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LISTA DE LUCRARI - · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa...

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. - V . . ^ i . TAUA > , AU . H . » \ I n TA ! ( OOV i « r t I \ l \ I KSII A 11 A "VALAHIA" DIN T ARGOVIS'IL I \( I I I A l l A 1)1. STUN TB 1 CONOMK'l Sir. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§te, Romania u wilaliia.ro _wvy\v.ecouvi_.ro LISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: Prof.univ.dr. Veronica STEFAN I. Lista celor 10 lucrari reprezentative pentru concurs 1. Veronica STKFAN. Duica M., Coman M.. Radu V., Enterprise Performance Management through Business Intelligence Solution. Recent Advances in Business Administration lCBA. WSLAS Press 201 0. pp. 244. SC Imago 0,039. ISSN: 1790-5109. ISBN: 978-960-474-161-8. IS1 (IS I P, CPCL Web of Science). IS1 Proceedings hup: ww w .w sj-^as.us/books, 2010/Cambridge/K'BA.pdf 2. Veronica STKFAN. V. Radu. Alternative Methods for Business Process Planning, Valahian Journal of Economic Sciences. Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN (Online) 2067-9440. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/vjcs-2016-0011. October 2016, BDI hups:' w\\\v.deg]u\ler.coin/\ ie\\/i/\ ies.ahead-ol-print/vies-2016-001 l/vjes-2016-001 1 .\ml?)brmat IN 1 3. Stanescu I.. Vcronica STKFAN. Neagu G., Cirnu C., Renewable Energy Decision Support Systems: The ('hallenge of Data Integration. Studies in Informatics and Control, 1(4 PUBLISHING I louse, ISSN 1220-1766. 2/2015. Inspec database. Doaj. Google Scholar, SCIPIO. Philadelphia-based Institute of Scientific Information (IS1) / Thomson Scientillc-SClHx, Journal Metric Values 2013 - Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 0.605. 1SI hi:;>: sic.ic.i.ro, 4. Veronica STKFAN. Roceanu I.. Radu C., §tefan A., Management of Knowledge Based Systems in Desktop and Mobile Learning Environments, The 4 th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL, Section: Technologies & Software Solutions. University of Bucharest & "Gh. AsachL" Technical University of lasi. Romania. October 30 - November 1, 2009, ISSN 1844 8933. pp. 195- 202. ISI Proceedings, accessed via Web of Science: Imp: ww w,ic v Leu 2(J09. dis*. ic \ Ljiidex.htm hup. \s\\\\.ic\ l.eu 2009 disc ic\ Ldocumente/pcH7tech/lCVI.. Technologies paper03.pdf 5. Dragomir. ().; Dragomir, F.: Veronica STKFAN; Minca, E., Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems as a Strategy for Predicting and Controling the Energy Produced from Renewable Sources, Journal bnergies 2015. <S{ I 1). Resilience of Energy Systems, 13047-13061, doi: 10.3390/en81 1 12355. ISSN 1996-1073. COl)L\: LNLRGA. Thomson Reuters Impact factor: 2.072. ISI n 11 1 t : .\ x .;»>v.,111.U.DJ.,c>j.UZ..L^^ u N 11' 12355/html 6. Veronica STKFAN. Roceanu I.. Minca 12. Stanescu L, Prospective Topography of Mobile Learning Solutions. The 5rd International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL. Section: Technologies, largu Mures. Romania. 29-31 October 2010. ISSN 1844 8933. pp. 311-317, ISI Proceedings, accessed via Web of Science: hup: w w w ,ic\ l.eu 201 O.'disc/icvl/index.htm h;ip:;j\'w w.ievl.eu 20 ] (),'clisc/icv|/documente/pdr/lcch/ICVI._Technologics__papcr()8.pdr Pagina 1 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN
Page 1: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

.-V . .̂i.TAUA >,AU.H.»\ I n TA!(OOVi«rt I \ l \ I KSII A 11 A "VALAHIA" DIN TARGOVIS'IL

I \ ( I I I A l l A 1)1. STUN TB 1 CONOMK'l Sir. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§te, Romania

u wilaliia.ro _wvy\v.ecouvi_.ro

LISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: Prof.univ.dr. Veronica STEFAN

I. Lista celor 10 lucrari reprezentative pentru concurs

1. Veronica S T K F A N . Duica M., Coman M.. Radu V., Enterprise Performance Management through Business Intelligence Solution. Recent Advances in Business Administrat ion lCBA. WSLAS Press 201 0. pp. 244. SC Imago 0,039. ISSN: 1790-5109. ISBN: 978-960-474-161-8. IS1 (IS I P, CPCL Web of Science). IS1 Proceedings hup: ww w .w sj-^as.us/books, 2010/Cambr idge /K 'BA.pdf

2. Veronica S T K F A N . V. Radu. Alternative Methods for Business Process Planning, Valahian Journal of Economic Sciences. Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN (Online) 2067-9440. DOI: ht tps: / /doi .org/10.1515/vjcs-2016-0011. October 2016, BDI hups : ' w\ \ \v .deg]u\ ler .coin/ \ ie\\/i / \ ies.ahead-ol-print/vies-2016-001 l /vjes-2016-001 1 . \ml?)brmat IN 1 3. Stanescu I.. Vcronica S T K F A N . Neagu G., Cirnu C., Renewable Energy Decision Support Systems: The ('hallenge of Data Integration. Studies in Informatics and Control , 1(4 PUBLISHING I louse, ISSN 1220-1766. 2/2015. Inspec database. Doaj . Google Scholar, SCIPIO. Philadelphia-based Institute of Scientific Information (IS1) / Thomson Scientil lc-SClHx, Journal Metric Values 2013 - Thomson Reuters Impact f ac to r : 0.605. 1SI hi:;>: sic.ic.i.ro,

4. Veronica STKFAN. Roceanu I.. Radu C., §tefan A., Management of Knowledge Based Systems in Desktop and Mobile Learning Environments, The 4 th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL, Section: Technologies & Sof tware Solutions. University of Bucharest & "Gh. AsachL" Technical University of lasi. Romania . October 30 - November 1, 2009, ISSN 1844 8933. pp. 195- 202. ISI Proceedings, accessed via Web of Science: Imp: ww w,ic v Leu 2(J09. dis*. ic \ Ljiidex.htm hup. \s\\\\.ic\ l.eu 2009 disc ic\ Ldocumente/pcH7tech/lCVI.. Technologies paper03.pdf

5. Dragomir. ().; Dragomir , F.: Veronica STKFAN; Minca, E., Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems as a Strategy for Predicting and Controling the Energy Produced from Renewable Sources, Journal bnergies 2015. <S{ I 1). Resilience of Energy Systems, 13047-13061, doi: 10.3390/en81 1 12355. ISSN 1996-1073. C O l ) L \ : L N L R G A . Thomson Reuters Impact f ac to r : 2.072. ISI n 111t : .\x.;»>v.,111.U.DJ.,c>j.UZ..L^^u N 11' 12355/html

6. Veronica STKFAN. Roceanu I.. Minca 12. Stanescu L, Prospective Topography of Mobile Learning Solutions. The 5rd International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL. Section: Technologies, largu Mures. Romania. 29-31 October 2010. ISSN 1844 8933. pp. 3 1 1 - 3 1 7 , ISI Proceedings, accessed via Web of Science: hup: w w w ,ic\ l.eu 201 O.'disc/icvl/index.htm h;ip:;j\ 'w w.ievl.eu 20 ] (), 'clisc/icv|/documente/pdr/lcch/ICVI._Technologics__papcr()8.pdr

Pagina 1 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 2: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

IJNIVKRSn ATKA "VALAHIA" DIN tARGOVISTP, I At 11 I A l l A 1)1 SI UN! I I ( ' ( ) \ ( ) \ 1 I ( T Str. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§te, Romania

www.valahia.ro vvvvvv.ecouvi.ro

7. V e r o n i c a S T E K A N . S tanescu A., § t e f an A., Mou/ .aki t is G., "M o b i l e tools for learning and .social education", ISI p roceed ings o l ' l he 7th el .SK 201 1 Confe r ence . Buchares t . R o m a n i a . April 15-16. P.dilura Univers i tara 201 K pp. 78-84 . ISSN 2 0 6 6 - 0 2 6 X , CPCI h ;:, 'S: ad i la ui|2j:u:;c.[.,S I: pubI leanoiis/pajiers/ 20J. Ld 3 80 1 -pdf

8. V e r o n i c a S T K K A N . La mobilize digitale comme solution pour I'efjicacite de I 'enlreprise. Revue Valaque d'l-'.ludes Pu ropee rme RVK1- V o l u m e 4(18) issue 4/ 2013 . BDl : Doaj , ProQuest , Index Copern icus . ISSN 2067 9459 , pp. 27 -34 In in:-: u\\vY.rvcc.cu-' 'iimmcs ; '201 3 /no4 / rvec%2( )vo l .%204%201 8 % 2 0 n o . % 2 0 4 % 2 0 2 0 1 3 % 2 0 - % 2 0 v e r o n i ^'a'' w20slefan.pdf

9. V e r o n i c a S T K K A N . The I !se of 21) ('odes in the Development of Mobile Applications with Database. Yalahian Journal of E c o n o m i c Sc iences VJHS V o l u m e 3(17), Issue 2 /2012 , UDI: Kbsco. RePPc . Cabell ' s . D O A J , ProQues t , Index Copern icus , ISSN 2067 9440 , pp. 105-1 14 hKn; WW w . \ ]cs .eu ; images f 2012- / i s sue2 /v ies%20vol .%203%201 7 % 2 0 i s s u e % 2 0 2 % 2 0 2 0 1 2 % 2 0 - % 2 0 v e roiiica" ,()20slel'an.pdf

10. luigenia Minca . f lorin f i l i p . Daniel Racoccanu , Veron ica S T E K A N , A n t o n i u Stefan, " A d v a n c e d Methods for Recurrent Hierarchical Systems Modeling", 7th As ian Cont ro l C o n f e r e n c e (ASCC'09) , SaA5 Discrete Kvcnt Sys tems , Augus t 27-29 , 2009 . H o n g Kong , Ch ina . II I f. Xplore Proceedings , fd C o m p e n d c x indexed; iti-.pv. c • >n i ro I . papc rcc|M. iici tonK-reiKvs conlVrcnecs.-ASCC'0t):proar(im'ASCC'09 Conlenil.is! \\ oh 1 .jiiinli-si.a? .01

Pagina 2 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 3: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

I \ l \ I K S I I A I l A "VALAI1IA" DIN TARGOVIS ri-1 I A t I 1 1 A 1 L A D1 S I U N ! I I G O N O M I l 1.

Str. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§tc, Romania v\wv\ .valahia.ro www.ecouvl.ro

II. Lista de lucrari


Titlul tc/.ei: I'roiectarea iinui Sistem Informatic integral cu haze de date relational pentru conducerea activitdtii de comert si turism 1 nsliIn^ia: Academia de Studii Pcon omice Bucureijti, f acu l t a tea de Contabi l i ta te si Informat ica de Ges t iune C'onducalor de doctorat : Prof. univ. Dr. Pavel N A S T A S E Data sus(inerii publ ice: 29 .06.2001 Dala c o n f i r m a n i lillului de doctor : O M P C 5285/ 28 .12.2001 Diploma lie Doctor seria C nr. 0 0 0 0 2 1 0

in i ho l l i t i op ic b ibho" i aph ic v iew/148876; j sess ion id ( )7 i ^8242AA i ( i ( "d U : ~ ( -I 01 ! )1 o 8 2 i r / L 9

B. C A R | I SI CAP1 K ) L E IN C A k J I

1. Veronica S T E K A N . "Tehno log i i Orientate Obiect pentru Baze de Dale Relationale" Infomcga Publishing 1 louse Buchares t . 2006 . ISBN 973-7853-19-9 , 288 pag.;

2. Veronica S T E K A N . " I ' ro iec tarea si Utilizarea Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access" Inlbmega Publishing I louse Buchares t . 2006 . ISBN 973-7853-17-2 , 162 pag.;

3. P.. Minca. C. Dumi t r ache . 1. Bre/.eanu. Veronica S T E F A N , O. Dragomi r , P. Dragomir , ('onducerea inteligenta a sistemelor automate. Fundamente teoreti.ee, Pdi tura Matr ix Rom, Bucuresti 2009. ISBN 978-973-755-565-6 , 572 pag.;

4. P.. Minca. C. Dumi t rache . I. Brc / eanu , Veronica S T E F A N , O. Dragomir , P. Dragomir . Iplicatii in conducerea inteligenta a sistemelor automate. Pd i tu ra Matrix R o m . Bucuresti 2009. ISBN 978-973-755-566-3 . 385 pag.;

5. Veronica S T E K A N , "I'roiectarea sistemelor informatice de gestiune ", Pdi tura Bibl iolheca Targovis te . 2015 . ISBN 978-973-712-985-7 . 246 pag.;

6. Veronica S T E K A N , "Proiectarea sistemelor informatice de gestiune Aplicatif \ Valahia University Press. 2015 . ISBN 978-606-603-128-8 , 215 pag.;

7. Iliescu S.. Dragomir P.. Dragomir ()., Pagarasan f , Veronica S T E K A N , Arghira N., Tehnici de inteligenta artijiciala pentru managementul energiei electrice, Pdi tura Printech, Bucuresti 2015, ISBN 978-606-23-0506-2 . 265 pag.

Pagina 3 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 4: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

I \ l \ I RS1I A l l A "VALAMIA" DIN TARGOVISTF I .V I I I A l l A 1)1. SHIN |T LCONOM1CF Sir. Alcca Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi$te. Romania

w \v\\ .valahia.ro .AYN^^^il^'-'ii'^

C. A R T I C O L E / STUD1I IN E X T E N S O P U B L I C A T E IN R E V 1 S T E DIN I EIJXUE !> I IINTIITC I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R I N C I P A L ISI sau B1)I si A R T I C O L E / S 1 U D I I IN E X T E N S O P U B L I C A T E IN Proceedings ISI

A R T K O i l. ISI

1. Dragomir , ().: Dragomir . 1.: Veronica S T E F A N ; Minca, I-., Adaptive Neuro-h'iizzy Inference Systems as a Strategy for Predicting and Controling the Energy Produced from Renewable Sources. Journal 1 Energies 201 5. <V( 1 1). Resil ience of Energy Systems, 13047-13061. doi: 10.3390/en8 1 1 12355. ISSN 1996-1073. C O D E N : E N E R G A . T h o m s o n Reuters Impact f a c t o r : 2 .072. ISI i w w j i i d p L c o n i ; J 9 9 6 - 1 0 7 3 •' 8 -' I 1/123554111111

2. Stanescu I.. Veronica S T E F A N . Neagu G., Cirnu C., Renewable Energy Decision Support Systems: The ('hallcnge of Data Integration. Studies in Informat ics and Control , IC1 P U B L I S H I N G House. ISSN 1220-1766, Volume 24. Issue 2/2015. pp. 191- 200, Inspcc database, Doaj , Google Scholar, SCIPIO, Philadelphia-based Institute of Scientif ic Informat ion (ISI) / T h o m s o n Scientific-SCTEx, Journal Metric Values 2013 - T h o m s o n Reuters Impact Factor: 0.605. ISI I m p : sic. [c i . ro/

3. I.ungu L, Ivan 1. A.. Rakotondrabc M., Novcanu S., Veronica S T E F A N , Mandril D.. Design and ('ontrol of a Series of Linear and Rotary Actuators based on Shape Memory Alloy Wires, Journal of Control Engineer ing and Appl ied Informatics , Vol. 19. No.2, pp. T B A , 'Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 0.449. ISI h u p : . c m m s r a i l T O ;

4. Dragomir ().. Dragomir F.. Veronica S T E F A N , Minca 12, Adaptive Neuro - Fuzzy Inference Systems hii. llternalive h'orecasting Loo! for Prosumers. Studies in Informatics and Control . ICI PUBLISII ING

I louse. ISSN 1220-1766. Vo lume 24. Issue 3/201 5. pp. 351- 360, Inspcc database . Doaj . Google Scholar. SCIPIO, Phi ladelphia-based Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) / Thomson Scient i f ic-SCIEx, Journal Metric Values 2013 - T h o m s o n Reuters Impact Factor: 0 .605. ISI h u m s ic . im. ro ' '


1. Dragomir F.. Dragomir ().. l l iescu S.. Veronica S T E F A N . Improvement of the Load Process of Pb Batteries ('onnected to a Photovoltaic System, Applied Mechanics and Materials , Volume 734. Chapter 6. pg. 787. ISSN 978-3-03835-414-7 , DOI: 10 .4028/www.sc ien t i i i c .ne t /AMM.734.787 , 2014, Indexing Elsevier, S C O P U S . Google Scholar , ISI IF, (1ST'P, CPCI, W e b of Science) . ISI Proceedings l>ttp:;.'\s.\\ XL scienti. lie, lie I Paper7 P re v i e vv/4 52380

2. Veronica S T E F A N , ll'EB oriented entrepreneurship through business simulation online tools, The 9 lh International Confe rence on Virtual Learning (ICVL 2014) , 24-25 October . ISSN 1 844 8933. pg. 145, ISI Proceedings, accessed via W e b of Science: Confe rence Proceedings Citation Index. Imm w w w 3cribd.com 'doc '24 wvm879 JVocced inqs -o f ICV'L-2014-1SSN-1 844-8933

Pagina 4 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

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IJNIVPRSITATPA "VALAI-IIA" DIN TARGOVISTP I \ ( I 1 I A I I A DP SI UN 11 l C O N O M K I Sir. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§le, Romania

www.valahia.ro \\ \\ w . c o n n i i o

3. Veronica STKKAN. Du ica M., C o m a n M. , Radu V., Enterprise Performance Management through Business Intelligence Solution. Recen t A d v a n c e s in Bus ines s Admin i s t r a t i on 1CBA. W S P A S Press 2010 . pp. 244. SC Imago 0 ,039 . ISSN: 1790-5109, I S B N : 9 7 8 - 9 6 0 - 4 7 4 - 1 6 1 - 8 , ISI P roceed ings lii ip: '».\\ w. wscas .us ' books . ; 2010 /Camhr idne / IC 'BA.pdr

4. Veronica S T K K A N . Learning toolkit in the Digital Agenda, T h e 8th Internat ional Co n f e r ence on Virtual l ea rn ing I C V P 2013 . Oc tobe r 25-26 . ISSN 1844 8933 . pp. 47 . ISI P roceed ings Imp: W W W:sci'jbd_.com d o c ' 1 7801 0 4 2 5 / P r o c e c d i i m s - o l - l C V P - 2 0 1 3 - 1 S S N - 1 844-8933- lS l -P rocced i rms-ii; - 8 ; 11d/\ f i •:RN A f I O N \1 ,-C ( ) N 1 ; P R P N C 1 - O N - V I R T 1 1 A P - P P A R N 1 N ( i

5. O. Dragomir . V e r o n i c a S T K K A N , P. Dragomi r . Guideline to choose a forecasting tool with fuzzy logic support, ICIPA 2 0 1 3 . T h e 8th 1PPP C o n f e r e n c e on Industr ia l P l cc l ron ic s and Appl ica t ions Melbourne . Austra l ia . 19 21 lunie 2013 , 1111 X p l o r e da t abase and indexed by Id C o m p e n d e x and ISI Proceed ings , hup., w w w . ieeei_c iea. orip 201 3

6. Roceanu I., Popescu V., V e r o n i c a STK KAN. J ugu reanu R., Mobile solutions for enhanced learning ami training activities. ISI P roceed ings of the 7th e L S P C o n f e r e n c e , U N A p Univers i ty , Buchares t , Roman ia . April 1 5 - 1 6 . 2 0 1 1 , ISI P roceed ings hi i ps: p ad km appro •VLSI- pub l i ca t ions /paper s /201 1 ; 1659 1 .pdf

7. Veron ica S T K K A N . S t anescu A., § t e f a n A., " M o b i l e tools for learning and social education", ISI Proceedings of the 7th e l . S P C o n f e r e n c e , U N A p Univers i ty , Bucha re s t . R o m a n i a , Apri l 15-16, 201 1. hi!op: adlunap. ro /e l .SP. p u b l i c a l i o n s / p a p c r s / 2 0 1 1 / 1 3 8 0 1 .pdf

8. Pugcn ia Minca . V e r o n i c a S T K K A N . Flor in Dragomi r , Oti l ia D r a g o m i r , Application for manufacturing systems served by collaborative robots monitoring. The IKKH Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Au toma t ion and Logis t ics ICAL 2010 . I long K o n g / M a c a u . C h i n a . M P - 1 . 5 . ISSN 9 7 8 - 1 - 4 2 4 4 - 8 3 7 4 - 7 , pg. 1 3 8 - 1 4 3 . I S I P roceed ings 11! t i v 2 (M O.i eee- i c i f . o rg

9. Anton iu ^ t e l a n . loana S tanescu . Veron ica S T E F A N , G lad io la Che te , Ca ta l in Radu , Mobile Development Portfolio for Smart and Quality Education. - T h e 9th P u r o p e a n C o n f e r e n c e on ePea rn ing -P C P P . Porto. Portu^al ia , N o i c m b r i e 4-5 , 2 0 1 0 I he p roceed ings lor this c o n f e r e n c e are listed in the T h o m s o n Reu te r s ISI Index to Scient i f ic and

Technica l P roceed ings ( ISTP) , the T h o m s o n Reute rs ISI Index to Sc ien t i f i c and Technica l P roceed ings (ISTP/ISI Proceed ings) , the T h o m s o n Reu te r s ISI Index to Social Sc iences & H u m a n i t i e s P roceed ings (1SSI IP) and the T h o m s o n Reute rs ISI Index to Social Sc iences & H u m a n i t i e s P roceed ings ( ISSIIP/ISI Proceedings) 11pIp ; i cademic -confc rcnccs .o rg /cce l / ece l201 1 /ecel 10-p roeeed ings .h tm httjP./:.\vv\ w .acadcn i i c - con fe renees .o rg / ece l / ece l2010 /ece l 10- t i ine tablc .h tm

10. Veronica S T F F A N , Ion Roceanu , l oana S tanescu , An ton iu S te fan , ^Innovative frameworks for knowledge processing and retrieval", 6th Internat ional Semina r Qual i ty M a n a g e m e n t in 1 lighcr Pduca t ion . Q M I If:. 8th -9th of July 2010 , p p . T B A . ISI W e b of K n o w l e d g e " ISI P roceed ings hup; ww w .pymspro users ...pi 1 3 / P R O G R A M Q M I IP 2Q10.ndf

Pagina 5 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

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I \ l \ I RSII A l l A "VALAl IIA" DIN TARGOVISTE 1 AC I I I A 11 A DK SII1N 11 K <)NO\l l ( 1. Sir. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§te, Romania

wwwvalaIria.ro www.cco11vi.ro

11. Veronica S T E F A N . A n d r i n a Granic , 'Delivery of education and training frameworks through mobile technologies", P roceed ings o t '6 l h Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e c E S E . April 15-16. 2010 . A D E C N A p Carol I Univers i ty . Buchares t , Edi lura IJnivers i tara ISSN 2 0 6 6 - 0 2 6 X . pp. 39-47, CPC1

Ise2010 c o n fc re 11 c e pro grain. p h p h t tp : / / ad lunap . ro /e l se201 0 el 10.pdf

12. Veron ica S T E F A N , l oana S tanescu , Ion Roceanu , Eugen ia M i n c a , An ton iu $ t e fan , Prospective Topography of Mobile Learning Solutions, f l i c 5rd Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Virtual Learn ing K VI .. Sect ion: T e c h n o l o g i e s , l a rgu Mures . Roman ia , 29-31 Oc tobe r 2 0 1 0 . ISSN 1844 8933. pp. 311-317. CPC1 hup: w.i c \ l . eu . . - ( ' f ( U s i l ^ l L ^ 1 index .h lm

13. Veronica S T E F A N . Su/ .ana llie, Rodiea AI .BIJ , " B u s i n e s s strategy games tools for learning and development of entrepreneurial competenciesProceedings of 6 t h In ternat ional C o n f e r e n c e e E S E 2010 , April 15-16. U N A p Univers i ty . Buchares t , Ed i tu ra IJnivers i tara ISSN 2 0 6 6 - 0 2 6 X pp. 195-203, CPCT

l i t :p i ad lunap . ro e l se20 I 0/el I O.pdf

14. Eugenia Minca . Daniel R a e o c e a n u , V e r o n i c a S T E F A N , Ot i l ia D r a g o m i r , "Pred ic t i ve modelling of the monitoring function. . I predictive modelling application for fault states in a manufacturing system f l ic 7th IEEE Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Cont ro l & A u t o m a t i o n ( I C C A ' 0 9 ) , D e c e m b e r 9-11, 2009 .

Chr i s t church . N e w Zea land . 1111 Cont ro l Sys t ems Chap te r S ingapore . ISBN 978 -1 -4244 -4707 -7 , pp. 1 4 7 8 - 1 4 9 2 . CPCT hup-; e.>niroK.papcix-cjii.nel..eiiiirejxMices.conjfen^n^ C'onlenll.istWeb .iJumU'ihinpoT

15. S tanescu , loana , $ t e f a n A n t o n i u . V e r o n i c a S T E F A N , U a m / . a - E u p Eelix, " M o b i l e Knowledge Management ToolkitThe E u r o p e a n C o n f e r e n c e on eLearn ing , Bar i , Italy, 2 9 - 3 0 Oc tobe r 2009 , l isted in the T h o m s o n ISI Index to Sc ien t i f i c and Technica l P roceed ings ( ISTP/ ISI P r o c e e d i n g s and the T h o m s o n ISI Index to Social Sc iences & H u m a n i t i e s P roceed ings ( ISSI IP / ISI P roceed ings ) . hup:, w w w .acadcn i ic -conI ' e rc i i ccs .o ru /ece l / eee l2010/ece l09-proceed ings .h lm

16. Eugenia Minca . f l o r i n Eilip. Daniel R a e o c e a n u , Veron ica S T E F A N . An ton iu S te fan . "Advanced Methods for Recurrent Hierarchical Systems Modeling", 7th As ian Con t ro l C o n f e r e n c e (ASCC '09 ) , SaA5 Discrete Event Sys t ems , A u g u s t 27-29 , 2009 , l l o n g Kong , C h i n a . If EE Xplore Proceedings . El C o m pendex i nde xcd; hi'(In: coiuro!s.pa|)crccgl.jKl:VonJlnync>>:confcrences.'ASCCQ9:proaram/ASCC*09 Contenil.islWcb 4.ht I U i L

17. Veronica S T E F A N . An ton iu S te fan , "Live services for citizens with live technologies" Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e " W e b In fo rma t ion S y s t e m s and T e c h n o l o g i e s " , f u n c h a l , M a d e i r a , Portugal 2008 May 4 7, INS 1'ICC Press. Se tuba l . Por tugal , pp. 53-56 . ISBN: 9 7 8 - 9 8 9 - 8 1 1 1 - 2 7 - 2 . ISI P roceed ings i w w . inl 'ormalik.uni- ln 'er .de/ I ey db/i ndices /a- t ree /s /Ste fan: \ ' e i on ica. htm I c u a n : h;u • w w w , inaih.spbu.ru- 'usei7dkoy.no\7paper.s/et>ov_.serv2012.pdf

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IJNIVPRSITATPA "VAEAHIA" DIN TARGOVISTP I A( I I I A H A DP STUN I I I ( O N O M K I Str. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13. Targovi$te, Romania

w \\ wpwi la h ia to v\\vu .ecoijvl.ro


1. Veronica S T E F A N . V. Radu . Alternative Methods for Business Process Planning, Valahian Journal oI 1 Economic Sciences , V o l u m e 7. Issue 2. ISSN (Onl ine) 2067 -9440 , DOI : lmps: / /doi .org/10.151 5 / v j e s - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 1 1 , Oe tobcr 2016 , BDI hup-,: <\\ w w.dcgi'U) ier .com 'vicw jAjeN.a

2. Veronica S T E F A N , Valent in Radu. The e-Commerce tools and their use in the global market, Valahian Journal o! E c o n o m i c Sc iences . V J P S V o l u m e 5(19) Issue 4/ 2014 . BDI: RePPc . Pbsco, Doaj . C abel l ' s . ProQues l , Index Cope rn i cus . ISSN 2067-9440 . pp. 69- 76, BDI iu:.>: v. w u A-jcs.yu; miapc^/MM 4 i s sue4 /Q9 .v ie s%20\o l . "o205%201 9%20 i s suc" o204(>»202() 1 4 ° ^ j v e i o iH. ;a u i >i M a n . j x i l '

3. Veronica S T K K A N . M. Manea . Assessing intellectual capital in the field of information technology companies, Valah ian Journal o f P c o n o m i c Sciences , VJKS 1 / 2 0 1 4 , BDI P b s c o , R e P P c . Cabell 's . D O A J , ProQuest , Index Cope rn i cus . ISSN 2067-9440 , pp. 83- 89, BDI hup \\ u.\jcs,cii'imagON ''20 J 4/issue l/vjcs%2()vol.%205%2()19%20issue%201 % 202 014% 20 v e r o n i c a% 2 0 s i e I' an.pdf

4. Veronica STKKAN. I.a mobilite digitate comme solution pour Tejjicacite de I 'enlreprise. Revue Valaquc d d d u d e s P u r o p e e n n e R V P P V o l u m e 4(18) Issue 4/ 2013 , BDI: Doaj , ProQuest , Index Copern icus . ISSN 2067 9459 , pp. 27 -34 . BDI hp.M w u u - . n e e . e u / i m a u e s / 2 0 1 3 / n o 4 / r v e e % 2 0 v o l . % 2 0 4 % 2 0 1 8 % 2 0 n o . % 2 0 4 % 2 ( ) 2 0 1 3 % 2 0 - % 2 0 \ eroni c.i" u20sielan.pdf

5. Veronica STKKAN. The L'se of 21) Codes in the Development of Mobile Applications with Database, Valahian Journal of E c o n o m i c Sc iences V.IPS V o l u m e 3(17) , Issue 2 /2012 , BDI: Pbsco , RcPPc , Cabell ' s . D O A J . ProQues t . Index Cope rn i cus , ISSN 2067 9440, pp. 105-1 14. BDI 1,1 ,\ v;pjcs.cli/images;20J 2 - i s s u e 2 / v i c s % 2 0 v o l . % 2 0 3 % 2 0 1 7 % 2 0 i s s u e % 2 0 2 ° »2()201 2°-b20-0/»20ve i ' 1 ue fan .pdf

6. N'eronica S T E K A N . Mar ins C O M A N , Geospat ia l Data Exchange through Interoperabil i ty be tween Public Adminis t ra t ion Enti t ies, T h e Valah ian Journal of E c o n o m i c Studies , ISSN 2067 9440, Vol 1, Issue 3. pg. 52-59. 2010 . BDI: Doa j . P roQues t , Index Copern icus , BDI Imp. • \ \ \ \ w . y j e w i 1 i n d e \ . p h p uc lnve , '88-2010/80-v jes -vo lumc-1 - i s sue-3 .h tml h * u \ ci l inages \ j 010 2010-Volume"! l ssue3/3 .%20V.l 1 S" ( ,20Vol%2() 1 %2() l ssue%203 ' 'o '()! ('" m 'D-d ,.20 \ i t icies pdl

7. I. S tanescu. S tefan A.. I lam/.a-P.P. . Veronica S T E K A N , Simulation and 1 laptic-Enabled l-'rameworks for iirlual Learning Environments, Spiru l lare t Univers i ty , Mathemat i c s - In fo rma t i c s Series. BDI. ISSN: I 841 -7833 . 2010 , pp. 83-89, BDI 1111.1 ana le -mi . sp i ruhare l . ro /up load / fu l l 201 ()_s al O.pdf

8. Veronica Stefan . Mar i lena Manea , Accounting Practices Regarding the Non-Current Assets Held

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uv i i i aii a de siiin!i economice Sir. Alcea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovisjle, Romania

www.valahia.ro _vvvvvv.ecoyyt.ro

for Sole, S tudies and Sc ien t i f i c Resea rehes - E c o n o m i c 1 edition, 2 0 1 0 . issue 1 5. Univers i ty "Vasi le Aleesandr i" of Bacau . f a c u l t y of E c o n o m i c Seienees , ISSN 2 0 6 6 - 5 6 1 X . BDI, pp. T B A BDI: RePec, Econ Paper, Bl) l Imp: eeoiipapers.rcpec.org-';.irticle. bac fsecub /10-1 5 -14 .h tm 11 j i p: ceo npaper s . r epec .o rg /a r t i e l e /bac r secub /

9. Dumil ru $ t e fan , Pavel Nas t a se . V e r o n i c a § T K F A N , The new dimensions of the virtual public environment", In ternat ional Journal of Accoun t i ng and In fo rma t ion M a n a g e m e n t I JAMIS . publ ished by Emera ld . Vol. 8. Nr. 1/2009, ISSN 1583-4387 . pp 4 4 5 - 4 6 9 , BDI iiup: w w w.citi.a.sc.ro rcvi?4u ciu. h;.p: cst:.:u.e.ro. r e u s t y c i j ( > i mi tNumar .aspx?C)pera l ie Cau la re

10. Istudor I.. V e r o n i c a S I I .FA V Minca I:.. " P r e v i s i o n and warning systems using mobile technology web based', Se ienl i l le Bul let in of Electr ical Eng inee r ing Facul ty , Vol . nr. 1 (10) 2009 . ISSN 1843-6188, C N C S I S B I. pp T B A , BDI 1 .j ww \ b u l e u n f i e U' io index html hi |oiu uaK mdexi opei nu. u^ com kar ta .php?ac t ion =mas le r f i s t&id=3797

11. Veronica S T K F A N , C a m e l i a Eralila, " e G o v e r n m e n t action plan in Eli and regional collaboration in SEE country". Ana le lc IJnivei'silaQi din Oradea -Se r i a $tiin^e E c o n o m i c e . T O M XVI. Vol. II. cod 665, ISSN 1 582-5450 . CNC'SIS B t . BDI

12. Veron ica S T K F A N , "Software for virtual environment in economic sciences" Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e . .Chal lenges of C o n t e m p o r a r y K n o w l e d g e - B a s e d E c o n o m y " , A l b a Iulia Univers i ty , N o v e m b e r 16-17. A n n a l e s IJnivers i ta t is Apulens i s , O e c o n o m i c a Ser ies , V o l u m e II pp. 481- 488 , ISSN 1454-9409, C N C S 1 S H i . BDI

13. Veron ica S T K F A N , EE f Dor in , .Modelare CASE pentru monitorizarea distribu(iei energiei din surse neconven(ionale'\ Revis la R o m a n a de In lbrmat ica §i A u l o m a l i c a . ICI Bucurest i 2006 , ISSN 1841-4303. C N C S I S H i , BDI: Scopus , P roQucs t . Ebsco. Emera ld , BDI hs'p: rna.ici.ro na1(HH> 1 uiJcx .h tml Imp: www. i e i . ro K M \ . ia20()6 2, index, html

A R T I C O C E p u b l i c a l c in v o l u m e l e u n o r conlerin^e des fa$urate in Jara sau s tra inatate (cu I S S N sau ISBN) , indcxate BDI

1. Veronica S T K F A N . Ion R o c e a n u . Catal in Radu. An ton iu $ t e fan , "Management of Knowledge Based Systems in Desktop and Mobile Learning Environments ", T h e 4rd Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Virtual I .earning ICVE. Sec t ion : f e c h n o l o g i e s & S o f t w a r e Solu t ions , Iasi, R o m a n i a . Oc tobe r 30 - N o v e m b e r 1. 2009 . ISSN 1844 8933 , pp. 195- 202 Im, www i i \ l a i 2009 d is i I index .h im h >; \ ww -i.\l lli 2t/01 ' d isc k \ I d o c u m e n t e / p d f / t e c h / l C V L f e c h n o l o g i e s pape r03 .pdf

2. Veron ica S T K F A N , Da rko Savic, Mobile Internet in Support of SEE Regional Development for

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IJNIVPRSITATPA "VALAIIIA" DIN TARGOV1STP I AC I I ( A l l A 1)1 S I U N 11 PC O N O M I C l . i 9 9 z ' Str. Alcca Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi^te, Romania

ww\v. valahia.ro wwvv.ceoiivU'o

Social Conges. 5lh International C o n f e r e n c e of the School of E c o n o m i c s and Business in Sarajevo , ICES 2010. . .Economic Dev e lopmen t Perspec t ives of S E E Region in the Globa l Recess ion Contex t" . Octobrc 1 4 - 1 5 . 2 0 1 0 . ISBN 9 7 8 - 9 9 5 8 - 2 5 - 0 1 5 - 6 . pp. 192-119; hup: \\ \\ w.e 1 s a , t i n sa ,ba , e f "dokumen t i / ICES2010 / lCES2010 Program l inal .pdf

3. Ion Roceanu . Veron ica S T E F A N , Virgil Popcscu, Mar i a M a g d a l e n a Popescu , Radu Gramatov ie i . f l o r i n l.a/.o "Knowledge anywhere, anytime based on the wireless devices", T h e 5th International Scient if ic C o n f e r e n c e e E S P "ePearn ing and So f tware for Educa t ion" . 2 0 0 9 April 9-10, Buchares t Pnivcrsi tv Press House , pp. 4 1 5 - 4 2 4 . ISBN 978-973-749-362-0 ; luip. ad 1 unap.ro c!sc2<)()9 pape r s ;909 ,1 .Roceanu .pdf

4. loana S tanescu . Antoniu S te fan . Pelix G. I l a m z a - P u p , Veron ica S T E F A N . Enhanced Online Learning with Simulations and Virtual Worlds. The 5rd Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Virtual Learning ICV1.. Sect ion: Techno log i e s . l argu Mures , Roman ia . 29-31 Oc tobe r 2010 . pp. 339- 345, Imp: Vw w w.iev l . eu '2010 disc, icvi index .h tm

5. Veronica S T E F A N , Dumi t ru S tefan , "'The impact of mobile computers and technologies for the quality of life ", 5 th Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e Accoun t ing and M a n a g e m e n t In fo rma t ion Systems. A M I S 20 1 0. 17-18 June 2010 . A c a d e m y of E c o n o m i c Studies , Buchares t Imp: ' ww w .c ig .asc . ro /ani i s2010 l i s ie re / 'p rogram.pdf ' lDl ; = : Blank

6. Minca P.. Veron ica S T E F A N , Pi l ipescu A., Scrbencu A., ICS I C C 2012 , Two Approaches in Modeling of Assembly Disassembly Line with Integrated Manipulator Mounted on Mobile Platform 12- 14 October 2012 , Sinaia l i ' ip ' : Y\ww.aie . imal . ro/eonler inta S i n a i a / C O N P E R E N C E P R O G R A M . p d f

7. 1 eonardo Badea. Ion Miei la , V e r o n i c a S T E F A N . "The impact over economic efficiency of agricultural exploitations under the influence of climatic changes in South RomaniaInternational Scient if ic Mee t ing "Mul t i f unc t i ona l agr icul ture and rural d e v e l o p m e n t (III) rural deve lopment and (un)l imited resources" , 4-5 D e c e m b e r 2008 , Belgrade . Publ isher : Insti tute of Agricul tural Economies . Belgrade. ISBN: 9 7 8 - 8 6 - 8 2 1 2 1 - 5 9 - 6 and 978 -86 -82121-60 -2

(S. Stanescu loana. S tefan An ton iu . S T E F A N Veronica , " Virtual Learning Space with Semantic Web Technologies". T h e 3rd Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e on Vir tual Learn ing ICVL, Sect ion: Technolog ies & Sof tware Solut ions . Cons tan ta . Roman ia , Oc tober 31 - N o v e m b e r 2, 2 0 0 8 hup:_u_\\ w .eniv .ro '2008 disc/ icv 1 index .h tm

9. Veronica S T E F A N . Darko Savie. " Internet Development and Political Governance. Research in Romania and Bill like eSPP. Initiative Members", ICES 2008 Internat ional C o n f e r e n c e of the School of P c o n o m i c s and Bus iness in Sa ra j evo "Trans i t ional Cha l lenges of EU Integrat ion and Glogal ixat ion" , Oc tober 9-10 . Sa ra j evo . ISBN 978-9958-25 -015-6 , pp. 192-119; hun:;; w w w .c f sa .unsa .ba / i ces2008 ' in iages/s tor ies/ lCI . :S2Q0XCont?rogramU310B5.pd

10. Veronica S T E F A N , Came l i a Prati la, Valer ica Top l i ceanu , "Web 'Technology in Support of Democratic Coals- Romania case study", T h e 3 2 n d A R A Congress , W e n t w o r t h Insti tute of Technology , 2008 July 22-26 . Boston U S A . Pol i technic International Press . ISBN 978 -2 -553 -01424-6 , pp .505-510 b i ip;_ AV A • i neca .po lvn i l f ca / i on /Al lA-AS/a rch ive / congre s s /32 /p rog ram/Prog ra ) i i A R A 3 2 . p d 11. Victoria Pirescu. Veron ica S T E F A N , "A Reassessment of the Role and Content of Human

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I M \ I' R S I I \ 1I A "VAEAIIIA" DIN I A R ( . ( ) \ I S I I

1 A t I I I A l l A D E S I I 1 N I 1 l i t > N ( ) \ l l ( 1 1 3 a 2 > Sir. Aleea Sinaia nr. 13, Targovi§te, Romania

w w w \ a'ahia.r.1 jwwvy.ccouy].ro

Resources in the Context of a Knowledge Based", The Proceedings of The 7 th Scientif ic Conference •"Internalionalisalion processes in the world economy" , 28th October 2008. Karol Adamiecki University o f 'Economies in Katowice . ISBN 978-83-7246-432-3 . pp. 343- 352;

12. Veronica S T K F A N . loana Stanescu. " E x p e r t Systems for Knowledge Transfer through Simulation and e-Learning'. The 4th International Scientific Conference eESE "cEearning and Sof tware for Education", April 17-18 2008, Bucharest Universi ty Press House , pp. 415-424 , ISBN 978-973-749-362-0 ; in!n;_ ad 1 .unap.ro else conten tpapers .php

13. Veronica S T K F A N . Camel ia Eralila, " K n o w l e d g e Transfer in Economic Sciences Through Simulation". m i c r o C A l ) International Confe rence Miskolc, Hungary. 2008 Mars. Conference Proceedings pp. 213-218. ISBN 978-963-661-826-1 ; w w w.unj-mis_L4_c_.hu;' microcad ; program. q2.htni

14. Veronica S T K F A N . Dumil ru Stefan, "Systemes de management de la ierminologie ei de la traduction assistee par ordinateur' Seminaire international "Les outils d 'aide a la traduction". Romanian Academy. Bucharest 2008 February 28-29, ISBN 978-9-291220-37-3 , Actes Edite par IT inion 1 aline; h I in; dli l .unilal .org/semi nar bucuresti 2008/actes /program me. h tm

15. Ion Cucui . Veronica S T F F A N , Camel ia f r a l i l a , Dorina l 'anasescu. " R o m a n i a n agriculture facing the requirements of the EC integration by use of TT&C International Scientif ic Meet ing . .Multifunctional Agricul ture and Rural Deve lopment" , 1AE Beograd Serbia. Bcocin 2007 December 6-7. Volume II pp. 1 125-1 132, ISBN 978-86-82121-48-0 ;

16. I lam/.a-l .up Felix, Veronica S T E F A N , 11Web 3D & Virtual Reality - Based Applications For Simulation and e-Learning" ICVE - International Confe rence on Virtual Kcarning, Constanta Romania 2007 Oct. 26-27. Bucharest Universi ty Press, pp. 71-80 ISBN 978-973-737-380-9 . doi h11p: 'www.cn iv jv>3H»" disc 2 ic\ 1, index.htm 11iip: \ » \ \ .eni\.ly> 2()• r d i 2 ic\ 1 dcicumente/pdf 'niet /1 .pdf

17. Veronica S T K F A N . "So/hvare for virtual environment in economic sciences " International Conference . .Challenges of Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economy" . Alba lulia University. 2007 November 16-17. Annates IJnivcrsitalis Apulensis , Oeconomica Scries, Vo lume II pp. 481- 488, ISSN 1-154-9409; hup; \ \ww•( )eeono in ica .uab . ro / index .php?p=papers&l=ro&volumul=920072

18. Manea Marinela, Veronica S T E F A N , "Fundamen ta l s and practices for the initial recognition of the fixed assets" International Confe rence , ,Challenges of Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economy". Alba lulia University, 2007 N o v e m b e r 16-17, Annales Univcrsitat is Apulens is . Oeconomica Series, Volume I pp. 226-235 . ISSN 1454-9409;

!1 uP:.. \Va 1 eeoiipmiea. u;ib,ro index .php?p- ; papers&l=ro& v o l u m u E 920071

19. Veronica S T E F A N . Firescu Victoria, "eServices as internationalization optimization tools" Internalional Confe rence „Procesy internacjonal izacj i w gospodaree swia towej" , Katowice , Poland, 2007 Ocl 24, Confe rence Proceedings ISBN 978-83-7246-432-3 , pp. 189- 198; 20. Veronica S T E F A N . Fratila Camel ia , Radu Florin, " D e v e l o p m e n t of modern technologies in

Pagina 10 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

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I J N I V P R S I T A T P A " V A P A I H A " D I N I A R G O V I S I P

I A ( I I I A l l A Dl S I UN 11 I I O N O M K 1.

S t r . A l e e a S i n a i a nr . 13, T a r g o v i s t e , R o m a n i a

w w w . v a l a h i a . r o w w w . e c o u v l . r o

management" International Confe rence „Managemen t Hor izons" , K a u n a s Li thuania 2007 September 24-26. Vytauto Didziojo nniversi tas , , ' fa ikomoji ekonomika" , pp. 389- 398, P B S C O Database:

21. Id reseu Vieloria. Veronica STKKAN, "Disclosures in the financial suae men! of Banks and similar financial institutions" International Confe rence ..Procesy in tcrnacjonal i /ac j i w gospodarce svviatowcj", kalow ice, Poland. Oct. 24th 2007. Confe rence Proceedings ISBN 978-83-7246-432-3 ;

22. Eirescu Victoria. Veronica S T K F A N , "Recognition of Contract Revenues and Expenses" International Confe rence •"Management of International Business and E c o n o m i c sys tems" MIBES, l.arisa Greece 2007 Sep tember 29-30 Conference Proceedings , T.E.I, of Larissa, Greece, ISBN It 978-960-87764-7-0 :

2.3. Veronica S T E F A N . E rati la Camel ia, Popescu Constanta, Radu Florin. "Software for citizen relationships management" International Confe rence . .Management I l o r i / ons" . Kaunas Lithuania 2007 September 27-28. Vytauto Didziojo nniversitas . . f a i k o m o j i e k o n o m i k a " . pp. 389-398. ISSN 182 7996. KHSCO Database;

24. Veronica S T E F A N , "J.a contribution des systemes informatique d'interface dans la creation d'un espace collaboratif dans I 'UK elargie" , International Confe rence " E c o n o m i c integrations, competi t ion and coopera t ion" P I J C O N P 2007, Ri.jeka, Croatie 2007 April 19-22, Confe rence Proceedings: hi in: "v\ \\ u . e f r i .hr -engl ishpr ikaz .asp/ ' tx t id r : :4462

25. Veronica S T E F A N . Minca Eugenia, Dragomir Otilia, Dragomir f lo r in . " "Main tenance Model for real-time process control". International Sympos ium on Electrical Engineer ing ISEE 2005 November 21-22. Bibliotheca Publ ishing House, pp. 141-150 ISBN 973-712-101-5 :

26. Otilia Dragomir , Eugenia Minca, Veronica STEKAN, Alexandru Ivan, " A r t i f i c i a l intelligence techniques in building control systems optimization ", International S y m p o s i u m on Electrical Engineering- ISEE 2005 2005 N o v e m b e r 21-22, Bibl iotheca Publ ish ing House . ISBN 973-712-101-

I). Lucrari publ icate in rcviste vo lume de confcr infc cu refcrenji (neindexate)


1. Veronica STEKAN. Marius C o m a n , " P e r f o r m a n c e s Management and Business Solution", Ees Annales de I . ' IJniversi te Valahia de Targoviste , Section Sciences Economiqucs nr. 4/2009, ISSN 1453-8202. pp. tba. CNCS1S B. Decembr ie 2009

2. Marius Coman . Veronica STKKAN, "Analyt ical tools for decis ion support systems", Ees Annales de I T Iniversite Valahia de Targovis te , Section Sciences l i conomiques nr. 4 /2009, ISSN 1453-8202, pp. 21, CNCS1S IT Decembr ie 2009

3. Veronica STKKAN, Camel ia Eratila, " L ' a c c e s aux informations el le processus du developpemenl durable". Pes Annales de ETJnivers i te Valahia de d'argoviste, Sect ion Sciences l iconomiques , nr. 22/2008. ISSN 1453-8202. C N C S I S B, pp. 371-384, Oclombr ie 2008;

Pagina 11 - ANEXA CV List a do Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

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I \ l \ I R S I I \ I 1 \ " V A L A I 1 1 A " D I N I \ R l , n \ IS I I

I AC I I I A I I . A 1)1 S I UN | I. I ( O N O M K I

S i r . A l e c a S i n a i a nr . 13, T a r g o v i ^ l e , R o m a n i a

w w w . v a l a h i a . r o w v v v v . e c o u v l . r o

4. Victoria f ' I R E S C U , Vcronica S T K F A N , Camel ia Eratila, "La dimension cullurelle des outils de gestion ». I.es Anna les de l . 'Univcrs i l e Valahia de Targovistc Secl ion Sciences Economiques nr. 21/2008. ISSN 1453-8202. C N C S I S B. pp. 204-213 . Oc lombr ie 2008;

5. Vcronica S T K F A N , Camel i a Eratila, "eCiovernmeni action plan in Ell and regional collaboration in SEE country". Analc le IJniversilalii din Oradea-Ser ia §liin^e E c o n o m i c e 2008. T O M XVI. Vol. II. cod 6 ( o . ISSN I 582-5450 . C N C S I S B I. May 2008;

6. Camel ia h'ralila. Vcronica Stefan, Laura Marcu , „Lu responsabilite sociale des entreprises quel contenu dans le contexte roumainT. Anale le Universilati i Va lah ia din largovii j te, Sec^iunea ^tiin^e I x o n o m i c e . nr 21 /2008 , ISSN 1453-8202. C N C S I S B. pp. 213-223 .

7. Vcronica S T K F A N , 2006, ,, Serviciile Web -Portal pentru executia bugetara". Rcvisla I r ibuna Economica 41, 42. Bucuresl i . ISSN 1018-0451;

8. Vcronica S T E F A N , 2 0 0 6 . , , S t a n d a r d e de Interoperabilitate Web". Rcvisla I r ibuna Hconomica 38. 40. Bucharest . ISSN 1018-0451:

9. Dumilru $TIT'AN. Vcronica $ T E F A N , 2006, Jnformatizarea Administratis Publice - de la vis la realitate" Revista de Adminis t ra l ie Publica Nr. 6, Bucuresl i ;

10. Vcronica S T K F A N , 2006 , . , M a n a g e m e n t ! documentelor .y/ arhivarea electronicd" Revista Bi ieeonomic Nr. 1 1. A c a d e m y of Economic Studies Publ i sh ing House , Bucurcs t i . ISSN 1584-8493;

11. Veronica $ T E F A N , 2006 . „eSign Solutie de autentijicare pentru iranzaclii virtuale". Revista Bi ieeonomic Nr. 12. A c a d e m y of Economic Studies Publ i sh ing House , Bucuresl i , ISSN 1584-8493;

12. Veronica S T E F A N , 2.006, ..Serviciile web Standarde de interoperabilitate" Revis ta Bi teconomic Nr. 10. Academy of Economic Studies Publ ishing House , Bucurest i , ISSN 1584-8493

V O L U M E de C O N F E R I N T E

1. Veronica S T E F A N . C. h'ralila. Transforming Supply (Pain Management through Innovative Technologies, S C M 4 E C R C o n f e r e n c e 2016 „Eulure Value Chain Re th ink ing Networks Through Omni -Channe l for Consumer . New chal lenges o f l o T in Supply Cha in M a n a g e m e n t " , 28- 29 Octombr ie 2016. I V r hup'_ _ecr-u\ l a y > ; a a : h i \ e s : W

2. f . Dragomir , Veronica S T E F A N , S. Ilieseu, Sistem inteligent de asistare a deciziilor aplicat in re(elele electrice de joasd iensiune cu producere distribuitd din surse de energie regenerabila. Conferin^a Na | ionala de Surse Noi ^i Regenerabi le de Energie , edit ia a XVI a. 20- 22 Oclombr ie 2016 hup: cnsnre2016, \ aluhia.ro wp-conten t /up loads /2016/1 Q/Progra in -CNSNRE-2016-nou .pdf

3. Vcronica S T E F A N , "( Toissancc economique - Les outilles intelligentes de gestion comme solution pour la performance". 5 7 e m e Congres de l 'Assoc ia t ion Internat ionale des Economis tc s de Eangue 1'Tancaisc \ l l .l I . EUnivers i lc de R I J E K A , 23-25 mai 2011

Pagina 12 - ANEXA CV Lista de Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 13: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

I \l\ I KSI I A 11 \ 'A Al Al 11 A" DIN I \kt,<>\ ISI I I \( I I I A 11 A 1)1 SHIN II I (. ONOMICI Si r . A l c e a S i n a i a nr . 13, T a r g o v i s t e , R o m a n i a

\\\vNAVvalaliia.ro vvvvvv.ecouvt.ro

4. Veronica STKKAN. Etude sur I 'impact du Commerce electronique sur le marche global, International C o n f e r e n c e . .Convergences et diversi le dans une m o n d e g lobal i se" , 17-18 Oct. 2014 . Organisee a IJVI" par AUK & CI DIMI S. BDI, pp . tba

5. Veronica STKKAN . Online CRM for Distributed Operational Software Products, The 2013 S C M 4 PCR International C o n f e r e n c e . 31 May-1 Jun 2013 , onl ine Supply Chain M a n a g e m e n t Journal . ISSN 2284 6402 hup: \\\\ v\ .ecr-uv i.ro con I crime eer/seiii \ c. nfcrence 20I3/ | i / 1111 r i /4. % 2 0 V" e r o n i c a % 2 0 S t c la n. pd f

6. Manea Marinela , Veron ica STKKAN, "Accounting practices regarding the non-current assets held for sate". Confe r in ta In ternat ionala Univcrs i ta tea Vas i le Alecsandr i din Bacau , 16-18 April ie 2010 . Imp: fsec .ub.ro . 'confer ininlcrnaional 16-1 8apri l ic201 0

"u \ i-j uiik-;'. S T F I - . \ N . la ip-utile de la traduction sur 1'impact Pes technologies de I'injormation. Col loquc International de I raduct ion speeial isee et Interpretat ion DT1L, " Ues compe tences des t raducteurs el des in lerpretes en vue de P integrat ion sur le m a r c h e du travail actuel" , Universi le de POues t f imisjoara. 27 -28 mai 2 0 1 0 lntp: dl] 1 .u i l i la i .oru ' l imisoara 'prunranimc fr .htm

8. P.ugenia Minca . Oti l ia Dragomi r . Florin Dragomir , Veron ica STKKAN, "Optimal analysis of fuzzy manufacturing systems". T h e 6 l h S y m p o s i u m on Process Cont ro l , (SPC '09 ) June 1-3. 2009 Ploiesti Romania hup: ae . i ipg-p lo ics t i . ro / spc2009 /p rogrammc.pdf

9. Dumil ru $ t e fan . Pavel Nas lase . Veron ica STEKAN 'Interoperable eServices based on integrated in for mai ion systems implemented within public administrations". 4 th Internat ional Confe rence Account ing and M a n a g e m e n t In fo rma t ion Sys tems, A M I S 2009 , 18-19 June 2009 , A c a d e m y of Pconomic Studies of Buchares t . R o m a n i a hup UW'A c i^ascTo ;ni)is20(W im.<_ \N1IS'P1202009%2()detailedO/o20pro.»raiiiiiie%20liiial.xls?ll)r- blank

10. Stanescu loana, S te fan Anton iu , Veronica § T E F A N , " T e h n o l o g i i Inovative de Acces pentru . Isistarea Praducerii Specializaie Automate", Internat ional Mee t ing " f h c o r i e , pra t ique el d idac t ique de la t raduction spee ia l i see" . May 28-29 , 2009 , Cra iova . R o m a n i a hi,;):/ dlil .iinilat.oivu'colocviu cra iova 2 0 0 9 / a c t . c s / c o m u n i c a r i a c t e s 2000 .pd f

11. Stanescu loana. S te fan An ton iu . S T E F A N Veronica: " L a n g u a g e s Interaction Design Tools for Specialized Translation Services". World Congress on Specia l ized Trans la t ion 2008: Languages and Intel-cultural Dialogue in a (llobalizing World, 1 lavana Cuba . 8 -13 D e c e m b e r 2008 iii tp; / vI i . l I•unilat .org/cime2008/en/prourama.htm

12. Veronica S T E F A N . C a m e l i a Pratila, L"eCovernment action plan in El ' and regional collaboration ui SEE country" International C o n f e r e n c e , ,European E c o n o m i c Integrat ion, Internat ional Trade and European Trade Pol icy" . Oradea 2 0 0 8 M a y 30-31, Analc le Univers i t ap i din Oradca -Scr i a $t i inle Economice T O M XVI, Vol. II. 2008 , cod 665, ISSN 1582-5450

13. Veronica STKKAN, C a m e l i a Pratila, "Leprocessus d'integration intercu/turelle a I 'aide du modele imijie iles procedures 'L/C" Co l loquc Internat ional CP/DIMES " C o m m e n t rendre le deve loppemen t plus durable" , Paris l.a So rbonne , 2008 M a y 22-23 Imp: ' cedn iKus .comandex .phpVopl ion^com con ten t&task -v i e \v&id=65&l t e i i i i I 02

Pag//)a 13 ANEXA CV Lista de Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 14: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

I \ l \ l R S I I A 11 A " V A L A H I A " D I N I \ K ( i( ) \ IS I T I AC I I I A I L A D E S H I N I I I C'( )N( )\1IC I S i r . A l c o a S i n a i a nr . 13. T a r g o v i ^ l c , R o m a n i a

\ \ \ y w . v a l a h i a . r o v y \ v v \ . e c o u v t . r o

14. Veronica STKKAN, "l'L&C procedures as unified model tools for knowledge transfer and intercu/lural integration process" Colloque Internationale LI-A, IJniversile de Nantes, France, 2007 December 7-8. Conference Proceedings; hup; calenda.rex ues.org nou\ clle941 5.html

15. Veronica STKFAN, "eScrvices Software - ATLAS by ATS ltd" Gartner Itxpo Symposium Orlando, Florida, USA. 2007 October 7-12 available online at 1 ittp; agcndabuik.lcr.garlner.com sn m 1 7/WebPages/Sess ionLisLaspx?Spcaker = 1403

16. Veronica STKFAN. Lirescu Victoria. "Unified tools and I'TC applications for business administration systems" International Conference "Management of International Business and Economic systems" MIBES. Larisa Greece, 22007 September 9-30. Conference proceedings T.K.I, of Karissa, Greece. ISBNII 978-960-87764-7-0;

17. Minca Eugenia. Veronica STKFAN, Brczeanu lulian, Raeoceanu Daniel. "Analyse de la surveillance Jloue des systems de production" 6eme Congres International de genie induslriel, 2005 Juin 7-10 Bcsancon, France. Scsssions C7 D2, Conference Proceedings

Alte lucrari sus(inute

1. Veronica STKKAN. "Le role ties TIC pour I 'integration et pour une juste mondialisation - Analyse technique el implicationspolitiques"' XVII Colloque Eederateur C E D I M E S , 2006 November 5-6 Valahia University of fargoviste , published by "Les Annales des LUniversi te Valahia" Vol 16/2007 pp. 267-286 ISSN 1453-8202: Imp: v>, w w .annalesfse.Ri.'en.

2. Victoria Eirescu. Veronica STKFAN, "Instruments financiers et marches financiers". 55cme Congres Ml I I . 27-29 May 2007, Warsaw. Poland, Conference Proceedings

P- VV' u ,sgh.c(^ni.pl/inlbrinacie/aktualnc)Sci/atomne\vsLtem.20()7-()5-18.85 10095650

3. Veronica STKFAN. S T A N E S C U I.. "Impactul tehnologiilor informative asupra calildtii vietii", Conferinta Romania dupd 20 de ani: schimbdri si probleme sociale ICCV si ARS, 12-13 Ecbruarie 2 0 1 0

Imp: w\n w•.arsoeiologie.ro ro/program http://vvvv\v.arsociologie.ro/ro/lucrari-acccptate

4. Lirescu Victoria. Veronica STKFAN. "Bank appraisal in a competitive and volatile market environment" International Conference ..Present Issues of Global Economy" , Constanta. 2007 October 1 1-13, Conference proceedings;

5. Vcronica STKFAN. Camel ia Eratila, "T 'acces aux informations et le processus du developpement durable", l.es Annales de LTJniversite Valahia de fargovis te , Section Sciences Economiques, nr. 21 2008. ISSN 1453-8202. pp. 371-384, Scminaire International "Kspaees Europeens", 10-12 Octobre 2008:

Pagina 14 ANEXA CV Lista de Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN

Page 15: LISTA DE LUCRARI -  · PDF fileLISTA DE LUCRARI Candidat: ... I'roiectare si Utilizareaa Bazelor de Date Aplicatii Access Inlbmeg" a Publishing I louse Bucharest 2006. ISB

I \ l \ I R S I I A I i: \ " V A E A 1 I I A " D I N I \ R ( , ( > \ IS 11

I A ( I I I A 11 A 1)1 S H I N I I E C O N O M I C ] - .

S i r . A l e c a S i n a i a nr . 13, T a r g o v i s t e , R o m a n i a

w v v v v . v a l a h i a . r o w v v w . e c u n v i , ro

6. Camelia Iratila , Veronica S T E F A N , "La responsabilite sociale des enlreprises quel eonlenu dans le eonlex/e roumain?'\ I.es Annales de L'lJnivcrsite Valahia de Targoviste, Section Sciences Fcononuques . nr. 21/2008. ISSN 1453-8202, pp. 213-223, Seminaire International "Pspaces Puropeens". 10-12 Octobre 2008:

7. Victoria I 1RPSCU. Veronica S T I T AN. Camelia F'ratila, "La dimension cullurelle des ou/ils de gestion". I.es Annales de E'lJniversitc Valahia de Targoviste, Section Sciences Economiques. nr. 21 2008, ISSN 1453-8202, pp. 204-213, Seminaire International "Hspaees Europecns", 10-12 Octobre 2008:

8. Stanescu, loana. $telan Antoniu. S T E F A N Veronica. "A Solution for creating prospective mobile business environments". 9th European Conference E C O M M ErNE, Bucharest , Romania, September 26 2 7 . 2 0 0 8

9. Veronica S T E F A N . Camelia F'ratila, Corneliu Russu, « K j f e t s de Putilisation des TIC dans le mtinagemenl des enlreprises industrielles roumaines sur leur competitivite dans I 'espace economique europeen», 56eme Congres de All/EE , 25-27 May 2009, Valahia University of Targoviste, Conference Proceedings hup: w w u .csccin.\ a l ah i a . ro f rancc/a,Program__2.html hup \\ u w .csceni.\ aj^hiy u 1 ince/.a/Program 2.pdf


2015 Contract PFT009, granturi SEE 2009- 2014, Apclul ..Sinergiipentru viitor, tineri in situatii de rise si inipalivele locale si regionale pentru reducerea inegalitatilor nationale sipromovarea incluziunii sociale". I SOS I I ID - Incluziunea SOociala si profesionala a tinerilor S'LUDenti aflat i in situatii de rise, director de proiect IJV f . membru in cchipa de ccrcetarc; 1 135261,65 Ron

2015 Contract FU Grant Agreement no. 687676/2015 - B E A C O N I N G , January 2016 December 2018. Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Teaming, Project Co-funded by the l lo r i /on 2020 f r a m e w o r k Programme of the European Union, coordinator: Coventry I adversity. United Kingdom, director de proiect Dr. Sylvester Arnab, 15 parteneri; membru cercctator in cchipa de implemenlare pentru partener A PS http://beaconing.eu/ ht tp: / /dmll .org.uk/projects/beaconing/

2014 Contract I EEISCDI 19/2014, PN- l l -P ' f -PCCA-2013-4-2177 DESiG, „ Media de dezvoltare si Programa Analitica pentru implementarea de jocuri educationale", director de proiect ATS, parteneri: So f tn in , l !NAp, 1CI, membru in cchipa de cercetare; 1575125 Ron hup:; ;v\ \\ \\ pi is .com. ro pi\ pi ecte 'desig.php

2012 Contract UEF1SCDI 42/ 2012, PN 11 P C C A Tip 2 - InDeSEn, Sistem inteligent de asistare a deciziilor aplicai hi retelele electrice de joasd tensiune cu producere distribuitd din surse de energie regenerabild. U VT, ATS, UPB, 4 mil Ron, responsabi! (le proiect pentru partener A'PS, 2012- 2015 u w w .indcsen.ats.com.ro

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I N l \ I RSI l . \ l I A "VALAHIA" DIN TARGOVIS IE I At I I I A 11 \ 1)1 SI UN 11 I ( l ) \ ( ) \ l l ( ' l t a y i ' Si r . A l c o a S i n a i a nr. 13, T a r g o v i $ t e . R o m a n i a

\\_w\\ .valahia.ro vv\yvv.eeoiivi.ro

2012 Contrac t I I 1 I S C D I 592 / 2012 , Capaci ta t i , " D e v e l o p p e m e n I durable, responsabilite sociale, cut lure et performance d'entreprise", I JVT, m e m b r u Tn cch ipa de cerce tare , 6 0 . 0 0 0 Ron, 2012- 2013 2012 Contrac t P O S D k l / l 10 /5 .2 /C /87116 . " M a s u r i integrate de ocupare in mediul rural", Lundat ia C o m ergente E u r o p c n c . C o m u n a Cornc tu , A T S , S ivcco , responsabil de protect p t .par lener ATS, 2013

2010 Contrac t FP7 G r a n t A g r e e m e n t no. 2 5 8 1 6 9 / - G a L A , O c t o b e r 2 0 1 0 S e p t e m b e r 2014 "dame and Learning Alliance". d i rec tor de proiec t Univers i ta degli Studi di G e n e v a , prof .dr . Alessandro de Glor ia . 30 par lener i ; - Ce rce t a to r exper t in cch ipa de i m p l c m e n t a r e a pro iec tu lu i pent ru par tener A T S 'm u: adhicl.prg.i;o ' . \p ga la \\ w w . .galanpc.cu

2010 C o n t r a c t l > ( ) S l ) R l / C P P 1 0 7 / l ) M I 1 . 5 / S / 7 7 4 9 7 "Prega t i re Doctora la de Exce len ta Pentru Soe ie ta tea C u n o a s t e r i i " P R E D E X , 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 3 , Exper t in cadrul proiectului , m e m b r u in cch ipa de proiect , C o o r d o n a t o r Un ive r s i t a t ea Va lah ia din hargovis te hup; p r c J e x . r o ;

2008 C o n t r a c t C N M P Nr. 12-087 / S e p t c m b r i e 2 0 0 8 ,.( 'ercetdri privind crearea unui model experimental al unci retele virtuale de tip mobile teaming, cu aeces in limp real la cunoastere si fnvdiare, utilizdnd tehnologii de comunicatie si dispozitive terminate w ireless" - \ K )I5NI I. responsabil (leproiect pent ru A T S . pa r tener in proiect , 2008-201 1 hup: h k u m l I cxpc i i o ig to i n d j \ , p h p ? p p i i p n ; ; ; c p m c o n t a c t & v i e w = c a t c g o r y & c a t i d 28&4teni id 39 hup: a d h i o i g \ j mobncl imp: w w w.cninp.ro:8083-pi ledi2/program4/doeumtf nte/2010/sodinta/re/. , IJI 12087.pdf h u p w w w v n n i p i o 8(181 p m . d i 2 p i o g u m - l 2 0 0 8 n i a i n ' m d o x p i i p ' W w t4 n 2 8 l « K i 8 2 8 ^ 7 9 0 2 c J / ) b 9 i L L 2 e l 4 4 3 t '

A. i vIv'H1 IV i a - w . v . w h k ! , T N • 883ed9592cc98l^l la lc80o I

2007 Contrac t C N M P Nr. 1 1-047 / S e p t c m b r i e 2 0 0 7 ... Ip/icatie pentru codijicarew' decodificarea codurilor de bara 21) pentru accesarea serviciilor Web pe telefoane plat forme mobile" C o d e 2 M o b , responsabil (le proiect pen t ru A T S . par tener in proiect . per ioada 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 0 hi u \ , w \ \ i o d c 2 in o b . n ) ' i n d e x . p 11p?id-45 hup www sips i o. c o d e 2 n i o b / j u d e x . p h p ' / i d ^ S 2007 C o n t r a c t 1 )21 -015 /2007 , ( P N C D I 2 - P a r t c n c r i a t c ) "('ontributia Romanici la tintele europene privind dezvoltarea surselor regenerabile de energie" P R O M E S . M e m b r u in cch ipa de proiect din partea par lenerulu i Un ive r s i t a t ea Valahia , Coordona to r de proiect 1(4 - Institiilul Nat ional de C e r c e t a r e - D e / v o l t a r e in In format ica . pe r ioada 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 0 hiiu: terra.ici .ro p r o m e s cleLmlt.htm 2006 Contrac t nr. 6 0 5 - 0 3 . 1 0 . 2 0 0 5 C E E X "( 'omplementaritaiea surselor fotovoltaice si a captatoarelor termice in arhitectura cladirilor si asigurarea u/ili/dlii de energie eleclricd si climatizare" - C o b o T e r m . M e m b r u in cch ipa dc proiect , Coordona to r de proiect : Cenl ru l de cerce tare C N S N R E Univers i ta tea Va lah ia . 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 8 111:p: deein . \ a l ah ia . ro / co lo tc rnL

F. m i l V 1 1 1. 1)E I N V E N |TE SI A E T E I I T E U R I D E P R O P R 1 T A T E I N D U S T R I A E A

D a l a : 0 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 7 W W

Pagina 16 - ANEXA CV Lista de Lucrari Veronica §TEFAN
