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  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    Storcator de fructe si legume

    Turobomax 8080

    Model: XF-8080



    Storcator de fructe si legume Turbomax 8080

    850W, 220-240V, 50/60 Hz

    Culoare: Rosu

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie instructiunile si sa pastrati manualul pentru informari ulterioare.

    Acest manual este conceput pentru a va oferi toate instructiunile necesare referitoare la

    instalarea, utilizarea si intretinerea aparatului.

    Pentru a opera unitatea corect si in siguranta, va rugam sa cititi acest manual cu instructiuni

    cu atentie inainte de instalare si utilizare.



    Storcator de fructe si legume

    Manual de utilizare

    Certificat de garantie

    Va multumim pentru alegerea acestui produs!

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V



    Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie manualul de instructiuni inainte de a utiliza aparatul.

    Folosirea necorespunztoare a aparatului poate cauza accidente sau pagube.

    Folosire doar n scopurile destinate. Productorul nu este responsabil de

    accidentele sau pagubele produse de folosirea sau mnuirea incorect a aparatului

    (vezi i Condiii Garanie)

    Destinat conectrii numai la 220-240V, 50 Hz.

    Pentru folosirea n gospodrie. Nu e destinat utilizrii n spatii libere sau n scopuri


    Partea motorului sau cablul aparatului nu trebuie scufundate n ap sau alte


    Nu folosii aparatul avnd minile ude sau umede. Asigurai-v c niciun lichid nu

    ptrunde n seciunea motorului.

    Nu lsai aparatul nesupravegheat atunci cnd este n funciune i acordai mai

    mult atenie atunci cnd sunt n preajm copii.

    Scoatei techerul din priz nainte de a scoate capacul, de a cura aparatul sau

    atunci cnd acesta nu este n funciune.

    Nu folosii NICIODAT degetele, obiecte de buctrie sau altele similare pentru a

    mpinge ingredientele n aparat! Folosii dispozitivul special ataat.

    Nu atingei NICIODAT prile mobile ale aparatului pn cand acesta se oprete

    din funcionare complet.

    Bolul de centrifugare trebuie manevrat cu atenie, pentru c are pri foarte


    Nu folosii niciodat aparatul dac bolul de centrifugare este deteriorat.

    Nu lsai aparatul s funcioneze nonstop pentru mai mult de 3 minute o dat.

    Dac depaete acest timp, lsai-l s se rceasc pentru 20 de minute nainte s l

    folosii din nou.

    Acest aparat nu este destinat folosirii de ctre persoane (inclusiv copii) cu capaciti

    mentale, senzoriale sau fizice reduse, sau cu lipsa de experien i cunotine,

    dect dac sunt supravegheai i instruii n prealabil de ctre o persoan

    responsabil de securitatea lor.

    Copiii trebuie supravegheai pentru a nu se juca n preajm sau cu aparatul.

    Dac se deterioreaz cablul, trebuie nlocuit doar de vnztor.

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Partile componente:


    Pozitionarea aparatului:

    ntotdeauna plasai aparatul pe blatul de buctrie, lng perete.

    Nu-l plasai lng suprafee ncinse (lng aragaz).

    Cablul, techerul i alimentarea:

    Cablul trebuie s fie complet ntins.

    Nu lsai cablul s atrne peste marginea mesei/blatului de buctrie i inei -l

    departe de obiecte fierbini sau flcri.

    Verificai n mod regulat cablul i techerul, iar dac sunt deteriorate sau dac

    aparatul a fost scpat sau deteriorat n orice fel, nu-l folosii.

    Dac aparatul sau techerul este deteriorat, trebuie verificat sau reparat de

    ctre un profesionist autorizat, pentru a evita riscul electrocutrii.

    Evitai s tragei de cablu atunci cnd dorii s scoatei din priz. Tragei de


    Asigurai-v c nimeni nu se poate mpiedica sau trage din greeal de cablu.


    Tubul de mpingere a


    2. Dispozitiv pentru pulpa de


    3. Motor.


    Mecanism nchidere.5.

    Gura de evacuare.

    6. Baza.

    7. Bol centrifugare.


    Cablu cu techer.


    Tub de alimentare.



    11.Buton On/Off.

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    nainte de prima utilizare sau dup o perioad lung de depozitare, toate componentele

    care vor intra n contact cu alimentele trebuie splate.


    Poziionai partea cu motorul (3) pe o suprafa neted, de exemplu, blatul de

    buctrie sau o mas i verificai s stea pe toate cele patru picioare de dedesubt. Puneti baza (6) peste seciunea motorului astfel ca gura de evacuare (5) s se fixeze n

    locaul special de pe partea lateral a seciunii motorului.

    mpingei dispozitivul pentru pulpa de fructe (2) astfel nct s se fixeze bine pe

    piciorul unitii motorului.

    Cu atenie, fixai bolul de centrifugare (7) pe baza.

    Avei grij s nu atingei partea ascuit a bolului de centrifugare.

    Asigurai-v c bolul de centrifugare este fixat pe baz i c se rotete regular.

    Punei capacul (10) pe aparat, astfel nct s acopere att dispozitivul pentru pulpa de

    fructe ct i bolul de centrifugare. Capacul trebuie s se fixeze strns pe baz.

    Rsucii mecanismul de nchidere (4) n poziia vertical i asigurai-v c va cuprinde

    i capacul i l fixeaz bine. Mecanismul face un click atunci cand este nchis bine.

    Punei un pahar, bol sau alt container potrivit sub gura de evacuare.

    Storctorul este gata de folosire acum.

    Pregtirea fructelor i legumelor pentru stoarcere:

    ntotdeauna splai fructele i legumele nainte de a le stoarce.

    Nu e necesar s scoatei seminele mici sau cojile subiri nainte de a folosi


    Fructele cu coaja groas, precum portocalele sau lmile trebuie curate de coaj

    nainte de stoarcere. Este deosebit de important s fie ndeprtate toate cojile i

    pieliele, pentru c, uneori, mici cantiti de coaj pot da un gust neplcut sucului.

    Trebuie ndeprtai smburii mari (precum cei de la prune i caise) pentru a nudeteriora storctorul.

    Fructele mari i legumele mari ar trebui tiate n buci mai mici astfel nct s ncap

    n tub (9).


    Pornii aparatul rsucind butonul ON/OFF la poziia 1 (viteza mic) sau 2 (viteza


    Viteza mic este potrivit pentru stoarcerea fructelor i legumelor moi.

    Viteza mare este recomandat pentru stoarcerea fructelor i legumelor mai tari.

    Introducei fructele sau/i legumele n storctor prin tubul de alimentare, puin cte

    puin i mpingei-le folosind dispozitivul de mpingere (1). Rsucii dispozitivul astfel

    nct anul acestuia s se potriveasc pe plnie.


  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Legumele lungi, de exemplu morcovii, trebuie introduse cu vrful ascuit n jos.

    Apsai fructele/legumele ncet cu dispozitivul. Prea mult presiune reduce

    cantitatea de suc extras i poate deteriora storctorul.

    Oprii storctorul nainte de a ridica dispozitivul de mpingere pentru a aduga mai

    multe fructe/legume, pentru a evita stropirea.

    Supravegheai dispozitivul pentru pulpa de fructe i nu mai stoarcei altceva atunci

    cnd acesta devine prea plin.

    ntotdeauna oprii aparatul rotind butonul ON/OFF la poziia 0, nainte de a ndeparta


    NOT: Nu lsai aparatul s funcioneze pentru mai mult de 3 minute o dat. Dac

    depete acest timp, lsai-l s se rceasca pentru 20 de minute nainte s l folosii

    din nou. Sfaturi:

    Dac punei o pung de plastic n dispozitivul pentru pulpa de fructe, va fi mult mai

    uor de curat dup folosire.

    Utilizai fructe i legume proaspete ele conin cel mai mult suc.

    Se pot stoarce foarte bine cu acest aparat: ananas, mere, castravei, salat, spanac,

    pepene, roii i citrice.

    Multitudinea de soiuri de mere conduce la sucuri de arome i consisten diferit.

    ncercai diferite combinaii pentru a gsi una care vi se potrivete.

    Vegetalele verzi i cu frunze, precum spanacul sau varza, pot fi stoarse. nainte s

    le introducei n plnie, rulai frunzele n form cilindric.

    Fructele fibroase, precum i cele cu pulp ferm, precum banane, mango, papaya

    sau avocado nu sunt potrivite pentru stoarcere; rezultatul este fruct zdrobit n loc de

    fruct stors.

    Toate tipurile de suc trebuie consumate chiar dup stoarcere, pentru c sucurile

    proaspete i pierd rapid nutrieni importani atunci cnd intr n contact cu oxigenul.

    Gustul este alterat, de asemenea.

    Sucul 100% natural de mere se coloreaz maro atunci cnd este expus aerului.

    Pentru a mpiedica decolorarea, servii imediat dup stoarcere sau adaugai putin suc

    de lmie. Pulpa fructelor/legumelor poate fi folosit n prjituri, lasagna vegetarian, brioe,



    Aparatul trebuie s fie curat i uscat nainte de depozitare.

    Nu inei la ndemna copiilor aparatul deoarece conine pri ascuite.

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Caracteristica (Model): XF-8080

    Putere: 850W

    Nivel de zgomot:

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V



    Poti ajuta la protejarea mediului!

    Va rugam sa respectati regulamentele si legile locale: duceti echipamentele electrice nefunctionale

    catre un centru de colectare al echipamentelor electrice uzate.

    Importator: Network One Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, I lfov, Romania

    Tel: +40 21 211 18 56,www.heinner.ro , www.nod.ro

    HEINNER este marca inregistrata a companiei Network One Distribution SRL. Celelalte branduri,

    denumirile produselor sunt marci nregistrate ale respectivilor deintori.

    Nicio parte a specificatiilor nu poate fi reprodusa sub orice form sau prin orice mijloc, utilizata

    pentru obtinerea unor derivate precum traduceri, transformari sau adaptari, fara permisiunea

    prealabila a companiei NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION.

    Copyright 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.


    Acest produs este proiectat si realizat in conformitate cu standardele si normele Comunitatii Europene

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Juice extractor TurboMax 8080

    Model: XF-8080


    Juice extractor TurboMax 8080

    850W, 220-240V, 50/60 Hz

    Color: Red

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Thank you for chosing this product!

    Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and kee it for later information

    This manual is conceived for ofering you all of the necessary info regarding instalation, using

    and maintenance of the machine. For a correctly and safely use of the machine, please, read

    this manual before instalation and using.




    Juice extractor TurboMax 8080

    Instruction Manual

    Warranty card

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V



    Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and keep it for later


    Incorrect use of this appliance may cause personal injury and damage.

    Use for its intended purpose only. The manufacturer is not responsible for any

    injury or damage resulting from incorrect use or handling (see also Guarantee


    For connection to 220-240V, 50 Hz only.

    For domestic use only. Not for outdoor or commercial use.

    The motor section or cord of the appliance must not be submerged in water

    or any other liquid.

    Do not operate with wet or damp hands. Make sure that no liquid gets into

    the motor section.

    Never leave unattended when in use, and keep an eye on children.

    Remove the plug from the socket before removing the lid from the apppliance

    before cleaning, or when not in use.

    NEVER use your fingers, kitchen utensils or similar to push ingredients down

    the feed tube! Use the accompanying tamper.

    NEVER stick fingers or other objects in the spout. NEVER touch the moving parts of the appliance until it has come to a

    complete stop.

    The centrifuge bowl must be handled with care, as it contains extremely

    sharp parts.

    Never use if the centrifuge bowl is damaged.

    Do not leave the appliance running nonstop for more than 3 minutes at a

    time. If the appliance has been running for 3 minutes, allow it to cool down for

    20 minutes before you use it again.


    This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with

    reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and

    knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning

    use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.


    Children should be supervised to ensure that do not play with the appliance.


    If the appliance cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the vender.

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Positioning the appliance:

    Always place the appliance at the back of the kitchen counter.

    Do not place next to hot areas, for example gas rings and electric hotplates.

    Cord, plug and mains socket:Ensure that the cord is fully extended.

    Do not allow the cord to hang over the edge of a table/counter, and keep it away

    from hot objects and naked flames.

    Check regularly that neither cord nor plug is damaged and do not use if they are,

    or if the appliance has been dropped or damaged in any other way.

    If the apparatus or plug is damaged, it must be inspected and if necessary,

    repaired by an authorised repair engineer, otherwise there is a risk of electric

    shock. Never try to repair the appliance yourself.

    Avoid pulling the cord when removing the plug from the socket. Instead, hold

    the plug.

    Check that it is not possible to pull or trip over the cord or any extension cord



    1. Tamper

    2. Fruit pulp holder

    3. Motor section

    4. Locking mechanism

    5. Spout6. Base

    7. Centrifuge bowl

    8. Power cord with plug

    9. Funnel

    10. Lid

    11. On/ Off button

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Assembly before use:

    Place the motor section (3) on a flat surface, e.g. a kitchen counter, and make sure it

    is standing firmly on the four suckers underneath.

    Place the base(6) on the motor section so that the spout (5) fits in the slot on the

    side of the motor section.

    Push the fruit pulp holder (2) up under the drain edge on the base so that it locks on

    the foot of the motor unit tightly.

    Carefully lock the centrifuge bowl (7) onto the base.

    Be careful not to touch the sharp parts in the bottom of the centrifuge bowl.

    Make sure that the centrifuge bowl sits properly on its base, so that the gear on the

    bottom of the bowl engages the gear in the base.

    Make sure that the centrifuge bowl doesn't sit too loosely on the base and that it

    rotates evenly.

    Place the lid (10) on the appliance so that it covers both the fruit pulp holder andthe centrifuge bowl unit. Make sure that the lid fits tightly onto the base.

    Turn the lock mechanism (4) to the vertical position and make sure that it engages

    the lid and locks it fast. The lock mechanism makes a clicking sound when this is

    done correctly.

    Place a glass, bowl or other suitable container under the spout.

    The apparatus now ready for use.


    Preparing fruits and vegetables for juicing:

    Always wash fruits and vegetables thorougly before juicing.

    It is not necessary to remove seeds, pits or thin peels before using the appliance.

    Fruits with thick peels such as oranges and lemons must be peeled before juicing. It is

    particularly important to remove all the peel (including the pith), as even small amounts of

    peel can impart an unpleasant taste to the juice.

    It is also necessary to remove large pits (such as plum and apricot pits) to avoid

    damaging the appliance.

    Large fruits and vegetables should be cut into pieces that can fit into the funnel (9)

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V



    Start the appliance by turning the On/Off button to position "1" (low speed) or

    position "2" (high speed).

    The low speed setting is suitable for juicing soft fruits and vegetables.

    The high speed setting is suitable for juicing harder fruits and vegetables.

    Feed the selected fruits and/or vegetables into the appliance through the funnel a

    little at a time, pushing them down using the tamper (1).

    Make sure that you turn the tamper so that the groove in the tamper fits into the

    funnel properly.

    Long vegetables such as carrots should be fed into the funnel pointy end first.

    Press the fruits and/or vegetables gently with the funnel. Too much presser

    reduces the amount of juice extracted and can damage the appliance.

    Stop the appliance before removing the tamper to add more fruit/vegetables in

    order to avoid to avoid splashes.

    Keep an eye on the fruit pulp holder and stop juicing before the holder becomes

    too full.

    Always turn off the power by turning the "On/Off" button to "0" position before

    taking off the lid.

    Please note: Do not leave the appliance running for more than 3 minutes at a time.

    If the appliance has been running for 3 minutes, allow it to cool down for 20

    minutes before you use it again.


    If you line the fruit pulp holder with a plastibag before using the appliance, it willbe easier to clean the appliance.

    Use fresh fruits and vegetablesthey contain the most juice.

    Good candidates for juicing include pineapple, apples, cucumbers, celery, carrots,

    spinach, melons, tomatoes and most citrus fruits.

    The various varieties of apple yield juice with different flavors and consistency.

    Experiment with different combinations to find your own favorite.

    Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage and spinach can be juiced. Roll the leaves

    into cylinders of an appropriate size before feeding them into the funnel.

    Fibrous fruits and vegetables as well as those with very firm flesh such as bananas,

    mangoes, papayas and avocadoes are not well-suited to juicing, as the result is

    often mashed fruit instead of juice.

    All types of juice should be consumed right after juicing, as fresh juice quickly

    looses important nutrients when exposed to the oxygen in the air. Taste can also

    be affected.

    Pure apple juice turns brown quickly when exposed to air. To prevent

    discoloration, serve apple juice immediately after juicing or add a little lemon


    Remember that fruit pulp can be used in cakes, vegetable lasagne, muffins, etc.

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Characteristic (Model): XF-8080

    Power: 850W

    Noise level:

  • 8/11/2019 Manual Heinner TurboMax 8080


    www.heinner.com 850W, 50/60 Hz, 220-240V


    Environment friendly disposal

    You can help protect the environment!

    Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working electrical equipments to

    HEINNER is a registered trademark of Network One Distribution SRL. Other brands and product

    names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any

    derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from NETWORK


    This product is in conformity with norms and standards of European Community

    Importer: Network One Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

    Tel: +40 21 211 18 56,www.heinner.com,www.nod.ro


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