Musée du moyen age 1

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: The Musée de Cluny, officially known as Musée National du Moyen Âge, is a museum in Paris, France.This national museum was established in 1843, partially constructed on the remains of Gallo-Roman baths dating from the third century .The abbé Jacques d’Amboise was at the origin of the construction of the hôtel de Cluny, at the end of the 15th century : today, it is one of the oldest examples of a private mansion house set between a courtyard and a garden. The museum has a rich collection or medieval art objects – gold and silverware, tapestries, sculptures, paintings, illuminated manuscripts – amassed by an enthusiastic antique collector named Alexandre du Sommerard. The collection represents a valuable testimony of the life, art and daily activities of the Middle Ages. Among the major pieces on show in the museum, the most well-known is without doubt the series of 6 « Lady with the Unicorn » tapestries on the theme of plant and animal life, of which 5 also focus on the 5 senses.


Muzeul de Artă Medievală înfiinţat în anul 1843 reuneşte două minuni arhitecturale: termele gallo-romane de la sfârşitul secolului II şi palatul construit în anii 1485-1500, una din cele mai mari reşedinţe private din sec XV.

Fântâna din curtea de onoare datează din secolul XV


Fotografii: Daniela Iacob Mara Chinţa

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu

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