Tol4Food Diaspora

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Denisa Duta, Alina Culetu, Fulvia Manolache,Enuta Iorga, Nastasia Belc

    IBA Bucuresti

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti Workshop exploratoriu: Produse traditionale: autenticitate si calitate 1

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Regulamentul (CE) nr. 509/2006 al Consiliului din 20 martie 2006 privind

    specialitile tradiionale

    garantate din produse agricolei

    alimentare:- tradiional: produsul a crui utilizare pe piaa comunitar pe o perioad de timp n care se manifest transmiterea ntre generaii a fost dovedit ;aceast perioad trebuie s corespund duratei atribuite n mod generalunei generaii de oameni, adic cel puin 25 de ani

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti Workshop exploratoriu: Produse traditionale: autenticitate si calitate 2

    Definire concept de ,,produs traditional

    Alte definitii:

    - Proiect EuroFir FP6, 2007 (recunoscuta de FAO in 2008): ,, tradiional- n conformitate cu practicile stabilite sau specificatiile de dinainte de al doilearzboi mondial. Produsul tradiional este un produs cu o caracteristic

    specific sau cu caracteristici, care-l difereniaz n mod clar de alteproduse similare din aceeai categorie n ceea ce privete utilizarea de,,ingrediente tradiionale" sau o ,, compoziie tradiional" sau un "tiptradiional de producie i / sau metoda de prelucrare".

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora



    Transferul de cunotine i formareaprofesional pentru productorii europeni

    de produse tradiionale privindmetodologiile inovative de control a calitii

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti Workshop exploratoriu: Produse traditionale: autenticitate si calitate 4

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    IBA Bucuresti

    CTC Spania





    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 5

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Scop : cresterea competitivitatii productorilor de alimentetradiionale prin identificarea proceselor inovative care s garanteze sigurana produselor dar si satisfacereacerinelor generale de consum i ateptrile specifice aleconsumatorilor fa de produsele alimentare tradiionale

    Obiective specifice : Dezvolta si implementa un sistem integrat de invatare si

    instruire pe tot parcusul vietii Promova cooperarea i mobilitatea ntre cercettori i

    IMM-uri n domeniul de evaluare a autenticitii produseloralimentare tradiionale, ca mijloc de mbuntire atransferului de cunotine i bune practici.


    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produse traditionale: autenticitate si calitate26.09.2012, Bucuresti 6

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Obiective specifice

    Identificarea i

    analiza intereselor grupuluiint

    : IMM-uri din sectorulproduselor alimentare tradiionale Dezvoltarea unei strategii pentru valorificarea activitii grupului int Creterea competitivitatii IMM-urilor productoare de produsetradiionale prin implementarea programelor de instruire (sesiuni de

    instruire, cursuri)Sprijinirea participanilor n programul de formare i alte activiti conexe care vizeaz dobndirea i utilizarea de cunotine, aptitudini i calificri n vederea facilitrii dezvoltrii personaleFacilitarea dezvoltarii de practici inovatoare n domeniul educaiei i

    formrii profesionale bazate pe ICTTransferul de cunotine ntr -o form de coninut inovator ctre productorii de alimente tradiionale, organizaiile VET i alte pri interesate.

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 7

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Proiectul va asigura transferul de inovatie din Spania siPortugalia catre Romania in acelasi sector de activitate:produse traditionale, procesare, calitate, legislatie etc.


    Scoala superioara de biotehnologii (UCP-ESB Portugalia) :

    Experienta anterioara in proiecteeuropene (TRUEFOOD)

    Orientarea pe activiti eficiente detransfer tehnologic pentru IMM-uri

    Program de instruire pentru IMM-uri:legislatia, siguranta si controluluiproduselor alimentare.

    Centrul national de tehnologiialimentare si conservare (CTCSpania) :

    Tehnologii alimentare inovativeimportante pentru imbunatatireaproceselor/crearea de noi produse;

    Instruire specializata in bune practicide fabricatie;

    Analiza produselor alimentare pentrua garanta siguranta;

    Organizarea fabricilor in clustere.

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate


    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grupuri de lucru Tol4FoodCTC








    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 9

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 1 . Siguranta produselor alimentaretraditionale - CTC, Spania

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be heldresponsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 10

    Informare producatori


    Str. Dinu Vintila, Nr. 6, Sector 2, 021102 , Bucureti, ROMNIA, C.I.F. RO 27285465 Tel./Fax: 031.620.58.33/ 34/ 35, e-mail:,


    Organizatia (nume, adresa, tel, e-mail)

    ...................................................................................................................................., prin

    reprezentatul sau legal....................................................................................................

    isi da acordul ca datele si informatiile furnizate privind produsele alimentare traditionale:

    denumire produs

    date de contact producator


    caracteristici generale produs

    mod de preparare

    povestea produsului (traditia)

    procesare industriala

    aspecte inovative potentiale

    poza produsului

    sa fie utilizate in cadrul proiectului european: Tol4Food - Transferul de cunotine i

    formarea profesion al pentru productorii europeni de produse tradiionale privind

    metodologiile inovative de control a calitii , coordonat de IBA Bucuresti.

    Informatiile mai sus amintite vor fi introduse intr-un Catalog de produse, tradus in 4

    limbi de circulatie internationala, pe Platforma colaborativa on-line si vor fi diseminate

    la nivel national si international.

    Semnatura reprezentant legal:


    Acord producatori

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be heldresponsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 11

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 1 . Siguranta produseloralimentare traditionale - CTC, Spania

    This project has been funded with support from the EuropeanCommission. This communication reflects the views only of the

    authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible forany use which may be made of the information contained


    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 12

    Ca rnaul de Mangalia este un produs traditionalspecific regiunii Maramure datand de peste 150 de

    ani de cand gospodarii din aceast zon i-au pusproblema pstrrii pe o perioad mai ndeleungat acrnii rezultat din sacrificarea porcului de Crciun .Sacrificarea porcului de Crciun este nu numai otradiie ci i un adevrat ritual la care particip toi membrii familiei i uneori rudenii sau vecini. Este o

    tradiie n zona noastr ca cel puin o pereche deca rnai de Mangalia afumai s se pstreze pna lasrbtoare Patilor cand acest ca rnai este pus n coul pascal alturi de jambon, ca, ou vopsite,prjituri, pasc i sunt duse la biseric pentru a fisfinite . Cel care nu avea n co toate buntile mai

    sus menionate era considerat un gospodar scprat .Ca rnaul de Mangalia a fost i este considerat undeliciu datorit gustului minunat precum i a calitilor curative conferite de prezena acizilor grai nesaturai .Pa n i n zilele noastre n seara de Crciun pe masamultor gospodari gseti ca rnai de Mangalia afumatalturi de alte bunti i de paharul de horinc .



  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 1 . Siguranta produseloralimentare traditionale - CTC, Spania

    This project has been fundedwith support from the European

    Commission. Thiscommunication reflects the views

    only of the authors, and theCommission cannot be held

    responsible for any use whichmay be made of the information

    contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 14

    There is a wide variety ofPortuguese cheeses, especiallymade from goat's or sheep's milk, orboth together. Usually these arevery strongly flavoured and fragrant.In the Azores, there is a type ofcheese made with cow's milk with aspicy taste (Queijo de So Jorge).Traditional Portuguese cuisine doesnot include cheese in its recipes, soit is usually eaten on its own beforeor after the main dishes. Other wellknown cheeses such as Queijo de Azeito , Queijo de castelo Brancoand Queijo da Serra da Estrela(D.O.P.) which is very strong inflavour, can be eaten soft or morematured.

    Serra da Estrela is handmadefrom fresh sheep milk andthistle-derived rennet. Theone in the photo is from asmall village in Alto Alentejo(North Alentejo) (Portalegreregion, Nisa district), also avery famous zone regardingcuisine.

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    G d l 3 C ifi li ii d l

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 3. Cuantificarea calitatii produselortraditionale romanesti - CTC, Spania

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 16

    G d l 3 C ifi li ii d l

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 3. Cuantificarea calitatii produselortraditionale romanesti - CTC, Spania

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 17

    Diferentiere probemagiun de prune fara

    zahar folosind

    sistemul -Prometheus4000

    G d l 3 C ifi li ii d l

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora


    Grup de lucru 3. Cuantificarea calitatii produselortraditionale romanesti - CTC, Spania

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Workshop exploratoriu: Produsetraditionale: autenticitate si calitate

    26.09.2012, Bucuresti 18


    pH [3.31 - 4.05] 3.46 0.01Activitatea apei [0.738 - 0.876] 0.876 0.001S.U. (%) [46.83 - 78.30] 49.01 0.53SU solubila (%) [42.57 - 68.13] 42.57 0.15Zahar total* (%) [21.63 - 36.20] 26.70 0.15Zahar reducator* (%) [15.44 - 32.38] 25.52 0.14Zaharoza (%) [1.12 - 6.52] 1.12 0.01

    Aciditate totala (%)** [1.49- 2.32] 1.49 0.01* exprimat ca zahar invertit** exprimata ca acid malic

  • 8/10/2019 Tol4Food Diaspora
