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Poate ca... (a c )

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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05.07.22 01:17 PM
Page 1: Poate ca... (a c )

02.05.23 07:47 PM

Page 2: Poate ca... (a c )

Poate că nu am primit la fel de mult cât am dăruit...

Maybe I did not received as much as I gave ...

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Poate că nu am fost iubită atât cât am iubit...

Maybe I was not loved as much as I loved ...

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Poate că nu am fost mângâiată atât cât am mângâiat...

Maybe I was not comforted as much as I comforted ...

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Poate că nu am fost iertată atât cât am iertat...

Maybe I was not forgiven as much as I have forgiven...

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Poate ca nu am fost așteptată atât cât am așteptat...Maybe I was not awaited as much as I waited...

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Poate că nu am fost urmată atât cât am urmat...May I was not followed for as long as I have followed...

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Poate că nu am fost înțeleasă la fel de mult cât am înțeles...Maybe I was not understood as much as I had understood ...

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Poate că nu am fost aleasă cu inima,așa cum am ales...

Maybe I was not chosen by heart,as I hawe chosen...

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Dar voi continua să dăruiesc,să iubesc,să mângâi,să iert,să aștept, să urmez,să ințeleg și să aleg...

But I will continue to give,to love,to comfort,to forgivve,to wait,to follow, to understand and to choose...

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Pentru că o inima iubitoare este încăpătoare...

Because a loving heart is spacious...

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