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10. Stl - Partea II

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1 STL Partea 2
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Partea 2

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D. Lucanu STL – Partea 2 2



• containere standard

• algoritmi

• clasificare

• exemple:• liste

• tablouri asociative

•agenda telefonica

• functori (obiecte functii)

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STL :: algoritmi

definitie (in STL): un set de template-uri care

actioneaza asupra secventelor de elemente


• Nonmodifying algorithms

• Modifying algorithms

• Removing algorithms

• Mutating algorithms

• Sorting algorithms• Sorted range algorithms

• Numeric algorithms

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STL: algoritmi care nu modifica

for_each() Performs an operation for each element

count() Returns the number of elements

count_if() Returns the number of elements that

match a criterion

min_element() Returns the element with the

smallest value

max_element() Returns the element with the

largest value

find() Searches for the first element with the passed


find_if() Searches for the first element that matches

a criterion

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STL: algoritmi care nu modifica

search_n() Searches for the first n consecutive elements with

certain properties search() Searches for the first occurrence of a subrange

find_end() Searches for the last occurrence of a subrange

find_first_of() Searches the first of several possible elements

adjacent_find() Searches for two adjacent elements that areequal(by some criterion)

equal() Returns whether two ranges are equal

mismatch() Returns the first elements of two sequences that

differ  lexicographical_compare() Returns whether a range is

lexicographically less than another range

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STL: algoritmi care modifica

for_each() Performs an operation for each element

copy() Copies a range starting with the first element

copy _backward() Copies a range starting with the

last element

 transform() Modifies (and copies) elements;

combines elements of two ranges

 merge() Merges two ranges

 swap_ranges() Swaps elements of two ranges

fill() Replaces each element with a given value  fill_n() Replaces n elements with a given value

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STL: algoritmi care elimina

remove() Removes elements with a given value

 remove_if() Removes elements that match a given


remove_copy() Copies elements that do not match

a given value

 remove_copy_if() Copies elements that do not

match a given criterion

 unique() Removes adjacent duplicates (elements

that are equal to their predecessor)

 unique_copy() Copies elements while removing

adjacent duplicates

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STL: algoritmi care schimba ordinea

reverse() Reverses the order of the elements

 reverse_copy() Copies the elements while

reversing their order 

 rotate() Rotates the order of the elements

 rotate_copy() Copies the elements while rotating

their order 

 next_permutation() Permutates the order of the


 prev_permutation() Permutates the order of the



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STL: algoritmi care schimba ordinea

random_shuffle() Brings the elements into a

random order 

 partition() Changes the order of the elements so

that elements that match a criterion are at the front

 stable_partition() Same as partition() but preserves

the relative order of matching and nonmatchingelements

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STL: algoritmi care modifica

generate() Replaces each element with the result of 

an operation

 generate_n() Replaces n elements with the result of 

an operation

 replace() Replaces elements that have a special

value with another value

 replace_if() Replaces elements that match a

criterion with another value

 replace_copy() Replaces elements that have a

special value while copying the whole range

 replace_copy_if() Replaces elements that match a

criterion while copying the whole range

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STL: algoritmi de sortare

sort() Sorts all elements

 stable_sort() Sorts while preserving order of equal


 partial_sort() Sorts until the first n elements are


 partial_sort_copy() Copies elements in sorted


 nth_element() Sorts according to the nth position

 partition() Changes the order of the elements so

that elements that match a criterion are at the front


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STL: algoritmi de sortare

stable_partition() Same as partition() but preserves

the relative order of matching and nonmatchingelements

 make_heap() Converts a range into a heap

 push_heap() Adds an element to a heap

 pop_heap() Removes an element from a heap

 sort_heap() Sorts the heap (it is no longer a heap

after the call)

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STL: algoritmi pe intervale sortate

binary_search() Returns whether the range

contains an element  includes() Returns whether each element of a

range is also an element of another range

 lower_bound() Finds the first element greater thanor equal to a given value

 upper _bound() Finds the first element greater thana given value

 equal_range() Returns the range of elements equalto a given value

 merge() Merges the elements of two ranges

 set_union() Processes the sorted union of tworanges

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STL: algoritmi de sortare pe intervale

set_intersection() Processes the sorted intersection

of two ranges

 set_difference() Processes a sorted range that

contains all elements of a range that are not part of 


 set_symmetric_difference() Processes a sortedrange that contains all elements that are in exactly

one of two ranges

 inplace_merge() Merges two consecutive sorted


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STL: algoritmi numerici

accumulate() Combines all element values

(processes sum, product, and so forth)

 inner_product() Combines all elements of two


 adjacent_difference() Combines each element with

its predecessor 

 partial_sum() Combines each element with all of its


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STL :: algoritmi::liste


#include <algorithm>  declarare lista

list<string> amici;

afisare componentelor listei

void print_string(string s){

cout << s << endl;


//... p = amici.begin();

q = amici.end();

for_each(p, q, print_string);

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STL :: algoritmi::liste

numara Popestii

int n = count(p, q, "Popescu");   cauta dupa criteriu

• defineste criteriu (rau = nu incepe cu litera)

int bad(const string& s)


return !isalpha(s[0]);

•insereaza un element rau 

amici.insert(q, "12cai");

• gaseste primul element rau (care nu incepe cu litera) 

 p = find_if(amici.begin(), amici.end(), bad ); 

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STL :: inseratori

fie functia:

void f(list<int>& li)


fill_n(li.begin(), 100, 77);


f() atribuie 77 elementelor li[0], ..., li[99]

dar daca sunt mai putin de 100 de elemente?

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STL :: inseratori

in <iterator> exista trei clase parametrizate create pentru a

rezolva astfel de probleme template <class Cont> 


 back_inserter(Cont& c);

template <class Cont> 


front_inserter(Cont& c);

template <class Cont> 


inserter(Cont& c, Out p);

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STL :: inseratori

adaugarea de elemente la sfarsit:

void g(list<int>& li){

fill_n(back_inserter(li), 100, 77);


// se vor adauga 100 copii ale lui 77 la sf. inserare mai simpla

insert_inserator<list<int>> ii(li, p);


*ii = 55;// este echivalent cu

li.insert(p, 55)

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STL :: algoritmi::liste (cont)

// creeaza o copie numai cu unicate

list<string> copie;unique_copy(amici.begin(), amici.end(), \


amici = copie;

inserarea unei liste in alta listalist<string> temp;



q = find(amici.begin(), amici.end(), "Popescu");copy(temp.begin(), temp.end(), \

inserter(amici, q));

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STL :: algoritmi::map

clasa Persoana

class Persoana {//. . .friend bool operator<(const Persoana& lhs, \

const Persoana& rhs);//...

}; clasa Info (despre persoana) class Info {// . . .

 private:string adr;string nr;


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STL :: algoritmi::map

declarare agenda telefonica

 multimap<Persoana, Info> agTel; afisare agenda

• afisare intrare

void print_intrare(pair<Persoana, Info> p)

{cout << p.first.getNume() // ...;


• apelare alg. for_each()

 p = agTel.begin();q = agTel.end();

for_each(p, q, print_intrare);

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STL :: algoritmi::map

numara Popestii

• declarare criteriu

 bool eqPopescu(pair<Persoana, Info> p)


return p.first.getNume() =="Popescu";


• apelare algoritm count_if()

 p = agTel.begin();q = agTel.end();

cout << count_if(p, q, eqPopescu);

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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica

cheia va fi un nume

typedef std::string Nume; clasa AgTel deriveaza din multimap<>class AgTel : public std::multimap<Nume, Info> {


 AgTel (); AgTel(char* numeFisier);void adIntrare();void afiseazaTot();void incarca(char* numeFisier);

void salveaza(char* numeFisier);//. . .


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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica

memorarea agendei in fisier 

• fiecare intrare este memorata pe 3 linii:



<numar tel>

• fisierul va avea 3*nr_intrari linii

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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica

void AgTel::incarca(char* numeFisier) {

//... bool ok = std::getline(inp, nume); while(ok){ok = std::getline(inp, adr);

//...if (ok)

this->insert(end(),std::make_pair(nume,Info(adr, nr)));

ok = std::getline(inp, nume);}inp.close();


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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica

void AgTel::adIntrare()



std::cout << "Nume: ";

std::cin >> s;

 Nume nume(s);


this->insert(end(), \

std::make_pair(nume, info));}

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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica

void AgTel::salveaza(char *numeFisier)

{std::ofstream out(numeFisier);

 AgTel::iterator i;

for (i=this->begin(); i!=this->end(); ++i)

{out << i-> first << std::endl;

out << i->second.getAdr() << std::endl;

out << i->second.getNr() << std::endl;


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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica:: demo

int main()

{int optiune;

 AgTel agTel;

do {

std::cout << "1. Initializeaza ...”; //. . .

std::cout << "0. Terminare.\n";

std::cin >> optiune;

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STL::ex:: agenda telefonica:: demo

switch (optiune)

{case 1:



case 4:agTel.salveaza("test.at");


//. . .

}} while (optiune != 0);

return 0;

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Obiecte de tip functie

 A function object (or functor), is an object that has

operator () defined so that in the following exampleFunctionObjectType fo;



the expression fo() is a call of operator () for the

function object fo instead of a call of the function fo()

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Obiecte de tip functie

Instead of writing all the function statements inside

the function body,void fo()




you write them inside the body of operator () of the

function object class:

class FunctionObjectType {


void operator()() { statements }


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Obiecte de tip functie: avantaje

 A function object might be smarter because it may

have a state. In fact, you can have two instances of the same function, represented by a function object,which may have different states at the same time.This is not possible for ordinary functions.

Each function object has its own type. Thus, you canpass the type of a function object to a template tospecify a certain behavior, and you have theadvantage that container types with different functionobjects differ.

 A function object is usually faster than a functionpointer.

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Obiecte de tip functie: sortare

class Person {

 public:string firstname() const;string lastname() const;//...

};class PersonSortCriterion {

 public: bool operator() (const Person& p1,

const Person& p2) const{return p1.lastname() < p2.1astname() ||

((p2.1astname() == p1.lastname()) && p1.firstname() < p2.firstname());


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Obiecte de tip functie: sortare

int main(){//declare set type with special sorting criteriontypedef set<Person,PersonSortCriterion> 

PersonSet;//create such a collectionPersonSet coll;

...//do something with the elementsPersonSet::iterator pos;for (pos = coll.begin(); pos != coll.end();


{ ...}...


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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

In this example, a function object is used that generates asequence of integral values. Each time operator () is called, it

returns its actual value and increments it. You can pass thestart value as a constructor argument.

class IntSequence{


int value; public://constructorIntSequence (int initialValue)

: value(initialValue) { }//''function call''int operator() () {

return value++;}


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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

utilizarea a unei functii cu generate_n()

list<int> coll; 

//insert values from 1 to 9

generate_n (back_inserter(coll), //start

9, //number of elements

IntSequence (1)); //generates


coll’s contents: 

1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9;

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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

utilizarea a unei functii cu generate_n()

generate (++coll.begin(), //start--coll.end(), //end 

IntSequence (42)); //generates

// values

coll’s contents: 

1; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 9;


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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

Function objects are passed by value rather than by


IntSequence seq(1); //integral sequence

//starting with value 1

//insert sequence beginning with 1

generate_n (back_inserter(coll), 9, seq);

//insert sequence beginning with 1 againgenerate_n (back_inserter(coll), 9, seq);


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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

However, access to the final state might be

necessary, so the question is how to get a "result"from an algorithm. There are two ways to get a

"result" or "feedback" from using function objects

with algorithms: 

• You can pass the function objects by reference.• You can use the return value of the for_each()


create a function object:IntSequence seq(1);

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Obiecte de tip functie cu stare interna

to pass seq by reference in generate_n() , the template

arguments are qualified explicitly:

generate_n<back_insert_iterator<list<int> >,



(back_inserter(coll), //start

4, //number of elements

seq); //generates values demo

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Obiecte de tip functie predefinite

Expression  Effect 

negate<type>() - param

plus<type>() param1 + param2

minus<type>() param 1 - param2

multiplies<type>() param1 * param2

divides<type>() param1 / param2

modulus <type>() param1 % param2equal_to<type>() param1 == param2

not_equal_to<type>() param1 ! = param2

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Obiecte de tip functie predefinite

Expression  Effect 

less<type>() param1 < param2

greater<type>() param1 > param2

less_equal<type>() param1 <= param2

greater_equal<type>() param1 >= param2

logical_not<type>()  ! param

logical_and<type>() param1 && param2

logical_or<type> () param1 | | param2
