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  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 1

    1 pour for 2 in 3 plus more

    4 with 5 more 6 made

    7 their 8 this 9 as

    10 premier first 11 are 12 at

    13 nous we 14 be 15 their  

    16 same 17 world 18 tout everything

    19 she 20 since 21 against

    22 sans without 23 victory 24 then25 two 26 too 27 by

    28 you 29 first 30 well

    31 faire do 32 was 33 households

    34 between 35 pendant during 36 coup blow

    37 thans 38 !rance 39 "op

    40 #ugust 41 $onsumer 42

    43 %nemployment 44 had 45 which

    46 rise 47 millions million 48 after  

    49 brae 50 fear 51 pays country

    52 very 53 encore yet 54 all

    55 sign 56 &%' 57 (aturday

    58 thus 59 shoc 60 less

    61 state 62 maillot )ersey 63 bac

    64 65 endorses 66 nothing

    67 prologue *rologue 68 investigation 69 year  

    70 +inister 71 this 72 temps weather  

    73 three 74 ,ther 75 pair  

    76 only 77 rouge red 78 months

    79 -one area 80 .avaria 81

    82 when 83 may 84 !rench

    85 %niversity 86 occasion %sed 87 (eason

    88 must 89 close 90 responsible

    91 open 92 would 93 times

    94 )ournalist 95 /reen 96 travel

    97 out 98 99 confirm

    100 some 101 ,'& 102 decrypts

    103 nouvelle new 104 much 105 powers

    106 sub)ect 107 other 108 +ayor  

    109 offer 110 policeman 111 #ttorneys

    112 have 113 remain 114 will

    115 boos 116 researcher 117 hierarchically

    118 entrusted 119 associative 120 avant before

    121 day 122 home 123 too

    124 remains 125 nternet 126 so

    127 play 128 announced 129 son

    130 sous under 131 success 132 years

    133 *resident 134 hours 135 seem

    136 our 137 side 138 history

    139 always 140 each 141 any

    142 wants 143 calls 144 travail )ob

    145 rapport report 146 for 147 tour tower  

    148 people 149 pro)ect 150 they

    151 shares 152 already 153 because

    154 programme program 155 must 156 those

    157 never 158 policy 159 /overnment


    avec mais fait

    leur cette comme

    sont lors

    tre leurs

    mme monde

    elle depuis contre

    victoire alorsdeu aussi selon

    vous premire bien

    tait mnages


    grce france dbut

    aot consommation vendredi friday

    ch:mage avait dont

    monte aprs

    frein redouter  

    trs tous

    signe euros samedi

    donc choc moins

    etat vuelta

    dlocalis delocali-ed endosse rien

    en;ute anne

    ministre cela

    trois autres paire

    seuls mois

    bayern fran

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    Page 2

    160 was 161 including 162 either  

    163 maret 164 can 165 part

    166 region 167 many 168 charges

    169 nouveau new 170 toward 171 concerned

    172 site (ite 173 days 174 loin far  

    175 tapayers 176 nfluen-a 177 placing

    178 were 179 young 180 row

    181 see 182 also 183 %>(>184 milliards billion 185 *roduct 186 group

    187 search 188 that 189 access

    190 could 191 grand big 192 now

    193 some 194 *rice 195 launch

    196 197 dire say 198 boo

    199 film 200 before 201 shadow

    202 right 203 as 204 *assword

    205 would 206 effect 207 election

    208 that 209 then 210 four  

    211 &mployment 212 moment time 213 health

    214 ?une 215 216 wor

    217 business 218 last 219 .usiness

    220 eample 221 @ovember 222 especially

    223 ased 224 *residential 225 better  

    226 often 227 should 228 lune moon

    229 ?uly 230 name 231 meaning

    232 chef $hief 233 !uture 234 &conomy

    235 account 236 elsewhere 237 premiers first

    238 additional 239 alone 240 head

    241 assure provides 242 criti;ue critical 243 rather  

    244 would 245 given 246 (eptember  

    247 term 248 put 249 why

    250 feeds 251 ibrary 252 $ompany

    253 big 254 time 255 good

    256 found 257 (eptember 258 evening

    259 forces 260 way 261

    262 font are 263 yet 264 war  

    265 $arbon 266 ris 267 petite small

    268 found 269 person 270 young

    271 ased 272 probe 273 have

    274 new 275 man 276 femmes omen

    277 green 278 pushed 279 if  

    280 all 281 comment how 282 am

    283 troupes troops 284 seems 285 clan $lan

    286 tet 287 some 288 price

    289 stuff 290 %>(> 291 crisis

    292 course 293 sometimes 294 mode fashion

    295 funds 296 papa *ope 297 responsible

    298 ground 299 system 300 bear  

    301 accord #greement 302 finally 303 only

    304 sad 305 scanning 306 environ about

    307 enophobic 308 doubt 309 reality

    310 $inema 311 raison reason 312 full

    313 nouveau new 314 can 315 choice

    316 level 317 redistribute 318 +ember  

    devait notamment soit

    march pouvoir partie

    rgion plusieurs tae

    vers concerns


    contribuables grippe mise

    taient )eune ligne

    voir galement amricaineproduit groupe

    recherche celle accs

    pourrait dsormais

    certains pri lancement

    rgulariser regulari-e livre

    movies devant ombre

    droit autant passe

    aurait effet lection

    celui puis ;uatre

    emploi sant

     )uin dimanche sunday travau

    entreprise dernier entreprises

    eemple novembre surtout

    demand prsidentielle mieu

    souvent devrait

     )uillet nombre sens

    avenir conomie

    compte ailleurs

    supplmentaires seul tte


    serait donn septembre

    terme mettre pour;uoi

    nourrit biblioth;ue socit

    grande heure bonne

     )ug sept soir 

    sil manire audel= audela

    pourtant guerre

    carbone ris;ue

    trouv personne )eunes

    pose sonde avons

    nouvelles homme

    vert pouss indien

    aller suis


    tete ;uel;ue pris

    affaires amricains crise

    cours parfois

    fonds chargs

    terre systme supporteront

    enfin seulement

    triste numrisation

    nophobe doute ralit

    cinma intgralement

    peuvent choi

    niveau redistribuer membres

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    Page 3

    319 rights 320 now 321 perhaps

    322 chestnut 323 offer 324 go

    325 "'%& 326 to 327 ;uality

    328 device 329 focused 330 sending

    331 combats fighting 332 *ress 333 direction +anagement

    334 called 335 will 336 dramas

    337 all 338 Aouth 339 figure

    340 men 341 will 342 habitants inhabitants343 what 344 orld 345 with

    346 top 347 networ 348 )ust

    349 proposed 350 351 ensemble together  

    352 /abon 353 period 354 almost

    355 eperience 356 @ational 357 only

    358 as 359 among 360 none

    361 lieu place 362 when 363 bac

    364 $onsumer 365 &uropean 366 bac

    367 &conomic 368 wanted 369 from

    370 your 371 disease 372 some

    373 grands large 374 literature 375 "ourism

    376 ibraries 377 epartment 378 %>(>

    379 .ut 380 then 381 tae

    382 taes 383 ?ac;ues 384 way

    385 participate 386 passer pass 387 small

    388 #bout 389 monitoring 390 lac

    391 give 392 second 393 deliver  

    394 published 395 effects 396 (ecurity

    397 five 398 or 399 day

    400 negotiations 401 Bere 402 'omania

    403 dynamic 404 acts 405 generation

    406 capital 407 around 408 'epublic

    409 information 410 titre "itle 411 large

    412 issue 413 concurrence $ompetition 414 propositions proposals

    415 as 416 auteur author 417 death

    418 (huttle 419 *ublic 420 domain

    421 ondon 422 operators 423 find

    424 people 425 role 426 benefit

    427 idea 428 full 429 identity

    430 derrire behind 431 speas 432 former  

    433 434 #dvertising 435 decreased

    436 reopens 437 chose thing 438 #nimated

    439 culture $ulture 440 441 nternal

    442 responsible 443 444 family

    445 activity 446 deal 447 girl

    448 sub)ect 449 #stronauts 450 surge

    451 creation 452 cost 453 commence begins

    454 gauche left 455 communication $ommunication 456 most

    457 'eference 458 must 459 north

    460 win 461 old 462 though

    463 fond bacground 464 mean 465 no

    466 lire read 467 corresponding 468 last

    469 instant moment 470 la 471 sent

    472 petits small 473 debate 474 recent

    475 night 476 formed 477 )ust

    droits savoir peuttre

    marronnier offre vont

    vrai afin ;ualit

    dispositif port envoi


    appelait suivra drames

    toutes )eunesse chiffre

    hommes seront;uoi mondiale ayant

    haut rseau vient

    propos saro-y (aro-y

    gabon priode pres;ue

    eprience nationale seule

    tant parmi aucun

    lors;ue retour  

    consommateurs europenne rentre

    conomi;ue ville partir  

    votre maladie certaines

    littrature tourisme

    biblioth;ues ministre amricain

    revanche ensuite prendre

    prend )ac;ues fa

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 4

    478 combat $ombat 479 @icolas 480 engine

    481 house 482 novels 483

    484 prison 485 virtuoso 486 divided

    487 which 488 measure 489 reform

    490 had 491 *roducts 492 'esources

    493 need 494 #bout 495 father  

    496 497 estimated 498 %(('

    499 affect 500 create 501 address502 study 503 oeuvres wors 504 rigorous

    505 lucid 506 however 507 stone

    508 lien lin 509 eyes 510 means

    511 arrived 512 *ublic 513 so

    514 amended 515 outcome 516 miture

    517 terrain field 518 (pecial 519 mots words

    520 out 521 ast 522 deep

    523 certainly 524 centre 525 scheme

    526 many 527 *hotographer 528 femme woman

    529 noticed 530 seems 531 (ales

    532 *ublishers 533 including 534 vineyards

    535 .elgian 536 things 537 'esults

    538 nternational 539 parliament 540 !irst

    541 phone 542 Caccines 543 best

    544 irector 545 appli;u applied 546 claimed

    547 /eneral 548 stroe 549 reveals

    550 places 551 later 552 change

    553 (wit-erland 554 plant 555 igital

    556 dic 557 decided 558 made

    559 freedom 560 decisive 561 those

    562 #ustralia 563 ancestors 564 ,pens

    565 mared 566 votes 567 ,ctober  

    568 sector 569 however 570 payer pay

    571 #pril 572 +inisters 573 re;uired

    574 voyage trip 575 wees 576 &nergy

    577 summoned 578 left 579 ?ournalists

    580 "his 581 that 582 campaign

    583 data 584 publics public 585 contet

    586 .elgium 587 milieu middle 588 anish

    589 provided 590 +ining 591 "C

    592 &uropean 593 houses 594 chosen

    595 staff 596 mae 597 vergers orchards

    598 599 600 #ssistant

    601 602 survived 603 written

    604 children 605 cultural 606 authorities

    607 revolution 608 space 609 order  

    610 increase 611 figures 612 principle

    613 responsible 614 /eneral 615 etremely

    616 mains hands 617 oeuvre wor 618 difficult

    619 launched 620 with 621 m

    622 average 623 corps body 624 right

    625 those 626 aura will 627 organisation

    628 new 629 come 630 now

    631 pattern 632 ;uite 633 fort strong

    634 such 635 tets 636

    nicolas moteur  

    maison romans audiard #udiard

    carcrale virtuose divise

    la;uelle mesure rforme

    avaient produits ressources

    besoin sommes pre

     )eudi thursday estim urss

    atteinte crer adressetude rigoureuse

    lucide cependant pierre

    yeu moyens

    arriv publi;ue sorte

    amend aboutissement mlange


    hors dernire profonde

    certes center rgime

    nombreu photographe

    remar;u paraDt ventes

    diteurs compris vignobles

    belges choses rsultats

    internationale parlement abord

    tlphone vaccins meilleur  

    directeur revendi;us

    gnral mouvement rvle

    lieu tard changement

    suisse usine numri;ue

    gros dcid ralis

    libert dcisive ;uelle

    australie anctres ouvre

    mar;u voi octobre

    secteur toutefois

    avril ministres ncessaire

    semaines nergie

    somm laiss )ournalistes

    prsent ;uel campagne

    donnes contete

    belgi;ue danois

    prvoyait minire tlvisions

    europen maisons choisi

    ;uipe rendre

    cagliari $agliari iglesiente glesias ad)ointe

    raphaElle 'aphaElle survcu rdig

    enfants culturelle autorits

    rvolution espace ordre

    hausse chiffres principe

    responsables gnrale etrmement


    lanc auprs ilomtres

    moyenne droite

    celles organi-ation

    nouvel venir maintenant

    modle asse-

    telle tetes mondadori +ondadori

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 5

    637 values 638 diffusion dissemination 639 fight

    640 thin 641 long 642 tiers third

    643 (ecretary 644 ris 645 nvestment

    646 assurer ensure 647 death 648 limited

    649 purchase 650 through 651 worse

    652 remain 653 menace threat 654

    655 taste 656 province *rovince 657 aide Belp

    658 time 659 ecember 660 feature661 field 662 rate 663 each

    664 wait 665 restructuring 666 reduction

    667 advice 668 mother 669 esprit mind

    670 techni;ue "echnical 671 petites small 672 path

    673 thousands 674 readers 675 nows

    676 through 677 bout butt 678 free

    679 $limate 680 scan 681 get

    682 +arch 683 $redit 684 send

    685 operation 686 'ecalls 687 stated

    688 $auses 689 is 690 #verage

    691 citi-ens 692 studies 693 perform

    694 ob)ect 695 apple 696 policies

    697 clean 698 writing 699 child

    700 eague 701 $ities 702 ?apan

    703 tal 704 presence 705 first

    706 twenty 707 believe 708 being

    709 scene 710 interest 711 suppressions deletions

    712 713 employees 714 wees

    715 'etirement 716 soon 717 use

    718 mobiles +obile 719 authors 720 really

    721 obviously 722 sport (ports 723 films

    724 sun 725 room 726 emissions

    727 taly 728 found 729 says

    730 will 731 totally 732 wor

    733 should 734 (evere 735 *andemic

    736 stage 737 agency 738 addition

    739 heart 740 come 741 ma)ority

    742 especially 743 activities 744 third

    745 practice 746 groups 747 could

    748 everywhere 749 review 750 become

    751 tires 752 753 growth

    754 route road 755 sort blac 756 accords agreements

    757 $hannels 758 cadre frame 759 have

    760 ta 761 increased 762 since

    763 Beritage 764 thin 765 disposition available

    766 767 oil 768 edition

    769 edge 770 pose raises 771 boos

    772 present 773 overcome 774 (eniors

    775 aily 776 Burricane 777

    778 ?anuary 779 indicated 780 dead

    781 peace 782 ?apanese 783 amount

    784 cap 785 %F 786 professional

    787 answer 788 finances !inance 789 actors

    790 will 791 forte strong 792 lose

    793 hundreds 794 social 795 vague wave

    valeurs lutte

    pense longtemps

    secrtaire ris;ues investissement

    dcs limit

    achat biais pire

    rester mardi tuesday


    po;ue dcembre fonctionmatire tau chacun

    attendre restructuration rduction

    conseil mre


    milliers lecteurs sait

    travers libre

    climati;ue numriser obtenir  

    mars crdit envoyer  

    opration rappelle prcis

    provo;ue relve moyen

    citoyens tudes raliser  

    ob)et pomme politi;ues

    propre crit enfant

    ligue villes )apon

    parler prsence premires

    vingt croire tant

    scne intrt

    mtres m salaris semaine

    retraite bient:t utiliser  

    auteurs vraiment

    videmment movies

    soleil salle missions

    italie retrouv affirme

    faudra totalement travailler  

    faudrait svre pandmie

    stade agence outre

    coeur viennent ma)orit

    particulier activits troisime

    prati;ue groupes pourraient

    partout vrifier devenu

    pneumati;ues lepress epress croissance

    chaDnes tenir  

    fiscales augment puis;ue

    patrimoine penser  

    lundi monday ptrole dition

    bord ouvrages

    prsentent vaincre aDns

    ;uotidien ouragan organis organi-ed

     )anvier indi;u morts

    pai )aponais montant

    plafonnement britanni;ue professionnelle

    rponse acteurs

    auront perdre

    centaines sociales

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 6

    796 visited 797 augmenter increase 798 advantage

    799 fourth 800 environment 801 sale

    802 epidemic 803 sees 804 #frica

    805 enabled 806 #rrival 807 will

    808 avoid 809 need 810 plays

    811 duration 812 simply 813 penalty

    814 nown 815 long 816 formed

    817 !inancial 818 today 819 different820 eparture 821 .russels 822 #ppeal

    823 demander as 824 vent wind 825 here

    826 half 827 contracts 828 are

    829 understand 830 carte map 831 you

    832 economists 833 buy 834 different

    835 &uropean 836 orld 837 belle beautiful

    838 won 839 computers 840 eposition eposure

    841 fied 842 can 843 let

    844 nowledge 845 go 846

    847 +useum 848 committed 849 popular  

    850 result 851 foreign 852 thin

    853 *refects 854 samples 855 light

    856 wrong 857 related 858 secondary

    859 clear 860 preparation 861 button

    862 +edia 863 development 864 future

    865 met 866 shows 867 pied foot

    868 criti;ues reviews 869 democracy 870 (ocialist

    871 reply 872 screen 873 ten

    874 et 875 pro)ects 876 .ans

    877 open 878 suppression deletion 879 should

    880 ill 881 companies 882 can

    883 operation 884 changed 885 now

    886 argent money 887 utilisation use 888 computer  

    889 paper 890 (outhern 891 giant

    892 games 893 physi;ue physical 894 fast

    895 sweet 896 emocratic 897 liens lins

    898 reader 899 monopole monopoly 900 heard

    901 +ilitary 902 current 903 ouisiana

    904 old 905 voters 906 'ecently

    907 +ilitary 908 present 909 turned

    910 (ervers 911 now 912 power  

    913 beau nice 914 process 915 will

    916 (upport 917 &conomic 918 elements

    919 /overnments 920 capacity 921 rare

    922 difference 923 champions $hampions 924 sortie 'elease

    925 acts 926 denounced 927 control

    928 which 929 presented 930 community

    931 #ppeal 932 sent 933 (pecial

    934 -ones areas 935 /uard 936 ecision

    937 decline 938 doing 939 series

    940 considered 941 car 942 mises put

    943 lost 944 bras arm 945 finally

    946 opening 947 less 948 ban

    949 rise 950 regarding 951 ndustry

    952 recession 953 elections 954 defend

    visit avantage

    ;uatrime environnement vente

    pidmie cherche afri;ue

    permis arrive volont

    viter ncessit )oue

    dure simplement peine

    connu longue constitu

    financire au)ourdhui diffrentsdpart bruelles appel


    moiti contrats tes

    comprendre voit

    conomistes acheter diffrentes

    europennes mondial

    gagn ordinateurs

    vaste peu laisser  

    connaissance alle- numris digiti-ed

    muse engag pris

    rsultat trangers crois

    prfets prlvements lumire

    fau lis secondaires

    clair prparation touche

    mdias dveloppement futur  

    rencontr montre

    dmocratie socialiste

    rpondre cran di-aine

    poste pro)ets ban;ues

    ouvert devraient

    tuer socits pouve-

    fonctionnement chang vite


    papier mridionale gant

     )eu rapidement

    sucr dmocrati;ue

    lecteur entendu

    militaires actuelle louisiane

    ancienne lecteurs rcemment

    militaire prsenter tourn

    serveurs savent puissance

    processus devront

    soutien conomi;ues lments

    gouvernements capacit rares


    acte dnonc contr:le

    au;uel prsent communaut

    recours envoye spciale

    garde dcision

    recul faisant srie

    considr voiture

    perdu finalement

    ouverture moindre ban;ue

    suscit concernant industrie

    rcession lections dfendre

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 7

    955 blanc white 956 continue 957 centres

    958 while 959 private 960 pressure

    961 billet ticet 962 content 963 rates

    964 student 965 say 966 beauty

    967 genre /ender 968 principal main 969 character  

    970 search 971 *layers 972 there is

    973 Bistory 974 intercom 975 failure

    976 slightly 977 atest 978 emocrat979 advance 980 land 981 described

    982 enter 983 reduce 984 regulation

    985 formation training 986 relations relationships 987 marets

    988 &mergency 989 vaccine 990 may

    991 are 992 good 993 speed

    994 maladies diseases 995 incredible 996 !all

    997 porter carry 998 essentially 999 problems

    1000 beat 1001 $hampionship 1002 companies

    1003 installed 1004 want 1005 independence

    1006 &ducation 1007 old 1008 $ivil

    1009 epartment 1010 difficulties 1011 ceased

    1012 be 1013 progress 1014

    1015 comple 1016 planet 1017 many

    1018 created 1019 reach 1020 more

    1021 published 1022 victims 1023 land

    1024 1025 shared 1026 defeat

    1027 ear 1028 precisely 1029 $onference

    1030 recover 1031 download 1032 etters

    1033 haced 1034 measures 1035 free

    1036 professionals 1037 $ircular 1038 published

    1039 /reece 1040 reached 1041 remain

    1042 !inancial 1043 %nions 1044 wishes

    1045 oppose between 1046 management 1047 en)oy

    1048 made 1049 special 1050 suite !ollowing

    1051 becomes 1052 seconds 1053 (ocial

    1054 'andom 1055 operator 1056 %F

    1057 commencer begin 1058 ecept 1059 morning

    1060 $ontest 1061 discover 1062 is

    1063 is 1064 $omments 1065 made

    1066 monopoles monopolies 1067 lecture reading 1068 alerter alert

    1069 characters 1070 (oftware 1071 integer  

    1072 have 1073 files 1074 voile (ailing

    1075 Calley 1076 enough 1077 humanity

    1078 conflict 1079 envisage considering 1080 to

    1081 removed 1082 army 1083 measure

    1084 aim 1085 balance 1086 will

    1087 computer 1088 regard loo 1089 affected

    1090 challenge 1091 meeting 1092 fiscal ta

    1093 received 1094 different 1095 procedures

    1096 "oulouse 1097 eplain 1098 called

    1099 adds 1100 limits 1101 eplains

    1102 correspondence 1103 #rchipelago 1104 aider help

    1105 brought 1106 essential 1107 utilise uses

    1108 'ussia 1109 techni;ues "echnical 1110 nternational

    1111 appears 1112 conducted 1113 ;uitter leave

    continuent centers

    tandis priv pression

    contenu tarifs

    lve disent beaut


    chercher )oueurs eiste

    histori;ue interphone chec

    lgrement ultime dmocrateavance territoire dcrit

    entrer rduire rgulation


    urgence vaccin ris;uent

    trouvent bons vitesse

    incroyable automne

    essentiellement problmes

    battu championnat firme

    install veulent indpendance

    ducation anciens civile

    dpartement difficults cess

    sein progrs celleci

    complee plante nombreuses

    cr atteindre davantage

    publies victimes terres

    ramadan 'amadan partag dfaite

    oreille )ustement confrence

    rcuprer tlchargement lettres

    pirat mesures gratuit

    professionnels circulaire publie

    grce atteint restent

    financires syndicats souhaite

    gestion profiter  

    faite particulire

    devient seconde sociale

    hasard oprateur britanni;ues

    sauf matin

    concours dcouvrir tient

    vaut commentaires faites

    personnages logiciels entier  

    ave- fichiers

    valle suffisamment humanit

    conflit visant

    enlev arme mesurer  

    ob)ectif bilan fera

    ordinateur touchs

    dfi runion


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    Page 8

    1114 serious 1115 close 1116 holiday

    1117 become 1118 appointed 1119 election

    1120 soldiers 1121 police 1122 than you

    1123 may 1124 seat 1125 perfectly

    1126 returns 1127 leaves 1128 visibly

    1129 $limate 1130 speech 1131 formula

    1132 investment 1133 will 1134 bring

    1135 draw 1136 literary 1137 show1138 ?udicial 1139 !ire 1140 !rench

    1141 interested 1142 accepter accept 1143 hauteur height

    1144 )obs 1145 spring 1146 fee

    1147 fear 1148 become 1149 +ar;uis

    1150 better 1151 (tores 1152 envy

    1153 +erit 1154 'ules 1155 enormous

    1156 contrary 1157 successful 1158 how much

    1159 glasses 1160 bad 1161 attac

    1162 *arents 1163 (tudents 1164 worth

    1165 visage face 1166 is 1167 happiness

    1168 so 1169 'esearchers 1170 "C

    1171 candidate 1172 chain 1173 court

    1174 reversed 1175 currently 1176 launched

    1177 $hinese 1178 come 1179 hope

    1180 assembly 1181 *artners 1182 income

    1183 $ontract 1184 intention ntent 1185 concern

    1186 must 1187 hopes 1188 "opic

    1189 *lanned 1190 meet 1191 *arliamentarians

    1192 *andemic 1193 discuss 1194 easily

    1195 health 1196 translated 1197 diffuser stream

    1198 concerns 1199 close 1200 #nnual

    1201 up to 1202 individuals 1203 prepare

    1204 negotiate 1205 coordination $oordination 1206 only

    1207 engagements commitments 1208 previous 1209 #vian

    1210 &uropean 1211 eploiter eploit 1212 *ar

    1213 open 1214 count 1215 +*

    1216 nvestigations 1217 evolution 1218 birth

    1219 some 1220 communi;u release 1221 evoed

    1222 laws 1223 parties 1224 ideas

    1225 emocrats 1226 possibility 1227 dossier !ile

    1228 visit 1229 grave serious 1230 number  

    1231 follow 1232 which 1233 costs

    1234 bridge 1235 detour 1236 bad

    1237 !oreign 1238 (trategy 1239 officials

    1240 tribunal court 1241 from 1242 friends

    1243 pay 1244 dents teeth 1245 audiovisual

    1246 associations #ssociations 1247 fired 1248 income

    1249 (igns 1250 *roperty 1251 #thens

    1252 set 1253 networs 1254 responsibility

    1255 milliard one billion 1256 leave 1257 eight

    1258 facile easy 1259 .usiness 1260 tools

    1261 ;uarters 1262 nine 1263 relatively

    1264 which 1265 sentiment feeling 1266 helped

    1267 little 1268 actually 1269 ocal

    1270 discovered 1271 return 1272 free

    srieu proche vacances

    devenir nomm scrutin

    soldats policiers merci

    pourra sige parfaitement

    revient ;uitte visiblement

    climat discours formule

    investissements devra mettent

    tirer littraire montrer   )udiciaire incendies fran

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    Page 9

    1273 content 1274 ;uasi almost 1275 capacity

    1276 licence icense 1277 e;uipped 1278 $ontemporary

    1279 same 1280 *ainting 1281 actor  

    1282 director 1283 (chool 1284 sy

    1285 worthy 1286 ood 1287 Huic

    1288 term 1289 enough 1290 tourists

    1291 stop 1292 est 1293 'esearch

    1294 see 1295 now 1296 worn1297 to 1298 *ending 1299 ob)ectives

    1300 mortality 1301 (easonal 1302 are

    1303 entre entry 1304 music 1305 speedwell

    1306 otherwise 1307 poser as 1308

    1309 lie 1310 rues (treet 1311 !orms

    1312 cabinet $abinet 1313 will 1314 best

    1315 free 1316 reconnaissance recognition 1317 ogin

    1318 1319 1320 $ommon

    1321 mountain 1322 severe 1323 in)ured

    1324 disappeared 1325 Baitian 1326 (ane

    1327 final end 1328 wrong 1329 accused

    1330 armed 1331 step 1332 Cenus

    1333 sets 1334 agencies 1335

    1336 want to 1337 dun thin 1338 pollution *ollution

    1339 served 1340 strongly 1341 shift

    1342 vehicle 1343 &cological 1344 mount

    1345 heavy 1346 pandemics 1347 mechanisms

    1348 epense 1349 legitimate 1350 important

    1351 efficiency 1352 reflect 1353 face

    1354 concern 1355 prepared 1356 +eico

    1357 r> 1358 remain 1359 possible

    1360 tests 1361 talian 1362 collaboration $ollaboration

    1363 states 1364 ma)or 1365 *eople

    1366 rich 1367 dream 1368 challenge

    1369 attacs 1370 copies 1371 eputy

    1372 previously 1373 conscience consciousness 1374 such

    1375 respect 1376 tenter attempt 1377 say

    1378 'elief 1379 rule 1380 %niversal

    1381 beat 1382 /ermany 1383 inciter encourage

    1384 pace 1385 !ebruary 1386

    1387 establish 1388 # 1389 falls

    1390 weight 1391 turning 1392 abroad

    1393 &;uality 1394 analyse analysis 1395 patron boss

    1396 usage use 1397 facts 1398 intervenes

    1399 'ussian 1400 out 1401 benefits

    1402 modern 1403 wage 1404 guise #s

    1405 etreme 1406 investors 1407 $entral

    1408 commerce trade 1409 represented 1410 apparently

    1411 largely 1412 buildings 1413 give

    1414 prime first 1415 epected 1416 attendant *ending

    1417 massif (olid 1418 visitors 1419 #dvertising

    1420 reprise recovery 1421 abor 1422 #rtistic

    1423 foyer home 1424 fires 1425 phenomenon

    1426 signed 1427 (election 1428 witnesses

    1429 "estimonials 1430 photos *hotos 1431 suburbs

    contenus capacits

    ;uips contemporain

    mmes toile acteur  

    ralisateur ecole ciel

    digne bois rapide

    parcours suffit touristes

    arrter ouest recherches

    vois sais portspermettant attente ob)ectifs

    mortalit saisonnire soient

    musi;ue vroni;ue

    autrement assouline #ssouline

    tiens formes

    vais meilleurs

    libres connecter  

    ;uartier neighborhood numriss digiti-ed commun

    montagne svres bless

    disparu haItienne san

    tromp accus

    arms tape vnus

    inde organismes dabord abord


    servi fortement dplacement

    vhicule cologi;ue monter  

    lourd pandmies mcanismes

    dtriment lgitime importantes

    efficacit rflchir affronter  

    concernent prpars mei;ue

    docteur restera possibles

    essais italienne

    etats ma)eur peuple

    riche rve en)eu

    atta;ues eemplaires ad)oint

    auparavant tels

    gard affirmer  

    secours rgle universelle

    battre allemagne

    rythme fvrier autorise authori-es

    tablir aiea tombe

    poids tournant tranger  


    faits intervient

    russe sorti bnficie

    moderne salaire

    etrme investisseurs centrale

    reprsent apparemment

    largement btiments donnent


    visiteurs publicitaires

    travailliste artisti;ue

    feu phnomne

    signs slection tmoins

    tmoignages banlieue

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    Page 10

    1432 stresses 1433 )udges 1434 (hop

    1435 (tatistics 1436 +arseilles 1437 *ersonal

    1438 bac 1439 allow 1440 provides

    1441 employee 1442 universe 1443 character  

    1444 logic 1445 individuals 1446 !inancing

    1447 mothers 1448 seconds 1449 passengers

    1450 bought 1451 list 1452 one thousand

    1453 talian 1454 own 1455 si-e1456 may 1457 epensive 1458 forget

    1459 "raffic 1460 mean 1461 drin

    1462 spaces 1463 had 1464 battle

    1465 purposes 1466 free 1467 eercise

    1468 lights 1469 impose imposes 1470 understand

    1471 phones 1472 live 1473 testimony

    1474 offer 1475 reasons 1476 defender  

    1477 tae 1478 physically 1479 regularly

    1480 lue uury 1481 families 1482 farm

    1483 default 1484 accessible 1485 anger  

    1486 eve 1487 &ducation 1488 say

    1489 finale !inal 1490 century 1491 way

    1492 palace 1493 eputy 1494 .aghdad

    1495 important 1496 available 1497 $riminal

    1498 $ase 1499 ssue 1500 fragile

    1501 good 1502 mobilisation 1503 additional

    1504 modifier edit 1505 means 1506 definition

    1507 clinical 1508 ama-ing 1509 appear  

    1510 volunteers 1511 1512 fortes strong

    1513 surveillance monitoring 1514 'ecommendations 1515

    1516 formerly 1517 almost 1518 density

    1519 emergence 1520 incapables unable 1521 produce

    1522 "echnology 1523 denounce 1524 'ecovery

    1525 started 1526 rupture brea 1527 (ummit

    1528 $opy 1529 "hesis 1530 solid

    1531 commune $ommon 1532 militants activists 1533 terrace

    1534 benefit 1535 trust 1536 twelve

    1537 'egional 1538 provided 1539 during

    1540 !ull 1541 repeated 1542 necessary

    1543 wored 1544 installations facilities 1545 chine china

    1546 responds 1547 withdrawal 1548 show

    1549 intensity 1550 scenario 1551 allow

    1552 draw 1553 negotiation 1554 scale

    1555 cent one hundred 1556 twenty 1557 seats

    1558 particularly 1559 ight 1560 attempt

    1561 reported 1562 eye 1563 based

    1564 !inancial 1565 +oscow 1566 completes

    1567 *oland 1568 prohibits 1569 for  

    1570 attribute 1571 hill 1572 "own Ball

    1573 nows 1574 prudence caution 1575 paid

    1576 clearly 1577 /uardianship 1578 has

    1579 register 1580 $losed 1581 $ity

    1582 personnel (taff 1583 were 1584 was

    1585 1586 1587 common

    1588 $ars 1589 transformation processing 1590 private

    souligne magistrats achats

    statisti;ues marseille personnels

    remettre permettre prvoit

    salari univers personnage

    logi;ue individus financement

    mres secondes passagers

    achet liste mille

    italiens propres taillepourront cher oublier  

    trafic mener boire

    espaces fallu bataille

    fini gratuite eercice

    lumires entendre

    tlphones vivre tmoignage

    offrent raisons dfenseur  

    prennent physi;uement rgulirement

    familles ferme

    dfaut accessibles colre

    veille enseignement dites

    sicle voie

    palais viceministre bagdad

    importante disponible pnale

    arrt mission fragiles

    bonnes mobili-ation supplmentaire

    signifie dfinition

    clini;ues tonnant apparaissent

    volontaires autorisation authori-ation

    recommandations organise organi-ed

    autrefois ;uasiment densit

    mergence produire

    technologie dnoncer relance

    entam sommet

    copie thse solide


    bnficient confiance dou-e

    rgionale prvue durant

    pleine rpt ncessaires


    rpond retrait vise

    intensit scnario permettent

    attirer ngociation chelle

    vingtaine siges

    particulirement lger tentent

    rapporte oeil fond

    financer moscou achve

    pologne interdit destine

    attribuer colle mairie

    connaDt pay

    nettement tutelle possde

    inscrire prive cit

    furent allait

    tchtchnie $hechnya organisateurs ,rgani-ers courant

    voitures prives

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    Page 11

    1591 .roadband 1592 comfortable 1593 force

    1594 artistes artists 1595 suppliers 1596 discovers

    1597 1598 murder 1599 hundred

    1600 placed 1601 cover 1602 Bardware

    1603 (pain 1604 suggests 1605 classified

    1606 professions *rofessions 1607 adapted 1608 eceed

    1609 cash 1610 'etired 1611 permanent

    1612 beaches 1613 souvenir 'emember 1614 victim1615 continue 1616 only 1617 e

    1618 (upplies 1619 fraud 1620 sell

    1621 financier !inancial 1622 videos 1623 choose

    1624 recommends 1625 anger 1626 reasonable

    1627 created 1628 reputation 1629 (wedish

    1630 rose 1631 presented 1632 divers +iscellaneous

    1633 /reenland 1634 "'%& 1635 accurate

    1636 &ditorial 1637 now 1638 smile

    1639 trees 1640 *eople 1641 ,rder  

    1642 private 1643 $omment 1644 located

    1645 cuisine itchen 1646 high 1647 portables +obile

    1648 targeted 1649 access 1650 #irport

    1651 fight 1652 long 1653 refuse refuses

    1654 resume 1655 mistae 1656 worse

    1657 includes 1658 collective 1659 real

    1660 termes terms 1661 want 1662 Botel

    1663 directly 1664 lancer launch 1665 *artnership

    1666 document 1667 systems 1668 slands

    1669 seriously 1670 "'%& 1671 necessarily

    1672 practices 1673 language 1674 serve

    1675 "ourism 1676 teacher 1677 *rotocol

    1678 promoters 1679 1680 statement

    1681 rooms 1682 thought 1683

    1684 capitalism 1685 odd 1686 mass

    1687 file 1688 must 1689 shame

    1690 include 1691 digital 1692 old

    1693 main 1694 resistance 1695 writer  

    1696 tic 1697 dream 1698

    1699 orient &ast 1700 1701

    1702 $ruises 1703 .ooing 1704 pieces

    1705 terrorism 1706 term 1707 captors

    1708 violence 1709 eceeds 1710 registered

    1711 1712 responsible 1713 terrestrial

    1714 suffered 1715 can 1716 (olid

    1717 fier fi 1718 priorities 1719 led

    1720 recalled 1721 pole 1722 reductions

    1723 narrow 1724 bac 1725 'e;uired

    1726 start 1727 1728 important

    1729 treatment 1730 ah1n1 #B1@1 1731 (chools

    1732 reported 1733 #dult 1734 travels

    1735 identifier identify 1736 ill 1737 ;uantity

    1738 developed 1739 viral 1740 )ustifier )ustify

    1741 happen 1742 patients 1743 compromise

    1744 really 1745 participate 1746 previous

    1747 concern 1748 #lert 1749 net

    bande confortables vigueur  

    fournisseurs dcouvre

    amri;ue america assassinat centaine

    placs couvrir matriel

    espagne suggre class

    adapt dpasser  

    caisse retraits permanente

    plages victimepoursuivre seules courrier  

    fournitures fraude vendre

    vidos choisir  

    recommande pril raisonnable

    crs notorit sudois

    stieg prsente

    groenland vritable prcis

    rdaction connaDtre sourire

    arbres populaire arrt

    privs commentaire situ


    cible accder aroport

    lutter longues

    reprendre erreur verre

    comprend collectif rel

    vouloir h:tel

    directement partenariat

    belge systmes Dles

    srieusement vraie forcement

    prati;ues langue servent

    touristi;ue professeur protocole

    promoteurs thtre theater dclaration

    salles pense reconnaDtre recogni-e

    capitalisme trange masse

    fichier devoir honte

    comprennent numri;ues vieille

    principau rsistance crivain

    ti;ue rver buEch .uEch

    ndiaye @diaye fatah !atah

    croisires rservation morceau

    antiterroriste mandat ravisseurs

    violences dpasse enregistr

    mogadiscio +ogadishu charge terrestre

    subi pourrons solides

    priorits men

    rappel p:le rductions

    troit rentr obligatoires

    dmarrer rocard 'ocard importe

    soigner coles

    signals adultes parcourt

    malade ;uantit

    dvelopps virale

    arrivera malades compromis

    rellement participent prcdentes

    proccupant alerte prochains

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    Page 12

    1750 recent 1751 build 1752 taly

    1753 @uclear 1754 humour 1755 noire blac

    1756 nowledge 1757 cited 1758 demonstrate

    1759 evidence 1760 unit 1761 "hematic

    1762 wages 1763 1764 chemise shirt

    1765 leads 1766 have 1767 traditionally

    1768 yens yen 1769 #rgentina 1770 sentenced

    1771 chefs Beads 1772 corresponding 1773 brothers1774 built 1775 centrifuges 1776 diplomats

    1777 liely 1778 positioning 1779 "reaty

    1780 given 1781 ow 1782 +embers

    1783 ready 1784 heir 1785 written

    1786 hard 1787 &ngland 1788 legislative

    1789 room 1790 designated 1791 bubble

    1792 movements 1793 (eniors 1794 decades

    1795 soldier 1796 early 1797 deployment

    1798 demonstration 1799 protect 1800 modest

    1801 close 1802 ac;uired 1803 element

    1804 polls 1805 slamic 1806 feed

    1807 faithful 1808 support 1809 !undamentalism

    1810 mied 1811 breath 1812 %niversity

    1813 cover 1814 supported 1815 (pecialists

    1816 canal channel 1817 .oo 1818 church

    1819 $aucasus 1820 truth 1821 devoted

    1822 ehausted 1823 Huery 1824 !reedoms

    1825 parallel 1826 /eneral 1827 displayed

    1828 lessons 1829 $onstitutional 1830 notion concept

    1831 end 1832 ased 1833 said

    1834 threshold 1835 'ecruitment 1836 schema

    1837 programmed 1838 performs 1839 liberal

    1840 !acility 1841 $onventional 1842 possibly

    1843 benefits 1844 wea 1845 elected

    1846 tens 1847 bureau ,ffices 1848 receive

    1849 entirely 1850 would 1851 epartures

    1852 may 1853 $!" 1854 federation

    1855 fallen 1856 ependiture 1857 generally

    1858 famous 1859 escapes 1860 under  

    1861 *aradise 1862 beings 1863 automatically

    1864 bureau office 1865 plane 1866 $ompany

    1867 beach 1868 half 1869 dropped

    1870 espite 1871 category 1872 (chool

    1873 weaness 1874 bend 1875 +edium

    1876 morale moral 1877 status 1878 ,ffers

    1879 1880 capable 1881 brea

    1882 add 1883 sustainable 1884 virgin

    1885 sei-e 1886 entrant ncoming 1887 profit

    1888 anious 1889 1890 looed

    1891 convince 1892 proposer propose 1893 immediately

    1894 camera 1895 crosses 1896 hair  

    1897 escape 1898 party 1899 girls

    1900 out 1901 newspapers 1902 brief  

    1903 active 1904 loss 1905 each

    1906 $areer 1907 addition 1908 main

    rcent construire italien

    nuclaire humor  

    connaissances cits dmontrer  

    preuve unit thmati;ue

    salaires mantoue +antua

    entraDne disposent traditionnellement

    argentine condamn

    correspondante frresconstruit centrifugeuses diplomates

    susceptibles positionnement trait

    remis basse dputs

    prte hritier crite

    dure angleterre lgislatives

    chambre dsign bulle

    mouvements ges dcennies

    soldat anticip dploiement

    dmonstration protger modeste

    proimit ac;uis lment

    interroge islami;ue nourrir  

    fidles soutenir intgrisme

    mites souffle universitaire

    deer soutenue spcialistes

    rserver eglise

    caucase vrit consacr

    puis vidence liberts

    paralllement gnrales affich

    enseignements constitutionnel

    finissent poses dclar

    seuil recrutement schma

    programme effectue librales

    facilit classi;ues ventuellement

    profite faible lus

    di-aines recevoir  

    entirement auraient dparts

    pouvant cfdt fdration

    tombs dpenses gnralement

    fameu chappe vertu

    paradis tres automati;uement

    avion compagnie

    plage semestre chut

    dpit catgorie scolaires

    faiblesse plier moyennes

    statut offres

    tlcom "elecom capables casser  

    a)outer durablement vierge

    saisir lucratif  

    soucieu lisbeth isbeth regard

    convaincre aussit:t

    camra croise cheveu

    chapper fte filles

    dehors )ournau bref  

    actifs perte chacune

    carrire surcroDt principale

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    Page 13

    1909 +edicine 1910 &thics 1911 daily

    1912 ready 1913 screens 1914 difficult

    1915 flu flow 1916 arcs 1917 unfortunately

    1918 leaving 1919 Bere 1920 tomorrow

    1921 international 1922 disappearance 1923 lines

    1924 stupid 1925 nown 1926 few

    1927 'oad 1928 circulation "raffic 1929 fortieth

    1930 fortunately 1931 mine my 1932 Fimba1933 opinion 1934 souvenirs memories 1935 home

    1936 revue review 1937 one 1938 believe

    1939 arrive 1940 engines 1941 would

    1942 ovule ova 1943 changer change 1944 marines +arine

    1945 'elay 1946 warming 1947 "his

    1948 tough 1949 e 1950

    1951 riches rich 1952 alas 1953 poetic

    1954 ended 1955 building 1956 is

    1957 +aster 1958 turn 1959 pleasure

    1960 piste trac 1961 taling 1962 Bunting

    1963 natural 1964 censure censorship 1965 sir  

    1966 cultural 1967 can 1968 citi-en

    1969 dispose has 1970 computer 1971 style

    1972 participate 1973 improve 1974 obtained

    1975 +aps 1976 riters 1977 also

    1978 centuries 1979 writing 1980

    1981 were 1982 had 1983 heroes

    1984 voyages "ravel 1985 $olonial 1986 above it

    1987 avender 1988 uncertain 1989 ob)ects

    1990 "aiwan 1991 epected 1992 represent

    1993 *revention 1994 surprise 1995 #vailable

    1996 generous 1997 #ttorney 1998 *rogramming

    1999 ideal 2000 asbestos removal 2001 essons

    2002 accepted 2003 2004 *arts

    2005 engagement commitment 2006 could 2007

    2008 beginnings 2009 catalogue 2010 net

    2011 adventure 2012 amateurs amateur 2013 pretty

    2014 realities 2015 promises 2016 #lliance

    2017 )oy 2018 alias #liases 2019 want

    2020 supports 2021 clear 2022 clearly

    2023 interests 2024 2025 root

    2026 conserve canned 2027 archives #rchives 2028 !ree

    2029 civilisation 2030 birthday 2031 generosity

    2032 *riority 2033 storage 2034 share

    2035 messages +essages 2036 gesture 2037 colony

    2038 employees 2039 invented 2040 smooth

    2041 clouds 2042 deposit 2043 symbol

    2044 ,bserver 2045 lies 2046 contemporary

    2047 hidden 2048 landscape 2049 sable sand

    2050 "'%& 2051 peaceful 2052 stays

    2053 bruit noise 2054 caress 2055 $openhagen

    2056 $-ech 2057 2058 (enate

    2059 2060 "otal 2061 possible

    2062 competitors 2063 achieve 2064 menu +enu

    2065 2066 taer ta 2067 *artial

    mdecine thi;ue ;uotidienne

    prt crans difficiles

    archi malheureusement

    laissant voici demain

    internationau disparition lignes

    burra connue poche

    routire ;uarantime

    heureusement imbaavis accueil

    viens estiment

    arriver moteurs permettrait

    relais rchauffement ceci

    sert lectroni;ues sdra (dra

    hlas poti;ue

    termin btiment dis;ue

    maDtrise tourner plaisir  

    parlant chasse

    naturel monsieur  

    culturel puisse citoyen

    informati;ues estil

    participer amliorer obtenu

    cartes crivains auch

    sicles criture cinaste filmmaer  

    tais avais hros

    coloniale audessus

    lavande incertain ob)ets

    taIwanais attendu reprsenter  

    prvention tonne disponibles

    gnreu procureur programmation

    idal dsamiantage le

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    Page 14

    2068 develop 2069 $ompetitiveness 2070 eperiment

    2071 increase 2072 tonne butt 2073 allemande /erman

    2074 systematic 2075 utile ins 2076 ridiculous

    2077 announcing 2078 as 2079 transparent

    2080 see 2081 Bealth 2082 used

    2083 insufficient 2084 issued 2085 past

    2086 tested 2087 hope 2088 protects

    2089 occur 2090 would 2091 hope2092 taing 2093 monitor 2094 infected

    2095 let 2096 waiting 2097 bac

    2098 meet 2099 impose 2100 $ardiovascular  

    2101 evolve 2102 &lectricity 2103 giants

    2104 producer 2105 scope 2106 began

    2107 master 2108 suddenly 2109 effective

    2110 handle 2111 decide 2112 letter  

    2113 communes common 2114 /reen 2115 close

    2116 #nthem 2117 says 2118 appear  

    2119 wor 2120 +arriage 2121 face

    2122 $ollege 2123 amour 2124 *resident

    2125 2126 debates 2127 unlie

    2128 concern 2129 populist 2130 features

    2131 .locing 2132 (upport 2133 enrichment

    2134 send 2135 sensitive 2136 pursuit

    2137 *rovider 2138 with 2139 degree

    2140 information 2141 *owers 2142 #nnounce

    2143 %@#+ 2144 bac 2145 organisations

    2146 #rab 2147 affected 2148 reaches

    2149 hopes 2150 $iti-enship 2151 &vening

    2152 mythical 2153 scandals 2154 fate

    2155 oblige re;uires 2156 epectations 2157 candidates

    2158 collapse 2159 living 2160 sect

    2161 ine;ualities 2162 will 2163 ncarnate

    2164 rebellion 2165 illed 2166 independent

    2167 declared 2168 putting 2169 present

    2170 ,perations 2171 rebels 2172 )udges

    2173 "urey 2174 focus 2175 infrastructures nfrastructure

    2176 rehabilitation 2177 *olish 2178 (oviet

    2179 turn 2180 proves 2181 pools

    2182 flame 2183 sympathy 2184 collapse

    2185 criteria 2186 borrow 2187 $hildren

    2188 should 2189 author 2190 opposer oppose

    2191 has 2192 crossing 2193 accompanied

    2194 persuaded 2195 nevertheless 2196

    2197 tells 2198 wealth 2199 pregnant

    2200 continuer continue 2201 greedy 2202 peoples

    2203 2204 colleague 2205 found

    2206 2207 which 2208 *hotographs

    2209 case 2210 #ccounting 2211 would

    2212 subtract 2213 prefer 2214 #ttendance

    2215 investment 2216 deficit 2217 entitled

    2218 held 2219 %ser 2220 graves serious

    2221 flow 2222 suffer 2223 prosecution

    2224 warning 2225 renovation 2226 phrase sentence

    dvelopper comptitivit eprimentation


    systmati;ue drisoire


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    Page 15

    2227 +etro 2228 democracies 2229

    2230 important 2231 2232 achieved

    2233 costs 2234 identified 2235 drugs

    2236 winter 2237 seventh 2238 )udicial

    2239 guarantees 2240 $ommittee 2241 institutions

    2242 fifteen 2243 $lassic 2244 ceiling

    2245 'ooms 2246 ;ualified 2247 detention

    2248 accounts 2249 .aning 2250 assured2251 email 2252 '#"* 2253 wish

    2254 remove 2255 have 2256 *residential

    2257 ambiance atmosphere 2258 opportunity 2259 prevented

    2260 waived 2261 "a 2262 stories

    2263 procedure 2264 channels 2265 classification

    2266 lived 2267 made 2268 conception design

    2269 revealing 2270 fantasy 2271 human

    2272 hospital 2273 pass 2274 pistes tracs

    2275 seduced 2276 +&&! 2277 entrust

    2278 fifteen 2279 earnings 2280 eploitation ,perating

    2281 .aning 2282 real estate 2283 homes

    2284 fies !ied 2285 $alifornia 2286

    2287 fear 2288 istributors 2289 #ds

    2290 (tore 2291 epensive 2292 act

    2293 blac 2294 advanced 2295 trade

    2296 massively 2297 *aris 2298 chooses

    2299 establishment 2300 Bigher 2301 learned

    2302 irect 2303 $ompensation 2304 proves

    2305 bill 2306 "elecommunicatio 2307 half  

    2308 costly 2309 'eserves 2310 comparer compare

    2311 profitable 2312 iscount 2313 'etail

    2314 drive 2315 strengthened 2316 politicians

    2317 return 2318 (ocialists 2319 )oined

    2320 funny 2321 curiosity 2322 story

    2323 precisely 2324 trend 2325 prises taen

    2326 games 2327 address 2328 was

    2329 blue 2330 caf coffee 2331 nstitute

    2332 coups blows 2333 chanson song 2334 srael

    2335 ash 2336 commercial 2337 subventions /rants

    2338 artery 2339 &ditor 2340

    2341 illustrate 2342 2343 involved

    2344 success 2345 recipes 2346 sub)ects

    2347 reign 2348 receives 2349 completely

    2350 bathroom 2351 2352 transport "ransportation

    2353 throw 2354 body 2355 $ycling

    2356 damage 2357 prefers 2358 owners

    2359 hesitate 2360 agriculture #griculture 2361 vide now

    2362 routes roads 2363 necessarily 2364 reservoir  

    2365 comfortable 2366 rend maes 2367 cyclists

    2368 $opper 2369 precision 2370 mainly

    2371 high school 2372 Cideo 2373 singer  

    2374 2375 periods 2376 standing

    2377 ?apanese 2378 call 2379 treatment

    2380 terrains land 2381 loges odges 2382 franly

    2383 installer install 2384 ;ualifier ;ualify 2385 spectacle show

    mtro dmocraties d)ihadistes ?ihadists

    importants invs nC( atteints

    cots identifi mdicaments

    hiver septime )udiciaires

    garanties comit tablissements

    ;uin-aine classi;ue plafond

    chambres ;ualifis dtention

    comptes bancaires assurecourriel ratp souhaitent

    retirer aient prsidentiel

    opportunit empch

    renonc fiscale histoires

    procdure voies classement

    vcu rendu

    rvlant fantasme humains

    h:pital passent

    sduit medef confier  

    ;uin-e bnfice

    bancaire immobilier logements

    californie couleurs colors

    redoutent distributeurs annoncer  

    magasin chers agisse

    noir progress changes

    massivement parisienne choisit

    tablissement suprieur appris

    directe rmunration prouve

    facture tlcommunications demie

    coteuse rserves

    rentables remise dtail

    conduire renforc politiciens

    rentrer socialistes re)oint

    dr:le curiosit rcit

    prcisment tendance

    matchs aborder fallait

    bleu institut


    cendres commerciales

    artre diteur filmer movies

    illustrer sou-a (ou-a impli;u

    russite recettes su)ets

    rgne re

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    Page 16

    2386 repose based 2387 leader 2388 'egistered

    2389 *ublished 2390 *acage 2391 otherwise

    2392 ideal 2393 lives 2394 well

    2395 catastrophe disaster 2396 ,cean 2397 platform

    2398 coast 2399 belong 2400 remains

    2401 remain 2402 curious 2403 envelope

    2404 etract 2405 survival 2406 "echnology

    2407 .orders 2408 organiser 2409 gap2410 &gypt 2411 believe 2412 magic

    2413 murdered 2414 cheats 2415 (udan

    2416 deaths 2417 con;uest 2418 lunar  

    2419 %ninhabited 2420 (pace 2421 ease

    2422 "a 2423 %npublished 2424 payment

    2425 represent 2426 contributed 2427 /eneva

    2428 reassure 2429 wage 2430 ecree

    2431 can 2432 gently 2433 (hield

    2434 actively 2435 plates 2436 litre liter  

    2437 gradually 2438 continue 2439 coincide

    2440 #ccountant 2441 correspond corresponds 2442 highly

    2443 #nswers 2444 appropriate 2445 will

    2446 (panish 2447 own 2448 spread

    2449 overloaded 2450 2451 irector  

    2452 care 2453 infected 2454 pharmacological

    2455 schedule 2456 became 2457 fit

    2458 administrative 2459 pneumonia 2460 see

    2461 accelerate 2462 receives 2463 regulatory

    2464 %npublished 2465 dress 2466 ntensive

    2467 discussed 2468 adapter adapt 2469 die

    2470 lavage washing 2471 will 2472 %ganda

    2473 consumed 2474 leading 2475 fatal

    2476 undress 2477 solicited 2478 consider  

    2479 unpredictable 2480 .enign 2481 #tomic

    2482 raise 2483 central 2484 binding

    2485 surprise 2486 cra-e 2487 convened

    2488 milieu media 2489 spiritual 2490 bastion .astion

    2491 +ayors 2492 provinces *rovinces 2493 building

    2494 politically 2495 weaen 2496 resumes

    2497 re;uirements 2498 floors 2499 cost

    2500 hotels 2501 .ra-il 2502 epressed

    2503 prevent 2504 die 2505 short

    2506 motif ground 2507 interpretation 2508 heavy

    2509 refuser refuse 2510 weapons 2511 representatives

    2512 ranian 2513 2514 partially

    2515 "ehran 2516 accent emphasis 2517 positive

    2518 ednesday 2519 essential 2520 challenged

    2521 Cienna 2522 Bousehold 2523 live

    2524 (udanese 2525 @ormal 2526 attacs

    2527 prevails 2528 Bousing 2529 areas

    2530 yards 2531 loses 2532 analysts

    2533 designed 2534 brain 2535 fusion merger  

    2536 rarely 2537 fever 2538 fault

    2539 lists 2540 $ommunist 2541

    2542 iberal 2543 corresponding 2544 net

    meneur inscrit

    dit forfait sinon

    idale vive puits

    ocan plateforme

    c:tes appartiennent demeure

    demeurent curieu enveloppe

    etrait survie technologi;ue

    frontires organi-e cartegypte croient magie

    assassin fraudes soudan

    mortes con;ute lunaire

    inhabit spatiale allger  

    imp:t indit versement

    reprsenterait contribu genve

    rassurer salariales dcret

    puissions doucement bouclier  

    activement assiettes

    progressivement poursuivons coIncident

    comptable hautement

    rponses appropris ferons

    espagnole possder rpand

    surchargs immunis immuni-ed directrice

    soins infectes pharmacologi;ues

    planifier devenait cadrent

    administratives pneumonie constatons

    acclrent re

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 17

    2545 designate 2546 diplomatic 2547 (uppression

    2548 sold 2549 spread 2550 'egional

    2551 inability 2552 stries 2553 religious

    2554 history 2555 spring 2556 omestic

    2557 2558 prey 2559 installed

    2560 2561 survey 2562 officers

    2563 deny 2564 bloc bloc 2565 *rogressive

    2566 hi 2567 reactionary 2568 weddings2569 advantage 2570 +uslim 2571 propaganda

    2572 ranian 2573 disillusioned 2574 fed

    2575 messages 2576 naed 2577 puts

    2578 assurance nsurance 2579 (wiss 2580 what

    2581 reluctant 2582 meet 2583 high

    2584 balance 2585 used 2586 promised

    2587 done 2588 sirted 2589 (hared

    2590 safe 2591 deemed 2592 prefer  

    2593 ;uarter 2594 retain 2595 covers

    2596 murdered 2597 meanwhile 2598 signer sign

    2599 $elebrations 2600 (ardinia 2601 complaint

    2602 supposed 2603 must 2604 /erman

    2605 *revious 2606 endorsed 2607 crea

    2608 2609 distortion 2610 committed

    2611 affected 2612 shaen 2613 transfer  

    2614 2615 +usic 2616 filed

    2617 in)ured 2618 .andwidth 2619 illegal

    2620 (ubscriber 2621 forced 2622 cultural

    2623 delicate 2624 approach 2625 punishment

    2626 con)ugate 2627 sanction 2628 conneion login

    2629 *aid 2630 %ser 2631 poles

    2632 relative 2633 iscs 2634 prudent cautious

    2635 return 2636 wanted 2637 $olumns

    2638 admirer admire 2639 dictator 2640 wars

    2641 mercenaries 2642 decreed 2643 )oining

    2644 spread 2645 reported 2646 live

    2647 !orests 2648 hectares ha 2649 consultations $onsultations

    2650 *refect 2651 individual 2652 ecludes

    2653 20heures 20hours 2654 .ra-il 2655 identified

    2656 austral (outhern 2657 seemed 2658 e;uipment

    2659 'egistration 2660 discovery 2661 several

    2662 union 2663 amendments 2664 crafts

    2665 ,fficial 2666 paid 2667 "rades

    2668 calculated 2669 eercising 2670 opted

    2671 $ompletion 2672 limited 2673 unemployed

    2674 shots 2675 larges large 2676 continued

    2677 e 2678 informer inform 2679 wanted

    2680 'ecommended 2681 Bourly 2682 $!"$

    2683 "rust 2684 intervene 2685 rope

    2686 limiter limit 2687 modest 2688 above

    2689 !ollowing 2690 called 2691

    2692 devices 2693 2694 conducive

    2695 place 2696 reflection 2697 suffers

    2698 now 2699 writing 2700 waiting

    2701 counterpart 2702 professional 2703 prepares

    dsigner diplomati;ue rpression

    vendus propage rgional

    incapacit vagues religieuse

    historien lente intrieure

    voisins neighbors proie installs

    reconnu recogni-ed sondage officiers

    nier progressiste

    salut ractionnaire mariagesprofitant musulmane propagande

    iranienne dchanter nourri

    crits nues mette

    suisses ;uels

    hsitent satisfaire levs

    ;uilibre utilise promis

    accompli long partags

    sre rpute prfrent

    trimestre retenir recouvre

    assassine entretemps

    ftes sardaigne plainte

    cens incontournable allemand

    prcdente entrin grincer  

    pnalisant penali-ing distorsion engags

    affecte secoue transfert

    carolis $arolis musicale dposes

    lss passante illgal

    abonn contraint culturelles

    dlicat approche punition

    con)ugu sanctionner  

    payant usager p:les

    relatif dis;ues

    revenir voulu colonnes

    dictateur guerres

    mercenaires dcrt re)oignant

    propager dclars habite-


    prfet individuelle eclut

    brsilien recenss

    semblait ;uipements

    immatriculation dcouverte diverses

    syndicat amendements artisanat

    officiel vers mtiers

    calcules eer

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 18

    2704 impotence 2705 imposer impose 2706 imaginary

    2707 parole words 2708 based 2709 device

    2710 %nnown 2711 slipped 2712 perimeter  

    2713 pin 2714 erosion 2715 was

    2716 recent 2717 hit 2718 !lorida

    2719 inde 2720 sei-ures 2721 essence /asoline

    2722 associated 2723 it 2724 thirty

    2725 2726 reprises times 2727 appear  2728 reaction 2729 leave 2730 @orway

    2731 awesome 2732 2733 fly

    2734 from 2735 controls 2736 lea

    2737 constant 2738 boom 2739 terms

    2740 classified 2741 various 2742 operator  

    2743 leaders 2744 absolutely 2745 arriving

    2746 2747 holder 2748 defines

    2749 charge 2750 e;uation 2751 epected

    2752 guaranteed 2753 finding 2754 epensive

    2755 niche 2756 *rofiles 2757 sei-e siteen

    2758 constituent are 2759 concluded 2760 affects

    2761 $ongress 2762 losses 2763 rotten

    2764 2765 $rusade 2766 intersect

    2767 $ruising 2768 grieves 2769 +eetings

    2770 .orrowing 2771 recall 2772 advanced

    2773 tableau "ables 2774 together 2775 principles

    2776 bo 2777 lawyers 2778 diffuse spread

    2779 claims 2780 penetrate 2781 (eat

    2782 !lowers 2783 colleagues 2784 end

    2785 $afes 2786 bac 2787 eely

    2788 ownhill 2789 literally 2790 (ports

    2791 officially 2792 re;uirement 2793 statements

    2794 science 2795 transformer transform 2796 echange

    2797 owner 2798 this 2799 live

    2800 attire raws 2801 domicile home 2802 representative

    2803 accomplices 2804 2805 scholarship

    2806 difficulty 2807 anonymous 2808 garbage

    2809 tree 2810 replace 2811 efenders

    2812 wary 2813 magnitude 2814

    2815 range 2816 +erino 2817 sheep

    2818 wave 2819 fish 2820 *oultry

    2821 sportive (ports 2822 pleasant 2823 signals

    2824 dangerous 2825 'egular 2826 up

    2827 storm 2828 taper loser 2829 #ustralia

    2830 confederation 2831 vend brother 2832 rise

    2833 eep 2834 +ember 2835 spectacular  

    2836 occupies 2837 coupe cut 2838 e;uivalent

    2839 reproduction 'eproduction 2840 eciting 2841 related

    2842 control 2843 method 2844 serve

    2845 foyers homes 2846 develops 2847 move

    2848 almost 2849 decreases 2850 play

    2851 %@" 2852 see 2853 horse

    2854 apparition appearance 2855 bees 2856 faces

    2857 rent 2858 which 2859 evoe

    2860 welcome 2861 opponent 2862 margin

    impuissance imaginaire

    fondent appareil

    inconnue gliss primtre

    pingle rosion faisait

    rcente toucher floride

    indice saisies

    associes trousse trentaine

    auchan #uchan apparaDtreraction laissent norvge

    gnial subprimes subprime envoler  

    issus contr:les fuite

    constante essor modalits

    classe varie eploitant

    dirigeants absolument arrivant

    freebo !reebo dtenteur dfinit

    redevance ;uation attendue

    garantit constat coteu

    crneau profils

    conclu affecte

    congrs pertes pourris

    rumeur rumor croisade croisent

    croisire dsole rencontres

    emprunt rappeler pointe

    runi principes

    boDte )uristes

    prtend pntrer assise

    fleurs collgues finir  

    cafs remonter hebdomadaire

    descente littralement sportifs

    officiellement eigence dclarations

    sains change

    propritaire dette habitent


    complices reconnaissent recogni-e bourse

    difficult anonyme poubelles

    arbre remplacer dfenseurs

    mfier ampleur trussardi "russardi

    gamme mrinos moutons

    laine poisson volaille

    agrable signale

    dangereu ordinaire lve

    tempte australiens

    confdration naDtre

    conserver membre spectaculaire

    occupe ;uivalent

    passionnante lies

    contr:ler mthode servir  

    dveloppe bouger  

    prati;uement diminue )ouent

     )us;uau constater cheval

    abeilles confront

    louer au;uelles vo;uer  

    accueillir adversaire marge

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 19

    2863 2864 preserve 2865 @ational

    2866 eh 2867 opponents 2868 ironic

    2869 tight 2870 de the 2871 completely

    2872 #ntwerp 2873 below 2874 blue

    2875 2876 guys 2877 legitimately

    2878 competition 2879 was 2880 there

    2881 forts ocers 2882 potential 2883 watch

    2884 (uccess 2885 2886 player  2887 tool 2888 slic 2889 wors

    2890 2891 connected 2892 synthesis

    2893 *ast 2894 species 2895 occupy

    2896 garden 2897 portent are 2898 &cology

    2899 2900 antennas 2901 contest

    2902 brain 2903 users 2904 received

    2905 parallel 2906 thirteen 2907 retard delay

    2908 energy 2909 (ocial 2910 ambitious

    2911 &conomist 2912 easily 2913 *residency

    2914 home 2915 surely 2916 seine his

    2917 walls 2918 thirty 2919 successive

    2920 facades 2921 @o> 2922 guilty

    2923 conneions $onnections 2924 e 2925 scope

    2926 .athrooms 2927 looed 2928

    2929 rides 2930 substitute 2931 *overty

    2932 announced 2933 ;ualify 2934 worried

    2935 raises 2936 ears 2937 #ccumulated

    2938 such 2939 tae 2940 accept

    2941 prohibited 2942 !air 2943 %>(>

    2944 epensive 2945 language 2946 wild

    2947 yield 2948 ibrarian 2949 illustrates

    2950 immediately 2951 openly 2952 &uropean

    2953 .ul 2954 *hysicians 2955 ecellent

    2956 "'%& 2957 readership 2958 what

    2959 +itterrand 2960 multiples +ultiple 2961 visible

    2962 guided 2963 primary 2964 eactly

    2965 consulter visit 2966 liberal 2967 must

    2968 comic 2969 selected 2970 fantasy

    2971 capitalist 2972 subtly 2973 privileged

    2974 inaugurated 2975 hot 2976 temperature

    2977 2978 &vent 2979 efface erases

    2980 cable 2981 login 2982 usages uses

    2983 (enegal 2984 cables 2985 nstalled

    2986 continues 2987 names 2988 not

    2989 would 2990 longs long 2991 visages faces

    2992 constructed 2993 oneys 2994 thirst

    2995 #rabic 2996 pass 2997 eploited

    2998 green city 2999 trial 3000 will

    3001 should 3002 located 3003 learns

    3004 (hooting 3005 intimate 3006

    3007 planted 3008 held 3009 atmosphere

    3010 sister 3011 Bamlet 3012 traverse crosses

    3013 galleries 3014 +usicians 3015 holidaymaers

    3016 once 3017 3018 *olar  

    3019 stars 3020 !ountain 3021 serpents snaes

    vlodrome velodrome prserver nationau

    hein adversaires ironi;ue

    serr completement

    anvers dessous bleus

    turiaf "uriaf gars lgitimement

    comptition tenait colo

    potentiel regarder  

    russir batum +y .atu )oueur  outil nappe fonctionne

    provient iipedia reli synthse

    passes espces occuper  

     )ardin cologie

    tumeurs tumors antennes contestent

    crbrales utilisateurs re

  • 8/18/2019 lista cuvinte franceza



    Page 20

    3022 iving 3023 + 3024 Buman

    3025 vibrator 3026 +uslims 3027 obedience

    3028 nife 3029 tas 3030 host

    3031 (tocholm 3032 male 3033 swell

    3034 magic 3035 crew 3036 lands

    3037 ore 3038 indifferent 3039 evin

    3040 philosophy 3041 whisy whisey 3042 pig

    3043 masculine +en 3044 pathology 3045 orgasm3046 insurgents 3047 border 3048 ?erusalem

    3049 +uslims 3050 $ontents 3051 fears

    3052 release 3053 strict 3054 ibya

    3055 iplomacy 3056 brother 3057 our  

    3058 election 3059 difficult 3060 increases

    3061 provided 3062 currency 3063 sensible sensitive

    3064 abduction 3065 worers 3066 burned

    3067 started 3068 pump 3069 no

    3070 sei-e 3071 transfer 3072 reflect

    3073 apply 3074 waves 3075 pioneer  

    3076 #lternative 3077 %@&$ 3078 will bring

    3079 determined 3080 convened 3081 lightened

    3082 burdening 3083 begin 3084 advocates

    3085 draw 3086 institute 3087 want

    3088 allowed 3089 disadvantage 3090 rallying

    3091 relocation 3092 increasing 3093 length

    3094 compensations compensation 3095 &lectrical 3096 spread

    3097 channels 3098 basins 3099 composed

    3100 soon 3101 turn 3102 burden

    3103 depth 3104 competitive 3105 waste

    3106 signature (ignature 3107 claims 3108 renaissance 'enaissance

    3109 *eninsula 3110 silence 3111 mysterious

    3112 fissures cracs 3113 !oreign 3114 dues due

    3115 #dvisor 3116 teaches 3117 acute

    3118 filter 3119 *sychology 3120 charm

    3121 sity 3122 successively 3123 down

    3124 3125 lost 3126 customs

    3127 differentiated 3128 usual 3129 fall

    3130 promotes 3131 mosaic 3132 argument

    3133 push 3134 3135 tired

    3136 dialect 3137 immigrants 3138 sunny

    3139 valleys 3140 "C 3141 lent slow

    3142 3143 (afe 3144 ombardy

    3145 %nwanted 3146 ie 3147

    3148 3149 concerns 3150 fears

    3151 3152 administer 3153 restore

    3154 +onthly 3155 fall 3156 precariousness

    3157 &ntertainment 3158 !oundation 3159 sees /ender  

    3160 born 3161 radical 3162 $olombia

    3163 set 3164 good 3165 air  

    3166 *residents 3167 (enator 3168 $eremonies

    3169 re)ection 3170 forty 3171 period

    3172 maintenance 3173 esignation 3174 supported

    3175 suddenly 3176 enriched 3177 tense

    3178 supported 3179 nspectors 3180 authenticity

    plonge marcos humaines

    vibromasseur musulmans obdience

    couteau tche h:te

    stocholm masculin houle

    magi;ue ;uipage dbar;ue

    rudy indiffrents levinas

    philosophie cochon

    pathologie orgasmeinsurgs frontire )rusalem

    musulmanes matires peurs

    libration stricte libyen

    diplomatie frre on-e

    lectorales difficilement accroDt

    prvus monnaie

    enlvement travailleurs brl

    dbut pompe engin

    saisisse transfrer rflchissons

    appli;uons ondes pionnire

    alternatifs undic apporterons

    dtermins convo;ue allg

    alourdir commen

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    Page 21

    3181 estern 3182 oil 3183 affecting

    3184 internal 3185 low 3186 found

    3187 close 3188 determining 3189 responsibilities

    3190 sent 3191 displaced 3192 burned

    3193 !eatured 3194 in)ured 3195 'ecent

    3196 locality 3197 minority 3198 communities

    3199 conviction 3200 mared 3201 redemption

    3202 adventures 3203 mystery 32043205 placing 3206 3207

    3208 defection 3209 &nvironment 3210 funds

    3211 grass 3212 iberals 3213 testifies

    3214 3215 were 3216 reported

    occidentau ptroliers touchant

    interne faiblement constat

    proches dterminant responsabilits

    dpch dplacs brle

    vedettes blesss rcents

    localit minorit communauts

    condamnation mar;ue rdemption

    aventures mystre tumeur tumor  situant pin bei)ing asie asia

    dfection vides caisses

    herbe librau tmoigne

    scepti;ues (eptics devaient signale

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