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Coleclia ESEURI



Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nafionale a Romf,nieiNISTOR, GHEORGHE

Dracula's letters to humankind = Scrisorile lui Draculacitre omenire / Nistor. - Floregti : Limes, 2018'

ISBN 97 8-606-799 -220-s

82 1. 1 35.1

gheorghenistorOcopyright I 99 l, Montrdal, Canadagheorghenistor@copyright20 1 8, Ibra Oman

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Dracula's Letters to HumankindScrisorile lui Dracula cdtre Omenire


Page 2: Scrisorile lui Dracula catre omenire. Dracula's Letters to … lui... · 2018. 11. 22. · ::tt:$::t: ili;;:iiffi ffi nE K ffi &mffi ffi rc ffi ffiro ffi ffi.ffiflffi Coleclia ESEURI

Capitolul I,,Orice imagine-i un punctfractal ce

conline tncriptatd-n sine enciclopediacosmicit a spiritului uman. "

Privesc acel chip invizibil aninat pe pereliimemoriilor nude qi nu-i pot deslu;i falaadevdratd! Nu gtiu cine intruchipeazd acel gol ale

cdrui voci muribunde reverbereazd strident innoapte, url6nd: ,,Hai sd fim, pentru cd noi suntem

vii dintotdeauna!" Nu-i inteleg deloc nici rostul,nici menirea-n aceastd lume!

Acum e mort! Ironic e doar faptul cd

, admiratorii sdi il considerd ,,un adevdrat mort fericit". Cum ar putea

fi altfel? CSci el qi-a indeplinit cele mai dragi dorinle ;i vise. A fost

intodeauna indrdgostit nebunegte de transparen$a qi reflecliile sticlei

;i durabilitatea rece a tot ceea ce-i din provenienld metalicd. Darsatisfaclia lui cea mai mare constd in a strivi verdele pdmdntului

moale qi reavin, zdrobind cu bocancii grei ai nesimfirii distructiveultimele grdunle de clorofili solard.

Trdind prea mult doar pentru el insu;i, n-a fost niciodatd

conqtient de realitatea lumii inconjurdtoare. A fost tot timpul un

adevbrat prizonier al propriului siu sine egoist. Un zbir de pqcdrieorbit de cruzimeapropriei sale colivii de fier sinucigaqe. Nu i-a pdsat

nicicAnd de generaliile viitoare care-l vor urma in lumea creatd de el,qi cdrora n*o sd le placd ceea ce au mo;tenit; chiar dacdvor fi nevoite

sd o acepte fo(ate de natura circumstanfelor. De fapt el n-a avut

nicicdnd nici un gram de mild sau compasiune. intreaga lui existenlda fost ftri grdunte de via!6: risipd, nesimfire purd ;i tiranie oarbi!Prcdd zgdrceniei nelimitate! Singura lui dorinld a fost sd subjuge

omenirea pentru a domina global lumea posturnd.

Era doar hoitul impulit qi zgdrcit al umbrelor neinsuflelite!Scruta lumea prin ochii sdi de liliac cadaveric, contamin6nd-o cu

miasmele hoitului sdu otrdvitor. Chiar si acum, cuibdrit in sicriul lui


Chapter I

"Every image is afractal point encodingwithin its blood thefiery cosmicencyclopedia of human spirit!"

I watch the picture hanging on the whitewalls of my empty memory and cannot see the real

face of the person who is supposed to fill in the

gap in that emptiness. Only faint vibrations of his

dying voice are now flashing back reverberating

"Let us all be, for we are forever alive!" That's what he used towhisper silently into my ears. But, I was soundly asleep and couldnever hear him clearly! Now he is dead and, ironically, all his admirers

consider him a happy dead man.

How could it be otherwise? He has fulfilled the most cherished

desires of his life. He was always passionately in love with the

transparency and reflections of the glass and the durability and

coldness of everything metallic. But, foremost, he took great pleasure

when stepping onto the soft lively green fields with his self-destructive

hear,y:du1t boots made of cement and asphalt. He was meant tobecome the monstrous builder of ourfuture!

Living too much for himself, he could never see nor be aware

of the real life around him. He was really a selfish prisoner of himselfia blindfolded and faithful warden of his own rusty iron cage. He never

seemed to care that the new generations, which would come to live inthe world he had created, may not like it even though they ought toaccept it, unconditionally. In fact, he had neither pity nor compassion

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invizibil, supravegheazd lumea terorizatd de fricd. E lumea noastrd,

din pdcate! O lune minunatd, dar deveniti tristd 9i macabrS! O lume

unde visele ;i speranfele viitoarelor generalii sunt zodrobite de sicriulsdu devenit preludiul unei sorli triste qi funebre pentru omenire.

Dar cine sunt eu? De ce-l invinuiesc pe acest demon al

Inconqtiinlei totale; qi pe toli cei ca el? Cum sd stlvilim gloatele

oarbe qi nesdbuite, care se alilturd acestui cadavru, trdg6ndu-ne-n

marg for,tat spre autodistrugere planetard? Scrutdndu-l cu grijd,

realizez cd toti au ceva unic ln comun: o boala teribild datoratd lipseiacute de iod. Lumea de azi suferi cumplit datoritd unei deficienle

mortale manifestatd prin excesul de lipsi cronicd gi incurabild de iod!imi amintesc cu drag de vremurile cdnd acest caracter pan-epi-

demonic nu exista: cdnd nimic nu separa fiin{ele vii de cele inerte!

Totul era viu qi armonios! Dar de cdnd qi-a fbcut aparilia acest

demon, un vdl al separdrii, creat din ziduri groase ;i cortine

invisibile, a inceput sd separe fiecare individ, izol6ndu-1 total de

lumea inconjuritoare. Astfel boala incurabilei singurdt6lii a ap5rut in'lume, preschimbdndu-se intr-o epidemie globald a fricii; care acum,

datoritd acestui virus bionic abiotic, vrea sd pund stdpAnire pe

intreaga omenire.Dar nimeni nu pare a fi congtient de aceast5 sumbrd tealitate,

mai ales de faptul cd acest vdl iluzoriu nu existd. E fals! Nu inlelegde ce gloatele-l accept6! Se pare cd spaliul alocat fiecSrui individ,prin constrdngere, e destul de confortabil! Sau e posibil ca oamenii siindrdgeascd laful acestei grile matematice rigide unde fieciruia i se

alocd prescriptiv propria individualitate cu propriile atribulii,constdnd din drepturi minime compensate prin mii de obligaJiipuerile. Unde unii vin alene, tAr6ndu-se cu botul pe labe, 9i altiipleacS-n totald nepdsare cu coada-ntre picioare. Unde unii cred cd

sunt in control, dominind tutmele docile! Dar unde, de fapt qi-n

realitate, orice OM e controlat qi liber intemnilat. intreaga lume pare

si fi devenit o puqcdrie existenliald pe via!5!Astfel pdmAntul pare sd-qi fi abandonat frumuseJile;i bogdliile

naturale pentru a satisface hedonismul omenirii intruchipate-n

iconica figur6 a acestui monstru: ,,Omul Modern"! Uneori cuget laceea ce vor deveni acele ,,supra-, post- qi ultra-generalii ale viitoruluicibernetic total modificate genetic. Prevdd timpul unei omeniri astro-

bionice trdind in epoca conqtiinlei intergalactice, intr-un viitor nu

22 23

for anything and anyone. His sole selfish existence was nothing else

but a lifeless waste and wanton quarry of stinky greed! His post-

mortem and only wish was to subjugate and dominate the entire world

he had left behind. He was a real stinky and stingy madman! The

builder of the future...

He wanted to see the world changing through the eyes of acarcass, by spreading the "fresh" disgusting odor of his corpse into

the newly created miasmas and the sensations of modern life. Thus,

confined behind the invisible windows of his coffin, he seems to

survey the still life of "our dead nature's landscape pictures"

surrounding him. That's our world of today, as we have inherited from

him. An unfortunate world, I must say!

Images of future generations have been crushed on-to his

casket; and they have become hypnotizing decorations, shining with

the passive and submissive insecurities of younger generations. But,

who am I? How could I blame them? Especially the ones who do not

care to stop his post-moftem rapacious insanity, or those who have

been joining him in this seemingly irreversible self-destructive march

into the self-obliteration of our world. All seem to have something in

common: they suffer from an incurable acute iodine deficiency

syndrome. Not, they're not "iodin($€)ots," they're rather conspicuous

imbeciles. I'm talking about the massive crowds of people, as the virus

of our global self-annihilation.

Before his coming here, there was no separation in the world

amongst any living beings. However, since he has made his presence

manifest, a veil of separation -made up of thick walls and invisible

curtains-, has been cast reclusively between each individual and the

world around. There is now an opaque transparency which separates

everyone by confining everything to an artificially created ascetic

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foarte indepdrtat, cdnd omul va fi devenit un obiect cosmic rarisim,expus in muzee de paleo-bio-cyborg-ontologie intergalacticd. Va fitimpul c6nd fiinlele umane identice noud vor dispdrea!

Trebuie neapdrat sd credem cd noi suntem produsul uneisupra-dezvoltdri desdvdrgite, creatd de acest ,,om tehnologic", unde

fiecare ins este redus la stagiul insignificant de obiect morbid de

unicd folosinfi, de robot automatizar? Trebuie oare sd devenim qi noiacea entitate inertd nul[, total lipisiti de orice demnitate qi conqtiinldproprie? Trebuie deci sd urmdnt aceste cdi abiotice sacrificdnd fiin{avie a Omului? Eu sunt convins cd nu!

De aceea md intreh, intreb6ndu-vd: ,,Suntem noi oare destinatisd distrugem toate formele de viafd existente pe aceastd planet5,

pierind fErd urme, datoritd acestei nebunii incurabile qi oarbe?

Suntem noi capabli s5-ngropdm urmele trecutului Ei viitorului tuturorgeneraliilor, in cimitirul artificial s,i ruginit al <timpurilor noastre

moderne>? Suntem noi atdt de nememici inc6t sd-nvdluim planeta cu, giulgiul morfii tehno-monoteismului ;tiinfific? Suntem noi chiar atAt

de cretini ;i sinucigaqi,incdt sd ne autoanihildm tolal?"Neintenlionat, s-ar putea s-ating coarda sensibili a fiin1ei tale

amorlite de suflul ;i miasmele acestui curent subliminal al

modernismului morbid! $i poate crezi cd-mi lipsesc cu desdv6rqire

bunul sirn! gi tactul diplomatic; adicd acele atuuri indispensabile,care-mi permit sd fac astfel de afirmafii. Nu te enerua! Nu te agasal

Te rog fii calmld qi judecd cu inlelepciune! Citeqte printre r6nduri qi

desigur vei afla rdspunsul cuvenit. Satisfbcdtor sau nu? Nu ili spun.

GAndeqtel Nu md-ntreba! Totul depinde de tine.Dupd cum gtim prea bine, fiinlele umane au o menire aparte!

Oamenilor le place sd se hrdneascd cu nenumdrate iluzii de;arte.

Printre care cea mai tare e probabil goana freneticd dupd supremalieprin inavulire; validd in orice epocd qi loc in istoria tragi-comicd a

omenirii. Lumea iubeqte aceste droguri otrdvitoare care o ajutd sd-qi

sporeascd egocentrismul pizmag qi cruda ingAmfare, ridicAndu-qi inslSvi setea nestdvilitd de putere qi mdreJie trufaqd. Prin acest f,e1

nesdbuit de a fi, omenirea reuqeEte sd preschimbe frumuselile vie{ii gi

planeta intr-un cdmp de bdt6lii, prin care existenla noastrd terestrd

devine un rdzboi necruldtor care, direct sau indirect, afecteazd sau

distruge intreaga lume. Dar, cel mai curios e faptul cd fiecare se

crede eroul desdvdrqit, adicd acel general

cloister of Petri dishes; where viral microbial cultures develop

apoptotically devouring us. A terrible reality, indeed, isn't it?

Unfortunately, no one seems to be aware of the fact that the veil

ofseparation does not really exist. Indeed! It doesn't exist! I have no

inkling whatsoever about why this is so. lt miglrt be dr-re to the fact

that the innermost limits of our individLrally allotted space are

comfortable. Or, maybe, it is due to the lbct that people really enjoy

this spectrum of pattemed confirsion wlrere everyone has his own

prescribed individuality, witlr its rotten traditional roles and itsobsolete deadly chores. Some come! Others go! Nobody cares

anymore. Some think that they're in control to overpower "the others."

But, in reality everyone is overpowered and under strict sur"reillance.

The whole bloody world seems to have become a panopticum

penitentiary; a hellish earthly jail! We've become the prisoners and

slaves of our own illusions and fears. And there is no reason for that!

Thus the eafth seems to relinquish its fragile beauties and richness

to satisff the hedonistically rapacious tendencies of a humanity

embodied in the iconic-profile of what is commonly accepted as the

"Modem Man." At times, I wonder what the post- and ultra- or

"super-post" and "hyper-super-ultra" genetically modified future

cyborg-generations of humans will be like, and what will they do

with their lives in a very distant future. The times when hominids

like us would have become a rare -perhaps extinguished specie

etemitatis-, exhibited in intergalactic museums of astro-archeological

photo-radio-paleontology; a very unique and rather odd crypto-

gram of some cosmic phylogenetic anomaly. I wonder, still! Do you?

Are we to believe that we're the mere products of our industrial

super-development, imposed upon us and dictated by the

"technologicalman", where everyone is reduced to the state of a mere

automaton acting as a push-button-maclrine? Are we doomed to


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genial: ,,Sol invictus" cd;tigdtorul tuturor bdtdliilor! Etemul Creatoral munlilor de hoituri qi fluviilor de miasme. Zeul atatptttemic aldisperdrii gi suferinfelor absolute, unde dispar urldnd mormane de

cadawe incurabile, cdci orice rdzboi e otravaotrivilor!Aceqtia sunt,,oamenii civilizali ai lumii moderne"! Sub specie

etemitatis. Cei care se autoconsiderd ,,cei mai cinstili qi genero;icet6{eni ai planetei". O specie umand unicd ce-gi sacrific5, cea maibund parte a energiilor qi inteligenlei consacrdndu-le dezvoltiriiarsenalelor de arme inutile viefii. Cu alte cuvinte, vorbesc de aceqti

indivizi pretinqi atoatecunoscitori, ce-qi irosesc energia qi inteligenlapentru a crea sumedenii de juclrii mercantile sinucigage. De ce? Esimplu. Ei trebuie sd motiveze aceastd risipd criminalS inutild prinscuze imbecile. E scuza apdrfuii integritilii qi suveranit5lii nalionale!Veqnica minciun[ prin care omenirea-gi camufleazd neghiobiaqovinistd qi rasismul criminal. Adicb teribila imbecilitate inconqtientda gloatelor; e cea mai odioas[ crimd a tuturorcrirnelor speciei umane!

Dar, curios, toli pretind sd fie ,,cei mai rafinali, virtuoqi ;i'onorabili cet[!eni!" Tofi par perfect crescu{i qi instruili in perfida artda minciunii qi inqeldciunii desdvdrgite. Toli pretind cd n-au nici un felde duqmani cdrora vor s[ le crape festele. Aceste onorabile creaturiumane nu admit faptul cd ei comit crime oribile. Ei se omoarducig6ndu-se-n legitimd autoapirare anticipatL. Deci se-mpuqcb legalprin prisma eugenismului egoist anticipat. ,,Pre-emptive strikes", casd fiu mai exact! Acum aproape toate {drile gi statele lumiicontemporane se inarmeazd risipind sume colosale pentru apdrareaintegritdlii nafionale! Privind acest fenomen global total imbecil, miintreb: ,,dacd toate !6rile se-narmeazd doar pentru apdrate atunci cinele mai atac6?!"

Aceasti cursd nesdbuitd pentru inarmare este de fapt o glumdneghioabd! Tragi-comici. Ridicold! Md-ntreb:,,Cine-i inamicul?" $irdspunsul vine singur, este: ,,Iluzia puterii qi setea de a controla qi

stlp6ni gloatele neghioabe. Prostia qi Imbecilitateat.Iatd, adevdml indoud cuvinte sincere qi simple." Acestea sunt singurii ;i adeviraliiinamici ai omenirii pe acest glob pSmdntesc!

Orbi{i de propria lor ignoranfd, acepti oameni nu vdd cd aceste

umbre sunt propriile lor corpuri refuzate sau total abandonate. De


destroy all forms of life and perish by our own irresponsibility? Arewe going to erase the traces of earthly Life and bury them in thegloomy graveyards of "modem times"? Are we going to wrapourselves up in the asphyxiating holy shroud of techno-mono-theistic


I may be now touching, unwillingly of course, the sensitivestrings of your heart and being my dear reader, and you may think thatI lack the diplomatic tact required to make such affirmations.Whatever you may choose to say or do is none of my concem!However, if you're able to read mostly between the lines I write, thenyou'd find the proper answer. Whether that would be satisfactory ornot, it is only for you to decide!

It is true that the human beings have the tendency to nourishthemselves with all kinds of illusions, and the most peculiar one in itsactive manifestation is the pathetically nomothetic race for supremacy;

which is valid at any time and place in human history. For most people,

-especially the soulless brainless crowds- love to poison and

intoxicate their minds with all kinds of drugs and surrogate substitutes,

in order to build up the mighty fortresses of their egos. Thus they couldperpetuate their existence in a world dominated by lies, crimes,plundering, wars, and treachery. Thus they're transforming the

tranquil and beautiful fields of life into battle-grounds of gruesome

survival, by creating fake worlds out of their sheer madness and deadlyfears. It's our great world where everyone believes that s4re is the

mighty gener4l'of the winning side. What's more, those 'wonderfulpeople' take great pleasure in leaving behind huge piles ofcorpses; as

they step carelessly onto innocent beings whose precious lives have

been wasted for nothing. Bloody War's vainglory!Those are the "highly civilized" collective-individual beings:

the crowds! They're very proud and consider themselves as being

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acee4 cu mdinile lor mdnjite de sAnge nevinovat, incearcd cudisperare sd menfind la putere hoitul unei glorii deqarte gi iluzorii. Deaceea spiritele lor opace, contaminate de setea de inavulire, nu vdddincolo de spectrul limitat al intereselor meschine, pur materiale.Azi, se pare cd materia qi-a pierdut orice urmd de spirit, sufletelegloatelor amelite de miasmele prostiei tind spre punctul intangibil qi

iluzoriu al imbogdlirii nelimitate. Totul devine fad, miasmic, morbid!

Gloatele sunt incapabile sd se bucure de viala qi frumuselilelumii: ucigAnd din fage tdndra frumusefe a fiintelor qi energia purd a

viefii. Nici gloatele, nici turmele de conducitori nu v[d qi nu inlelegacest lucru fundamental! Universul ne oferd totul: Viafa, Lumina,Soarele, Aerul, Apa, stelele, munlii, pddurile, fauna qi flora terestrd qi

acvatic[ etc. Dar noi ce facem cu ele? Le risipim aiurea din cauza

imbecilit[tii qi prostiei noastre incurabile!Astfel totul devine un val-v6rtej care ne inghite. O scend

lugubrd de teatru unde totul este aranjat si regizat dinainte, ca noi sd

ne jucdm rolurile predestinate: de caractere pozitive sau negativeimpuse de propriul nostru potenlial karmic-genetic. De fapt, noisuntem adevdralii arhitecli ai propriului destin! Noi singuri ne

alegem rolurile. Noi suntem adevdrafii dumne-zei ai propriuluidestin. Nu putem invinui pe nimeni altul. Drept care acest adevdrconslitue dilema tuturor religiilor, mai ales a celor monoteiste. Dece? Pentru faptul cd aceste religii ale categoricului imperativ absolut(nu cel kantian) qi credinlei oarbe oferitd unei entitdfi abstracteartuleazd de facto qi a priori puterea de discemdmdnt a fiin{ei umane.Astfel, Omul ?qi pierde adevdrata identitate, infrqur6ndu-gi sinele qi

fiinla umand intr-o cdmaqd de forld abstractd, unidimensionalisterild. Devine victima iluziilor divine intruchipate-n Dumnezeu.Omul fuge-ngrozit neant! Se refugiazl incorytient in chilia nulitdfii,indepdrtdndu-se astfel de adevdrul pur, de fiinld, de cosmos ;i viald.

Cred cd vifia-i un proces de metamorfoze complementare,osmotice. Un sacru adevdr! $i sunt convins cd Omul, prin fiinla luiumand, este cel mai minunat paradox al acestui proces! Omul


quite honest and kind-hearted people. They're a special kind of, -closed-minded inbreeding-, human species that have invested the best

of their intelligence and energy into developing an incredible arsenal

of weaponry and a host of other lethal and suicidal devices, so that

they could defend and honor silly allegiances to suicidal nationalistic

and patriotic dogmas, or any other countless harmfulcreeds!

They seem to be the finest and the best behaved citizens, aren't

they not? They're so well-groomed and drilled, and act like real

masters excelling in the exquisite art of "pretending to have neither

enemy nor to have ever dreamt of committing the reprehensible act ofmurder." Which is, in and by itself areal nI and science of deceiving:

where all acts are being motivated by the natural laws of survival

materialized via pre-emptive strikes for self-defense. Isn't that

incredibly wonderful? Isn't this the main reason that the most civilized

and technologically developed nations, have always been competing

in the mad race of self-defense and weaponry development? Self-

defense race? Wow! But who attacks them, all those nations ofirresponsible crowds, if not the lonely, lifeless, shadows of their own

sheer stupidity and greed.

Hence, their existential.motto seems to reverberate as if a bel

canto's ritomello: "W'e're the true world! We're the only real people!

Our educationally conditioned greedy ignorance is the only holy

blessing for the whole mankind! Thus united in creed and greed, we

must endure forevermore! Because we're the ONLY honorable

citizens who love and respect everyone else in this world; with the sole

exception of the "OTHER" to which I may add everyone or all the

"individual-beings" who are the true victims of people's wars.

Blinded by ignorance they do not realize that those bodies are

the shadows of their own body; the body they refuse to accept, and

from which they try to escape at any price. Their hands stained with

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