Ta Prohm, Jungle Temple 2

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Ta Prohm's state of ruin is a state of beauty, which is investigated with delight and left with regret. Location: Ta Prohm is locating southwest of the East Mebon and east of Angkor Thom. Its outer enclosure is near the corner of Banteay Kdei.If you are interested in Cambodia, please see also: http://www.slideshare.net/tag/cambodgia!!!!! This is a notes page presentation. If you want more information, read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!!




Templul Ta Prohm a fost construit în timpul domniei regelui Jayavarman VII (1181-1218) şi adãpostea divinitatea budistã Prajnaparamitra „perfecţiunea înţelepciunii” sculptatã cu trãsãturile mamei regelui şi înconjuratã de 260 de divinitãţi, fiecare cu sanctuarul propriu


Muzică: ♦ 9 Gong Gamelan – Celestial Harmonies

(înregistrare în Templul Angkor Wat )

Fotografii: ♦ Sanda Foişoreanu

♦ Nicoleta Leu

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu