolilor pre-existente

nestabilizate cu riscul de agravare subita si prematura. 4. Cheltuielile de inmormantare, imbalsamare si funeralii, cu

exceptia cazului in care legislatia tarii respective obliga la acest lucru.

5. Cheltuielile efectuate de Asigurat, fara acordul prealabil al Furnizorului de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie.

6. Cheltuieli aferente meselor, hotelurilor, transportului pe sosea, taxelor de trecere, carburant, taxi, sau taxelor vamale, cu exceptia celor specificate in prezenta polita.

7. Evenimente legate de actiuni care pot fi sanctionate penal in conformitate cu legislatia tarii in care se afla Asiguratul.

8. Cheltuieli medicale efectuate in tara de rezidenta a Asiguratului.

9. Consecinte, sau recidive ale bolilor pre-existente. 10. Cheltuieli medicale efectuate ca urmare a diagnosticului,

sau a tratamentului unei stari fiziologice (sarcina) deja cunoscuta inainte de data la care asigurarea si-a inceput valabilitatea.

11. Cheltuieli medicale pentru tratarea urmatoarelor: dorsalgie, durere lombara, lombo-sciatica, hernie de disc, hernii parietale, intervertebrale, crurale, scrotale, sau inghinale, hernii prin linia alba si hernii ombilicale.

12. Cure termale, terapii fizice, costul ochelarilor de vedere, al lentilelor de contact, proteze de orice fel, controale si teste sau examinari de rutina, teste sau tratamente preventive, examinari si teste in lipsa unui accident, sau a unei boli asigurate.

13. Costul transplantelor de organe care nu sunt ca urmare a unui accident, sau a unei boli asigurate.

14. Costul interventiilor chirurgicale estetice si de reconstructie, precum si al ingrijirii medicale ne-esentiale, costul vaccinarilor, al sedintelor de acupunctura, al terapiei fizice, al tratamentelor chiropractice, sau osteopatice, care nu sunt ca urmare a unui accident, sau a unei boli asigurate.


15. Cheltuieli si tratamente nerecomandate de o autoritate medicala autorizata.

16. Metode de contraceptie. 17. Evenimente legate de acte cauzate, sau produse intentionat

de catre Asigurat sau de catre beneficiarul politei. 5.5 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire ca urmare a cheltuielilor de asistenta, repatriere neprevazuta si a cheltuielilor medicale efectuate in strainatate Suplimentar fata de procedurile mentionate in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul sau reprezentantul sau legal trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele activitati:

(a) Pentru servicii de asistenta: Asiguratul este obligat sa contacteze exclusiv Travel Guard,

inainte de a solicita orice fel de asistenta de la alte entitati. sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare. (b) Pentru acoperirea cheltuielilor medicale: sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare pentru cheltuieli medicale altele decat spitalizare, Asiguratul

ar trebui sa plateasca furnizorului acestor servicii (medic, farmacist, etc) direct si sa pastreze facturile aferente.

sa trimita Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire facturile si notele de plata in baza carora Asiguratorul va calcula exact costurile totale de tratament sustinute de Asigurat.

pentru cazurile in care se solicita plata cheltuielilor de spitalizare direct de catre Asigurator in contul unitatii medicale, Asiguratul sau reprezentantul sau este obligat sa contacteze inainte Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie. Dupa parcurgerea verificarilor necesare, Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va emite un numar de plata. Apoi Travel Guard va plati costurile direct in contul spitalului.

Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie va plati apoi cheltuielile direct spitalului.

(c) Informatii de contact pentru Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie si pentru Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire

Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, etaj 8, camera 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania

Telefon: Din strainatate: 0040.21.301.77.77 Circumstante exceptionale Travel Guard nu va fi tinut responsabil pentru intarzieri, sau probleme in executarea serviciilor in caz de greve, revolte, tulburari civile, represalii, restrictii la libera circulatie, orice act de sabotaj, sau terorism, razboi civil, sau strain, generare de caldura de radiatii din divizarea atomilor, radioactivitate, alte circumstante neprevazute, sau cazuri de forta majora. 6) ACOPERIREA PENTRU INTRERUPEREA CALATORIEI 6.1 Data de incepere si de sfarsit a acoperirii, perioada de acoperire

Asigurarea va acoperi intreruperea calatoriei daca Asiguratul a incheiat polita nu mai tarziu de 5 ore inainte de ora stabilita pentru plecare indicata in certificatul sau specific de asigurare. Asiguratul este acoperit pentru intreruperea calatoriei 24 de ore pe zi de-a lungul intregii calatorii, in conformitate cu datele si tarile de destinatie indicate in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

Acoperirea pentru intreruperea calatoriei va intra in vigoare nu mai tarziu de ora 0.00 a.m. din ziua plecarii Asiguratului si isi va inceta efectele atunci cand acesta se intoarce acasa, dar nu mai tarziu de ora 0.00 a.m. din ziua sosirii sale acasa, asa cum este mentionat in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

In orice caz perioada de acoperire nu va depasi 31 de zile consecutive. 6.2 Descrierea acoperirii Daca Asiguratul este nevoit sa-si intrerupa calatoria din cauza: intoarcerii neprevazute inainte de termen, care este

acoperita conform prevederilor din prezenta polita, sau intoarcerii inainte de termen, asa cum este prevazut la acoperirea mentionata la punctul 5 din termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare;

sau a intoarcerii neprevazute inainte de termen, sau a intoarcerii inainte de termen, conform acelorasi conditii de acoperire si interventie ca acelea din prezenta polita, furnizate de orice alt Asigurator care ofera asistenta si ca urmare a furnizarii documentelor doveditoare corespunzatoare,

insotitorul de calatorie al Asiguratului, care calatoreste impreuna cu Asiguratul si care si-a intrerupt calatoria pentru a-l insoti in cazul repatrierii neprevazute din motive medicale, va fi, de asemenea, acoperit de asigurare in acelasi conditii. 6.3 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire ca urmare a intreruperii calatoriei Suplimentar fata de procedurile mentionate in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau legal trebuie:

sa informeze Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire prin scrisoare recomandata in termen de 5 zile de la transportul, sau de la repatrierea inainte de termen a Asiguratului;

sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare; sa furnizeze o copie a termenilor si conditiilor sale specifice

de asigurare, factura originala pentru serviciile la sol nefolosite intocmita de agentul de voiaj, toate documentele originale si informatiile care constituie probe pentru dosarul de dauna si pentru repatrierea sa neprevazuta inainte de termen, sau repatrierea inainte de termen efectuata de Furnizorul de Servicii de Asistenta pentru Calatorie si care sunt solicitate de Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire.

7. ACOPERIREA PENTRU ACCIDENTE DE PERSOANE 7.1 Data de incepere si de sfarsit a acoperirii, perioada de acoperire Asiguratul va fi acoperit pentru accident daca a incheiat polita de asigurare nu mai tarziu de 5 ore inainte de ora stabilita pentru plecare indicata in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

Asiguratul va fi acoperit de asigurarea de accidente 24 de ore pe zi de-a lungul intregii sale calatorii, in conformitate cu datele si tarile de destinatie indicate in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.


Acoperirea pentru accidentele de persoane va intra in vigoare nu mai tarziu de momentul in care Asiguratul se inregistreaza la compania de transport, sau cand acesta ajunge la locul de destinatie, daca foloseste un mijloc de transport privat.

Acoperirea isi va inceta valabilitatea atunci cand Asiguratul se intoarce acasa, sau nu mai tarziu de ora 0.00 a.m. din ziua de dupa intoarcerea sa acasa, asa cum este mentionat in certificatul sau specific de asigurare.

In orice caz perioada de acoperire nu va depasi 31 de zile consecutive. 7.2 Descrierea acoperirii (a) Acoperirea asigura plata indemnizatiilor in cazul decesului accidental al Asiguratului. In cazul in care decesul survine imediat, sau in termen de un an ca urmare a unui accident asigurat, Asiguratorul se obliga sa plateasca suma mentionata in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”. Indemnizatiile in legatura cu decesul Asiguratului sunt platite Beneficiarului. (b) Acoperirea asigura de asemenea si plata indemnizatiilor in cazul unei invaliditati ca urmare a unui accident. Cand Asiguratul este implicat intr-un accident asigurat si se atesta din punct de vedere medical ca acesta a suferit o invaliditate permanenta partiala, sau totala in proportie de 25%, sau mai mult, Asiguratorul va plati Asiguratului valoarea procentuala a invaliditatii permanente partiale in baza sumei de 100% aratata in “Tabelul Cazurilor Asigurate”, multiplicata cu gradul de invaliditate a Asiguratului. Nu se va plati niciun beneficiu daca gradul de invaliditate permanenta partiala este sub 25%. Asiguratul poate solicita plata indemnizatiei numai cand invaliditatea sa a fost recunoscuta ca permanenta, adica atunci cand starea sa este complet stabila (data de la care starea accidentatului, sau a persoanei bolnave este considerata a fi stabilizata din punct de vedere medical, desi exista post efecte permanente). 7.3 Excluderi specifice acoperirii de accidente de persoane Suplimentar fata de excluderile de la sectiunea “Excluderi generale”, urmatoarele nu sunt acoperite de asigurarea de accidente:

Accidente cauzate de folosirea vehicolelor motorizate cu doua, sau trei roti, cu o putere mai mare de 125 cc, indiferent daca Asiguratul conduce, sau nu.

Boli, cu exceptia celor care sunt cauzate de un accident asigurat.

Accidente cauzate de razboi, sau orice act terorist. Pierderi cauzate de contaminare nucleara, biologica, sau

chimica. 7.4 Prevederi aplicabile in cazul unei cereri de despagubire ca urmare a unui accident Suplimentar fata de procedurile mentionate in sectiunea “Prevederi comune aplicabile tuturor cererilor de despagubire”, Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau legal trebuie:

sa declare Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire prin scrisoare recomandata orice eveniment care ar putea fi acoperit de asigurare, imediat ce afla despre acest lucru, si nu mai tarziu de 15 zile de la acest termen.

sa furnizeze numarul politei de asigurare. sa furnizeze o copie a termenilor si conditiilor sale specifice

de asigurare, circumstantele detaliate ale accidentului si numele oricarui martor, raportul politiei, sau orice alt raport emis de autoritatile locale care stabileste circumstantele accidentului, sau, in lipsa acestuia, numarul raportului

intocmit de politie, raportul medical initial, care descrie natura leziunilor si furnizeaza un diagnostic precis, raportul medical initial care atesta ca decesul a survenit in urma unui accident, indicand si cauza exacta a mortii, un certificat de deces, un certificat medical care specifica cauza decesului, datele de contact ale doctorului si documentele care atesta calitatea beneficiarului, sau a beneficiarilor.

Dovada decesului trebuie furnizata de o persoana Autorizata, sub forma unui certificat de deces, sau a unei hotarari prezumtive de deces, fie ca aceasta este finala, sau nu. In ultimul caz, indemnizatia de deces platita va fi suma indicata in termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare la data presupusa a decesului. 7.5 Cumularea indemnizatiilor Raspunderea Asiguratorului este limitata la plata indemnizatiei pentru unul din urmatoarele riscuri: riscul de „deces” sau riscul de „invaliditate permanenta”. Totusi, in cazul in care, dupa ce a fost platita indemnizatia pentru „invaliditate permanenta” ca urmare a unui accident, Asiguratul a decedat in mai putin de un an de la producerea accidentului, Asiguratorul va plati Persoanei Autorizate/Persoanelor Autorizate indemnizatia de „deces”, in conformitate cu prezenta polita, dupa deducerea sumei deja platite cu titlu de indemnizatie pentru „invaliditate permanenta ". 7.6 Sumele maxime platibile In cazul in care acoperirea se aplica mai multor Asigurati, care au suferit vatamari corporale ca urmare a aceluiasi accident, iar indemnizatiile pentru riscul de “deces” si “invaliditate permanenta” depasesc suma de 7 000 000 RON, acoperirea furnizata de Asigurator va fi limitata in toate cazurile la aceasta suma pentru toti Asiguratii. Indemnizatia va fi redusa si platita proportional cu sumele asigurate pentru fiecare parte vatamata.

EXCLUDERI GENERALE Acest Capitol descrie excluderile de raspundere ale Asiguratorului cu privire la toate riscurile acoperite de polita de asigurare. Asiguratorul nu este raspunzator, indiferent de tipul acoperirii, in cazul producerii urmatoarelor evenimente: 1 Accidente cauzate, sau produse intentionat de Asigurat, sau

de o Persoana Autorizata. 2 Consecinte ale sinuciderii, sau ale tentativei de sinucidere

din partea Asiguratului. 3 Consecinte, sau recidive ale bolilor, sau accidentelor pre-

existente. 4 Pierderi cauzate de revolte, tulburari civile, orice efect

cauzat de o sursa de radioactivitate, epidemii, poluare, dezastre naturale, vreme extrema.

5 Daune sau pierderi datorate razboaielor civile, sau straine, invaziilor, insurectiilor, revolutiilor, uzului de forta militara, sau uzurparea puterii militare, sau guvernamentale.

6 Daune sau pierderi datorate oricarui act terorist. Asigurarea nu acopera pierderile ce decurg direct, sau indirect din acte de terorism. Aici se includ toate masurile luate pentru a preveni, sau apara impotriva unui act terorist, fie ca actul a fost comis sau nu.

7 Daune, sau pierderi datorate direct, sau indirect expunerii la, sau contaminarii cu substante nucleare, chimice sau biologice, indiferent de motivele care au dus la acest lucru.

8 Absorbtia de droguri ilegale, narcotice, substante similare, precum si medicamentele care nu au fost prescrise de un doctor, precum si consecintele acestora.

9 Consecinte ale starii de ebrietate a Asiguratului, dovedita prin prezenta unui nivel de alcool in sange egal cu, sau mai


mare decat limita prevazuta de legea traficului rutier din Romania.

10. Accidentele produse in urmatoarele circumstante vor fi, de asemenea, excluse: cand Asiguratul practica un sport profesionist, sau

practica, sau participa la o cursa de amatori care presupune folosirea unui vehicul de pamant, aer, sau apa motorizat.

cand Asiguratul foloseste un ULM, planor, sail-wing, parasuta, sau parapanta, ca pilot, sau pasager.

cand Asiguratul este implicat intr-o lupta (alte cazuri decat cele de auto aparare), crime, sau pariuri de orice fel.

11. Vor fi de asemenea excluse orice cheltuieli, sau pierderi datorate, in totalitate, sau in parte urmatoarelor: legi, decrete, sau alte reglementari legale publicate sau

emise de guvern, sau autoritate publica, intarzieri, sau modificari ale itinerariilor programate,

lipsa in totalitate sau in parte a serviciului aferent calatoriei programate, intarzieri, sau modificari ale itinerariului programat, din cauza anularii temporare sau permanente a unui serviciu, sau mijloc de transport public, ca urmare a instructiunilor, sau recomandarilor oricarui pilot, guvern sau autoritate publica, inclusiv in special ca urmare a instructiunilor, sau recomandarilor oricarui departament de transport, autoritate portuara, linie de zbor sau orice echivalent al acestora.

Excluderea nu se va aplica intarzierilor, anularilor, si/sau intreruperilor cauzate de anularea temporara a unui serviciu de transport public din motive mecanice si/sau meteorologice, cu conditia ca intarzierea sa depaseasca perioada minima pentru acoperire, asa cum este definita in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare. 12. Insolvabilitatea, eroarea, sau omisiunea unui tour-operator,

transportator sau agent de voiaj. 13. Revolte, greve, blocaje stradale, actiuni ale guvernelor

oricarei tari, sau amenintarea cu producerea acestor evenimente.

14. Orice greva, sau amenintare cu greva, cand acest lucru este facut public cu mai mult de 24 de ore inainte de ora programata a plecarii.

15. Cheltuieli, daune, sau pierderi suportate de o persoana de peste 65 de ani.

16. Vatamari corporale ale Asiguratului rezultand din conducerea unei barci de viteza cu o capacitate cilindrica mai mare de 125 cm cubi, sau din faptul ca Asiguratul a calatorit cu acel vehicol, sau ca urmare a acestor activitati.

17. Orice accident survenit in legatura cu folosirea unei motociclete, sau scuter in care Asiguratul era ciclist, sau pasager.

18. Vatamari corporale ale Asiguratului survenite in timpul unui zbor, cu exceptia cazurilor in care Asiguratul calatoreste la bordul unei aeronave ca pasager platitor, aeronava fiind inregistrata sub numele unei companii de zbor ca aeronava care transporta pasageri in schimbul unei taxe, pe rute cu programe de zbor oficiale si aprobate.

19. Vatamari corporale, sau imbolnaviri cauzate de boli cu transmitere sexuala, sau boli legate de boli cu transmitere sexuala, sau cauzate de acestea.

20. Evenimente survenite in timpul unei activitati profesionale, sau unei activitati efectuate in schimbul unei remuneratii, sau al unei activitati legate de acestea.

21. Vatamari corporale survenite in timpul unui serviciu, indatoriri, sau antrenament in cadrul unei organizatii militare, semi-militare, sau de politie (securitate), ori in cadrul unei organizatii internationale armate, sau rezultand din aceste activitati, indiferent daca vatamarile corporale au survenit in timpul permisiei autorizate, neoficiale a Asiguratului

(vacanta, permisie), si indiferent daca Asiguratul purta, sau nu uniforma cand s-au produs vatamarile corporale.

22. Orice vatamare corporala survenita, sau rezultand din activitati sportive care implica un risc sporit, ca, de exemplu, jet ski, saritura cu coarda elastica, alpinism, surfing, windsurfing, schi nautic, wakeboarding, canoe in ape involburate, scufundari, expeditii montane, catarari, sporturi de iarna, mogul, schi acrobatic, scootering de iarna, mono schi, sarituri cu skiurile, semi-tube snowboarding, parasutism, planorism.

23. Vatamari corporale, sau imbolnaviri cauzate direct sau indirect de HIV (virusul imuno-deficientei umane) si / sau orice boala legata de HIV (inclusiv SIDA) (sindromul imunodeficientei dobandite), si / sau orice derivate, sau versiuni mutante, sau care deriva din aceste imbolnaviri, indiferent de modul in care au fost cauzate vatamarile corporale, sau de modul in care boala a fost contractata (Asiguratul trebuie sa dovedeasca faptul ca vatamarea corporala, sau imbolnavirea nu a fost cauzata de SIDA, sau HIV, sau ca nu s-a dezvoltat ca urmare a SIDA, sau HIV).


DESPAGUBIRE Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau este obligat sa declare Centrului de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire, prin scrisoare recomandata, orice eveniment acoperit de prezenta polita de asigurare, imediat ce Asiguratul ia cunostinta de acest lucru si nu mai tarziu de 15 zile de la acesta, in cazul in care nu exista vreo dispozitie contrara in prezenta polita referitoare la un anumit risc. Urmatoarele documente vor fi atasate la cererea de despagubire: (a) numarul politei de asigurare; (b) certificatul medical care atesta natura tuturor vatamarilor corporale, sau imbolnavirilor si care da un diagnostic precis, daca aceste vatamari corporale, sau imbolnaviri au survenit si reprezinta baza pentru plata unei indemnizatii; (c) daca la accident a mai participat si o alta persoana (ex. in cazul unui accident de masina) sunt necesare numele acesteia si datele de contact; (d) in cazul decesului, este necesara depunerea unei copii a certificatului de deces, a unui certificat care atesta cauza directa a decesului si a documentelor legale care atesta identitatea tuturor persoanelor autorizate; (e) in cazul unei imbolnaviri: (i) data la care au aparut simptomele imbolnavirii, (ii) data vizitei la medic in legatura cu imbolnavirea, (iii) datele de contact ale medicului, (iv) certificatul medical initial si orice alta evidenta medicala, sau certificate medicale. In cazul in care cererea de despagubire referitoare la un anumit risc asigurat este facuta dupa expirarea termenului prevazut mai sus, sau in termenii si conditile generale de asigurare, Asiguratorul poate refuza, sau reduce suma indemnizatiei, daca intarzierea in raportarea daunei a avut o influenta asupra valorii acesteia. Daca Asiguratul, sau reprezentantul sau prezinta documente false sau incomplete, Asiguratorul are dreptul de a refuza plata


indemnizatiei, sau de a o reduce. In special, daca declaratia prezinta fapte neadevarate, fara a da informatii, sau furnizand informatii care pot duce la exagerari, sau interpretari gresite ale consecintelor accidentului, sau imbolnavirii, sau la ascunderea cauzelor acestora. In cazul in care Asiguratul refuza sa se prezinte la examinarea de catre medicii si/sau expertii Asiguratorului, fara a prezenta un motiv intemeiat, si, in cazul in care, dupa un preaviz de 48 de ore expediat prin scrisoare recomandata, el refuza in continuare sa se prezinte, Asiguratorul poate, de asemenea, refuza plata indemnizatiei, sau o poate reduce. Toate certificatele, informatiile si dovezile solicitate de Asigurator trebuie furnizate pe cheltuiala Asiguratului si trebuie prezentate in forma si de natura solicitata de Asigurator. Informatii de contact pentru Centrul de Raportare a Solicitarilor de Despagubire

Adresa: Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala

Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145

Victoria Center, Etaj 8, Camera 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania


1. Polita de asigurare se incheie prin prezentarea, de catre Detinatorul Politei, a unei cereri pentru incheierea asigurarii in format electronic catre Asigurator. Polita de asigurare poate fi incheiata dupa ce Asiguratul a luat la cunostinta de termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare. 2. Incheierea politei de asigurare este confirmata prin trimiterea catre Asigurat a termenilor si conditiilor specifice de asigurare in forma electronica, sau ca document tiparit. 3. Acoperirea pentru toate riscurile incepe in momentele indicate in prevederile detaliate din termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare, dar nu mai devreme de momentul platii primei de asigurare si de acceptarea de catre Asigurat a termenilor si conditiilor specifice de asigurare. Acceptarea survine in forma electronica. 4. Polita de asigurare este incheiata pe perioada indicata in termenii si conditiile specifice de asigurare. 5. Asiguratul nu se poate retrage din polita de asigurare si nici nu o poate rezilia.

DREPTUL LA RECURS Din ziua in care Asiguratorul plateste o indemnizatie, dreptul Asiguratului de a solicita despagubirea de la persoana responsabila pentru dauna este transferat catre Asigurator in temeiul legii, pana la concurenta indemnizatiei platite. Aceste dispozitii nu se aplica copiilor, descendentilor, ascendentilor, sau avocatilor Asiguratului, sau oricarei alte persoane care traieste cu Asiguratul, cu exceptia daunelor provocate intentionat.


1. Prima de asigurare este stabilita in baza evaluarii riscului de catre Asigurator, luand in considerare, printre altele: descrierea acoperirii, suma asigurata, perioada de asigurare, perioada efectiva de asigurare, numarul de persoane asigurate, varsta acestora, traseele de calatorie. 2. Prima de asigurare se plateste prin transfer, sau cu ajutorul unui sistem electronic de plata.

PLATA SUMELOR ASIGURATE SI A INDEMNIZATIILOR 1. In urma primirii notificarii de producere a unui eveniment asigurat, Asiguratorul, in termen de 7 zile de la primirea notificarii respective, il va informa pe Asigurat / Persoana Autorizata despre acest lucru si si va face demersurile necesare pentru stabilirea circumstantelor in care s-a produs evenimentul, motivele pentru solicitarea de despagubire si suma indemnizatiei, si va informa, de asemenea, pe Asigurat / Persoana Autorizata in legatura cu documentele necesare pentru calcularea indemnizatiei, in scris, sau in forma electronica. 2. In cazul in care, in perioadele de timp mentionate in acesti termeni si conditii generale de asigurare, Asiguratorul nu plateste indemnizatia, va notifica in scris persoana care a raportat solicitarea de despagubire cu privire la motivele pentru care solicitarea de despagubire nu a fost onorata in totalitate, sau in parte. 3. Daca Asiguratul nu are dreptul la indemnizatie, sau are dreptul la indemnizatie, dar la o alta suma decat cea specificata in declaratia de solicitare de despagubire, Asiguratorul va informa persoana care a intocmit solicitarea in scris, indicand circumstantele si temeiul legal care justifica refuzul total, sau partial de a plati indemnizatia. In cazul in care se refuza onorarea solicitarii de despagubire in totalitate, sau in parte, persoana care a intocmit solicitarea are dreptul de a inainta o actiune in justitie. 4. Asiguratorul este obligat sa plateasca indemnizatia in termen de treizeci de zile de la data primirii notificarii referitoare la evenimentul asigurat si a tuturor documentelor aferente, cu exceptia cazului in care termenii si conditiile generale de asigurare cu privire la un anumit risc prevad o perioada mai scurta de timp. 5. Daca se dovedeste a fi imposibila clarificarea circumstantelor necesare pentru stabilirea raspunderii Asiguratorului, sau a sumei indemnizatiei, plata indemnizatiei trebuie facuta in termen de 14 zile de la data la care, desi s-au facut toate demersurile necesare a devenit imposibila clarificarea acelor circumstante. Totusi, Asiguratorul este obligat sa plateasca partea din indemnizatie cu privire la care nu exista dispute, sau obiectii in termen de 30 de zile. 6. Ori de cate ori consecintele unui accident, sau ale unei boli sunt inrautatite de un tratament independent, sau de refuzul, sau neglijenta din partea Asiguratului de a cauta tratament medical adecvat starii sale, indemnizatia nu se va fixa in raport cu consecintele reale, ci in raport cu consecintele care s-ar fi produs daca acea persoana ar fi incercat sa caute tratament medical adecvat.

90106 1/21

To provide you with insurance during your trip, which may not exceed 31 consecutive days, Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti has offered you a comprehensive insurance product that includes the following provisions and services:

"CANCELLATION COVERAGE" Cancellation or change of trip


Loss, theft or damage of baggage Delayed baggage

Delayed flights Assistance, Unscheduled Return, medical expenses abroad

Interruption of trip Personal accident

The particular terms and conditions of insurance and your insurance contract number are contained in the

Certificate of Insurance issued by Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti. You should keep the insurance contract number, which must be provided when you seek assistance or declare a loss.

Only these contractual terms and conditions and the information contained in the particular terms and conditions of insurance shall apply in the event of reporting a claim or a dispute between the parties to

the insurance contract.


Travel Guard

Calling from abroad +0040.21.301.77.77 (24 hours a day)


Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti

Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, Floor 8, Room 2 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania

Tel. +40 21 300 96 21

… in all cases specifying:

The first and last name of the Insured, and the insurance contract number shown in his/her particular terms and conditions issued by Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala


To make an alteration to your policy or cancel please contact: [email protected]


SUMMARY OF COVERAGES Only applicable if this scope has been covered and is indicated in his/her Particular terms and conditions of insurance

Coverage Amounts and limits

1) Cancellation or change of trip Maximum per person: 21 000 RON

2) Loss, theft or damage to baggage

Maximum per person: 4 000 RON Limitation on valuables: 1 400 RON

3) Baggage delayed more than six hours Maximum per person: 1 000 RON

4) Flight delayed more than twelve hours

Maximum per delay: 500 RON Maximum per trip: 1 000 RON

5) Assistance, Unscheduled Return, Medical expenses abroad

Reimbursement of costs of sending of drugs or medicine that are indispensable and cannot be found locally

Reimbursement of costs of sending of a physician to the Insured abroad

Amounts actually paid Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of transportation of the Insured to a medical facility

Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of unscheduled return home and return home of the Insured

Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of transportation in the event of death of the Insured

Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs related to the death of the Insured

Maximum per person: 14 000 RON

Reimbursement of costs of ticket and travel expenses for a member of the Insured's family in the case of extending hospitalisation

Return ticket Maximum per person and by day: 400 RON Maximum per person: 4 000 RON

Reimbursement of costs of extending the Insured's trip Maximum per person and by day: 400 RON Maximum per person: 4 000 RON

Reimbursement of costs of resuming trip of the Insured and travelling companions

Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of return of travelling companions and payment of extra expenses and/or cost of extending trip

One-way ticket Maximum per person and by day: 400 RON Maximum per person: 4 000 RON

Reimbursement of costs of return of travelling companions under 15 years of age

Ticket Maximum per person and by day: 400 RON Maximum per person: 4 000 RON

Reimbursement of costs of early return of the Insured One-way ticket Reimbursement of costs of assistance for the Insured's

children under 15 years of age that stayed at home Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of medical expenses abroad Maximum worldwide: 1 400 000 RON Maximum for emergency dental care: 700 RON Deductible per claim: 300 RON

Reimbursement of costs of legal assistance abroad Maximum per person: 23 000 RON Reimbursement of costs of advance for bail bond abroad Maximum per person: 23 000 RON Reimbursement of costs of transmission of urgent

messages Amounts actually paid

Reimbursement of costs of search and rescue costs Maximum per person: 10 000 RON

6) Interruption of trip Maximum per person: 7 000 RON

7) Personal accident Accidental death coverage Permanent disability (25% - 100%)

Per Insured: 70 000 RON Per Insured: 70 000 RON



On the basis of these general insurance terms and conditions, Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti, hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer" concluded with private individuals, legal entities and organisational units having no status of legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the "Policyholders" contracts of insurance of costs of cancellation or change of the programme of trip; costs of loss, theft or damage to baggage; costs of delayed baggage; costs of delayed flight departure; costs of assistance, if required; costs of unscheduled return and medical treatment abroad; costs of interruption of trip; costs of personal accident.

A large number of insurance contracts The liability of the Insurer is limited only to one insurance contract with respect to the same Insured, even if the Policyholder concluded more than one insurance contract on the same conditions with the Insurer.

Statute of limitations Claims from the insurance contract are limited by lapse if two years according to the Romanian law. The period of prescription of claims for the insurance benefit from the Insurer commences on the day when the event covered occurred. Address for correspondence Any correspondence concerning the insurance contract, if addressed to the Insurer, should be delivered to the following address: Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, Floor 8, Room 2 Sector 1, Bucharest, ROMANIA Any correspondence concerning the insurance contract, if addressed to the Policyholder, should be delivered to the last address provided by the Policyholder. Competent court An action for the claim arising from the contract can be instituted on the basis of the provisions concerning the general competency or before the court competent with respect to the place of residence or registered office of the Insurer Data Protection By providing your Personal Information to us in connection with your application for insurance you consent to the collection and processing them (including the disclosure and international transfer). The information you or an insured person provides will be processed for the establishment of your insurance contract, the administration of your policy and for handling claims. In this context, we may send your information to companies that provide services to us including insurance companies with whom we reinsure our business, so that we can administer your insurance policy and perform our contractual obligations to you. This may include sending your information to such companies outside the European Economic Area. We are committed to preserving the privacy of our customers and will ensure that adequate steps are taken to hold your information securely and to keep your information confidential, for no longer than required by law. You are entitled to access your information and to rectify any inaccuracies at any time, by writing to us at the above address. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

Private Information ,,Private Information” means the identification data of the Policyholder or of other individual (for example, the dependants). By providing the Private Information and signing this insurance policy, the Policyholder expressly and clearly agrees the collection, use and processing (including the sharing and international transfer) by the Insurer according to the Privacy Policy available at http://www.chartisinsurance.com/privacy-notice_3010_224390.html or upon specific request by using the below contact details. If the Private Information refers to another individual, the Policyholder hereby confirms by signing this insurance policy that he informed the individual regarding the Privacy Policy and that he is fully authorized to provide such data for the use of the Insurer. For complete details regarding the processing of the Private Information, including on security and rights, as well as on accessing or correction of inaccurate Private Information, or to request the deletion or suppression of Personal Information, or to object to its use, the Policyholder will send an e-mail at [email protected] or will write to the Data Protection Officer, Chartis Insurance UK Limited Londra - Sucursala Bucuresti, Victoria Center, 145th Calea Victoriei, 8th Floor, Room 2, District 1, Bucharest. Marketing communications To opt-out of marketing communications the Policyholder will contact the Insurer by e-mail at: [email protected] or will write to the Data Protection Officer, Chartis Insurance UK Limited Londra - Sucursala Bucuresti, Victoria Center, 145th Calea Victoriei, 8th Floor, Room 2, District , Bucharest. Should the Policyholder will opt-out the Insurer may still send other important communications, e.g. communications relating to administration of your insurance policy or claim Governing law An insurance contract concluded on the basis of these general insurance terms and conditions is subject to Romanian law. Complaints In each case a person interested can file complaint to the Director of the Insurer. Complaints can be filed at the registered office of the Insurer directly or in writing to the Insurer's address. They should contract data making possible to identify a person filing the complaint and the subject of the complaint.

COMMON DEFINITIONS Policyholder A customer of a travel agent approved by the Insurer, having concluded the insurance contract on the basis of these general insurance terms and conditions and paid the corresponding insurance premium. The Insured The Policyholder and/or the individuals whose names are shown in the particular terms and conditions. Travel agent The approved tour operator or carrier. Insurer Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Claim Declaration Centre


Travel Guard - entity authorized by the Insurer to receive claims from insurance contracts concluded on the basis of these general insurance terms and conditions. Travel assistance provider Travel Guard, authorized by the Insurer. Spouse The husband or wife, or common-law husband or wife, of the Insured. Family The Insured's spouse, father, mother, grandparents, children, grand-children, sons-in law, daughters-in-law, sisters and brothers of the Insured and/or his/her spouse. Child The child of the Insured and/or of his/her spouse. Beneficiary Unless the contract provides otherwise, for all coverage’s, the beneficiary is the Insured him/herself. In the case of risk of accidental death the beneficiary is a person named by the Insured, otherwise it is his/her Family in the order indicated by the Romanian Civil Code. Particular terms and conditions of insurance Document confirming the conclusion of the insurance contract and conditions on which the contract has been concluded. The particular terms and conditions of insurance contain, among other things, the following information: the date of conclusion of the insurance contact, the date of departure, the date of return, the insurance product chosen, the insurance contract number, the insurance premium and the first and last name of the Insured General insurance terms and conditions These general insurance terms and conditions on the basis the insurance contract can be concluded. Individual Person travelling alone. Group More than 10 people travelling together and indicated in the same particular terms and conditions. Trip Transportation (ticket, flight only) and/or stay (package holiday, cruise or rental), for a period that does not exceed 31 consecutive days, reserved with the travel agent and used by the Insured. The dates, destination and cost of such shall be shown in the particular terms and conditions. Territorial validity of coverage Worldwide in the absence of specific provisions of the insurance contract to the contrary. Home Usual place of residence of the Insured. In the event of a dispute the Insured's address for tax purposes shall be considered as his/her home. Abroad Country other than the country in which the Insured has his home. Accident Any bodily injury that was not intentionally caused by the Insured and that is due to the sudden and unforeseeable action of an external cause and sustained by the Insured.

Certificate of insurance The certificate issued at the time of booking the flight. Serious illness Any sudden change in the Insured's health, recorded by an authorized medical authority, involving the termination of any professional or other activity, and with a guarded prognosis or slow progression, requiring intensive medical care, generally with hospitalization for examination and treatment. Pre-existing accident or illness Injury, illness or other condition of the insured, which, within the 60 day period before the coverage began: (a) first manifested itself, worsened, became acute, or had

symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment,

(b) required taking prescribed drugs or medicine, unless the condition for which the prescribed drug or medicine is taken remains controlled without any change in the required prescription,

(c) required treatment by a physician or treatment had been recommended by a physician.

Hospitalization The fact of receiving treatment in a hospital establishment requiring a stay of at least 24 consecutive hours. The following are considered as hospital establishments: a hospital or clinic authorized to treat and care for sick or injured people, having the appropriate local administrative authorizations authorizing these practices and the necessary personnel. Insured event The occurrence of the event provided for in the insurance contract. All claims connected with the same insured event shall be deemed one and the same claim. Deductible Amount set in the insurance contract that must be paid by the Insured in the event of compensation paid following damage or loss. The deductible may also be expressed in hours and days. In this case, the relevant coverage shall apply at the end of the time period indicated in the particular terms and conditions as the period of deductible. Maximum per event In the event coverage applies to several injured due to the same accident, the Insurer's liability for death and/or permanent disability being the consequence of accident shall in any event be limited to the maximum amount provided for under these general insurance terms and conditions, regardless of the number of injured parties. As a result, compensation is reduced and paid proportionally to the number of injured parties. Bankruptcy Any damage or loss caused by the tour operator, the airline or any other service provider (whether an individual or a legal entity) due to his/her/its insolvency or his/her/its inability or refusal to meet its obligations.


Baggage The Insured's suitcases, trunks, and hand-luggage and the contents thereof, provided that these consist of clothes and personal effects taken by the Insured during the trip covered or objects acquired during said trip. Valuables Jewelry, objects made of precious materials, precious stones, pearls, watches, furs and shotguns, sporting equipment and material, photographic, cinematographic and computer equipment, cellular telephones, equipment used to record or produce sound or pictures, and the accessories thereof. War War, whether declared or not, as well as any war-like activity, including the use of military force by any sovereign nation for economic, geographical, nationalist, political, racial, religious or other purposes. Terrorist act Terrorist act means any real use of force or threatened use of force or violence against people or property, committing an act that is dangerous for human life or for property, or committing an act for the purpose of interrupting or damaging an electronic or communications system, by any person or group acting, or not acting, in the name of, or in relation with any organization, government, power, authority or military force having the objective of intimidating, forcing or damaging a government, the civilian population or a portion of such population, or of interrupting activity in an economic sector. Terrorist act also means any act identified or acknowledged as such either by the government of the country in which it occurs, or by the government of the Insured's country of residence. Contamination Contamination means contamination or poisoning of individuals by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological substances causing sickness, death and/or permanent disability. Ground benefits Part of the trip consisting of the hotel services, meals and activities connected with them (including local fees and car rental) sold by the travel agent at the moment of reservation of the trip. Fees schedule Amounts of fees due to be paid to the airline by the customer on the basis of the contract and listed in the particular sales conditions of this airline accepted by him/her, if the customer signed the reservation form of the trip.

SUBJECT OF INSURANCE The insurance shall cover:

in the case of Insurance of the costs of cancellation or change of the trip programme – financial loses directly connected with calling off or change of the trip programme, before its commencement;

in the case of Insurance of the costs of the loss, theft or damage to the baggage - loss, theft or damage to the property;

in the case of the Insurance of the costs of delayed bagged - financial loses directly connected with the delayed delivery of the baggage;

in the case of Insurance of the delayed flight departure - financial losses directly connected with a delayed flight;

in the case of Insurance of the costs connected with the assistance, unscheduled return and medical treatment abroad - provision of assistance during the trip (including the assistance in the unscheduled return and the costs of medical treatment abroad);

in the case of Insurance of the risk of trip interruption – financial losses directly connected with the interruption of trip;

in the case of Insurance of accidents - breach of integrity of body or detriment to health caused by accident.


1) INSURANCE OF COSTS OF CANCELLATION OR CHANGE OF TRIP 1.1 Effective date and duration of coverage Coverage of the risk of cancellation or change of the trip programme shall be effective from the time the Insured accepts the conditions on which the contract is to be concluded in accordance with the information contained in his/her particular certificate of insurance And this Policy wording. accepts the present terms and conditions on which the contract is concluded as attested by issuing of the certificate of insurance Coverage shall apply 24 hours a day.

Coverage of the risk of cancellation or change of the trip programme shall end at the time of departure on the trip when the Insured registers with the carrier, or when he/she reaches his/her destination if private transportation is used. 1.2 Scope of coverage The scope of the coverage of the risk of cancellation or change of the trip programme covers the refund of the costs of purchase of the airline ticket incurred by the Policyholder in connection with cancelling or changing the trip before departure, up to the amounts provided in the “Summary of Coverage’s”, paid by the Insured, but excluding airport taxes, if the Insured is unable to depart for one of the following reasons:

death, accident or serious illness, hospitalisation of the Insured, his/her spouse, whether legally married or a partner who lives with the Insured as is married her ascendants or descendants or those of his/her spouse, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, or the legal guardian of the Insured, or any person who usually lives with him/her.

death, accident or serious illness, hospitalisation of individuals travelling with the Insured during his/her trip, provided that the first and last names of such individuals are stated in his/her particular terms and conditions;

significant physical damage to their home or business premises which the Insured or his/her spouse own, rent, or occupy free of charge, provided that more than 50% of such premises have been destroyed and that their presence is absolutely required at the place in question in order to take necessary protective measures.

1.3 Particular limitations of liability of the Insurer concerning the insurance against the risk of cancellation or change of trip coverage


Apart from exclusions provided in the section entitled “Exclusions applicable to all coverages”, the Insurer shall not be liable if the insured event was caused by: 1. consequences of the Insured's previous illnesses or

accidents; 2. nervous disorders or mental illnesses entailing

hospitalization 3. elective abortions, the consequences and complications

thereof; 4. cancellations of trips due to regular medical control and

periodical examinations'; 5. cancellations of trips due to the failure to obtain a

vaccination as required by the provisions valid in country of destination or country through which the Insured travels;

6. cancellations of trip caused by a failure to present any of the documents required for the trip for any reason whatsoever, except in the cases provided for in the general insurance terms and conditions;

7. cancellations of trip caused by the carrier regardless of the reason therefore.

1.4 Procedure in the event of a claim on account of the insurance of the costs of cancellation or change of the trip programme In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures common to claims raised on account of all risks connected with the insurance contract", the Insured or his/her representative must: immediately inform the airline that the Insured is unable to

make the trip, except for unforeseeable circumstances or a case of the occurrence of circumstances impossible to be foreseen or force majeure. In this respect, the refund paid by the Insurer is calculated on the basis of the cancellation Fee Schedule in force on the date when the event entailing coverage is first reported;

inform the Claims Report Centre in writing within 5 working days from the time the Insured becomes aware of an event. After this time, the Claims Report Centre reserves the right to reduce or refuse to pay the indemnity,

provide the following information in his/her letter: name and address, insurance contract number, the reason for the cancellation (sickness, property);

provide the following documents to the Claims Report Centre: the invoice, bill or any other document confirming the costs incurred in connection with the reservation of the trip, a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of insurance and all information required by the Insurer, and proving to the Insurer the grounds for and the amount of his/her claim;

also provide the Claims Report Centre with all other information and original documents requested, if necessary for appropriate examination of claims;

provide the Claims Report Centre with information on any insurance contracts concluded with other insurers.

2) INSURANCE OF COSTS OF LOSS, THEFT OR DAMAGE TO BAGGAGE 2.1 Effective date and duration of coverage The Insured shall be insured against the costs of the loss, theft or damage to the baggage, if he/she concludes the insurance contract for the aforementioned coverage no later than 5 hours prior to the time of departure specified in his/her particular certificate of insurance. The Insured shall be covered with the insurance of the costs of the loss, theft or damage to the baggage for 24 hours a day during the entire trip, in accordance with the dates specified in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The insurance of the costs of the loss, theft or damage to the baggage shall take effect no later than 0.00 a.m. on the date of his/her departure and shall end when he/she returns home, or no later than 0.00 a.m. on the day after he/she returns home, as specified in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The period of cover cannot exceed 31 consecutive days. 2.2 Scope of coverage The scope of insurance against the risk of the costs of loss, theft or damage to the baggage shall cover the following costs incurred by the Insured on account of the loss, theft or damage to the baggage exclusively up to the amounts and after application of the deductible shown in the “Summary of Coverage’s”: 1. loss, theft or damage, whether total or partial, of the

Insured's baggage and personal effects, during their transportation by a carrier or during transfers organized by the travel agent,

2. the theft of the Insured's baggage and personal effects during the trip,

3. damage, whether total or partial, of the Insured's baggage and personal effects due to theft or attempted theft, fire, explosion, lightning, or natural disasters,

4. Theft by burglary of the Insured's baggage and personal effects transported out of sight in the trunk of a vehicle that is not a convertible, duly closed and locked.

In all cases, compensation is calculated on the basis of the replacement or repair value of objects of the same type after deduction for wear and tear and shall not exceed the amount of loss suffered nor take into account any profits lost. valuables are covered up to the amount shown in the

"Limitation of coverage for valuables" stated in the "Summary for coverage’s";

in addition, jewellery, precious items and watches are covered only against theft and only when they are worn by and on the Insured, used by the Insured or deposited in an individual safe box or in a hotel safe box.

If the loss theft or damage, whether total or partial, of the Insured's baggage and personal effects, is due to the fault of an air carrier with which they were duly checked and for which such carrier is liable, the coverage of the Insurer shall apply only after the exhaustion of, and solely in addition to, compensation that the carrier must pay, and cannot exceed the maximum amounts shown in the “Summary of Coverage’s”. 2.3 Specific limitations of the liability of the Insurer concerning coverage against the loss, theft or damage of baggage coverage In addition to the exclusions provided in the section entitled "Exclusions applicable to all coverage’s", the following are not covered:

1. Loss, theft or damage to documents, identity papers, credit cards, magnetic cards, tickets and vouchers for transportation, cash, stocks and securities, keys, skis, bicycles, wind-surfing boards, boats or any other means of transportation, professional equipment, musical instruments, items d'art, antiques, collections, merchandise, eye-glasses, contact lenses, artificial limbs and prosthetic devices of all kinds, clothing or accessories worn by the Insured, perishable goods or food;

2. smoking accidents, as well as damage caused to objects that fall or are thrown into a fire, or burns caused by excessive heat without fire;

3. loss and damage due to normal wear and tear, deterioration or defect of an object.

4. damage caused by moths or vermin, by a cleaning, repair or restoration process, by water or leaks.


5. incorrect use of the object by the Insured or any other person.

6. poor or defective packaging. 7. when the objects are left unattended in a public place or in

unlocked premises to which several people have access, or when the objects are in a convertible vehicle, a vehicle whose windows are not closed or a vehicle whose doors or trunk are not locked.

8. losses due to confiscation, seizure or destruction by order of a government authority.

2.4 Procedure in the event of raising a claim on account of insurance the costs of loss, theft or damage to the baggage In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures common to reporting claims on account of risks concerning insurance contracts", the Insured or his/her representative is obliged:

in the event of a theft, inform and file a notice of crime with the local authorities on the same day;

if the baggage was entrusted to a carrier or a hotel-keeper, notify this such person of it, giving details of the loss;

in the event of total or partial destruction, arrange for an appropriate authority, and in case of its absence, prepare a written record. This record must be, however, signed by a witness.

take all measures required to limit the consequences of the event in question;

inform the Claims Report Centre by certified letter within 5 working days, and within 48 hours in the case of theft, following his/her return home, except in the event of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure;

give the number of this insurance contract. provide a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of

insurance, all original documents and information proving the grounds for the claim and/or other information which are requested by the Claims Report Centre necessary for appropriate determination of indemnification or its amount.

If the objects that have been stolen or lost are found and returned to the Insured, said Insured undertakes to inform the Claims Report Centre thereof and to return the compensation already paid. With regard to damaged goods, the Insured may be requested at any time to provide proof of the occurrence of the said damage, either by sending the damaged item to the Claims Report Centre or by providing a receipt for the repair. 3) COVERAGE OF COSTS OF DELAYED BAGGAGE 3.1 Effective date and duration of coverage The Insured shall be covered against the costs of delayed baggage only during the outward journey (from the Republic of Romania to the country of destination), in accordance with the dates shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance. The coverage against the costs of delayed baggage shall take effect at the time the Insured checks in with the carrier and end when the Insured arrives at his/her destination. 3.2 Scope of insurance The scope of insurance on account of the risk of delayed baggage covers the reimbursement of the costs directly incurred by the Insured in connection with delay in delivery of baggage to the extent of the costs absolutely necessary and exclusively if the baggage of the Insured duly declared and entrusted to the airline by which the Insured travels arrives more than six hours after the arrival of the Insured at the destination airport.

3.3 Particular limitations of liability of the Insurer concerning the insurance against the risk of costs of delayed baggage In addition to the exclusions provided in the section entitled "Exclusions applicable to all coverage’s, the following are not covered:

1 Losses not reported to a representative of the airline with which the Insured is travelling as soon as he/she is informed that his/her baggage is delayed or lost;

2 delays caused by the confiscation or seizure of the Insured's baggage by customs or government authorities;

3 reimbursements of essential items, clothing and toiletries purchased by the Insured more than 4 days after his/her arrival at the destination airport;

4 delays on the Insured's journey home; 5 delays that are less than the period provided under the

coverage, expressed in hours, as compared to the time the Insured arrived.

3.4 Procedure in the event of reporting a claim on account of insurance against delayed baggage In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures of reporting claims on account of risks concerning the insurance contract", the Insured or his/her representative is obliged to:

report the loss to a representative of the airline with which the Insured travelled;

inform the Claims Report Centre by certified letter within 5 days following his/her return home;

give the number of this insurance contract; provide a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of

insurance, all original documents and information proving the grounds for the claim and/or other information which are requested by the Claims Report Centre necessary for appropriate determination of indemnification or its amount.

4) COVERAGE OF COSTS OF DELAYED FLIGHT 4.1 Effective date and duration of coverage The Insured shall be covered against the costs of delayed flight if he/she concludes the insurance contract no later than 5 hours before the scheduled time of departure indicated in his/her particular travel documents The Insured shall be covered against the costs of delayed flight during the journeys to and from his/her destination in accordance with the dates and countries of destination shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance. Coverage against the delayed flight shall take effect on the date and at the time shown on the airplane ticket and shall cease when the Insured arrives at the destination airport. 4.2 Scope of coverage The scope of insurance on account of the risk of delayed flight is the reimbursement of costs of meals, refreshments, hotels, transfers to and from the airport and ground services not used incurred by the Insured, up to the amounts shown in the “Summary of Coverages”, provided that the flight was delayed more than 12 hours as compared to the time initially scheduled for the Insured's departure. Only scheduled flights by airlines whose flight schedules are published shall be covered hereunder.

In the event of a dispute, the ABC WORLD AIRWAYS GUIDE shall be considered as a reference in order to determine the scheduled times of flights and connections.


4.3 Particular limitations of liability of the Insurer concerning the insurance against the risk of costs of delayed flights In addition to the exclusions provided in the section entitled "Exclusions applicable to all coverage’s, the following shall not be covered: 1 flights not previously confirmed by the Insured, unless said

Insured was unable to do so due to a strike or an event of force majeure;

2 delays due to a strike of which the Insured was aware or could have been aware prior to his/her departure on the trip;

3 the temporary or permanent withdrawal of an aircraft ordered by the airport authorities, civil aviation authorities or by an official agency of any country;

4 delays that are less than the period provided under the coverage, expressed in hours, as compared to the time the Insured was scheduled to leave;

5 charter flights 4.4 Procedure in the event of reporting a claim on account of the insurance against the costs of delayed flight In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures concerning reporting claims on account of all risks concerning the insurance contract", the Insured or his/her representative is obliged to:

report the delay to a representative of the airline with which the Insured is travelling;

inform the Claims Report Centre by certified letter within 5 days following his/her return home;

give the number of this insurance contract; provide a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of

insurance, all original documents and information proving the grounds for the claim and/or other information which are requested by the Claims Report Centre necessary for appropriate determination of indemnification or its amount.

5) COVERAGE OF COSTS OF ASSISTANCE, UNSCHEDULED RETURN AND MEDICAL EXPENSES ABROAD 5.1 Effective date and duration of coverage The Insured shall become covered with the insurance against the costs connected with the necessity to obtain the assistance, unscheduled return and the costs of medical treatment abroad no later than 5 hours before the scheduled time of departure indicated in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The Insured shall be covered on account of the insurance of the costs connected with the necessity to obtain the assistance, unscheduled return and the costs of medical treatment abroad 24 hours a day throughout his/her entire trip, in the event he/she suffers an accident or sickness, in accordance with the dates and countries of destination shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The insurance of the costs connected with the necessity to obtain the assistance, unscheduled return and the costs of medical treatment abroad shall take effect no later than when the Insured checks in with the carrier or when he/she arrives at his/her destination if an individual means of transportation is used.

The insurance of the costs connected with the necessity to obtain the assistance, unscheduled return and the costs of medical treatment abroad shall cease when the Insured returns home or at the latest at 0.00 a.m. on the day after his/her return as shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

In any event, the period of coverage cannot exceed 31 consecutive days.

5.2 Conditions of providing assistance for the Insured In all cases, only medical authority shall be authorized to decide on transportation of the Insured, the choice of the means of transportation and the place of hospitalization and shall, if required, contact the local physician and/or the Insured's family physician. Reservations shall be made by the Travel assistance provider, who shall be entitled to request that the Insured provide any unused tickets. 5.3 Scope of coverage (a) Reimbursement of costs of sending of drugs or medicine that are indispensable and cannot be found locally The Travel assistance provider will find the drugs or medicine required by the Insured who is abroad and will send them to him/her as quickly as reasonably possible, in compliance with the limitations provided in the laws of the country in which he/she is located as well as the conditions and situation of that country. The cost of these drugs and medicine shall be paid by the Insured. Treatment in progress prior to departure shall not be covered. Methods of contraception are nor considered as drugs or medicine. (b) reimbursement of costs of sending of a physician to the Insured abroad In the event this is deemed necessary due to the Insured's state of health and the particular circumstances, the Travel assistance provider will send him/her a physician or a medical team in order to assess the measures taken and to be taken. (c) Reimbursement of costs of transportation of the Insured to a medical facility The Travel assistance provider will organize and pay for the transportation of the Insured to the most appropriate or the best equipped hospital. Depending on the seriousness of the situation and the circumstances, he/she will be transported by first class train, in a carriage with a couchette or sleeping car, ambulance or other emergency vehicle, by plane on a scheduled flight, either seated or on a stretcher, or by private air ambulance. (d) Reimbursement of costs of unscheduled return and return home the Insured The Travel assistance provider shall transport the Insured to his/her home when he/she is able to leave the medical facility. The transportation and the most appropriate means to do so will be decided on and chosen by the Travel assistance provider under the same conditions as set out above. (e) Reimbursement of costs of expatriation of remains in the event of the Insured's death In the event of the death of the Insured during the trip, the Travel assistance provider will pay for and organize the transportation of the Insured's remains to his/her home. (f) Reimbursement of costs connected with the Insured's death The Travel assistance provider will pay the costs for the initial conservation of the remains, administrative costs and the cost of a temporary coffin required for the transportation organized by it, up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages”, without exceeding the amount actually paid. Funeral and burial costs shall be paid by the Insured's family. (g) Reimbursement of cost of ticket and travel expenses for a member of the Insured's family in the event of prolonged hospitalization If neither the Insured's spouse nor any other adult member of the Insured's family accompanies him/her on the trip, and the


Insured is minor or handicapped, and his/her state of health does not permit his/her transportation to the place of his/her domicile and his/her local hospitalization exceeds 7 consecutive days, the Travel assistance provider will provide a round-trip, economy class air ticket or first class rail ticket free of charge to the Insured's spouse or a member of his/her family residing in the Insured's home country, to enable such person to visit the Insured. In addition, the Travel assistance provider will organize and pay the travel expenses of this person up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverage’s”. (h) Reimbursement of costs of extending the Insured's trip If the Insured's state of health does not require hospitalization and the Travel assistance provider cannot transport him/her and the scheduled period of his/her trip has ended, the Travel assistance provider will pay the cost of extending the Insured's trip up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverage’s”. (i) Reimbursement of costs of resuming trip (the Insured and travelling companions) If the Insured interrupts his/her trip due to a covered accident or sickness, but his/her state of health does not, in the opinion of the Travel assistance provider, require his/her transportation according to these provisions, and the trip scheduled has not ended, the Travel assistance provider will pay the trip costs for the Insured and members of his/her family or an unrelated person pursuant to the same particular terms and conditions as the Insured and travelling with him/her, up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverage’s” and up to the limit of the cost of a return home, to enable them to resume the trip interrupted. In any event, only the travel assistance provider shall be authorised to decide on the means of transportation used. (j) Reimbursement of costs of return of travelling companions and extra expenses and/or the cost of extending the trip If the Insured is hospitalized or transported by the Travel assistance provider during his/her trip, the Travel assistance provider shall organize and pay on behalf of his/her spouse and/or children, or for a maximum of two members of his/her family, or for one unrelated person, provided that these persons are covered by the same particular terms and conditions as the Insured and travelling with him/her: the cost of the early return home or to the place of burial, up

to the limit of an economy class air ticket or a first class rail ticket, provided that the ticket initially provided for these persons’ travel cannot be used.

extra expenses and/or the cost of extending these persons’ trip up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages”.

(k) Reimbursement of costs of return of travelling companions under 15 years of age If the Insured is hospitalized or transported by the Travel assistance provider during his/her trip, and no other adult members of the Insured's family are accompanying him/her, the Travel assistance provider will organize and pay on behalf of the Insured's children under 15 years of age who are covered by the same particular terms and conditions as the Insured and travelling with the Insured: a round-trip economy class air ticket, or first class rail ticket,

for a member of the Insured's family or an unrelated person, residing in the insured’s home country or in a neighbouring country, in order to enable this person to join the children and look after them.

the costs of the early return of the children, to the home of the Insured or of the person designated by him/her, up to the cost of one economy class air ticket or first class rail ticket,

provided that the ticket initially provided for these persons’ travel cannot be used.

the travelling expenses of the person in charge of the Insured's children and/or the extra costs and/or the cost of prolonging the trip for the Insured's children, up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages”.

Under no circumstances may this service be combined with the services provided above under "Cost of ticket and travel expenses for a member of the Insured's family" and "Return of travelling companions and additional expenses and/or costs of extension of the trip." (l) Reimbursement of costs of early return of the Insured The Travel assistance provider will make available to the Insured and will pay for a ticket, up to the cost of an economy class air ticket or a first class rail ticket, to enable him/her to return home, provided that he/she cannot use the ticket initially provided for his/her trip: in the event of the death of a member of the Insured's family

or hospitalization of such person for more than 48 consecutive hours.

significant property damage to their home or business premises which he/she owns, rents, or occupies free of charge, provided more than 50% of such premises have been destroyed and that his/her presence is absolutely required at the place in question in order to take necessary protective measures.

(m) Reimbursement of costs of assistance for the Insured's children under 15 years of age that stayed at home If one of the Insured's children under 15 years of age that stayed at his/her home becomes sick or suffers an accident during the Insured's trip, the Travel assistance provider's medical team will intervene or arrange for help if the Insured requests this. If necessary, the Travel assistance provider's medical team will arrange for the child to be taken to the hospital and will inform the Insured of his/her child's state of health. (n) Reimbursement of costs of medical expenses abroad The coverage provides for the reimbursement of medical expenses (medical treatment, hospitalization expenses, cost of drugs, medical bills, costs of ambulance) incurred by the Insured, up to the limit set out in the “Summary of Coverages”. In addition, the coverage provides for the reimbursement of emergency dental treatment up to the limit of and after application of the deductible defined in the “Summary of Coverages”, i.e., expenses incurred for emergency dental treatment (that cannot be postponed due to the Insured's pathological condition) as follows: dressings, fillings, root canal, or extraction. These expenses can be made exclusively on the basis of documents issued by a medical authority with the qualifications or authorizations required in the country where he/she practices and be authorized to practice his/her profession. This coverage is limited to the reimbursement of amounts actually paid by the Insured. If he/she is reimbursed by another or more insurers, the Insurer shall only be obligated to reimburse the difference between the amounts actually paid and the amounts received after said reimbursement(s). If necessary, and if the Insured expressly so requests, the Travel assistance provider may pay the costs of hospitalization directly, in the local currency, up to the limits set out in the “Summary of Coverages”, provided that the medical facility involved agrees to this method of payment. This service is subject to the


possibilities imposed by French and local foreign exchange controls. (o) Reimbursement of costs of legal assistance abroad If the Insured is deprived of liberty or threatened with the deprivation of liberty, the Travel assistance provider will pay for legal assistance up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages”. (p) Reimbursement of costs of advance for bail bond abroad If the Insured is deprived of liberty or threatened with the deprivation of liberty, the Travel assistance provider will advance the amount of the bail bond required from the Insured, up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages. The Travel assistance provider is entitled to demand from the Insured the return of the advance on account of bail bond three months from the date of the advance paid to the Insured. If the bond is repaid by the local authorities before such time, it must be immediately returned to the Travel assistance provider. If the Insured is summoned before a court and does not appear, the Travel assistance provider is entitled to demand an immediate return of the advance that it will not be able to recover due to the Insured's failure to appear. (g) Reimbursement of costs of transmission of urgent messages If the Insured expressly requests, the Travel assistance provider will transmit urgent and personal messages to addressees in their home country 24 hours a day. (h) Reimbursement of costs of search and rescue costs The Travel assistance provider will pay for or refund, up to the amount shown in the “Summary of Coverages”, costs for search (including rescue sleds) and rescue (including helicopters) related to operations organized by civilian or military rescue workers or emergency services following the Insured's disappearance or accidental bodily injury. Only expenses incurred by organizations authorized to rescue the Insured and for which he/she is actually billed are subject to reimbursement. 5.4 Exclusions specific to Coverage for Assistance, Unscheduled Return and Medical expenses abroad In addition to the exclusions provided in the section entitled "Exclusions applicable to all coverages", the following shall never be covered:

1. Events occurred in connection with nervous disorders or mental illnesses.

2. Events occurred in connection with benign infections or lesions which can be treated in out-patient clinic, pregnancy after the sixth month.

3. Events occurred in connection with recurrences of non-stabilized pre-existing illnesses with a risk of sudden and early aggravation.

4. Burial, embalming and funeral costs, unless these are mandatory under local laws.

5. Expenses incurred by the Insured without the Travel assistance provider's prior agreement.

6. Costs for meals, hotels, road travel, tolls, fuel, taxis or customs duties except those provided for under the insurance contract.

7. Events occurred in connection with actions that may be subject to criminal penalties under the laws of the country in which the Insured is located.

8. Medical expenses incurred in the Insured's country of residence.

9. The consequences or recurrence of pre-existing sicknesses.

10. Medical expenses incurred due to the diagnosis or treatment of a physiological condition (pregnancy) already known prior to the date on which coverage took effect.

11. Medical expenses following cases of dorsal, lumbar pain, lumbago-sciatica, herniated disc, parietal, intervertebral, corral, scrotal, or inguinal hernias, hernias through the linea alba and umbilical hernias.

12. Thermal cures, physical therapy, cost of eye-glasses, contact lenses, prostheses of any kind, routine examinations and tests or check-ups, preventative tests or treatment, examinations and tests in the absence of a covered accident or illness.

13. The cost of organ transplants not required due to a covered accident or illness.

14. The cost of aesthetic or reconstructive surgery and non-essential medical care, the cost of vaccinations, acupuncture sessions, physical therapy, chiropractic or osteopathic treatment that do not follow a covered accident or illness.

15. Expenses and treatments not prescribed by an authorized medical authority.

16. Means of contraception. 17. Events occurred in connection with acts caused or brought

about by the Insured or the beneficiary. 5.5 Procedures of reporting claim on account of insurance of costs of assistance, unscheduled return and medical expenses abroad In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures of reporting claims on account of all risks concerning the insurance contract", the Insured or his/her representative is obliged to carry out the following activities:

(a) For assistance services: The Insured is obliged to contact exclusively the Travel

assistance provider prior to any seeking any assistance from other entities.

Give the number of this insurance contract. (b) For Medical expenses coverage: Give the number of this insurance contract For medical expenses other than hospitalization, the Insured

should pay the service provider (physician, pharmacist, etc.) directly and keep the corresponding invoices.

He/she should send to the Claims Report Centre the originals of invoices and bills on the basis of which the Insurer shall exactly calculate the total costs of treatment incurred by the Insured.

For applications directly to the medical care centre for hospitalization expenses to be paid, the Insured or his/her representative must contact the Travel assistance provider beforehand. After making the necessary verifications, the Travel assistance provider will issue a payment number. After that the travel assistance provider shall pay the costs directly to the hospital.

The Travel assistance provider will then pay the expenses directly to the hospital.

(c) Contact information for the travel assistance provider and the Claims Report Centre for claims

Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, Floor 8, Room 2 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania

Telephone: From abroad: 0040.21.301.77.77


Exceptional circumstances The Travel assistance provider shall not be liable for delays or problems in the performance of services in the event of strikes, riots, civil disturbances, reprisals, restrictions to free circulation, any act of sabotage or terrorism, civil or external war, generation of heat of radiation from splitting of atoms, radioactivity, other unforeseeable circumstances, or cases of force majeure. 6) COVERAGE FOR INTERRUPTION OF A TRIP 6.1 Commencement and conclusion of coverage, period of cover The Insured shall be covered by insurance for interruption of a trip if he/she concludes an insurance contract no later than 5 hours before the scheduled time of departure indicated in his/her particular certificate of insurance. The Insured shall be covered by insurance for interruption of a trip 24 hours a day during the entire trip, in accordance with the dates and countries of destination specified in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The cover for interruption of a trip shall take effect no later than 0.00 a.m. on the date of his/her departure and shall end when he/she returns home, or no later than 0.00 a.m. on the day after he/she returns home, as specified in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

In any event the period of cover cannot be longer than 31 consecutive days. 6.2 Scope of insurance If the Insured is forced to interrupt his/her trip due to: an unplanned early return that is covered hereunder or early

return under the coverage specified in item 5 of the general terms and conditions of insurance,

or unplanned early return or early return under the same conditions of coverage and intervention as those provided by this contract by any other Insurer offering assistance and following the provision of the corresponding supporting documents,

the person accompanying the Insured, who is travelling together with the Insured and who has interrupted his/her trip to accompany him/her during his/her unplanned early return for medical reasons, will also be covered under the same conditions. 6.3 Reporting a claim on account of coverage for interruption of a trip In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures of reporting claims for all risks concerning the insurance contract", the Insured or his/her legal representative must:

Inform the Claims Report Centre by certified letter within 5 days following the transportation or the early return of the Insured.

Give the number of the insurance contract. Provide a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of

insurance, the original invoice for the unused ground services drawn up by the travel agent, all original documents and information proving the grounds for the claim and the unplanned early return or early return carried out by the Travel assistance provider and which are requested by the Claims Report Centre.


7.1 Commencement and conclusion of coverage, period of cover The Insured shall be covered by accident insurance if he/she concludes an insurance contract no later than 5 hours before the scheduled time of departure indicated in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

The Insured shall be covered by accident insurance 24 hours a day during the entire trip in accordance with the dates and countries of destination shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance. Coverage against accident insurance shall take effect no later than the time when the Insured checks in with the carrier or when he/she arrives at the place of destination if an individual means of transportation is used.

Coverage against accident insurance shall end when the Insured returns home or no later than at 0.00 a.m. on the day after his/her return as shown in his/her particular certificate of insurance.

In any event the period of cover cannot be longer than 31 consecutive days. 7.2 Scope of coverage (a) The scope of coverage of accident insurance is the return of costs of benefits incurred in the event of accidental death of the Insured. In the event of death occurring immediately or within one year due to the consequences of a covered accident, the Insurer undertakes to pay the amount shown in the “Summary - Scope of Coverage". The benefits connected with the death of the Insured are paid to the Beneficiary. (b) The return of the costs of payment of benefits in the case of accidental disability is covered by the scope of the accident insurance. When the Insured is involved in a covered accident and it is medically proven that he/she has suffered 25% or more permanent partial or total disability, the Insurer will pay the percentage of permanent partial disability to the Insured based on the 100% amount shown in the “Summary - Scope of Coverage” multiplied by the rate of the Insured's disability. A benefit payment will not be made if the degree of permanent partial disability is less than 25%. The Insured can only claim compensation if his/her disability has been recognized as permanent, i.e., until complete stabilization (date as of which the condition of the injured or sick person is considered to have stabilized from a medical point of view although there are permanent after-effects). 7.3 Exclusions specific to the personal accident coverage In addition to the exclusions provided in the section entitled "Exclusions applicable to all coverages" the following shall not be covered by accident insurance:

Accidents caused by the use, whether the Insured is driving or not, of two- or three-wheeled motorized vehicles with a power exceeding 125 ccs.

Illnesses unless they were caused by a covered accident. Accidents caused by war or terrorist act. Loss caused by nuclear, biological or chemical

contamination. 7.4 Reporting a claim on account of accident insurance In addition to the procedures set out in the section entitled “Procedures of reporting claims for all risks concerning the


insurance contract", the Insured or his/her legal representative must:

Declare to the Claims Report Centre by certified letter any event covered by insurance immediately after obtaining information about the event and no later than 15 days thereafter.

Give the number of the insurance contract Provide a copy of his/her particular terms and conditions of

insurance, the detailed circumstances of the accident and the names of any witnesses, the police report or other report by the local authorities establishing the circumstances of the accident, or in the event of their absence, the number of the police report drawn up, the initial medical report describing the nature of the injuries and giving a precise diagnosis, the initial medical report certifying that death occurred as a result of an accident, giving the exact cause of death, a death certificate, a medical certificate specifying the cause of the death, contact data of the doctor and documents confirming the authorisation of the beneficiary or beneficiaries.

Proof of death must be provided by an Authorised person, in the form of a death certificate or a judgment of acknowledging death whether such judgment is final or not. In the latter case, the death benefit paid shall be the amount provided by these general terms and conditions of insurance as on the day of acknowledging death. 7.5 Cumulation of benefits The liability of the Insurer is limited to the payment of the benefit on account of one of the following risks: risk of "death" or risk of "permanent disability". However, in the event that, after the payment of a benefit on account of "permanent disability" as a result of an accident, the Insured died in a period shorter than one year from the occurrence of the accident, the Insurer will pay the Person Authorised or Persons Authorised a benefit on account of the risk of "death" reduced by the previously paid benefit for the risk of "permanent disability". 7.6 Maximum amounts payable In the event that the coverage applies to several Insureds who are injured as a result of the same accident, and the benefits for the risk of "death" and "permanent disability" exceed the amount of 7 000 000 RON, the coverage provided by the Insurer in relation to all Insureds will be limited to that amount. The compensation will be reduced and paid proportionally to the amount of the sums insured of individual injured persons.

EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL COVERAGES This Chapter concerns exclusions of liability of the Insurer with respect to all risks covered by the insurance contract. The Insurer is not liable, irrespective of the scope of the insurance contract, for the following events: 1 Accidents deliberately caused or brought about by the

Insured or an Authorised Person. 2 The consequences of the Insured's suicide or attempted

suicide. 3 The consequences or recurrences of pre-existing illnesses or

accidents. 4 Losses caused by riots, civil disturbances, any effects due to

a source of radioactivity, epidemics, pollution, natural disasters, severe weather.

5 Damage or loss due to civil or foreign wars, invasions, insurrections, revolutions, the use of military power, or the usurpation of governmental or military power.

6 Damage or loss due to any act of terrorism. This insurance does not cover direct or indirect losses arising from acts of terrorism. This includes all measures taken to prevent or defend against an act or terrorism, whether the act was committed or not.

7 Damage or loss due directly or indirectly to exposure to or contamination by nuclear, chemical or biological substances, regardless of the reasons that caused that state.

8 The absorption of illegal drugs, narcotics, similar substances, and drugs or medicine that have not been prescribed by a doctor, and the consequences thereof.

9 The consequences of the Insured's inebriation shown by the presence in the Insured's blood of a level of alcohol equal to or higher than that set under Romanian road traffic law.

10 Accidents arising under the following circumstances shall also be excluded:

When the Insured practices a sport professionally, practices or takes part in an amateur race requiring the use of a motor-propelled land, air or water vehicle.

When the Insured uses a ULM, hang-glider, sail-wing, parachute or para-glider as pilot or passenger.

When the Insured is involved in a fight (other than a case of self defence), crimes, or bets of any kind.

11 Expenses or losses due in full or in part to the following shall also be excluded:

laws, decrees or other legal regulations issued by state or public authorities,

delays in or changes to the itinerary reserved, the lack in full or in part of the service relating to the trip reserved, delays in or changes to the itinerary reserved due to the temporary or permanent cancellation of a service or means of public transportation following instructions or recommendations of any pilot, government or public authority, including in particular instructions or recommendations by any department of transportation, port authority, airline or the equivalent thereof.

This exclusion shall not apply to delays, cancellations, and/or interruptions caused by the temporary cancellation of a public transportation service for mechanical and/or meteorological reasons provided that the delay exceeds the minimum period for coverage as defined in the general terms and conditions of insurance. 12 The insolvency, error or omission of a tour operator, carrier or

travel agent. 13 Riots, strikes (lock-outs), road-blocks, actions by

governments of any country or the threat of such events. 14 Any strike or threat of strike when this is made public more

than 24 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. 15. Expenses, damage or loss sustained by person over 65

years old. 16. Physical injury of the Insured resulting from the driving of a

speedboat with more 125 cm3 cylinder, or travelling in such a vehicle, or as a result of such activities.

17. Any accident occurring in relation to the use of a motorcycle or scooter in which the Insured was the cyclist or passenger.

18. Physical injury of the Insured occurring in a flight, except cases when the Insured travels on board of an aircraft as a paying passenger, which aircraft is registered under the name of an airline as an aircraft carrying passengers for a fee on flights operating in accordance with an officially published timetable.


19. Physical injury or illness caused by a sexual disease or sickness related to a sexual disease, or originating from it.

20. Events occurring during professional work, or work completed for remuneration, or activities related to it.

21. Physical injuries occurring during a service, duty obligations or training in any military, semi-military or police (security) or international armed organisations, or resulting from such activities irrespective of whether the physical injury occurred during the authorised, unofficial leave of the Insured (holiday, leave) and irrespective of whether the Insured was wearing a uniform when he suffered the physical injury or not.

22. Any physical injury occurring or resulting from sports activities involving increased risks for example jet ski, bungee jumping, rocky jumping, surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, wakeboarding, wild water canoeing, diving, caving, rock and mountain climbing, winter sports, mogul, ski acrobatics, snow scootering, mono skiing, ski jumping, semi-tube snowboarding, parachuting, hang-gliding, gliding.

23. Physical injury or illness caused either directly or indirectly, by HIV (human immune insufficiency virus) and / or any HIV related illness (including AIDS) (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), and / or any of their mutant derivatives and versions or originating from such illnesses, irrespective of the way in which the physical damage was caused, or the illness was acquired (the Insured has to prove that the physical injury or illness was not caused by AIDS or HIV, or it did not develop as a result of AIDS or HIV).


CONCERNING THE INSURANCE CONTRACT The Insured or his/her representative is obliged to declare to the Claims Report Centre by certified letter every event covered by the insurance contract concluded on the basis hereof, immediately after obtaining information about that event and no later than 15 days thereafter, unless the insurance contract states otherwise with respect to a given risk. The following documents must be attached to the reported claim: (a) number of insurance contract; (b) medical certificate describing the character and scope of all bodily injuries or illnesses and giving a precise diagnosis, if such bodily injury or illness occurred and is the basis for the payment of a benefit; (c) if another person participated in the accident (e.g. in the event of a car accident), it is necessary to give their names and contact data; (d) in the event of death, it is necessary to submit a copy of the death certificate, a certificate specifying the direct cause of death and legal documents specifying the identity of all authorised persons; (e) in the case of illness: (i) the date on which the symptoms of the illness appeared, (ii) the date of a visit to the doctor in connection with the illness, (iii) the contact data of the doctor, (iv) the initial medical certificate and any other medical records or certificates.

In the event of failing to keep to the deadline for submitting a claim provided for above or by the general terms and conditions of insurance in relation to a given risk, the Insurer can refuse or reduce the amount of the benefit or indemnity if the delay in reporting had an influence on the amount of the damage. If the Insured or his/her representative presents untrue or incomplete documents, the Insurer has the right to refuse to pay the indemnity or to reduce its amount. In particular, if the reporting presents an untrue factual state, by not giving information or giving information indicating the incurrence of damage or effects of an accident or illness to an extent greater than in reality or which is intended to conceal the causes of the accident or illness. In the event the Insured refuses to submit to examination by the Insurer's physicians and/or experts without a valid reason, and if, after notice given 48 hours in advance by certified letter, he/she continues to refuse, the Insurer can also refuse to pay the indemnity or benefit or can reduce its amount. All certificates, information and evidence required by the Insurer must be supplied without burdening the Insurer with the costs, and should be presented in such a form and have such a character as is ordered by the Insurer. Contact information for the Claims Report Centre

Address: Chartis Europe Limited Londra – Sucursala

Bucuresti Calea Victoriei, nr. 145 Victoria Center, Floor 8, Room 2 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania Telephone: +40 21 300 96 21

MANNER OF CONCLUDING THE INSURANCE CONTRACT 1. The insurance contract is concluded by submission, by the Policyholder rof an insurance application on an electronic form to the Insurer. The insurance contract can be concluded after the Insuring Party has become acquainted with these general terms and conditions of insurance. 2. The conclusion of the insurance contract is confirmed by sending particular terms and conditions of insurance to the insured in electronic form or as a document. 3. Insurance coverage for all risks starts in the time periods specified in the detailed provisions of these general terms and conditions of insurance, but not earlier than from the moment of paying the premium and acceptance by the Insuring Party of particular terms and conditions of insurance. Acceptance occurs in electronic form. 4. The insurance contract is concluded for a period indicated in particular terms and conditions of insurance. 5. The Insuring Party cannot withdraw from the insurance contract or terminate it.

RIGHT OF RECOURSE As of the day of payment of an indemnity by the Insurer, the claim of the Insured against the person responsible for the damage is transferred to the Insurer by force of law, to the amount of the indemnity paid. These provisions do not apply to children, descendants, ascendants or attorneys of the Insured or


another person living with the Insured, except for damage caused intentionally.

PREMIUM 1. The premium is established on the basis of the risk assessment made by the Insurer, taking into account, among other things: the scope of coverage, the sum insured, the insurance period, the effective period of insurance, the number of Insureds, the age of the Insureds, directions of travel. 2. The premium is paid as a transfer or with the use of an electronic payment instrument.

PAYMENT OF BENEFITS AND INDEMNITIES 1. After receiving the notification of the occurrence of an event covered by insurance, the Insurer shall, within 7 days from the day of receiving that notification, inform the Insured / Authorised Person of this and carry out proceedings concerning the establishment of the factual state of the event, the grounds for the claims submitted and the amount of the benefit, and shall also inform the Insured / Authorised Person of the documents which are needed to establish the benefit, in writing or in electronic form. 2. If, within the time periods specified in these general terms and conditions of insurance, the Insurer does not pay the benefit, it shall notify, in writing, the person reporting the claim about the reasons for being unable to satisfy its claims in whole or in part. 3. If the Insured is not entitled to a benefit, or is entitled to it in another amount than that specified in the claim reported, the Insurer shall inform the person making the claim in writing about this, indicating the circumstances and the legal basis justifying a total or partial refusal to pay the benefit. In the event of a refusal to satisfy all or part of the claim, the person making the claim has the right to pursue the claim in court. 4. The Insurer is obliged to fulfil the benefit within thirty days, from the date of receiving the notification of an insurance event and all relevant documents, unless the provisions of the general terms and conditions of insurance regarding a given risk provide for a shorter period. 5. If explaining the circumstances necessary to establish the liability of the Insurer or the amount of the benefit in the above time period turns out to be impossible, the benefit should be fulfilled within 14 days from the day on which, while taking all due care, it became impossible to explain those circumstances. However, the Insurer should meet the undisputed part of the benefit within thirty days. 6. Whenever the consequences of an accident or a sickness are made worse by independent treatment, or by the Insured's refusal or negligence to seek the medical treatment required by his/her condition, compensation shall be established not in relation to the consequences which really occurred but in relation to the consequences which could have occurred if that person had tried to seek rational and appropriate medical treatment.
