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Tabriz Blue Mosque2

Date post: 25-Jun-2015
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Tabriz is the main cultural center of Iranian Azarbaijan, and most of its people are Azerbaijanis. Research by British Egyptologist and historian David Rohl suggests that the Biblical Garden of Eden was situated here. His findings were published in his book Legend: The Genesis of Civilisation and then made into a documentary for the Discovery ChannelYOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1161838-tabriz-blue-mosque2/
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Tabriz is the capital of one of the most famous provinces of Iran, the Azarbaijan or Aturpatgan. It is perhaps the birth place of Zaratushtra. The city has a long and turbulent history.

Tabriz este capitala provinciei Azarbaijan (sau Aturpatgan). Este şi locul unde s-a născut Zaratushtra. Oraşul are o istorie foarte lungă şi foarte zbuciumată

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The blue mosque of Tabriz was built upon the order of Jahanshah, the ruler of Kara Koyunlu dynasty who had made Tabriz the capital of his Kingdom (who covered major parts of modern Iran, Azerbaijan, and Turkey), at the request of his wife Khatunjan Beygom, and was completed in 1465 A.D.

Moscheea Albastră, supranumită „Peruzeaua Islamului” a fost construită de Jahanshah, un domnitor din dinastia Kara Koyunlu, la cererea soţiei sale, şi a fost terminată în anul 1465.

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The roof of mausoleum and main dome chamber of the mosque collapsed during an earthquake in 1779-80 A.D. and was rebuilt in 1973, thanks the efforts of the late master Reza Memaran Benam, a famous architect from Tabriz

Acoperişul mausoleului şi domul central al moscheei s-au prăbuşit la cutremurul din anul 1779-80 şi au fost reconstruite de faimosul arhitect din Tabriz, Reza Memaran Benam, în anul 1973

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The diverse Kufic or Thuluth scripts, the exquisite arabesque patterns and the admirable chromatic compositions, of these facades, which are truly stupendous, were created by Nematollah-ben-Mohammad-ol-Bavvab, the famous caligraphist. The walls (inside & outside) had been covered with mosaic tiles.

Inscripţiile cufice sau thuluth, arabescurile spectaculoase şi cromatica fantastică a modelelor de pe aceste faţade au fost create de faimosul caligraf Nematollah-ben-Mohammad-ol-Bavvab. Pereţii (şi înăuntru şi afară) erau complet acoperiţi cu plăci de ceramică colorată.

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In the southern part had been built the royal mausoleum.

În partea sudică se află mausoleul regal.

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Following the recent rebuild, restoration of the tiling is still ongoing. Some walls have the original tiles, and then the missing panels are painted onto the walls. It's not clear whether this is due to lack of funds, or to show the difference between the old and new

Umare restaurării actuale partea care lipseşte din decoraţia pereţilor este pictată cu modelul ceramicii iniţiale. Nu este clar dacă se procedează aşa din lipsă de fonduri sau pentru a marca diferenţa dintre decoraţia iniţială şi partea restaurată.

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The work of Nematollah-ben-Mohammad-ol-Bavab, the famous calligraphist, can be seen on the internal and external walls. Kufic and Thulth styles create decorative verses and patterns. The work took 25 years to complete.

Arta faimosului artist caligraf Nematollah-ben-Mohammad-ol-Bavab, poate fi admirată şi înăuntrul şi înafara monumentului. Stilurile cufic şi thuluth creează versete decorative şi modele la care artistul a lucrat 25 de ani.

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The complex was completed in 1465 A.D. The original complex included a school, public baths and library, all of which disappeared during the earthquake in 1779.

Complexul Moscheei Albastre a fost terminat în anul 1465 şi includea o şcoală coranică (medersa) băi publice şi o bibliotecă, care au dispărut toate la marele cutemur din anul 1779.

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Jahan Shah was killed with Uzun Hassan (ruler of Ak Koyunlu) and buried in a mausoleum in the southern part of the mosque. It was covered with marble slabs on which are Thulth script engravings of parts of the Quran on a background of fine arabesques

Jahan Şah a fost asasinat împreună cu Uzun Hassan, (guvernatorul) şi a fost depus în mausoleul din partea de sud a moscheei. Pe placa de marmură de pe mormântul său sunt inscripţii din Coran şi arabescuri savante.

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Pieces of masonry with the original tiles are displayed in glass cases and behind a barrier in the smaller chapel, which was once the Shahs private mosque.

Bucăţi căzute din decoraţia iniţială a monumentului sunt aşezate în vitrine de sticlă şi într-o mică capelă care era spaţiul privat de rugăciune al şahului

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Statue of poet Khaqani, and Blue Mosque

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Sound: Gole Pamchal – Bijan Bijani


Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

