An I Semestrul I - jurnalulsportivului · PDF fileau numai singular, in vreme ce in limba...

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Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţele educaţiei

Curs Limba engleză

An I – Semestrul I

Titular disciplină

Lector dr. Oana Hriţcu


Capitolul I Substantivul 2

1. Formarea pluralului 2

1.1. Reguli de ortografiere a pluralului englez 2

1.2. Plurale neregulate 2

1.3. Pluralul si substantivele colective 3

1.4. Absenta pluralului la unele categorii de substantive 3

Capitolul II Genitivul saxon 5

Capitolul III Articolul 6

3.1. Articolul hotărât - Formă. Functii. 5

3.2. Articolul nehotărât – Formă. Folosire. Cazuri speciale 8

Capitolul IV Pronumele 10

4.1. Pronumele personal. Forme. 10

4.2. Pronumele demonstrativ. Forme. Exemple. 11

4.3. Pronumele si adjectivul nehotărat 12

4.3.1. Definitii 12

4.3.2. Forme 12

4.3.3. Folosire 15

4.4. Pronumele posesiv 17

4.4.1. Forme 17

4.5. Pronumele reflexiv 18

4.5.1. Definitie. Forme 18

4.5.2. Folosire 18

4.5.3. Pozitia pronumelui reflexiv 18

4.6. Pronumele reciproce 18

Capitolul V Verbul 19

5.1. Prezentul simplu 19

5.1.1. Forme 19

5.1.2. Ortografierea la persoana a treia singular 19

5.1.3. Folosire 19

5.2. Prezentul continuu 20

5.2.1. Forme 20

5.2.2. Folosire 21

5.2.3. Imposibilitatea folosirii aspectului continuu 22

Capitolul VI

6.1. Selecţie texte 23

6.2. Exerciţii 42

Bibliografie 51




1. Formarea pluralului

1.1. Reguli generale de ortografiere a pluralului englez.

A.1. In general, pluralul majoritatii substantivelor din limba engleza (denumit si

pluralul saxon) se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei –s la forma de singular a


e.g. book – books head – heads eye – eyes

laugh - laughs

cinema – cinemas taxi – taxis travel – travels

stop - stops

A.2.Substantivele terminate la singular in literele -s,- ss, -x, -z,-sh,-ch primesc

terminatia -es la plural :

e.g. bus – buses fox – foxes match – matches

class – classes beach – beaches dutchess – dutchesses

A.3.Substantivele terminate la singular in -y precedat de consoana formeaza

pluralul in -ies astfel :

e.g. city – cities sky – skies

country – countries baby – babies

A.4.Majoritatea substantivelor terminate in -f sau -fe primesc -s la plural :

e.g. chief – chiefs (sef – sefi) roof – roofs (acoperis - acoperisuri)

gulf – gulfs (golf – golfuri) proof – proofs (dovada – dovezi)

Unele substantive terminate in -f sau -fe formeaza insa pluralul in -ves :

e.g. leaf – leaves (frunza – frunze) thief – thieves (hot – hoti)

life – lives (viata –vieti) wife – wives (sotie –sotii)

half – halves (jumatate – jumatati) wolf – wolves (lup – lupi)

A.5. Substantivele terminate in -o, precedat de o consoana, formeaza pluralul in -

es :

e.g. echo – echoes (ecou – ecouri) hero – heroes (erou – eroi)

potato – potatoes (cartof – cartofi) tomato – tomatoes (rosie – rosii)


volcano – volcanoes (vulcan – vulcani)

A.6. Cand –o final este precedat de o vocala, pluralul se formeaza in -s :

e.g. portofolio – portofolios (portofoliu – portofolii) scenario – scenarios (scenariu

– scenarii)

photo – photos (fotografie – fotografii) piano – pianos (pian – piane)

1.2. Plurale neregulate.

Urmatoarele substantive formeaza pluralul prin schimbarea vocalei


e.g. man – men foot – feet mouse – mice

woman – women tooth – teeth goose – geese

Trei substantive din aceasta categorie primesc terminatia –en :

e.g. child – children ox – oxen brother - brethren

(copil – copii) (bou – boi) (frate – frati de cruce)

1.3. Pluralul si substantivele colective.

A.1. Substantivele colective au, in genere, o singura forma (cea de singular) si

desemneaza o pluralitate de persoane / obiecte identice privite ca un intreg.

e.g. army (armata) committee (comitet) family (familie)

class (clasa) crew (echipaj) jury (curtea cu

juri) public (public) press (presa) herd (turma)

flight (stol, roi, escadrila)

Substantivele de mai sus au inteles de singular sau de plural, dupa caz. Cand

denumesc colectivitatea considerata ca un intreg, sunt substantive individuale si

se construiesc cu singularul.

e.g. The class was taken by a very good teacher. (Clasa a fost preluata de un

profesor foarte bun.)

His family was small. (Familia lui era putin numeroasa.)

Cand se refera la membrii componenti ai colectivitatii, substantivele colective

se construiesc cu pluralul.


e.g. Nearly all the class were given good marks. (Aproape tuturor elevilor li s-au

dat note bune.)

His family were asleep at that hour. (Aproape toti membrii familiei lui

dormeau la ora aceea.)

The police were after him. (Politistii erau pe urmele lui.)

1.4. Absenta pluralului la unele categorii de substantive.

A.1.Substantive care nu au forma de plural. Unele substantive din limba engleza

au numai singular, in vreme ce in limba romana substantivele corespunzatoare au

atat forma de singular, cat si de plural.

e.g. advice (sfat – sfaturi) business (afacere – afaceri)

income (venit – venituri) knowledge (cunostinta – cunostinte)

information (informatie – informatii) money (ban – bani)

progress (progres – progrese) work (munca – munci)\

e.g. He gave me some good advice. (El mi-a dat sfaturi bune.)

This is a good piece of advice. (Acesta este un sfat bun.)

His business is developing. (Afacerea/afacerile lui îi merg/e bine.)

The money is on the table. (Banii sunt pe masă.)

How is your work doing ? (Cum stai cu munca?)

The information we got was very precious. (Informaţiile pe care le-am primit

au fost foarte importante.)

Here‘s a new piece of information. (Iată o informaţie nouă/recentă.)

In general, substantivele abstracte, numele de materii si numele unor produse

naturale (cereale) au numai singular si deci sunt substantive nenumarabile.

e.g. hapiness (bucurie) peace (pace) beauty (frumusete)

time (timp) tobacco (tutun) bread (paine)

wheat (grau) rice (orez) sugar (zahar)

cotton (bumbac) coffee (cafea) sand (nisip)


Capitolul II

Genitivul saxon

Genitivul saxon (sau cazul posesiv) se formeaza in moduri diferite, in functie

de numarul substantivului.

A.1. Substantiv in singular. La singular, genitivul se formeaza adaugandu-se ‘s la

forma de nominativ singular a substantivelor.

e.g. her friend’s name (numele prietenului/prietenei ei) the judge’s verdict

(verdictul judecatorului)

Mr. Smith’s job (slujba d.-lui Smith) George’s address

(adresa lui George)

Dickens’s novels (romanele lui Dickens)

Nota ! In ultimele decenii, s-a incetatenit forma de genitiv saxon (‗), adica

intrebuintarea apostrofului fara s, dupa substantivele terminate la singular in –s, -x

sau –z, pronuntia finalului in /iz/ mentinandu-se, insa :

e.g. the actress‘ part (rolul actritei) the duchess‘ maid (camerista


St. James’ Park (Parcul Sf. James) St. Thomas’ Hospital (Spitalul Sf.


A.2. Substantiv in plural. La plural, cazul genitiv se formeaza in doua moduri :

1. La pluralul terminat in litera –s, se adauga apostroful fara s ( ‘ ) .

e.g. her friends’ names (numele prietenilor ei)

the waitress’ smiles (zambetele chelneritelor)

the horses’ legs (picioarele cailor)

the clients’ needs (nevoile clienţilor)

2. La pluralul care nu se termina in –s, se adauga ‘s.

e.g. men’s hats (palariile barbatilor) children’s toys (jucariile copiilor)

geese’s feathers (penele gastelor)


Capitolul III

Articolul hotărat.

3.1. Formă. Functii.

3.1.1. Formă. In limba engleza, articolul hotarat este the, invariabil, indiferent de

gen, numar sau caz.

e.g. the boy – the boys the school – the schools the forest – the forests

(baiatul – baietii) (scoala – scolile) (padurea – padurile)

3.1.2. Functii.

A.1. Articolul hotarat insoteste substantive care denumesc obiecte anume,

cunoscute, in ambianta in care se afla obiectele.

e.g. Look at the book on the table ! (Priveste cartea de pe masa !)

A.2. Articolul hotarat insoteste substantive care denumesc obiecte sau persoane

anterior mentionate.

e.g. I bought a new pair of shoes yesterday. The shoes are very comfortable. (Am

cumparat o pereche noua de pantofi. Pantofii sunt foarte confortabili.)

A.3. Articolul hotarat insoteste substantive particularizate prin atribute.

e.g. I like the red car over there. (red – adjectiv, grad pozitiv)

‗Give it to the youngest of the two girls. (youngest – adjectiv, grad superlativ ;

two – numeral cardinal)

3.2. Lipsa articolului.

In acest caz, gramatica moderna stabileste trei situatii distincte :

1. ,,omisiunea articolului‘‘ ; 2. ,,articolul zero ‗‘ ; 3. ,,inexistenta articolului‘‘.

1. Omisiunea articolului este deliberata si apare din dorinta vorbitorului de a

realiza o concizie, o scurtare a enuntului, din motive de economie de timp, spatiu

si efort. (e.g. este folosit in stilul stiintific, gazetaresc, in reclame, anunturi, etc.)

e.g. Girl found dead in the park ! (Fată gasita moarta in parc !)

2. Articolul ,,zero ‘’ este un nume inspirat din matematică si care marchează

importanta absentei articolului, datorită functiilor gramaticale si semantice pe care

acesta le capătă.


Calificativul ,,zero‘‘ indică lipsa articolului hotătat sau nehotărat inaintea

urmatoarelor categorii :

Substantive nenumărabile cu formă de singular (nume de materii sau


e.g. I prefer coffee in the morning. (Prefer cafea dimineata.)

Go get help before it‘s too late ! (Du-te să gasesti ajutor inainte să fie

prea tarziu !)

Substantive nenumărabile la plural.

e.g. Tom is mad about cars. (Tom e innebunit după masini.)

Functia articolului ,,zero ‗‘ constă in caracterul de generalitate pe care il dă

substantivelor din categoriile mentionate mai sus (substantive nenumarabile in

singular / plural). Acest caracter este obtinut prin suprimarea articolului acestora

(hotărat sau nehotărat).

e.g. Ciocolate is what I like best. (Ciocolata imi place cel mai mult.) -

ciocolate – subst. nenumărabil, nume de materie.

3. Inexistenta articolului. Spre deosebire de substantivele mentionate la

punctele 1. si 2., un substantiv nume propriu, cum ar fi Ann (e.g. Ann is a good

student.), ce nu este numărabil si care nu este insotit de articol, are o singura

formă (aceea de singular). Se spune, in acest caz, că substantivul Ann nu are


Alte exemple similare sunt substantivele nume proprii ce denumesc persoane

(e.g. Tim, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Johnson, etc.), localitati, zone sau tări (e.g. London,

San Francisco, Tyrol, Bavaria, Germany, etc.).


Capitolul IV

Articolul nehotărat

4.1. Forme.

In limba engleză, articolul nehotărat are două forme (a si an) ce sunt

invariabile in functie de gen si sunt intrebuintate doar cu substantive in singular.

e.g. a boy (subst. gen masculin) a girl (subst. gen feminin) a dog (subst.

gen neutru)

a house (subst. gen neutru)

4.2. Folosire.

A.1. Articolul nehotărat a se foloseste inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu o

consoană, in fata substantivelor ce incep cu semi-vocalele w si y, respectiv

sunetele /w/ si /j/, cat si cu substantive ce incep cu vocala u.

e.g. a book a door a sandwich a horse

a war a yard a uniform a university.

A.2. Articolul nehotărat an se foloseste inaintea unei vocale sia unui h mut (sunet

initial nepronuntat).

e.g. an egg an airplane an engineer an hour

A.3. Articolul nehotărat si pluralul.

Articolul nehotărat, neputand insoti decat substantive in singular, va lipsi

inaintea substantivelor in plural (sau cu sens de plural).

e.g. He is a boy. (nr. singular) They are boys. (nr. plural, articol ,,zero‘‘)

4.2.1. Cazuri speciale de folosire.

Articolul nehotărat se foloseste in următoarele situatii :

1. inaintea titulaturilor, a numelor de profesii, meserii, nationalităti :

e.g. He is a professor. She is a student.

He is a doctor / an engineer.

She is an English woman. He is an Italian.


Atentie ! In romană, aceste substantive (nume de profesii, nationalităti) nu

primesc articol nehotărat, ci articol ,,zero‘‘.

2. Inaintea numeralelor: hundred (sută), thousand (mie), million (milion),

dozen (duzină), score (douăzeci).

e.g. A hundred / thousand people came to the show. (O sută / o mie de oameni

au venit la spectacol.)

3. Inaintea unor substantive comune, in cadrul unor expresii uzuale (care nu

primesc articol in romană) :

e.g. as a reward (ca răsplată) at a distance (la distantă)

it is a shame (e păcat !) to make a fortune (a face avere)

to be in a hurry (a fi grăbit) to make a noise (a face zgomot)

to have an answer (a avea răspuns) a long/short time (multă/scurtă


to have an opportunity (a avea prilejul) to go for a walk / a drive (a merge la

plimbare / cu masina)

to have a right to ( a avea drept la ) to have a talent for (a avea talent


4.2.2. Articolul nehotărat lipseste in următoarele cazuri :

1. Cand precede substantive in plural.

e.g. They are nice people. (plural) dar He is a nice person. (singular)

You are students.(plural) dar You are a student. (singular)

2. Cand precede substantive nenumărabile (nume de materii, substantive

colective, substantive abstracte).

e.g. You have very modern furniture. (Ai o mobilă foarte modernă).

He gives me good advice. (El imi dă un sfat bun / sfaturi bune.)

I like chocolate very much. (Imi place foarte mult ciocolata.)


3. Alte substantive, din categoriile mai sus mentionate, ce nu iau articol nehotărat

in engleză :

nume de produse, substante, minerale, materiale : milk, coffee, salt, water, oil,

copper, calcium, paper, wood, etc. ;

substantivele colective : police, army, crew, family, people, luggage, furniture,

etc. ;

substantivele abstracte : health, permission, progress, work, time, weather,


4. După without, such si what (exclamative) urmate de : a) substantive

nenumărabilke sau b) substantive la plural.

e.g. a) Such old gold / silver ! (Un aur / argint atat de vechi !) What good

news ! (Ce vesti bune !)

What fine paper ! (Ce hartie fină !) We have such fun !

(Ce distractie pe noi !)

b) Such lovely October days ! (Ce zile minunate de octombrie !)

Capitolul V


5.1. Pronumele personal. Forme.

Formele pronumelui personal la principalele cazuri :

Nominativ (Functia : Subiect) Dativ(Functia : Complement indirect)

Singular Plural Singular Plural

I – eu we – noi (to) me – mie (to) us - nouă

you – tu you – voi (to) you – tie (to) you - vouă

he/she/it – el, ea, neutru they - ei (to) him/her/it – lui/ei (to)

them – lor


Genitiv (Functia : Atribut)

Singular Plural

mine – a(l/i/le) mea, meu,mei,mele ours – a(l/i/le) noastră, nostru,

nostri, noastre

yours – a(l/i/le) ta, tău, tăi, tale yours – a(l/i/le) voastră, vostru, vostri,


Acuzativ (Functia : Complement propozitional)

Singular Plural

prep. + me - prep. mine prep. + us – prep. noi

prep. + you – prep. tine prep. + you – prep. voi

prep. + him, her, it – prep.el, ea, neutru prep. + them – prep. ei

5.2. Pronumele demonstrativ. Forme. Exemple.

Pronumele demonstrativ englez poate lua diverse forme cu intelesuri

apropiate, astfel :

1. Demonstrativ (de apropiere) Demonstrativ (de


Sing. this – acesta, aceasta Sing. that – aceea,


Plural these – acestea, acestia Plural those – aceia,


Alte pronume demonstrative :

2. the former – prima, primul (din doi)

3. the first – prima, primul (din mai multi)

the latter – a doua, al doilea (din doi);

the last – ultima, ultimul (din mai multi) ;

4. the other(s) – cealaltă, celălalt, celelelte, ceilalti ;

5. so – acesta/aceasta ;

6. such – atare, asemenea, astfel de, asa, atat de ;

7. (the) one/ones - acel/aceea – sing./ (a)cei(a)/(a)cele(a) – pl.

e.g. 1. This is my book. (Aceasta este cartea mea.) That is his son.

(Acela este fiul său.)


These are my books. (Acestea sunt cărtile mele.) Those are their sons.

(Aceia sunt fiii lor.)

2. I have read Bob‘s and Jane‘s works.I prefer the former to the latter. (Am

citit lucrările lui Bob si ale lui Jane. Le prefer pe primele celor din al doilea


3. I like his friends a lot : Tom, Sue, Lucy, David and Helen. The first is my

best friend too. The last is my sister-in-law. (Imi plac prietenii lui foarte mult.

Primul este prietenul meu cel mai bun. Ultima este cumnata mea.)

4. I‘ll take this, you‘ll take the other. (Eu voi lua aceasta, tu il vei lua pe


One girl danced, the others sang. (O fată dansa, celelalte cantau.)

5. Demonstrativul ,,so‘‘(,,acel lucru‘‘, ,,aceasta‘‘), cu functia de pronume,

inlocuieste o intreaga propozitie : I knew she wasn‘t right, and I told her so.

(Stiam că nu avea dreptate si i-am spus aceasta / acel lucru / că asa era.)

6. He was a clever man, and well kown as such. (El era un bărbat inteligent si

binecunoscut, ca atare.)

7. I gave her the new book, and I kept the old one. (I-am date i cartea nouă si

eu am luat-o pe cea veche.)

Would you like to see those ones ? (Ati vrea să le vedeti pe acelea ?)

5.3. Pronumele nehotărat. Adjectivul nehotărat.


Pronumele nehotărat tine locul unui substantiv ce denumeste o fiintă sau un

lucru la care acesta se referă in mod vag.

Adjectivul nehotărat dă un caracter vag, nedefinit substantivului pe care il


5.3.2. Formele pronumelor si adjectivelor nehotărate.

Majoritatea pronumelor nehotărate pot fi si adjective,astfel :

1. each - ,,fiecare‘‘

e.g. The children are given two apples each. (Copiilor li se dă cate două mere

fiecăruia.) – pron.


Each one of the children are given an apple. (Fiecărui copil i se dă cate un

măr.) – adj. ;

2. every –,, fiecare‘‘, ,,toti‘‘

e.g. I answered every one. (Am răspuns la toti.) – pron.

Every man has a hobby. (Fiecare om are un hobby.) – adj. ;

3. all - ,,tot‘‘, ,,toată‘‘, totul‘‘, ,,toti‘‘, ,,toate‘‘

e.g. I know it all. (Stiu totul.) – pron.

All the students are here. (Toti studentii sunt aici.) – adj. ;

4. one - ,,un‘‘, ,,unul‘‘, ,,una‘‘, ,,cineva‘‘, ,,-o‘‘

e.g. One cannot always be right. (Cineva nu poate avea intotdeauna dreptate.) –


One day you‘ll remember this. (Intr-o zi iti vei aminti aceasta.) – adj. ;

5. another - ,,(un) alt‘‘, ,,altul‘‘, ,,altă‘‘, ,,alta‘‘, ,,mai‘‘, ,,incă unul‘‘

e.g. One child played, another wrote. (Un copil se juca, altul scria.) – pron.

Will you have another tea ? (Mai vrei un alt ceai/ o altă cească de cafea ? –

adj. ;

6. either - ,,oricare din doi/două ; amandoi/amandouă

e.g. ‗Which of the two do you want ?‘ ‗Either will do.‘ (- Pe care din cele două o

vrei ? – Oricare e in regulă.) – pron.

I had a child on either side of me. (Aveam cate un copil de fiecare parte.) –

adj. ;

7. neither - ,,nici un‘‘, ,,nici o‘‘, ,,nici unul‘‘, nici una‘‘ (din doi / două)

e.g. They both got up, but neither of them spoke. (Amandoi s-au ridicat, dar nici

unul dintre cei doi nu a

vorbit.) – pron.

8. both - ,,amandoi‘‘, ,,amandouă‘‘

e.g. Both are away. (Amandoi sunt plecati.) – pron.

We like both houses. (Ne plac amandouă casele.) – adj.

9. several - ,,cativa‘‘, ,,cateva‘‘, ,,mai multi / multe

e.g. There were several of them. (Erau mai multi.) – pron.

Several men came in. (Au intrat mai multi oameni.) – adj.

10. much - ,,mult‘‘, ,,multă‘‘ + subst. nenumărabile / abstracte → adjective ce

exprimă o cantitate


e.g. much time / money / information / news, etc. (mult timp / multi bani / multe

informatii, stiri, etc.

11. many - ,,multi multe + subst. numărabile → adjective ce exprimă numărul

e.g. Many people like swimming. (Multor oameni le place inotul.) – adj.

There are many interesting places to visit in London. I know many.) – adj. si


12. (a) little – putin(ă) / foarte putin(ă)

e.g. There‘s a little cheese left in the fridge. (Este putină / ceva branză rămasă in

frigider.) – adj.

He knows little English. I now little too. (El stie foarte putină engleză. Si eu

stiu la fel de putină.) –

adj. si pron.

13. (a) few - ,,foarte putine‘‘ / ,,foarte putini‘‘,,,putine‘‘, ,,putini / ,,cativa‘‘

e.g. He has few friends and feels lonely. (El are f. putini prieteni si se simte

singur.) – adj.

She has a few friends and she is very happy. (Ea are putini prieteni si e foarte

fericită.) - adj.

14. some - ,,ceva‘‘, ,,niste‘‘, ,,putin(ă)‘‘, ,,unii‘‘, ,,unele‘‘, ,,cateva‘‘, ,,cativa‘‘,

,,vreun‘‘, ,,vreo‘‘

e.g. Some say she is clever. – pron.

It took some time to get home. (A luat ceva vreme sa ajung acasă.) – adj.

15. any - ,,oricare‘‘, ,,orice‘‘, ,,ceva‘‘, ,,vreunul‘‘, ,,vreuna‘‘, ,,vreunii‘‘, ,,nimic‘‘,


e.g. Any can tell you that. (Oricine iti poate spune aceasta.) – pron.

Any man knows his weaknesses. (Orice om isi stie slăbiciunile.) – adj.

16. no - ,,nici un‘‘, ,,nici o‘‘

e.g. There is no answer from them. (Nu este nici un răspuns de la ei.) – adj.

17. none - ,,nici unul‘‘, ,,nici una‘‘, ,,deloc‘‘

e.g. None of them spoke. (Nici unul dintre ei nu a vorbit.) – pron.

Patience he had none for what he didn‘t like. (Nu avea deloc răbdare pentru

ce nu-i plăcea.) – adj.

18. someone, somebody - ,,cineva‘‘

e.g. There is someone / somebody at the door. (E cineva la usa.) – pron.

19. anyone / anybody – ,,cineva‘‘, ,,oricine‘‘


e.g. Anybody can do this. (Oricine poate face asta.) – pron.

Did anyone tell you this ? (Ti-a spus cineva asta ?) – pron.

20. anything – ,,ceva‘‘, ,, orice ‗‘

e.g. Anything is better than ill health. (Orice e mai bun decat boala.) – pron.

Did anything bad happen ? (S-a intamplat ceva rău ?) – adj.

21. nobody, no one – ,,nimeni‘‘

e.g. Nobody spoke for a long time. (Nimeni nu a vorbit pentru o vreme.) – pron.

There was no one there. (Nu era nimeni acolo.) – pron.

22. nothing - ,,nimic‘‘

e.g. Nothing matters now that she is gone. (Nimic nu mai contează acum că ea a


23. everyone, everybody - ,,toti‘‘, ,,fiecare‘‘

e.g. Everyone agreed to him. (Toti au fost de acord cu el.) – pron.

He addressed everybody. (El s-a adresat fiecăruia.) – pron.

24. everything - ,,tot‘‘

e.g. I told you everything I know. (Ti-am spus tot ce stiu.) – pron.

5.3.3. Folosirea adjectivelor nehotărate in functie de tipul propozitiei.

Some – are sens restrictiv si afirmativ. Ca si adjectiv, some se foloseste, de

regulă, in propozitii afirmative cu sensul : ,,cativa‘‘, ,,cateva‘‘, ,,unii‘‘, ,,unele‘‘,

,,niste‘‘, ,,putin(ă)‘‘, ,,ceva‘‘.

Folosire. Some poate insoti substantive in plural, substantive nume de materii

si substantive abstracte.

1. Propozitii afirmative :

e.g. I have some good solutions. (,,cateva‘‘)

He speaks some English. (,,ceva‘‘, ,,putină‘‘)

I‘d like to buy some perfume / oranges. (,,niste‘‘)

2. Propozitii interogative (doar atunci cand se oferă ceva sau se adresează o


e.g. Shall I bring you some water ? (,,niste‘‘)

May I have some coffee ? (,,putină)


Any – are sensul ,,vreun‘‘, ,,vreo‘‘ ; cu o negatie – nici unul‘‘, ,,nici o/una‘‘.

Folosire. Any se intrebuintează atunci cand nu interesează cantitatea sau

numărul, ci obiectul.

1. Propozitii interogative :

e.g. Have you got any news ? (,,vreo‘‘, ,,ceva‘‘)

2. Propozitii negative (după o negatie) :

e.g. He hasn‘t got any money. (,,nici un‘‘)

3. Propozitii afirmative :

e.g. Any man can do this. (,,orice‘‘, ,,oricare‘‘)

4. Any (ca si adjectiv) se foloseste cu substantive numărabile, abstracte sau


e.g. any books / men - ,,oricare‘‘ (s. numărabile)

any information - ,,oricare‘‘ (s. abstract)

any chocolate – ,,orice fel de‘‘ (s. nenumărabil)

No – se foloseste adjectival atunci cand determină un substantiv si are sensul

,,nici un‘‘, ,,nici o‘‘.

Folosire. No apare in propozitii negative, dar in care verbul este la formă

afirmativă (pentru evitarea

repetării negatiei).

1. Propozitii negative :

e.g. There are no students in the class. (,,nici un‘‘)

2. Cand verbul to be sau to have este urmat de un substantiv, singura negatie in

propozitie va fi no.

e.g. There are no bananas in the fridge. (,,nici o‘‘) – no + subst.

3. Cand verbul to be sau to have este urmat de un alt adjectiv, cuvantul negativ

folosit este not.

e.g. There are not (aren‘t) any bananas. (,,nici o‘‘) – not + adj.


4. Se foloseste cu substantive numărabile (e.g. no books, no students),

nenumărabile (no sugar,

no time) sau cu substantive abstracte (no news, no information).

5.4. Pronumele posesiv. Adjectivul posesiv.

5.4.1. Forme. Pronumele posesiv are următoarele forme :

Singular – mine, yours, his, her, its - al meu / a mea, al tău / a ta, al lui / a lui, al

ei / a ei

Plural – ours, yours, theirs - a(i)/ ale noastre, a(i)/ ale voastre, a (i)/ale


e.g. These books are mine.(,,ale mele‘‘) The car over there is theirs. (,,a lor‘‘)

Adjectivul posesiv insoteste un substantiv si are formele :

Singular – my, your, his, her, its - meu / mea, tău / ta, lui, ei

Plural – our, your, their - nostru / noastră / nostri / noastre , vostru / voastră / vostri,


e.g. I like your new style. (,,noul tău stil / look‘‘) It‘s not his fault. (,,vina lui‘‘)

5.5. Pronumele reflexiv sau de intărire.

5.5.1. Definitie. Pron. reflexiv arată că actiunea exprimată de verb se răsfrange

asupra subiectului.

Forme. Pronumele reflexiv si de intărire au aceeleasi forme in engleză, spre

deosebire de romană unde se traduc diferit.

Singular - myself - ,,insumi‘‘,,, insămi‘‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,mă‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

- yourself - ,,insuti‘‘,,, insăti‘‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,te‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

- himself – ,,insusi‘‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,se‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

- herself - ,,insăsi‘‘(pron.intărire)


- ,,se‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

Plural - ourselves - ,,insine ‗‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,ne‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

- yourselves - ,,insivă‘‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,vă‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

- themselves - ,,insisi‘‘, insesi‘‘ (pron. intărire)

- ,,se‘‘ (pron. reflexiv)

5.5.2. Folosirea pronumelui reflexiv.

1. Formează conjugarea reflexivă a verbelor :

e.g. I enjoy myself. (Mă distrez.)

2. In expresii idiomatice, insotit de propozitii (by of, for) = ,,singur‘‘

e.g. by myself - ,,singur(ă)‘‘,,, neinsotit(ă)‘‘, ,,neajutat(ă)‘‘ (Shed id it by herself. A

făcut-o singură.)

of oneself - ,,singur‘‘, ,,de la sine‘‘ (The cup cracked of itself. Cana s-a crăpat

de la sine.)

for yourself - ,,singur‘‘, ,,tu insuti‘‘ (You can see for yourself. Poti vedea tu


5.5.3. Pozitia pronumelui reflexiv / de intărire

- In engleză, spre deosebire de limba romană, pronumele reflexiv se

pozitionează după verb.

e.g. I burnt myself with matches. (M-am ars cu chibrite.)

- Pronumele de intărire se plasează imediat după cuvantul pe care il intăreste.

e.g. I myself phoned her yesterday. (Eu insumi am sunat-o ieri.)

5.6. Pronumele reciproce

- each other (,,unul pe celălalt‘‘) – se foloseste cand se au in vedere doar două

persoane / lucruri.

e.g. The two friends will not see each other for a long time. (Cei doi prieteni nu se

vor mai vedea

unul cu celălalt multă vreme.)


- one another (,,unii pe ceilalti‘‘) – se foloseste cand se au in vedere mai mult de


persoane / lucruri)

e.g. It is good to help one another. (Este bine să ne ajută unii pe ceilalti.)

Atentie !

In engleză, prepozitia se pune inaintea pronumelor reciproce, nu intre ele, ca

in romană.

e.g. They talked to one another. (Vorbeau unul cu altul.)

They couldn‘t part from each other. (Nu se puteau despărti unul de altul.)

Capitolul VI


6.1. Prezentul simplu. Acesta este timpul care arată că actiunea verbului are loc

in momentul vorbirii.

6.1.1. Formă. Prezentul simplu are aceleasi forme, in engleză, cu infinitivul

verbului, la toate persoanele, cu exceptia persoanei a treia singular care primeste

–s ca terminatie distinctivă.

Singular – I speak / you speak / he/she/it speaks

Plural – We speak / you speak / they speak

6.1.2. Ortografierea verbelor la persoana a treia singular.

A1. Majoritatea verbelor adaugă –s, fără nici o modificare ortografică.

e.g. to look – he looks to stop – he stops

to read – he reads to take – he takes

A2. Verbele terminate in –s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, -z adaugă –es la persoana a treia


e.g. to dress – she dresses to blitz – she blithzes

to mix – he mixes to watch – she watches

to wash – he washes to reach – he reaches


A.3. Verbele terminate in –y, precedat de o consoană, adaugă –es la forma de


modificarea lui - y in –i.

e.g. to try – she tries to carry – she carries

to hurry he hurries to worry – she worries

A.4.Verbele terminate in –y, precedat de o vocală, adaugă –s la forma de infinitiv,

fără nici o modificare.

e.g. to say – she says to pay – he pays

A.5. Verbele go si do adaugă –es la persoana a treia singular.

e.g he goes / does

6.1.3. Folosire.

A.1. Cea mai frecventă intrebuintare a prezentului simplu este exprimarea unui

adevăr general, universal,

fără specificarea momentului actiunii.

e.g. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste.)

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (Soarele răsare la est si

apune la vest.)

Two and two are four. (Doi si cu doi fac patru.)

Life is short. (Viata este scurtă.)

A.2. Prezentul simplu mai exprimă o actiune / stare permanentă, care constituie un

obicei sau care se

repetă in mod obisnuit.

e.g. One lives and learns. (Cat trăiesti, inveti.)

She usually stays up late. (Ea stă de obicei pană tarziu.)

Do you ever remember what I say ? (Iti amintesti vreodată ce spun ?)

She is often ill. (Ea este adesea bolnavă.)

6.2. Prezentul continuu. Aceasta este forma prin care se indică faptul că

actiunea verbului este in desfăsurare la momentul vorbirii.

6.2.1. Formă. Prezentul continuu se construieste cu auxiliarul TO BE si participiul

prezent al verbului

conjugat. ( to be + vb. –ing.)


Forma afirmativă – forma completă Forma scurtă

Sing - I am calling I‘m calling

- You are calling you‘re calling

- He/she is calling he‘s/she‘s calling

Plural - we are calling we‘re calling

- you are calling you‘re calling

- they are calling they‘re calling

Formă negativă – completă Formă scurtă

Sing. - I am not calling I‘m not calling

- you are not calling you‘re not calling / aren‘t calling

- he/she is not calling he‘s / she‘s not calling / isn‘t calling

Plural - we are not calling we‘re not calling / aren‘t calling

- you are not calling you‘re not calling / aren‘t calling

- they are not calling they‘re not calling / aren‘t calling

Formă interogativă – completă

Sing. - Am I calling ? Plural - Are we calling ?

- Are you calling ? - Are you calling ?

- Is he / she calling ? - Are they calling ?

6.2.2.Folosire. Prezentul continuu se utilizează atunci cand se doreste să se

exprime o actiune /

situatie in desfăsurare la momentul vorbirii, sau o actiune / stare

momentană ori temporară,

sau o actiune continuă pe o perioadă prelungită.

A.1. We are having lunch now. (Servim pranzul acum.)

Tom is reading right now. (Tom citeste acum.)

A.2. We are staying in a hotel. (Stăm la un hotel.) – pe o perioadă


They are decorating their house. (Ei isi văruiesc in casă.) - temporar


A.3. We are studying French at the university. (Noi studiem franceza la facultate.)

– perioadă de timp prelungită.

6.2.3. Imposibilitatea folosirii aspectului continuu.

Intrebuintarea formei continue arată că actiunea sau starea denumită de verb

este ,,neterminată‘‘, ,,trecătoare‘‘, ,,temporară‘‘, ,,in curs‘‘ sau ,,in desfăsurare‘‘.

Există insă verbe care nu pot avea aspect continuu sau situatii care nu permit

intrebuintarea formei continue.

A.1. Actiunea verbului nu este trecătoare.

e.g. The stream flows from West to East. (Raul curge de la vest la est.) – actiune


He writes a clear hand. (El scrie / are un scris frumos.) – actiune


A.2. Verbele care exprimă sentimente, activităti mentale sau perceptii senzoriale.

sentimente : to care, to matter (a conta), to like, to love, to detest, to hate (a

uri), to prefer, to mind

(a se supăra), etc.

activităti mentale : to agree (a fi de acord), to believe (a fi de acord), to think (a

gandi, considera), to

know (a sti), to mean (a insemna, a avea sens), to recognize (a recunoaste),

to remember

(a-siaminti), to forget (a uita), to seem (a părea), to want (a vrea), to wish (a

dori), etc.

perceptii senzoriale : to feel (a simti), to hear (a auzi), to see (a vedea), to

smell (a mirosi), to taste

(a gusta), to look like ( a arăta ca/ a semăna), etc.


Capitolul VI

Selecţie texte

Activity I NOUNS

The Life of a Hard-Working Future King Prince Charles is often portrayed as bad-tempered and spoilt. There are

stories that every day seven eggs are boiled for hius breakfast so that he can find

one that is cooked just the way he likes it. His toothpaste is squeezed onto his

toothbrush for him.

He has an enormous private staff – secretaries, press officers, four valets, two

butlers, housekeepers, two chefs, two chauffers, ten gardners, an army of porters,

cleaners, and maids. They must do everything right. If they have performed their

duties well, they are praised in a royal memo. If they make mistakes, they are calkled

into his study and told off.

Charles is eccentric, and he admits it. Hew talks to trees and plants. He wants

to save wildlife, but enjoys hunting, shooting, and fishing. He dresses for dinner, even

if he‘s eating alone. He‘s a great socialize. Poets, writers, broadcasters, politicians,

actors and singers all eat at his table.

The Prince entertains extravagantly at Sandringham, one of the Queen‘s

homes, at least twice a year. There are picnic lunches on the beach, expeditions to

localchurches, and lavish dinners with organic food. Conversartion is lively, but the

heir to the throne has to be careful what he says, because he knows only too well

that anything he says in private may be repeated in public.

The future monarch that we don‘t see is a man of great humour, who cares

passionately about the state of the British nation, and is devoted to his two children,

William and Harry. He is madly in love with his ‗darling wife‘, which is how he refers to

Camilla in public.

Charles attends over 500 public engagements a year, both at home and

abroad. He visits hospitals, youth groups, charities, and business conferences. He

hosts receptions to welcome visiting heads of state and VIPs. He travels abroad

extensively, as an ambassador to the United Kingdom, representing trade and


industry. He works hard to promote greater understanding between different

religions. He is also President of the Prince‘s Charities, which are active in promoting

education, business, the environment, the arts, and opportunities for young people.

The Prince of Wales has his own food company, Dutchy Originals. It is now

expanding to become one of Britain‘s best-known and most successful organic

brands, with over 200 different products, including food, drinks, and hair and body

care products.

Charles, well-intentioned, hard-working, conservative and old-fashioned,

continues to do his duty as he sees it. But he is no longer alone. One day he will be

King, and his darling Camilla will be HRH The Princess Consort.

Exercise 1. Answer the questions below.

1. What gives the impression that Charles is extremely wealthy?

2. What happens to his stuff if they do well? What happens if they don‘t?

3. What is the routine when he entertains at Sandringham?

4. What is the private side of Prince Charles?

5. What are some of his public duties?

6. What good deeds does he do?

7. What is Dutchy Originals? What is happening to it?

8. In what different ways is Charles referred to? (e.g. future King, etc.)

Exercise 2

1. Find in the text nouns ending in –ing. Do they have a plural form too? Why?

2. What do you think occupies most of Charles’s time? Write a number 0-5 next

to each activity, 0=not at all, 5= a lot.

□ earning a living

□ hunting

□ entertaining

□ travelling

□ performing royal duties

□ being with his family


Exercise 3. Give the plural forms of the following nouns. Indicate the nouns that have no plural forms. shop parent stop travel egg movie

friend lesson love child man tooth

brush nurse city church bus beach

baby leaf match breakfast woman money

time salt wife mouse life biology

tomato foot puppy torch person box

Exercise 4. Rewrite in the plural. 1. It is a sharp knife. – They _____________________ .

2. She is a nice woman. – They __________________ .

3. He is a good teacher. – _______________________ .

4. It is a small country. – _______________________ .

5. This is a dirty kitchen. –These _________________ .

6. This child is deaf. – __________________________ .

7. This person is missing. – ______________________.

8. It is a clean beach. – __________________________ .

9. You have got a big foot. – _____________________ .

10. This is a slow bus. – _________________________ .

Exercise 5. Complete this text about Mary. Put the nouns into the plural (where possible). This is my pen friend Mary. She‘s Canadian and she lives in Toronto. She is 25

(year) old. She‘s got fair hair and brown (eye). She has three (sister). Her (parent)

are both doctors. They have a big house and two (car). Mary‘s room is large and

sunny. There is a computer, a CD player and a printing machine in her room. The

(Dobson) have a cat and two (dog). Mary‘s youngest sister has got some (fish). They

have good (neighbour) and they visit them at the weekends.

Mary hasn‘t got a car of her own so she goes to work by bus. The (bus) run every ten

(minute) and there‘s a bus stop near her house. Mary is a nurse. She is getting on

well with all the (nurse) at the hospital. She has a lot of (friend) and she meets them

in the (afternoon). They often throw (party) at the (weekend). Sometimes they dance

till late at night.

Mary doesn‘t have much (money), but she enjoys her work at the hospital. She wants

to travel abroad and visit various (country). When she doesn‘t go out with (friend) she

sits in front of the TV and watches old (comedy).

Exercise 6. Write a short text about your best friend. Use different categories of nouns.


Activity II THE GENITIVE Task: Read the text below and identify the nouns in the genitive form.

Helen’s Career Plans

Robin is a medical student. After he qualifies in June he has one month before his

first job starts. Robin‘s fiancée, Helen, is still a student: she studies law. Helen will

graduate next year. She is already working with a legal firm. It‘s called Johnson &

Sons. She has acquired some experience as a solicitor, but she wants to qualify as a

barrister. So she still needs some more years of study and practice before she can

actually do that.

Helen‘s ambition is to make a fantastic career in legal work. She is already studying

for her next year‘s final paper. Besides this, she is working extra hours in the office to

prepare some of the papers for her boss‘s clients.

Helen is very busy right now, and so is Robin. They don‘t see much of each other;

there are days when they just meet at breakfast and late at night. Still, they spend a

lovely time together at the weekends. They share a nice flat at the outskirts of

London. Helen and Robin‘s home is a two-bedroom apartment with a lovely double

view to a park and a garden. In fact, it is Helen‘s garden: she has done all the work

there to plant some bushes and flowers. There‘s even a small pond in it where wild

ducks sometimes lend in the summer. She loves watching them in the morning

before she leaves for work.

Helen‘s got a large family: two brothers and a sister. Her brothers‘ names are James

and Nicholas. They‘re twins and they are still in school. Her sister‘s name is Janette,

and she is a nurse. In fact, it was her sister‘s idea to introduce Robin to her. She is

grateful to Janette sister that she has arranged her a date with Robin, which she

wasn‘t at first. They‘re all good friends. Helen and her fiancé always have a wonderful

time at Janette‘s, whenever they can both afford an afternoon off work.


Last summer they went on a trip to Greece together with Janette‘s family – her

husband and two daughters. They visited around Athens, went to the beach on the

Aegean coast and had great fun sightseeing all around the Peloponese. Robin and

John, Janette‘s husband, are excellent friends, and they share the same hobbies –

fishing, diving and driving. John is Robin‘s best friend, but they seem to be like

brothers actually, although John‘s brother-in-law is ten years younger than him.

Janette and John are going to be Helen and Robin‘s best woman and man on their

wedding – whenever that may be. They haven‘t planned anything yet, as they both

have some busy years to come. Until then, Helen is happy with her present marital

state, though she is looking forward to getting married to Robin someday. Her

younger brothers tease her saying that she will make a perfect wife for Robin – if she

ever decides to take the step. But now Helen‘s having a busy time preparing the

grounds for her future career, so she doesn‘t really have much time to think about her

wedding plans as yet. Her fiancé‘s career is at stake too. That means that they have

greater worries and priorities right now to make room for personal matters take over

their lives. All they know for sure is that they will have a family of their own in a few

years‘ time. Until that time comes, they‘re the best company to each other they can

ever think of.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with ‘s or s‘.

1. What is your mother __ maiden name? 2. I‘m going to the dentist __ tomorrow. 3.

Jenny is my brother ___ girlfriend. 4. This is Jack __ brother, Tommy. 5. Have you

seen yesterday __ newspaper? 6. His friend __ car is broken again. 7. Our

neighbours __ children make a lot of noise. 8. Bill and Sue ___ is a retriever. 9.

Children __ clothes are very expensive. 10. I‘m having two weeks __ holiday this


Exercise 2. Match the nouns in column B to their genitive possessors in

column A. make the necessary changes.


the boys wedding

mother car

the children decisions

police officer house


our friends journey

Mike and Susan garden

my sister hair

the managers toys

a three-week room

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes.

1. The bird‘s nest is completely destroyed. 2. The boys‘ game is too loud. 3. Jan and

Tim‘s rooms are in a complete mess. 4. The United States‘s economy is in crisis

these days. 5. My friend‘ computer is out of work. 6. His brothers team will win the

European Championships this year. 7. David‘s and Emily‘s dog is quite naughty. 8.

Our neighbours‘s son often sneaks into our orchard and slips fruit.



1. Underline the nouns in these sentences.

My brother has the best computer in the world. Mine is just an old laptop.

Find: a definite article an indefinite article

a possessive pronoun a possessive adjective

2. Underline the reflexive pronouns in these sentences.

Mike programs his computer himself.

I live by myself, which suits me fine.

Exercise 1. Work with a partner. Read the text below and answer the questions.

1. Do you agree to these statements? Why / Why not?

Microchips are huge. Microchips are tiny.

2. What things in our daily lives have microchips in them?

3. In what way are computers very simple/

4. How long does it take to make microprocessors?

5. In what way is the future exciting?


Microprocessors The Biggest Thing Since the Invention of the Wheel

What are they?

A microprocessor (also known as a microchip, or just a chip) is a small, thin piece of

silicon that has been printed with transistors. One chip can contain hundreds of

millions of transistors, performing billions of calculations each second. The smallest

are just a few mm2. It is the most complex product that has ever been made.


What do they do?

Microprocessors are the brains of your personal computer.they control everything in

your lives. They are used in all digital devices – calculators, cameras, radios, ovens,

fridges, wasdhing machines, DVDs, and watches. Without microprocessors, modern

cars wouldn‘t start or stop (there are about 60 per car), TV remotes wouldn‘t switch

channels, and we couldn‘t speak with each other on our mobiles. Doctors and

surgeons wouldn‘t be able to diagnose, treat, or operate.

How do they work?

Transistors are microscopic electronic switches that turn on and off billions of times a second. It‘s hard to believe that basically that is all a computer does – it either says Yes or No.

To process the words, images and sounds we use every day, computers and other devices transform these communications into a simple code that uses the numerals 0 and 1 to represent them on and off states of a transistor. This language of )s and 1s is known as digital information.

How are they made?

It takes months to make a microprocessor, and inviolves over 250 manufacturing steps, but it can take years to design them. Sometimes the engineers put pictures on the surface of the chip because they want to show it‘s theirs. The pictures are incredibly tiny, and they can be seen with a microscope.

What about the future?

The digital world is only a few decades old. There are still countless more things we

could do with microprocessors. Soon they‘ll be able to fix themselves and even

make themselves. No one knows what will happen. The future hasn‘t happened yet.


Exercise 2. Discuss the use of articles in these sentences.

I bought a laptop and a printer on Friday.

The laptop has an Intel microprocessor.

Intel is the largest manufacturer of (-) computer chips in the world.

I don‘t understand (-) computers.


Exercise 3. Complete the text with a/an/the, or no article. 1. ‗Where‘s Jane?‘ ‗In ___ kitchen cooking ___ lunch.‘

2. Washington, D.C. is ___ capital of ___ United States.

3. We had ___ dinner in ___ best restaurant in ___ world.

4. Certainly ___ computers have changed ___ modern lives.

5. ―How do you like ___ coffee?‘ ‗Black with ___ sugar in it.‘

6. Today is ___ first day of ____ holiday. Enjoy it.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the or nothing (-).

1. I go to ____ school at 8.00. The school is in the centre of ____ town.

2. Good night. I‘m going to ____ bed now. Jane is in ____ bed already.

3. My brother‘s studying ____ Maths at ____ Manchester University.

4. My sister‘s at ____ University of Bonn.

5. We can see ____ river Thames, ____ St. Paul‘s Cathedral, and ____

Buckingham Palace from our room.

6. Last year we had a trip on ____ Mediterranean. We met people from ____

United States, _____ Japan and ____ Middle East.

7. What are you cooking for ____ lunch?

8. I go everywhere by ____ train. I never travel by ____ plane. ____ last plane I

took was in 2003.

9. ____ fruit is full of vitamins.

10. ____ French love food and wine, but only French food and wine.

11. ____ money doesn‘t lead to happiness.

12. _____ beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

13. I‘m going ____ home now. I‘ll be at ____ home tomorrow.

14. James is studying ____ law at university.


15. ____ is the best policy.

16. I‘m going to ____ doctor‘s and then to ____ chemist‘s.

Supplementary Reading

Going to Work in Africa

Alan: I‘m thinking of applying for a job in East Africa, in Tanzania.

Betty: Really? I was there for a while some time ago.

Alan: I know, I remember you saying. Can I ask you a few questions?

Betty: Go ahead. I‘ll do my best to remember. I was there for two years but that

was ten years ago.

Alan: So, what was it like?

Betty: It was a great experience. I liked everything except the climate. I didn‘t

enjoy working in the heat.

Alan: Ah, I can‘t help worring about the heat. Was it really difficult to keep cool?

Betty: Not if you are lucky enough to have air-conditioning, but we just had fans.

And we were on the coast, and it‘s really hot and humid there. Where is your job


Alan: A town called Arusha.

Betty: Oh, very nice. That‘s much cooler, inland, near Mt Kilimanjaro. I‘ll never

forget climbing Kilimanjaro.

Alan: I‘d love to do that and go on safari. Did you manage to travel round much?

Betty: Oh yes, we went to most of the big game parks – like the Seregenti Plain

and the Ngorongoro Crater – that was so huge it made me feel very small and the

wildlife was fantastic.

Alan: Which animals did you like best?

Betty: Actually, I think it was the giraffes, I like watching the way they raise their

long necks to eat. Oh, and the lions, of course. Do you know that in Lake Manyara

National park the lions actually climb trees?

Alan: Really? It all sounds so exciting. I‘m definitely going to apply for the job. It‘s

been great talking to you.

Betty: Give me a ring and let me know how you get on.


Activity IV PRONOUNS Brian decided to buy a new car. He first studied the car magazines; then he took a

test drive. Which of these cars do you think he chose, and why?

BM Calypso/5 dr/1250cc. Our initial impression was average. It looked like so many

small hatchbacks. After having driven it for a week though, we began to appreciate

its performance and comfort. In addition, the digital instruments and 'speaking voice'

computer impressed us. To sum up: A good all-round small car. Unexciting, but

well-built. £5,335.

Euro Carnival, 5 dr/1149cc. We immediately liked the futuristic styling, and, having

taken it at high speed to Scotland, we also gave good marks for speed and

handling. Some drivers found it rather small. To sum up: An unusual car, overall

less impressive than it looked. £4,930.

Cord Festivity/3 dr/998cc. Our first thought was that Cord should have made a 5-

door version. Furthermore, they should have made a bigger engine available. It was

ideal in town, but a nuisance on long journeys. To sum up: A good 'shopping' car;

easy to park. Not for long distances. £4,875.

* secondly, thirdly are used, and occasionally fourthly and fifthly, but it would be very

unusual to add -ly after five in a sequence. You use sixth, seventh, and so on.

Exercise 1. Read the text below. Tasks:

Find examples of pronouns in the text below. Compare them to their use in Romanian in the same situations.

Is there any case of article omission in the text?

Make a list of all the adjectives you can find in the text. Group them up according to their form.

Car Wash

Brian was extremely proud of his car. It was his first new car after years of

second-hand disasters, and he had saved long and hard to get it. He remembered

the day three months previously when he had walked into the showroom to order it.

The salesman had been helpful and friendly and Brian had enjoyed every detail of


the transaction. Having had a test drive he had sat for over an hour, poring over the

list of options. Yes, he would have metallic paint; no, he wouldn‘t bother with an

electric aerial or electric windows, certainly not at a cost of £350. Yes, he would have

the de luxe sheepskin seat covers and so on. When it was eventually delivered

gleaming to his door, he had been almost afraid to drive it. That was three weeks

ago, and the gleam had gradually become dulled by dust. (It was the hottest summer

in living memory.) It was time for its first wash.

Brian drove carefully to the automatic car wash at a nearby service station. He

was sure that passers-by must be admiring his machine. He drove in, got his token

and joined the queue. At last it was his turn, and he pushed the token into the slot,

and carefully positioned the car in the centre of the car wash. He felt a bit

apprehensive when he looked at the huge green brushes, but he wound down his

window again and firmly stabbed the start button. There was a loud whirring noise as

the brushes descended and the spray began. Brian tapped his fingers in time with

the song on his stereo FM radio. The radio … it was working … that meant the aerial

was up. Brian turned to look … too late, there was nothing he could do. Wait…

better close the window quickly. Brian grabbed at the winding handle in panic. There

was a slight cracking noise and Brian found himself staring down at the handle. It had

broken off in his hand — with the window open. He felt the first, fine spray on his

face, and he had time for one last, longing look at his sheepskin seat covers before

the deluge of detergent and water hit him.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with personal and reflexive pronouns. 1. I hurt ______climbing a tree. 2. Selfish people only care about ______ . 3. Duncan

is an honest man. I believe every word _____ says. 4. Let me introduce ______ to

Mike. _____‘s an old friend of mine. 5. You drive too fast. You could kill ______ if

_____ are not careful. 6. I behaved very badly. I‘m ashamed of ______ . 7. Today is

sunny, but _____ is going to be cloudy tomorrow. 8. Bye, Jane! I hope you enjoy

_____ at the party. 9. Jenny is my brother‘s girlfriend. _____ is a lovely

companionship for _____ . 10. Burglars emptied my flat. ____ took all my electric

staff and art objects.


Exercise 3. Insert all into the right place.

1. I usually do my homework. 2. I like kinds of music, from classical to jazz and rock.

3. He has spent day on the computer. 4. I need is a new pair of glasses. 5. In their

family they like football. 6. Pedro is a great colleague. He has invited the whole class

to his party – of us! 7. Jane is a hardworking girl. This I know about her. 8. You

have‘t done your best. You should work harder next time.

Exercise 4. Complete with all / every / everywhere / everyone / everything.

1. It was a great party. _____had a great time. _____ the food was eaten. 2. You

must tell me _____ about oyur holiday. 3. I believe _____ word you say. 4. There‘s

nothing wrong with your car. _____ it needs is some petrol. 5. The police searched

_____ room. They looked in the garden and the basement. They looked _____ . 6.

It‘s been raining _____ week. 7. ‗I‘ve heard enough of this! ______ I know is that

______ is to blame but you!‘ 8. ______ time she comes over she complains about

_______ in her office.

Exercise 5. Fill in using the indefinite pronouns or adjectives: some, any, no,

many, one, every, several, both.

1. There is ____ time to do this now. 2. Susan and Anne are good friends. ____ like

walking in the park. 3. There were ____ people waiting at the bus stop. 4. Please,

give me ____ money. I‘ll give it back to you next week. 5. ____ man knows what s/he

wants to do with his life. 6. Are there ____ reasons why you don‘t speak to Tom

anymore? 7. She speaks _____ foreign languages. 8. I don‘t know ____ of them. 9.

The police caught two men. ____ of them is surely suspect of murder. 10. ____

people are more emotional than others.

Exercise 6. Use (a) little, (a) few, much or many.

1. Sandra knows _____ about London as she lives in a small village in the north of

Wales. 2. Tina drinks too _____ coffee. 3. There is _____ food in the fridge. We

need to go shopping. 4. There are ____ cakes left on the plate. You can have some.


5. She speaks _____ Spanish, but she can‘t write it. 6. _____ animals live at the

South Pole. 7. How _____ fruit do you eat every day? 8. In winter there is _____

daylight. 9. They don‘t have _____ vegetable for lunch. 10. I don‘t drink _____ water.

11. There is _____ we can do to help Pam right now. 12. In ______ weeks we shall

leave for Australia.

Supplementary Readings

A Surprise Party

A: Can you keep a secret?

B: Yes, of course. What is it?

A: I‘m making arrangements for a surprise party for Rosa next Saturday. It‘s her

thirtieth birthday.

B: A surprise party! That‘ll be be difficult to arrange without her knowing. Who are

you inviting?

A: Everybody. All our friends, her friends from work, all her family, even her two

aunts from Scotland. They are coming down on Friday evening and they are bringing

her cousins with them.

B: What about the food and drink? Where are you going to get that from?

A: It‘s all arranged. Marcello‘s restaurant are delivering all kinds of food and drink on

Saturday afternoon, and their chef is making a special birthday cake with pink

icing and sugar flowers.

B: Excellent! And what are you getting Rosa for her birthday? Have you got her a

good present?

A: Oh yes! I‘ve booked a very special holiday. A week for two in Bali! We are

travelling first class ands we are staying in a five-star hotel.

B: That‘s a great idea. Very clever! I can see that you‘re going to enjoy her birthday,

too! Am I invited to the party?

A: Of course. But keep it a secret!


Activity V Present Tenses Exercise 1. Read the text. Identify the present verb forms as indicated below.

The Scottish Artist Annie McLean was born in St Andrews on the east coast of Fife, Scotland.

She trained at the college of fine art, in Edinburgh. She lives on the Isle of Lohan in

Scotland with her husband, Duncan, and her three children. Home is a 300-year-old

farmhouse which overlooks the sea. It is a working farm, and Duncan keeps sheep,

chickens, and pigs.

Annie paints animals and wildlife. ‗I paint what I see around me,‘ she told me,

‗birds, animals, trees, and flowers. I find my work totally absorbing. I work outside for

as long as it is light, from dawn until dusk – about 16 hours a day in summer, and

less in winter.

Her work is becoming increasingly popular, and she is planning to open a

gallery on the island. ‗At the moment I‘m working on a series of wild flowers,‘ she said

to me over a coffee in her studio.

The Isle of Lohan is inhabited by 700 people who are employed in the fishing

industry. The population is falling because young people are leaving the island to

look for work. The island is developing as a tourist destination – 50,000 visitors come

every year – but it is big enough for Annie to escape and find her inspiration.

Present Simple (x8):

Present Continuous (x5):

Exercise 2. Write the questions to these answers. 1. Where _______________________ ? On the Isle of Lohan.

2. How many ___________________________ ? Three.

3. What ________________________ ? He‘s a farmer.

4. _____________________________ ? Animals and wildlife.

5. Where _______________________ ? In the open air.

6. ________________________ doing at the moment? She‘s painting a series of

wild flowers.


7. ________________ young people __________ ? Because there aren‘t any jobs.

8. _____________________________ ? 50,000 .

Exercise 3. Correct the info in the sentences. Use a negative form. 1. Annie lives in Ireland. 2. Her husband grows fruit and vegetables. 3. Annie paints portraits. 4. She‘s painting a series of wild birds. 5. The people on Lohan are employed in farming. 6. Young people are leaving the island to get married. Exercise 4. Write the negative sentences. 1. Mary / not sell / ice-cream / winter. 2. People / not want beef or rice / breakfast. 3. We / read newspaper / morning. 4. She / not want / different job. 5. I‘m / not seeing my grandparents / this weekend. 6. They / not cook. They eat out. 7. He / not drink coffee / the evening. 8. We / not study / night. Exercise 5. Turn these sentences into questions. 1. Nick goes to work by train. He starts at 7.30 and comes back home at 18.00. 2. Most cities have very tall buildings. 3. She is working on a new project. 4. Paula and Tim go out in the evenings. 5. Dana has a small garden on her terrace. 6. Tom is often late for work. 7. The firemen are putting off a fire in our street. 8. She is wearing a red hat today. 9. Our washing machine is broken again. 10. Luke‘s parents have very demanding jobs. Exercise 6. Choose the right form of the verb. 1. Is Sue talking / does Sue talk to a friend from another class? 2. Does / do he want to miss the test? 3. Is / are this money yours? 4. They are having / have a break till 12.30. 5. Has he / does he have a doctor‘s appointment today? 6. Do you take / Are you taking sugar in your coffee? 7. Does / is she still on a diet? 8. Annie is cooking / cooks dinner for some friends now. 9. They don‘t allow / allow not dogs around their children. 10. She considers / is considering to retire soon.


Exercise 7. Write a text (150 words) about your hobby or any activity you enjoy doing. Supplementary Reading

The Three Students

Part I ____________________________________ Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were in one of England‘s most famous university towns doing some research. One evening, Holmes received a visit from an old acquaintance e, Mr Hilton Soames, a tutor at one of the colleges. Mr Soames looked very nervous. ‗I hope you can spare some of you valuable time, Mr Holmes. Something very serious has happened at my college.‘ Holmes was very busy. ‗Why don‘t you call the police?‘ he said irritably. ‗No, no that‘s impossible. We can‘t have a scandal at the college. Let me explain it to you. see, tomorrow is the first day of the university examinations, and this afternoon I received the Greek translation papers. I put them on the desk in my room while I went to have tea with a friend. When I returned, I saw immediately that the papers had been disturbed. Some were lying on the floor by the window.‘ ‗I see,‘ said Holmes. ‗Please continue.‘ ‗Well, at first I thought that perhaps my servant was responsible because he had been in the room after I left, but he denied touching the papers and I believe him. He is a good and honest man. I examined the room very carefully.‘ ‗And what did you find?‘ asked Holmes impatiently. ‗On the table by the window I found a broken pencil. Also, there was a cut, about three inches long, in the red leather top of my desk, and next to it, a small lump of black mud. There were no sighns of entry at the window. Please, help me, Mr Holmes. Someone must have copied the exam questions. I‘ll have to cancel the exam and there will be a scandal, you see, if you don‘t …‘ ‗We need to visit your room,‘ said Holmes. ‗Come on, Watson.‘ Part II ____________________________________ They walked towards the tutor‘s room, which was on the ground floor. Holmes tried to look in through the window but he wasn‘t tall enough. Above lived three students, one on each floor. Holmes entered the room and examined the carpet. ‗Nothing,‘ he said. ‗Let me look at the table by the window. Ah, yes, I see what might have been. Someone tookthe papers from your desk over to the window table to copy them, because from there he could see when you were returning.‘ ‗Actually, Holmes, nobody could see me. I came back through the side door. ‗ ‗Ah, so you may have surprised him and he had to leave hurriedly. Did you hear someone running away as you entered?‘ ‗No, I didn‘t.‘ ‗Interesting. So, our only clues are the cut in the leather and one small lump of black mud. Now tell me, where does that door go to?‘


‗My bedroom.‘ ‗Can I examine it?‘ ‗Yes, of course.‘ Holmes followed Soames into his bedroom. ‗Hello,‘ said Holmes, ‗What‘s this? Another lump of black mud, exactly like the one on the desk. Clearly your visitor came into the bedroom.‘ ‗I don‘t understand. Why did he do that?‘ ‗Well when you came back so suddenly, he run into your bedroom to hide. Look at the bedroom window, it‘s open. That‘s probably how he escaped.‘ Part III _____________________________________ ‗Now,‘ said Holmes, ―The three students who live above you. are they all taking this examination?‘ ‗Yes.‘ ‗Tell me about them.‘ ‗Well, on the first floor is Gilchrist, an excellent student and an athlete, he plays rugby and cricket and is particularly good at long jump. He‘s hard-working but poor. His father gambled away allt he family money.‘ ‗And the second floor?‘ ‗Daulat ras lives there. He is from India, very quiet and hard-working, but Greek translation is his weakest subject. And finally there‘s Milles Mc Laren on the top floor. A very intelligent student, one of the best when he chooses to work – but he‘s been very lazy this term, he‘s been playing cards till late at night and I think he must be worried about this exam.‘ ‗Now, tell me,‘ said Holmes, ‗how tall are these young men?‘ ‗How tall? What a strange question. I think Milles is taller than the Indian, but Gilchrist is the tallest.‘ ‗Ah, that‘s important. Now, Mr Soames. I wish you good night. I‘ll return tomorrow.‘ Next morning Sherlock Holmes left his house at 6 am. He returned at 8.00 to pick up Watson and they went to the tutor‘s room. Mr Soames was waiting nervously for them. Tasks: 1. Work in pairs. Try to guess who copied the papers. 2. What were the cleverest parts of Homes‘ investigation? 3. How might the mystery be solved by detectives today?


Activity VI Grammar Review

Laying Out a Business Letter

Exercise 1. Lay out this business letter and punctuate it. Newsmonth international centre tower eighb wl 8rd dear mrs green we are writing to ask you for a favour we note that your next door eighbor miss grant has not replied to any of our recent letters we fear that she regards them as junk mail and is dispensing with them could you possibly if you have time take the enclosed letter to miss grant and see that she opens it we enclose a free copy of our magazine for you yours sincerely dennis tyler subscriptions manager

Language study Abbreviations

Formal and business letters Here are some common

abbreviations. Do you know what they mean?

Addressed to: Beginning Ending

The Personnel Manager, Forest Insurance Co.,

Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir or Madam,


Yours faithfully, (GB) Yours truly, (US)

A/C inc. ref.

advt. info. RSVP

The Sales Manager, Southern Computers Ltd,


jnr. Snr.


km. st.

The Managing Director, Bros. lb. tel.


Hampton plc cf. Ltd. UK

Natwest Bank PLC Dear Sirs, (GB) Gentlemen. (US) Dear Sir or Madam,

Co. max. VIP

Wessex Transport c/o min. vs.

Messrs Smith and Jones* COD misc. w.p.m.

Mr M. Smith/Michael Smith M. Smith, Esq., (GB formal)

Dear Mr Smith,

Yours sincerely, Yours,

cont. NB Xmas

dept. OHMS


Mrs Smith/Miss Smith/ Ms Smith/Jane Smith

Dear Mrs Smith, Dear Miss Smith, Dear Ms Smith,

enc. Para.

Etc. PLC

fwd. pp.

* ‗Messrs‘ is an old-fashioned term. It is used when the names of two or more people make up the name of the firm.

It is not used for limited companies (Ltd) or public limited companies (pic).

Govt. p.p.

HQ p.w.

hr. reed.

Exercise 2. Read the letter that Kati, a Hungarian student, wrote to her English friend, Sthephanie. Correct the grammar mistakes.

Dear Stephanie,

How are you? I‘m very well. I came to Dublin two weeks ago for to study at a

language school. I want learn English because is very important language. I‘m stay

with a irish family. They have got two son and a daughter. Mr Kendall is teacher and

Mrs Kendall work in a hospital. The Irish is very kind, but they speak very quickly!

I study in the morning. My teachers name is Ann. She told me that English is OK,

but I do a lot of mistakes. Ann don‘t give us too much homework, so in the afternoons

I go always sightseeing. Dublin is much more big than my town. I like very much

painting, so I visiting galleries and museums. I‘ve met some girl called Martina. She

come from Spain and go to Trinity College. Last night we went to cinema, but film

wasn‘t very well.

Why not you come to vist me for a weekend?

I‘d love to see you.

Write to me soon.



PRACTICE Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns or adjectives. 1. Why are you taking my car? What‘s wrong with ______ ?

2. Pat and Peter‘s house is nice, but we prefer _____ . Your house is bigger than

____ .


3. My sister always takes my clothes. I never take ______ .

4. Mike is an old friend of ______ . We were at school together.

5. Tim seldom takes his laptop to school. This laptop isn‘t _______ .

6. They have a new car. This isn‘t _____.

7. This is Lucy‘s room. _____ room is quite untidy.

8. Simon has an older sister. ____ sister is a teacher.

9. We have got two sons. _____ sons are both pupils.

10. this isn‘t her computer, it is _____ .

Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1. I‘d like fruit for breakfast. 2. She has some very good job in the city. 3. He always

gives me a very good advice. 4. I‘d like some sliced white loaf, please. 5. How many

luggage do you have? 6. They heard a bad news on the radio today. 7. There is too

many traffics in London. 8. I have many homeworks tonight. 9. There isn‘t no milk in

the fridge. 10. Can you lend me any money? 11. Have you got any time for cup of

coffee? 12. What‘s on TV? Have you got some paper?

Exercise 3. Choose the right form of the verb.

1. What time leaves the train / does …. Leave ? 2. How much money spends Mary /

does …. Spend a month? 3. What do you usually do / do you usually in the

evenings? 4. Who is she talking / does …. Talk to? 5. I don‘t know when is it John‘s

birthday. 6. Julia like / likes Tom, but he doesn‘t like/ don‘t likes her. 7. Do you have /

have …. Got a difficult job? 8. Emily often walks / is walking to university. 9. Where

do you usually park / are …. Parking your car? 10. Is she leaving / does …. Leave

the party because she is unhappy?

Exercise 4. Use do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1. ‗____ they play football?‘ ‘No, they play basketball.‘ 2. We ____ get up early at

weekends. 3. ‗ ____ you do your shopping on Fridays?‘ ‗No, I _____ .‘ 4. What _____

she eat for breakfast? 5. He _____ go to the gym on Sundays . he relaxes. 6. ‗____

you read a newspaper every day?‘ ‗Yes, I do.‘ 7. ‗ ____ he have dinner in


arestaurant every Saturday?‘ ‗No, he _____ .‘ 8. ____ Ann and Fred share a flat ? 9.

____ you speak French? 10. _____ they have piano lessons?

Exercise 5. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. work / does / your father / in / hospital / a ?


2. how often / at school / you / do / do sports ?


3. in / do / what / usually / the evenings / you / do ?


4. your / drive / car / a / friend / does ?


5. in / family / live / in / does / or / your / the country / a city ?


6. time / does / in / leave / she / what / home / the morning ?


Exercise 6. Choose the correct word.

1. Is there ______ soup left ?

A some B a C any

2. He never wears his ______ clothes.

A brothers B brother‘s C brothers‘

3. How _____ cheese do we need?

A many B little C much

4. Which kind of coffee ____ you prefer?

A does B do C doesn‘t

5. There _____ much money left for travelling.

A aren‘t B isn‘t C is

6. _____she writing a letter ?

A Is B Does C Has

7. There are not ____ people in the street at night.

A many B much C a few

8. He _____ live in a flat.

A isn‘t B don‘t C doesn‘t

9. She _____ Portuguese at the moment.


A is studying B studies C doesn‘t study

10. ____ there a park in this area?

A Am B Are C Is

11. ____ he got a car?

A Does B Is C Has

12. Is there ____ we can do for them?

A something B anything C everything

13. This isn‘t John‘s car. ____ car is blue.

A Her B Our C His

14. I‘d like ____ biscuits.

A any B no C some

15. He ____ the bus to work every day.

A catches B catch C don‘t catch

16. Does Hue like carrots? Yes, he _____ .

A do B does C doesn‘t

17. I usually ____ TV in the evenings.

A watching B watch C is watching

18. ―I‘d like some tea, please.‘ ‗______ else?‘

A something B anything C everything

19. How much ____ do you have in this case?

A information B informations C piece of information

20. Do you have piano ____ ?

A lesson B class C lessons

Exercise 7. Complete the text about John’s daily routine. Say what de does

every day or what he is doing now.

Every day John (get up) at 6.30 a.m. and (do) some exercises in the garden. Then he

(have) a shower. He (get) dressed and (listen) to the news on the radio. Then he (go)

downstairs and (make) breakfast). At the moment, John (sit) in the kitchen and (drink)

a cup of coffee. He (read) a magazine and (think) about his holiday.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the present simple (e.g.

go/goes) or present continuous (e.g. I’m going), positive or negative.


1. A: Have a chocolate. B: No, thank you. I _____________________ . (like


2. A: Let‘s have lunch in the garden. B: No, we can‘t. It ______________ .(rain)

3. A: What _______________________ ? B: Pam? She‘s a doctor. (do)

4. Tony ______________________ at the moment. He‘s on holiday. (work)

5. A: Why _________________________ ? B: Because I‘m happy. (smile)

6. What time ________________________ ? B: Me? About 7.00 a.m. usually. (get


7. Sally and her husband are vegetarian. They ________________________ . (eat


7. A: Where‘s Dave? B: He‘s in the kitchen. He ______________________ . (make


8. A: I think Shaun and david are asleep. B: Mmmm. Turn the TV off. They

_____________________ . (watch it)

9. John and I want to go to Greece for our holidays, so we

______________________ .

(learn Greek)

10. There are some strange noises in the sitting room. What _____ Tom _________

? (do)

11. Joanna _________________ (cook dinner) at the moment. She

____________________ on the phone. (talk)

12. A: ______________________ Denmark? B: No, I‘m Swedish.

13. Fred and I are good dancers, but we _____________________ to discos very

often. (go)

14. ____________________ in the same hotel in New York. (stay)

Exercise 9. In pairs, ask and answer questions about your partner’s habits.

Example: A: Do you wake up early in the morning?

B: Yes, I do.


Exercise 10. Write questions and your own positive or negative short answers.

Use the present simple or the present continuous.

1. you / have / dinner at the moment?


2. it / snow / much in your country?


3. you / drink / coffee now? ……………………………

5. children / eat lunch at school in your country?


6. your partner / work / at the moment? ……………………………

7. you / drink coffee for breakfast every day? ……………………………

8. you / usually / do / your work on a word processor? ……………………………

9. you / write / a letter now?


10. your family / go / on holiday every summer ……………………………

Exercise 11. Imagine you are a reporter interviewing a famous person. Write

the interview.

Ask about: • morning / noon / afternoon activities

• favourite holiday places

• most important people in his/her life

Exercise 12. Imagine you and your partner share a flat. Write a short dialogue

which takes place while you are trying to make a shopping list.

Example: A: Is there any flour left in the cupboard?

B: No, there isn’t.

A: Then write it on the list.

Exercise 13. Complete the paragraph. Put has got (‘s got), have got (‘ve got),

hasn’t got or haven’t got.


Ruth is 20. She _______ fair hair and blue eyes. She ______ two brothers, Philip

and William, but she __________ any sisters. Her brothers _________ brown hair

and brown eyes. One of her brothers, Philip, is married and _________ two children,

so she‘s an aunt. Ruth lives with her parents in an apartment. It _______ five rooms

but it ________a garden. She ________ her own room in the apartment. In it she

________ her own TV and computer. She _______ a car but her parents _________

one because they can‘t drive.

Exercise 14. Write questions. Use have got, has got … ? etc.

1. A: Tim is a good photographer.

B: What kind of camera …………………… ?

2. A: My neighbours love cats?

B: How many ……………………………… ?

3. A: Jane and Dave are buying a new house.

B: How many rooms ……………………… ?

4. A: My bag is very heavy.

B: What ………………………………. in it ?

5. A: I‘m rich!

B: How much money ……………………… ?

6. A: Kate is going to the dentist‘s this afternoon.

B: ……………………………... a toothache ?

Exercise 15. Translate into Romanian. 1. I‘m working at the moment. Please, don‘t disturb me now. 2. I can‘t show you the

photographs because I haven‘t got them with me. 3. Does it snow much in your

country? 4. ‗Why are you looking so surprised?‘ ‗Because I don‘t know what you are

taling about.‘ 5. ‗Thank you for answering my questions.‘ ‗You are welcome.‘ 6.

Helen works about 10 hours a day because she wants to qualify as a barrister. 7.

We always have a great time in Paris together. 8. I don‘t like going to the cinema with

other people. I prefer going by myself. 9. My husband and I live in the same street as

when we were children. 10. A: Are you talking to me? B: No, I‘m talking to myself. 11.

Oliver‘s got two sisters. Only his older sister is married. 12. Let me tell you the news.


In June, Sue, is getting married to John. 13. After the wedding they are coming to

stay with us because they haven‘t got a place of their own yet. 14. It is difficult to find

a job these days; but Tom can do it because he is a really hardworking young man.

15. Our neighbours are angry because they can‘t find their car anywhere. 16. Jo and

Mary often write to me, but I seldom answer to their letters. I‘m a terrible writer. 17.

Marie speaks only French and Kate speaks only English so they can‘t communicate

with each other. 18. I like this house, but its windows are broken. They need to be

changed. 19. There‘s not much time left: your plane is leaving in two hours‘ time.

Hurry up! 20. ‗When is Alice‘s birthday?‘ ‗I‘m not very sure. I think it‘s on the 1st of

April.‘ ‗Are you serious?‘

Exercise 16. Translate into English.

1. Această maŞină este a lui Mary. Ea este maşina lui Mary. 2. Când este

aniversarea pătinţilor tăi? 3. Bunicii mei au o casă lângă noi. 4. De obicei, eu nu

cumpăr reviste pentru că nu am timp să le citesc. 5. Julia este foarte fericită. Ea are o

slujbă la o companie multi-naţională. 6. ‗De ce plânge copilul?‘ ‗Cred că îi este foame

şi somn.‘ 7. ‗Ai numărul de telefon al fratelui Pamelei?‘ ‗Îmi pare rău, nu cred.‘ 8. Nu

plouă mult în august în ţara noastră. 9. Nu este zahăr deloc în ceaiul meu. 10. Tim nu

are deloc cărţi acasă. 11. Nu-i mai dau nici un ban lui Robert. El nu mi-i înapoiază

niciodată. 12. Sheila se simte singură în Londra pentru că nu cunoaşte pe nimeni

acolo. 13. ‗Ce faci diseară?‘ ‗Nu ştiu încă. Hai să ieşim împreună în oraş.‘ 14. ‗Ştii

unde este cartea mea de fizică?‘ ‗N-am nici o idee, dar pot să ţi-o împrumut pe a

mea.‘ 15. Astăzi plouă, aşa că scriu scrisori toată dimineaţa. 16. Nu există perdanţi la

concursul nostrum. Fiecare copil câştigă un premiu. 17. David are examenene la

toamnă aşa că învaţă din greu deja. 18. Este o problemă. Nu avem veşti de la Tom.

19. Vreau să fiu în formă, aşa că încerc să fac jogging de trei ori pe săptămână. 20.

Sam nu merge la service în firecare zi. În unele zile el lucrează acasă.



A. Obligatorie (minimală):

Bădescu, Alice. 1982. Gramatica limbii engleze, Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti.

Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, Georgiana, Debora Parks. 2010. Exerciţii şi teste de

gramatică engleză. Ed. ,,Paralela 45‖.

Muşat, Florin. 2011. Teste de limba engleză. Ed. Polaris.

Muşat, Florin. 2011. Engleza pentru începători. Ed. Polaris.

B. Opţională (extinsă):

Williams, Lyn. 1996. People You Meet, BBC English by Radio and Television,

Oxford, GB.

Naylor, Helen & Murphy, Raymond, 1997. Essential Grammar in Use,

Supplementary Exercises, Cambridge UP, UK.

Mohamed, Sue & Acklam, Richard. 1992. The Beginners’ Choice, Longman Group,

UK, England.

Murphy, Raymond, 1998. Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge UP, UK.

Soars, Liz and John. 2009. New Headway – Intermediate, Student’s Book, Oxford

Universityy Press, UK.

Soars, Liz and John. 2009. New Headway – Intermediate, Workbook with key,

Oxford University Press, UK.