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CUPRINS 1. Alfabetul limbii engleze 1.1. Vocalele limbii engleze 1.2.Consoanele limbii engleze 2. Substantivul 3. Articolul 4. Prepozitia 5. Conjunctia 6. Interjectia 7. Adejectivul 8. Adverbul 9. Numeralul 10. Pronumele 11. Verbul 11.1. Verbele auxiliare(to be, to do, to have) 11.2. Verbele modale 11.3. Verbele copulative 12. Modul indicativ 12. 1. Prezentul simplu 12. 2. Prezentul continuu 12. 3. Prezentul perfect 12. 4. Prezentul perfect continuu 12. 5. Trecutul simplu 12. 6. Trecutul continuu 12. 7. Trecutul perfect 12. 8. Trecutul perfect continuu 12. 9. Viitorul simplu 12.10. Viitorul continuu 12.11. Viitorul de intentie 12.12. Viitorul apropiat 12.13. Viitorul in trecut 12.14. Viitorul perfect 13. Conditionalul 13.1.Conditionalul prezent 13.2.Conditionalul trecut 14. Subjonctivul 15. Modul imperativ 16. Diateza pasiva 17. Corespondenta timpurilor 18. Lista verbelor neregulate 19. Verbe cu prepozitii 20. Zilele saptamanii, Lunile si Anotimpurile 21. Exprimarea datei si orei 22. False friends 23. Unitati de masura 24. Semnele matematice 2 3 3 4 9 12 21 22 23 32 37 44 48 49 52 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 71 72 74 74 74 77 78 78 80 81 85 89 90 91 92 93


1. ALFABETUL LIMBII ENGLEZE Engleza foloseste un alfabet latin cu literele cunoscute si in alte limbi straine de origine indo-europeana dar cunoaste grupuri de litere care se pronunta diferit. De exemplu, "th" este grupul cel mai cunoscut. Ceea ce este mai interesant in alfabetul englez este ca adesea "y" si "w" devin vocale si astfel intervin schimbarile necesare (articolul nehotarat "a" se transforma in "an" daca cuvintele incep cu una dintre aceste litere). Engleza este o limba tonala in care intonatia este importanta. De aceea, adesea, vocea ajuta sa transmita ironia sau surpriza, afirmatia sau interogatia. Spre exemplu, intrebarea poate fi formata cu ajutorul inversiunii subiectului cu auxiliarul verbului dar exista si posibilitatea mentinerii afirmatiei si a schimbarii intonatiei. Diacriticele apar destul de rar in limba engleza, in special in cuvintele imprmutate (appliqu, attach, crpe, lite) si pronuntia lor este identica cu cea din limba din care provin, in mare parte din franceza. Litera a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Transcriere fonetica [ei] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [ef] [dji:] [eitch] [ai] [gei] [kei] [el] [em] [en] [ou] [pi:] [kju:] [a:] [es] [ti:] [ju:] [vi:] ['dablju:] [eks] [wai] [zed]


Limba engleza are 12 vocale, lungi (mai lungi decat in limba romana, pe care le indicam in transcrierea fonemica prin doua puncte [:]), si scurte (mai scurte decat in limba romana): 1. a scurt, intre "a" anterior si "o", ex.: nut [nat] nuca 2. a: mai lunga decat vocala romaneasca, urmata de obicei de "r" (care nu se pronunta, doar daca urmatorul cuvant incape cu o vocala!), ex.: arm [a:m] brat, car [ca:] masina 3. [a] a cu barcuta deasupra, e scurt, si intalnit in silabe neaccentuate, ex.: a pen [ a pen] un stilou, at home [at haum] acasa, after [a:fta] dupa, England [ingland] Anglia


4. [a: ] a cu barcuta deasupra, prelungit si pronuntat printre dinti, intr-un zambet larg, ex.: girl [ga:l] fata, learn [la:n] a invata 5. [ae] este un sunet intermediar intre "e" si "a", pronuntat cu gura foarte mult deschisa, ex.: Ann [aen] Ana, has [haez] (el, ea) are 6. e similar cu vocala romaneasca, ex.: men [men] barbati, many [meni] multi, multe i scurt, intre "i" si "e" 7. it [it] el, ea (pentru substantive ce denumesc obiecte, animale si notiuni abstracte), ex: big [big] mare 8. i: vocala lunga, intalnita in exclamatiile din limba romana!, ex: be [bi:] a fi, see [si:] a vedea 9. o intermediara intre o si a, ex: dog [dog] caine, not [not] nu (adverb) 10. o: lung, intre "u" si "o", ex: all [o:l] toti, toate, door [do:] usa 11. u scurt, intre "u" si "o", ex: good [gud] bun 12. u: lung, ex: you [iu:] tu, voi, do [du:] a face 1.2 CONSOANELE LIMBII ENGLEZA (THE CONSONANTS) Unele consoane englezesti sunt deosebite de cele din limba romana: 1. urmate de aspiratie, de un "h" usor, cand sunt folosite la inceputul cuvintelor k come [cham] a veni (de regula, "e"-ul din pozitie finala nu se citeste!) p pen [phen] stilou t ten [then] zece 2. alveolare; varful limbii se sprijina pe alveolele incisivilor superiori d did [did] facut t ten [ten] zece n not [not] nu 3. interdentale, tine varful limbii intre dinti si rosteste "s" (consoana surda) sau "z" (consoana sonora) ["s"] thank ["s"aenc] multumesc ["z"] then ["z"en] atunci 4. "l" velar, pozitie finala / "l" clar, apare inainte de vocale tell [tel] a povesti like [laic] a place 5. "n" velar / "n" clar sun [san] soare English [inglish] englez 6. "r" fricativ, nu se pronunta in pozitie finala, decat daca urmatorul cuvant incepe cu o vocala Henry 7. "s"-ul dintre doua vocale, sau uneori cel aflat la sfarsitul cuvantului se pronunta "z" please [pli:z] va rog (adu-ti aminte ca "e" final, dupa consoana, nu se citeste!) his [hiz] al lui 8. "sh" are ca echivalent "sh"-ul romanesc: shogun English [inglish] englez 9. "ts" indentic cu "ts"-ul romanesc nuts [nats] nuci 2. SUBSTANTIVUL / THE NOUN ATENTIE: In engleza, toate propozitiile trebuie sa aiba subiect. Subiectul poate fi un substantiv sau un pronume. Felul substantivelor Substantivele n limba engleza se pot mparti n patru categorii: substantive comune: cat, girl, lamp substantive proprii: England, London, Mr Smith, Mary substantive abstracte: beauty, love, courage, fear, joy


substantive colective: crowd, group, team

Genul Substantive de genul masculin sunt fiintele si animalele de sex masculin: fenomene cu caracter puernic, de regula negative Ex.: man, boy, lion, dog, Substantivele de genul feminin sunt fiintele si animalele de sex feminin: Ex.: woman, girl, cat, giraffe Baroness (femininul e format citeodata adaugand "ess" la forma de masculin) Substantive de genul neutru sunt lucrurile, plantele, animale sau fiinte al caror sex nu este cunoscut (pronume: it/they): -obiecte fara suflet Ex.: world, peace, house, mouse, baby Exceptii: tarile, navele, n majoritatea cazurilor si autovehiculele sau alte vehicule sunt de genul feminin. Substantivele de genul comun sunt o particularitate a limbii engleze. Substantivele care intra n aceasta categorie au aceeasi forma pentru ambele sexe: Ex.: child (copil, copila), cook (bucatar, bucatareasa), teacher (profesor, profesoara). Unele substantive au forme diferite pentru genul masculin si cel feminin: Ex.: boy - girl, husband wife, brother - sister, father - mother, son - daughter, uncle - aunt, bull - cow, king queen NOTA: In incercarea de a elimina discriminarea de gen (gender discrimination)exista o tendinta de a inlocui terminatiile man si woman cu person sau de a le elimina complet. In alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen. salesman, saleswoman salesperson / chairman, chairwoman chairperson sau chair / steward, stewardess flight attendant Numarul 1. Substantivele numarabile se pot numara, adica au numar. Pot avea atat forme de singular cat si de plural. La plural avem urmatoarele forme: a. la majoritatea substativelor se adauga -s formei de singular: book, books / day, days / house, houses / donkey, donkeys / handkerchief, handkerchiefs 2. substantivele in o, ch, sh, s sau x primesc -es: potato, potatoes / church, churches / brush, brushes / bus, buses / box, boxes / kiss, kisses 3. terminate in consoana + y pierd pe y si primesc -ies: baby, babies / factory, factories / fly, flies NOTA: Exista exceptii : kilo, kilos/ photo, photos piano, pianos / radio, radios/soprano, sopranos 4. unele substantive elimina -f/fe de la final si primesc -ves: calf, calves / wife, wives / wolf, wolves / loaf, loaves / half, halves / leaf, leaves / life, lives / shelf, shelves / thief, thieves/ knife, knives / self, selves 5. unele substantive isi modifica vocalele: foot, feet / tooth, teeth / goose, geese / man, men / woman, women / mouse, mice / louse, lice / child, children / person, people 6. unele substantive au aceeasi forma la singular si la plural: sheep, trout, deer, aircraft, fish (RAR: fishes) trout, salmon, series, species, means, headquarters 7. unele substantive exista numai la forma de plural: clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, eyeglasses, scales, stairs, savings, earnings, belongings, outskirts, wages, premises, surroundings, archives, customs, police, the Middle Ages 8. unele substantive imprumutate pastreaza pluralul grecesc, italian sau latin: crisis, crises / cactus, cacti / phenomenon, phenomena / datum, data / libretto, libretti / fungus, fungi / nucleus, nuclei / stimulus, stimuli / criterion, criteria / basis, bases / thesis, theses / oasis, oases / axis, axes / medium, media / bacterium, bacteria NOTA: Engleza moderna foloseste adesea data, media, bacteria cu sens plural, dar cu un verb la singular. The latest data is highly encouraging.


9. numele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica intreaga familie. Numelui i se adauga un -s. Nu au loc schimbari de ortografie: The Kennedys are world-famous. 10. Substantivele colective se refera la un grup de oameni sau lucruri. Sunt in mod normal folosite la singular. In engleza britanica (Br.E.) se pot folosi atat cu verbe la singular cat si la plural. In engleza americana (Am.E.) au intotdeauna un verb la singular. Iata o lista de substantive colective uzuale: family, aristocracy, nobility, government, enemy, proletariat, press, opposition, jury, community, army, audience, crew, staff, team, committee, public NOTA: Ocazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural si sunt numarabile. Romeo and Juliet came from two feuding families. The governments of Israel and Egypt agreed to sign the treaty. Only two teams can get to the finals. Substantivele nenumarabile NU pot fi numarate, adica nu au numar. De obicei au numai forma de singular. Se impart in urmatoarele categorii: substantive concrete:water, wood, metal, paper, gras, glass , oil, silver, gol, sand, snow, rain, bread, milk, coffee butter, wine, fire, food, salt substantive abstracte: love, beauty, hope, relief, experience, advice, purity, joy, freedom, information, courage, design, duty, capacity, education, evil, time, patience, reality, intelligence NOTA: Work este nenumarabil, dar job este numarabil. Harriet is looking for work. James has two jobs. Works inseamna: fabrica, parte mecanica, productie literara, fapte sau acte. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known for her good works. My father has the complete works of Victor Hugo in his library. The steel works are down the road. ATENTIE: Iata cateva substantive nenumarabile in engleza care in alte limbi se pot deseori numara: advice, baggage, luggage, furniture, damage, hair, shopping, homework, information, knowledge, money, weather, research, progress, business, spaghetti, news - substantive verbale (verbe in ING): camping, dancing, shopping, jogging, singing etc. Smoking is bad for your health. The town council does not permit parking on this street. - nume de limbi: German, English, Chinese, Italian, Spanish etc. You speak excellent English. - unele nume de boli, stiinte si jocuri au forma de plural, dar in mod normal primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate nenumarabile: measels, mumps, dominoes, physics, politics, ethics, acoustics, statistics, mathematics, news, eletronics etc. Politics does not interest me. The latest news is quite encouraging. Mathematics is an important subject. DAR: His mathematics were all wrong. (NU stiinta, si calculele) ATENTIE: Substativele nenumarabile nu sunt niciodata precedate de expresii de numar (a, an, one, two, three etc.). Iata cateva expresii folosite pentru a indica numarul/cantitatea: a piece of information / furniture / advice / equipment / glass / paper / news a type of atmosphere / behaviour / violence an item of luggage / baggage / news a case of mumps / measels / flu a ray of hope / sunshine a lot of strength / security Pluralul substantivelor compuse


-n cazul substantivelor compuse numai ultimul cuvnt va trece la plural. Ex.: boy-friends, break-ins, travel agents -Exceptii: substantivele compuse al caror prim element esteman sauwom an vor primi semnul pluralului pentru ambele substantive componente. Ex.: men drivers, women teachers, men servants -n cazul substantivelor compuse formate din constructii de genul substantiv + prepozitie / adverb + substantiv, substantivul de baza va primi semnul pluralului. Ex.: sisters-in-law, passers-by, men-of-war, hangers-on, lookers-on, runners-up -Abrevierile sau initialele vor forma pluralul prin adaugarea unuis Ex.: MPs (Members of Parliament), VIPs (very important persons) Sens Unic / Sens Comun Her hair is black. (Parul ei este negru.) She found a hair in the milk. (A gasit un fir de par n lapte.) Their house was made of wood. (Casa lor este din lemn.) We picnicked in the woods. (Am mers la picnic n padure.) Cazurile substantivului 1. Nominativ Intr-o propozitie substantivul in nominativ este subiectul actiunii. Substantivul in nominativ este ingrosat: Mark read a book. / The tree has a lot of flowers. / Water freezes at 32F (0C). 2. Acuzativ Indica obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea intr-un mod direct. Acuzativul este un caz ce exprim complementele direct, indirect i circumstaniale. Intrebarile cu care se identifica: ce? pe cine? unde? de unde? pana unde? de cand? pe cine? pe ce? cu ce? cu cine? de ce? de cine? de la cine? cand? pana cand? Substantivele in acuzativ sunt ingrosate: Max fixed the car/The girl sells the big box /The girl hugs the boy/I eat the pizza you gave me. 3. Dativ Indica obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea intr-un mod indirect. Identificarea se face cu intrebarea "Cui ?". Substantivele ingrosate sunt in cazul Dativ. 1. I have baked Mary a cake. (Am gatit o prajitura pentru Mary. Cui i-am gatit prajitura ?) 2. The king gave his son his kingdom. (Regele i-a dat regatul fiului sau. Cui i-a dat regele regatul sau ?) 3. Give the ball to Mary.(Da-i mingia lui Mary. Cui sa-i dau mingea ?) 4. Give Mary the ball. (Da-i mingia lui Mary. Cui sa-i dau mingea ?) In cazul verbelor care cer dupa ele un complement direct si unul indirect, dativul se poate construi in 2 feluri (vezi exemplul nr. 3 si nr. 4). 4. Genitiv Exprima o posesie (ceva/cineva apartine cuiva) 1. Mark's shop (magazinul lui James) 2. John's car (masina lui John) 3. the sailors' boat (barca pescarilor) 4. the chemist's guide (ghidul chimistului) 5. the window of the house (fereastra casei) 6. the firms new project (noul proiect al firmei) 7. the gift of the girl who... (darul fetei care ...) Comentarii


a) Genitivul (posesia) in limba engleza se formeaza astfel: -cand posesorul este o persoana: prin adaugarea unui 's dupa posesor (obiectul posedat se afla dupa posesor in propozitie). Vezi exemplele nr. 1, 2, 4; -cand posesorii sunt mai multe pesoane: prin adaugarea unui ' (apostrof) dupa posesori (obiectul posedat se afla dupa posesori in propozitie). Vezi exemplul nr.3; -cand posesorul este un lucru: se foloseste constructia cu "of": obiect posedat + of + posesor (un lucru). Vezi exemplul nr. 5; b) In exemplul nr. 6 ambele forme de genitiv sunt corecte deoarece posesorul este un grup de persoane. Aceeasi regula se aplica pentru posesori precum: government, company, committee, team, party. c) Daca posesorul e urmat de that, who, etc se foloseste genitivul format cu "of". Vezi exemplul nr. 7. Forma posesiva Se adauga 's la forma de singular a substantivelor care nu se termina n s: Ex.: a child's voice, the people's choice, a horse's mouth, women's clothes Vom folosi doar apostroful (') cu formele de plural ale substantivelor care se termina n s. Ex.: a boys' school, the Johnsons' residence Numele proprii terminate n s vor primi fie doar apostrof ('), fie 's Ex.: Mr Jones's / Mr Jones' car, Yeats's / Yeats' poems n cazul substantivelor compuse si a titlurilor ultimul cuvnt va primi 's Ex.: My father-in-law's guitar, Henry the Eighth's wives 's se foloseste si dupa initiale sau abrevieri. Ex.: The CEO's assistant, the PM's speech Forma posesiva se foloseste n general cnd vorbim de oameni, animale, tari. Se foloseste de asemenea n urmatoarele cazuri: n expresii temporale Ex.: yesterday's newspaper, in five years' time, ten minutes' break n expresii construite dupa modelul bani + worth Ex.: ten dollars' worth of bananas, a shilling's worth of stamps n alte expresii uzuale: Ex.: for heaven's sake, a winter's day, the water's edge, the plane's wings, the train's departure n cazul anumitor substantive folosite la posesiv, este uzuala omisiunea substantivului urmator atunci cnd sensul comunicarii este clar (magazine, birouri, oficii, casa, locuinta). Ex.: You can buy this at the baker's (shop). Mary bought her tickets at the travel agent's (office). The kids went to Bobby's (house). Ideea de posesie se poate exprima si cu ajutorul constructiei of+substantiv. Aceasta constructie se foloseste mai ales pentru lucruri sau fiinte umane sau animale atunci cand acestea sunt urmate de o propozitie subordonata. Ex.: the walls of the town, the roof of the church, the keys of the house In limba engleza exista o serie de substantive care denumesc animalul viu (1). Aceste denumiri provin dintr-o limba germana veche anglo-saxona, care se vorbea cu mai bine de 1000 de ani in urma pe teritotiul Angliei. Dar atunci cand animalul este sacrificat, denimirea sa ase schimba si devine Denumire Animalul viu Animalul sacrificat Vaca, bou / carne de vita Cow, ox Beef Vitel / carne de vital Calf Veal Oaie / carne de oaie Sheep Mutton Porc / carne de porc Pig Pork 7

Aceasta schimare se explica prin faptul ca dupa anul 1066 (batalia de Hastings, cand anglo-saxonii au fost cuceriti de normanzi, un popor ce venea din nordul Frantei si vorbeau franceza normanda). Anglia s-a aflat timp de 350 de ani sub ocupatie normanda si in acesta perioada limba oficiala a fost frnaceza normada. Cei saraci-taranii, serbii, care cresteau animalele, au continuat sa vorbeasca anglo-saxona folosind denumirile respective pentru animalele vii, dar cand animalul era sacrificat, el ajungea pe masa nobililor care vorbeau franceza si care foloseau denumirile respective pentru carnea animalului. Astfel se explica existenta a 2 termeni.


3. ARTICOLUL /THE ARTICLE Pentru ca un substantiv sa capete nteles ntr-o propozitie oarecare, acesta trebuie sa fie nsotit de un determinant substantival. Cel mai des folosit determinant substantival este articolul. Articolele se pot clasifica dupa cum urmeaza: Articolul hotart - the Articolul nehotart - a / an Articolul zero (forma implicita sau neexprimata) Articolele sunt forme invariabile, adica nu se schimba n functie de numarul sau genul substantivului si se aseaza n fata substantivului determinat. Articolul hotart (the) se foloseste: 1 inaintea unui substantiv singular numarabil sau nenumarabil sau a unui substantiv plural numarabil pentru a face o noua referire la ceva ce a fost deja sau la care s-a facut deja aluzie:He wanted to go to the bank to change some money, but all the banks were on strike./Dave had a nasty accident when he was young. You can still see the scar. Do you remember the fun we had when we were at school together? 2 pentru a face referire la cineva sau ceva anume:The American economy is suffering at the moment. / The people I work with are very friendly. I dont like the president of that company. 3 in fata unui substantiv reprezentand o anume persoana sau un lucru sau un grup de persoane sau lucruri: I dont feel well. Can you call the doctor? (= medicul personal) The kids arent at home. (= proprii tai copii) Can you pass me the butter, please? (= untul de pe aceasta masa) Shall I drive the car? (= aceasta masina) Maria Callas sang so beautifully that the audience threw flowers onto the stage. (=publicul care o urmarea a aruncat flori pe scena pe care canta ea) 4 cu referire la ceva unic in mod absolut: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The weather at the North Pole is very cold. The President of the United States visited the Pope last May. 5 in fata adjectivelor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau clasa de oameni. In acest caz NU este nevoie de substantiv: Only the strong survive. (= oamenii puternici in general) The question of the unemployed came up again. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. 6 in fata unui substantiv la singular pentru a se referi la un anume grup de oameni, animale sau obiecte: The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant. The dolphin is said to be a very intelligent animal. Henry Ford invented the automobile. The customer is always right. 7 inaintea unor substantive proprii pentru a denumi zone geografice, nume de mari si rauri, lanturi muntoase, grupuri de insule, nume la plural de tari si deserturi:the Middle East, the North of England, the Ivory Coast, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the River Thames, the Straits of Gibraltar, the Himalayas, the Alps, the Carpathians, the Hawaiian Islands, the Falklands, the United States of America, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Arizona Desert, the Mojave Desert NOTA: THE nu se foloseste cu nume de munti izolati. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland. THE nu se foloseste cu nume de lacuri.


Lake Superior, Lake Victoria, Lake Ontario in fata numelor de instruente muzicale: Rachmaninov began to play the piano when he was only 4 years old. The guitar has always been my favourite instrument. 9 in fata unor adjective nationalitati cu referire la oameni dintr-o anumita tara. Aici se foloseste un verb la plural: The Swiss have decided not to join the EU. The Spanish are doing very well in this years Olympics. NOTA: In anumite cazuri, se pot folosi numai substantive la plural. The Germans were upset about losing the WW II. The Americans hosted the 1994 World Football Championship. 10 inaintea adjectivelor superlative si a numeralelor ordinale: Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. Laura is the most beautiful in my class. That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. NOTA: Uneori numeralele oridinale pot fi folosite fara THE atunci cand se face referire la ordinea in care se petrec evenimentele. Brendan came first ad Colin second at 100 meters. We went to Manhattan first, then on to Brooklyn. 8 Articolul nehotart (a / an). Se foloseste a naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o consoana si an naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u). Articolul nehotart se foloseste: 1. inaintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva pentru prima data: Ive received a postcard from a friend of mine in the US. After months of searching, my brother found a job. The Jacksons live in a bungalow. 2. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slujbe sau profesii: My neighbour is a sociologist and his wife is an architect. Jenny doesnt eat meat; shes a vegetarian. There is a man at the door who says he is a detective. That was a kind thing to say. 3. dupa verbul be sau alte verbele copulative, cand dupa ele urmeaza locutiuni prepozitionala sau propozitii relative care ofera mai multa informatie despre cineva sau ceva: I read an interesting article about pollution in yesterdays paper. Jacks son is a talented artist. He studied law at University and became a judge. I bought a painting that reminded me of my childhood home. John Smith wrote an interesting article on Education in the Times yesterday. 4. cu unele expresii numerice insemnand unu sau su expresii ale pretului, vitezei, raportului si cantitatii: A hundred guests were invited. Petrol costs 1.50 a litre in England. Hes crazy driving at 190 kilometres an hour. You must take this medicine four times a day if you want to get better. There was a great deal of noise coming form the house next door. 5. cu substantive numarabile la singular pentru a da definitii, a face afirmatii generale, exclamatii sau cand ne exprimam dorinte: A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms. A house built of stone is stronger than a house built of wood.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (proverb) Wow! What a pretty girl walked by just now. Id like a nice cool glass of beer. Articolul a / an si one 1. Atunci cnd numeri sau masori timpul, distanta, greutatea, etc. se poate folosi fie a/an fie one pentru singular: Ex.: a / one pound, a / one million pounds You can take an/ one hour for lunch. 2. Dar a/an si one nu nseamna ntotdeauna acelasi lucru: Ex.: A box is no good. (We need a crate not a box). One box is no good, we need two boxes. Articolul zero. Nu se foloseste articol n urmatoarele cazuri: 1.in fata substantivelor nenumarabile sau numarabile la plural cand se face o afirmatie generala (adesea precedate de determinanti ca: some, any, a piece of, a lot of etc.): Water quenches thirst on a hot day. Pollution in big cities is very worrying. Dogs make good companions. There is some luggage to be taken upstairs. Is there any bread in the kitchen? 2.in fata substativelor abstracte cand sunt folosite in mod generic: beauty, happiness, fear, hope, knowledge, intelligence etc.; cu exceptia cazurilor cand sunt folosite cu sens mai bine specificat: Knowledge comes to us through our senses. DAR: She got the job because she has a knowledge of English. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. DAR: What a beauty! 3.in fata substantivelor proprii, nume de persoane si numele unei companii, cu exceptia situatiilor cand se vorbeste de familie ca un tot: He works for Microsoft. Helen and George Parker are coming to dinner tonight. DAR: The Parkers are coming to dinner tonight. pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, in fata numelor de echipe etc: He loves football and supports Manchester Utd. inaintea meselor zilei: Where did you have breakfast / lunch / dinner? inaintea cuvintelor home, church, university, prison, hospital, market etc. atunci cand ele reprezinta o institutie sau o idee generala. THE se foloseste totusi atunci cand se face o referire speciala la locul respectiv: Al Capone was arrested and put in prison for tax evasion. (ne referim nu la o anumita inchisoare, ci la institutie) His mother went to the prison once a week to visit him. (aici ne referim la acea inchisoare unde se afla Al Capone) My mother goes to church every Sunday. (biserica in sensul de institutie, serviciu religios) She sometimes goes to the church near the Royal Palace. (acea biserica anume). Our University is 150 years old. (institutia universitatii) Emma and Ben often go to the university to talk to their professor. (la o universitate anume, in cladirea ei)


4. PREPOZITIA / PREPOSITIONS 1. Prepozitia de loc - se foloseste cu verbe statice: to be/to stay/to exist/to stand, etc. in in, la, pentru spatii mari Ex: I live in Bucharest. at in, la, pentru spatii reduse Ex: I live at Sinaia. within in cadrul, pentru suprafete restranse Ex: A lot of words have been said within these walls. against rezemat Ex: The man is against the wall. impotriva Ex: We are against them. on pe (pozitia pe o suprafata) Ex: The book is on the table. Pentru apropiere: imediata: next to, close to, beside apropiere: near, near by, by Pozitia pe verticala: over deasupra under dedesubt (fara raportare la un punct fix) above deasupra below dedesubt (cu raportare la un punct fix) Ex: above zero, below the water level underneath punctul cel mai de jos on top of punctul cel mai de sus (prin atingere) Ex: The green book is underneath. (este cea mai de jos carte) Pozitia pe orizontala: in front of in fata behind in spate (pt lucruri pentru a indica pozitia)Ex: The tree is in front of the house. after dupa before inainte (pt oameni, pentru a indica ordinea)Ex: Im before you at the queue between intre 2 among printre (mai mult de 2) 2. Prepozitia de miscare - se foloseste numai cu verbe de miscare to la, catre (pp atingerea punctului) Ex: I go to school. towards la, catre (nu pp atingerea punctului) Ex: I go towards office. Into in (pp patrunderea intr-un spatiu) Ex: Put the bag into the house. Onto pe (pp miscarea pe o suprafata orizontala;se pune ondaca sta)The cat is running onto the floor. along de-a lungul (pp miscarea pe o suprafata plana si lunga) Ex: Im walking along the beech. through prin (pp traversare si patrundere) Ex: I walk through the park. across traversare (nu si patrundere) Ex: I run across the street. about prin (arata o miscare nedefinita)Ex: I walk about town (prin oras, fara un tel precis) around in jurul (pp o miscare circulara) Ex: I dance around the fire. out of pp iesirea dintr-un volum Ex: Get out of my house. off pp desprinderea de o suprafata Ex: The plane takes off. up-and-down in sus si in jos pe un plan vertical Ex: The children run up-and-down the stairs. from de la, de pe, din Ex: Take it from my bag. past langa (pp apropierea imediata prin miscare) Ex: I drive past the university (si nu near the university!, pt ca sunt in miscare)


3. Prepozitia de timp in pentru ani, lunile anului, anotimpuri, perioade ale vietii (in my childhood), in anumite momente ale zilei (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening) at pentru ora (at 10 oclock), in anumite momente ale zilei (at noon, at midday, at midnight, at dusk), pentru varsta (at the age of 15), mesele zilei (at lunch time), cu week-end (at the week-end) si in sarbatori (at Christmas) on cu zilele saptamanii (on Sunday), data (on the 15th of June) si sarbatorile (on Christmas day cand este vorba de ziua de Craciun, nu de toata perioada) before si after inainte si dupa, cu raportare la un punct fix by nu mai tarziu de Ex: Try to arrive by ten. during in timpul over in timpul, dar pe perioade scurte Ex: Read it over the week-end. throughout / althrough de-a lungul, dar pe o prioada lunga de timp Ex: Althrough the years. 4. Diferentiere intre prepozitii in time on time cu ceva timp inainte la fix in the end at the end finally, in cele din urma la capatul (urmeaza un substantiv) in with pentru ceva cu care esti imbracat pentru o trasatura fizica Ex: A woman in trousers. A woman with long hair. as like pentru rol, functie, pozitie pentru comparatie Ex: I work as a teacher. Ex: I talk like a teacher. (I am a teacher) (I am an engineer) on about in legatura cu, folosit academic despre Ex: Give me a book on Economics. Ex: Lets talk about sex. due to owing to datorita (doar dupa to be) datorita (restul inafara de to be) Ex: My success is due to her. Ex: Owing to my work I succeeded. over across pp traversarea peste un obstacol traversare pe jos Ex: Im over the ocean. (cu avionul) Ex: Im across the ocean. (cu barca) despite in spite of dupa urmeaza CD (niciodata sub.) dupa urmeaza genitiv Ex: Despite the bad weather I left. Ex: In spite of the bad weather I left. made of recunosc materialul Ex: made of gold made from deduc ceva elemente Ex: the cake is made from cocoa made with recunosc 1 element Ex: a chocolate made with milk (dar laptele nu este elementul de baza) in in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening at at dawn, at midnight on pentru orice moment al zilei atunci cand exista un atribut Ex: In the morning dar On a fine day At night dar On a starry night 5. Pentru mijloace de locomotie by cu orice mijloc de transport, daca nu este determinat Ex: by car, by bus, by plane (dar on foot!) in pentru autovehicule, daca sunt determinate


Ex: in my fathers car, in the car that you bought me on pentru toate celelalte in afara de autovehicule daca sunt determinate Ex: on my fathers plane, on the tube/subway/underground 6. Expresii cu Prepoziii Prepozitia About (despre) Expresii

About the town-prin ora About six oclock-n jurul orei ase A journey about the world-o cltorie prin lume About my head-deasupra capului meu About all-mai presus de orice,n primul rnd Across (de-a curmeziul sau de-a To walk across the street-a traversa strada latul) Across the road-peste drum After (dup) After dark-dup lsarea ntunericului After breakfast-dup micul dejun After five oclock-dup ora cinci Day after day-zi de zi,zi dup zi Time after time-deseori,foarte adesea After theat-dup aceea The day after tomorrow-poimine Against-mpotriv,contra Against the laws-mpotriva legilor A race against time-o curs contra cronometru To lean against a wall-a se sprijini de un perete Along-de-a lungul Along a valley-de.a lungul unei vi Along the sea shore-de-a lungul rmului Among-ntre Among us-ntre noi(cnd este vorba de 3 sau mai multe persoane) Among his friends-printre(ntre) prietenii lui Among the most important reasons-printre cele m.imp.cauze(motive) Around-mprejur A trip around the contry-o cltorie prin ar To sit around the table-a edea n jurul mesei I will come around ten-o s vin pe la zece (n jur de ora zece) At la At noon-la prnz At day break-la revrsatul zorilor At sunset-la apusul soarelui,la asfinit At rondom-la intmplare At work-la lucru At the door-la u At the beginning-la nceput At the end-la sfrit At the same time-n acelai timp At the age of-la vrsta de At first-la nceput At last-la sfrit,n cele din urm At full speed-la vitez maxim,cu toat viteza At first sight-la prima vedere At what time?-la ce or? At once-imediat At least-cel puin At my disposal-la dispoziia mea Byfore-nainte Byfore my eyes-naintea ochilor mei 14

Byfore one aclock-nainte de ora unu To sail byfore the wind-a naviga cu vntul n spate Behind(bihaind)-n spate Behind the clouds-n spatele norilor To hide behind the door-a se ascunde n spatele uii Below(bilou)-sub To strike below the belt-a lovi sub centur Below sea level-sub nivelul mrii Below the ground-sub pmnt Below the average-sub nivelul mediu Beneath-sub,mai jos de Beneath ones dignity-sub demnitatea cuiva Besides-n afar de He has two cars besides this-el are dou maini n afar de aceasta Between-ntre, se folosete cnd este Between the two world wars-ntre cele dou rzboaie mondiale vorba de dou elemente sau dou An understanding between us-o nelegere ntre noi persoane Beyond-dincolo de Beyond doubt(deaut)-fr ndoial Beyond the sea-dincolo de mare Beyond limits-peste limit By-de,de ctre,prin To open by force-a deschide cu fora To travel by train-a cltori cu trenul To go by car-a merge cu maina Day by day-zi de zi Step by step-pas cu pas Drop by drop-strop cu strop Piece by piece-bucat cu bucat One by one-unul cte unul Two by two-doi cte doi To learn by heart-a nva pe de rost To go by the post-office-a trece pe lng pot By force of circunstances-prin fora mprejurrilor To sleep side by side-a dormi unul lng altul For-pentru Good for food-comestibil To leave for school-a pleca la coal To look for help-a cuta ajutor To cry for help-a striga dup ajutor For a time-un timp,pentru un timp To go for a walk-a merge la plimbare To read for pleasure-a citi de plcere What is this good for?-la ce este bun sta? For all the world-pentru nimic n lume To have a taste for art-a avea gust artistic For this reason-pentru(din) acest motiv For the sake of peace-n numele pcii Enough(inagh) for the present-suficient deocamdat Im sorry for you-mi pare ru de tine(pentru tine) From-din,de la From first to last-de la primul la ultimul From heaven to earth-de la cer la pmnt From bad(bead) to worse-din ce n ce mai ru From place to place-din cnd n cnd From morning to night-de dimineaa pn seara Light from the sun-lumin de la soare A man free from care-un om liber de griji 15



Inside-nuntru Near-lng Of-de

A man from the country-un om de la ar To be far from home-a fi departe de cas From theat point of view-din punctul acela de vedere From my point of view-din punctul meu de vedere To be released from prisom-a fi eliberat din nchisoare Seen from above-vzut de sus Seen from below(bilou)-vzut de dedesubt On my way from Piteti to Bucharest-n drumul meu de la P.la B To tell one thing from another-a deosebi un lucru de cellalt In the morning-dimineaa In the shade(eid)-la umbr In the end-la final In the garden-n grdin In heaven-n cer In spring-primvara In summer-vara In fall-toamna In winter-iarna To be in danger(deinger)-a fi n pericol To lie(lai) in bed-a sta ntins n pat To live in the country-a sta la ar In our centuri(aur senturi)In all seasons-n toate anotimpurile In my youth-n tinereea mea In his memory-n memoria lui Early in the morning-dimineaa devreme In the past-n trecut In the future(fiucir)-n viitor In come just in time-a veni la timp To keep(kip)in mind(maind)-a ine minte Done in haste-fcut n grab To put in mind-a-i pune n gnd To put in order-a pune n ordine In general-n general To work in vain-a munci n zadar To be in pain-a fi ndurerat To speak in public-a vorbi n public To take in hand-a lua n mn To lead into error-a duce n eroare To get into difficulties-a da de greuti To fall into the river-a cdea n ru(lac) To burst into tears-a izbucni n lacrimi To get into trouble-a da de bucluc,belea,necaz To pour walter into a glass-a turna ap n pahar Inside the room-nuntrul camerei His is inside-el e nuntru Near the sea shore-lng rm Near at hand-la ndemn,aproape Near you-lng tine A crown of gold-o coroan de aur 16

Off-departe de On-pe



Round-n jurul

A flock of sheep-o turm de oi Hard of hearing(hiring)-surd,tare de urechi A book of proverbs-o carte de proverbe The force of the wind-fora vntului A place of honour-n loc de onoare A man of mark-un om nsemnat(important) A man of no importance-un om oarecare(fr importan) To wear adress of silk-a purta o rochie de mtase Love of a mother-iubire de mam Master of the house-stpnul casei A piece of paper-o bucat de hrtie A friend of mine-un prieten de-al meu The events of late-evenimentele din ultimul timp In days of old-n zilele de mult apuse Of course-bineneles,cu siguran,sigur c da Keep off the grass-nu clcai pe iarb To be off duty-a fi liber,a nu fi la serviciu To fall off the horse-a cdea de pe cal To be on duty-a fi de serviciu To sit on the grass-a sta pe iarb Some goods(gudz)on sale-nite mrfuri de vnzare Haus on fire-o cas n flcri To go on foot-a merge pe jos On a beautiful day-ntr-o zi frumoas On such a day-ntr-o astfel de zi On this occasion(ocheijen)-cu aceast ocazie On certain conditions-cu anumite condiii To stand on tip toe-a sta n vrful picioarelor To be on land-a fi pe uscat On the whole-n ansamblu,n general,n mare On an average-n medie To be on holiday-a fi n vacan To sit on a chair-a sta pe un scaun To pay on demand-a plti la cerere To pay on the spot-a plti pe loc On the celing-pe tavan On a desert island(ailnd)-pe o insul pustie On the point of-a fi pe punctul de a Over the rocks-peste stnci To be head over heels in love-a fi ndrgostit lulea To stay somewhere(samuer) over night-a sta undeva peste noapte To be famous all over the world-a fi celebru(cunoscut )n toat ara To cook over the fire-a gti la foc To tremble all over-a tremura din toate mdularele,a tremura tot Past his comprehension-peste puterea lui de a nelege To be past work-a nu mai putea munci,a nu mai putea s munceasc To be past danger(deinger)-a fi n afara pericolului Have past one-unu i jumtate It is past five oclock-este trecut de ora cinci A round table-o mas rotund 17

Since-de,de la Through-prin

Through whom?-prin cine Till-pn,pn la To-la,ctre


Up-n susul,ctre

Until-pn la,pn n UponWithin-n,nuntrul,nu mai trziu de

A round peg in a square hole-potrivit ca nuca n perete Round the world-n jurul lumii Since four oclock-de la ora patru I havent seen him since-nu l-am mai vzut de atunci To go through thick and thin-a trece prin foc i ap Through the wood-prin pdure To at through fear-a aciona de fric All through the night-toat noaptea,tot timpul nopii To go through life-a trece prin via Throughout this country-de-a lungul i de-a latul acestei ri Throughout our holidays-pe tot parcursul vacanei noastre,tot timpul vacanei noastre To be up lill late-a se culca trziu,a nu se culca devreme Till death do us part-pn ce moartea ne va despri To go to bed-a merge la culcare To take to wife-a lua de soie(nevast) From end to end-de la cap la cap From hand to mouth-de la mn pn la gur To come to an end-a lua sfrit To finish-a termina,a se termina To be wet to the skin-a fi ud pn la piele To count up to ten-a numra pn la zece From time to time-din cnd n cnd,din timp n timp To dance to the musics-a dansa dup muzic I dont want to!-nu vreau Under lock and key-sub cheie,sub paz Under the tree-sub copac To swim under water-a nota sub ap To be under arms-a fi sub arme To be under a vow(veau)-a fi sub un jurmnt,a fi legat prin jurmnt To be under sentence of death-a fi condamnat la moarte Under what conditions?-n ce condiii Under these conditions-n aceste condiii In under ten minutes-n mai puin de 10 minute To be under age-a fi minor To be under treatement-a fi sub ngrijire medical a fi n tratament Under my feet-sub tlpile(picioarele) mele The ball rolled underneath a table-mingea s-a rostogolit sub o mas The ups and downs of life-urcuurile i coborurile vieii,geutile vieii To run up the hill-a alerga pe deal n sus To walk up a hill-a urca un deal Wake up!-trezete-te,scoal-te Until the end of life-pn la sfritul vieii To refuse upon the principle-a refuza din principiu Upon the top of the hill-n vrful dealului Upon our word-pe cuvntul nostru To keep within doors-a ine n cas Within the law-n limita legii Within a week-n mai puin de o sptmn 18


Within our room-n interiorul camerei noastre To be without help-a fi fr de ajutor To come without delay-a veni fr ntrziere To escape without damage-a scpa nevtmat To come without fail-a veni sigur(negreit) To come without doubt-a veni fr ndoial It goes withaut sayng(seing)-se nelege de la sine I will leave withaut him-o s plec fr el

PROPOZITII ATRIBUTIVE RELATIVE SI PRONUME RELATIVE A. Pronume relative forma: persoane obiecte Subiect who that which that Complement who / whom that which that Posesiv whose whose

B. Propozitii relative exista doua tipuri: 1. Subordonate relative calificative. Utilizare: pronumele relative pot fi: subiect: The woman who / that has red hair is my sister. All who / that met Erica admired her. He studied the picture which / that depicted the prince on horseback. We never met anyone who / that liked him. NOTA: Pronumele calificative subiecte (who, which, that) sunt uneori inlocuite in relativele calificative de: 1. un participiu prezent: The road which / that leads to Arlington has been closed. = The road leading to Arlington has been closed. 2. un participiu trecut: The woman who / that was caught stealing was arrested. = The woman caught stealing was arrested. 3. un INFINITIV, dupa the only, the last, the first, the second etc: The only driver who / that won twice was Pearson. = The only driver to win twice was Pearson. complement: She is the woman (who / that) we met last night. The milk (which / that) I bought has gone bad. ATENTIE! Cand este folosit cu functie de complement, de obicei prinumele relativ este omis (dupa cum se vede in exemplele de mai sus). posesiv: There is the musician whose composition won first prize. Where is the hotel whose manager is so famous? complement prepozitional (who, that sau whom se folosesc pentru persoane; which sau that se folosesc pentru lucruri): The man to whom I spoke was very rude. SAU: The man (whom / who / that) I spoke to was very rude. The subject in which he is interested is sociology. SAU: The subject (which / that) he is interested in is sociology. 19

ATENTIE! Prepozitiile sunt de obicei plasate DUPA verb in propozitia subordonata, iar pronumele relativ se omite. 2. Subordonate relative explicative forma: subordonatele nu folosesc niciodata pronumele relativ that, nu omit niciodata pronumele relative, sunt intotdeauna separate prin virgule. Utilizare: pronumele relativ poate fi: subiect: Our neighbours, who are quite old, have a Jeep. That dirty truck, which looks abandoned, is mine. complement: Dr. Smith, whom I met a year ago, writes a weekly column in the local newspaper. Their lawn, which was newly seeded in the spring, has turned brown. posesiv: My grandmother, whose eightieth birthday we celebrated in May, broke her leg last week. Our fence, whose paint is peeling, looks terrible. complement prepozitional (whom / who se folosesc pentru persoane; which se foloseste pentru lucruri): The wanted man, for whom the police are looking, used to live in our town. SAU: The wanted man, whom / who the police are looking for, used to live in our town. SAU: The wanted man, the police are looking for, used to live in our town. NOTA: Which se foloseste cu referire la o propozitie precedenta: Jerry testified that he had never met her, which was a lie. What se foloseste cu sensul de lucrurile care, ceea ce: What Jerry said was a lie. All / both / few / most / some + of + whom / which se refera la persoane si lucruri: The travellers, all of whom were ill, were hospitalized. The two Inca pots, both of which were museum pieces, were stolen.


5. CONJUNCTIA A. Dupa aspect 1. Simple: but, if, and. 2. Compuse: however, unless, otherwise. 3. De legatura: asas, bothand, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, whetheror . 4. Locutiuni: as well as, as if (de parca), as though (de parca), for instance, thats why, so long as (atata timp cat). B. Dupa functie 1. De coordonare a) and - care leaga - propozitii intre ele - parti de vorbire de acelasi fel Ex: I go and stay there for a week b) as well as Ex: I work in a school as well as at home. c) neithernor Ex: I am neither in the kitchen nor in the bathroom. d) not onlybut also Ex: I am not only intelligent but also pretty. e) as well Ex: He is calm and good as well. f) eitheror Ex: They are either brother and sister or husband and wife. g) furthermore (cu atat mai mult) Ex: I speak English, furthermore I wood like to visit England. h) conjunctii adversative: but, while, whereas (pe cata vreme, tinand seama de) contrasteaza cu propozitia principala. Ex: I am tall but fat. I am talking while you are righting. k) conjunctii disjunctive: or, else, or else (ori, cu alte cuvinte), otherwise (altfel). Ex: Would you prefer coffee or tea? Please put your coat else you get whet. Learn your lesson otherwise you fail. i) conjunctiile concluzive: consequently, on that account, so, then, that is why (iata de ce), therefore (de aceea). Ex: I havent slept therefore/that is why I am tired. j) conjunctii explicative: for example, for instance, namely, that is to say. Ex: Only one friend of mine left Romania, namely Ela. I like do a lot of thinks for instance/example reading, dancing, 2. De subordonare acelea care introduc o propozitie secundara. Unele dintre ele sunt specializate pe anumite tipuri de propozitii. Ex: pt. concesive: through, although (desi) pt. conditionale: if pt. comparative: as if (de parca), as though pt. predicative sau pt. subiective, completive directe, attributive Subordonate predicative introduse prin: a) what - Ex: The question is what I must read. b) who - Ex: The question is who is he. c) where - Ex: The question is were I go. d) when - Ex: The question is when I can come. e) whatever, whoever, that, why Subordonate subiective introduse prin: a) that - Ex: It is necessary that you should understand this rule. b) what Ex: It doesnt matter what you believe. c) who Ex: It hasnt be decided who is the leader of the team. d) which, whoever, whatever, whichever, when, how, why, where, if, whether.


ubordonate completive directe (cele cu forma de complement): if, that, whether, whatever, whoever, wherever, why, whichever. Ex: She sad that she was tired. I dont know if you leave Romania. I dont know whoever wants my dog. I do whatever you want me to do. I may take whatever book you want. Subordonate indirecte introduse prin: to whom, to what, to anyone, whoever. Ex: I may give the flowers to whom you want. You interpret whatever she says. Subordonate prepozitionale introduse prin: who, whom, whoever, whichever, how daca sunt precedate de o prepozitie. Ex: You depend on what I say. You must approved of whatever she says. Subordonate atributive introduse prin: whose, which, whom, were, why, when, that. Ex: This is the woman who loves me. This is the man whose wife is pretty. This is the boy whom I greeted. Subordonate adverbiale introduse prin: as, like, much as, how, in the manner, as if, as though, just. Ex: No one speaks like you do. They acted much as I told them. (respectand majoritatea celor spuse de mine) Subordonate conditionale introduse prin: if, on condition that, only if. Ex: I shall come soon if/on condition that I find my passport.

6. INTERJECTIAPrin interjectie se exteriorizeaza sentimente, manifestari, sau se reproduc sunete din natura. Interjectiile sunt scurte exclamatii ca si : Oh!, Um sau Ah! Ele nu au o valoare gramaticala reala, dar le folosim chiar des, de obicei mai mult in vorbire decat in scris. Exemple: surpriza: Wow! Oh! - Uau! bucurie: Ah! Ooh! - Ah! mirare: Oh dear! Indeed! - Vai draga! Intradevar! admiratie: Whew! dispret: Pshaw! What a same! - Ce pacat! aprobare: Well done! - Foarte bine! manifestari de vointa: Oh! Help! Look out! Cheer up! - Oh! Ajutor! Ai grija! Capul sus! zgomote: Bang! Click! Miaow! - Bang! Clic! Miau! Interjectii ca er si um sunt cunoscute si ca interjectii de ezitare. Ele sunt extrem de folosite in engleza. Sunt folosite atunci cand cineva nu stie ce sa spuna, sau iti indica faptul ca se gandeste la ce va spune.


7. ADJECTIVUL / THE ADJECTIVEForma adjectivului Adjectivele sunt invariabile. Ele nu si schimba forma n functie de gen sau numar. Ex.: A hot potato, some hot potatoes. Pentru a sublinia sau accentua sensul unui adjectiv se pot folosi very, really: Ex.: A very hot potato, some really hot potatoes. Pozitia adjectivului De obicei adjectivul se aseaza n fata substantivului determinat: Ex.: A good movie. Dupa verbe auxiliare ca to be, to become, to seem, to look, to taste, to appear, to feel, to keep, to make, to smell, to sound, to turn, etc: Ex.: The movie is good. You seem upset. This cheese tastes different. Dupa substantiv n expresii fixe: Ex.: the Princess Royal, the President elect, the court martial Cteva adjective, ca de exemplu chief, main, poor (=unfortunate) stau numai n fata substantivului determinat: Ex.: This is the main purpose of the meeting. That poor woman was living in a garage. Altele pot sta numai dupa un verb auxiliar: asleep, upset, awake, afraid, alike, alive, alone, annoyed, ill, well, sorry Ex.: He's asleep. I'm alone. Unele adjective si schimba sensul n functie de pozitia pe care o ocupa. Adjectivele involved, present, concerned au sens diferit daca sunt plasate n fata substantivului sau dupa acesta. Ex.: These are the people involved / concerned. (the people who have something to do with the matter) They had an involved discussion on the matter. (detailed, complex) I am a concerned mother. (worried, anxious) The list of the students present is outside, on the door. (students who were there) The present status of the matter requires urgent attention. (current) Functiile adjectivului Adjectivul ne spune mai multe despre calitatile substantivul determinat. Pot exprima: Sentimente sau calitati: Ex.: They make an original couple. She is a single mother. Nationalitatea sau originea: Ex.: Ricardo is Spanish. His mother is Argentinean and his father is Canadian. I bought him a Swiss watch for Christmas. Diferite caracteristici ale unui obiect:Ex.: The table is long. The steel tray was a gift. Vrsta: Ex.: My hat is too old. I will buy another one. He is still very young, almost a boy. Dimensiuni, marime si masuri: Ex.:"Gone with the Wind" is a very long film.

That boy is too tall. Culoarea: Ex.: I have a red jacket to go with my new white skirt. Materie / material: Ex.: He wore a cotton shirt. It was a silver tray, not a steel tray. Forma: Ex.: A rectangular envelope. A round table. Judecati, pareri sau opinii: Ex.: Grammar is fascinating. The show was entertaining. Ordinea adjectivelor Atunci cnd se folosesc doua sau mai multe adjective pentru a descrie acelasi substantiv, ordinea lor depinde de functiile acestora. Exista mai multe variante, dar cea mai obisnuita ordine este: Value/opinion, Size, Age/Temperature, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material Value/opinion delicious, lovely, charming Size Age/Temperature Shape Colour Origin small, huge, tiny old, hot, young, little round, square, rectangular red, blonde, black Swedish, Victorian, Chinese

Material plastic, wooden, silver Ex: a green round plastic bucket / an elegant little French clock / a small round wooden table Gradele de comparatie Ca si in limba romana, adjectivul din limba engleza exprima o calitate si este asezat langa substantive, pe care il determina dar in fata acestuia. Din punct de vedere al modului in care se formeaza gradele de comparativ ale adjectivului englezesc se impart in 2 grupe: - adjective regulate care formeaza gradele de comparative dupa regulile fixe - adjective neregulate care au forme speciale pentru gradele de comparative, in care, uneori de schimba chiar radacina cuvantului Gradele de comparatie exprima in general raportul unui adjectiv fata de ceva sau starea maxima a acestuia. De exemplu: mai cald, mai rapid, cel mai bun. Exista trei grade de comparatie ale adjectivelor: 1. pozitiv adjectivul nu se schimba 2. comparative: a.de inferioritate b.de egalitate c.de superioritate 3. superlative: a.relativ b.absolut

1. pozitiv - adjectivul nu se schimba 2. n limba engleza, comparativul (comparative) se poate forma in doua moduri, in functie de cate silabe are adjectivul. a) Adjective cu o silaba Adjectivele formate dintr-o silaba formeaza comparativul adaugand -er la forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -er]. tall - taller (mai inalt), blue - bluer (mai albastru) - Adjectivele simple, formate din [consoana + o vocala + consoana] vor dubla consoana finala. fat - fatter (mai gras), big - bigger (mai mare), hot - hotter (mai fierbinte) b) Adjective cu doua silabe Adjectivele formate din doua silabe formeaza comparativul adaugand -er la forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -er] -cuvantul more in fata, [more + adjectiv_simplu]. - er se adauga doar la adjectivele care se termina in: -y, -ly, -ow, -le, -er, -ure sau la adjectivele: handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiet. In rest, pentru celelalte, dar si pentru acestea, se poate adauga more in fata. Exemple: yellow - yellower /more yellow (mai galben) simple - simpler /more simple (mai simplu) tender - tenderer /more tender (mai tandru) - Adjectivele terminate in -y vor inlocui "y" cu "i" inainte de "-er". happy - happier /more happy (mai fericit) / pretty - prettier /more pretty (mai dragut) c) Adjective cu trei sau mai multe silabe Adjectivele formate din trei sau mai multe silabe formeaza comparativul adaugand cuvantul more in fata, [more + adjectiv_simplu]. important - more important (mai important) expensive - more expensive (mai scump) 3. Ca si comparativul, superlativul (superlative) in limba engleza se poate forma diferit, in functie de cate silabe are adjectivul. a) Adjective cu o silaba Adjectivele formate dintr-o silaba formeaza superlativul adaugand -est la forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -est]. tall - tallest (cel mai inalt), blue - bluest (cel mai albastru) - Adjectivele simple, formate din [consoana + o vocala + consoana] vor dubla consoana finala. fat - fattest (cel mai gras), big - biggest (cel mai mare), hot - hottest (cel mai fierbinte) b) Adjective cu doua silabe Adjectivele formate din doua silabe formeaza superlativul adaugand -est la forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -est] sau cuvantul most in fata, [most + adjectiv_simplu]. - est se adauga doar la adjectivele care se termina in: -y, -ly, -ow, -le, -er, -ure sau la adjectivele: handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiet. In rest, pentru celelalte, dar si pentru acestea, se poate adauga most in fata. Exemple: yellow - yellowest /most yellow (cel mai galben) simple - simplest /most simple (cel mai simplu) tender - tenderest /most tender (cel mai tandru) - Adjectivele terminate in -y vor inlocui "y" cu "i" inainte de "-est".

happy - happiest /most happy (cel mai fericit) pretty - prettiest /most pretty (cel mai dragut) c) Adjective cu trei sau mai multe silabe Adjectivele formate din trei sau mai multe silabe formeaza superlativul adaugand cuvantul most in fata, [most + adjectiv_simplu]. important - most important (cel mai important) expensive - most expensive (cel mai scump) Forme neregulate Urmatoarele adjective au forme de comparativ si superlativ total neregulate (trebuie memorate asa cum sunt): Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ good (bun) better (mai bun) best (cel mai bun) bad (rau) worse (mai rau) worst (cel mai rau) little (mic, putin) less (mai mic, mai putin) least (cel mai putin) old (batran, in varsta) older /elder (mai batran) oldest/eldest(cel mai batran) much /many (mult /multe) more (mai mult /multe) most (cel mai mult /multe) far (departe) further /farther (mai furthest /farthest (cel mai departe) departe) Comparatia adjectivelor Comparatia adjectivelor fata de altceva (lucru, obiect, fiinta, eveniment, loc, etc) se poate forma in mai multe feluri. - the + superlative This is the oldest theater in London. - Acesta este cel mai vechi (batran) teatru din Londra. - comparative + than - Pentru a compara diferentele dintre doua obiecte, evenimente sau fiinte: He makes fewer mistakes than you do. - El face mai putine greseli decat faci tu. Thailand is sunnier than Norway. - Tailanda e mai insorita decat Norvegia. Albert is more humbly than Arthur. - Albert e mai smerit decat Arthur. - as + adjective + as - Comparative de egalitate. Constructie folosita pentru a compara oameni, locuri, fiinte, evenimete sau obiecte, ntre care nu exista diferente: Peter is 28 years old. John is 28 years old. Peter is as old as John. - Peter are 28 de ani. John are 28 de ani. Peter e la fel de in varsta ca John. Ramona is as happy as Raphael. - Ramona e la fel de fericita ca Rafael. A tiger is as dangerous as a lion. - Un tigru e la fel de periculos ca un leu. - not as + adjective + as - Se poate arata diferentele dintre doua substantive folosind contructia not so/as ...as: Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Everest. - Muntele Blanc nu e la fel de inalt ca muntele Everest Norway is not as sunny as Thailand. - Norvegia nu e la fel de insorita ca Tailanda. Schimbare de valoare gramaticala Adjectiv Substantiv big, small size (masura) long, short length (lungime) broad, narrow breadth (largime pt ceva concret) wide, narrow width (largime pt ceva abstract) high, low height (inaltime) deep, shallow depth (adancime) heavy, light weight (greutate)

strong, weak

strength (putere)..etc.

Constructii cu comparativul de egalitate: as brave as a lion , as blind as a bat , as black as coal , as busy as a bee , as cool as a cucumber , as clear as daylight , as dry as a bone , as easy as ABC , as fresh as a daisy , as hairy as a gorilla , as mad as a hatter (palarier) , as poor as a church-mouse , as silent as a grave , as wise as Solomon , as soft as silk , as smooth as grass , as gentle as a lamb.etc. Comparativul de superioritate adj scurte: adj + er + than. Modificari ortografice: daca adj se termina in e, se adauga doar r Ex: nice nicer daca adj se termina in y precedat de consoana, se transforma y in ier Ex: pretty prettier Exceptii: shy shyer / sly slyer / wry wryer (stramb) daca adj se termina in consoana precedata de vocala, dublez consoana finala Ex: big bigger pt adj lungi: more + adj + than Ex: The book is more interesting than the movie. Adj provenite din latina sunt urmate de to si nu de than Ex: He is superior to me. Superlativul relativ adj scurte: the + adj +est Ex: large the largest / silly the silliest adj lungi: the most+ adj Ex: This is the most expensive thing. ATENTIE! dupa superlativ urmeaza prepozitiile of sau in Ex: He is the best of all/the best in my group. ATENTIE! daca se face comparatie intre 2 elemente, comparativul implica superlativul: the + comparativ Ex: Between you and me, I am the older. Superlativul absolut very + adj very poate fi inlocuit cu: extremely , exceptionally , tremendously , awfully ATENTIE! nu toate adj au grad de comparatie, unele definesc ideea de unitate (own, complete, proper, perfect, marvelous, maximum, minimum). Altele au sufixe si prefixe: extra large / over crowded / super fine / ultra short / priceless Comparatia neregulata good better the best / bad worse the worst / ill worse the worst many more the most / much more the most / little less the least near nearer the nearest (cel mai apropiat); next (urmatorul) far farther the farthest (in spatiu) / far further the furthest (in timp) late later the latest; the last (ultimul); the latter (ult din 2). Dintre 2, primul este the former, nu the first. up upper the upmost / in inner the inmost / out outer the outmost fore former the foremost / old older the oldest old elder the eldest (doar atributiv, pt membrii aceleiasi familii) Ex: My elder brother is older than me. (fratele meu mai mare)

Constructii adjectivale 1) cu mult mai = much/ a lot + comparative Ex: It is much warmer today / a lot warmer today 2) de departe cel mai = by far + superlativ Ex: This is by far the hottest day of the year. 3) din ce in ce mai = comp + and + comp Ex: It is warmer and warmer ATENTIE! pt adj lungi se repeta doar more Ex: It is more and more interesting. 4) cu cat mai, cu atat mai (the + comparativ the + comparativ) ATENTIE! Expresia e obligatoriu sa se repete identic si verbul to be lipseste: Ex: The more, the better (cu cat mai mare, cu atat mai bine) ATENTIE! Mai multe adjective care determina acelasi substantiv se despart prin virgula. Daca nu apare virgula intre ele atunci cel care nu este urmat de virgula este adverb. ATENTIE! Ordinea adjectivelor care determina un substantiv va tine cont de cele subiective (primele expuse) si de cele obiective (imediat langa substantiv). ATENTIE! Un adjectiv poate sa determine si un verb. Verbul va fi obligatoriu to be sau orice alt verb de perceptie care poate fi inlocuit cu to be. Ex: I am intelligent He looks happy sau He is happy. Adjectivul Calitativ Adjectivele din aceasta categorie sunt adjective care descriu proprietati ale obiectelor ce pot avea grade, nivele, intensitati ale acelei proprietati. big (mare) , small (mic) , dry (uscat) , good (bun) Adjectivul Posesiv Adjectivele posesive sunt cele care arata o posesie; arata al cui e un obiect (al meu, al tau, etc ...); invariabil ca forma si numar anuleaza articolul substantivului se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care-l determina forme: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Ex: My book. my book (cartea mea)your book (cartea ta, cartea voastra) his book (cartea lui) her book (cartea ei) its book (cartea lui, ei -> pentru lucruri, animale, abstractiuni) our book (cartea noastra) our books (cartile noastre) your books (cartile voastre) their book (cartea lor) their books (cartile lor) Corespondenta pronumelor posesive cu adjectivele posesive: Persoana Pronumele posesiv 1st singular Mine 2nd singular Yours 3rd (female) Hers 3rd (male) His 3rd (neuter) Its 1st plural Ours 2nd plural Yours Adjectivul posesiv My Your Her His Its Our your

3rd plural



Adjectivul Demonstrativ Adjectivul demonstrativ are numai 4 forme: Singular Plural Closer this (acesta/ aceasta) these (acestia/ acestea) Farther that (acela/ aceea) those (aceia/ acelea) anuleza articolul substantivului invariabil ca forma (M/F) se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care il determina daca nu determina un substantiv devine pronume demonstrativ Ex: this aceasta, acesta (singular apropiere) these acestea, acestia (plural apropiere) ambele merg cu here. that acela, aceea (singular departare) those acelea, aceia (plural departare) ambele merg cu there. NOTA! Indepartarea in spatiu presupune si indepartarea in timp. Deci that si those se vor cupla cu trecutul. Ex: This book is good. (this = adjectiv, book = substantiv) This is a good book. (this = pronume) Adjectivul interogativ pozitie initiala in propozitie invariabil ca forma anuleaza articolul determina un substantiv forme: what, which, whose, how much, how many. Diferenta: what./which Which presupune selectie dintr-un numar limitat. Ex: Which boy is your best friend? What nu presupune selectie. Ex: What days of the week do you know? Diferenta how much / how many How much presupune cantitatea si se foloseste pentru substantive nenumarabile. Ex: How much money do you want? How many inseamna numar si se foloseste la substantive numarabile. Ex: How many books do you want? Adjectivul relativ pozitie mediana introduce o propozitie secundara invariabil determina un substantiv anulandu-i articolul forme: whatever (fara selectie), whichever (selectie din numar limitat), whose (a, al, ai, ale cui). Ex: You may take 1/ whatever books you want 2/.

Adjectivul nehotarat SOME (unii, niste, vreo, cativa) - Utilizare: 1. In propozitia enuntiativa urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural. Ex: I have some money / friends. 2. In propozitia interogativa in care se face o afirmatie sau o invitatie. Ex: Would you like some coffee? 3. In propozitia in care stiu sigur ca primesc raspuns pozitiv. Ex: Mother, can you give me some money? 4. In propozitia interogativa in care intrebarea nu se refera la some. Ex: Why are there so many people in some (so many) restaurants? 5. In propozitia negativa al carui sens este afirmativ. Ex: I never go home without buying some chocolate. 6. Cand poate fi inlocuitorul lui certain. Ex: Certain people/some people believe they are the best. ANY - este inlocuitorul lui some in: 1. Propozitia interogativa la care nu stiu ce raspuns voi primi. Ex: Is there any milk left? 2. In propozitia enuntiativa dar cu sensul de oricine, oricare, orice. Ex: Any book is good for you. 3. In propozitia care contine un adverb negativ de genul: hardly, barely, scarcely (de abia, cu greu, deloc). Ex: I hardly eat any bread (nu mananc paine aproape deloc) 4. In propozitia care contine if. (if = incertitudine) Ex: If you find any books, buy them. 5. In propozitia care contine o expresie de indoiala: maybe, perhaps. Ex: I doubt there are any good films in town. 6. In propozitia negativa in care verbul este negat. Ex: I havent any friends here. NO - Se foloseste numai in propozitia negativa in care verbul este la afirmativ. Ex: I have no friends here. EVERY (fara particularizare) Ex: Every day I go to my office. (nu ma duc chiar in fiecare zi) EACH (cu particularizare) Ex: Each person has a name. (fiecare, particularizare) EITHER (fiecare din doi) NEITHER (nici unul din doi) ATENTIE! Dupa each, every, either sau neither rmeaza substantiv numarabil la singular iar acordul cu verbul se face la singular. Expresii cu every si each Each other = unul pe altul (pp reciprocitate) Every bit/inch = fiecare bucatica Every right = tot dreptul Every now and than = din cand in cand Every other day = alternativ Every so often = la interval regulat de timp fara a sti exact cand. SUCH (astfel) - Urmat de substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil. Ex: I have such friends/information. SUCH A - Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular. Ex: This is such a man of honor. ALL - Urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural. Ex: All books/information must be used.

WHOLE - Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular. Ex: I like the whole book. NOTA! Pt perioade de timp se poate folosi si whole si all Ex: Im home all the morning/ the whole morning. (whole este cotat ca fiind mai puternic) THE OTHER - Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular sau plural. Ex: The other child/children can swim. Expresia The other day = some days ago, cere obligatoriu trecutul. Ex: I was there the other day. (Am fost acolo acum cateva zile) OTHER + Urmat de substantiv numarabil la plural. Ex: Give me other examples. + Daca e precedat de no poate fi urmat si de numarabil la singular. Ex: No other man is as good as you are. ANOTHER + substantiv la singular (different, in addition) Ex: Would you like another drink? = vrei inca unul (suplimentar) sau un altul (diferit)? BOTH + substantiv numarabil la plural (pt. doi) Ex: I like both kids -> acordul in plural Both are intelligent. SEVERAL (mai multi intr-un numar nedefinit) + substantiv numarabil la plural. Ex: We spent several days there. MOST (majoritatea) + substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil. Ex: Most books/information can be read easily. ENOUGH ATENTIE! Daca e urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural are pozitie mobila. Ex: I have enough money/money enough to be happy. ATENTIE! Daca e urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular se aseaza dupa el. Ex: He is man enough to understand me.

8. ADVERBUL / THE ADVERB Adverbele sunt cuvinte care ne spun mai multe despre cum , unde, cnd, ct de frecvent sau n ce msura are loc o actiune. Functia adverbelor Astfel, adverbele determina n general verbe: Ex.: The bus moved slowly. (cum?) I am going home tomorrow. (cnd?) Adverbele pot determina: adjective: You look absolutely fabulous! adverbe: She played the violin extremely well. You're speaking too quietly. propozitii intregi: Perhaps we'll see you again next year. In general adverbul este terminat in ly, dar nu tot ce are ly este adverb. De regula se formeaza din adjectiv + ly. Modificari ortografice: 1. daca adjectivul se termina in e, acesta se pastreaza ely Ex: nice nicely Exceptii: due duly (datorat) / true truly / whole wholly 2. daca adjectivul se termina in le, se transforma e in y/ ly Ex: capable capably 3. daca adjectivul se termina in ll, se adauga doar lly Ex: full fully 4. daca adjectivul se termina in ic, se adauga ally Ex: automatic automatically 5. daca adjectivul se termina in y, indiferent daca este precedat de vocala sau de consoana, se transforma in i si se adauga ily Ex: pretty prettily gay gaily Exceptii: shy shyly / wry wryly / coy coyly (sfios) 6. adjectivul good face adverbul well NOTA: ca sa verific L-urile unui adverb, il desfac in adjectiv + ly Ex: usually = usual + ly / bitterly = bitter + ly / awfully = awful + ly Adverbe care au 2 forme cu acelasi inteles (oricare din ele este corect) 1. bright = brightly 2. sound = soundly 3. fair = fairly 4. tight = tightly (sunt echivalente) 5. dear = dearly 6. dead = deadly 7. cheap = cheaply Ex: The sun shines bright / brightly. NOTA: forma in ly se va prefera totusi cand adverbul determina un adjectiv Ex: He is deadly tired. (si nu he is dead tired). Adverbul cheap se va folosi in loc de cheaply doar pentru a caracteriza activitati comerciale (to buy, to sell, to get) Ex: She bought it cheap. Dar We traveled cheaply.

Adverbe cu 2 forme cu 2 intelesuri diferite clean = complet cleanly = intr-o maniera curata clear = exact clearly = intr-o maniera clara close = apropiat closely = indeaproape deep = adanc deeply = profund direct = direct directly = imediat due = spre (la busola Ex: They went due South. duly = punctual easy = usor Ex: Take it easy! easily = intr-o maniera lejera free = gratis freely = pe sleau, deschis full = complet fully = pe scara larga, intr-o maniera extinsa hard = greu hardly = de-abia, cu greu, aproape deloc

high = sus highly = foarte just = tocmai justly = asa cum se cuvine late = tarziu lately = in ultima vreme large = extins largely = pe scara larga most = majoritatea mostly = cu precadere near = langa nearly = aproape ca pretty = foarte prettily = intr-o maniera draguta right = exact rightly = cu precizie, clar sharp = fix sharply = intr-o maniera taioasa short = brusc shortly = imediat

Adverbe si adjective cu aceeasi forma si inteles Fast, far, early, alike, alone, past, solo, straight, next, little, outside. NOTA: daca adjectivul se termina in ly, el devine adverb prin contructia in a + adj + manner Ex: He is a friendly person. / He speaks to me in a friendly way / manner. Adj adv coward=las (substantiv) / cowardly = las (adjectiv) / in a cowardly manner = cu lasitate (adverb) Gradele de comparatie - se construiesc astfel: daca adjectivul si adverbul au aceeasi forma, se comporta ca un adjectiv scurt (gradele se fac cu er si est) Ex: I run fast / not so fast as / as fast as / faster than / the fastest of all / very fast daca adverbul se obtine din adjectiv + ly, face gradele de comparatie ca un adjectiv lung (cu more si the most) Ex: He runs quickly / less quickly than / as quickly as / more quickly than / the most quickly of all / very quickly Comparatia regulata well better the best badly worse the worst much more the most far farther the farthest further the furthest near nearer the next little less the least late later the last

Clasificarea adverbelor 1. Adverbe de mod 2. Adverbe de loc si directie 3. Adverbe de timp, durata si frecventa 4. Adverbe de probabilitate 5. Adverbe de grad Adverbe de mod Adverbele de mod ne arata cum, in ce mod are loc o actiune. Ele se aseaza in propozitie dupa verb sau dupa complementul acestuia. fairly foarte, dar nu extraordinary. Fairly se cupleaza intotdeauna cu adjectivul la gradul pozitiv. Ex: Your story is fairly interesting. quite este mai puternic decat fairly. Se foloseste cand vreau sa fac o apreciere favorabila. Ex: This car is quite cheap. NOTA : cand se refera la adjective sau adverbe care nu au grade de comparatie, quite capata sensul de absolut, complet, de-a dreptul. Ex: Your dress is quite unique. rather se foloseste cand am de facut o apreciere nefavorabila si sensul este = foarte, neasteptat de. Se foloseste numai cu caracteristici negative. Poate fi precedat si urmat de articolul a Ex: This car is rather expensive. Ex: This is a rather difficult exercise. This is rather a difficult exercise. pretty foarte (familiar, intre prieteni) Ex: Im pretty tired. very Este cel mai cunoscut si se cupleaza cu orice (pozitiv, comparativ sau superlativ) Ex: I do my very best. He is very much faster than I am. much / a lot = se cupleaza cu comparativul Ex: He is much faster than I am. by far = se cupleaza cu superlativul Ex: He is by far the fastest of all. too se cupleaza cu pozitivul Ex: He is too fast. enough se cupleaza cu pozitivul, dar se aseaza dupa el Ex: He is fast enough for a champion. so se cupleaza - cu much, many, little, few + substantiv - cu adjectiv / adverb la pozitiv Ex: It is so difficult. I have so many friends / so much money. There is so little time left. such urmat de - substantiv numarabil la sg precedat de a - de constructia adjectiv + substantiv la pl Ex: He is such a man. / They are such interesting persons. Adverbe de loc si directie Ne arata unde are loc actiunea verbului. Se aseaza in general dupa verbul principal sau complementul sau. Ex: Dupa verb: I looked everywhere./ John looked ...away, up, down, around... / I'm going ...home, out, back... Dupa complement: They built a house nearby. / She took the child outside.

A. Here / there. Cu verbe de miscare, here exprima ideea de nspre/ cu / mpreuna cu vorbitorul, iar there contrariul, departe, fara participarea vorbitorului: Ex.: Come here (= spre mine) It's in here (= vino impreuna cu mine sa vezi) Put it there (= departe de mine) It's in there (= du-te singur sa vezi) Expresii cu here/ there: down here, down there, over here, over there, under here, under there, up here, up there. B. Adverbele de loc terminate n -wards - exprima ideea de miscare ntr-o anumita directie: Ex.: backwards, forwards, downwards, upwards, inwards, outwards, northwards, southwards, eastwards, westwards, homewards, onwards. Cats don't usually walk backwards. / The ship sailed westwards. De retinut! Towards este prepozitie, nu adverb, astfel nct va fi ntotdeauna urmat de un substantiv sau pronume: Ex.: He walked towards the car. She ran towards me. C. Adverbe care exprima att locul ct si directia: ahead, abroad, overseas, uphill, downhill, sideways, indoors, outdoors. Adverbe de timp, durata si frecventa Arata cand a avut loc o actiune dar si durata sau frecventa actiunii. Cnd: today, yesterday, later, now, last year Durata, pentru ct timp: all day, not long, for a while, since last year Ct de frecvent: sometimes, frequently, never, often, yearly De obicei, adverbele de timp se aseaza la sfrsitul propozitiei sau emfatic, la nceputul ei: Ex.: One of my children wrote to me yesterday. / Later the boy understood the story. Adverbele care indica durata se aseaza la sfarsitul propozitiei: Ex.: She stayed in the house all day. / My mother lived in France for a year. Adverbele de frecventa exprima frecventa unei actiuni si se aseaza de obicei in fata verbului principal, dar dupa verbele auxiliare (cum ar fi be, have, may, must): I often eat vegetarian food. (in fata verbului principal) You must always fasten your seat belt. (dupa verbul auxiliar must) I have never forgotten my first kiss. (dupa verbul auxiliar have si in fata verbului principal forgotten) Unele adverbe de frecventa exprima regularitatea incidentei unei actiuni si se plaseaza la sfarsitul prepozitiei: This magazine is published monthly. / He visits his mother once a week. Adverbe de fecventa: frequently, generally, normally, occasionally, often, regularly, sometimes, usually. De retinut! Yet se foloseste in propozitii interogative sau negative. Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet. They haven't met him yet. Still exprima ideea de continuitate. Se foloseste in propozitii pozitive sau interogative. I am still hungry. / Do you still work for the BBC? Adverbe de timp usuale: ago se foloseste cand raportarea se face fata de un moment prezent Ex: I saw her one hour ago. NOTA! daca raportarea se face fata de un moment trecut, in loc de ago se pune before Ex: I told her that I had met her one hour before. for arata durata unei actiuni fara a prezenta momentul de inceput si sfarsit al actiunii. Este specific prezentului perfect simplu si continuu si trecutului perfect continuu.

Ex: I havent met her for two years. NOTA! se poate intalni si cu timpul trecut Ex: I was a student for two years (Im no longer a student). NOTA! pentru perioade lungi de timp (for ages, for centuries) ATENTIE! nu se pune for dupa verbele: to last, to take, to wait, to spend, to stay Ex: Ive been waiting ten minutes, (si nu Ive been waiting for ten minutes). It lasts five seconds, (si nu it lasts for five seconds). since arata inceputul perioadei fara a preciza durata si momentul final. Este specific prezentului perfect simplu si continuu si trecutului continuu. Ex: I havent met her since Monday. Adverbe de siguranta si probabilitate Acestea exprima cat de sigur este vorbitorul de actiunea sau evenimentul pe care il relateaza: certainly, definitely, probably, undoubtedly, surely, maybe, obviously, perhaps, possibly, really. Se aseaza in propozitie intre verbul auxiliar si verbul principal. Ex.: He has certainly forgotten the meeting. Pentru o formulare emfatica sau o reliefare a afirmatiilor, se aseaza n debutul frazei: Ex.: Undoubtedly, Winston Churchill was a great politician. De retinut! Surely asezat la inceputul propozitiei inseamna ca vorbitorul este convins de adevarul unei afirmatii, dar incearca sa obtina o confirmare: Surely you've got a bicycle? Adverbe de grad Aceastea exprima intensitatea sau gradul de indeplinire a actiunii unui verb, adjectiv sau adverb: almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely. Locul lor in propozitie este fie in fata adjectivului sau adverbului pe care il determina, fie in fata verbului principal: Ex.: The water was extremely cold. / He was just leaving. / She has almost finished. Enough, very, too Enough inseamna "pana la punctul necesar pentru a..." si se plaseaza dupa adjectiv sau adverb: Is your coffee hot enough? (adjectiv) / He didn't work hard enough. (adverb) Too = "mai mult decat este necesar pentru..." si se aseaza in fata adjectivului sau adverbului: This coffee is too hot. (adjective) / He works too hard. (adverb) Very intareste sensul unui adjectiv sau adverb si se aseaza in fata acestora: The girl was very beautiful. (adjectiv) / He worked very quickly. (adverb) De retinut! Exista o diferenta importanta intre too si very: Very exprima un fapt: He speaks very quickly. Too sugereaza existenta unei probleme: He speaks too quickly (for me to understand). Alte adverbe asemanatoare lui very: extremely, especially, particularly, pretty, rather, quite, fairly, rather, not especially, not particularly. Locutiuni adverbiale subst + after + subst day after day / year after year / month after month during urmat intotdeauna de substantiv. A nu se confunda cu while (in timp ce), care presupune actiuni paralele. During poate fi inlocuit cu in daca se refera la perioade de timp Ex: during my life = in my life from to poate fi inlocuit cu till, dar niciodata cu until, pentru ca until nu presupune cunoasterea momentului de sfarsit al actiunii Ex: I work until I die. (nu stiu cand) / I get up at 8 oclock and work till 10 oclock. NOTA! until nu poate fi cuprins in expresia from to in loc de to

9 NUMERALUL / THE NUMERAL Numeralul reprezint partea de vorbire care exprim o cifr, numrul sau ordinea obiectelor, tot ce e legat de numere. Deseori determin un substantiv si apare naintea aceluia. Exist mai multe tipuri de numeral, dintre care cele mai frecvent ulilizate sunt: Numeralul cardinal si Numeralul ordinal. In afara de acestea doua, mai sunt numeralele: fractionar, colectiv, multiplicativ si distributiv 1. Numeralul cardinal - arata numarul, cantitatea Numeralul zero 1) zero = pentru calcul matematic si pentru exprimarea temperaturii Ex: Its ten degrees above zero. 2) love = zero pentru exprimarea scorului la tenis (15-0 = fifteen-love) 3) nil = (nothing) = zero pentru exprimarea scorului la fotbal 4) naught = zero cand face parte din partea zecimala a unui numar 5) oh = zero pentru numere de telefon 0 zero (zero, null) De la 1 la 12 avem forme distincte 1 one (unu) 2 two (doi) 3 three (trei) 4 four (patru) 5 five (cinci) 6 six (sase) 7 seven (sapte) 8 eight (opt) 9 nine (noua) 10 ten (zece) 11 eleven (unsprezece) 12 twelve (doisprezece) De la 13 la 19 avem (numeral simplu + teen), la care accentul cade pe sufix si i-ul este lung. 13 thirteen (treisprezece) 14 fourteen (patrusprezece) 15 fifteen (cincisprezece) 16 sixteen (saisprezece) 17 seventeen (saptesprezece) 18 eighteen (optsprezece) 19 nineteen (nouasprezece) De la 20 la 90 avem (numeral cardinal + ty), care este scurt si cu accentul pe prima silaba. Ex: 40 = forty (nu mai are u!) 20 twenty (douazeci) 30 thirty (treizeci) 40 forty (patruzeci) 50 fifty (cincizeci) 60 sixty (saizeci) 70 seventy (saptezeci) 80 eighty (optzeci)

90 ninety (nouazeci) Numeralele compuse se scriu cu cratima Ex: 42 = forty-two One hundred = 100 - Ca numeral nu poate avea plural, dar are ca substantiv. Este substantiv cand: a) este urmat de of: Ex: hundreds of pages b) nu determina alt substantiv: Ex: hundreds are here Numeralul compus peste suta se scrie cu prepozitia and la englezi si fara la americani. Numeralele care denumesc sute, mii sau milioane sunt legate prin "and" de cele care denumesc zeci si unitati. Ex: 210 = two hundred and ten 115 - a/one hundred and fifteen 735 - seven hundred and thirty-five 3008 - three thousand and eight 100 one hundred (o suta) 700 seven hundred(sapte sute) 1000-one thousand (o mie) 3000 three thousand (trei mii) One thousand = 1,000 - Aceleasi reguli ca la suta. One million = 1,000,000 - Fara s la TOEFL, dar este corect si cu s (2 millions) in engleza. One billion = 1,000,000,000 - Americanii zic milliard. Utilizarea numeralului cardinal: 1) pentru exprimarea temperaturii (cu verbul to be) 2) pentru calcule matematice: Addition (to add = a aduna) 2 + 3 = 5 two plus/and three is/are/equals five (acordul se face in sg si in pl) Subtraction (to subtract = a scadea) 5 3 = 2 five minus/take away is two (acordul se face doar in sg) Multiplication (to multiply = a inmulti) 2 x 3 = 6 two multiplied by three/twice three/3 times 2 is/are/equals six (acordul se face in sg si in pl) Division (to divide = a imparti) 6 : 3 = 2 six divided by three is two (acordul se face doar in sg) reminder = rest Root = radical - cube root = radical de ordinul 3 - square root = radical de ordinul 2 Power = putere More than = > Less than = < Equal to = egal Unequal to = diferit de Parallel to = paralel Perpendicular to = perpendicular Angle = unghi Right angle = unghi drept Straight angle = unghi de 180 grade Circle angle = unghi de 360 grade Even = par Odd = impar

3) pentru exprimarea unitatii monetare: coin = moneda bill/note = bancnota nickel = 5 centi dime = 10 centi quarter of a dollar = 25 centi half of a dollar = 50 centi 4) pentru unitati de masura la timpul potrivit (cand primim I20) !!! 5) pentru exprimarea anilor: se citesc cifrele 2 cate 2, iar anii formati din mai putin de 4 cifre se citesc ca un numeral. NOTA! zero nu se citeste in cadrul acestor 4 cifre ale anilor Ex: 1907 = nineteen seven - era noastra (e.n.) = a.d. (ante domini) sau in the year of Lord - inaintea erei noastre = b.c. (before Christ) 6) pentru exprimarea numerelor zecimale (decimal fractions), intregul se citeste ca atare, punct in loc de virgula, iar partea zecimala cifra cu cifra Ex: 20.03 = twenty point naught three NOTA! daca intregul este 1, numitorul va fi in plural Ex: 2/3 = two thirds Intregul = the whole Fractia pe 100 = per cent Procentaj = percentage

Numeralul distributiv - Arata distributia lucrurilor: Numeralul distributiv (The Distributive Numeral) exprima gruparea numerica a obiectelor. Se formeaz cu ajulorul lui by sau and. one by one - unul cte unul , three by three - trei cte trei , by twos - cte doi , by threes - cte trei , two and two - doi si cu doi , three and three - trei si cu trei , One by one = unul cate unul Two at a time = 2 odata , By twos / in twos = cate 2 Nota: Aproximarea numeric se exprim prin: about (circa), nearly (aproximativ), almost (aproape) Depsirea unei cifre se exprim prin: over (peste), morethan (mai mult decat /de), above (peste) Numeralul adverbial - Arata de cate ori se repeta o actiune: Once = o data Twice = de doua ori Secondly = in al doilea rand Three times = de trei ori Firstly = in primul rand Ten times = de zece ori Four times = de patru ori Thirdly = in al treilea rand They would go swimming three timea a week NOTA! nu exista twice more, ci twice as much as = de 2 ori mai mult Numeralul multiplicativ - Arata de cate ori creste o cantitate: double = twofold = indoit (de 2 ori) tenfold = inzecit Numeralul multiplicativ (The Multiplicative Numeral) arata masura n care creste o cantitate sau o actiune (Ex.: double the amount - dublu sumei [sau "dubleaza cantitatea"]). Numeralul multiplicativ are forme diferite, n functie de stilul familiar, tehnic, oficial etc. n care el este folosit. - n vorbirea curenta, numeralele multiplicative de la 1 la 3 au urmatoarele forme: once (odata), twice (de doua ori), thrice (de trei ori) [Forma thrice este nvechita]. - De la numarul 4 n continuare, numeralele multiplicative se formeaza cu numeralul cardinal urmat de substantivul times (ori, dati). Ex.: four times (de patru ori), eight times (de opt ori). Forma cu "times" este folosita si n locul lui "thrice": three times. - n stilul literar, tehnic sau oficial, se foloseste numeralul multiplicativ format din numeralul cardinal si sufixul -fold. Ex.: twofold (dublu), threefold (triplu), a hundredfold (de o suta de ori) - Pentru unitatea 1, forma numeralului multiplicativ este si single, iar pentru 2 se foloseste, pe lnga forma double si twofold. Numeralul fractionar Numeralul fractionar (The Fractional Numeral), numerele fractionare, arata una sau mai multe parti ale ntregului. Este redat sub forma unor fractii (1/3, 4/5), iar cu litere se exprima cu numaratorul numeral cardinal, iar numitorul, printr-un numeral ordinal, ca in urmatoarele exemple: 1/3 - one-third (o treime) 2/5 - two-fifths (doua cincimi) 3/4 - three-fourths (trei patrimi)

- Cand numaratorul exprima o unitate mai mare de 1, numitorul se scrie si se pronunta la plural (2/3 - two-thirds). Fractia (the fraction ) ordinara (vulgar) zecimala (decimal) =a/one half (o doime) =a/one third (o treime) =a/one quarter = a fourth (un sfert) =three fourths= three quarters (trei patrimi) =nine over five hundred and twenty thhree (noua supra cinci sute douazeci si trei) =4.53 four point five three (patru virgula cincizeci si trei) Numeralul colectiv Numeralul colectiv (The Collective Numeral) arata ca obiectele sunt considerate n grup si nu izolat (couple = doi, doua; pair = pereche; team = echipa [peeche, grupa]; yoke = pereche; dozen = duzini; score = douazeci). - a pair of shoes - o pereche de pantofi - two team of cattle - doua perechi de vite - four yoke of oxen - patru perechi de boi - two dozen of eggs - doua duzini de oua Numeralul nehotarat (The Indefinite Numeral) a number of = un numar de s lot of = o multime/gramada de Lots of = many = multi multe tens of = zeci de hundreds = sute de thousands of = mii de Lots of people are walking in the park (multi oameni se plimba prin parc)

PRONUMELEFunctia pronumelui Pronumele sunt cuvinte lipsite de inteles de sine statator. Ele nu denumesc si nu aracterizeaza nimic, functia lor fiind aceea de a inlocui un substantiv, facand astfel referire la o idee, obiect sau actiune mentionate anterior sau cunoscuta de catre interlocutor. Ex.: John did all the work. He did all the work. Who did all the wor
