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ENGB Ispitna Knjizica 1

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 ENG B IK-1 D-S020 1 ENGLESKI JEZIK osnovna razina ISPIT ČITANJA I PISANJA (Reading and Writing Paper) 12 ENGB.20.HR.R.K1.16 6212 ENG B IK-1 D-S020.indd 1 1.7.2014 9:10:15
a) zadatak zatvorenoga tipa
b) zadatak otvorenoga tipa
Ispravno NeispravnoIspravak pogrešnoga unosa
(Mrk M) Per Prrav 
Skraeni potpis
Skraeni potpis
Pozorno proitajte sve upute i slijedite ih.
Ne okreite stranicu i ne rješavajte zadatke dok to ne odobri deurni nastavnik.
Nalijepite identifikacijske naljepnice na sve ispitne materijale koje ste dobili u sigurnosnoj vreici.
Ispit itanja i pisanja traje 60 minuta bez stanke.
Ispit itanja sastoji se od zadataka povezivanja, zadataka višestrukoga izbora i zadataka dopunjavanja.
• U zadatcima povezivanja svaki sadraj oznaen brojem poveite s odgovarajuim sadrajem koji je oznaen slovom (zadatci 1 i 4).
• U zadatcima višestrukoga izbora od više ponuenih odgovora odaberite samo jedan (zadatci 2 i 5).
Za pomo pri rješavanju ovih zadataka moete pisati po stranicama ove ispitne knjiice.
Tone odgovore morate oznaiti znakom X na listu za odgovore.
• U zadatcima dopunjavanja dopunite praznine upisivanjem sadraja koji nedostaje (zadatci 3 i 6).
Odgovore upišite samo na predvieno mjesto u ovoj ispitnoj knjiici. Pišite itko.
Neitki odgovori bodovat e se s nula (0) bodova.
Ispit pisanja sastoji se od zadatka sastavka. Sastavak napišite slijedei priloenu uputu (zadatak 7).
Moete pisati po listu za koncept, ali se njegov sadraj nee bodovati. Sastavak
obvezatno napišite na list za istopis. Pišite itko. Sastavak e se bodovati s nula (0) bodova ako je pisan velikim tiskanim slovima ili ako je neitko napisan. Ako pogriješite u pisanju, pogreške stavite u zagrade, precrtajte ih i stavite skraeni potpis.
Dobro rasporedite vrijeme kako biste mogli riješiti sve zadatke.
Upotrebljavajte iskljuivo kemijsku olovku kojom se piše plavom ili crnom bojom.
Kada riješite zadatke, provjerite odgovore.
elimo Vam mnogo uspjeha!
Ova ispitna knjiica ima 16 stranica, od toga 2 prazne.
Prepisan toan odgovor 
Task 1 Questions 1-5
Match the messages (1-5) and statements (A-F). There is one letter you do not need. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 When you come to London, there’s no need for you to book into a hotel. You can sleep at my place.
1 I have to tell you the truth. I’ve lost your cookbook and I feel awful about it.
2 Show me your hands. You see they’re not clean. You must wash them and stop lying to me.
3 Why don’t you put Grandma’s old cloth on the table this time? Don’t mess it up with food, though. It’s not easy to wash.
4 Could you come two hours before the guests? I need you for arranging the room. I still have some cleaning to do.
5 Nobody likes my cooking, anyway. I feel so sorry about that. But I’ve had enough. You make the meal.
A Give me a hand.
B I won’t do it.
C I’m sorry.
E Tell the truth.
F Keep it clean.
G Stay with me.
Task 2 Questions 6-10
You will read five emails. For each question (6-10), choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
Mark your answer on the answer sheet.
6 Hannah 
I’m sorry I didn’t come to the party last night, but I forgot to tell you I’d promised Tia I’d do the night shift instead of her. When I got home this morning, I was exhausted and went straight to bed without taking a shower.  Rob
7 Kyra 
You won’t believe it, but I’ve bought the blue dress we saw at the mall yesterday. When I saw it on you I knew it was perfect. However, if you don’t like it, I’ll keep it or give it to Sandra. I’m sure she’d adore it.  Betty
Why didn’t Rob go to Hannah’s party last night?
A He forgot about it. B He was busy. C He was tired.
Who has Betty bought the dress for?
A For Kyra. B For herself. C For Sandra.
What time will Lilly and John meet?
A  At 2.30. B  At 3.30. C  At 3.00.
8 John 
The wedding ceremony is at St. Martin’s. Be at my place at 2.30. Don’t forget that we have to be at the church at 3.30 to meet and welcome the guests. So, I suppose we should leave at 2.45. Well, 3.00 at the latest. Try not to be late!  Lilly
What was Jerome’s holiday in Egypt like?
A It was amazing. B It was disappointing. C It was tiring.
9 Hi
What does Sarah say about her new flat?
A It’s closer to her parents. B It’s closer to work. C It has more space.
10 Hi
Task 3 Questions 11-15
Meet Tanya Parker 
Tanya Parker is one of many thousands of 20-30 year-olds who left school or university and cannot find a steady job.
“I’ve tried everything,” says Tanya, “from working in a warehouse to telephone marketing, but these jobs never last long. At the moment, I’m a waitress in a coffee shop, but it’s sure to end soon.”
Tanya lives in London and has no intention of moving. “I’m a Londoner. I’ve been in London for as long as I can remember. My parents moved here from Manchester when I was born. Anyway, the situation is even worse outside London.”
She lives in a shared flat near the Chelsea football ground. “We used to live near the Fulham football ground, and my dad used to take me to matches regularly. But now I live in Chelsea, so they have become my local team. But in my heart, I’ll always be a Fulham fan.”
Tanya’s mother tells her to marry and become a housewife. “She sees this as a way out for me,” says Tanya, “but I think twenty-five is too young. I like the single life. Maybe when I’m thirty I’ll feel different.”
Tanya goes to work by bike. “It’s so much faster – and cheaper – than public transport. And it’s good for you. I love this daily workout. My real pleasure, though, is singing – I sing in a local amateur choir and we rehearse once a week and sometimes have public performances. It takes me away from the problems I face daily.”
0  Surname: __________________ 
11   Age: __________________ 
Task 4 Questions 16-20
Read Emilia’s email. For questions 16-20, choose from A-F to complete the sentences. There is one letter you do not need. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Dear Jane
I don’t know what to do. My sister is always borrowing stuff from me, and it’s really annoying. I can’t have anything (0) ____ . For example, when I dress to go to the mall, I often can’t find the skirt I want to wear (16) ____ . And when she’s out in my clothes, I have to wear hers. I’m sometimes too embarrassed (17) ____ . I’m afraid they’d laugh at what I’m wearing.
Last week, a friend of mine lent me a top to wear on Saturday. I knew my sister would want to take it, so I decided to hide it. I searched for a place (18) ____ . And when I wanted to put it on, it wasn’t there! At first I thought there was something wrong with me, that I couldn’t remember (19) ____ . It was only later that I found out what had happened. It wasn’t there (20) ____ .
I get so angry with her. I can’t wait for her to grow up.
B to go out with my mates in her clothes
C because my sister had taken it
D to wear her clothes
E because she has ‘borrowed’ it
F where it would be safe
G to call my own
Task 5 Questions 21-25
Read the text about bird migration. For each gap (21-25), choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
Mark your answer on the answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Why do birds migrate?
Birds migrate to move to (0) ___  where they can survive. The two main resources (21) ___  
they need to find are food and nesting locations. Birds that nest in the northern hemisphere migrate to the north in the spring to (22) ___  
advantage of insects and plants. As winter approaches, they move south again. Escaping the cold is very motivating but many species (23) ___  survive freezing
temperatures if they can find enough food. Migrating birds can fly thousands of miles, often travelling the same course year after year. In
the first year, birds may fly alone to a winter home they have never seen and return the following spring to the area in which they (24) ___  born. They find their way using navigation (25) ___  the stars and sensing changes in the earth’s magnetic field.
Task 6 Questions 26-30
Complete this text. For questions 26-30, write one word for each space. Write your answers only here in this exam booklet. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Kabaddi is an Asian sport (0) ___  is around 300 years old. It originates from the battle tactics used (26) ___  the great Indian generals.
Kabaddi is played on a pitch which is similar (27) ___  a tennis court. There is no ball, bat, racket or goal – it is a form of ‘tag’.
Seven players make up each team and they can (28) ___  attack or defend. As a raider crosses the halfline, the aim is to touch members of the other team. When this happens, points (29) ___  scored and the tagged players have to leave the game.
The raider (30) ___  to keep chanting ‘kabaddi, kabaddi’ while he is in the opposition half.  As soon as he stops chanting, he is out of the game.
  0 ____________ 
26 ____________ 
27 ____________ 
28 ____________ 
29 ____________ 
30 ____________ 
Task 7 Question 31
Read this message from Melissa. Write Melissa a reply. Answer ALL her questions. Write 50-70 words. Write your reply on the answer sheet.
I’ve moved to another part of town and I’m disappointed with the change. What’s your neighbourhood like? What about your neighbours? Would you like to stay there in the future and why?
Write back soon.
