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The magnificent Palace of Sissy, the Sad Empress2

Date post: 30-May-2015
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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/sandamichaela-1539586-corfu-achilleion2/ Thank you! Elisabeth of Bavaria (24 December 1837 – 10 September 1898) was Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary as the spouse of Franz Joseph I. As such, she held also the titles Queen of Bohemia, Queen of Croatia and others. From an early age, she was called “Sisi” by family and friends (not "Sissi" as in the film or in the animated series). While Elisabeth had limited influence on Austro-Hungarian politics, she has become a historical icon. Elisabeth is considered to have been a non-conformist who abhorred conventional court protocol and at the same time a tragic figure; she has inspired filmmakers and theatrical producers alike. You'll hear "Kalimera" all over Greece, from your hotel staff to people you see on the street. "Kalimera" means "Good day!" or "Good morning!" It comes from kali, meaning beautiful or good, and mena, meaning "day". How the "mena" became a "mera" is a mystery.
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Pe insula Kerkira (Corfu) Împărăteasa Sissi (Elisabeta, soţia lui Franz Iosif I) şi-a construit în anul 1890 un loc de refugiu

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În apropiere se află insula Pondikonissi, numită şi insula lui Ulisse. Corfu este insula legendară unde Ulisse a întâlnit-o pe Nausicaa, fiica regelui Feacilor.

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Influenţată de Iliada Împărăteasa Sissi şi-a botezat vila, construită de doi dintre cei mai renumiţi arhitecţi din Neapole, Achilleion

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Printre numeroasele statui din parc, cea mai mare este Achile înarmat, realizată de sculptorul german Guetz, înaltă de 8 metri, dar de o valoare artistică discutabilă.

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Înconjurată de grădini magnifice vila are o perspectivă minunată asupra lagunei Chalikiopoulo, Pondikonissi, Pérama, Muntele Pantocrator şi Munţii Epirului.

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Achile murind, opera sculptorului german Herter

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Calistemon, „peria de spălat sticle”

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♦ Gabriela Cristescu

♦ Dinu Bãnescu

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu

Fond muzical: ♦ Maria Farantouri & M. Theodorakis - O’ Kaimos

♦ Sirtaki compus de M. Theodorakis
