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Page 1: Thhee ’FFLLCCs sa1155 s –– YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrsarryy ... · STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne duc cu gândul

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Page 2: Thhee ’FFLLCCs sa1155 s –– YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrsarryy ... · STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne duc cu gândul

1996 – un an îndepărtat ar spune mulţi, fără o semnificaţie majoră dar care de fapt

reprezintă începutul de bun augur al Centrului de Limbi Străine al Statului Major al Forţelor

Terestre, entitate al cărei puls, al cărei ritm s-au accentuat direct proporţional cu trecerea


Chiar dacă nisipul fin al clepsidrei s-a scurs uşor de-a lungul celor 15 ani de existenţă,

tumultul şi freamătul nenumăratelor evenimente nu au permis timpului să-şi pună amprenta.

Am putea face totuşi o mică remarcă la „ghioceii“ pe care încercăm să-i ascundem sau la

calculatoarele şi manualele care dau semne de oboseală. Dar aceste constatări nu ne

împiedică, la ceas aniversar, să tragem o linie imaginară şi, împreună, să conturăm bilanţul

existenţei noastre.

Din punct de vedere emoţional nu ne este uşor să realizăm acest lucru deoarece

foşnetul fiecărei pagini răsfoite ne ancorează la momentele trecutului care, sub o formă sau

alta, ne reamintesc momente emoţionante. Ecoul activităţilor prilejuite de organizarea şi

absolvirea seriilor de cursanţi, inaugurarea laboratoarelor fonice, a bibliotecii şi a centrului

de resurse, nenumăratele vizite ale unor oaspeţi distinşi atât din ţară cât şi din străinătate,

vibrează şi acum. De asemenea, momente cu deosebită încărcătură emoţională am trăit

alături de colegii care au impresionat comisiile de examen cu profesionalismul şi abnegaţia

de care au dat dovadă în pregătirea şi dezvoltarea profesională, eforturile tuturor fiind

încununate cu laurii succesului. Aceste emoţii au croit şi pavat de fapt un drum al Centrului

pe care, încet dar sigur, am păşit noi toţi cei care astăzi alcătuim prezentul, cei care astăzi ne

gândim la mâine, la viitor.

Viitorul? – un mâine care deja se apropie cu paşi repezi şi care de fapt reprezintă o

nouă provocare, deoarece în programele de pregătire lingvistice dascălul are cea mai dificilă

sarcină: aceea de a-şi încuraja cursanţii să identifice cea mai bună cale în perfecţionarea

abilităţilor lingvistice şi atingerea obiectivelor propuse de a-i susţine în identificarea

pasiunii, fiindcă pasiunea este conexiunea între perfecţionare şi aşteptări, astfel încât visele

lor să devină realitate.

Acum, la ceas aniversar, aş dori ca inimile noastre, ale celor care au purtat şi ale celor

care poartă emblema Centrului de Limbi Străine al Statului Major al Forţelor Terestre, să

bată la unison, iar mesajul puternic al acestor bătăi să fie perceput de toţi colegii noştrii.

Vom fi aici în continuare pentru a asigura cu profesionalism şi dăruire perfecţionarea celor

care consideră că pregătirea lingvistică este parte integrantă a dezvoltării profesionale şi


Lt.col. Carmen Teodorescu

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Red tape, Rebuke and Regulation,

3 R‟s that run our institution…..

In group or pairs…… they cause confusion.

We file handouts into files….

Pile files into piles…

Store piles into rows…..

And thus the paper kingdom grows!

Debates, Discourses and Discussions

3D‟s that drive facilitation…..

In groups or pairs….. they cause digression.

„Cause they are students‟ pain, you see

Pushing them high where they should be.

Thru monologues and book reviews

We back their wish to get a 3.

Despite red tape and regulation

We work in here with much devotion,

In groups or pairs…that‟s our mission.

(Peer) teaching? Our profession.

English? Our specialization.

And we are very proud to be

After 15 years in FLC.

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Bonjour à tous!

J‟ai donc le privilège d‟inaugurer la revue du Centre, avec mes mots, des mots en français. Je vais vous parler de mon arrivée parmi vous et j‟ai envie de vous souhaitez d‟avance une très bonne lecture!

Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (MAE) propose chaque année, par l‟intermédiaire du C.N.O.U.S. (Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires) des stages dans une cinquantaine de pays différents.

Je fais partie des lectrices civiles de français, étudiantes en Français Langue Etrangère (FLE), qui effectuent un stage pratique d‟enseignement d‟une durée de 9 mois, d‟octobre 2004 à juin 2005.

En Roumanie, nous sommes au total trois lectrices à avoir été affectées dans des académies militaires et à l‟Univesité Nationale de Défense. Nos stages dans ces diffèrents établissements ont été placés sous la tutelle de la Mission Militaire de Bucarest.

Il y a Melle Rachel Collard De Macquerh, qui enseigne à l‟Académie des Forces Aériennes de Brasov. Melle Elodie Vedie, qui est à Bucarest, à l‟Université Nationale de Défense. Quand à moi, Melle Lynda Delci, je suis à Sibiu, à l‟Académie des Forces Terrestres et au Centre d‟Enseignement et de Perfectionnement des Langues Etrangères.

Je ne peux malheureusement pas parler présentement de mon expérience en tant qu‟enseignante étant donné que mon stage a commencé il y a tout juste un mois.

Néanmoins, je peux vous dire que je suis ravie de me trouver de nouveau en Roumanie. (Je suis déjà venue dans votre pays au printemps dernier, de mars à juin 2004). J‟en garde un merveilleux souvenir.

J‟étais en stage au Centre Culturel Français de Cluj-Napoca, avec pour responsable la directrice-adjointe du centre, Mme Françoise Bouquet. Là, j‟ai eu l‟occasion de visiter quelques villes telle que Bucarest, Dej, Baia-Mare, Oradea, et un tout petit village appelé Urca.

J‟espère pouvoir visiter d‟autres villes, faire plein de photos et mieux connaître la Roumanie. Ce stage est pour moi l‟occasion de vivre une expérience très enrichissante, de découvrir plein de choses, de partager de bons moments avec vous tous.


(Noiembrie, 2004)

It's the Soldier, not the


Who has given us the freedom

of the press.

It's the Soldier, not the poet,

Who has given us the freedom

of speech.

It's the Soldier, not the


That ensures our right to Life,

Liberty and the Pursuit of


It's the Soldier who salutes

the flag,

Who serves beneath the flag,

And whose coffin is draped

by the flag.

(Iunie, 2008)

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10 ani de încredere şi speranţă

E adevărat: s-a lăsat frigul. În curând va începe ploaia, cu acea tenacitate surdă

justificată de toamnă târzie, de cerul prost dispus. În aşteptarea ninsorii, agenţiile de

turism ne momesc cu vacanţe ideale gata să promită zapadă adevarată, palmieri, regate

nesfârşite cu grătar, vin fiert şi bere. Pădurile de brad se vor muta curând în pieţe în

aşteptarea unui viitor mai bun cu beteală, globuri şi Moş Crăciun, un Moş Crăciun pe care

de 10 ani îl aşteptăm febril cu surprize şi colinde. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an din ultimul deceniu,

el va pătrunde respectuos în universul nostru de muncă şi perseverenţă, construit cu

migală, dragoste, har şi vibraţie. La prima vedere şi aici se află destule obstacole şi

neajunsuri, pretenţii şi promisiuni îndepărtate, suficiente pentru a boicota exerciţiul de

admiraţie; şi totuşi, nimic nu poate umbri real munca de echipă, dăruirea şi perseverenţa

pe care profesorii şi studenţii o ridică zi de zi la noi valori.

Aici, în Centrul de Limbi Straine se construiesc speranţe, aspiraţii, imposibilul devine

realitate în efortul de a explora meandrele lingvistice. Spiritul

de echipă, profesionalismul şi iniţiativa creativă domină

scena în care generaţiile anilor 1996-2006 şi-au început

evoluţia pentru a o finaliza apoi cu succes în teatrele de

operaţii din Afganistan şi Irak, în misiunile de pace din Kosovo,

Belgia, Angola, Somalia, Coasta de Fildeş, Bosnia, Congo şi nu

în ultimul rând la cursurile de specializare din SUA, UK,

Olanda, Norvegia, Franţa şi mai nou Spania şi Portugalia. Pe

acest spirit de echipă şi competiţie s-au bazat programele de predare din cadrul

parteneriatelor americane, britanice şi franceze, precum şi testarea STANAG şi CEF a

sute şi sute de candidaţi dornici să contribuie cu rezultate cât mai bune la îndeplinirea

dezideratului lingvistic standardizat de NATO. Acest Centru trăieşte an de an prin

freamătul şi frenezia download-ului din centrul de resurse, în preajma discuţiilor de grup,

dezbaterilor şi discursurilor pe diverse teme, prin munca reverberantă de la clasa şi din

laboratoare şi, nu în ultimul rând, prin emoţiile testelor finale şi ale sesiunilor de evaluare

STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne

duc cu gândul la un NOU MOŞ CRĂCIUN, pe care-l aşteptăm cu o tolba plină de speranţe

şi încredere în viitor.

Prof. Adriana Dumitrescu

(Decembrie, 2006)

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CHATROOM SURPRISES A teenage girl named Alice was bored one day, so she went online and went to one of those cyber-love chat rooms. After wheedling through the normal 13-year-old giggling boys and 40-year-old perverts, she met a guy who she instantly liked. He wasn‟t gross or idiotic, in fact, he was romantic and experienced, and the feeling of fondness was mutual to both of them. After about a week of their escapades and conversations, Alice proposed that they should meet. The man typed his reply, and they agreed that they would meet at the Starbucks on the end of Alice‟s street. He would wear a yellow cardigan, she would wear a red skirt with a checkered pattern. The next day, Alice stole quickly into the Starbucks, with the checkered skirt. This was it. She would meet her Prince Charming. Looking around, she spotted a man with a yellow cardigan. She looked at him. He looked at her. They gasped. ”Alice!” ”Daddy”! CURSES, BROILED AGAIN! A woman decided at the last minute to get a quick tan for a special occasion. When she found out about the limits the salons set on their tanning beds, she signed up at several different tanning salons. A few days later, her husband told her she ”smelled funny”. She showered but the smell wouldn‟t go away. When she finally went to the doctor he ran some tests and told her: ”I‟m sorry, it seems you‟ve micro waved you‟re your internal organs, there‟s nothing we can do for you.” THE CRASH A young girl had decided to sneak out of the house to go to a party her protective parents wouldn‟t allow her to go to. While she was there she hooked up with a guy she liked and they went to a local make-out spot. The guy was drinking heavily and when he got too demanding she insisted on him taking her back to the party. On the way back they crashed into another vehicle. When the girl awake in the hospital she knew she was dying, she was told that they guy she‟d been with had died in the accident and so had the couple in the other car. She begged a nurse to tell her parents that she was very sorry she‟d disobeyed them, the nurse just looked at her. After the girl died another nurse asked why she hadn‟t said anything with the teen had asked her to give the message to her parents. The nurse said. ”I didn‟t know what to say, the people in the other car were her parents.” ALL ABOARD A man was riding the train to an important dinner one night when he realized he‟d boarded the wrong train, this was the express that would only slow down at his stop. Desperate not to miss his appointment. When the train neared the town he wanted to go to, stood in the doorway and leaped out as the train passed through the station. He hit the ground running and before he could stop himself, a conductor grabbed his collar and pulled him back onto the train. He said ”You‟re lucky I saw you. Don‟t you know this train doesn‟t stop here?”

BY SE 405

(Noiembrie, 2004)

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It’s Christmas! Like Charles Dickens says, Christmas is “a wonderful time, when men and

women open their shut-up hearts.” Giving, sharing things or even ourselves – what a wonderful

way to translate our happiness into!

Charity – what a beautiful name for a woman. This name always brings in front of my eyes a

special image: a kind woman, beautiful in a spiritual way, whose tender touch makes you feel

surrounded by a comfortable feeling of peace. It‟s okay, nothing can harm you because the splendor

of her soul will not ever allow this to happen. The significance of this name comes from the

definition of an important trait of the human nature, something that we like to say that separates us

from animals. Animals can be merciful, yes, but not charitable. What defines our charity is the fact

that we help each other, as the members of the same species, and help other living creatures, as the

part of our consciousness that we have the duty of watching over this world. Speaking about

interhuman relations, charity is not only giving money to ease a suffering or to satisfy the need of

poor. Charity is found in every small gesture people make to help each other. Charity means to

share your wealth, but also to share your knowledge. It‟s not about to find the solution of one‟s

specific problem, but also to help him and to teach him how to solve it for good. And to not

expecting anything in return. A really charitable person is deeply convinced that what he does

comes from his heart, and the payback is higher than some simple material rewards. His content is

maybe the gratitude of the persons he helped, but most of the times the only gratitude comes from

inside. I think that the simple fact of giving something to eat to a poor dog is worth ten times more

than donating a large amount of money and then boasting with it. Lt. Alex Dumitriu

Now that the Christmas time is closer, we all should remember what it means. It is time for

leaving aside all the disagreements and think of something better. It is time for charity. It is always

time for charity, but especially now, when people everywhere look forward to a holiday of joy and

happiness. There are many people in need who need your help.They are more unfortunate than you

are. What do you think? Can you make a fellow happier? If you are seeking deep down your heart

and your pockets you will find out that you can. Moreover, in gratitude you will receive the light

from the eyes of the people you have helped. A petty thing for you can mean a great deal for

someone in need. So, make someone‟s Christmas brighter! Lt. Andrei Nica

There is more blessing in giving than in receiving. There are a lot of people who have this

truth in mind when they give something to charity. Be it money, clothes, help or other things, it

makes no difference, as long as you give with goodwill. Whatever you give, the act of sharing

something that belongs to you causes in you a warm and pleasant sentiment that fills your soul with

goodness. It makes you feel more alive and really makes your soul scintillate because you can do

something for somebody. And there are only few moments which can be compared with that when

the recipient thanks you and gives you a smile or a blessing, or worships the name of God as a

consequence of receiving something. You really feel in those moments that you are an envoy of

divinity, a messenger who fulfilled the wish of God. This is overwhelming! And you become

conscious that giving something here, anything, means receiving pure glory afterlife, beyond the

limits of this world. This is something that you will never be able to buy or to steal. This is

something that you only can receive, not to charity but in response to your deeds. This is everything

that matters after all, everything that is really worth looking for hardly here and gaining up there.

Cpt. Dan Petrescu

BY SE 510

(Decembrie, 2005)

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Easter: What a wonderful holiday! Bunnies, colorful eggs, chocolate and cookies, joy,

flowers and, above all, the invading green of the surrounding nature! Quite few people know,

however, where the name of this holiday comes from. Ostara was an ancient Germanic goddess of

fertility, who was especially “active” and present in spring time. During the misty evenings and

mornings of this season, farmers pretended to have seen an evanescent, gracious female figure

sweep the lands, floating her dress tail over the fields and touching them here and there. Surrounded

by a herd of rabbits, another symbol of fertility, Ostara used to drop a magic egg from time to time

on certain fields, that she presumably “chose” to bestow with even greater germination power, so

that they would yield a better crop in that year. Those astute farmers who saw the goddess were of

course then trying to spot the magic egg on their field and see if they were among the lucky ones.

Today, in Germany especially, parents hide the Easter eggs in the grass of their back yard, and leave

to the children the pleasure of finding them. There are contests between “egg-finders” for whoever

manages to collect most of these precious gadgets in his or her basket.

Seasonal events and holidays were and still are celebrated in all the cultures on this earth. So

is the coming of spring, the Lenten, deriving its name from the “lengthening” of days. Nature comes

back to its glory, flowers blossom, filling the air with pleasing scents, birds chirrup on every branch,

announcing their homecoming, the sun remembers that it has a job to do and proceeds to warm the

world, and the people raise from their winter slothness and let the new life seep into their bodies

and minds. It is all coming back to life, in one way or another. No wonder that Christianity, in its

attempt to convert a pagan world, has taken this time of year, together with many of its symbols,

and has given them a Christian significance. It seemed to be the perfect time to celebrate a historic

event that took place 2,000 years ago: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. All four gospels mention the

facts and details surrounding this incredible event, including the people who witnessed it: the

disciples, Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother, Salome, even the doubtful Thomas who was

invited to touch the wounds in Jesus‟ hands and side, all these and many others being filled with

awe and joy that their Lord is alive, and that death had been defeated. For this is the message of the

Orthodox song that we intonate every year on Resurrection day: Christ has risen from the dead, and

has crushed death itself. From that day on, what had seemed to be the end of it all, despair,

dejection, endless sorrow and mourning, transcended into a real, ever present hope: that with His

crucifixion, He took the punishment for all our sins, and that through His Resurrection, those who

believe in Him are forgiven and can accede to a glorious life to come after the physical death on this

earth. The death and resurrection of Christ brought to many Christians in the whole world a hope

that reaches far beyond the mere joy of watching the nature regain its freshness and youth. More

than hope, it is a certainty about a most bright future, an everlasting spring with no winter in sight,

and no rainy days either. It is this hope nurtured in the bosoms of many of our fellow men and

women that helps them look forward to the shiny spring days, even though their homes on earth

may be swept away by ruthless waves. It is this inner warmth that makes some people think of ways

to reach out to people in need, instead of figuring out how to better entertain themselves. It is this

certainty that enables many of those next to us to bear the hardships and toil of life with dignity and

patience, without complaining or retorting to twisted paths leading to compromise.

Spring is the time of renewal. We like to renew our homes, sometimes our relationships, our

thoughts, our hearts. For some, it is the regeneration of this world that is everywhere around us. For

others, it starts with the regeneration of what is inside them. In a world that is bustling with new life

these days, each of us can find whatever we think is a sign of physical or spiritual rejuvenation.

BY SE 515

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(Aprilie, 2006)


An incident which happened

during my last holiday

I remember it was last summer,

during our holidays in Greece, in

one of the days which we were not

visiting the city of Atheens.

We went to the Egeean beach. It

was a nice sunny day, as usually

in Greece, and the water was

wonderful. My wife decided to get

a sun tan while I, together with my

boys, went swimming, played

with a ball and an air mattress.

Around fourteen o‟clock, the wind

started to blow and my children

overlooked the mattress, which

moved farther and farther, drawn

by the wind. I yelled to my boys to

remain there and I began to swim

quickly to get the

mattress, but I could not catch it

because of the strong wind.

Besides, I was completely

exhausted. At one moment, I

heard my elder boy‟s voice just

behind me. Imagine what I felt!

The distance between us and the

shore was rather long and my

child was a beginner in

swimming. I tried to calm him

down and to make him swim

slowly towards the seashore.

In the end, my wife, who had

seen everything, embraced us

being happy that we could get

safely back.


A day to remember

I remember that day as it

was yesterday. It happened

year ago at Eforie North in

the summer holidays.

First of all I have to admit

that I don’t like swimming,

but in that day it was like

someone blinded me.

During the morning me and

my family went to the

beach. The weather seemed

to be perfect for getting

suntanned. Then my father

went into water and swam

so far away that I lost him.

Next I picked up my twist

and got into the water, close

to the sea shore were the

water was shallow. Five or

ten minutes later my father

returned and asked me if I

wanted to swim with him. I

was so happy that I didn’t

wait for him and I started

running into water.

At one moment after we

swam more than five

minutes I saw my father

standing and he told me

that in that area there was a

sand platform. At the same

time I put the twist away

and dropped underwater. All

I remember is that my

father pulling me out of

water and a guy who near

us putting back in twist.

Finally we swam back to

seashore and for the rest of

the day I did not even think

of approaching the sea. Who

knows what might have



BY SE 615

(Iunie, 2007)

The missing wallet

It’s hard to imagine what

happened to me last summer!

But it was something real

that upset me deeply. It

happened that I lost my

wallet while I was somewhere

in the downtown area of a

town I was visiting at the


First of all I have to say

that I don’t know if I lost

it or it was stolen from me.

I discovered that I didn’t

have it when I stepped out of

a cab. It’s hard to figure

out how I felt when I

discovered that I didn’t

have it. I reached the

destination and when I wanted

to pay the cab driver I

looked for my wallet but it

was gone. I was lucky, if I

can say that, because I had

some change in my pocket so I

could pay the driver.

The second bad thing was

that I lost all my personal

documents like credit cards,

ID cards, driving license and

others and it will be really

hard for me to get other

ones. I did all my best to

find them but I wasn’t

successful at all. I called

the taxi company, I went to

the police station and I

wrote a declaration, I even

promised a reward between

taxidrivers for the one who

could give me some information

or even the wallet back.

Finally I had to accept

that all was gone and even

today I’m waiting for someone

to come and bring my papers

back. Maybe it would work!

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Here are a few replies of a group of officers on issues of environment protection by the


To the Editor of the “Green Magazine”

This is what Lt. Claudiu Dragan wrote:

I am writing you to bring a few telling arguments regarding the measures taken by the Army to

really preserve the environment. First, please note that five years ago, decision level leaders met on

a conference and analyzed both the national and international laws regarding environment

protection. The Army has succeeded in implementing the new requirements by printing regulations

which comprise the do’s and dont’s of training procedures, with eventual positive effect on the

environment. The military are taught how to respect the laws and are instructed before every major

training exercise. Consequently, the army always uses dummy ammunition during training, to

prevent destruction of the wildlife and the pollution of air and water. Training and shooting ranges

are cleaned after every exercise and the administrators are in charge with collecting and

transporting the trash. A further facet of this controversial issue is the allegedly polluting

technology of the army. I want you to know that the army is struggling to keep the pace with the

newest environmental laws in developing new war technology. For example, the recently released

military airplanes are much less polluting than the civilian ones. Moreover, the weapons and

ammunition used by the infantry are almost zero polluting. In conclusion, we have to acknowledge

that the Army is not only striving to create new technology that respects the environmental laws, but

it is also cooperating closely with other organizations in preserving natural resources and

successfully educating the people about protecting nature. Therefore, the Army is a rather positive

and pro-active nature protector, that implements measures and policies in a very efficient and

committed way.

In reply to former accusations of “messing with the environment”, brought to the Army

by some civilian citizens, Lt.Cdr. Adrian Tanasoiu brings a few new perspectives on makes

the Army be environmentally friendly:

First of all, the so-called “mess” we are supposed to have done in our shooting ranges, I have

to tell you that we are always keeping these places clean and free of any kind of trash, because we

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are used not to let any traces in order to keep a low profile and not to disclose our location. We

have to remove any details that could reveal our hiding places so as to camouflage our troops and

technique. More than that, in order to train ourselves in this aspect, we organize contests between

platoons to determine which is more “invisible”. I suggest that journalists and other people come to

our bases and see with their own eyes what we are doing to keep the places clean. As for protection

of the nature, let me just tell you that we have started on concrete actions, such as building nesting

places for endangered birds, bringing food for animals, and other actions. When talking about the

military technique and technology, I have to admit that accusations might be real in some cases.

Due to budget restraints, we are still using some old technology, but our new military policies are

oriented towards improving this state. One solution could be that you the journalists and the public

at large express you support for our cause, so that we may obtain funds for renewing the military


BY SE 716 (Iunie, 2008)


Many of us don’t take into consideration that there are a lot of similarities between

nature and humans. Just because the nature is everywhere around us we are not aware of every change except for those major ones such as the seasons. One of the seasons is known as AUTUMN. Is there anyone who asked oneself which is first? It should be one of them, but let’s try to imagine that, as usually, nature and we, as part of it, are the same. The significant part of humans is counted as being women. From here on, we will try to find whether autumn and women have anything in common. Believe me, they have.

We might start from the changeable weather during autumn being the same as women’s change of moods. Are they the same?

On the other hand autumn possesses the same beauty as women when we think about the large spectrum of colors used for make up. Are they the same?

They are also full of wealth, the same with the feelings of women. Are they the same? Furthermore, both of them have the same degree of charity: autumn prepares the

nature for the winter as well as women prepare us for life. Are they the same? During the autumn the people are gathering the grains, fruits and vegetables to

provide the goods necessary for living. In the same way the women provide both emotional and material support for their family and offer shelter for their children. Are they the same?

After the summer, the advent of autumn can be considered a life-giving source for everyone. The women give birth to children and they can be considered a source of life, too. Are they the same?

During the autumn the rain is omnipresent. The rain can be compared with the women’s tears. The women cry often but not because of pain, they just let the bad feelings go out, they are trying to establish their equilibrium in order to have the power to continue and not to put that bad feeling on the family’s shoulders. The same autumn lets the rain fall because in the environment there must be a natural balance, after a hot summer. Are they the same?

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During the autumn lightening appears in one group of clouds and then immediately in another. This phenomenon can be compared to a lusty woman who does not fix her mind on a single man. Are they the same?

The final answer is YES; they are the same. We as men have to love them both and to be aware of every change in their behavior if we want what we need: to be loved by them.

By MIKE and CHRIS - S.E.802 (Noiembrie, 2008)

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(Noiembrie, 2004)

Any combat situation has its own laws... here is Murphy’s TOP 10!!!

1. Friendly fire - isn't.

2. Recoilless rifles - aren't.

3. Suppressive fires - won't.

4. You are not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take note.

5. A sucking chest wound is Nature's way of telling you to slow down.

6. If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.

7. Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not

want to waste a bullet on you.

8. If at first you don't succeed, call in an air strike.

9. If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.

10. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself...

(Iunie, 2008)

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N.B. There are no spaces between words.

Across Down

1. a long flight causes this 4. short trip for tourists 6. used for transporting clothes 8. form of identification 9. money used in a country 12. proof of payment when travelling 14. visiting places of interest

2. useful reading for tourists 3. a place to sunbathe 5. without taxes 7. place to stay when travelling 10. bus for tourists 11. necessary to enter some countries

BY SE 610

(Iunie, 2007)

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BY SE 503

(Decembrie, 2005)

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Um den Ernst der Sache ein wenig zu vergessen, haben wir eine „weniger ernste“ Erklärung zu verschiedenen Dienstgraden den Lesern zur Verfügung gestellt.

Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Dienstgrade bei der Bundeswehr und ihre Stellenbeschreibung:

PzGren weiß nichts

Gefr weiß alles

OGefr weiß alles besser

HGefr will alles besser wissen

StGefr meint alles besser wissen können zu wollen

OStGefr meint alles besser wissen können zu können

Uffz kann lesen

StUffz kann schreiben

Fw kann lesen und schreiben

OFw weiß, wer lesen und schreiben kann

HFw kann Ortsgespräche führen

StFw kann Ferngespräche führen

OStFw weiß, wer Orts- und Ferngespräche führen kann

Lt weiß, wo alles steht

OLt glaubt zu wissen, wo alles steht

Hptm ist der, der es eigentlich wissen müsste

Major unterschreibt nur, was er lesen kann

OTL weiß nicht alles, was er unterschreibt

Oberst denkt, dass alles richtig ist, was er unterschreibt

General fragt, wo er unterschreiben kann

Staatssekretär trägt die Aktentasche des Ministers

Minister glaubt, dass er alles was in seiner Aktentasche ist, wissen müsste

BY SG 702

(Iunie, 2008)

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I remember my first day at the FLC when I felt like on my first day at school, like a young boy at the desk, with emotions that could not be explained.

Being a student at the FLC is one of the most

important steps in my career because it gives me the

opportunity to develop all language skills. Even if I

spend much time away from my family, it is worth it,

and I am going to recommand all my colleagues from

the LFHQ to attend this course. I am sure that in the

future they will thank me for my advice.



Being a student at the FLC in Sibiu is a very

interesting experience because it offers the

possibility to learn a foreign language at a

high level and knowing English well is one of

the most important requirements for the

military career.


While at the FLC, I had a very rewarding experience because I had the opportunity to participate in a good deal of projects, intelectually stimulating and with immense practical applicability, which helped me in my effort to understand English better.


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SE 1008 is... Active in Class, Active in Missions


The participation of the Romanian Armed

Force‟s militaries in the terrorism combat, PfP or

humanitarian missions stands for the proof of

their professionalism. These international

coalition-type missions or those conducted under

NATO, EU and UN aegis are the proof the

accomplishment of the commitments Romania

acquired as a member of the international


I, as all Romanian soldiers, was in

Afghanistan under ISAF umbrella - International

Security and Assistance Force, the military

organization that conducts operations in that

country. Most of ROU forces are deployed in

southern Zabul province, therefore I have

accomplished my six month mission in this part

of the country. The ROU battalion in which I was

designed had the primary missions to sustain

Afghan authorities in handing over the security of

the area, help local populace by humanitarian

assistance and developing social projects and

cooperate with local ANA and ANP structures for

improving their level of operating. Furthermore,

our forces developed military actions in order to

provide security along HWY-1 and other MSRs

in the area and wipe out the insurgent activity and


All these goals were met due to the

execution of joined missions conducted in

cooperation with the afghan forces and other

forces deployed there. Missions consisted of

MCP, C@S, VA, RVA, KLE, CP, VCP and other

deliberate missions. All these missions were

opportunities for ROU Army to prove its high

standards and boldness and courage of his men.

By George


The Romanian soldiers are still

deployed in Kosovo as a part of National

Force Detachment – RoFND– within

KFOR, in order to help maintain a safe and

secure environment and freedom of

movement for all citizens, irrespective of

their ethnic origin. The Romanian soldiers

also have participated in various peace-

keeping operations in Kosovo which have

always meant platoon and detachment sized

units. For almost six months, the Romanian

soldiers have conducted specific missions

such as : traffic control, force protection,

guard, security and community watch,

patrol on foot or onboard different vehicles,

night and day surveillance from fixed or

temporary posts, escorting different types

of convoys, recce for own troops or mixed

troops, acting as a rapid reaction force,

building a connection with the local

population, observing as well as

neutralizing the large number of criminal

organizations which were stealing the food

and medicines sent by the UN and NATO,

or asking the locals for a so-called

"protection fee".

According to members of the RoFND,

the mission in Kosovo has been a great

experience for the Romanian soldiers. They

have had great memories and useful

military experiences. They have always

accomplished the missions in Kosovo TO,

where they have reached the required

performance standards. The Romanian troops

in Kosovo, in the theaters of operations have

generally won the respect and admiration of

the other peace-keepers, proved once more

that our country is a serious and reliable partner

of the international community. This should be

a warrant for the missions of Romanian Army

in the international structures and

organizations. By Luke

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Interviu realizat de grupa SE 1009

Centrul de Limbi Străine sibian împlineşte 15 ani. Pentru un om, e vârsta frumoasă a

adolescenţei, când amintirile abia se nasc. Pentru o instituţie, e ceas de bilanţ, amintiri, lecţii

învăţate, dar şi de orizonturi noi, trepte noi şi gânduri de viitor. Aflându-se în Centru şi în

“centrul” tuturor obiectivelor, dar şi ca martor al momentului aniversar, Cursantul anonim

devenit reporter de ocazie a pus câteva întrebări colegilor care au fost aici mai de la începuturi:

Rememorând cei 15 ani parcurşi, care sunt sentimentele care vă încearcă acum în ceas

aniversar? Cum vedeţi evoluţia Centrului în tot acest timp?

Prof. Adriana Dumitrescu: Dacă este vorba de sentimente, pot spune că sunt aceleaşi pe care

le-am avut şi la început dar şi pe parcursul celor 15 ani. În toată această perioadă am fost animată de

entuziasm şi încredere atunci când un proiect era încununat de succes sau când centrul devenea

gazda unei noi grupe de cursanţi ce trebuia îndrumată în munca asiduă de perfecţionare; de

asemenea am trăit sentimente de bucurie şi emoţie atât pentru succesele în carieră ale profesorilor

cât şi ale cursanţilor ce ocupau diferite posturi în ţară sau străinătate, ascensiunea lor fiind

determinată în mare măsură de nivelul cunoştinţelor de limbă engleză. Ca profesor care am predat

în toate formele de învăţământ, pot afirma fără nici o ezitare că în această instituţie am cunoscut

cele mai mari satisfacţii şi împliniri profesionale pe care le poţi avea într-o carieră didactică.

Oboseala, munca asiduă de implementare a programelor de învăţare americane, orele lungi

petrecute cu partenerii americani şi britanici în elaborarea de materiale de testare şi învăţare au fost

pe deplin răsplătite de succesele cursanţilor în evaluările militare naţionale şi internaţionale.

Apogeul l-a constituit şi pentru noi ca şi pentru întreaga armată acceptarea în NATO a ţării noastre,

fapt ce a adus un plus de apreciere muncii din Centru, dedicată întrutotul pregătirii lingvistice a

personalului militar.

Prof. Iuliana Grapini-Jammer: De când mi-am început activitatea la CLS acum 14 ani,

numărul profesorilor s-a triplat – un semn evident al apărecierii colective şi al calităţii la standarde

înalte. Venită la CLS direct de pe băncile universităţii, m-am format ca profesor aici, unde am avut

şi am în continuare privilegiul de a avea colegi foarte buni profesional. Cu toţii am învăţat unii de la

alţii şi ne-am ajutat şi încurajat reciproc pentru a ajunge aici unde suntem azi.

Informatician Fănica Iliş: Gândindu-mă la începuturile mele în Centrul de Limbi Străine, mă

încearcă sentimente foarte plăcute, fiind conştientă că am venit cu mare drag în această echipă. Au

fost momente pe care nu le voi uita, cu muncă multă dar în acelaşi timp foarte plăcută. Laboratorul

britanic era pentru mine un vis care în sfârşit se împlinea. Curând după aceea Centrul a început să

capete tot mai multă valoare, să fie dotat din punct de vedere informatic cu echipamente de cea mai

bună clasă, şi în aceaşi timp să fie tot mai asaltat de doritori de a se perfecţiona în învăţarea limbilor

străine. Nu pot uita crearea bazei de date, implementarea reţelei Internet sau prima imagine a

paginii web, reprezentativă pentru centru, consider eu. Îmi aduc aminte cu nostalgie şi de primul

număr al acestei reviste, din 2003. Pe lângă acestea, nu doar Centrul a evoluat, ci şi noi fiecare ca

individ, unii prin cursuri în străinătate, alţii prin cursuri de limbi străine în cadrul centrului (mă refer

aici la personalul auxiliar), iar o parte dintre noi completându-şi studiile pe linie profesională. Aşa

se face că azi avem un renume bine meritat pe care ne străduim să-l păstrăm şi să-l reînnoim zi de


Bibliotecar Ioana Maican: Centrul a început timid şi s-a dezvoltat în scurt timp foarte mult.

Dacă ar fi să privim doar din perspectiva achiziţiilor de materiale didactice, cărţi şi programe de

învăţare, putem observa această creştere de la an la an, iar acest lucru observ că se reflectă şi în

complexitatea crescută a învăţării.

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Care este politica Centrului cu privire la perfecţionarea profesională a profesorilor?

Prof. Adriana Dumitrescu: De la începuturi conducerea Centrului a sprijinit şi s-a implicat

efectiv în încurajarea iniţiativelor de perfecţionare ale profesorilor în obţinerea gradelor didactice şi

în participarea la cursuri de perfecţionare lingvistică şi metodică în ţară şi străinătate (SUA,

Germania, Elveţia, Slovacia, Ungaria, Franţa, Marea Britanie).

Cât de importantă este echipa în munca dumneavoastră şi ce contribuţie are ea la eficienţa


Lt.col. Carmen Teodorescu: În orice activitate, succesul este rodul efortului comun al muncii

în echipă. Reuşitele sau înfrângerile nu se datorează în exclusivitate nici şefilor nici subalternilor, ci

sunt rezultatele ambelor părţi.

Acesta este motivul pentru care consider că în viaţa Centrului întreaga activitate, fie ea

didactică sau administrativă, este proiectată astfel încât fiecare membru al comunităţii să participe

activ la îndeplinirea sarcinilor.

A lucra într-un grup dezbinat în care certurile şi neînţelegerile sunt frecvente, orgoliile şi

antipatiile, atitudinile de desconsiderare sau indiferenţă în care fiecare încearcă pe cont propriu să-şi

rezolve problemele, în care denigrarea celuilalt este practicată în mod curent reprezintă, fără

îndoială, obstacole serioase în calea plăcerii de a munci.

Este suficient să ne gândim numai puţin la cele de mai sus şi să concluzionăm că, având în

vedere rezultatele obţinute, Centrul este o echipă omogenă şi funcţională.

Prof. Adriana Dumitrescu: Principiul de constituire şi funcţionare a Centrului de Limbi

Străine ca şcoală lingvistică pentru personalul din forţele terestre este desigur cel al muncii în

echipă. Aşa cum munca în echipă stă la baza succesului în misiune, spiritul de echipă, munca în

grupuri mai mici sau mai mari stau la baza oricărui proiect lingvistic de succes; ultimul fiind chiar

această revistă.

Informatician Fănica Iliş: Sigur, munca în echipă este foarte importantă, iar pentru mine

personal este o plăcere să lucrez cu oameni tineri.

În ce măsură consideraţi de bun augur tandemul civilo-militar din această instituţie?

Informatician Fănica Iliş: Lucrăm într-o unitate militară şi tandemul civilo-militar trebuie să

existe. În Centru, în mod special, el a format întotdeauna o alianţă de bun augur, noi având cu toţii

aceleaşi obiective.

Ce puteţi spune despre direcţia spre care se îndreaptă învăţământul militar de limbi străine?

Prof. Adriana Dumitrescu: În prezent se vorbeşte mai puţin despre învăţarea limbii străine şi

tot mai mult despre perfecţionarea permanentă în limba învăţată în anii de şcoală sau la centrele

secundare întrucât comunicarea şi negocierea pe câmpul de luptă modern reprezintă un „MUST‟ al

climatului internaţional actual.

Cum vedeţi perspectivele de dezvoltare în viitorul apropiat?

Lt.col. Carmen Teodorescu: Consider că în momentul de faţă întreaga echipă, animată de

dedicare şi profesionalism, având suportul logistic adecvat, este în măsură să asigure cadrul propice

derulării programelor de pregătire lingvistică conform standardelor NATO.

Din punctul meu de vedere, ca şef de centru în momentul de faţă, fie că vorbim despre

manager şi echipa managerială, fie că vorbim despre cadrele didactice şi cursanţi, există o singură

formulă magică în atingerea obiectivelor propuse: MOTIVAŢIA. Dacă această formulă îşi va

menţine „magia“, eforturile tuturor vor fi încununate de succes.

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Speaking with the General

It was a dark, stormy, night. The Marine was on

his first assignment, and it was guard duty.

A General stepped out taking his dog for a

walk. The nervous young Private snapped to

attention, made a perfect salute, and snapped out

„Sir, Good Evening, Sir!”

The General, out for some relaxation,

returned the salute and said „Good evening

soldier, nice night, isn‟t it?”

Well it wasn‟t a nice night, but the Private

wasn‟t going to disagree with the General, so the

he saluted again and replied „Sir, Yes Sir!”.

The General continued, „You know

there‟s something about a stormy night that I find

soothing, it‟s really relaxing. Don‟t you agree?”

The Private didn‟t agree, but them the

private was just a private, and responded „Sir,

Yes Sir!”

The General, pointing at the dog, „This is

a Golden Retriever, the best type of dog to train.”

The Private glanced at the dog, saluted yet

again and said „Sir, Yes Sir!”

The General continued „I got this dog for

my wife.”

The Private simply said „Good trade Sir!”

By John

A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were clear. No car was to enter

unless it had a special sticker on the windshield. A big Army car came up with a general seated

in the back. The sentry said, “Halt, who goes there?”

The chauffeur, a corporal, says, “General Brandon.”

“I‟m sorry, I can‟t let you through. You‟ve got to have a sticker on the windshield.”

The general said to the driver, “Drive on!”

The sentry said, “Hold it! You really can‟t come through. I have orders to shoot if you try

driving in without a sticker.”

The general repeated to the driver, “I‟m telling you, son, drive on!”

The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, “General, I‟m new at this. Do I shoot you or

the driver?”

By Tom

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Creangă Teodor The Foreign Language Centre of Sibiu is not merely a place where one can teach or learn a foreign language, but rather a place where each of us brings „added value‟ and contributes to building up something valuable.


Nistor Virgil

Being part of the Foreign Language Center Sibiu teaching staff means to totally adhere to a positive and inclusive environment focusing on the student‟s real and practical aspirations. It is also the genuine experience of acquiring the art and craft of teaching. I consider that we have every right to be proud of our high standards and reputation. It is to the great credit of all our wonderful staff that the Foreign Language Center Sibiu is celebrating its 15

th anniversary of excellence in

language training. We look forward to many more anniversaries!

Trofin Alina

One successful, rewarding class is like a blockbuster running in cinemas only once and announcing promising sequels. This is what makes our 15-year-old language center a truly successful box office day by day.



Laura Arapu

Amidst whirls of change, the Foreign Language Center staff has come to celebrate fifteen years of teaching excellence imbued with enthusiasm and commitment to a common goal – fostering a climate that yields development of the students‟ skills and potential. This has been and will continue to be the FLC‟s unswerving pledge for the future.

Dumitrescu Adriana

In a topsy-turvey going world one might feel the need for more stability and better attitudes towards life and work. It is the Center where I have found all this and even more, a paisy-noisy place where things are happening too fast sometimes and people bust hump but at the same time enjoy a lot what they do. Here I could get my way, find the mature identity in teaching, excel in my career and disacover the work pleasure beside a „golden‟ team I‟ll always remember.



BIanca Morar

The time has passed and we have grown together. We have shaped up characters, have built relationships, have endowed our students with more than knowledge by laying brick after brick to the wall, have rejoiced whenever their achievements called for it. Therefore, may this well of wisdom, all of us have contributed to drop by drop, overflow endlessly so that each and every thirsty traveler that stops for a while should quench his thirst.

Maria Busuioc

It has meant a lot to me, and probably to all the teachers and students who have been here. Here is just a short list of what the center has been to me in the 11 years I‟ve worked here: cooperation, hard work, challenge, reward, change, inspiration, discipline, imagination, organization, coordination, resourcefulness, and good fun. May the Center be the same and more at least another 15 years from now! Happy anniversary!

Butănescu Diana

I like teaching because “teaching means learning” and “learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” I am profoundly grateful to all the FLC personnel, bosses, colleagues, past and present students, for the atmosphere of friendliness, understanding and reciprocal respect, for having given me the opportunity to enrich my treasure day by day, through sharing their likes, dislikes, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, doubts, or fears; in short, all of the ”ingredients” we do not see but which give life and content to this school of exception.

StInghe Monica

I humble myself in gratitude towards this unique opportunity I have had so far. Some call it experience. I‟d call it practical wisdom – or what you learn to do with what happens to you. May I never forget to use it to the benefit of others and for God‟s glory.

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Simona Muntean

Acum că aniversăm 15 ani de la înfiinţare îmi vin în minte următoarele:

Amintiri (multe şi frumoase), Noutăţi, Inteligenţă, Voinţă, Energie, Regulamente

(tare multe), Soluţii (ingenioase şi practice), Angajament, Responsabilitate ,

Efervescenţă şi ca să nu mă dezmint şi un citat a lui Johann Wolfgang Goethe:

„Alles was uns begegnet, lässt Spuren zurück. Alles trägt unmerklich zu unserer

Bildung bei.” (Tot ceea ce întâlnim în viaţă, lasă urme. Totul contribuie în mod

imperceptibil la formarea noastră.) Iar eu cred că timpul petrecut in cadrul CLS

indiferent în ce postură şi-a lăsat o amprentă pozitivă asupra fiecăruia dintre noi.

Tatu Sofia

May our fruitful past Experiences, daring present Experiments, and rising future

Expectations keep on guiding our steps in promoting excellence and assisting



Aurel Damian

The FLC is everything an English teacher could dream of and aspire to -

the perfect epitome of professionalism and multiculturalism. Therefore, I

consider myself most fortunate to have had the possibility to work with this

distinguished institution and its dedicated people for the past 11 years.

Iuliana Jammer

De când mi-am început activitatea la CLS, acum 14 ani, capacitatea de instruire

s-a triplat – un semn evident al conştientizării importanţei cunoaşterii limbilor

străine, dar şi al aprecierii colective generate de calitatea procesului educaţional.

Condiţiile deosebite de muncă, conducerea fermă şi inteligentă, colegi care

excelează în plan profesional şi camaraderie şi nu în ultimul rând bucuria de a

lucra în clasă cu oameni motivaţi şi interesaţi sunt constantele activităţii mele

profesionale şi sper că vor fi şi mulţi ani de acum încolo.



Page 24: Thhee ’FFLLCCs sa1155 s –– YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrsarryy ... · STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne duc cu gândul

Having worked in the FLC for more than 10 years has made us feel we are part of something that

has slowly become part of us. We have come to know each other inside out, with strenghts and

weaknesses, good and bad, merry and sad. We, Oana Poşa and Isabela Dragomir feel that

there is no better way of showing our appreciation and feelings towards our colleagues than

nominating them for well deserved awards...




The boss whose message

gets across and is never

at a loss.



The sage on the stage

who makes us engage.


The dream of any

employer, both a teacher

and a lawyer.


A teacher so creative,

one might think she’s a



The shrink who makes

you rethink at the speed

of a blink.

SOFIA TATU A teacher so calm you

could use as a balm.




The team that will gleam

under any regime.

Page 25: Thhee ’FFLLCCs sa1155 s –– YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrsarryy ... · STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne duc cu gândul


The mate whose

direction ensures



The mate who’s so high

that we want him nearby

from October to July.

ALINA TROFIN The mate who can create

although being late.


The mate who is funny

and brings us the



The mate who works

hard and is always

“en garde”.

IULIANA JAMMER The private eye who dots

the ”i” with good reply.



The mate who knows

most about things we

have lost.

SIMONA MUNTEAN The mate who can laugh,

although she’s a tough.

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Începuturile de acum 15 ani ale acestei instituţii se legau de momente entuziaste, în care

tinereţea era o stare de spirit a vremurilor. Primenită după furtuna lui decembrie şi spălată de ploile

tranziţiei, ţara dorea să renască, nouă şi strălucitoare, în lumina soarelui de dimineaţă. Trebuia prins

dirijabilul schimbării, cel care lega om de om şi ţară de ţară. Era nevoie şi de noi pe hartă, iar

geografia trebuia să treacă şi pe aici.

A fost nevoie de un ordin pentru a înfiinţa Centrul de Limbi

Străine ca instituţie, dar entuziasmul şi dedicarea au venit din bună voie,

de drag şi de iubire de oameni. Cel care a pus bazele acestor „instituţii“ a

fost col (r) Radu Stoicescu, ale cărui urme încă mai sunt proaspete pe

aici, de parcă ar fi plecat doar ieri. Un şef model care şi-a lăsat subalternii

– civili – să-şi facă „de cap“. Iar ei au făcut-o „lată“: şi-au făcut treaba

serios, cu sârguinţă şi modestie, lăsând rezultatele să le meargă înainte.

Cursanţii absolvenţi ai centrului au purtat mai departe cele învăţate aici,

pe unde s-au dus mai apoi, purtaţi de chemările slujbei lor. Aşa s-a născut,

pas cu pas şi destul de curând, reputaţia de echipă competentă şi dedicată,

de loc unde se învaţă bine, serios şi cu plăcere. Aşa s-a născut bunul nume al unei echipe unite, care

munceşte cu drag, încurajată să se dezvolte, să înflorească, să caute să fie mereu mai bună decît ea


Au urmat alte etape în viaţa instituţiei. Odată cu venirea la

conducere a col (r) Adrian Stancu, corabia şi-a continuat navigarea în

aceleaşi coordonate, învăţând ce înseamnă consecvenţa, obiectivitatea şi

simţul lucrului bine făcut. A trecut cu bine şi prin unele strâmtori pe care

le-au impus vremurile. Nici un drum nu e lipsit de primejdii şi încercări, iar

măiestria şi unitatea unui echipaj se vădesc prin felul în care reuşeşte să

scape din aceste situaţii.

Iar dacă aceste teste au avut darul să maturizeze pe cei ce le-au trecut,

acest lucru se vede probabil astăzi când, sub conducerea unui lider plin de

dăruire şi tact, lt.col. Carmen Teodorescu, oamenii îşi fac treaba cu simţ de

răspundere şi conştiinţă, pentru că fiecare ştie ce are de făcut şi înţelege că

este o parte la fel de importantă ca oricare altul în acest puzzle frumos. Şi ce

este mai frumos decât să ştii, indiferent de locul pe care îl ocupi în ierarhie,

mai sus sau mai jos, că eşti aici ca să slujeşti, ca să oferi partea ta de

competenţă şi de inimă?

Iar dacă vorbim de acestea două, ele arată din plin spre un alt lider care

… nu există în limba română construcţia aceea de Present Perfect Continuous

„has been being”, adică a fost şi este cu noi în mod neîntrerupt, şefa noastră de

catedră prof. Adriana Dumitrescu, sufletul Centrului, ducând povara cu

optimism şi tenacitate, cu prietenie şi căldură umană. Competenţă şi inimă.

By Monica Stinghe

Page 27: Thhee ’FFLLCCs sa1155 s –– YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrsarryy ... · STANAG. Şi tot ca-n fiecare an, parfumul Sfintelor Sărbatori şi aerul ce respiră colinde ne duc cu gândul

WWee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffoorr hhaavviinngg ccoonnttrriibbuutteedd aanndd ssuuppppoorrtteedd tthhee eeddiittoorriiaall ssttaaffff iinn sshhaappiinngg uupp tthhee FFLLCC mmaaggaazziinnee::



Editorial staff:


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