Maramures (Calator prin tara mea) - (Calator...

Post on 15-Oct-2019

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MaramuresVechea,,!ar6"a Maramuregului reprezinti un loc,,fdrd pereche"in peisajul romAnesc. Descoperim

aicio lume care, nefiind opaci Ia tehnologiile giconfortul modernitdlii, esteincd plind de savoarea

gi sensurile civilizaliei !Srdnegti de altedate. C6t de firesc gtiu moro;enii si umble printre obiectele

pe care le-au moqtenit din bdtrani qi sd aibd grijd de ele; pentru ei, nici unul dintre aceste lucruri

nu e vetust invechit, desuet, deci,,bun de aruncat'l

Vd propunem un scurt periplu prin satele maramuregene cuibirite in vdile Marei, lzei, Cosiului,

MgeuluigiTisei.Vom urmiride-a lungulacestora;ezirimirabilele metamorfoze ale lemnului... Cu

ce fastuoasd risipa de imaginalie neint6mpind por!ile gospodiriilor moro;ene, migilos sculptate

in lemn masiv cu motive care se inlSnluie unul dupd altul alcdtuind inegalabile,,desene": discuri

solare, arbori ai vielii, cruci, figuri geometrice, pisiri,;erpi, figuri antropomorfe.

Minunata civilizalie a lemnului este strSlucit ilustratd

;i de celebrele biserici maramuregene, individualizate

nu doar prin sculpturile lor minunate, ci gi prin

tehnica arhitecturald si armonia proporliilor, care

ating perfecliunea si le-au adus cdtorva dintre ele

recunoagterea UNESCO - este vorba despre bisericile

din Poienile lzei (1604), Budegti Josani (1643), leud

Deal (secolul al XVll-lea), Bdrsana (1 720) 9i DeseSti

(1770) din Maramure;ul lstoric, $urde;ti (1766) ;iPlopiq (1 792) din lara Chioarului 5i Rogoz (1663) din

lara L6pu;ului.

leud / leudvilloge >

lF " s'si'itt.rr,F


ComunitSlile maramure;ene au

conservat numeroase instalalii

gospodire;ti tradi!ionale - v6ltori,

mori, horincii, pive, oloinile. Nu sunt

deloc ie5ite din uz, simple exponate de

muzeu: in preajma marilor sirbitoricregtine, c6nd se face curilenia

generalS, la vAltoare - ,,ma;ina de

spdlat" a satului - se adund toate

femeile, ca si-gi spele cergile. lar

ingenioasa instalalie numitd horincie

servette la oblinerea prea bine-

cunoscutei horinci, dublu distilatd,

cu care vi vor imbia negre;it oamenii

locului, de le veli trece pragul.

Alte atraclii inedite ale Maramure;ului:

vechile sirbdtori . rurale gi pastorale,

precum T6njaua de pe Mara, Ruptul

Sterpelor, procesiunile de Sf6nta Maria

Mare de pe Valea lzei, celebrarea Zilei

Morlilor (Luminatia), o plimbare cu

mocinila de-a lungul Vdii Vaserului,

un popas la Cimitirul Vesel de la

55pdn!a.Biserica de lemn dinleud / The wooden church in leud

'f,-1- Mo,o*u,r1

Prescura este datd ca pomand, in amintirea morlilor. / Prescurais given as alms in commemoration of the dead.



larna e a saniei. / Winter is for the sleigh


MaramuresThe old land of Maramure; is a place "without pai( in the

Romanian landscape. We discover here a wold which, while

not being opaque to technology and modern comforts, is

still full of the flavour and meanings of the ancestral peasant is with great naturalness thatthe folkof Maramurey

dwell among and care for the objects they have inherited

from their forefathers. And so whence the simplicity with

which they have been able to adapt to the latest inventions of

our modern civilisation?

We propose a short tour of the villages of Maramure;, which

nestle in the Marei, lzei, Cosaului, Vi;eului and Tisei valleys.

For the length of all these settlements, we shall follow

the marvellous metamorphoses of wood. The portals of

Maramurel homesteads greet us with a lavish display of

-ogination, their massive wood meticulously carved with combinations of matchless motifs: solar

: sls, the tree of life, crosses, geometrical figures, birds, serpents, and anthropomorphic designs.

-'e marvellous civilisation of wood is brilliantly illustrated by the celebrated churches of MaramureS,

-^ que not only because of their marvellous carvings, but also their architectural techniques and the

'crtony of their proportions, which achieve perfection and have earned a number of the churches

-',55CO World Heritage status, namely the wooden churches at Poienile lzei (1604), Budegi Josani

'lJ3t, leud Deal (17th century), Birsana (1720), Dese;ti (1770) in historic Maramures, $urdegti (1766)

at: 4opit (1 792) in the Land ofChioar, and Rogoz (1 663) in the Land of Lapu;.*rr";110t|

The commu.nities of Maramurey have preserved numerous traditional household installations -fulling pools,water mills,brandy stills.They are by no means museum pieces:before majorChristian

feast days, when general cleaning is done, all the women gather at the fulling pool the village -"washing machine" - to wash their rugs. The ingenious installation colled a "horincie" serves to

produce the well-known "horinca'i or double-distilled brandy.

Other unique attractions of Maramureg: ancient rural and pastoral festivals, such as the Separation

of the Barren Sheep or the processions in the lza Valley on the holy day of the Dormition of the

Mother of God, the famous Day of the Dead, the narrow-gauge steam railway in the Vaser Valley,

the Merry Cemetery otSdpdnla.

Pomenirea morlilor / Remembranceof thedead