Post on 15-Oct-2019

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Felicitari _____________________________________in acest moment esti inscris oficial la MARATONUL INTERNATIONAL BRASOV

CURSA _____________________ NUMAR DE PARTICIPARE _______

Va rugam sa veniti cu aceasta scrisoare printata si semnata la ridicarea kitului

CONCURENTII MAJORIPrin inscrierea si participarea la competitia sportiva «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019», declar pe propria raspundere ca: 1. sunt apt/a fizic si psihic si am o pregatire fizica corespunzatoare pentru participarea la acest eveniment sportiv, concurand pe propria raspundere. Sunt constient/a de riscurile alergarii pe distante lungi, mi le asum in totalitate si exonerez de orice raspundere organizatorul ACS SMARTATLETIC TEAM in cazul in care voi suferi orice fel de prejudiciu, accident sau deces;2. datele completate in acest formular sunt corecte si declar ca mi-a fost adus la cunostinta Regulamentul de desfasurare a competitiei pe care ma oblig sa il respect in totalitate.

CONCURENTII MINORIPrin inscrierea si participarea la competitia sportiva «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019», declar pe propria raspundere ca: 1. fiul/fiica/elevul/eleva mea este apt(a) fizic si psihic si are o pregatire fizica corespunzatoare pentru participarea la acest eveniment sportiv, sunt constient de riscurile alergarii, mi le asum in totalitate si exonerez de orice raspundere organizatorul ACS SMARTATLETIC TEAM in cazul in care va suferi orice fel de prejudiciu, accident sau deces; 2. Datele completate in acest formular sunt corecte si declar ca mi-a fost adus la cunostinta Regulamentul de desfasurare a competitiei pe care ma oblig sa il respect in totalitate.

Organizatorul nu isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru niciun fel de accident sau prejudiciu aparut in timpul acestui eveniment, concurentii peste 18 ani vor participa pe propria raspundere, iar cei minori vor participa numai cu semnatura parintelui (tutorelui legal) sau a antrenorului (in cazul in care copilul este legitimat la un club sportiv de profil si are viza medicala la zi).

De asemenea, declar ca am luat la cunostinta Regulamentul «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019» postat pe site-ul oficial ale evenimentului si sunt de acord cu acesta. In afara de acestea, sunt de acord ca pozele, filmarile, interviurile in presa (Radio, TV, ziare si reviste), reclamele, pliantele, afisele si cartile facute in cadrul evenimentului pot fi multiplicate, difuzate sau publicate fara nicio pretentie din partea subsemnatului.




Subsemnatul/a ___________________________________________________________________________________

Legitimat/ă cu (CI/BI/Pasaport _________ Seria ____ Nr ______________ CNP __________________________________

*Parinte/Tutore al minorului (daca este cazul) _____________________________________________________________

*Antrenor al copilului (daca este cazul) __________________________________________________________________

Legitimat la Clubul Sportiv _____________________________________ cu Legitimatia nr. ________________________



COMPETITORS OF LEGAL AGE By registering for and participating in the «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019», I take it upon myself to declare that: 1. I am physically and mentally apt and I have the adequate physical training to participate in this sports event, competing at my own risk. I am aware of the risks of long-distance running, I assume them entirely and absolve the organiser, the ACS SMARTATLETIC TEAM, of all responsibility in case I suffer any kind of injury, accident, or death;2. the data filled in this form are correct and I declare that I have been informed of the competition conduct regulation, which I undertake to observe fully.

UNDERAGE COMPETITORSBy registering for and participating in the «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019», I take it upon myself to declare that:1. my son/daughter/student is physically and mentally apt and has the adequate physical training to participate in this sports event; I am aware of the risks of running, I assume them entirely and absolve the organiser, the ACS SMARTATLETIC TEAM, of all responsibility in case he/she suffers any kind of injury, accident, or death;2. the data filled in this form are correct and I declare that I have been informed of the competition conduct regulation, which I undertake to observe fully.The organiser is not responsible for any kind of accident or injury which may occur during this event; competitors over 18 years old shall participate at their own risk and those underage shall do so only under the signature of their parent (legal guardian) or coach (in case the child is registered with a running sports club and has a valid medical certificate).Moreover, I have been informed of the «BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON 2019» Regulation posted on the official event website and I agree with it. In addition, I agree that the photographs, video recordings, press interviews (Radio, TV, newspapers and magazines), advertisements, flyers, posters and books made during the event may be multiplied, disseminated or published without any claim on behalf of the undersigned.




Congratulation _________________________________you are now registered to BRASOV INTERNATIONAL MARATHON

RACE _____________________ RACE NUMBER _______

Please come with this statement printed and filled in at the race kit take over

Undersigned ____________________________________________________________________________________

Legitimated with ID/Passaport _________ No. ________________

*Parent/Tutor of the minor (if necessary) _________________________________________________________________________

*Coach of the minor (if necessary) _____________________________________________________________________________

Legitimated at (name of the Sport Club) _________________________________________ Legitimation no. ___________________