METAL WORK INDUSTRY · 2018. 1. 22. · Metal Work Industry SRL, operativã în Romania din anul...

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    Popeºti Leordeni, ªos. de Centurã a Municipiului Bucureºti, Nr. 103, Judeþul Ilfov, Cod Poºtal 077160

    Tel.: (004) 021.5296.257; (004) 021.5296.258; (004) 021.5296.277; (004) 021.3694.653; Fax: (004) 021.5296.257

    E-mail: Web-site:


  • Metal Work Industry SRL, operativã în Romania din

    anul 2002, este o societate româneascã, cu capital

    integral privat, specializatã în producþia ºi

    distribuþia de profile ºi accesorii metalice pentru

    structuri de gips carton, plafoane modulare ºi fibrã


    Constituitã ca o completare fireascã a evoluþiei

    grupului MENATWORK, societatea Metal Work

    Industry SRL este un centru de servicii pentru

    prelucrarea metalelor, supus permanent

    schimbãrilor ºi necesitãþilor identificate în mediul

    de afaceri, prin intermediul unor planuri

    strategice de investiþii, atent proiectate ºi aplicate.


    Metal Work Industry SRL, functional in Romania

    since 2002, is a Romanian company, with fully private

    capital, specialized in the manufacture and sale of

    metallic profiles and accessories for gypsum-board

    structures, modular ceilings and mineral fiber.

    Set up as a natural completion of the evolution of

    group MENATWORK, company Metal Work Industry

    SRL is a center of metal processing services,

    permanently subject to change and necessities

    identified in the business environment, by carefully

    designed and applied strategic investment plans.

    Managementul companiei asigurã o coordonare

    eficientã a principalelor sectoare de activitate ºi se

    preocupã în mod constant atât de monitorizarea ºi

    îmbunãtãþirea permanentã a ofertei de produse ºi

    servicii, cât ºi de dezvoltarea afacerii, pe baze

    parteneriale solide.

    Echipa Metal Work Industry caracterizatã de un

    puternic spirit antreprenorial ºi de o atitudine

    proactivã este formatã din specialiºti dinamici,

    creativi ºi oneºti în relaþiile de afaceri, orientaþi

    cãtre satisfacerea exigenþelor pieþei ºi cãtre

    atingerea obiectivelor companiei.

    The company management ensure the efficient

    coordination of the activity sectors and are constantly

    preoccupied both by the monitoring and permanent

    improvement of our supply of products and services,

    and by the development of the business, on solid

    partnership bases.

    The Metal Work Industry team, characterized by

    strong entrepreneurship spirit and proactive attitude

    is composed of dynamic, creative and honest

    specialists in dealing with business relations,

    oriented towards satisfying the exigencies of the

    market and attaining the objectives of the company.




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    Misiunea companiei constã în implementarea

    celor mai moderne ºi eficiente activitãþi de

    producþie pentru realizarea unor game complexe

    de confecþii metalice, caracterizate prin calitate,

    durabilitate ºi siguranþã.

    Viziunea companiei este sã devinã producãtorul,

    furnizorul ºi partenerul preferat de afaceri al

    utilizatorilor, atât prin crearea de parteneriate

    viabile ºi solide, cât ºi prin respectarea unei

    atitudini de fair-play în sectorul competitor.

    ProfesionalismDorim sã constituie prima

    valoare în aceastã enumerare,

    deoarece profesionalismul îl

    considerãm a fi un ingredient

    imperios necesar al succesului.

    Reacþionãm cu profesionalism

    în orice situaþie ºi în acest fel

    vom continua sã ne dezvoltãm.


    We wish this to be the first value

    in this enumeration, as we

    consider that professionalism is

    an essential ingredient of

    s u c c e s s . W e r e a c t w i t h

    professionalism in any situation

    and thus we will continue to grow.

    Calitateªtim cã succesul nostru depinde

    d e e x i s t e n þ a u n e i p i e þ e

    dinamice, avizate, capabile sã

    conºt ient izeze avantajele

    oferite de produsele ºi serviciile

    noastre. De aceea, permanent,

    punem accentul pe calitate.


    We know that our success

    depends by the existence of a

    dynamic, advised market, capable

    of becoming aware of the

    advantages offered by our

    products and services. That is why

    we permanently focus on quality.

    Inovaþie ºi AdaptabilitateConsiderãm cã, în general,

    provocãrile sunt motorul

    dezvoltãrii. Credem cã viitorul

    se construieºte prin curaj,

    adaptabilitate ºi încredere în

    idei capabile sã revoluþioneze.

    Ne place sa fim în avangardã,

    suntem deja obiºnuiþi.

    Innovation and adaptability

    We consider that generally

    challenges are the engine of

    development. We believe that the

    future is built by courage,

    adaptability and trust in ideas

    capable of revolutionizing. We

    like to be ahead, we are already

    used to it.

    Seriozitate ºi

    PerseverenþãPutem spune cã am contribuit

    la formarea pieþei de profil în

    R o m â n i a . D e a c e e a p e

    parcursul întregii noastre

    activitãþi ne-am asumat cu

    seriozitate tendinþele în

    domeniu. Perseverãm în

    u r m ã r i r e a a t e n t ã a

    progresului tehnologic, pentru

    a putea spune cã nimic din

    ceea ce este nou nu ne este


    Seriousness and perseverance

    We may say that we have

    contributed to the formation of

    the specialized market in

    Romania. That is why during our

    entire activity we have seriously

    assumed the trends in this field.

    We persevere in carefully

    moni tor ing technolog ical

    progress, in order to be able to

    say that nothing that is new is

    foreign to us.

    Valoare Umanã Valoarea companiei noastre

    este suma valorilor tuturor

    angajaþilor noºtri. Oricând

    posibilã, investiþia în oameni

    aduce cele mai satisfãcãtoare

    rezultate. Partenerii noºtri pot

    fi consiliaþi de oameni pregãtiþi

    ºi specializaþi în acest sector de


    Human value

    The value of our company is the

    sum of the values of all our

    employees. Anytime possible,

    investment in people brings the

    most satisfying results. Our

    partners maybe consulted by

    trained and specialized persons

    in this field of activity.

    Informare ºi CunoaºtereMediul cãruia ne adresãm este

    dinamic. Suntem conectaþi la

    pulsul acestei lumi prin

    informare, pentru a cunoaºte

    schimbãrile, necesitãþile,


    Information and knowledge

    The environment we address is a

    dynamic one. We are connected

    to the pulse of this world y

    information, in order to know

    changes, necessities, trends.

    The mission of our company is the implementation of

    the most modern and efficient production activities

    by making complex series of metallic confections,

    characterized by quality, durability and safety.

    The vision of the company is to become the preferred

    manufacturer, supplier and business partner of

    users, both by the creation of viable and solid

    partnerships, and by implementing an attitude of

    fair-play in the competitive sector.

    Misiune, Viziune, ValoriMission, Vision, Values


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    Orientatã cãtre continua diversificare a gamei de

    produse ºi a gamei de materiale, activitatea de

    producþie a societãþii Metal Work Industry SRL

    este asiguratã printr-un ansamblu de aparate

    industriale ºi maºini tehnice:

    ¡linii de profilat computerizate pentru fabricarea

    profilelor pentru gips carton;

    ¡linii pentru structuri aferente tavanelor de fibrã


    ¡linii pentru fabricarea tavanelor suspendate din

    aluminiu ºi oþel;

    ¡linii pentru fabricarea profilelor de colþ din

    aluminiu ºi zinc;

    ¡ºtanþe ºi matriþe pentru accesorii de gips carton;

    ¡maºini abcant pentru accesoriile ºi închiderile

    sistemelor de isopan (coame, ºubcoame,


    ¡linii specializate de debitat tabla.

    Profilele fabricate de Metal Work Industry SRL

    sunt realizate prin laminare la rece din tablã de

    oþel sau aluminiu, protejatã prin zincare, cu

    grosimi impuse de tipul profilului ºi de normele

    europene. Foaia de tablã este pretabilã la

    ambut isarea º i montarea ºurubur i lor


    Produsele noastre se asociazã calitativ cu cele ale

    celor mai renumite companii, pe plan mondial, din

    sectorul sistemelor prefabricate.

    Oriented towards continuously diversifying our

    products and materials, the production activity of

    company Metal Work Industry SRL is ensured by a

    set of industrial units and technical machines:

    ¡computerized forming lines for manufacturing

    profiles for gypsum-board;

    ¡lines for structures corresponding to mineral fiber


    ¡lines for manufacturing suspended ceilings of

    aluminum and steel;

    ¡lines for manufacturing corner profiles of

    aluminum and zinc;

    ¡punching machines for gypsum-board accessories;

    ¡sheet molding machines for accessories and

    closures of isopan systems (manes, sub-manes,


    ¡specialized lines for debiting metal sheets

    The profiles made by Metal Work Industry SRL are

    made by cold lamination from steel or aluminum

    sheets, protected by zincing, with the thickness

    imposed by the profile type and European norms. The

    metal sheet may be deep drawn and used with auto-

    piercing screws.

    Our products are qualitatively associated with those

    of the most renowned companies, worldwide, in the

    sector of prefabricated systems.



  • Datorita faptului ca produsele Metal Work

    Industry SRL îndeplinesc cerintele prevazute în

    directivele europene, respectiv standardele: DIN

    18182, SR EN 13964, SR EN 14195, acestea poarta

    începând cu anul 2007, marcajul european de

    conformitate CE.

    Din 2006, TUV Rheinland România certifica

    sistemul de management al calitatii la Metal Work

    Industry SRL, conform standardului de referinta

    SR EN ISO 9001:2000. Sistemul are în vedere o

    abordare bazata pe managementul proceselor

    organizatiei si, de aici, o structura mult mai logica:

    ¡orientarea catre client si evaluarea

    satisfactiei acestuia,

    ¡angajamentul top managementului pentru

    o îmbunatatire continua a afacerii.

    CERTIFICARICERTIFICATIONS Due to the fact that the products of Metal Work

    Industry SRL meet the requirements provided in

    European Directives, respectively standards: DIN

    18182, SR EN 13964, SR EN 14195, they have

    European conformity markings starting with 2007.

    In 2006, TUV Rheinland Romania certified the quality

    management system at Metal Work Industry SRL,

    according to reference standard SR EN ISO

    9001:2000. The system takes into consideration an

    approach based on the management of

    organizational processes, and from here, a much

    more logical structure:

    ¡orientation towards the client and evaluating

    client satisfaction,

    ¡top management's commitment for the

    continuous improvement of the business.



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    În prezent, Metal Work Industry, este leader

    national în productia si distributia profilelor si

    accesoriilor metalice pentru structuri de gips

    carton, plafoane modulare si fibra minerala, dar si

    un important furnizor pe plan european.

    Experienta dobândita pâna în prezent poate fi

    cuantificata printr-un portofoliu bogat de clienti,

    parteneri si colaboratori, iar pentru perioada

    imediat urmatoare, Metal Work Industry vizeaza o

    expansiune progresiva si pe alte noi piete


    Currently, Metal Work Industry is a national leader in

    the manufacture and sale of profiles and accessories

    for gypsum-board structures, modular ceilings and

    mineral fiber, but also an important supplier on a

    European level .

    The experience acquired until the present may be

    quantified by a rich portfolio of clients, partners and

    collaborators, and for the next period, Metal Work

    Industry targets progressive expansion on other

    international markets.




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