Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    A fost odat ca niciodat, o vreme cnd creteam ntr-o zi ct spatele psriimiestre i treceam de pe untrm pe cellalt ctvrjit a basmului. Acele vremuri au trecut demult, lumea s-a schl-am uitat pe Ft-Frumosipe toiailui.

    Acest proiect s-a nscut din dorina de a regsi copilria aa cucnd nu msuram mai mult de-o chioap i triam ntr-un timpdragide poveste, ce nuvorfiuitainiciodat.

    mpreuncucolegii implicai n proiect, ne propunem s trezim ibasmul tradiional romnesc, cao alternativ sntoas laviolenpe calculatoridesene animate pe diverse canale TV.

    Eroiibasmelornune-auprsit niciodatiasteaptrbdtoriprintrne spunpovestealor. Aadar, copiide orice vrst, deschidei

    ValeriuTroan,coordonatorde proiect

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

    ISPIRESCU, Petre

    Greuceanu / Petre Ispirescu ; traducere n limba englez : Aneta Cristea ; ilustraii : Ioana Alexandra Abagiu.- Cluj-Napoca : Argonaut, 2009. 36 p. : il ; 21 cm.

    ISBN : 978-973-109-199-0

    821.135.1-34(Ispirescu, P.)821.135.1-93-3(Ispirescu, P.)

    Asociaia MODUS VIVENDI

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    Cluj-Napoca, aprilie 2009

    GreuceanudupPetre Ispirescu

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    fost odat ca niciodat; cde n-ar fi,nu s-ar mai povesti;de cnd fcea ploporul pere i rchita micunele;

    cnd sebteauuriin coade; de cnd se luau de gtlupiicumieii de se srutau, nfrindu-se; de cnd se potcov ea puricele la unpicior cunouzeciinoudeocadefier is-aruncan slavaceruluideneaduceapoveti;

    De cnd sescriamuscapeprete,Mai mincinos cine nu crede.

    A fost un mparat i se numea mpratul Rou. El era foamhnit c, n zilele lui, nite zmei furaser soarele i luna de Trmise deci oameni prin toate rile i rvae prin orae, ca s

    tire tuturor c oricine se va gsi s scoat soarele i luna de la zmei,acelavaluapef ata lui de nevast i nc i jumtate din mpriasa,iarcine v a umbla i nu va izbndi nimic, acela s tie c i se va tia

    1capul. Muli voinici se potricliser semeindu-se cu uurin cvascoate la capat o asemenea nsrcinare; i cnd la treab, h n h n jos, da din col in col i nu tia de unde s-o nceap i usfreasc. mpratulnsseinudecuvnt.

    Pe vremea aceea, se afla un viteaz pre nume Greuceanu. Auzind i el de fgduina mprteasc, ce se gndi, ce se rzgnc numai i lu inima n dini, ncumetndu-se pe ajutorul luiDumnezeuipevoiniciasa, ipleciellampratulssenchslujb.Pe drum se ntlni cu doi oameni pe car i slujitorii mprteti i duceau la mpratul ca s-i taie, pentru c fugiser de la o bo avusesempratulacestacunitegadine.



    Greuceanu, Petre Ispirescu

    1. ase potricli - a se prpdi

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    El ii puse ndejdea n ntmplarea aceasta i i zise: "m ncerca norocul. De voi izbuti s nduplec pe mpratul a ierta peaceti oameni de la moarte, m voi ncumeta s m nsrcinezi cucealalt treab; iar de nu, sntate bun! M voi duce de unde am venit. sta s fie n norocul meu; niciodat nu stric cineva s ncercare". i astfel, poftorindu-i unele ca acestea, aide, aide, ajungela curtea mprteasc. nfindu-se la mpratul, attea i povesti,aa cuvinte bune i dulci scoase i atta meteug puse n vorbi nct i mpratul crezu c pe nedrept ar fi s omoare pe acei oac mai de folos i-ar fi lui s aib doi supui mai mult, i c mai mfi vaza lui n lume de s-ar arata milostiv ctre popor. Nu mai putur

    2oamenii debucuriecnd auzircGreuceanu a mglisit pe mppn ntr-atta, nct l-a facut s-i ierte. Mulumir lui Greuceatoat inima i i fgduir c toat viaa lor se vor rugalui Dumnezeupentrudnsulcasmeargdin izbndn izbnd, ceeaceif

    Aceast izbnd o lu drept semn bun, i Greucemergnd a doua oara la mpratul, gri cu cuvintele lui mieroase celeurmtoare:

    - Mrite doamne, s trieti ntru muli ani pe luminatulscaunul acestei mprii. Muli voinici s-au legat ctre mriascoatdelazmeisoareleilunapecarele-ahrpitdepecer, iscu moarte au murit, fiindc n-au putut s-i ndeplinealegmintele ce au fcut ctre mria ta. i eu, mrite doamne, cuget am duce ntru cutarea acestor tlhari de zmei, i mi-ar fi voia ncerc i eu norocul, doar-doar va da Dumnezeu sajungem aputeapedepsipeaceiblestemaidezmei, pentrunesocotitalor ndrzneal.Dar fii-mi milosti v i mndeajutor.

    -DragulmeuGreucene, rspunsempratul, nupotsschimb

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    62. a mglisi - a lingui, a amgi

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    nicio iot din hotrrea mea. i aceastanupentrualtceva, cinumaiinumai pentru c voiesc s fiu drept. Poruncile mele voi s fiepentru toat mpria mea; la mine prtinire nu este scris. Vstatornica hotrre a mpratului i dreptatea celor vorovitdnsul, Greuceanucuvntcuglasvoinicesc:

    - Fie, mrite mprate, chiar dea ti c voi pieri, tot nu mlsa pnnu voi duce la capt bun sarcina ce mi iau de bun-vomea. Senvoir, iprestectevazileiplec, dupacepuselacace gsi c e bine s fac, ca s scape cu faa curat din ac ntreprindere. Greuceanu lu cu dnsul i pe fratele su i merse,merse, merse cale lung, deprtat, pn ce ajunse la Fapmntului, cu care era frate de cruce. Acest faur, fiind cel mai maremeter depepmnt, era inzdrvan. Aici seoprir ipoposirzile i trei nopi au stat nchii ntr-o cmarGreuceanu cu Faurul-pmntului i se sftuir. i, dup ce se odihnir cteva zile i mplnuir ceea ce era de fcut, Greuceanu i frate-su o luar landat dup plecarea Greuceanului, Faurul-pmntului se apucfcu chipul lui Greuceanu numai i numai din fier, apoi porunci sarzcuniaziuainoapteaisinchipulacestafrcurmare n foc.

    Iar Greuceanu i frate-su merser cale lung, i mai lupncelisefacucaleacruci; aiciseoprir, seaezarpeiarbifo gustric din merindele ce mai aveau, i apoi se desprir, duse mbriar, i plnser ca nite copii. Mai nainte de-a se despri, i mprir cte o basma i se neleser zicnd: "Atuncindbasmalele vor fi rupte pe margini, s mai tragnadejde unul de altulc se vor mai ntlni; iar cnd basmalele vor fi rupte n mijloc, s stie c

    unuldin eiestepierit. Mai

    nfipsei un cu

    itn pmnti zise


    Greuceanu, Petre Ispirescu

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    "Acela din noi, care s-ar ntoarce mai nti i va gsi cuitul runu mai atepte pe cellalt, fiindc aceasta nsemneaz c a muri Apoi Greuceanuapuc ladreapta i frate-su la stnga.

    Fratele Greuceanului, umblnd mai multa vreme n se ntoarse la locul de desprire i, gsind cuitul curat, se patepta acolo cu bucurie, c vzuse soarele i luna la locul lor pe c

    IarGreuceanu se duse, se duse pe o poteccare-l scoasetocmai lacaselezmeilor, aezate unde-i nrcase dracul copiii ajunse aici, Greuceanu se dete de trei ori peste cap i se fcu unporumbe l. Vezi cel ascultase nazdravaniile ce-l nvase Faurupmntului. Fcndu-se porumbel, Greuceanu zbur i se puse peun pom care era tocmai n faa caselor. Atunci, ieind fata dcea mare i, uitndu-se, se ntoarse repedei chempemum-si pesor-saceamica, casvinsvazminunea. Fataceamicazise

    - Miculi i surioar, pasrea asta ginganu mi se pare3ogurlie pentru casa noastra. Ochii ei nu seaman a de pasre, ci mmult seamna fi ochii lui Greuceanu cel de aur. Pnacuma ne-afost i nou! D-aici nainte numai Dumnezeu s-i fac mil ded-ainotri.

    Pasmite aveau zmeii cunotinde vitejia lui Greuceanu. Apoi intrar ctetrele zmeoaicele n cas i se puserla sfat.Greuceanu numaidecat se dete iaridetreioriprestecap isefcuomusc i intr n cmara zmeilor. Acolo se ascunse ntr-o crde grind de la tavanul casei i ascult la sfatul lor. Dupa ce lutot ce auzi, iei afar i se duse pe drumul ce ducea la Codru Verde iacolo se ascunse subt un pod. Cum se vede treaba, din cele ce auzise,tia acum ca zmeii se duseser la vnat n Codru Verde i avea

    ntoarcunuldecu sear, altul lamiezulnopii i tartorul celmae

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    103. ogurliu - aductor de noroc

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    despre ziu. Ateptnd Greuceanu acolo, iat mre, czmeul cel maimic se ntorcea i, ajungnd calulla marginea podului, unde sfori odatisrinapoideaptepai. Darzmeul, mniindu-se, zise:

    - Ah, mnca-o-ar lupii carnea calului! Pe lumea asta nu mi-efricde nimeni, numai de Greuceanu de Aur; dar i pe acela c-oloviturlvoiculcalapmnt. Greuceanu, auzind, ieipepod

    - Vino, zmeule viteaz, n sbii s ne tiem, sau n lupt

    luptm.-Ban lupt, cemaidreapt.Se apropiar unul de altul i se luar la trnt. Adusezmeul pe

    Greuceanui-lbgn pmntpnn genunchi. Aduse i Greuceanupe zmeu i-l bg n pmnt pn n gt i-i tie capul. Apoi, arunc leul zmeului i al calului sub pod, se puse s se odihnCnd, n puterea nopii, veni i fratele cel mare al zmeului, i calul lusri de aptesprezece pai napoi. El zise ca i frate-su, iarGreuceanu i rspunse i lui ca i celui dinti. Ieind de sub podla trnt i cu acest zmeu. i unde mi-aduse, nene, zmeul peGreuceanu i-l bg n pmnt pn la bru. Dar Greuceanu, srrepede, unde mi-aduse i el pe zmeu o dat, mi-l trnti i-l bpmnt pn n gt i-i tie capul cu paloul. Aruncndumortciunea acestuia i a calului su sub pod, se puse iarsiodihni. Cnd despre zori, unde venea, mre, venea tatl zmeilor, ca untartor, [de] catranit ce era, i cnd ajunse la capul podului, sri calaptezeci i apte depai napoi. Senecji zmeul deaceast ntmctun lucrumare, iundercni:

    - Ah, mncare-ar lupii carnea calului; c pe lumea asta nu mfric de nimenea, doar de Greuceanu de Aur; i nc i pe anumais-liaulaochicusgeatailvoiculcalapmnt.

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    Atunci, ieindiGreuceanudesub pod, i zise:- Deh! zmeule viteaz, vino sa ne batem, n sbii s ne tiem, suliisnelovim, oriin luptsneluptm.

    Sosi zmeul i se luar la btaie: n sbii se btur ce se btse rupser sbiile; n sulii se lovir ce se lovir i se rupser sele;apoi se luar la lupt: se zguduiau unul pre altul de se cutremurapmntul; i strnse zmeul pe Greuceanu o dat, dar acesta, bdeseamacearedegndzmeul, seumflisencordn vineinnimic, apoi Greuceanu strnse o dat pe zmeu, tocmai cnd eatepta, de-i pri oasele. Aa lupt nici cs-a mai vazut. i se luptar,i se luptar, pn ce ajunse vremea la nmiezi, i ostenir. Atuncitrecu pe deasupra lor un corb carele se legna prin vzduh i cluptalor. ivzndu-l, zmeulizise:

    - Corbule, corbule, pasre cernit, adu-mi tu mie un ciapi-ivoidademncare un voinic cu calul lui cu tot.ZiseiGreuceanu:

    - Corbule, corbule, mie s-mi aduci un cioc de apa dulce, cceui-oidademncaretreileuridezmeuitreidecal.

    Auzind corbul aceste cuvinte, aduse lui Greuceanu un cioc deap dulce i i astmpr setea; cci nsetoasera, nevoie mare. AtunciGreuceanu mai prinse la suflet, i, mputernicindu-se, undenene, o dat pe zmeu, i trntindu-mi-l l bg n pmnt pni-ipusepiciorulpecap, inndu-laa. Apoiizise:

    - Spune-mi, zmeule spurcat, unde ai ascuns tu soarele i lunacciazinumaiaiscparedin mnamea. Secodeazmeul, ngniuscate, darGreuceanuimaizise:

    - Spune-mi-v ei ori nu, eu tot le voi gasi, i nc i capul rete


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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    grdinfoartefrumoascufloriicuflutureiicuaplimpedei rece.Fratele Greuceanului zise:-Sneoprim aiciniel, casnemaiodihnim ciorii. Ia

    bem niicapreceisculegem flori.- Aa s facem, frate, rspunse Greuceanu, dac ac

    gradin va fi sdit de mini omeneti i dac acel izvor va fi lsat dDumnezeu.

    Apoi, trgnd paloul, lovi n tulpina unei flori care semai frumoas i o culc la pmnt; dup aceea mpunse i n fundulfntnei i a marginilor ei, dar n locde ap ncepua clocoti unmohort, ca i din tulpina florii, i umplu vzduhul de un greos. Praf i rn rmase i din fata cea mai mare de zmeu, cci ese fcuse grdin i izvor ca s nvenineze pe Greuceanu i s-lomoare. i scpnd i d-aceastapacoste, nclecar i plecar larepede ca vntul; cnd ce sa vezi d-ta? Unde se luase dup dniiscorpia demumazmeoaicelor cuo falcn cer icualtan pmsnghitpe Greuceanuimaimultenu; iaveadecesfiectrnitiamrt: cci nu mai avea nici so, nici fete, nici gineri. Greuceasimind cs-aluatdupdniizmeoaicaceabtrn, zisefrine

    -Iateuit, frate, napoiispune-micevezi.- Ce s vz, frate, i rspunse el, iatun nor vine dupno

    vrtej. Atunci dete bicecailor cari mergeau repede ca vntul i lin

    gndul; dar Greuceanu mai zise o dat fratelui su s se uite n Acesta i spuse c se apropie norul ca o flcraie; apoi, mai fc vnt cailor, ajunser la Faurul-pmntului. Aci, cum descal, se nchise n furite. Pe urma lor iaca i zmeoaica. De-i ajuprpdea! Nici oscior nu mai rmnea din ei. Acum ns n-av

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    mai face. O ntoarse nslairetlic: rugpeGreuceanusfaco gau n prete ca mcar s-l vaz n fa. Greuceanu se prefcu nduplec i fcu o gaur n prete. Dar Faurul-pmntului sineacu chipul lui Greuceanu cel de fier, ce arsese n foc de srea scnteidin el. Cnd zmeoaica puse gura la sprtur ca s soarbGreuceanu, Faurul-pmntului i bg n gur chipul de fier rfocul i i-l vr pe gt. Ea, nghior! nghii i pe loc i crp. Nmult i strvul zmeoaicei se prefcu ntr-un munte de fier i astfelscparidednsa.

    Faurul-pmntului deschise ua furitei, iei afar veselir trei zile i trei nopi de aa mare izbnd. El mai cu seaeranebun de bucurie pentru muntele de fier. Atunci porunci calfilor sfaclui Greuceanuo crucutreicaicutotulicutotuldefier. Duce fur gata, sufl asupra lor i le dete duh de via. Lundubun de la frate-su de cruce, Faurul-pmntului, Greuceanu s n trsur cu frate-su cel bun i porni la Rou-mprat ca s-iprimeascrsplata.

    Merse, merse, pn ce li se nfurci calea. Aci se oprpoposir. Apoi, Greuceanu desprinse de la cru un cal i-l dfratelui su, ca s duc mpratului Rou vestea cea bun a sosGreuceanu cu izbnda svrit; iar el rmase mai n urmnaintnd el alene, rsturnat n cru, trecu pre lng un chiop carele inea calea drumeilor ca s le fac neajunsuri. A i fu frica sa dea piept cu Greuceanu, dar, ca s nu scape nicneatins de rutatea lui cea drceasc, i scoase cuiul din capul osiei dedindrti-laruncdeparten urm. Apoi tot el zise Greuceanului:

    -Mi, vericule, i-aipierdutcuiul, du-tedei-lcaut.Greuceanu srind din cru, i uit acolo paloul,

    greeal. Iarcnd elicutacuiul, diavolulifurpaloul, ap

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    aez n marginea drumului,se dete de trei oripeste cap i se schimb ntr-o stan de piatr. Puse Greuceanu cuiul la capul osiei, l inepenbine, se urc n cru, i pe ici i-e drumul!Nubgnsdeseamcpaloulilipsete.

    Ascultai acum i v minunai, boieri d-voastr, de paniabietului Greuceanu. Un mangosit de sfetnic d-ai mpratului Roufgduise diavolului, dac l va face s ia el pe fata mprampieliatultiacGreuceanu, frpalo, eraielom catoioaPuterea lui n palo era; fr palo era necunoscut. i fur paloi-ldete becisnicului de sfetnic. Acesta se nfi la mpratul i ifata, zicnd c el este cel cu izbnda cea mare. mpratul l c vzndu-i i paloul, i ncepuserapunelacalecelesprecununie.

    Pe cnd se pregtea la curte pentru nuntirea fiicei mpratuluicu voinicul cel mincinos ce zicea c a scos soarele i luna de la zmei, vine i f rateleGreuceanuluicuvesteacGreuceanuaressoseascurnd.Sfetnicul cel palavatic, cum auzide una ca aceasta, merse la mpratul i zise c acela este un amgitor i trebuie pus la nchmpratul l ascult. Iar sfetnicul umbla d-a-nctelea, zorindfac mai curnd nunta, cu gnd c, dac se va cununa odat c mpratului, apoi poate s vina o sut de Greuceni, cn-are ce-i maiface, lucru fiind sfrit. mpratului nsnu-i prea plcu zorul ce dasfetniculpentrununt, imaitrgilucrurile. Nutrecumultisosete i Greuceanu i, infindu-se la mpratul, acesta n ntre care s aleag. Credea c acesta s fie Greuceanu, dariputea da seama de cum paloul lui Greuceanu se afla n mnasfetnicului. Atuncibgdeseamai Greuceanu c-ilipsetepaloulitocmai acum i veni n minte pentru ce nu vzuse el stana de p

    dect dup ce-i gsise cuiul de la osie i se ntorcea la cru

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    dnsul. Pricepuelcnuelucrucurat.- mprate prealuminate, zise el, toata lumea tie c eti odrept. Te rog s-mi faci i mie dreptate. Mult ai ateptat, mai arogu-te nc puin i vei vedea cu ochii adevrul. Primi mprmai atepta pnce s se ntoarc Greuceanu. Acesta ntr-un sufmerse, pnce ajunse la stana de piatra, acolo unde Necuratul iscosesecuiuldelacru.

    - Fiin netrebnic i pgubitoare omenirii, zise el, d-mipaloul ce mi-ai furat, cci de unde nu, praful se alege de tine. Piatranici c se clinti din loc mcar. Atunci Greuceanu se dete de trei oripeste cap, se fcu buzdugan de oel, i unde ncepu, nene, astande se cutremur pmntul. De cte ori da, de attea ori cdcte o zburtur din piatr. i lovi ce lovi pn ce i sfrm vrful. Apoi deodat ncepu stana de piatr a tremurai a cere iertciunebuzduganul, de ce da, d-aia i nteea loviturile, i dete, idete, pnofacu pulbere. Cnd nu mai fu n picioare nimic din stana de piatr,ct prin pulberea ce mai rmsese, i-i gsi Greuceanu palo. llui, frnicio clipdeodihn, veniisenfiiarilampratul.

    - Sunt gata, mrite mprate, zise el, s-art oricui ce poate osullui Greuceanu. S vin acel sfetnic neruinat care a voit samgeasc, spre a ne nelege la cuvinte. mpratul l chem. Acesta,dac veni i vzu pe Greuceanu cu sprnceana ncruntat, ncepu stremure i-i ceru iertciune, spunnd cum czuse n minpaloul lui Greuceanu. Dup rugciunea lui Greuceanu, dobiertare i de la mpratul, dar acesta i porunci s piar din mialui. Apoi scoasepe fratele Greuceanului de la nchisoare i se fcununta d-alea mprtetile, i se ncinse nite veselii care inusptmni...ieunc lecaip-oa, i v povestidumneavoastraa.

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  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu



  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    The story of Mighty Greuceanu

    by Petre Ispirescu

  • 7/29/2019 Povesti Greuceanu Petre Ispirescu


    nce upon a time, there was an old king called The RedKing who was very upset because, one day, some

    dragons had stolen the Sun and the Moon from the sky. Hesent word all over his kingdom so people would know that whoeverbrought back the Sun and the Moon from the dragons, would marry the King's daughter and would receive half of his kingdom, but whoever failed, would have his head cut off. There were many lads

    who decided to give it a try, but they didn't know where to start or where to finish their work, they strove and strove, but didn'taccomplish anything in the end. However, the King kept his word.

    At that time, there was a brave man whose name wasGreuceanu and, having heard about the King's promise, he set outon this journey, relying only on God and on his own bravery. ButGreuceanu was also a smooth-talker and he managed to convincethe King to spare the lives of two of his servants who were about tobe killed for running away from the battle field. Finding themselvessaved, the servants thanked Greuceanu from the bottom of theirhearts and promised to pray for him and his victory against thedragons. Encouraged by his good deed, Greuceanu came to the King and said:

    Long live the King! Your Highness, I know that many ladshave tried to bring back theSun and the Moon from the Dragons andI also know that they couldn't keep their promise to you, my Lord,they have failed and their heads have been cut off. And here I am, Idare to try, too and maybe I will succeed in punishing the damnDragons and saving the Sun and the Moon.

    After having said so, Greuceanu set out on his quest, taking his brother with him, and they went a long way till they reached theSmith of the Earth who was Greuceanu's blood brother. The Smith was the best dab alive and he also had magical powers, so Greuceanu

    spent three days and three nights at his place, asking for advice and

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    planning the journey together. As soon as Greuceanu left, the Smithbegan to make Greuceanu's face in iron and he ordered his men tokeep it in the fire without stopping.

    Greuceanu and his brother travelled a long way until they gotto a crossroads. Here they stopped and decided to split their ways butbefore that, they made some promises, giving each other ahandkerchief and saying:

    When the handkerchiefs have their edges torn off, there willstill be hope that we will see each other again. But when thehandkerchiefs are torn in the middle, we will know that one of us isdead.

    They also stuck aknife in the ground and said:The one that comes back here first and finds the knife rusted

    should know that the other one is dead and he shouldn't wait for himanymore.

    After that, Greuceanu headed to the right and his brother tothe left. Greuceanu's brother walked aimlessly for a while and thenhe returned to the meeting point and found the knife clean, so he satthere and started waiting for Greuceanu, being very glad to see theSun and the Moon back on the sky.

    Greuceanu headed on a path that brought him exactly to theDragons' houses at the very end of the world. There Greuceanurolled over three times, exactly as the Smith of the Earth had taughthim to, and turned himself into a dove. Now a dove, he flew onto atree just in front of the Dragons' houses. Then, the Dragons' eldestdaughter came outside and, seeing the dove, quickly called hermother and sister to come out and see the wonder by themselves:

    Mother, sister, from what I see, this little bird doesn't seem tobring us any luck, I think it's a bad omen. Its eyes don't look like abird's eyes, but more like Greuceanu's eyes. It's all over for us! From

    now on, only God can have mercy on us.


    The story of Mighty Greuceanu

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    with the Dragon. But what do you know? The Dragon stuck Greuceanu into the ground up to his waist. Greuceanu quickly gotout and, taking the Dragon, put him into the ground up to his neck and he cut his head off with his sword. As he did with the otherDragon, Greuceanu took his dead body together with his horse andthrew them under the bridge.

    At the break of dawn, there came the Dragons' father, red

    with fury. As he got closer to the bridge, his horse started to back up,too and didn't want to go on. The father Dragon got mad and startedcursing and threatening the horse:

    You, good for nothing animal, go on or I will throw yourbody to the wolves! I fear nothing and nobody in this world, exceptmaybe Greuceanu for a little bit, but my arrow will put him down,too.

    Hearing this, Greuceanu came out and they started fighting with their swords first, until the swords broke, then they fought withtheir spears for a while until they broke, too. After that, they started wrestling and they wrestled and wrestled so hard that even theground was shaking. Nobody had ever seen such wrestling before. Their fight went on until midday and they were exhausted, but asthey were struggling, a raven flew by. The Dragon told the raven:

    Raven, raven, bring me some water in your beak and I willgive you a lad and his horse to eat. Then Greuceanu said:

    Raven, raven, bring me some water in your beak and I willgive you threebodies of Dragons together with their horses.

    The raven got Greuceanu some water in his beak and the ladimmediately got his strength back and took the Dragon, stuck himinto the ground up to his neck, put his foot on the Dragon's head andsaid:

    Now, tell me, you wretched Dragon, where you have hid


    The story of Mighty Greuceanu

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    the Sun and the Moon, or I will kill you! The Dragon started to tell him lies but Greuceanu warned him:

    I will find them whether you tell me or not, but then I will cutyour head off, too!Hoping to be spared by Greuceanu, the Dragon said:

    They are locked up in the Green Forest. The key to the lock is the little finger from my right hand.

    Having heard this, Greuceanu cut off his head, then thefinger from his hand, gave the raven, as he had promised, the deadbodies of the Dragons and headed to the Green Forest to set the Sunand the Moon free. He took the Sun into his right hand and theMoon into his left hand and threw them into the sky, filled with greatjoy and happiness. All the people in the kingdom were happy andgrateful and started praising God for giving Greuceanu such courageand strength to defeat the Dragons and release the Sun and theMoon from the Dragons.Greuceanu, having finished the work, set out on his way back home. He found his brother at the meeting point and after buying two black horses that were as quick as the arrows in the sky, they hurried back to the King.

    On their way, they came across a pear-tree, full of ripe fruit.Greunceanu's brother thought it would be better if they and thehorses rested for a while under the tree, and while they were there,they should probably eat some pears, too. But Greuceanu, who hadheard what the Dragons' wives were planning, didn't let his brotherget close to the tree and he drew out his sword and struck it to itsroot. Then, what do you think happened? The tree started bleeding heavily and a whining voice said:

    You've taken away my life, Greuceanu, as you did with my husband.

    And the pear-tree turned into dust on the spot, to the great surprise

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    of Greuceanu's brother. After that, they continued their journey until they got to a beautiful garden, full of flowers and butterflies, with a lovely spring nearby. Greuceanu's brother said:

    Let's stop here for a while, our horses could rest a little and we could drink some cold water from the spring and pick up someflowers.

    Greuceanu didn't say anything but drew out his sword and cut

    off the most beautiful flower there, then he went to the spring andstuck his sword into the water until it reached the bottom. Suddenly,thick, dirty blood started to come out of the spring, filling the air with a horrible smell. It had been the Dragons' daughter from thebeginning, who had turned into a beautiful garden and a lovely spring in order to kill Greuceanu.

    After this, Greuceanu and his brother mounted on theirhorses and got on their way as quick as the wind, but the mother of the Dragons was following them in great anger and she wanted to killGreuceanu, being mad because he had taken her husband, herdaughters and her sons-in-law away from her.

    Look back and tell me what you see!, said Greuceanu to hisbrother.

    There's a black cloud following us, my brother. The lads rushed their horses to run faster and faster until they

    got to the Smith of the Earth's house. They were lucky to have gotinside the house, otherwise the mother Dragon would have killedthem without any doubt if she had caught up with them. But now, inthe Smith's house, they were safe. So the mother Dragon thought of a shrewd plan. She asked Greuceanu to make a hole into the wall soshe could see his face at least. Greuceanu pretended to please her andagreed. But the Smith, who had been keeping the iron face of Greuceanu into the fire for all this time, took it out and put it near the

    hole in the wall. The mother Dragon put her mouth on the hole and


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    tried to swallow Greuceanu. Instead, she swallowed the red andburning iron face, hit the dust and turned into an iron mountain. When the Smith came out of the house and saw the iron mountain,he was the happiest man alive and decided to celebrate the event forthree days and three nights. Then he ordered his men to makeGreuceanu a carriage with three horses out of iron only and heimmediately blew some spirit over them and they were alive.

    Greuceanu and his brother said goodbye to their friend and set out intheir carriage to get to the King for their reward. When they got to a crossroads, Greuceanu gave his brother a

    horse and sent him to get to the King first to let him know abouttheir victory. And Greuceanu stayed behind, moving slowly with hiscarriage, and on his way he passed by a limping devil who wouldappear in the way of passers-by to cause trouble. So the devilcouldn't stop himself from evil doing and he took out a nail fromGreuceanu'scarriage and threw it away far behind. Then, he came to Greuceanu and said:

    You've dropped a nail from the carriage, my friend. You'dbetter go back and look for it.

    Greuceanu jumped from the carriage and went back to look for the nail, leaving his sword behind. Meanwhile, the devil stole thesword and took it to one of the King's advisors whom he had a pact with, to help him marry the King's daughter in exchange for theadvisor's soul and his first born child's soul, too. After that, the devilturned into a big stoneby the side of the road.

    The King's advisor took the sword to the King and told himhe was the one who had set the Sun and the Moon free, so he shouldmarry the princess and receive half of the kingdom. Seeing thesword, the King believed him and started planning his daughter's wedding when Greuceanu's brother arrived at the palace. Nobody

    believed him anymore, so he was thrown in jail. The King's advisor,

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    being such a big liar, wanted to hurry things up with the wedding asmuch as he could, so once the ceremony was over, nobody could takethe princess away from him anymore, not even Greuceanu.

    When Greuceanu arrived at the palace, the King didn't know which men to trust, or to choose to be his son-in-law. He wanted tobelieve Greuceanu, but he couldn't understand why his sword was inthe advisor's hands. Greuceanu went to the King and said:

    Your Highness, everybody says you are a right man. Please,be right to me, too. You've waited for a long time, but please, bear with me for a little longer and you will see the truth with your owneyes.

    The King agreed to wait a little longer to find out the truth. Then Greuceanu flew back to the forest in his carriage and he wentstraight to the stone by the sideof the road.

    You wretched and evil being, give me back the sword thatyou stole from me, or I will turn you into dust! The stone didn't even move. Then Greuceanu rolled overthree times again and turned into a steel hammer and started striking the stone with all his strength. When the tip of the stone fell off, thestone began to tremble and ask for forgiveness. But the hammerdidn't stop until it made it all turn to dust and Greuceanu was able toget his sword back. Holding it in his hand, he came straight to theKing and said:

    I'm ready, my Lord, to show everybody what I'm capable of. Where's that lying advisor of yours, let him come here so we can havea man-to-man talk.

    When he came in front of the King, the advisor was white with fear and started to shiver and ask for forgiveness fromGreuceanu and told everybody how he had got the sword.

    The King spared his life only because Greuceanu convinced

    him to, but he was sent away from the kingdom, while Greuceanu's


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    The end

    brother was released from jail. Greuceanu's royal wedding lasted forthree weeks full of joy and happiness and they all lived happily everafter.


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    Traducerea n limba englez: prof. Aneta CRISTEA

    Ilustraie copert i interior : Ioana Alexandra ABAGIU

    Tehnoredactare, design: Valeriu TROAN

    Cluj-Napoca, aprilie 2009

    GreuceanuPetre Ispirescu

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