MANUAL DE UTILIZARE DHS 2615€¦ · sanatatea dumneavoastra, va rugam sa folositi corect aparatul....

Post on 18-Oct-2020

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Instructiuni Importante de Siguranta

Va multumim ca ati ales acest produs. Pentru a va garanta siguranta sisanatatea dumneavoastra, va rugam sa folositi corect aparatul. Va rugam sapastrati acest manual la indemana!

1. Este important sa cititi intregul manual inainte de a incepe asamblareasi de a folosi aparatul. Aparatul poate fi folosit in siguranta si eficientdoar daca acesta a fost asamblat, intretinut si folosit adecvat. Esteresponsabilitatea dumneavoastra sa va asigurati ca toti utilizatoriiaparatului au fost informati cu privire la atentionarile si precautile caretrebuie respectate.

2. Inainte de a incepe antrenamentul, consultati doctorul pentru a vaasigura ca nu aveti nici o problema medicala sau fizica care ar puteasa va puna in pericol sanatatea si siguranta sau care ar putea sa vaimpiedice sa folositi corect aparatul. Urmati sfaturile doctorului dacasunteti sub tratament care va poate afecta ritmul batailor inimii,tensiunea sau nivelul colesterolului.

3. Tineti cont de semnalele transmise de organism. Efectuarea deexercitii incorecte sau excesive va poate afecta sanatatea. Intrerupetiantrenamentul daca aveti oricare dintre simptomele: durere in piept,respiratie neregulata, intreruperea respiratiei, ameteala sau greata. Inacest caz trebuie sa consultati doctorul inainte de a va continuaantrenamentul.

4. Nu lasati copiii sau animalele in preajma aparatului. Acest aparat a fostcreat pentru a fi folosit doar de catre adulti.

5. Asezati aparatul pe o suprafata solida, plana, acoperita pentru a vaproteja podeaua sau covorul. Pentru a fi in siguranta, asigurati-va capastrati o distanta minima de 0.6 m in jurul aparatului.

6. Inainte de a incepe antrenamentul, verificati daca toate piesele:suruburi, piulite si saibe, sunt fixate si stranse corect.

7. Daca auziti vreun zgomot in timpul asamblarii sau a utilizarii, incheiatiantrenamentul imediat. Nu folositi aparatul pana cand nu a fostremediata problema.

8. Purtati haine si incaltaminte adecvata pentru antrenament. Evitatipurtarea hainelor largi care s-ar putea agata de aparat sau care v-arputea restrictiona sau impiedica miscarea.

9. Acest aparat a fost conceput pentru a fi folosit acasa si in spatiu interior.Greutatea maxima permisa a utilizatorului este 120 KG.

10.Aveti grija sa nu va afectati spatele atunci cand ridicati sau mutatiaparatul.

11.Acest produs nu este potrivit pentru a fi folosit in scop terapeutic.12.Computerul are multe functii, iar valorile acestora vor fi afisate in

functie de tipul exercitiului, va reamintim ca valoarea pulsului nu poatefi folosita pentru diagnosticare, ci este doar orientativa.



1 Computer 1 32 Pedala dreapta HD-22B 1/2” 1

2 Firele de conectare acomputerului

1 33 Maner M16*1.5*22*Φ56 1

3 Surub M5*10*Φ10 4 34 BucsaΦ60*D50*L150*22


4 Capac spate ghidon 1 35 Buton reglare rezistenta lapedalare


5 Surub ST4.2*19 15 36 Suport sa vertical 1

6 Surub ST4.2*25 5 37 Maner M8*20*Φ50 1

7 Spuma, protectie ghidonΦ23*3*570

2 38 Suport sa orizontal 1

8 Ghidon 1 39 Capac plastic F40*20*17 2

9 Capac plastic ф25*16 2 40 Surub M5*55 1

10 Senzor puls φ22 2 41 Saiba cu arc d5*φ20*1.5*R30 1

11 Saiba d6*φ12*1.0 2 42 Fire alimentare 1

12 Surub ST4*19 2 43 Capac Φ25*7 2

13 Fir senzor 2 44 Bolt M8*20*S13 2

14 Capacul frontal al ghidonului 1 45 Suport pedala stanga 165 1/2” 1

15 Maner M8*60*20 1 46 Bolt M6*10*S10 1

16 Suport ghidon 1 47 Capac stanga 1

17 Saiba cu arc d8*φ20*2*R30 2 48 Capac stanga protectie lant 1

18 Bolt M8*19*S14 6 49 Saiba d6*Φ16*1.2 1

19 Saiba d8*Φ20*2 9 50 Roata dintata Φ42*Φ35*Φ12*24 1

20 Capac plastic mascare suruburi 1 51 Capac d17 1

21 Fire conexiune 2 1 52 Surub ST4.2*16 1

22 Cadrul 1 53 Mufa fir 1

23 Capac plastic dreaptaPT80*40*71.5

1 54 Suport baza sa 6203Z 2

24 Suport frontal/fata 1 55 Distantier φ22*φ18*6 1

25 Capac plastic stangaPT80*40*71.5

1 56 Saiba d17*φ22*0.3 1

26 Cheie cu surubelnita S13-14-15 1 57 Roata magnetica φ15*7 1

27 Sa 1 58 Bolt M6*13*S10 grade 8.8 4

28 Bolt M8*50*23*S14 4 59 Cureaua rotii Φ260*20*Φ17 1

29 Capac plasticPT80*40*71.5*90*65

2 60 Curea 6PJ410 1

30 Suport spate 1 61 Ax Φ17*190 1

31 Pedala stanga HD-22B 1/2” 1 62 Piulita M6*H6*S10 4

63 Surub M8*12*5.5 1 72 Piulita M6*H5*S10 2

64 Capac dreapta lant 1 73 Inertia rotii 1

65 Partea dreapta a rotii 165 1/2” 1 74 Piulita M8*H7.5*S13 1

66 Capac 1 75 Suport roata 1

67 Saiba d5*φ10*1.0 6 76 Arc Φ2.2*Φ18*78*N18 1

68 Inel 1 77 Saiba d12*φ17*0.5 1

69 Piulita M10*1*H5*S17 4 78 Saiba plata d12*Φ15.5*0.3 1

70 Saiba de ajustareM6*40*Φ10*2.5


71 Reglarea scaunului 30*10*1.5 2


1. Asamblati bara stabilizatoare fata (24) si bara stabilizatoare spate (30) la cadrulprincipal (22) folosind suruburile (28) si saibele (19);

2. Asamblati pedalele(31) (32) pe bratul pedalier al cadrului principal (22)


1. Inserati ansamblu support maner (16) in capacul decorative al ansamblului (20);2. Conectati firul trunchi 1 (2) cu firul trunchi 2 (21), si conectati reglajul de tensiune

(35) cu firul reglaj tensiune (42);3. Prindeti suportul de maner (16) la cadrul principal (22) cu ajutorul surubului (18), si

a saibelor (19) si (17).


1. Introduceti suportul sa (36) in cadrul principal (22), apoi fixati -l folosind surubul (33);2. Prindeti suportul orizontal al seii (38) pe suportul sa (36), ajustandu-l la pozitia dorita

apoi fixate-l folosind surubul (37) si saibele (19);3. Prindeti saua (27)de suportul orizontal al seii (38).


1. Asamblati ghidonul (8) pe suportul ghidonului (16);2. Inserati firele senzorului de puls(13) prin canalul suportului de ghidon (16) si scoatetile

prin suportul de computer ca in poza 2;3. Prindeti capacul decorativ al ghidonului (14), apoi prindeti ghidonul (8) de suportul de

ghidon (16) cu surubul (15).


1. Conectati firele computerului (1) cu firele trunchiului 1 (2), si conectati firelecomputerului (1) cu firele senzorului de puls (13), apoi prindeti consola (computer) (1)pe suportul de ghidon (16) cu ajutorul surubelnitei (3);

2. Prindeti capacul decorativ spate al ghidonului (4) la capacul decorativ fata (14) cuajutorul surubelnitei (5) (6).

Asamblarea luat sfarsit.



Please read this manual carefully before using this equipment!

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE Thank you for purchasing our product. Proper use can ensure your safety and

health, so please read the following text carefully before using this equipment.

1. It is very important to read all the instructions carefully before assembling or

operating this product. Your exercise will be safe and effective only if you

assembly, maintain and use this equipment properly,

2. Before beginning any exercise program, consult your personal physician to

evaluate your present fitness level and determine whether the exercise will hurt

your health or not. It is essential to consult your doctor if you are under

treatment for pulse、blood pressure or cholesterol.

3. Pay attention to signals of your own body. Incorrect and superfluous exercise

will hurt your health. If you experience any pain or tightness in your chest,

irregular heartbeats, short breath, faintness, nausea or any other unusual

discomfort while exercising, stop immediately and consult your doctor if you

want to continue.

4. Please keep children and pets away from this equipment; it is only designed for


5. To protect your ground and carpet, please put a firm and level material under

this product. In order to ensure safety, please make sure to keep 0.5m free

space around the equipment.

6. Please check that all hardware parts such as bolts, nuts and washers are

positioned and secured firmly.

7. Be carefully while using this equipment. Please stop exercise immediately if

you find any problem or sound with the equipment when assembling or using it,

and don’t use it till these problems are solved.

8. Always wear suitable clothing and footwear during exercise to avoid loose

fitting clothing entangled with the moving parts of your exercise machine or

restricted your exercise.

9. This equipment is intended for home or indoor use only. The maximum weight

capacity of this equipment is 120KG.

10. To avoid unnecessary injury, please be more carefully when moving this


11. The equipment is not suitable for therapeutic use.

12. There are many functions of the computer, which value will show when

using the equipment according the amount of exercise, here warmly remind you

that the value of heart pulse just give you some reference.




No. Description Qty No. Description Qty

1 Computer 1 32 Right pedal HD-22B 1/2” 1

2 Trunk wire 1 1 33 Knob M16*1.5*22*Φ56 1

3 Screw M5*10*Φ10 4 34 D shape bushing



4 Rear cover for handlebar 1 35 Tension control 1

5 Screw ST4.2*19 15 36 Saddle post 1

6 Screw ST4.2*25 5 37 Knob M8*20*Φ50 1

7 Foam grip Φ23*3*570 2 38 Saddle across tube 1

8 Handlebar 1 39 End cap F40*20*17 2

9 End cap ф25*16 2 40 Screw M5*55 1

10 Handle pulse for tube φ22 2 41 Arc washer d5*φ20*1.5*R30 1

11 Washer d6*φ12*1.0 2 42 Tension wire 1

12 Screw ST4*19 2 43 Crank cap Φ25*7 2

13 Handle pulse wire 2 44 Bolt M8*20*S13 2

14 Front cover for handlebar 1 45 Left crank 165 1/2” 1

15 Knob M8*60*20 1 46 Bolt M6*10*S10 1

16 Handlebar post 1 47 Left small chain cover 1

17 Arc washer d8*φ20*2*R30 2 48 Left chain cover 1

18 Bolt M8*19*S14 6 49 Washer d6*Φ16*1.2 1

19 Washer d8*Φ20*2 9 50 Idler wheel Φ42*Φ35*Φ12*24 1

20 Cover for handlebar post 1 51 Reed d17 1

21 Trunk wire 2 1 52 Screw ST4.2*16 1

22 Main frame 1 53 Inductor seat 1

23 End cap right PT80*40*71.5 1 54 Bearing 6203Z 2

24 Front stabilizer 1 55 Spacer φ22*φ18*6 1

25 End cap left PT80*40*71.5 1 56 Wave washer d17*φ22*0.3 1

26 Spanner S13-14-15 1 57 Round magnetic φ15*7 1

27 Saddle 1 58 Bolt M6*13*S10 grade 8.8 4

28 Bolt M8*50*23*S14 4 59 Belt wheel Φ260*20*Φ17 1

29 End cap PT80*40*71.5*90*65 2 60 Belt 6PJ410 1

30 Rear stabilizer 1 61 Middle axle Φ17*190 1

31 Left pedal HD-22B 1/2” 1 62 Nut M6*H6*S10 4

63 Screw M8*12*5.5 1 72 Nut M6*H5*S10 2

64 Right chain cover 1 73 Inertia wheel 1

65 Right crank 165 1/2” 1 74 Nut M8*H7.5*S13 1

66 Right small chain cover 1 75 Idler wheel connect staff 1

67 Washer d5*φ10*1.0 6 76 Spring Φ2.2*Φ18*78*N18 1

68 Ring 1 77 Washer d12*φ17*0.5 1

69 Nut M10*1*H5*S17 4 78 Wave washer d12*Φ15.5*0.3 1

70 Adjusting screw M6*40*Φ10*2.5 2

71 Adjusting U seat 30*10*1.5 2



1. Secure front stabilizer (24) and rear stabilizer (30) to main frame (22) with bolt (28) and

washer (19);

2. Secure pedal (31) (32) to the crank of main frame (22)


1. Insert handlebar post (16) through cover for handlebar post (20);

2. Connect trunk wire 1 (2) with trunk wire 2 (21), and connect tension control (35) with

tension wire (42);

3. Secure handlebar post (16) to main frame (22) with bolt (18), washer (19) and arc

washer (17).


1. Insert saddle post (36) into main frame (22), then tighten it with knob (33);

2. Attach saddle across tube (38) to saddle post (36), and adjust it to desired position,

then tighten it with knob (37) and washer (19);

3. Secure saddle (27) to saddle across tube (38).


1. Attach handlebar (8) to the clamp of handlebar post (16);

2. Insert handle pulse wire (13) through the grommet of handlebar post (16) and get out

from the computer holder, as picture 2;

3. Cover front cover for handlebar (14), then secure handlebar (8) to handlebar post (16)

with knob (15).


1. Connect the link wire of computer (1) with trunk wire 1 (2), and connect the link wire of

computer (1) with handle pulse wire (13), then secure computer (1) to handlebar post

(16) with screw (3);

2. Secure rear cover for handlebar (4) to front cover for handlebar (14) with screw (5) (6).

Assembly is finished.