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  • 8/3/2019 INTENSE Glossary en-RO Final


    entensenergy efficiency

    Cu sprijinul fnanciar al Uniunii Europene

    Performanaenergetic a cldirilorGlosar de termenin limba englez i n limba romn

    Responsabilitatea coninutului acestui document revine n totalitate autorilor.Documentul nu reprezint opinia Comunitii Europene. Comisia European nui asum responsabilitatea pentru modul n care ar putea f utilizat inormaiaconinut n acest material.

  • 8/3/2019 INTENSE Glossary en-RO Final


    Acest glosar a ost elaborat n cadrul proiectului

    INTENSE - Din Estonia pn n Croaia: msuri

    inteligente de economisire a energiei pentru

    cldiri n rile Europei Centrale i de Est (2008

    2011), cu sprijinul nanciar al programuluiIntelligent Energy Europe. Acest proiect este

    implementat n 11 ri ale Europei Centrale i de

    Est, precum i n Germania.

    Glosarul denete termeni utilizai recvent nconversaia uzual, mass media, dar i articole

    tehnice reeritoare la eciena energetic, precum

    i termeni legai de implementarea Directivelor

    CE privind perormana energetic a cldirilor

    (2002/91/EC) i i i l ili ii


  • 8/3/2019 INTENSE Glossary en-RO Final


    Tipuri de cldiri

    New building New buildings are completely new erected. They are constructedby respecting the newest laws and standards, including meetingminimum energy perormance requirements laid down in national

    l i l i A b ildi ill b ll d il l i l i

    Types o buildings

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    The building is occupied by public authorities or provides publicservices to a large number o persons. It is requently visited by

    members o the general public e.g., administration buildings,schools, hospitals and buildings or sports. Public unding is usedor its maintenance.

    Cldirea este ocupat de ctre autoritile publice sau asigurservicii publice unui numr mare de persoane. Este vizitat recvent

    de ctre public i include: cldirile administrative, coli, spitale isli de sport.Pentru administrarea acestora sunt olosite onduri publice.


    Occupied or unoccupied, owned or rented, single-amily ormultiamily house, excluding institutional housing such as hostelsor school dormitories, hospitals, night shelters, and militarybarracks. Types o residential houses:

    detached house (ree standing house e.g., or a single amily);semi-detached or twin house (a pair o houses built side byside as units sharing a party-wall and usually in such a way thateach houses layout is a mirror image o its twin);row house (a row o identical or mirror-image houses share

    id ll h d l h h l

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  • 8/3/2019 INTENSE Glossary en-RO Final


    Types o energy ecient buildings

    P i

    Tipuri de cldiri efciente energetic

    A i h i b ildi i hi h bl

  • 8/3/2019 INTENSE Glossary en-RO Final


    Cas pasiv O cas pasiv este o cldire n care temperatura comortabil acamerei de aprox. 20oC poate obinut r sisteme convenionalede nclzire i rcire. Astel de cldiri sunt denumite pasive pentruc o parte predominant din cldura necesar provine din sursepasive, de ex.: expunerea solar, cldura emis de cei care sunt n

    camer i elementele tehnice.Un aport n plus de cldur poate distribuit n camere printr-unsistem controlat de ventilaie cu recuperare de cldur. Necesarulanual pentru nclzirea unei case pasive este oarte sczut pentruEuropa Central de aproximativ 15 kWh/m/an. Necesarul minimpoate asigurat prin nclzirea aerului urnizat de sistemul de

    l Ob l

    shade considerations; good air tightness o building envelope;passive preheating o resh air; highly ecient heat recovery romexhaust air; using an air-to-air heat exchanger; hot water supplyusing renewable energy sources; using energy-saving householdappliances.

    The design o passive houses is a holistic process o planningand realization. It can be used or designing new buildings or orenergy renovation o existing buildings.

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    Cladireauto-sustenabildin punct devedere energetic

    Casa cuconsum redus

    de energie

    An energy-sel-sucient building is completely independent oexternal power supply. Electricity and heat are produced andstored completely with e.g., micro power plants or active solarsystems in or at the building.

    Aceast cldire este complet independent de surseleexterne de energie. Electricitatea i cldura sunt produsei inmagazinate complet cu ajutorul unor micro-centraleenergetice sau sisteme solare active n/sau pe lang cas.

    n mod generic, o cas cu consum redus de energie este oricecas ce utilizeaz mai puin energie dect o cas obinuit,dar mai mult dect una pasiv. Perormana energetic a uneicldiri cu consum redus de energie este cu aproape jumtatemai mic dect cerinele minime.

    Nu exist o deniie la nivel global pentru casa cu consum sczutde energie, deoarece standardele naionale dier considerabilde la ar la ar. De exemplu, n Germania casa cu consumsczut de energie are o limit de consum de 50 kWh/m/anpentru spaiul nclzit.

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    Reele inginereti (inclzire, rcire, ventilaie)

    Engineering networks (heating, cooling, ventilation)

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    Procesul de nlocuire a aerului dintr-o camer cu cel din exteriorprin deschideri sau neetaneiti n anvelopa cldirii. Existdou principii de ventilare natural: ventilaie prin aciuneavntului i ventilaie generat de dierena de densitate dintreaerul cald din interior i aerul rece din exterior. Ambele sisteme

    d l d d d d l l l b l d

    Process o supplying and removing air

    o an interior room with air rom theoutside by openings and leakages in thebuilding shell/envelope.

    There are two principles o naturalventilation: wind driven ventilationand stack ventilation. Stack ventilation

    is generated by a dierence in the


    density o warm interior air and the cold air rom outside. Bothventilation systems are depending on the weather and so theyare uncontrollable, mostly too low or much too strong. Modern,energy ecient buildings are working with controlled mechanicalventilation (by ans) - the antonym or natural ventilation.

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    Ventilaia este o procedur necesar pentru ndeprtarea aeruluiuzat din interior i nlocuirea acestuia cu aer proaspt din exterior.

    Printr-un sistem de conducie, aerul din exterior este aspirat ninterior cu ajutorul ventilatoarelor electrice. Este ltrat i condusctre un convertor termic, ce opional poate nclzit i apoidistribuit n zonele individuale (camera de zi, dormitoare, spaii delucru). Aerul uzat este atras din buctrie, baie, toalete i condusprintr-un al doilea sistem de conducie ctre convertorul termic iapoi expulzat n exterior. Cantitatea de aer necesar unei persoanese ridic la aprox. 20-30 m3 /h. Un sistem de ventilaie controlatcu recuperare de caldur este necesar tuturor cldirilor ecienteenergetic. Eciena pentru sistemele de recuperare de caldur estede peste 90%.

    Ventilaiecontrolat cu

    recuperarede caldur



    Human thermal comort is dened as the state o mind that

    expresses satisaction with the surrounding environment.Maintaining thermal comort or buildings inhabitants is one othe most important goals or engineers when designing plans orheating, ventilation, air conditioning and the building envelope.Factors, which determine thermal comort are: indoor and outdoorair temperature, air movement, relative humidity, clothing peopleare wearing and the activity level they are engaged in.

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    Umiditatea este reprezentat de cantitatea de vapori de ap dinaer. Sursele de ap din cldiri sunt:

    apa eliminat prin transpiraia oamenilor din interior (depindede nivelul muncii zice);utilizarea camerei (usctorie, buctarie, pentru gimnastic);apa liber care intr n cldirile noi prin producereamaterialelor i prin procesul de realizare al cldirii nsi.

    Pentru a descrie cantitatea de vapori de ap, se olosete drept baz

    umiditatea relativ. Starea de bine a corpului uman se menine lao umiditate relativa de~50% (la o temperatura a aerului de 200C).

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    Energy perormance o buildings

    Perormana energetic a cldirilor

    Minimum Member States should set minimum requirements or the energy

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    Inspecia, supravegherea i analiza fuxului energetic ntr-o cldireavnd ca obiectiv ntelegerea dinamicii energetice a sistemului.

    n mod tipic, auditul energetic este realizat n vederea cutrii deoportuniti pentru reducerea introducerii de energie n sistem ra aecta negativ rezultatele. Auditul energetic caut s prioritizezeutilizarea energiei conorm principiului: de la oportunitile cucostul cel mai mare, la cel mai mic pentru economisirea energiei.Statele Membre vor asigura disponibilitatea unor scheme de

    audit ecient, ridicat calitativ ce vor realizate ntr-o manierindependent, pentru toi consumatorii nali.


    It shows energy perormanceo a building. Member Statesshall ensure that, when

    buildings are constructed,sold or rented out, an energyperormance certicate ismade available to the owneror by the owner to theprospective buyer or tenant,

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    Renovation is changing or substitution o parts o a building. Amajor renovation is the case, where the total cost o the renovation

    related to the existing building is more than 25% o the value othe building (exclusive the land where the building is situated) orthe case where more than 25% o the building shell undergoesrenovation.

    Lucrri de


    Conorm legislaiei naionale, termenul este denit ca:

    Lucrri de modernizare eectuate asupra anvelopei cldirii i/sau ainstalaiilor de nclzire, ap cald de consum, electrice i iluminat,gaze naturale, ventilaie i climatizare, ale cror costuri depesc25% din valoarea de impozitare a cldirii, sau lucrri de modernizareeectuate la mai mult de 25% din anvelopa cldirii.

    Blowerdoor test

    A diagnostic tool developed to measurethe air tightness o a building and to helplocate air leakage sites. The test procedureconsists o the measurement o thevolumetric air fow, which is produced bythe dierential pressure by a calibratedan. With a dierential pressure o 50 Pa

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    Building shell /building



    nveliul exterior al unei cldiri este partea ce separ mediileinterior i exterior ale unei cldiri. nveliul cldirii include tavanul,pereii, uile i erestrele, ct i pavajul, nchiznd astel volumulspaiului nclzit sau climatizat.

    Floor area

    A building shell is the separationbetween the interior and the exterior

    environments o a building. Thebuilding shell includes the roo, thewalls, the doors and the windows,as well as the bottom slab andencloses thereby the heated or air-conditioned space volume.


    Floor area grossTotal foor area o all foorso a building calculated withthe external dimensionso the building including

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    Supraaa din anvelopa cldirii care are un fux mai ridicat de caldurdect mediul nconjurtor este numit punte termic. O puntetermic clasic o reprezint podeaua balconului, ce se continuprintr-un perete exterior izolat. Eectele tipice ale punilor termice

    An area in the building envelope which has a higher heat fow thanthe surrounding is called a thermal bridge. A classic thermal bridge

    is the overhanging balcony plate, leading through an insulatedouter wall. Typical eects o thermal bridges are: decreased interiorsurace temperatures; in the worst cases this can result in highhumidity in parts o the construction; signicantly increased heatlosses.

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    o a building


    a uneicldiri

    Balana energetic a unei cldiri se reer la: suma pierderilor decldur (de ex. prin tavan, perei exteriori i erestre) s e egal

    cu suma aportului de cldur (de ex.: din nclzire solar pasiv,nclzire intern sau activ).


    Energy balance o a buildingreers to the sum o the heat

    losses (e.g., heat going outthrough the roos, externalwalls and windows) beingequal to the sum o the heatgains (e.g., passive solargains, internal gains and

    active heating).www.passivhaustagung.de/Passive_House_E/energybalance.html

    Heat transmission coecient (thermal transmittance) o a structure,describes the heat fow through a building element in W per m2 andtemperature dierence o one degree (K). SI-Unit: [W/(m2K)]. The

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    Vitrare dubl/tripl

    Ansamblu de dou sau trei oi de geam separate printr-un spaiuumplut cu aer sau un gaz inert, pentru a reduce transmiterea deenergie. Pentru reducerea radiaiei solare, pe supraaa uneia saumai multor oi este ataat o pelicul. Valorile tipice ale transeruluitermic sunt:

    2 - oi de geam: U g = 2,8-3,0 W/(mK)2 oi de geam termopan: U g = 1,1-1,3 W/(mK)3 - oi de geam termopan: U g = 0,6-0,8 W/(mK)

    Windows made by glazing with two or three glass panes. The inter-space between the panes is lled with gas in order to reduce the

    transmissions o energy. To reduce the solar radiation, the suraceo one or more panes is coated. Typical values are:

    2-panes-glazing: U g = 2,8-3,0 W/(mK)2-panes-heat protection glazing: U g = 1,1-1,3 W/(mK)3-panes-heat protection glazing: U g = 0,6-0,8 W/(mK)

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    Energy production

    Producerea energiei

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    A document certiying a certain reduction o energy consumption,which has been attained by companies (energy producers,

    suppliers or distributors) in the energy market. In most applications,the white certicates are tradable. Corresponding to the closelyrelated concept o emission trading, it should guarantee, thatthe overall energy saving target is achieved. The system o thewhite certicates has to be set up and controlled by governmentbodies.

    Certicat alb Un document care certic o anumit reducere a consumuluide energie, ce a ost obinut de ctre companii (productori deenergie, distribuitori) pe piaa energetic. n cele mai multe cazuri,certicatele albe sunt comercializabile. Corespunznd conceptuluirelativ apropiat de tranzacionare a certicatelor, va garanta c

    inta de economisire a energiei este atins. Sistemul de certicatealbe trebuie introdus i controlat de organismele guvernamentale.

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    Sustainable approach

    Abordare sustenabil

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    Green public procurement means that contracting authoritiesand entities take environmental issues into account when

    tendering or goods or services with tax payers money in order toreduce the impact o the procurement on human health and theenvironment.

    Examples - energy ecient computers and buildings,environmentally riendly public transport, recyclable paper,organic ood in canteens, electric cars, oce equipment made oenvironmentally sustainable timber, electricity stemming romrenewable energy sources, air conditioning systems complyingwith state-o-the-art environmental solutions.



    Achiziiile publice verzi se reer la aptul c autoritile contractante

    i entitile iau n calcul problemele de mediu atunci cndoerteaz bunuri i servicii cu ajutorul banilor din taxele platite decontribuabili, pentru a reduce impactul achiziiilor asupra sntiiumane i mediului.

    Exemple calculatoare i cldiri eciente energetic, transportpublic durabil, hrtie reciclabil, alimente organice n cantine,

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    List de reerine

    Directive CE: Directiva 2002/91/CE privind perormana energetic acldirilor

    Directiva 2006/32/CE privind eciena energetic la utilizatoriinali i serviciile energetice

    Legislaie NaionalLegea nr. 372/2005 privind perormana energetic a cldirilor

    Surse internet: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/toolkit_en.htm






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    m p :

    Biroul de arhitectura Auraplan, Germania Jrg Faltin,

    Christiane von Knorre

    Centrul pentru Energie i Mediu (e.u.z.), Germania Wilried Walther

    Expert extern, Germania Bjrn F. Zimmermann

    Baltic Environmental Forum, Letonia Daina Indriksone,

    Irina Aeksejeva,

    Ingrda Brmere

    tus b :

    REC Romnia Magdalena Burlacu,

    Bogdan Constantin Barbu

    d es p c: su s pu eup c es (intenSe)

    n. : iee/07/823 Si2.500392

    P : gs b z b (d.2.1.)

    Tiprit la: Jelgavas tipogrfja, Letonia

    Iunie 2009

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