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  • Universitatea Tehnic Gheorghe Asachi din IaiFacultatea de Construcii i Instalaii

    Departamentul Beton, Materiale, Tehnologie i Management


    ef lucrri Alina Mihaela NICU f

  • Care este semnificatia transporturilor? T t l i t ti it t i l- Transportul reprezinta acea activitate sociala care presupune

    deplasarea oamenilor si bunurilor dintr-un loc in altul,- Activitatea de transport este fundamentala pentru dezvoltarea

    i i t ti O i f t t b i fi i tiunei societati. O infrastructura buna inseamna eficientizareaactivitatilor societatii, Tipuri de transport:

    - Terestru: drumuri, cai ferate, conducte,- Pe apa: maritime, fluvial,- Aerian,- Subteran: metroul.

    Aceste moduri de transport sunt interconectate.

  • Sistemul de Transport presupune 3 elemente principale:C t fi i f t t i i (d l- Componente fixe: infrastructura propriu-zisa (drum, cale

    ferata etc.)- Componente de rulare: orice tip de vehicol implicat in

    t ttransport,- Managementul sistemului: specific fiecarui stat, principala

    organizatie este Ministerul Transporturilor, cu subdiviziunile in teritoriu. Schema generala a sistemului de transport


    Structura caii de rulareStructura caii de rulare(straturi de balast, asfalt, beton etc)Teren

  • Sistemul de Transport impune cooperare intre:- ingineri specialisti,

    i ti- economisti,- ecologisti, - administrator, - avocati- avocati.

    Infrastructura de transport este singura proiectata sa cedeze dupa o anumita perioada de timp,

    Proiectare: - geometrica: alegerea alternativei optime de traseu pentru un drum, - structurala: selectarea materialelor, conceperea structurii, stabilirea

    grosimii straturilor de material etc. Proiectarea infrastructurii presupune determinarea incarcarilor provenind Proiectarea infrastructurii presupune determinarea incarcarilor provenind

    din trafic (la constructiile civile incarcarile provin din greutatea cladirii, din vant etc)

  • Traficul: presupune determinarea circulatiei curente si a tipurilor de vehicole (cate vehicole trec pe drum (numar, tip, interval orar) in vederearealizarii unui recensamant.

    CNADNR realizeaza recensaminte de trafic odata la 5 ani prin plasarea a cateva sute de posturi cu verificare automata,

    In baza traficului se decide asupra constructiei structurii drumului (ex. Dacad l t f t t d hi l li l )drumul este frecventat de vehicole pline sau goale),

    Viteza de proiectare: este definita ca viteza maxima la care vehicolele pot circula in siguranta in zonele cele mai dificile sau critice ale traseuluiconsiderand conditii normale de calatorieconsiderand conditii normale de calatorie.

    Partea cea mai critica a unui traseu o reprezinta curbele. Aici apare fortacentrifuga (Fc) care este mare in curbele mici si invers.

    Selectarea marimii si tipului de drum potrivit traficului presupune a p p p pconsidera MZA Media Zilnica Anuala, adica numarul total de vehicole care traverseaza o sectiune anume de drum in ambele directii, pe o perioada de 24 ore.

  • Realizarea studiului pentru stabilirea locatiei drumului presupune:- vizitarea amplasamentului, studierea terenului si zonei, studiul

    arhivei in vederea identificarii unor potentiale problem in teren, ulterior se contureaza traseul,

    Realizarea studiului detaliilor si proiectarea traseului selectat.

  • ` Extractie agregate naturale in cariere si balastiere, ciuruirea siimpartirea acestora pe categorii de dimensiuni diferiteimpartirea acestora pe categorii de dimensiuni diferite.

    T t l t l l t tiil d i t i f lti iTransportul agregatelor la statiile de mixturi asfaltice sidepozitarea acestora pe tipuri si dimensiuni.

  • Tot aici este adus materialul asfalticfrezat de pe amplasamente in vedereareciclarii.

  • ` Realizarea mixturilor asfaltice se face in baza unor compozitii prestabilite testate anterior in laboratorprestabilite, testate anterior in laborator.

  • ` Materialul este repartizat pe sorturi si pregatit pentru incorporare in compozitia de mixtura asfalticacompozitia de mixtura asfaltica.

  • ` Procesul tehnologic este mecanizat si supervizat de la un birou de comanda unde sunt stabilite automat cantitatile de materialcomanda unde sunt stabilite automat cantitatile de material necesare si operatiile propriu-zise.

  • ` Agregatele sunt transportate prin benzile colectoare, supuse unuiproces de uscare si amestecare in diferite procente de materialproces de uscare si amestecare in diferite procente de material, completate de bitum.

    ` Mixtura asfaltica obtinuta este turnata in masini speciale sitransportata pe amplasament in vederea asterneriitransportata pe amplasament in vederea asternerii.

  • ` Obtinerea mixturii asfaltice poate fi realizata la statia de mixturiasfaltice sau in situ (pe amplasament) daca companiileasfaltice sau in situ (pe amplasament) daca companiileconstructoare dispun de echipamentele necesare.

  • ` Surveying system at PASCO. It conducts surveys on the front-view images of the road, road surface damage conditions (cracks, ruts, g , g ( , ,IRI, flatness), and coordinates (road surface coordinates, position coordinates).

    Real promotes the efficiency of roadReal promotes the efficiency of road maintenance and management, and allows users to obtain information on various road conditions without leaving their desks and visiting theleaving their desks and visiting the sites. The information ranges from pavement damage, location of road facilities and shapes to thefacilities, and shapes, to the conditions on the roads and environment along the roads. The system combines geographical information and road images to helpinformation and road images to help customers build up a new road management service system.

  • The Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is a laser-surveying device mounted on the

    hi l f th t f 3Dvehicles for the measurement of 3D coordinate data and the acquisition of sequence of images of the road and its surroundings. It does these through a di it l d 3D l idigital camera and 3D laser measuring device.

  • ` The Mobile Mapping System (MMS) collects 3D point group data and digital images using laser scanners (two to four scanners) on the top and bottomimages using laser scanners (two to four scanners) on the top and bottom of the front ends of the device, as well as digital cameras (two to six cameras). It can also display colorized 3D point cloud data.

    The device computes position/location and posture to a high degree of accuracy through combined analysis by GPS (three t oug co b ed a a ys s by G S (t eeunits), IMU, and odometer. GPS correction is carried out through the FKP format (surface correction parameter), angle and acceleration data is obtainedangle and acceleration data is obtained through the IMU, while adjustment of travel distance is carried out simultaneously through the odometer (a distance meter g (that makes use of wheel rotations).

  • ` Development of RoadpInventories, TopographicMaps and Base Maps(Digital mapping basedon data acquired)

  • ` While it is difficult to determine the` While it is difficult to determine thespecific location of road markingsand road appurtenances (lighting,sound insulation walls, guardrails,

    h l t l h lmanholes, telephone poles,signboards, planted zones, roadsignage, road informationmanagement facilities, etc.), it isg , ),possible to determine location andobtain accurate locationinformation by assessing theimages of the environment aroundimages of the environment aroundroads and 3D point group dataobtained via the MMS.

  • ` It is possible to draw up vertical and horizontal cross-sectional diagrams of an arbitrary point using the 3D point group datadiagrams of an arbitrary point using the 3D point group data obtained using MMS.

  • ` In the event of a disaster that affects roads, such as the collapse of a slope it would be possible to get a grasp of the scale of damagea slope, it would be possible to get a grasp of the scale of damage by comparing data before and after the disaster.

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