Incredible changing blue2

Post on 30-May-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! The island Paxos and Antipaxos (often Paxi and Antipaxi called) are Ionian islands southern of Corfu. Paxos can be found 14 kilometers south of Corfu, a picturesque small islands set in the Ionian Sea. Only 2 kilometers or so south of Paxos is Anti Paxos even smaller and almost uninhabited, instead of the olive groves there are many small vineyards. Legend has it that Paxos was formed when Poseidon severed the tip of Corfu with one mighty blow of his trident and dragged it south to create an idyllic retreat for his love, Amphitrite! It’s up-market reputation continues today as millionaires' yachts sit at anchor alongside local fishing boats. As we pass by, on the left hand side, we see the beautiful port of Laka. !!!!! This is a notes page presentation. If you want more information, read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!!


Situată la sud de Corfu, cu o suprafaţă de 25 km² şi o lungime a ţărmului de 46 km, Paxos este cea mai mică dintre insulele Ionice locuite permanent.

Mitologia spune că era unită cu insula Corfu până în ziua când Poseidon le-a despărţit cu tridentul său.

Situată la sud de insula Paxos, renumită pentru plajele sale frumoase, pentru viile şi legumele sale, insula Antipaxos nu este locuită decât vara de şase familii

Gaios este capitala insulei Paxos. În faţa portului insula Aghios Nikolaos, acoperită de pinii plantaţi de elevi

Aghios Nikolaos


Biserica Aghii Apostoli

Fond muzical: ♦ Jean Claude Borelly - Le concerto de la mer

♦ Roman Sayler - Candle in the wind


♦ Gabriela Cristescu

♦ Dinu Bãnescu

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu