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++ GEBOL project funded with support from the European Commission+++Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning Programme +++ online: http://www.gebol.org

Proiecte GEBOL – o noua cale pentru cooperarea intre VET si afaceri

NEWSLETTERGEBOL – get European Business Online editia 2 / Martie 2013





Acest proiect a fost finanţat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.<0}Această publicaţie (comunicare) reflectă numai punctul de vedere al autorului şi Comisia nu este responsabilă pentru eventuala utilizare a informaţiilor pe care le conţine.

Interviu cu with Kateřina Nevřalová, de la Euroface Consulting s.r.o, Czech Republic, leader a proiectului GEBOL:

I1: Kateřina Nevřalová, Proiectul Gebol este acum in a doua sa jumatate, care este impresia ta generala despre progresul proiectului? KN: Dezvoltarea progresului este foarte promitatoare. Am stabilit contactele necesare in toate tarile implicate and elevii au realizat primele pagini web pentru afaceri. Suntem bucurosi ca ambele parti- elevi si IMM-uri- sunt dornice sa coopereze si sa invete despre posibile modalitati de marketing pe internet. Oportunitatea de a acumula experienta internationala este folositoare pentru toata lumea.

I2: Care este principalul beneficiu pentru intreprinderile participante?KN: Le oferim posibilitatea de a obține un site web dezvoltat in mod gratuit. Studenții care dezvolta site-uri sunt condusi de profesori și ii ajuta pe managerii companiei să mențină site-urile. Ei învață să folosească metode ieftine de marketing web. Punem accentul pe utilizarea instrumentelor gratuite, cum ar fi șabloane Google..

I3: Care e principalul beneficiu al scolilor participante?

KN: Este o experiență practică într-un context real. In prezent școlile știu ca nu exista nici un substitut pentru contacte de afaceri reale și relatiile timpurii cu intreprinderile sunt foarte importante pentru studenti. Deoarece elevii lucreaza in grupuri mici, conduse de profesori, o scoala primeste, de asemenea, un feedback despre realitatea de a transforma cunoștințele teoretice in practica. I4:Ce tip de proiecte dezvolta tarile partenere?

KN: Exista diferite proiecte, dar cel mai frecvent se dezvolta site-uri pentru o mica afacere în productie sau servicii. Uneori, elevii ajuta managerii de afaceri cu promovarea si, uneori, ei ajuta la punerea în aplicare a unui e-shop. [...]

Proiectul Gebol - Get European Business On-line – a intrat in a doua jumatate. Este palinificat sa se incheie in Octombrie 2013.partenerii au lucrat din greu sa atinga obiectivele proiectului care sunt, in planul original, un set fix de obiective. Activititatile locale include gasirea de companii interesate sa participe la proiect si scoli interesate sa lucreze in parteneriat in proiect.

Contact: Euroface Consulting s.r.o.Kateřina Nevřalová[email protected]


@new online

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Gebol Hotline este disponibil pentru orice cerere a unui partener. Istaland acest serviciu ed asistenta telefonica va îmbunatati in mod semnificativ calitatea serviciilor de proiect.

Vezi exemplul website-ului partenerului englez pe www.gebol.org



NEWSLETTERGEBOL – get European Business Online edition 2 / march 2013


I5: Ne puteti descrie cum este gestionat proiectul?

KN: Proiectul este gestionat de catre reprezentanti ai partenerilor de proiect din fiecare țara. Managerii de proiect se intalnesc regulat si impartasesc experiența lor. De la începutul proiectului in octombrie 2011 ne-am intalnit de patru ori, iar urmatoarea reuniune va avea loc in martie 2013, in Sofia.

I6:Vedeti diferente intre tari in ceea ce priveste metodologia de gestionare?

KN: Nu cred că exista diferente mari intre tari in metodologia de proiect. Desigur, situatia de pe piata muncii si in cadrul diferitelor sistemelor naționale de învățămant profesional variaza de la tara la tara. In proiectul GEBOL exista parteneri cu backgroud national diferit: Germania, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Spania, România, Bulgaria, Republica Cehă. Noi credem ca a impartasi experienta noastra este utila pentru toata lumea și asa vom da o mare prioritate cooperarii internaționale.

I7: Aveti proiecte transfrontakiere?

KN: Da, desi cele mai multe dintre proiecte sunt intr-o tara, suntem foarte fericiti ca am ajuns la cooperare transfrontaliera cu elevii din Republica Cehacare dezvolta site-uri web pentru afacerile din Germania. Iar cei din Bulgaria dezvolta pentru Marea Britanie. Vedem acest lucru ca pe o importantă dimensiune aditionala planului original.

I8: Cum cpot partenerii garanta sustenabilitatea proiectelor intre scoli si intreprinderi?

KN: Aceasta este o intrebare foarte dificila pentru toate proiectele. Dar ceea ce ne ajuta este un beneficiu practic pentru ambele parti. Putem stabili relatii pe termen lung și sa sprijinim impactul pozitiv asupra tuturor. Puntem destul de mult efort in gasirea de modalitati pentru a pastra proiectele durabile.

I9: Care sunt urmatorii pasi in proiect?

KN: Dezvoltarea site-ului continua. Pregatim evenimente de diseminare - conferinte si targuri de promovare a proiectului. Vom publica periodic rezultatele proiectului la site-ul www.gebol.org


Proiecte Gebol: example de poriecte ale partenerului spaniol

Saarbrücken/ Martie 2013: Prezentarea proiectului GEBOL la Camera de Comert si Industrie din Saarland (Germania)

Diseminarea este o sarcina majora pentru orice partener din cadrul consortiului de proiect GEBOL. Andreas Sutor de Opensaar (partenerul german) a prezentat proiectul Gebol la targul educational anual al Camerei de Comert si Industrie, in Saarbrücken, capitala statului federal german "Saarland". Andreas este membru de proiect responsabil pentru proiectele Gebol în Saarland. La targ, au avut loc multe discutii promitatoare cu societati noi si scoli care solicita informatii detaliate despre proiect.

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Gebol.Tools4SchoolsGEBOL. Business partner statement on gebol projects

3 NEWSLETTERGEBOL – get European Business Online edition 2 / march 2013

“I have been really happy to collaborate with a student Jan Skotnica. After launching our website I got a lot of positive feedback. The communication between us is excellent and I can edit or update the website without having any problems. New types of advertising methods (website, business cards and information leaflets) made by Jan Skotnica have got me new customers and I get positive publicity for my business. I greatly appreciate the cooperation with Jan Skotnica and project Gebol.”

Lukáš Adamovský


“I am very satisfied on Marketa Stankova's work. She responded to all my comments. Marketa did the work quickly and reliable, she meet all my requirements even thought it was only a trial version. The website is currently being updated to include more information. I really appreciate her positive attitude and dedication to her work.” Martina Thaiszováhttps://sites.google.com/site/mthaiszova/

Gebol.Project website made with Google Sites Tools

PrimMat. A Gebol project school partner in Czech Republik

[by Andreas Sutor, Opensaar]

The right software choice is very important. Although the Gebol projects tend to be small, preliminary work is an important step in ensuring that web sites are fit for purpose. These tasks include getting in contact with a customer, summarising the basic ideas for the website, defining the layout and color, functionality, typography and style. In the Gebol project you can find a variety of website media including Google sites, Wordpress CMS, Impresspages website, and Joomla CMS.

The graphic design work can be done in Inkscape and resulting images edited and processed in GIMP. LibreOffice or a simple text editor can be used for editing the text on pages. For sound and multimedia items, tools such as Audacity and Avidemux can be used. All of these are Open Source tools that can provide professional results. They are free from the internet and the schools and the students as well as the companies can use them without paying any license fees thus reducing their costs.

Software links:https://sites.google.com





A free directory is available at:



[by Libor Olbrich, PrimMat]


As a teacher, I have my own professional vision for contextualising learning in high standards of welfare backed by strong mutual relationships. Developing students' personality, humanity and co-operative skills is as important as maintaining high standards of study and technical competence. Putting emphasis on ability to apply knowledge in practical situations and react to market demands requires a broad approach.

From September 1992 our school specializations have been integrated into the Czech school network by the

PrimMat – Soukromá střední škola podnikatelská, s.r.o.Libor [email protected]

ministry of education. Our first specialisation is for Business Entrepreneurs and Managers. It is a study of business, comprising business activities in the Euro region, a number of economic and manager subjects as well as services in tourism and hospitality.

The second study specialisation is for Building Industry Entrepreneurs and Managers. It includes civil engineering, design and building calculation. We are classified as an economic school with certified study specialisation.

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4 NEWSLETTERGEBOL – get European Business Online edition 2 / march 2013

GEBOL Live – a detailed view into an eShop-Website projectThe idea was to integrate a complete new eShop-System into the website and a review of an existing website for the musician Eddi Zauberfinger. The main tasks to perform were:

# Installation and configuration of a prototype for a webshop # Music tracks to be available as a download for purchase # Songs with information and price catalogue for the online shop # Download only possible after payment# Adapt colour design and layout of the online store to the existing site # Implementation of payment - the customer can choose during the ordering process. # Legal and Privacy Statement with a recognisable link under Telemedia Act included in the web shop. # Legally compliant request button and a legally compliant confirmation possibility of terms and conditions by customers inserted before sending the order. Mandatory confirmation of the general terms and conditions to place an order in the shop.

The solution was finally realised with osCommerce [http://www.oscommerce.com], an outstanding opensource eShop solution and based on PHP/mySQL which is also available for free on the internet.

OpenSaar: Why did you choose this subject for a project? Jan Biewer: This is mainly due to an idea of my IT-teacher, Mr. Schütz. ecommerce and eBusiness are a main interest in our school and one of my favorite topics. I already set up a shop system in one of our IT-courses and therefore I had some basic practical knowledge which was very helpful.

OpenSaar: What specifically did you learn within this project? Jan Biewer: This project was very helpful to learn about configuration and functionalities of an eShop-solution and a website in general. I had to dig deeply into a subject that was quite new for me and and for which my basic knowledge was insufficient. In our courses, we just had a very global view on eBusiness and eCommerce. The os:Commerce-solution was unknown to me so I had to learn how to use it support the specification given to me by the customer, Mr. Ebert. OpenSaar: How was the cooperation with Mr. Eddi Zauberfinger? Jan Biewer: Communication with my client was fine and we came to the point very quickly by using intensive e-mail communication. At the beginning, I had a lot of questions which had been answered by Mr. Ebert very quickly. Therefore, the eShop-solution which is active now seems to be very close to the idea of a shop system Mr. Ebert was looking for.

"I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism of Mr. Biewer. Everything fits very well into the existing website of ww.eddizauberfinger.de. Jan brought in his own ideas to optimise the shop and he was very quick in developing the final eShop. Many thanks to him and the coordinator of the project“. [with best regards, Dennis W. Ebert]

[Jan Biewer, his teacher, Mr. Ralph Schütz]


Note: a final GEBOL Newsletter will be published in July/August 2013. Besides this publication, the Gebol-Team is about to create a complete project documentation folder which will be available at the end of the project as printed version and on-line on Gebol website.

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