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structuri regionale

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    Student: Ana Delia BbeanuUniversitatea din Amsterdam Olanda

    Facultatea de Economie i Afaceri

    Abstract:Lucrarea analizeaz fenomenele deocupare a forei de munc i de omaj n profilregional. A fost particularizat relaia funcionaldintre nivelul de dezvoltare i profilul regiunilor

    Romniei, pe de o parte, i procesele de ocupare iomaj, pe de alt parte. n esen, au fost urmrite treiprobleme: participarea populaiei regiunilor laactivitile economice i sociale, evoluiile i structurile

    populaiei ocupate, evoluiile i structurile fenomenuluiomajului.

    De asemenea, au fost reliefate deosebirile i

    decalajele dintre regiunile de dezvoltare ale Romniein privina utilizrii forei de munci a omajului, caargumente faptice pentru mbuntirea politicii dedezvoltare regionali de intensificare a unor aciunieficiente pentru ocuparea resurselor de muncdisponibile

    Cuvinte cheie: regiuni de dezvoltare,dezvoltare regional, populaie activ, rata deactivitate, populaie ocupat, rata de ocupare, omaj,rata omajului.

    Regiunile de dezvoltare prezint o importan deosebitn procesul de integrare european. Din punctul de

    vedere al sprijinului financiar, Uniunea Europeanasigur un tratament egal rilor i regiunilor dedezvoltare din care este alctuit. Tratatul de laMaastricht a transformat regiunile n unul din piloniiintegrrii, Europa de azi fiind alctuit dintr-un mozaicde regiuni, ca rezultat al diversitii vieii economice,sociale i culturale.

    1. Dezvoltarea regional a Romniei i utilizarearesurselor de munc

    Regionalismul are o tradiie destul deputernic n ara noastr. nc de la formarea statului

    romn modern, subdiviziunile statale s-au manifestat cauniti administrativ-teritoriale solide, avnd fiecare

    particularitile ei.Dup formarea statului unitar romn prin unirea

    Transilvaniei cu Regatul Romniei, pn la trecerea riinoastre la socialism, teritoriul Romniei a fost mpritn mai multe inuturi sau provincii, fiecare cuprin-zndmai multe judee. Apoi, la nceputul anilor '50, a fostadoptat modelul de organizare administrativ-teritorial nregiuni i raioane. Acest model era specific centralismului

    birocratic promovat de sistemul. La 1 ianuarie 1968 s-atrecut de la acest model greoi la actuala form deorganizare, cu 39 de judee plus municipiul Bucureti, la

    nceput, i 41 de judee plus municipiul Bucureti, nprezent. Organizarea administrativ-terito-rial a Romniei


    Student: Ana Delia BbeanuUniversity of Amsterdam The Netherlands

    The Faculty of Economics and Business

    Abstract: This paper analyses the employmentphenomena of the workforce and unemployment on aregional level. It has been outlined the functionalrelation between the development level and the profile ofthe regions from Romania on one hand, and theemployment and unemployment processes on the otherhand. The main focus was on three main problems: the

    participation of the population from the regions in theeconomic and social activities, the evolutions and

    structures of the employed population, the evolutions andstructures of the unemployment phenomenon.There have also been pointed out the disparities between

    the development regions in Romania regarding the use ofthe labour force and unemployment as factual argumentsfor the improvement of the regional development policyand the intensification of some efficient actions for theemployment of the available labour resources.

    Keywords: development regions, regionaldevelopment, active population, rate of activity,employed population, employment rate, unemploymentrate.

    The development regions are very important inthe European integration process. From the point of viewof the financial support, the European Union provides an

    equal treatment for its countries and developmentregions. The Maastricht Treaty transformed the regionsin one of the pillars of integration, the Europe from todayconsisting of a mosaic of regions, as a result of thediversity of economic, social and cultural life.

    1. The Romanian Regional Development andthe Use of the Labour Resources

    Regionalism has a powerful tradition in our country.Even since the Romanian modern state formation, thestate subdivisions were represented as solidadministrative-territorial bodies, each of them having

    individual particularities.After the Romanian unitary state formation as a

    consequence of the unification of Transylvania with theKingdom of Romania and until our country passed tosocialism, Romanias territory was divided into severallands or provinces, each of them being further divided intocounties. At the beginning of the 50s, our country adoptedthe administrative-territorial in regions and districts. Thiswas a characteristic model for bureaucratic centralism

    promoted by the system. On 1 January 1968, this modelwas changed in the current organisation form, with 39counties plus the municipality of Bucharest, at the

    beginning, and presently 41 counties plus the municipality

    of Bucharest. The administrative-territorial organisation ofRomania will have to get closer, as principles and

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    va trebui s se apropie ct mai mult, ca principii iorientri, de organizarea rilor membre ale UniuniiEuropene.

    Pentru a surprinde fenomenele economico-sociale pe zone mai ample dect regiunile, Institutul

    Naional de Statistic folosete conceptul de

    macroregiuni de dezvoltare prin nsumareaindicatorilor economico-sociali i gruparea n dou ctedou a regiunilor de dezvoltare pe baza proximitiiacestora. Ca urmare, Romnia dispune de 8 regiuni i 4macroregiuni de dezvoltare.

    Tabel nr.1

    Regiunile de dezvoltare sunt zone cecorespund unor grupri de judee constituite prinasocierea voluntar a acestora, pe baz de conveniesemnat de reprezentanii consiliilor judeene. Trebuiemenionat c regiunile de dezvoltare i macro-regiunilenu dispun de personalitate juridic i nu sunt unitiadministrativ-teritoriale.

    n ceea ce privete dezvoltarea regional, sepoate spune c, pn n anul 1990, n Romnia s-auevideniat cteva caracteristici ale acesteia, cum ar fi:

    reedinele judeelor din Romnia se afl ncel mai mare ora din judeul respectiv;

    oraele mici au avut de regul un profilmonoindustrial, stabilit fr o legtur direct cuspecificul zonei, ceea ce a contribuit la falimentul rapidal profilului i la apariia unor probleme sociale acute;

    dezvoltarea economico-social spaial s-afcut pe criterii egalitariste, astfel c n procesulindustrializrii nu s-a reuit s se creeze structuriindustriale proprii i stabile pentru fiecrui jude ;

    la nivelul fiecrui jude existau decalajeeconomice impresio-nante att ntre marile zone urbanei micile orae, ct i ntre mediul urban i mediul rural;

    decalajele interjudeene erau considerate cafiind nesemnificative de ctre oficialiti, dei acesteaerau vizibile la nivel de indicatori specifici i la nivelulindicatorilor privind calitatea vieii.

    n aceste condiii, a fost necesar s se adopte oserie de msuri care s conduc la ameliorarea

    problemelor existente. A fost adoptat Legea 315/2004privind dezvoltarea regional n Romnia [ ]1 dari alte

    acte normative care stau la baza dezvoltrii economicedurabile i a reducerii decalajelor economice i socialeexistente ntre Romnia i celelalte state ale Uniunii

    orientations to the organisation of the European Unionmember states.

    In order to detect the economic-socialphenomena on vaster regions, the National Institute ofStatistics uses the concept of development macro-regions by summing up the economic-social indicators

    and grouping the regions two by two according to theirproximity. In consequence, Romania has 8 regions and 4development macro-regions.

    Table no 1

    The development regions are the areas whichcorrespond to some groups of counties constituted bytheir voluntarily association, on the basis of a conventionsigned by the representatives of the county councils. Onehas to mention that the development regions and themacro-regions do not represent a legal entity and are notadministrative-territorial bodies.

    In what the regional development is concerned,one can say that up to 1990, in Romania there have been

    pointed out a few characteristics, as it follows: the residences of the counties from Romania

    are in the largest town of that county; the small towns used to be mono-industrial,

    without any direct connection with the specificity of thearea, which contributed to the rapid bankruptcy of the

    profile and the emergence of some severe socialproblems;

    the spatial economic-social development wascarried out according to egalitarian criteria, so that in the

    process of industrialization there were no individual

    industrial and stable structures for each county; there were significant economic disparities on

    the level of each county both between the large urbanareas and the rural environment;

    the disparities between the counties wereconsidered as insignificant by the official bodies,although they were visible on the level of specificindices and on the level of the indices regarding thequality of life.

    Under these circumstance, a series of measureshad to be adopted which should lead to the improvementof the existing problems. The Law 315/2004 regardingthe regional development in Romania was adopted [ ]1 , but

    also some other normative acts which support theeconomic sustainable development and the reduction of

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    Europene.Politica de dezvoltare regional reprezint un

    ansamblu de msuri planificate i promovate deautoritile administraiei publice locale i centrale, n

    scopul asigurrii unei creteri economice, dinamice idurabile, prin valorificarea eficient a potenialului

    regionali local, n vederea mbuntirii condiiilor devia. Principalele domenii care pot fi vizate depoliticile regionale sunt: dezvoltarea ntreprinderilor,piaa forei de munc, atragerea investiiilor, transferulde tehnologie, dezvoltarea sectorului ntreprinderilormici i mijlocii, mbuntirea infrastructurii, calitateamediului nconjurtor, dezvoltarea rural, sntatea,educaia, nvmntul i cultura.

    Obiectivele de baz ale politicii de dezvoltareregional n Romnia constau n:

    diminuarea dezechilibrelor regionaleexistente, cu accent pe stimularea dezvoltrii echilibratei pe revitalizarea zonelor defavorizate (cu dezvoltare

    ntrziat); stimularea cooperrii inter-regionale, internei internaionale, care promoveaz dezvoltareaeconomico-sociali instituional a acestora, n scopulrealizrii unor proiecte de interes comun,;

    corelarea politicilor sectorialeguvernamentale la nivelul regiunilor prin stimulareainiiativelor i prin valorificarea resurselor locale iregionale, n scopul dezvoltrii economico-socialedurabile i culturale a acestora.

    Principiile care stau la baza elaborrii iaplicriipoliticilor de dezvoltare regional sunt:

    a) descentralizarea procesului de luare a

    deciziilor;b) parteneriaiul n demararea programelor iproiectelor de dezvol-tare regional;;

    c) planificarea aciunilor pentru a sporieficiena resurselor limitate disponibile;

    d) cofinanarea sau contribuia financiar adiverilor actori implicai n realizarea programelori

    proiectelor de dezvoltare regional;e) concentrarea sau focalizarea asupra unor

    aspecte i probleme limitate i clar identificabile, astfelnct activitatea asistat s fie legat de strategiileexplicite i obiectivele specifice i, totodat, deresursele relativ limitate care s fie utilizate la

    maximum.Creterea economic n Romnia a urmat

    direcia Vest-Est, apropierea de pieele din VestulEuropei acionnd ca un factor de difuzare a creterii.Zonele subdez-voltate din Romnia sunt concentrate n

    Nord-Est i n Sud, de-a lungul Dunrii.Subdezvoltarea acestor zone este corelat cu un

    omaj mai ridicat, cu preponderena activitilor ruralei cu o capacitate redus de a atrage investiii strinedirecte.

    Subdezvoltarea Regiunii Nord-Est estedeterminat mai ales de dependena sa de agricultur. Osituaie similar nregistreazRegiunea Sud-Muntenia,

    unde agricultura reprezint activitatea de baz (nspecial n judeele din sudul regiunii) i unde Dunrea

    the economic and social disparities between Romaniaand the other states of the European Union.

    The regional development policy de representsa framework of planned and promoted measures b theauthorities of the local public and centraladministration, in order to provide a economic, dynamic

    and sustainable growth through the efficientcapitalization of the regional and local potential in orderto improve the living conditions. The main fields of theregional policy are: the development of the enterprises,the labour market, attracting investors, technologytransfer, the development of the small and middleenterprises, the improvement of the infrastructure, thequality of the environment, rural development, health,education and culture.

    The basic objectives of the regionaldevelopment policy in Romania are:

    the reduction of the regional existingdisparities, with an accent put on stimulating the

    balanced development and the revitalisation of the lessfavoured regions (with a late development); stimulating the inter-regional, internal and

    international cooperation which is promoting theeconomic-social and institutional development in orderto accomplish some common interest projects;

    the correlation of the governmental sectorpolicies on the level of the regions by stimulating theinitiatives and capitalizing the local and regionalresources for the sustainable economic-social andcultural development.

    The principles which lie at the basis of theelaboration and application of the regional development

    policies are:a) decentralization of the decision makingprocess;

    b) partnership in starting the programs andregional development projects;

    c) planningthe actions in order to increase theefficiency of the limited available resources;

    d) co-financing or financial contribution of thedifferent actors involved in carrying out the programsand regional development projects;

    e) concentration or focus on some limited andclearly identifiable problems, so that the assisted activitycould be related to the explicit strategies and specific

    goals, to relatively limited resources which should beused to a maximum.

    The economic growth from Romania wasfocused on the West-East direction, the closeness to themarkets from Western Europe acting as a factor ofdiffusing the growth. The underdeveloped regions fromRomania are concentrated in North East and South alongthe Danube.

    The underdevelopment of these regions iscorrelated with a higher unemployment, with the

    preponderance of the rural activities and with a lowcapacity of drawing foreign direct investments.

    The underdevelopment of the North-Eastern

    Region is determined especially by its dependence toagriculture. A similar situation is registered by the

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    acioneaz ca o barier n calea comeruluitransfrontalier. Prile vestice i centrale ale rii au fostavantajate de poziia lor mai apropiat de pieele vesticei de dependena redus de sectorul primar. Beneficiindde aceste avantaje (poziie geografic favorabilcomerului exterior, un sector industrial dezvoltat i

    for de munc bine calificat n acest domeniu,infrastructur de transport i comuni-caii), regiunilevestice i centrale au atras cel mai mult din investi iistrine directe.

    2. Participarea populaiei regiunilor la activitateaeconomic

    Dup anul 1990, scderea numrului delocuitori ai Romniei, ca urmare a sporului naturalnegativ i a emigrrilor masive n scop de munc, a avutdrept rezultat reducerea populaiei active i a populaieiocupate n toate cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare dinar[2]. n anul 2008, comparativ cu anul 2003, se

    constat c a sczut numrul persoanelor active dinregiunile Nord-Vest, Centru, Nord-Est, Sud-Est i Sud-Vest Oltenia, n timp ce n regiunile Sud-Muntenia,Bucureti-Ilfov i Vest a crescut numrul persoaneloractive.

    n ceea ce privete repartizarea populaieiactive pe regiuni, n anul 2008 se constat c nRegiunea Nord-Est se afl cea mai mare pondere a

    populaiei active, respectiv 17,6% din totalul populaieiactive, urmat de Regiunea Sud-Muntenia, unde estelocalizat 16,0% din populaia activ a rii i deRegiunea Sud-Est, cu 12,5% din populaia activ a rii.

    Rata de activitate a crescut n perioada 2003-

    2008 n regiunile Centru, Sud-Muntenia, Bucureti-Ilfov i Vest, n timp ce n celelalte regiuni a nregistratscderi.

    Ratele de activitate n regiunile Nord-Vest,Centru i Sud-Est s-au situat sub media pe ar; nregiunile Nord-Est,, Sud-Muntenia, Bucureti-Ilfov iSud-Vest Oltenia ratele de activitate au fost peste ratamedie de activitate nregistrat la nivel naional, n timpce n Regiunea Vest, rata de activitate a fost egal cu ceade la nivel naional. Ratele mai mari de activitatenregistrate n Regiunile Sud-Muntenia, Nord-Est iSud-Vest Oltenia sunt determinate de profilul

    preponderent agricol al acestor regiuni, surplusul de

    for de munc fiind astfel absorbit de agricultur.

    Region South Muntenia, where agriculture is the basicactivity (especially in the counties from the Southern partof the region) and where Danube acts as a barrier in frontof the cross-border trade. The Western and Central partsof the country were in advantage due to their closer

    position to the Western markets and to the low degree of

    dependence to the primary sector. Taking into accountthese advantages (favourable geographic position of theforeign trade, a developed industrial sector and goodqualified labour force, transport infrastructure andcommunications), the Western and Central regionsattracted most of the foreign direct investments.

    2. The participation of the population fromthese regions in the economic activity

    After 1990, the decrease of the number ofinhabitants from Romania, was a consequence of thenegative natural growth rate and the massive labouremigrations, all these factors leading to the decrease ofthe active population and of the employed population in

    all the eight development regions from the country[2]. In2008 as compared to 2003 the number of activepopulation from the regions North-West, Centre, North-East, South-East and South West Oltenia has decreased,while the number of active people from the regionsSouth-Muntenia, Bucharest-Ilfov and West Vest hasincreased.

    In what the distribution of the active populationon regions is concerned, one can see that in 2008 theregion North East registered the highest average of active

    population, that is 17,6% of the total of active populationfollowed by the regions South Muntenia with 16,0% ofthe active population of the country and the region South

    East with 12,5% of the active population of the country.The employment rate went up in the period2003-2008 in the regions Center, South Muntenia,Bucharest Ilfov and West while in the other regions itwent down.

    The employment rates from the regions NorthWest, Centre and South East were situated below thecountry average; in the regions North-East, SouthMuntenia, Bucharest Ilfov and South West Oltenia theemployment rates were above the average employmentrate registered on the national level, while in the Westernregion the employment rate was equal to the one on thelevel of the country. The higher employment rates

    registered in the regions South Muntenia, North East andSouth West Oltenia are determined by the agriculturalspecific of these regions, the workforce surplus beingabsorbed by agriculture.

    Tabelul nr.2.Participarea populaiei la activitatea economica, pe regiuni de dezvoltare, n perioada 2003-2008

    The participation of the population in the economic activity on development regions in the period 2003-20082003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Populaia activ mii persoane-Active population thousand of people-

    Nord-Vest North West 1.228 1.193 1.187 1.217 1.198 1.172Centru Centre 1.095 1.084 1.076 1.120 1.100 1.123

    Nord-Est North East 1.763 1.814 1.790 1.757 1.785 1.753Sud-Est South East 1.280 1.276 1.246 1.298 1.262 1.246Sud Muntenia South Muntenia 1.563 1.566 1.556 1.586 1.600 1.593

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    Bucureti-Ilfov Bucharest-Ilfov 991 1.040 1.034 1.074 1.061 1.068Sud-Vest Oltenia South West Oltenia

    OlteOltenia1.145 1.123 1.117 1.118 1.103 1.112

    Vest West 850 861 845 871 885 877Romnia Romania 9.915 9.957 9.851 10.041 9.994 9.944

    Rata de activitate - procente

    Employment rate - percentages-Nord-Vest North West 61,0 60,2 59,7 60,9 59,6 58,7Centru Centre 59,6 59,7 59,2 61,6 60,4 61,9

    Nord-Est North East 64,3 66,9 65,5 64,2 64,8 63,6Sud-Est South East 61,1 61,0 59,6 62,2 60,1 59,8Sud Muntenia South Muntenia 63,4 64,6 64,3 66,2 66,3 65,9Bucureti-Ilfov Bucharest-Ilfov 61,8 64,5 63,8 66,0 65,1 65,5Sud-Vest Oltenia South West Oltenia

    OlteOltenia66,3 65,2 64,8 65,1 64,1 64,6

    Vest West 60,8 61,9 60,7 62,8 63,2 62,9Romnia Romania 62,4 63,2 62,4 63,7 63 62,9

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009/ Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009

    n toate regiunile, pe categorii de vrst, cea maimare rat de inactivitate se nregistreaz la categoria 15-24 ani.

    Procentul persoanelor active cu vrsta peste 65de ani este mai redus n Regiunile Bucureti-Ilfov(0,8%), Centru (5,3%) i Vest (6,2%), n timp ce nRegiunile Sud-Vest Oltenia i Nord-Est procentul

    persoanelor vrstnice active pe piaa muncii depeteun sfert din totalul persoanelor cu aceast vrst dinregiunile respective.

    n ceea ce privesc ratele de activitate pe sexe, seconstat c n toate regiunile rii, persoanele de sexmasculin sunt mai active dect persoanele de sex

    feminin.Cea mai ridicat rat de activitate pentrupersoanele de sex masculin se nregistra n RegiuneaSud Muntenia, iar cea mai sczut n Regiunea Nord-Vest. Dac analizm rata de activitate pentru persoanelede sex feminin, se constat c cea mai ridicat rat deactivitate pentru femei se nregistreaz n Regiunea

    Nord-Est, iar cea mai sczut n Regiunea Sud-Est.Tabelul nr.3.

    Rata de activitate pe sexe, medii i regiuni de dezvoltare,n anul 2008

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009Rata de activitate pe medii este influenat de

    distribuia populaiei ntre sate i orae; regiunile cupopulaiei predominant localizat n mediul ruralnregistreaz rate mai mari de activitate pentru populaia

    The highest unemployment rate according to thecategory of age is registered for the category 15-24 yearsold.

    The percentage of active people over 65 yearsold is lower in the regions Bucharest-Ilfov (0,8%),Centre (5,3%) and West (6,2%), while in the regionsSouth West Oltenia and North East the percentage ofactive elderly people on the labour market exceeds aquarter of the total number of people with this age.

    In what the rates of employment on gendersareconcerned, one can notice that in all the regions of thecountry, the persons with masculine gender a moreactive that the feminine ones.

    The highest employment rate for men was registered inthe Region South Muntenia, and the lowest one in theRegion North West. If we analyse the employment ratefor women, we can see that the highest employment ratefor women was registered in the Region North East andthe lowest in the region South East.

    Table no.3.Employment rate on genders, environments and

    development regions in 2008

    Source: Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009The employment rate according to environments isinfluenced by the distribution of the population amongvillages and towns; the regions with the predominant

    population in the rural environment registered higheremployment rates for the rural population, the

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    rural, n timp ce n regiunile cu populaie predominanturban, rata de activitate n mediul urban este superioarratei de activitate din mediul rural. n anul 2008, doarregiunile Nord-Vest i Centru nregistrau rate deactivitate mai mari n mediul urban.

    3. Populaia ocupat pe regiuni de dezvoltare

    n perioada 2003-2008 populaia ocupat anregistrat o tendin de cretere, n ase din cele optregiuni de dezvoltare ale rii, singurele excepii fiindRegiunea Nord-Vest unde populaia ocupat scade cu2,3%, i Regiunea Sud-Vest, unde populaia ocupat asczut cu 3,4 puncte procen-tuale.

    Ratele de ocupare au nregistrat scderi uoaren anii 2004 i 2005, dup care tendina de cretere adevenit evident, ratele de ocupare din anul 2008depind ratele de ocupare din anul 2004 n apte dincele opt regiuni de dezvoltare, singura regiune n care s-au nregistrat scderi ale acestei rate fiind Nord-Est.Rate de ocupare peste media naional s-au nregistrat n

    anul 2008 n Regiunile Nord-Est, Sud-Muntenia,Bucureti-Ilfov, Sud-Vest Oltenia i Vest, n timp ce nRegiunile Nord-Vest, Centru i Sud-Est ratele deocupare sunt mai mici dect rata medie de ocupare dinRomnia.

    Tabelul nr.4.Evoluia populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare, n

    perioada 2003-2008

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009

    Numrul populaiei ocupate a cunoscut tendinade reducere n perioada 2003-2005 i de cretere n

    perioada 2005-2008, cu diferenieri pe regiunile dedezvoltare. Pentru perioada 2003-2008, n toate regiunile

    de dezvoltare, se observ c ocuparea populaiei de sexmasculin este superi-oar numeric i procentual

    populaiei ocupate de sex feminin. Amplitudinea cea maimare a gradului de ocupare ntre cele dou sexe, din

    punct de vedere procentual n populaia total ocupat afiecrei regiuni, se nregistreaz n Regiunile Centru,Sud-Est, Sud-Muntenia. Procentul mare al populaieimasculine ocupate n totalul populaiei ocupate din acesteregiuni este determinat de structura economiilorregionale, n care predomin activitile ce necesit forde munc masculin (industria extractiv, industriaconstruc-toare de maini, industria chimic i

    petrochimic, industria metalurgic).

    employment rate in the urban environment being higherthan the employment rate in the rural environment. In2008, only the regions North-West and Centre registeredhigher employment rates than the one from the urbanenvironment.

    3. Employed population according todevelopment regionsIn the period 2003-2008 the employed

    population has registered a growth tendency in six ofthe eight development regions of the country the onlyexception being the North West regions where theemployed populations goes down by 2,3%, and theSouth Western Region where the employed populationwent down by 3,4%.

    The employment rates registered slightreductions in the years 2004 and 2005, and then thetendency of growth became much more obvious, theemployment rates from 2008 exceeding the employmentrates from 2004 from seven of the eight development

    regions, the only region which registered reductions ofthis rate being the North-Eastern region. Theemployment rates with an average over the nationalaverage were registered in 2008 in the regions NorthEast, South Muntenia, Bucharest Ilfov, South WestOltenia and West while in the regions North West,Centre and South East the employment rates are lowerthan the average employment rate from Romania

    Table no.4.The evolution of the employed population ondevelopment regions in the period 2003-2008

    Source: Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009

    The number of employed population went down in theperiod 2003-2005 and increased in the period 2005-2008, with differences according to developmentregions. For the period 2003-2008, one can notice in all

    development regions the employment rate of the men ishigher in number and percentage than the employmentrate of the women. The highest amplitude of theemployment rate between the two sexes from a

    percentage point of view in the total population of eachregion is registered in the regions Centre, South East,South Muntenia. The highest percentage of themasculine employed population from these regions isdetermined by the structure of the regional economies,where the most predominant activities are the onerequiring masculine workforce (extractive industry,automotive industry, chemical and petrochemicalindustry, metallurgical industry).

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    Tabelul nr.5.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare i

    sexe, n perioada 2003-2008-%-

    Surs: prelucrat de autor pe baza datelor din Anuarul Statistical Romniei, Ediia 2009.

    n ceea ce privete repartizarea populaieiocupate pe medii, nperioada 2003-2008, se observdiferene ntre cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare ale rii,

    diferenele fiind determinate de structura populaieitotale pe cele dou medii (urban-rural). Astfel, nregiunile n care populaia total este rezident

    preponderent n mediul urban, populaia ocupatnregistreaz aceeai tendin, fiind preponderent situatn mediul urban.

    Ca urmare a faptului c n Regiunile Nord-Vest,Centru, Sud-Est i Vest, populaia urban deine o

    pondere de peste 55% n populaia total a acestorregiuni, i populaia ocupat urban deine ponderi maimari comparativ cu populaia ocupat rural. Deoarecen regiunile Nord-Est, Sud-Muntenia i Sud-VestOltenia, populaia este rezident preponderent n mediul

    rural unde activitatea de baz este agricultura, se observc n structura pe medii a populaiei ocupate predominpopulaia ocupat din mediul rural. n aceste regiuni, sub40% din populaia ocupat provine din mediul urban iaproximativ 60% din mediul rural. Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov deine o situaie aparte, peste 90% din populaiaocupat a regiunii fiind rezident n mediul urban.

    Table no.5.The structure of the population on development regions

    and sexes in the period 2003-2008 -%-

    Source: processed by the author according to the data fromthe Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009.In what the distribution of the employed

    population according to environments, is concerned, inthe period 2003-2008 one can notice the differences

    among the eight development regions of the country,these differences being determined according to thestructure of the total population on two environments(urban-rural). So, in the regions where the total

    population is resident in the urban environment, theemployed population registered the same tendency beingsituated in the urban environment.In consequence, the fact that in the regions North West,Centre, South East and West, the urban population hasan average of more than 55% of the total population ofthese regions, and the employed urban population hashigher averages as compared to the employed ruralemployment. Due to the fact that in the regions North-

    East, South Muntenia and South West Oltenia, theresident population from the rural environment wherethe basic activity is agriculture, one can notice that in thestructure according to environments of the employed

    population the employed population from the ruralenvironment prevails. In these regions, less than 40% ofthe employed population comes from the urbanenvironment and almost 60% of the rural environment.The region Bucharest Ilfov has a special situation morethan 90% of the employed population of this region

    being resident in the urban environment.Tabelul nr.6.

    Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare i medii, n perioada

    2005-2008The structure of the employed population on development regions and environments in the period2005-2008 -%-

    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural

    Nord-Vest North West 49,1 50,9 53,8 46,2 53,0 47,0 53,4 46,6 54,3 45,7 55,9 44,1

    Centru Centre 60,8 39,2 65,4 34,6 63,9 36,1 64,6 35,4 63,1 36,9 63,7 36,3

    Nord-Est North East 35,0 65,0 38,0 62,0 38,3 61,7 39,7 60,3 38,5 61,5 38,8 61,2

    Sud-Est South East 52,7 47,3 54,4 45,6 55,2 44,8 55,8 44,2 55,2 44,8 55,4 44,6

    Sud Muntenia South Muntenia 39,2 60,8 40,2 59,8 39,7 60,3 40,6 59,4 39,7 60,3 39,8 60,2

    Bucureti-Ilfov Bucharest-Ilfov 90,4 9,6 91,8 8,2 92,0 8,0 93,7 6,3 93,7 6,3 93,1 6,9Sud-Vest Oltenia South West Oltenia 38,8 61,2 42,5 57,5 42,5 57,5 44,1 55,9 43,8 56,2 43,3 56,7Vest West 59,9 40,1 62,7 37.3 62,8 37,2 64,9 35,1 64.2 35,8 63,6 36,4

    Surs: prelucrat de autor pe baza datelor din Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009

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    Referitor la structura populaiei ocupate pe

    grupe de vrst, n toate regiunile de dezvoltare ale riise constat o scdere a ponderii populaiei tinere ocupate,cu vrsta sub 24 de ani, concomitent cu creterea ponderii

    populaiei ocupate din grupele de vrst 35-44 ani i 45-54

    ani. Totodat, ca urmare a posibilitilor de pensionareanticipat, nainte de limita de vrst legal de pensionare,a sczut i ponderea persoanelor ocupate din categoria devrst 55-64 ani.

    Tabelul nr.7.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare i

    grupe de vrst, anul 2008 -%-

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009Ponderea persoanelor ocupate cu vrsta cuprins

    ntre 15-24 ani este n general redus, dar uor mai ridicatn regiunile mai puin dezvoltate, n care se desfoar

    preponderent activiti agricole (Regiunea Sud-Munteniai Regiunea Nord-Est).

    De asemenea, n regiunile cu un nivel mai naltde dezvoltare (Centru, Bucureti-Ilfov i Vest), n care

    populaia ocupat este rezident preponderent n mediulurban i n care activitile economice de baz suntindustria i serviciile, ponderi mai importante n populaiaocupat dein persoanele mature din categoriile de vrst25-34 ani, 35-44 ani i 45-54 ani. n schimb, n RegiunileSud-Vest Oltenia, Nord-Est i Sud-Muntenia, persoaneleocupate cu vrsta cuprins ntre 55-64 ani i 65 ani i

    peste, dein ponderi mai mari comparativ cu celelalteregiuni ale rii.

    Din cele prezentate anterior, se observ tendinade mbtrnire a populaiei ocupate, fenomen caregenereaz ieirea de pe piaa forei de munc a unorcompetene importante, n domenii de interes,cum ar ficercetarea-dezvoltarea, n care se observ o scderevertiginoas a numrului de salariai, nvmntul pre-universitar, industria etc.

    Datele din Tabelul nr.8 arat faptul c populaiaocupat n funcie de nivelul de studii nu este repartizatuniform n cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare. Astfel, nRegiunea Sud Muntenia doar 9,6% din populaia totalocupat a regiunii are studii superioare (fiind cea maisczut pondere comparativ cu celelalte regiuni), n timpce n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov, din totalul populaieiocupate la nivel de regiune, 33,2% are studii superioare.

    Regiunea Centru deine cea mai mare pondere apersoanelor ocupate cu nivel mediu de educaie (70,7%din totalul populaiei ocupate n regiune), n timp ce

    Regiunea Nord-Est nregistreaz cea mai sczut ponderea populaiei cu studii medii, (respectiv 53,9% din totalulpopulaiei ocupate n regiune). Populaia ocupat, cu nivel

    In what the structure of the employed population onage group, is concerned, all the development regions ofthe country one can see a decrease of the averageemployed young population, below 24 years old, at thesame time with the growth of the share of the employed

    population in the age groups 35-44 and 45-54. At thesame time, as a consequence of the possibilities ofanticipated retirement, before the legal age limit, theaverage of the employed population from the agecategory 55-54 has also decreased.

    Table no.7.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare igrupe de vrst, anul 2008 -%-

    Source: Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009The share of the employed population with an

    age between 15-24 is generally reduced, but slightlyhigher than in the less developed regions whereagricultural activities are developed (South MunteniaRegion and North Eastern Region).

    At the same time, the regions with a higherdevelopment level (Centre, Bucharest-Ilfov and West),where the employed population is resident in the urbanenvironment and where the basic economic activities areindustry and services, the more important shares in theemployed population go to adult people from the agecategories 25-34 years old, 35-44 years old and 45-54years old. In exchange, in the regions South WestOltenia, North East and South Muntenia, the employed

    population with an age between 55-64 years old and 65years old and over have higher shares as compared to theother regions of the country.

    From what we mentioned before one can noticethe ageing tendency of the employed population, this

    phenomenon generating the exit from the labour market ofsome important competences in core interest fields asresearch-development where one can see an importantdecrease of the number of employees, pre-universityeducation, industry, etc.

    The data from table 8 show us the fact that theemployed population accordind to the level of studies isnot equally distributed in the eight development regions.So in the region South Muntenia only 9,6% of the totalemployed population has higher studies (being thelowest average as compared to the other regions), whilein the region Bucharest Ilfov only 33,2% of the totalemployed population has higher studies.The Central Region has the highest share of theemployed population with an average educational level

    (70,7% of the total of employed population from theregion), while the North Eastern region registers thelowest share of population with average studies (namely

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    sczut de studii deine cea mai mare pondere n RegiuneaNord-Est (34,8% din totalul populaiei ocupate nregiune), iar Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov nregistreaz ceamai sczut pondere a populaiei ocupate cu nivel sczutde studii, doar (8,1% din populaia ocupat a regiuniiavnd un nivel sczut de educaie).

    Tabelul nr.8.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare inivel de educaie,

    n anul 2008

    Surs: prelucrat de autor pe baza datelor din AnuarulStatistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009

    Populaia ocupat dup statutul profesional, capondere n populaia total a fiecrei regiuni, esteprezentat n Tabelul nr.9.

    n regiunile n care activitatea din agriculturreprezint o pondere nsemnat n totalul activitiloreconomice, ponderea salariailor este redus, n schimb

    ponderile lucrtorilor pe cont propriu i ale lucrtorilorfamiliali neremunerai sunt mari n totalul populaieiocupate din fiecare regiune n parte.

    Astfel, n Regiunea Nord-Est salariaii reprezint48,6% din totalul populaiei ocupate, n timp ce lucrtorii

    pe cont propriu reprezint 28,6% iar lucrtorii familialineremunerai reprezint 21,6%, iar n Regiunea Sud-VestOltenia ponderea salariailor n totalul populaiei ocupatedin regiune este de 52,4%, ponderea lucrtorilor pe cont

    propriu este de 23,2% iar ponderea lucrtorilor familialineremu-nerai este de 23,7%. Alte regiuni cu ponderiridicate ale lucrtorilor familiali neremunerai i alelucrtorilor pe contpropriu sunt: Sud-Muntenia i Sud-Est.

    Tabelul nr.9.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare i

    statut profesional,n anul 2008

    Surs: prelucrat de autor pe baza datelor din AnuarulStatistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009

    n cele patru regiuni se afl importante suprafee

    53,9% of the total employed population from the region).The employed population with a low educational

    background has the highest share in the North EasternRegion (34,8% of the total employed population fromthe region), the the Region Bucharest Ilfov registered thelowest average of employed population with a low

    educational background (8,1% of the employedpopulation of the region having a low educational level)Table no. 8.

    The structure of the employed population ofdevelopment regions and education level in 2008

    Source: processed by the author according to the data from theRomanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009

    Employed population according to theprofessional statute,as a share in the total population ofeach region is presented in table no. 9.

    In the regions where the agricultural activity hasa significant share in the total number of economicactivities, the share of the employees is reduced, and theshares of the self-employed and unpaid family workersare higher in the total of employed population from eachregion.So, in the North Eastern region the employees represent48,6% of the total employed population, while the self-employed workers 28,6%and the unpaid family workers21,6%, and in the Region South West Oltenia the shareof the employees in the total of employed populationfrom the region is of 52,4%, the share of the selfemployed workers 23,2% and the share of the familialunpaid workers 23,7%. Other regions with high shares ofunpaid family workers and self-employed workers are:South-Muntenia and South East.

    Table no.9.The structure of the employed population ondevelopment regions and professional statute in 2008

    Source: processed by the author according to the data from theRomanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009.

    These four regions have important surfaces ofagricultural land and the basic activity is agriculture,developed in the individual small dimensionshouseholds, so that the largest part of the employed

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    de teren agricol iar activitatea de baz este agricultura,desfurat n gospodriile individuale de micidimensiuni, astfel nct, cea mai mare parte a populaieiocupate din aceste regiuni este ncadrat drept lucrtori pecont propriu sau lucrtori familiali neremunerai. Deasemenea, nu trebuie pierdut din vedere nici faptul c

    peste 55% din populaia regiunilor respective locuiete nmediul rural, cea mai mare parte a populaiei din acestmediu fiind ocupat n agricultur.

    n regiunile din vestul i centrul rii, dar i nRegiunea Bucureti-Ilfov, n care s-au dezvoltat cu prec-dere activiti industriale i de servicii, pondereasalariailor n totalul populaiei ocupate a regiunilorrespective este ridicat.

    De asemenea, n regiunile mai dezvoltate dinpunct de vedere econo-mic, se constat o pondere mairidicat a numrului patronilor n totalul populaieiocupate din aceste regiuni. Astfel, n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov ponderea patronilor este de 1,8%, iar n Regiunile

    Nord-Vest i Vest acetia reprezint 1,6% din totalulpopulaiei ocupate din aceste dou regiuni de dezvoltare.Cea mai mic pondere a patronilor se nregistreaz nRegiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia, unde doar 0,8% din populaiaocupat din regiune este ncadrat n aceast categorie.

    n anul 2008, din totalul salariailor din Romnia,15,6% erau localizai n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov, 14,7%n Regiunea Sud-Muntenia i 8,6% n Regiunea Sud-VestOltenia. n celelalte regiuni de dezvoltare se constat orepartizare aproximativ uniform a numrului de salariai,fiecare regiune deinnd 12-13 procente din numrul totalde salariai ce i desfoar activitatea n economiaromneasc. Ponderea mai mare sau mai mic a numrului

    de salariai din fiecare regiune a rii este determinat denumrul populaiei totale din fiecare regiune, precum i degradul de dezvoltare economic a regiunii i de specificulactivitilor desfurate n aceste regiuni.

    n structura populaiei ocupate pe activiti isectoare ale economiei naionale, datorit mutaiilor cares-au produs dup 1989 au intervenit urmtoarele schimbri:

    - restructurarea sectorului industriei grele, care aantrenat o scdere semnificativ a populaiei ocupate nacest sector;

    - omajul industrial, care a determinatfenomenul de ntoarcere la sat, i deci creterea forei demunc ocupate n agricultur;

    - dinamica sectorului servicii, i n special acomerului, care a permis absorbia unei pri nsemnate apopulaiei active.

    n ceea ce privete ponderea populaiei ocupate pesectoare econo-mice, se poate observa c tendina este descdere pentru agricultur i industrie, dar din motivediferite. Agricultura reprezint un sector neatractiv i cu o

    productivitate a muncii sczut, dei n acest sector existun numr mare de persoane ocupate. n industrie, analizatrebuie defalcat pe ramuri industriale i pe regiuni dedezvoltare, existnd unele ramuri n dezvoltare, care atragfor de munc, dar i ramuri n declin, care genereazomaj. Sectorul construcii nregistreaz o tendin de

    cretere, ceea ce determin o cretere a ocuprii n acestsector. Sectorul serviciilor manifest o tendin de cretere

    population from these regions consists of self-employedworkers or unpaid family workers. At the same time oneshould not overcome the fact that more than 55% of the

    population from those regions lives in the ruralenvironment, most of the population from thisenvironment being employed in agriculture.

    In the regions from the Western and Central partof the country, but also in the region Bucharest Ilfov,where industrial and services activities were developed,the share of the employees in the total of employed

    population is high.At the same time the more developed regions from aneconomic point of view register a higher average of thenumber of owners in the total of employed populationfrom these regions. So, in the region Bucharest-Ilfov, theshare of the owners is 1,6% of the total of employed

    population from these two development regions. Thelowest share of the owners in registered in the regionSouth-West Oltenia, where only 0,8% of the employed

    population goes to this category.In 2008, from the total number of employeesfrom Romania 15,6% were in the region Bucharest-Ilfov,14,7% in the region South-Muntenia and 8,6% in theregion South West Oltenia. In the other developmentregions one can see a almost homogenous distribution ofthe number of employees, each region having 12-13

    percentages from the total number of employees whichcarry out their activity in the Romanian economy. Thehighest or lowest share of the number of employees fromeach region of the country is determined by the numberof total population from each region as well as by thedegree of economic development of the region and the

    specificity of the activities carried out in these regions.The following changes have come up in thestructure of employed population on activities andsectors of the national economy, due to the mutationswhich have been produced after 1989:

    - restructuring the hard industry sector, whichregistered a significant decrease of the employed

    population in this sector;- Industrial unemployment l, which

    determined the phenomenon of coming back to thevillage, so the growth of the workforce in agriculture;

    - Dynamics of the services sector, andespecially of trade which allowed the absorption of a

    significant part of the active population.In what the share of the employed population is

    concerned one can notice that there is a tendency ofreduction for agriculture for different reasons.Agriculture is not an attractive sector with a low labour

    productivity, although in this sector there are a highnumber of employed people. In industry, the analysisshould divided on industrial branches and developmentregions, because there are some developing branches,which attract workforce, but also declining brancheswhich generate unemployment. The construction sectorregistered a tendency of growth which determines agrowth of the employment in this sector. The sector of

    the services manifests a fast development tendency,doubled by the emergence and development of some

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    rapid, dublat de apariia i dezvoltarea unor subramuriale acestui sector. Evoluiile pozitive din serviciiantreneaz o cretere a populaiei ocupate n acest sector.

    Analiza populaiei ocupate pe activiti aleeconomiei naionale n anul 2008, scoate n evidendiferene ntre regiunile de dezvoltare ale rii.

    n Regiunea Nord-Vest fora de munc estemprit astfel pe cele trei mari sectoare de activitate dineconomia naional: populaia ocupat n agricul-turreprezint 25,9% din totalul populaiei ocupate, populaiaocupat n industrie reprezint 26,4%, populaia ocupat nconstrucii 7,2% din populaia ocupat a regiunii, iar

    populaia ocupat n servicii 40,6%.

    sub-branches of this sector. The positive evolutions fromthe services sector are triggering a growth of theemployed population in this sector.

    The analysis of the employed populationaccording to activities of the national economy in 2008

    points out the differences between the development

    regions of the country.In the North-West Region the labour force isdivided on the three large activity sectors from thenational economy: the employed population fromagriculture represents 25,9% of the total employed

    population, the employed population from industryrepresents 26,4%, the employed population inconstructions 7,2% of the employed population of theregion and the employed population in services 40,6%.

    Tabelul nr.10.Structura populaiei ocupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare i activiti ale economiei naionale, n anul 2008

    The structure of employed population on development regions and activities of the national economy on 2008Regiuni de dezvoltare/ Development regionsActivitate/ Activity

    (seciuni CAEN Rev.l) N-V C N-E S-E S B-I S-V V Romnia

    Total populaie ocupat -mii persoane-Total employed population -thousands of people-

    Total Total 1128 1027 1674 1156 1485 1032 1040 827 9369

    Agricultur Agriculture 292 156 799 319 493 16 466 149 2690

    Industrie Industry 298 364 254 259 352 163 209 300 2199

    Industria extractiv Extractive industry * 8 12 8 21 * 34 19 107

    Industria prelucrtoare Manufacturing industry 282 339 218 228 309 144 144 266 1930

    Energie electricitermic, gaze i

    Electric, thermal and gasesindustry

    11 17 24 23 22 19 31 15 162

    Construcii Constructions 81 87 105 108 143 114 49 60 747Comer Trade 149 148 164 141 154 220 100 102 1178Hoteluri i restaurante Hotels and restaurants 19 22 17 26 21 29 8 12 154

    Transport, depozitare icomunicaii

    Transport, warehousing andcommunications

    61 52 51 79 60 118 36 52 509

    Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediations 13 15 14 10 11 29 8 10 110Tranzacii imobiliare Reals estate transactions 24 23 31 28 48 98 23 23 298

    Administraie publici aprare Public administration and defence 48 49 70 73 64 90 51 31 476

    nvmnt Education 65 50 72 43 49 45 40 33 397

    Sntate i asisten social Health and social assistance 51 42 66 43 51 74 35 34 396Celelalte activiti aleeconomiei naionale

    Other activities of nationaleconomy

    27 19 31 27 38 36 12 21 211

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009Comparaia dintre Regiunea Nord-Vest icelelalte regiuni ale rii, arat faptul c: Regiunea

    Nord-Vest se afl pe locul cinci n ceea ce privetefora de munc ocupat n agricultur; n ceea ce

    privete industria prelucr-toare, regiunea se afl pelocul trei ca numr de angajai, deinnd, 14,6% din

    populaia ocupat n aceast subramur a industriei nRomnia; activitatea de construcii, regiunea sesitueaz pe locul ase la nivel de ar ca numr deangajai; n regiune se afl 12,6% din populaiaocupat n comer din Romnia, ceea ce plaseazregiunea pe locul patru (dup Regiunile Bucureti-

    Ilfov, Sud-Muntenia i Nord-Es).Populaia ocupat n agricultur n RegiuneaCentru reprezint 15,2% din populaia ocupat a

    The comparison between the North-Westernregion and the other regions of the country shows that: the

    North Western region is on the fifth place in what theworkforce in agriculture is concerned; regarding themanufacturing industry the region is on the third placeregarding the number of employees, having 14,6% of theemployed population in this sub-branch of industry fromRomania; the constructions activity, the regions is on thesixth place on the level of the country as a number ofemployees; this region registered 12,6% of the employed

    population from Romani, which places the region on thefourth place (after the regions Bucharest Ilfov, South

    Muntenia and North East).The population employed in agriculture in theRegion Center represents 15,2% of the employed

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    regiunii. Populaia ocupat n industrie reprezint35,5% din totalul populaiei ocupate din regiune, dincare o pondere important o dein persoanele ocupaten industria prelucrtoare. Persoanele ocupate nactivitile de servicii repre-zint 39,9% din populaiaocupat a regiunii. Judeul Braov deine pondere cea

    mai mare a persoanelor ocupate n servicii (42,7%),precum i ponderea cea mai mare a populaiei ocupaten construcii, comparativ cu celelalte judee, urmat de

    judeul Sibiu, cu o structur asemntoare a populaieiocupate.

    Dac analizm situaia ocuprii n RegiuneaCentru comparativ cu celelalte regiuni ale rii, sedesprind urmtoarele observaii: regiunea se afl pelocul ase ntre cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare ale rii canumr de persoane ocupate n agricul-tur, respectiv5,8% din populaia ocupat n agricultura Romniei.Populaia ocupat n industrie repre-zint 16,6% din

    populaia ocupat n industria din Romnia i se afl

    pe primul loc comparativ cu celelalte regiuni ale rii.Populaia ocupat n comer reprezint 12,6% dinpopulaia ocupat n aceast subramur a economieiromneti. Ponderea populaiei ocupate n celelalteservicii este mai redus comparativ cu alte regiuni, ireprezint 11,3% din populaia ocupat n servicii nRomnia.

    Din populaia total ocupat n RegiuneaNord-Est, 47,7% i desfoar activitatea nagricultur, 15,2% n industrie i 37,1% n servicii.

    Comparativ cu celelalte regiuni, RegiuneaNord-Est se afl pe primul loc n ceea ce privetenumrul persoanelor ocupate n agricultur; ponderea

    persoanelor ocupate n domeniul agricol din aceastregiune este de cel puin l0 ori mai mare dect nregiunile din rile Uniunii Europene.

    Ponderea sczut a populaiei ocupate nindustrie este determinat de faptul c industria dinaceast regiune nu a beneficiat de avantajul unorinvestiii importante (naionale saustrine), precum ide faptul c regiunea nu se afl ntr-o poziiegeografic strategic favorabil n raport cu pieeleexterne de desfacere (n special din UniuneaEuropean).

    Ponderea populaiei ocupate n servicii esteredus comparativ cu situaia la nivel naional,

    Regiunea Nord-Est situndu-se pe ultimele locuri nceea ce privete populaia ocupat n activitile dehoteluri i restaurante (locul 6), dei regiunea dispunede un potenial turistic deosebit, dar prea puinvalorificat i pe locul 7 n ceea ce privete populaiaocupat n activitile de transport, depozitare icomunicaii.

    nRegiunea Sud-Est,agricultura deine primapoziie din punct de vedere structural, cu 27,6%, ntimp ce activitatea industrial reunete 22,4% din

    populaia ocupat n teritoriul economic analizat. nsectorul servicii i desfoar activitatea 40,1% din

    populaiaocupat a regiunii, n cadrul acestuia un loc

    aparte ocupndu-1 comerul.Dei dispune de un potenial agricol ridicat,

    population of the region. The employed population inindustry represents 35,5% of the total of employed

    population in the region, of which an important share goesto the people employed in the manufacturing industry. The

    people employed in services activities represent 39,9% ofthe employed population of the region. The county

    Bra ov has the highest average of the people employed inservices (42,7%), as well as the highest average of thepopulation in constructions as compared to the othercounties followed by Sibiu with a structure similar to theone of the employed population.

    If we analyse the situation of employment fromthe Central region as compared to the other regions of thecountry, one can notice the following remarks: the regionis on the sixth place among the eight development regionsof the country according to the number of employed peoplein agriculture, respectively 5,8% of the employed

    population in the Romanian agriculture. The employedpopulation in industry represents 16,6% of the population

    employed in the Romanian industry and it is on the firstplace as compared to the other regions of the country. Theemployed population from trade represents 12,6% of the

    population employed in this sub-branch of the Romanianeconomy. The share of the employed population in otherservices is more reduced as compared to other regions andrepresents 11,3% of the population employed in servicesfrom Romania.

    From the total employed population in the North-Eastern region, 47,7% carry out their activity inagriculture, 15,2% in industry and 37,1% in services.

    As compared to the other regions, the North-Eastern region is on the first place in what the number of

    employed people in agriculture is concerned; the share ofthe employed people in agriculture from this region is atleast 10 times higher than the one from the regions of theEuropean Union countries.

    The low share of the employed population inindustry is determined by the fact that the industry fromthis region did not benefit from important investments(national or foreign), as well as by the fact that the regionis not in a favourable strategic region in comparison to theexternal trade markets (especially from the EuropeanUnion).

    The share of the employed population in servicesis relatively low as compared to the situation on a national

    level, the North-Eastern region situating on the last placesregarding the employed population in hotels andrestaurants (6th place), although the region has a specialtourism potential but which is not capitalized and on the7th place regarding the employed population fromtransport, warehousing and communications.

    In theSouth-Eastern Region,agriculture is on thefirst position from a structural point of view, with 27,6%while the industrial activity reunites 22,4% of theemployed population in the analysed economic territory.

    In the services sector 40,1% of the employed populationof the regionare carrying out their activity a special place

    belonging to trade.

    Although it has a high agricultural potential theregion is on the fourth place as a number of people

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    regiunea se afl pe locul patru ca numr de persoaneocupate n agricultur, ceea ce reprezint 11,9% din

    populaia ocupat n agricultura Romniei. Populaiaocupat n industrie reprezint 12,8% din populaiatotal ocupat n industrie la nivel naional. Datorit

    prezenei n regiune a zonei litoralului, dari a Deltei

    Dunrii (importante puncte de atracie turistic, n careexist un numr nsemnat de capaciti de cazare i derestaurante), n activitatea de hoteluri i restaurantelucreaz un numr mai mare de persoane, comparativcu celelalte regiuni ale rii. De asemenea, n RegiuneaSud-Est, peste 79 mii persoane (aproximativ 16% dintotalul persoanelor ocupate n aceast subramur deactivitate) sunt ocupate n activitile de transport,depozitare i comunicaii. Acest lucru este determinatde prezena n regiune a portului maritim Constana, a

    bogatei infrastructuri de transport, care permitepracticarea n bune condiii a tuturor formelor detransport.

    n Regiunea Sud-Muntenia, n anul 2008,persoanele ocupate n agricultur reprezentau 33,2%din totalul populaiei ocupate n regiune, persoaneleocupate n industrie 23,7%, circa 9,6% n construcii i33,4% n servicii.

    Regiunea Sud-Muntenia se afl pe locul doi nceea ce privete numrul de persoane ocupate nagricultur (dup Regiunea Nord-Est), cu o pondere de18% n totalul populaiei ocupate n agriculturaRomniei. Populaia ocupat n industrie repre-zint16% din populaia ocupat n industria Romniei.Regiunea Sud-Muntenia se afl pe primul loc ca numrde persoane ocupate n activi-tatea de construcii,

    respectiv 143 mii persoane, ceea ce reprezint 19,2%din populaia ocupat n Romnia n domeniulconstruciilor. n cadrul serviciilor, se detaeazactivitatea de comer, n care sunt ocupate 154 mii

    persoane, respectiv 13,0% din populaia ocupat ncomer n Romnia.

    nRegiunea Bucureti-Ilfov ocuparea forei demunc pe sectoare are o structur diferit fa decelelalte regiuni ale rii. Agricultura este o activitatesubsidiar, doar 1,5% din populaia ocupat a regiuniifiind ncadrat n acest sector de activitate; industria iconstruciile dein 26,8% din populaia ocupat aregiunii, iar serviciile 71,6%. Deci, regiunea are o

    economie preponderent orientat spre servicii, n cadrulcrora, ponderi importante din populaia ocupat dein:comerul (29,8% din totalul populaiei ocupate n serviciin regiune), activitile de transport, depozitare icomunicaii (care dein 16,0% din populaia ocupat nservicii) i activitile de tranzacii imobiliare, (cu 13,3%din totalul populaiei ocupate n servicii n regiune).

    n comparaie cu celelalte regiuni ale rii,Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov se afl pe ultimul loc n ceeace privete ponderea populaiei ocupate n agriculturi n industrie n totalul populaiei ocupate n Romnian cele dou sectoare. Astfel, n agricultur lucreaz0,6% din populaia ocupat n agricultura Romniei,

    iar n industrie 7,4% din populaia ocupat n industriela nivelul economiei naionale. n schimb, n ceea ce

    employed in agriculture, which represents 11,9% of theemployed population in the Romanian agriculture. Theemployed population from industry represents 12,8% ofthe total employed population in industry on a nationallevel. Due to the presence in the region of the seaside butalso of the Danube Delta (which are important sights,

    where there is a large number of accommodation placesand restaurants), the hotel and restaurant activity includesa larger number of people as compared to the otherregions of the country. In the South-Eastern Region morethan 79 thousand people (almost 16% of the total numberof employed people in this sub-branch of activity) areemployed in the transport, warehousing andcommunications activities. This aspect is determined bythe presence in the region of the maritime harbourConstana, of the rich transport infrastructure whichallows the practicing of any type of sports under goodcircumstances.

    In the region South-Muntenia, in 2008, the

    people employed in agriculture represented 33,2% of thetotal employed population from the region, peopleemployed in industry 23,7%, almost 9,6% in constructionsand 33,4% in services.

    The region South Muntenia is on the second placein what the number of employed people in agriculture isconcerned (after the North Eastern Region) with a share of18% in the total of employed population in agriculturefrom Romania. The people employed in industry represent16% of the people employed in the Romanian industry.The region South-Muntenia is on the first place as anumber of people employed in the constructions activityrespectively 143 thousand of people, which represent

    19,2% of the population employed in Romania in the fieldof constructions. In the services field, the trade activitystands apart and 154 thousand people are employed in it,namely 13% of the population employed in trade fromRomania.

    In the region Bucharest Ilfov the employment ofthe workforce on sectors has a different structure from thatof the other regions of the country. Agriculture is asubsidiary activity, only 1,5% of the employed populationof the region being framed in this activity sector; industryand constructions have 26,8% of the employed populationof the region and services 71,6%. So, the regions has aservices-oriented economy where important shares of the

    employees are in the following fields: trade (29,8% of thetotal of employed population in services from the region),transport activities, warehousing and communications (whichhave 16,0% of the population employed in services) and thereal estate transactions (with 13,3% of the total of employed

    population from the region).In comparison to the other regions of the country,

    the region Bucharest Ilfov is on the last place in what theshare of the employed population in agriculture andindustry is concerned. So, in agriculture 0,6% of theemployed population work in the Romanian agriculture,and in industry 7,4% of the employed population on thelevel of the national economy. In exchange in what the

    employed population in services activities is concerned,the region is on the last place as compared to the other

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    privete populaia ocupat n activitile de servicii,regiunea se situeaz pe primul loc, comparativ cucelelalte regiuni de dezvoltare.

    Regiunea Sud- VestOlteniadeine un numrimportant de persoane ocupate n agricultur, respectiv44,8% din populaia ocupat a regiunii. n industrie

    lucreaz 209 mii persoane, din care 16,3% n industriaextractiv, 14,6% n activitile de energie electricitermic, gaze i ap i 68,9% n industria

    prelucrtoare. Activitatea de construcii este slabreprezentat n regiune, doar 4,7% din populaia ocupatdin regiune lucrnd n acest domeniu. n activitile deservicii sunt ncadrate 313 mii persoane, dintre acesteaaproximativ 32% lucreaz n comer, 16,3% nadministraie publici aprare i 12,8% n nvmnt.

    Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia se afl pe locultrei ca numr de persoane ocupate n agricultur (466mii persoane) cu o pondere de 17,3% n total populaieocupat n agricultura Romniei. Dei ca numr al

    persoanelor ocupate n total industrie, regiunea se aflpe ultimul loc, (cu 209 mii persoane ocupate), pesubramuri ale industriei se constat c regiunea deine

    primul loc n ceea ce privete populaia ocupat nindustria extractiv (cu 36,5% din populaia ocupat nindustria extractiv la nivel naional) i n activitilede energie electric, termic, gaze i ap (cu o ponderede 19,2% din populaia ocupat n aceast subramur aeconomiei naionale). n privina activitilor deconstrucii i servicii, regiunea se situeaz pe ultimulloc, ca numr de persoane ocupate comparativ cucelelalte regiuni ale rii. Astfel, regiunea contribuie cu8,5% (100 mii persoane) la totalul populaiei ocupate

    n comer, cu 5,2% (8 mii persoane) la totalulpopulaiei ocupate n activitile de hoteluri irestaurante i cu 7,3% la totalul populaiei ocupate nactivitile de intermedieri financiare. Regiunea sesitueaz pe ultimul loc i n ceea ce privete populaiaocupat n activitile de transport, depozitare icomunicaii.

    Urmare a faptului cRegiunea Vestare cel maimic numr de locuitori dintre toate regiunile rii,

    populaia ocupat este corelat cu numrul populaieidin regiune. n anul 2008, n sectorul teriar idesfura activitatea 38,9% din populaia ocupat, nindustrie 36,3%, n agricultur 18,0%, iar n construcii

    7,3% din populaia ocupat a regiunii.Regiunea Vest deine cel mai mic numr de

    persoane ocupate (827 mii persoane, ceea cereprezenta 8,8% din populaia ocupat a rii),Agricultura regiunii contribuie cu 149 mii persoane latotalul populaiei ocupate n agricultura naional,

    populaia ocupat n industrie reprezenta 13,7% dinpopulaia ocupat n industria Romniei, iarpersoanele ocupate n construcii reprezenta 8,0% dinpopulaia ocupata n acest domeniu n economianaional. n ceea ce privete serviciile, contribuiaregiunii este important n populaia total ocupat nactivitile de transport, depozitare i comunicaii

    (10,2% din populaia ocupat n acest domeniu nRomnia).

    development regions.The region South West Olteniahas an important

    number of people employed in agriculture namely 44,8%of the employed population from the region. In industrythere are 209 thousand workers of which 16,3% in theextractive industry, 14,6% in electrical and thermal energy

    industry, gases and water and 68,9% in the manufacturingindustry. The constructions activity is poorly representedin the region only 4,7% of the employed populationworking in this field. In the services field almost 313thousand people are working of which 32% in trade,16,3% in public administration and defence and 12,8% ineducation.

    The South-Western region Oltenia is on the thirdplace as a number of people employed in agriculture (466thousand people) with a share of 17,3% in the totalemployed population from the Romanian agriculture.Although from the point of view of the people employedin industry this region is on the last place, (with 209

    thousand employed people), on sub-branches of industryone can see that the region has the first place regarding theemployed population in the extractive industry (with36,5% of the employed population in the extractiveindustry on a national level) and in the activities electrical,thermal energy, gases and water (with a share of 19,2% ofthe employed population in this sub-branch of the nationaleconomy). In what the constructions, services activitiesare concerned the region is on the last place with a lownumber of employed people as compared to the otherregions of the country. So the region contributes with8,5% (100 thousand people) to the total of employed

    population in trade, with 5,2% (8 thousand people) to the

    total of employed population in hotels and restaurants and7,3% to the total of employed people in financialoperations. The region is on the last place regarding the

    people employed in transport, warehousing andcommunications activities.

    As a consequence of the fact that the WesternRegion has the lowest number of inhabitants of all theregions of the country, the employed population iscorrelated with the number of people from the region. In2008 in the tertiary sector 38.9% of the employed

    population in industry were carrying out their activity36,3%, in agriculture 18,0%, and in constructions 7,3% ofthe employed population of the region.

    The Western region has the lowest number of employedpeople (827 thousand people which represented 8,8% ofthe employed population of the country), the agriculture ofthe region contributes to 149 thousand people in the totalof employed population in national agriculture, the

    population employed in industry represented 13,7% of thepopulation employed in the Romanian industry, and thepeople employed in constructions 8,0% of the peopleemployed in this field from the national economy. In whatthe services are concerned, the contribution of the regionis important in the total employed population in transport,warehousing and communications activities (10,2% of the

    population employed in this field in Romania).

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    4. Structura regional a omajuluiConceptul de omaj desemneaz situaia

    opus ocuprii depline a forei de munc sau existenaunei pri a populaiei active care solicit locuri demunc pltite la nivelul salariului real predominant pe

    piaa muncii, dar nu gsete asemenea locuri [3].

    omajul constituie o realitate a economiei capitaliste,indiferent de modul n care a fost i este caracterizat dectre diferii economiti: efect al rigiditii preurilori

    plag a economiei moderne care i mpiedic slucreze pe oamenii dornici s munceasc [4]; fenomenutil i justificativ generat de mecanismul pieei muncii[5]; boal cronic a pieei muncii pentru c echilibrulacesteia se realizeaz la un nivel inferior ratei ocupriidepline [6]; fenomen normal i mecanism de realocare

    permanent a resurselor de munc prin care sestimuleaz flexibilizarea pieei muncii; pierdere de

    potenial economic i pericol social, deoarece ratagarantat, deseori, devine inferioar ratei naturale de

    cretere economic [7]; efect al existenei unorcapaciti de producie neutilizate din motive derentabilitate insuficient [8]; efect al transferului delocuri de munc dintr-o ar n alta de ctre companiiletransnaionale [9] .a.

    4. Regional unemployment structureThe concept of unemployment represents the opposedsituation of the full workforce employment or theexistence of a part of the active population which isrequesting well paid working placed on the level of thereal predominant salary from the labour market, but

    cannot find such working places [3]. Unemploymentrepresents a reality of the capitalist economy, irrespectiveof the way in which it was and it is characterised bydifferent economists: as an effect of the rigidity of the

    prices and as a plague of the modern economy which stopthe people willing to work to work [4]; a useful and

    justified phenomenon generated by the mechanism of thelabour market [5]; a chronic disease of the labour market

    because its balance is carried out on an inferior level ofthe full employment [6]; normal phenomenon andmechanism of permanent reallocation of the labourresources through which the flexibility of the labourmarket is stimulated; a loss of economic potential and

    social danger because the guaranteed rate becomesinferior to the natural growth rate[7]; effect of theexistence of some unused manufacturing capacities forinsufficient profitability reasons [8]; effect of the transferof working places from one country to another by trans-national companies [9] and so on.

    Tabelul nr.11.Evoluia numrului de omeri, pe regiuni de dezvoltare, sexe i medii, n perioada 2003-2008

    The evolution of the number of unemployed according to development regions, genders and environments in theperiod 2003-2008

    -mii persoane-/-thousand of people-2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Total 74 78 69 72 51 44Masculin 42 45 39 39 31 29Feminin 32 33 30 33 20 15Urban 51 44 44 46 33 28

    Nord-Vest/ North West

    Rural 23 34 25 26 18 16Total 78 104 89 101 94 96Masculin 42 64 53 62 61 62Feminin 36 40 36 39 33 34Urban 62 60 55 61 57 61

    Centru/ Center

    Rural 16 44 34 40 37 35Total 111 113 102 104 89 79Masculin 65 70 63 70 56 51Feminin 46 43 39 34 33 28Urban 69 72 70 76 67 58

    Nord-Est/ North East

    Rural 42 41 32 28 22 21

    Total 105 125 99 116 107 90Masculin 64 79 62 71 64 59Feminin 41 46 37 45 43 31Urban 75 84 68 81 72 60

    Sud-Est /South East

    Rural 30 41 31 35 35 30Total 120 149 142 149 132 108Masculin 73 92 82 93 81 63Feminin 47 57 60 56 51 45Urban 69 81 81 82 73 54

    Sud Muntenia/ South Muntenia

    Rural 51 68 61 67 59 54Total 85 78 82 51 43 36

    Masculin 49 44 42 28 27 23Feminin 36 34 30 23 16 13


    Urban 76 72 64 45 37 31

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    Rural 9 6 8 6 6 5Total 50 68 57 56 50 50Masculin 32 46 37 37 31 33Feminin 18 22 20 19 19 17Urban 35 47 37 34 30 29

    Sud-Vest Oltenia/ South WestOltenia

    Rural 15 21 20 22 20 21Total 50 68 57 56 50 50Masculin 32 46 37 37 31 33Feminin 18 22 20 19 19 17Urban 35 47 37 34 30 29

    Vest/ West

    Rural 15 21 20 22 20 21

    Source: Romanian Statistical Yearbook, Edition 2009n perioada de tranziie, numrul omerilor din

    economia romneasc a avut tendina de cretere ndeceniul 1991-2000 nregistrnd dou niveluri maxime:1.223.925 omeri n anul 1994 i 1.130.296 omeri nanul 1999. Dup anul 2001, dimensiunile absolute irelative ale omajului au cunoscut descreteri continui

    pn n anul 2008, dup care tendina s-a inversat,

    creterile nefiind ns substaniale.n perioada 2003-2008 evoluia numrului de

    omeri a fost diferit, n funcie de specificul fiecreiregiuni de dezvoltare n parte. n Regiunile Bucureti-Ilfov, Vest i Nord-Vest numrul omerilor a fost reduscomparativ cu celelalte regiuni ale rii. Numrulomerilor din aceste regiuni a sczut, de la 74 mii omerin anul 2003 la 44 mii omeri n anul 2008 n Regiunea

    Nord-Vest, i de la 85 mii la 36 mii omeri n anul 2008n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov, n timp ce n Regiunea Vestnumrul omerilor rmne constant de circa la 50 mii

    persoane, cu uoare creteri nregistrate n anii 2004,2005 i 2006.

    n anul 2008, cel mai mare numr de omeri seafla n Regiunea Sud-Muntenia (108 mii persoane),urmat de Regiunea Centru cu 96 mii omeri iRegiunea Sud-Est cu 90 mii omeri. Astfel, n RegiuneaSud Muntenia erau localizai 18,8% din totalul omerilordin Romnia, n Regiunea Centru 16,7% (acestea fiindcele mai ridicate procente), n timp ce la polul opus seafla Regiunea Nord-Vest cu 7,7% din totalul omerilori Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov doar cu 6,3% din totalulomerilor din Romnia.

    n ceea ce privete structura pe sexe aomerilor, n perioada 2003-2008, datele statisticeevideniaz faptul c persoanele de sex masculin au fostmai puternic afectate de omaj dect persoanele de sexfeminin, n toate regiunile de dezvoltare ale rii.Creterea numrului de omeri de sex masculin a fostdeterminat de restructurrile care au avut loc, n specialn activitile industriale din regiunile respective(industria extrac-tiv, industria chimici petrochimic,industria construciilor de maini) n care sunt ncadrai

    preponderent brbai.Comparativ cu anul 2003,n anul 2008 numrul

    femeilor aflate n omaj a sczut n toate regiunile dedezvoltare ale rii. Scderi importante ale numrului deomeri de sex feminin au avut loc n Regiunea Nord-Vesti n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov .

    Ponderea mai redus a femeilor n totalulomerilor, este determinat pe de-o parte, de faptul c

    In the transition period, the number ofunemployed from the Romanian economy had thetendency to grow and in the decade 1991-2000 itregistered two maximum levels: 1.223.925 unemployedfrom 1994 and 1.130.296 unemployed from 1999. After2001, the absolute and relative dimensions ofunemployment have experienced continuous decreases

    up to 2008 after which the trend reversed the growthsnot being substantial.

    In the period 2003-2008 the evolution of thenumber of unemployed was different according to thespecificity of each development region. In the regionsBucharest -Ilfov, West and North West the number ofunemployed has been reduced in comparison to the otherregions of the country. The number of unemployed fromthese regions went down from 74 thousand unemployedin 2003 to 44 thousand unemployed in 2008 in theregion North West and from 85 thousand to 36 thousandunemployed in 2008 in the region Bucharest-Ilfov, whilein the region West the number of unemployed remains

    the same 50 thousand people with slight growthregistered in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

    In 2008, the largest number of unemployed wasin the region South Muntenia (108 thousand people),followed by the region Center with 96 thousandunemployed and the region South East with 90 thousandunemployed. So in the region South Muntenia therewere 18,8% of the total number of unemployed fromRomania, in the Central Region 16,7% (these being thehighest percentages), while on the opposite pole therewas the region North West with 7,7% of the total ofunemployed people from Romania and the regionBucharest-Ilfov with only 6,3% of the total number ofunemployed from Romania..

    In what thegender structure of the unemployedis concerned in the period 2003-2008, the statistical data

    point out the fact that the men were less affected byunemployment than women, in all the developmentregions of the country. The growth of the number ofmale unemployed people was determined by the cut-offswhich took place in the industrial activities (extractiveindustry, chemical and petrochemical industry,automotive industry) where mostly men are employed.

    In comparison to 2003 the number of unemployedwomen went down in all the development regions of thecountry. Important decreases of the number of femaleunemployed were also in the region North West and in theregion Bucharest Ilfov.

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    femeile sunt mai puin prezente pe piaa muncii(populaia activ de sex feminin deine ponderi sczute,sub 45% din totalul populaiei de sex feminin din fiecareregiune de dezvoltare n parte), dar i de faptul c nRomnia, n ultimii ani au nregistrat creteri importantenumrul unitilor active din domenii ce necesit for

    de munc feminin (industria textil i a confeciilorputernic prezent pe piaa din vestul rii sub formantreprinderilor n lohn, industria alimentar, activitilede nvmnt i sntate desfurate n uniti private).

    Structura omerilor pe medii arat difereneimportante, astfel nct, numrul omerilor din mediulurban este mai mare fa de numrul omerilor dinmediul rural. n Regiunile Nord-Vest, Centru, Nord-Est,Sud-Est i Sud-Vest Oltenia numrul omerilor dinmediul urban este dublu fa de numrul omerilor dinmediul rural. Aceast situaie apare, pe de-o parte, caurmare a faptului c, n mediul urban activitileeconomice desfurate sunt n special cele din industrie i

    servicii, ce necesit for de munc cu o calificarecorespunztoare, astfel nct cererea i oferta pe piaamuncii nu se echilibreaz ntotdeauna, iar pe de alt

    parte, n industrie i servicii s-au efectuat numeroaserestructurri i disponibili-zri, n ntreaga perioadanalizat. De asemenea, n agricultur fora de munc nunecesit o specializare deosebit, iar persoanele suntactive pe piaa muncii pn la vrste naintate (65 de anii peste).

    Datorit relansrii economice din perioada2000-2008, n majoritatea regiunilor de dezvoltare alerii, rata omajuluia sczut.

    Tabelul nr.12.Rata omajului pe regiuni de dezvoltare, n perioada2003-2008-%-

    Surs: Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, Ediia 2009

    Datorit msurilor active care au avut n vederestimularea angajrii persoanelor aflate n omaj, aplicatencepnd cu anul 2002, rata omajului de lung durata nregistrat o tendin de scdere n toate regiunile dedezvoltare ale rii. In anul 2008, cea mai mic rat aomajului de lung durat (12 luni i peste) a fostnregistrat n Regiunea Bucureti-Ilfov (1,0%), urmatde Regiunea Nord-Vest (1,1%) i de Regiunea Nord-Est(1,8%), toate aceste valori situndu-se sub rata medie aomajului de lung durat nregistrat n Romnia(2,4%). Valori peste rata omajului de lung duratnregistrat fa nivel naional s-au nregistrat n RegiuneaSud-Vest Oltenia (2,6%), Vest (2,7%), Sud-Muntenia

    (3,2%), Sud-Est (3,3%) i Centru (3,4%).Chiar dac rata omajului de lung durat este

    The lower share of the women in theunemployed population was determined on one hand bythe fact that women are less present on the labour market(the female employed population has low shares, below45% of the total number of female population from eachregion), but also by the fact that Romania registered an

    increase in the number of active units which need femalelabour force (textile industry which is present on theWestern market from our country under the form of lohncompanies, food industry, education and health activitiescarried out in private units).

    The structure of the unemployed according toenvironmentpoints out important differences so that thenumber of unemployed from the urban environment ishigher than the number of unemployed from the ruralenvironment. In the regions North West, Center, North-East, South-East and South West Oltenia the number ofunemployed from the urban environment is double fromthe number of unemployed from the rural environment.

    This situation appears on one hand as a consequence ofthe fact that in the urban environment the economicactivities are the ones from industry and services, andthese need qualified workforce, so that the supply anddemand from the labour market is not always balanced,and on the other hand in industry and services there have

    been a lot of cut-offs during this analysed period. At thesame time in agriculture the workforce does not requirea certain specialization, and there are elderly people onthe labour market (65 years old and over).Due to the economic re-launching from the period

    2000-2008, the unemployment rate went down in mostof the development regions of the country.

    Table no.12.The unemployment rate on development regions in the

    period 2003-2008-%-

    Due to the active measures which took intoaccount the stimulation of the employment of theunemployed starting with 2002 the long termunemployment rate registered a tendency of decrease inall the development regions of the country. In 2008 thelowest long term unemployment rate (12 month andmore) was registered in the region Bucharest-Ilfov(1,0%), followed by the region North West(1,1%) andthe region North East (1,8%), all these values beingunder the average long term unemployment rate fromRomania (2,4%). Values over the long termunemployment rate were registered in the region SouthWest Oltenia (2,6%), West (2,7%), South-Muntenia(3,2%), South East (3,3%) and Center (3,4%).

    Even if the long term unemployment rate is

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    redus, una dintre problemele cu care se confruntRomnia n general, i fiecare regiune de dezvoltare n

    parte, o constituie omajul n rndul tinerilor. omajul delung- durat n rndul tinerilor absolveni este oimportant problem social, datorit faptului c acetiatrebuie, n primul rnd s acumuleze experien n munc.

    n cazul tinerilor aflai n omaj de lung durat existpericolul de a nu mai fi niciodat capabili s-i gseascun loc de munc adecvat pregtirii pe care o dein,deoarece i pierd ncrederea n forele proprii i ajunguor n situaii problematice (precum consumul de alcooli droguri).

    Cea mai mare rat a omajului de lung duratpentru tineri s-a nregistrat n anul 2008 n Regiunea Sud-Est (14,2%), urmat de Regiunea Sud-Muntenia(12,5%), regiunile Sud-Vest Oltenia i Vest (ambele cuo rat de 12,0%) precum i de Regiunea Centru (11.8%).Cele mai reduse rate ale omajului BIM de lung durat

    pentru tineri s-au nregistrat n Regiunile Nord-Est (7,1%)

    i Nord-Vest (5,9%), aceste valori fiind sub rata medie aomajului de lung durat pentru tineri nregistrat nRomnia n anul 2008.NOTE BIBLIOGRAFICE

    1.Legea 315/2004 privind dezvoltarea regional nRomnia, Monitorul Oficial al Romniei, partea I,nr.577 din 29 iunie 2004.

    2.Anuarul Statistic al Romniei, 2000-2009.3.Dicionar Macmillan de economie modern,

    Editura CODECS, Bucureti, 1999, p.389.4.Samuelson P., Nordhaus W., Economie politic,

    Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000, p.24 i 664-668.

    5.Friedman Milton, The Role of Monetary Policy,America Economic Review, 1968.6.Keynes J.M., Teoria general a folosirii minii de

    lucru, a dobnzii i a banilor, Editura tiinific,Bucureti, 1970, p.49-52 i 278.

    7.Preda Doina, Ocuparea forei de munc idezvoltarea durabil, Editura Economic, Bucureti,2002, p.88, prezentnd concepia economitilorHarrod R.F. i Domar E.

    8.Abraham-Frois G., Economia politic, EdituraHumanitas, Bucureti, 2002, p.245.

    9.Reich Robert, The Work of Nations: PreparingOurselves for 21 st Century Capitalism, First

    Vintage Book Edition, 1992, p.192.

    reduced, one of the problems with which Romania andeach development region is confronting is theunemployment around young people. The long termunemployment around young people is an importantsocial problem due to the fact that they have to gatherexperience in labour. In the case of the young long term

    unemployed people there is the danger of not being able tofind an adequate working place and they lose their trust intheir own forces and are in problematic situation (as forexample alcohol and drug consumption).The highest long term unemployment rate for young

    people was registered in 208 in the region South East(14,2%) followed by the region South Muntenia(12m5%), the regions South West Oltenia and West(both with a rate of 12,0%) as well as the central region(11.8%). The lowest unemployment rates BIM for young

    people were registered in the regions North East (7,1%)and North West (5,9%), these values being below theaverage unemployment rate for young people registered in

    Romania in 2008.


    1. Law 315/2004 regarding the regional developmentin Romania, the Official Gazette of Romania, part I,no.577 from 29 June 2004.2. Romanian Statistical Yearbook, 2000-2009.3. Macmillan Dictionary of Modern EconomyCODECS Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999, p.389.4. Samuelson P., Nordhaus W., Political Economy,Teora Publishing House, Bucureti, 2000, p.24 and 664-668.

    5. Friedman Milton, The Role of Monetary Policy,America Economic Review, 1968.6. Keynes J.M., General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money, Scientific Publishing House,Bucharest, 1970, p.49-52 and 278.7. Preda Doina, Employment and SustainableDevelopment, Economic Publishing House, Bucharest,2002, p.88, prezentnd concepia economitilor HarrodR.F. i Domar E.8. Abraham-Frois G Political Economy, HumanitasPublishing House, Bucharest, 2002, p.245.9. Reich Robert, The Work of Nations: PreparingOurselves for 21 st Century Capitalism, First Vintage

    Book Edition, 1992, p.192.
