Engleza pentru nivel intermediar lectia 03-04

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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LECTIA 3,~ ~


Vom incepe aceasta leqie recapituland cuvintele pe care deja le cunoa~te!i.

A. Completati propozi!iile de mai jos ell unul din urmatoarele cuvinte:

1. country

6. t~me

2. town

,. afternoon

3. table 4. clock 5. days

Folositi filtrul ro~u:

CartiJe sunt pe masi!.

Ce faci dupa-amiaza aceasta?

EI se va lntoarce in cinci zile.

Cat e ceasul?

Vremea e adesea uraUi in aceasta tara.

Timi~oara este un ora~ mare?

Sora mea este 0 fata inalta.

- The books are on the >table.

- What are you doing this >afternoon?

- He will return in five >days.

- What >time is it?

- The weather is often bad in this >country.

- Is Timi~oara a large >town?

- My sister is a tall >girL

Ceasul acela este in unna (merge ioeet). - That >clock is slow.

in sala de a~teptare erau multi oameni. - There were many >people in the waiting-room.

Mama mea s-a reeasatorit. - My >mother has married again.

B. Completa\i propozi\iile unnatoare eu euvintele care lipsesc:

Aceasta este prima zi a saptamanii.

Pentru mine l-ai cumparat?

Te-am a~teptat toata ziua.

Intreaba-l cum il cheama.

lata cateva scrisori pentru tine.

Aceasta este 0 poza frumoasa.

Loeuie~ti aid de mult timp?

Avioanele acelea sunt foarte mario

Ce crezi despre asta?

Trebuie sa-mi caut 0 camera.

Dore~ti ceva?

Baie,ii sunt 'in restaurant?


This is the >tirst day of the week.

Have you bought it >for me?

We have >waited for you all day.

>Ask him what his name is.

Here are >sollle letters for you.

That's a >nice picture.

Have you >livcd here long?

Those planes are very >big.

What do you >think of it?

J have to >look for a room.

Is there anything you >\\'lIl1t?

>Arc the boys in the restaurant?

Yes, >thcy ilre!

C. in exercitiul urmator yom recapitula folosirea pronumelor personale ~i a adjectivelor posesive.

Regulile gramaticale corespunzatoare pot fi gasite in seqiunea indicata pe margine din

compendiul de gramatica:

Traduceti in limba engleza:

Nu i-am vazut de cateva saptamani.

Cainele ei a murit luna trecuta.

Ea are 0 alta slujba.

Ma~ina noastra e foarte veche.

.Da-mi-l, te mg.

Casa lor va fi vanduta.

inca nu trebuie sa pleci.

Nu ne sunati; va vom suna noi.

Ce ai pentru mine?

L-ai vazut pe tatal lui?

Noi nu i-am spus (ei).

Nu este adevarat.

Este ora opt.

Noi cre~tem aeeasta planta pentru frunze.

Am s-o vizitez pc sora mea anul vii tor.

Aceasta este noua ta masa?

Ei au concediat-o.

EI te cauta.

Ieri a fost 0 zi insorita.

Poti sa parchezi ma~ina acolo.

Ai vazut-o ~i tu?


Tatal ei este brutar.

EI nu ~tie inca.

V-am ales ca fiind eel mai bun eehipaj.

Nu yom pleca fara accsta.

Cum il putem ajuta?

Nu pot s-o faea ei in locul nostru'?

Ne-am faeut treaba ~i fafa ei.


> I haven't seen them for \,,'eeks.

> Her dog dil:d !<l:;t month.

>She has got another job.

>Om ell' is very old.

> Please, give it to me.

>Their house \vill b~ solJ.

>You don't have ill go yet.

>0011't caJl us' \\ie'll call vou, "

> \Vhat have you got for me'?

> Have you seen his t~lther?

> Vic haven't told her.

> It is not true.

> It is eight o'clock.

> We gnw..' this plant for 11\ leaves.

> I'll visit my ~istcr next year.

> Is this your ne\,,- lab Ie?

> They fired her.

> He is looking for you.

> 11 was sunny yesterJay.

> You can p;:nk your car thcre.

> Have you seen it too'!

> Is it snowing?

> H~r father is a haker.

> lie JOl'sn't kmm yet.

> \Ve havl' choscn you as the best cre\\'.

> '0./e shall not leave \vilhoLit it.

> Ho\\ CJ-l1 \ve heir him'!

> Call 't they do it for us?

> We did the job \\ ithout thcm.

Vom invata acum primul grup de cuvinte noi, care se refera tot 1a ca.latorii.

Cititi atent, cu voce tare:

traveller's cheques

single journey

second class


inquiry office





slow train

>[trEvl,Vz t~cksl

>[sin(J;)gl dja:l-niJ

>[ sebnd kla:sJ

>[ rca']

>[ inklluiari otis]


>1 bukstol]

>[rifre~Ill~lI1t rU:lllj


>1 slau treinJ

-cecuri de calatorie

-ca1atorie dus

-clasa a doua

-cost al caHitoriei, bilet

-birou de informatii

-ruta, traseu

-chio~c de ziare



-(Iren) personal

Repetati acum aceste cuvinte in alta ordine:

bookstall >[bukslolj -chio~c de ziare

fare >[ re'I'] -cost a1 ca1atoriei, bilet

traveller's cheques >[ trEvlal'z t~cks] -cecuri de caHitorie

slow train >[ sHill trcin J -(tren) personal

inquiry office >[ inkllaiari oris] -birou de informatii

single journey >[sin,g'gl dja:'ni] -ca.latorie dus

connection >[k'\Ilek sn] -legatura

refreshment-room >[rifrc~lllillltrU:lll] -buret

second class >[sekand kla:s] -clasa a doua

route >[ru:t] -ruta, traseu


lata un dialog in. care apar noile cuvinte:










Th·ere is only a slow train to Oxford from here. A single journey will take about five hours.

Yes, but the fare will be cheap.

It will even be cheaper if we travel second class.

Do you think we can use our traveller's cheques to pay for the tickets?

I'm not sure. We can ask at the inquiry office.

We can also ask about the route of the train and the connections at Oxford.

All right. BUllet's first drink something in the refreshment-room.

And let's buy some newspapers at the bookstall.

Exersati acum pronuntia propozitiilor din acest dialog. Retineti ~i traducerea acestora:

There is only a slow train

to Oxford to from here.

A single journey will

take about five ,hours.

Yes, but the fare will be


It will even be cheaper if

we travel second class.

Do you think we can use

our traveller's cheques to

pay for the tickets?

I'm not sure.

We can ask at the inquiry


We can also ask about

the route of the train and

the connections at Oxford.

All right.

> [OLear iz onli a :,lau trcin

III oxt1-\fd from hi~{]

> l ,\ sin(glgl dja:fni lIil teik

abaut t"'<-liv aua:JzJ

>[ies bat OlD. fca:fliil bi:


> r it wi! ivn bi: t~i:pal

ifui: trEvl Sek~IlH.i kla:sJ

> [dll ill: TSin(g)k tli; kEn iu:z

aut\'" trEvlals t~cks tu

pci for 0',1 tikits]

> I aim not ?ua1J

> lUi: kEn ask Et IYi inkllaiari

ofi s]

> I ui: kEn olsau ,bk ~Ihaut

D/a ru:t av DZa Irein LnJ

Dl~l Kflllck*nz 1:'1 oxnllJJ

> [01 raitl

- De aici spre Oxford nu este decat un

tren personal.

-0 calatorie dus ne va lua aproximativ

cinci are.

-Da, dar biletul va fi ietlin.

-Va fi ~i mai ieftin daca vom calatori

la clasa a doua.

-Crezi ca vom putea folosi cecurile de

calatorie pentru a plati biletele?

-Nu sunt sigura.

-Putem intreba la biroul de


-PUlem intreba ~i despre traseul

trenului ~i despre legaturile pe care Ie

avem de 1a Oxford.

-Foarte bine.

But let's first drink something> l btll lelS fa: 1st drink salllTsin{gj -Hai insa mai intai sa bem

in the refreshment-room.

And let's buy some

newspapers at the bookstall.

in D/a rifrc$lllant rU:Ill] ceva la bufet.

> \ End lets bai sam niu:zpeiparz ~Sacumpatii.m ~i ni~te ziare de

1-.1 D'a hukstol] I. chio~c.


Folosind filtrul ro~u, completali urmatoarele propozilii eu cuvintele carespunzatoare:

Acest traseu este muIt mai lung.

EI nu ~i-a putut pHiti caHitoria.

Du-te ~i cumpara un ziar de la chia~cul acela.

La acea ora nu este nici 0 legatura.

La bufet este prea aglamerat.

E mai ieftin sa calatore~ti la c1asa a daua.

EI a cumparat bilet pentm 0 caHitorie dus.

Mi-am pierdut cecurile de caHitorie.

Biroul de infonnatii este inchis.

Este un tren personal la cinci ~i jumatate.

- This >rolltc is a lot longer.

- He could not pay the >t111T.

- Go and get a newspaper

from that >bookstall.

- There is no> connection at that time.

- It is too crowded

in the >refrcshlllcnt-roolll.

- Travelling >second class is cheaper.

- He bought a ticket for a >single journey.

- I have lost my >travcller's cheques.

- The >inquiry office is closed.

- There is a >slow train at half past five.

jll limbajul colocvial verbul to get se folose$te $i elf sensul de a cumpara.

Vom inv3!a aeum 0 noua serie de cuvinte ~i expresii. Cititi-le eu voce tare:

on my return >lon Illai rita:1nl -Ia intoarcere

to go abroad >[tu gau abro:d] -a pleca in strainatate

on my way home >[ on mai !lei h<llllll] -pe drumul (meu) de intoarcere

to stay with >[tu stei UiDZ ] -a sta 1a; a ramane la

in advance >[ in ildvans] -in avans; anticipat; dinainte

to pack >[ tu pEk] -a impacheta; a face bagajele

in due time >[ in diu: tanl1] -la timp

to break >[tu brcik] -a intrerupe

to connect with >1. tu kanekt UiD/-] -a face legatura cu

to see to >[tu si: Ill] -a se ocupa de, a avea grija de

to be about to >[IU bi: aballt Ill] -a fi gata sa, a fi pe punctul de a

fluent >[ flu"nt] -fluent

to make inquiries >[tu Illeik inkuaiariz] -3 cere informatii

jn expresiile on my ret"rn ~i on my way home pot apiirea $i alte adjective posesive decat my. Adjeetivul

posesiv poate ji schimbat in fimcfie de subiectul propozifiei, ca in exemplul:

He did some shopping on his way home. -La intoareere el a faCtlt nj~te eumparaturi.


in eontinuare vom folosi noile euvinte ~i expresii, pe care va rugam sa Ie cititi eu atenlie:

He will see to the luggage. >rhi. Uij si: tll IYtt lagidjJ - [1 se va ocupa de bagaje.

We'll buy the tickets in advance. >l ltit bai D/~i tikits in iIdvans] -Yom cumpara bilete anticipat.

They are going abroad. - Ei VOl' pleca in stnlinatate.

I will have to make inquiries. >r ai lIil hEv lU meik inkuaiariz] - Va trebui sa eer informatii.

I need time to pack.

The train is about to leave.

Does it connect with

a fast train?

She is fluent iitEnglish.

Can we break our journey?

On my return I heard

the news.

They stayed with friends.

I saw an accident

on my way home.

>[ ill ni:d taim tu pEk]

>[D/~l trein iz abaut tu li:v]

>r daz it kanekr lIiDl

a fa:st trein]

>[~j: jz nU<1nt in inU;)li-,:,]

>rkEn Hi: breik auY dja:l-niJ

>[ 011 Illai rita:rn at ha:l"d

Dla niu:z]

>r D"ei stcid Uj DZ frendz]

>[ ai so: all Eksidflnt

on lllai \"el h[HJll1]

- Am nevoie de timp ca sa fac bagaj~

- Trenul e pe punctul de a pleca.

- Are legatur;! cu vreun

tren rapid?

- Ea vorbe~te fluent limba engleza.

-Ne putem inlrerupe caHitoria?

~ La intoarcere am auzit


- Ei au stat la prieteni.

- in drum spre casa

am vazut un accident.

The train arrived in due time. >rD/a trcin ,C1raivd in Jiu: taim] - Trenul a sosit la timp.

Acum lucrati voi in~iva eu noile euvinte ~i expresii. Folosi\i filtrul ro~u ~i plasati-Ie ac010 undelipsesc:

La intoarcere a fost intampinata la gara.

ii vom informa dinainte despre

venirea noastra.

Pute~i intrerupe calatoria a singura data.

De la acest tren exista 0 legatura

ell ultimul autobuz.

Ea este gata sa piece la birou.

Vorbe~ti fluent limba franceza?

Am sa-l rag sa se Dcupe de bilete.

Ei trebuie sa-~i faea bagajele in graba.

Poti sa ramai la mine daca vrei.

Putem face asta in drum spre casa.

Ea va cere informatii.

- >011 her rdurn she was met at the railway station.

- We shall let them know >in advance that

we are coming.

- You can >break your journey once.

~ This train >collnects with

the last bus.

- She >;~ about to go to the ofliee.

- Do you speak French >tluently"'

- I shall ask him >to sec to the tickets.

- They have to >pack in a hurry.

- You can >stay with me if you like.

- We call do it >00 our way home

- She will >make inquiries


Scrisoarea a ajuns la nOlla timp.

£1 a plecat in strainatate acum 0 saptamana.

- The letter reached us > in due time

- He went> abroad a week ago.

Unele verhe ale limbii engleze nu cerfolosirea prollumelor personale salt reflexive, spre deosebirede echivalentele lor romiine~';ti:

Have you tried enough?

Let me show.

He remembers very well.

She will go home now if you don't mind.

I see; there's nothing we can do.

It is clear that you can do without it.

Traduceti in limba eng1eza:

E in ardine, nu ne deranjeaza.

Au instrumente, dar se pot lipsi de ele.

Nu-ti dai seama?

Iti aminte~ti?

Ai incercat/te-ai straduit suficient?

(Lasa-ma) sa-ti arilt.

£1 i~i aminte~te foal1e bine.

Ea va pleca acum, daca nu te deranjeaza.

Inteleglimi dau seama; nu avem ce face.

E limpede ca te pOli lipsi de asta.

> It is all right, we don't mind.

> They have tools but they can do without them.

> Can't you sec?

> Do you remember'?

Pronumele it ~i adjectivu1 posesiv its sunt fo1osite cu referire 1a obiecte, anima1e

~i, uneori, copii. Ele substituie substantivele definite ca neutre. in cazul unui

animal, it ~i its sunt folosite atunci dind genu1 acestuia nu e important. Adeseori

in limba romana it ~i its nu trebuie traduse.



lata diteva exemple:

He bought that lamp yesterday.It is a good one.

Whose bicycle is that? It is mine.

That goose cannot use its wings.

That child is looking for its mother.

A cumparat aceasUi lampa ieri.Este buna.

A cui e bicicleta asta? E a mea.

Gasca aceea nu i~i poate folosi aripile.

Copilul acela i~i cauta mama.

Aplicati regula 'invatata in urmatorul exercitiu. Tradueeti in engleza:

Cunosc satul ~i loeuitorii sai.

Uita-te la copilu! ace!a! incearca sa mearga.

E un ~oarece la mine in camera. E fcarte mic.

Te mg, opre:;;te muzica asta. Nu imi place.

> 1 know the village and its people.

> Look at that chilJ~ It is trying to walk.

> There is a mouse in my room. It is very small.

> Turn that music off, please. I dOIl't like it.

Podeaua asta trebuie cura~ata. E [oarte murdariL > This floor has to be cleaned. It is very dirty.

Vezi pisica aceea?Se joaca la mine in grad ina in fiecare zi.

> Do you see that cat?It plays in my garden e\'ery day.

Yom invata cateva substantive noi care denumesc animale:

donkey >[ don(g!ki] - magar

goal >[gaul] - capra

pig >[pig] - pore

rabbit >(rEbit] - iepure

squirrel >[ sk"iral j - veverita

wolf >[ "ulf] - lup

frog >[ frog] - broasca

duck >[dak] - rata

rat >[rEI] - ~obolan

fox >[Il" ] - vulpe

wasp >[Uosp] - vlespe

spider >[ spaida!] - paianjen



A. Completa1i propozitiile de mai jos ell unul din urmatoarele cuvinte:

1. through

6. long

11. does

2. behind

7. their

12. its

3. green

8. don't

4. blue

9. doesn't

5. short

10. do

Ce e in spatele acelui zid?

Nu vrem sa locuim in Bucure:;;ti.

Prive~te aceasta casa. Ferestrele ei suntfcarte mario

Vara eerul este deseori albastru.

TaHil lor n-a fast niciodata in strainatate.

- What is >bchind that wall?

- We >don 'r want to live in Bucharest.

- Look at this house. > Its windows arevery large.

- In summer the sky is often >bluc.

- >Their father has never been abroad.

In taTa aceea frunzele sunt intotdeauna verzi. - In that country the leaves are always >green.

Ii vizitezi adesea? - >f)o you often visit them?

Prin fereastnl nu patrundea decat putina lumina. - Only a little light came >throllgh the window.

Aceasta haina este prea scurtapentru 0 persoana inaIta.

Iar ti-a crescut parul prea lung.

Ea nu intelege acest lucru.

Unde ia el de obicet cina?

- This coat is too >shortfor a tall person.

- Your hair is getting too >long again.

- She >docsn 't understand it.

- Where >docs he usually eat dinner?

B. In exercitiul unll~Hor vom repeta folosirea pronumelor reflexive. Regulile gramaticale respective

pot fi gasite In compendiul de gramatica la sectiunea cu numarul indicat in stanga.

Completa!i propozi!iile urmatoare cu pronumele reflexiY corespunzator:

Te distrezi?

EI se yede un Yiitor profesor.

Ei trebuie sa se inyeleasca pe frigul acesta.

Chiar poate sa se intre!ina'?

Am sa ma ofer eu sa conduc.

intai trebuie sa te vezi pe tine.

- Are you enjoying >yoursclf?

- He sees >himselfas a teacher.

- They have to cover >themselves in this cold.

- Can she really support >herself?

- I shall offer >myselfas a driver.

- You have to look at >yoursclffirst.

Ne-am revenit curand dupa accident.

Tu insuti va trebui sa scrii acea scrisoare.

Am rerarat singuri ma~ina.

Si el a uitat sa faca acest lucru.

imi place paharul, dar berea este proasHi.

Tu insllti trebuie sa-ti ingrijqti copiii.

Poate sa se duca sa se convinga singur.

Mi-am cumparat a haina noua.

Am avut tot compartimentul numai pentru noi.

Pot sa faea asta singuri?

Ea singura a ca~tigat banii.

Nici noi nu prea ie~im in ora~.

Eu insumi am sa verific cauciucurile.

~i Hoi am format numarul acela.

Capitanul a pilotat singur avionul.

Nici intrarea nu se putea vedea.


- After the accident we were soon >ollrsclvcs.

- You will have to write that letter »'oursclf'.

- We repaired the c,u >ollrselves,

- He >hilllself has forgotten to do it.

- I like the glass but the beer >ilself is bad.

- You >yoursclf have to look for your children.

- He can go and see for >himsclf.

- I have bought >mysclf a new coat.

- We had all the compartment for >oursel ves.

- Can they do it >themselves?

- She has earned the money >hersclf.

- We hardly ever go out >ourselvcs.

- [ shall check the tyres >myself.

- We have dialled that number >ourselves.

- The captain flew the plane >himself.

- The entrance >i tse Ir was not visible.

Va prezentam acum unnatoarea seqiune de cuvinte nOI:

rack > [rEkJ -piasa pentru bagaje

view > [viLl] -vedere, priveli~te

emergency > [illla:1dj:lll:-.iJ -urgenta

corridor >[korid[l:'J ~coridor

sleeping-car > [s!i:p in{g) ka: 11 -vagon de dormit

dining-car > [datnin(g) ka:I'J -vagon-restaurant

porter > [po:'ta'J -hamal

emergency brake >1 il11::J.: Jdjansi brcikJ -semnal de alanna

emergency exit >rim~:'d.i~nsiegzit] -iqire de urgenta

fellow-passengers >[I"laLi pF:sil1dja'z] -vecini de compartiment

(to) queue >[tu kiLl:J -rand, coada; a sta la coada

draught >ldra:tiJ -curent

Sa exersihn aceste cuvinte ~i in alta ordine:

emergency exit




emergency brake



(to) queLie





>[ imii:rdjansi cgzilj

>1 drart]

>[ sli:rin(~1 ka: 1j


>[ ima:rdj<lllSi hreik 1


>[ felau rEsindj~/zl

>1 tLi kiLl:J


>[ dainin(gl ka: r ]

>[ viLl:J

>[ imii:rdjansi]


-ie~ire de urgenta


-vagon de dorm!t

-piasa pentru bagaje

-semnal de alanna


~vecini de compartiment

-rand, coada; a sta la coada



-vcdere, priveli~te


Inviltati propozitiile date ca model ~i eititi-Ie eu voce tare:

What a view we have from here! >[t10 l a viu: lIi: hEv from hi •.F] - Ce priveli~te avem de aici!

Don't forget where

IK~ ~1\\!P~~ft~~ ~~it iQ!

The rest of our luggage is

in the corridor.

Do you know any of

our fellow-passengers?

There is a draught here.

>[Dli\ rest [tV aua r lagidj izin Diu korid[\r]

>[ du iu: nau Eni avaua l

- felau pEsindj[l'"z]

- Nu uita unde este

- Restul bagajelor noastre se afla

pe coridor.

- Ii cuno~ti pe vreunul din vecinii

de eompartiment?

- Aici este curent.

The dining-car is crowded. >[D~a dainin(g) ka: r iz kraudid] - Vagonul restaurant este aglomerat.

Put it on the rack.

There is a queue

at the ticket-window.

Something has been stolen

from the sleeping-car.

What will you do

in an emergency?

Use the emergency brake

only if necessary.

I can't find the porter.

>[ put it on D'a rEk]

>[D/-ea r iz a ~ill:

Et Dl~1 tikit tlind~lu]

>[ s3mT'in(g) hEz bi:n stau!an

from £)/_'-1 sli:pin'~) ka:'J

>t Uot tli] iu: uuin an ima:rdjan~i)

>[iu:z I),i imu:1djallsi bl'12ik

onli ifncsasari]

- Pune-I in piasa pentru bagaje.

- La casa de bilete este coada.

~ Din vagonul de dorm it s-a

furat ceva.

- Ce vei face in eaz de urgenta?

- Folose~te semnalul de alaflna

numai daca e necesar.

- Nu-I gasesc pe hamal.

Completati propozitiile in limba engleza eu cuvintele nou Invatate. Nu uitati sa pronuntati coreet:

Daca deschideti fereastra, se face curent.

Vecinii no~tri de compartiment erau italieni.

Nu trageti semnalul de alanna!

Mi-e foame; sa mergem Ia vagonul-restaurant.

Nu va lasali bagajele pe culoar.

Din tren puteam vedea marea.

Coada· se face tot mai mare.

N-am putut gasi ie~irea de urgenta.

If you open the window, there will be a >draught.

Our >fellow-passengers were Italian.

Don't pull the >emergency brake!

I'm hungry; let's go to the >dining-car.

Don't put your luggage in the >corridor.

From the train we had the >view of the sea.

The >queue is growing and growing.

We couldn't find the >emergency exit

Hamalul mi-a carat bagajele 1a tren.

Mft bucur ea exista un vagon de donnit.

in diteva minute, cazul de urgenta

a luat srar~it.

Aproape am ajuns; ia-ti bagajele din piasa.

The> porter carried my luggage to the train,

I'm glad there is a > sleeping cal:

In a few minutes the> emergency

was over,

We're almost there; take your luggage

from the> rack

Jata ~i ultima parte a noului vocabular. Pronunla~i eu grija ~i retineti echivalentul romanesc:

incomplete >[ ink<lmpli:t] -inc01l1plet

to entrust to >[tu inlraS{ tu] -a'incredinta

incorrect >[ inkarckt] -ineorect

to recognize > rrckagnaizJ -a recunoa~te

brief >[bn.1] -scurt

to smuggle >[ tu smagl] -a face contrabanda

timid >[!imid] -timid

to book >[IU buk] -a rezerva (bilele etc.)

talkative >[ to:kativ] -vorbarel

to aet >[ tu Ekt] - a aqiona

to be anxious >[ tu bi: EIlKsaz] -a fi nerabdator

to wave >[ tu llciv] -a face eu mana

wonderful >[UandaIO] -minunat

Sa exersam folosirea noilor cuvinte eu ajutorul ditorva propozitii:

They arc waving to us

from the platform.

He is anxious to see his

parents again.

He is too timid to speak

to people he doesn't know.

I am back from a brief


> [DLe; a: r llci\'in(1,:1 tll as

from DZa pIEtfo:1m]

> [hi: iz Enk~az tu si: hiz

pErants ~Igell]

> [hi: iz tll: timid to spi:k

III pi:pl hi: daznt nflU]

> [ai Em bEl< frol11 a bri:f


- Ei ne fae cu mana de pe peron.

- E nerabdator sa-~i

revada parinlii,

- E prea timid pentru a vorbi

eu necunoseuli.

- M-am intors dintr-o seurta


This information is incorrect. > [D1is infamci~n iz inkiJrekt] - Aceasta informalie e incorecta.


She knows how to act

in an emergency.

This time-table is


> [~i: nauz hau tu Ekt

in an ima:l'djullSi]

> [OZis taimteibl iz


- $tie cum sa se comporte

in caz de urgenta.

- Acest oral' e


Is it easy to smuggle things? > liz it i:zi tu smugl T'in(g)s] - E u~or sa faci contrabanda?

The people in our

compartment were

very talkative.

Can I entrust this

to the porter?

He didn't recognize her.

They have booked h\'o tickets

for Austria.

We have a wonderful vic\v

from our apartment.

> [D/l) pi:pl in aua r

kampa:rtmant lI{,I'

veri to:kativ 1

> [kEn ai intrast D"is

tu Dla po:!tal']

> [hi:didnt rebignaiz hal"]

> [D~ei hEv bukt tu: tikits

for ostriaJ

> [lli: hEv a lI an da"f1 viu:

from au[/ 3pa:rtmant)

- Oamenii din compa11imentul

nostru erau

foarte vorbareti.

- Pot sa-i incredintez asta


- EI n-a recunoscut-o.

- Au rezervat doua bilete pentru


- Avem 0 priveli~te minunata din


In continuare sa completam propoziriile in limba engleza. Nu uitati sa cititi propozitiile cu voce tare:

Aceastii ~tire e incompleta;

trebuie sa ~tiu mai multo

El a fost arestat pentru contrabanda.

Unei persoane vorbarete ii este greu

sa taea.

Ea e nerabdatoare sa ajunga 1a destinatie.

~tiu ca pot sa-ti incredintez copiii.

Ce gradina minunata~

Lucrurile care ri s-au spus sunt incorecte.

Am avut doar 0 scurta discutie.

Ai vazut vreodata un copil atat de tirnid?

Tocmai am retinut 0 masa

la restaurantul frantuzesc.

El ~tie sa actioneze rapid intr-o astfel

de situarie.

Ai sa ma recuno~ti dupa toti ace~ti ani?

Copilul i-a tacut semn cu mana

de pe peron taUi.1ui sau.

- This news is >incomplete;

I have to know more.

- He has been arrested for >smugglillg.

- It is difficult for a >talkative person

to be silent.

- She is >anxious to arrive at her destination.

-I know I can >entrust the children to you.

- What a >wonderful garden!

- The things you have been told about are >incom:~ct.

- We only had a >brief talk.

- Have you ever seen such a >timid children?

- 1 have just >booked a table

in the French restaurant.

- In such a situation he can> act


- Will you >recognize me after all these years?

- The child >wilvcd to its father

on the platform.


Sa continuam discutia despre pronumele personate ~i adjectivele posesivc.

Pronumele personale lte, his, him sf adjectivul posesiv his sunt jolosite cand se vorhe~le despre

persoane ~i Q11imale de sex masculin. Substunlivele corespunziitoare acestor par,i de vorhire sunt de

gellul masculill.

lata diteva exemple:

Where is Dan? He is at school.

My father Jives in Pite~ti.

J'm going to visit him.

My friend told me that his father had died.

That bull is very heavy.He looks dangerous.

- Unde este Dan? El este la ~coala.

-Tatal mcu locuie~te la Pite~ti.

Am de gand sa-l vizitez.

- Prietenul meu mi-a spus cil tatal sau murise.

-Tauru! acela e masiv.

(EI) pare periculos.

PrOIllUllele personale she $i her ~'li adjectil'ul posesil' her se folosesc in legiiturii cu persoane $i

animale de sexfeminin. Substantive/e corespunziitoare sunt de gellu!feminin, dupii cum demonstreazii


Please visit my mother.

She is anxious to see you.

- Te rog s-o vizitezi pe mama mea.

E nerabdatoare sa te vada.

Have you got a sister? I would like to meet her. - Ai a sora? A~ vrea sa 0 cunosc.

Anna is very sad because she has lost her purse.

That is a very good cow.Can I buy ber?

- Ana e foarte trista ca ~i-a pierdut portmoneul.

- Aceasta e 0 vaca foal1e buna.

Pot sa 0 cumpar?

Dacii animalul despre care vorhim lle este Cll110SCUt (un animal de casa, de exemplu), in loc de it $i its

vom ja/osi pronumele ~"ii adjectivul corespunziitoare genu/ui sau.

How long have you had this dog?

I have had him for six years.

Have you seen the cat?

Yes, she was in the garden a few minutes ago.

My dog is getting old;

he sleeps most of the day.

- De cat timp ai diinelc aeesta?

il am de ~ase .ani.

- Ai vazut pisica?

Da, acum diteva minute era in gradina.

- Cainele meu imbatnlne~te.

(El) doanne in cea mai mare parte a zilei.

Completa1i propozi1iile in limba engleza eu pronumele personate respective:

Uita-te la r~ilu~ea aceea.

(Ea) sUi aproape de mama ei.

Inca imi place masa aceea.

E veche de opt ani de acum.

- Look at that little duck.

>It stays close to >its mother.

- I still like that table.

> II is eight years old now.


L-ai vazut cumva pe fiul meu?

Nu-l gasesc nicaieri.

Trimite-o pe sora ta 1a mine.

Am a slujba pentru ea.

Ai vazut vreodata un magar?

Are urechile foarte lungi.

A~tept autobuzul. Iar are intarziere.

Pisica i~i ingrijqte puii fOJlte bine.

So~ia lui preda limba romana.

Ea este 0 buna profesoara.

Stiam ea e un ~obolan, dar nu I-am vazut.

Nu poti sa cumperi vaca aceea.

Este mult prea scumpa.

- Have you seen my son?

I can't find >him anywhere.

- Send your sister to me.

I have a job for >her.

- Have you ever seen a donkey?

> It has very long ears.

- I'm waiting for the bus. >ltis late again.

- The cat looks after >heryoung very \vell.

- His wife teaches Romanian.

> She is a good teacher.

- I knew there was a rat but I didn't see >it.

- You can't buy that cow.

>Shc is much too expensive.

Numele animalelor considerate mad Sf pUlemice sunt desemnate prin substantive de gen maseulin,

illdiferel1l de sex. jll aces! caz sefolosesc prollllmele personale he, hi:'i, him ~i adjeclivul posesiv his.

La rdndllllOl; substufltivele ce denumesc animalele considerate mici ~i slabe sunt de genulfemillill.

Prvnumele \'1i adjectivele coresp1l11ziilOare sun! she ..'1i he,..

We saw the wolf in the distance.

He was looking in our direction.

What do you do with the cal during the holidays?

I always take her with me.

Sa mai invatam ciheva nume de animale:

- Am vazut Iupul in departare.

El se uita in direetia noastra.

- Ce faci Cli pisica in timpul vacantei?

o iau intotdeauna ell mine.

sparrow >[spErauJ - vrabie

ant >[Ent] - furnica

eagle >[ iglJ - vu[tur

otter >[ ot"'J - vidra

badger >lbEdja'J - bursuc

weasel > [ ll izal] - nevastuica

in exercitiul unnator yom recapitu]a toate regulilc de gramatica prezentate 111 aceasUi leqie. Traduceti

in engleza:

inteleg; nu mai sunt bani.

Este necesar. Nu intelegi?

Nu trebuie sa-mi spui. ~tiu.

in camera este un ~oarece.

Se ascunde pe undeva.

Vidra traie~te mai mult in apa.

Ea inoata foarte bine.

Fii atent 1a yispea aceea!

intepatura ei este foarte dureroasa.

Sunt sigur ca iti aminte~ti.

Nu omori paianjenul acela!

Este un animal folositor.

incearca din nou!

Ce s-a Intamplat eu caineIe?

Nu mananca.

Te deranjeaza daea fumez?

Vulturul prinde ~oareci.

El are oehi foarte buni.

CaluJ aeesta e foarte puternic.

Nu ne putem lipsi de el.

Nu uita sa intrebi inainte de a pleea.

Am eumparat un magar,

EI poate cara greuta,i mario

lata scrisoarea! Mai cite:;;te-o odata.!

in exerci!iul urmator, care are forma unui

leqie. Traduceti propozitiile in engleza:

>[ see: there is no money left.

>It is nCl.:cssary. Don"t yOLi understand?

>YOll don't h<lve to telllllc. I know.

>Thcre is a mouse in the roOI11.

[I is hiding somewhere.

>;\11 otter lives mainly in the water.

It can swim very well.

>\Vatch out for that wasp!

Its sling is very painful.

>I'm sure you n:1l1ember.

>Don't kill that spider.

It is a llseful ;lllimai.


>\Vh,lt's wrong with the dl1g".'

He doesn't cat.

>f)o yOli mind if 1 smoke?

>An eagk c:l!chl.'s mil.'L'.

It has ,'cry g(l(ld L'yes.

>This horse is very' strollg

\Ve can't do without him.

>Don't forget to ask bL'!(.lI"t: y"OLl leave.

>I"ve bought <.l donkey.

It can carry heavy weights.

>There is the letter. Read it again,

dialog, yom repeta unele cuvinte introduse in aceasta

1: E bine ea am cumparat biletele ell cateva zile >It's good I bought Illy ticket a few dllYs ngo.

in urma. Uite ce cozi sunt la easele de bilete! Look at the queues at the ticket-windows.

eh: Daea vrei sa calatore~ti la vagonul de donnit

e intotdeauna mai bine sa-ti cumperi bilet

eu diteva zile inainte de calatorie.

.I: Sa rugam un hamal sa-mi care bagajele

pana la tren, Sunt foarte grele.

>Jfyou wallt to travel in a sleeping-car

it's always better to buy the ticket

some days before the trip .

>Let's ask a porter to carry my luggage

to the train. It's very hC'-l\')i.


Ch: Am ajuns. Nu vad vagonul-restaurant.

J: E chiar aici, in spatele vagonului meu.

Stii, sunt foarte nerabdatoare sa-mi vad

prietenii din GlasgO\>.,".

Nu i-am mai vazut de zece ani.

Sper sa-i recunoSC.

Ch: Sunt sigur ea ii vei recunoa~te.

Da-mi voie sa-ti pun bagajul

in piasa pentru bagaje.

J: AeulTI trebuie sa cobari din tren.

Ch' Sine. Calatorie plaeuta!

Am sa-ti fae semn eu mana de pe peron.

>Here we are. I em't sec the dining·C<IL

>[t \ llLTc, just behind my carriage.

You know, 1'111 really anxious to see

my friends tn Glasgow.I haven't seen them for 10 years.

I hope I'll recognize them.

> I'm sure you will.

Let me put your luggage

on the rack.

>You must get off the train now.

> Yes, O.K. Have (l safe journey.

I'll wave to you from the platform.

Vom incheia leetia eu Ull exercitiu de fOlletica, in care va trebui sa cititi ell voce tare clivintele unnatoarc.

ce contin sunete identice:

[ Ill] [ ea'1 [,,: J [ ciJ

vie'''' fare draught wave

new care after break

queue there ask plane

beautiful pair farm same

few air arm stake

I ~


3.1. Unele verbe din limba engleza nu eef folosirea prollumelor personate sau retlexive, spre

deosebire de echivalentele lor rolTIane~ti:

They remember well.

Let me show.

- j~i aduc aminte bine.

- (Lasa-ma) sa-\i aral!

3.2. Pronumele personal it ~i adjectivul posesiv its se refera la lucruri. animale, uneori ~i la copii.

Substantivele corespunzatoare lor sunt de genul neulru, ca in exemplele:

Whose bicycle is that? It is mine.

That goose cannot use its wings.

That child is looking for its mother

-A cui este bicic1eta aceasta? Este a mea.

-Gasca aceea nu-~i poate folosi aripile.

-Copilul acela 0 caula pe mama lui.

3.3. Pronumele personaIe he, his, him ~i adjectivul posesiv his se folosesc in legiHura ell persoanele

~i animalele de sex masculin. Substantivele ce Ie corespund sunt de genuI masculin.

Where is Dan? He is at school.

My friend told me that his father had died.

-Unde e Dan? (Ell e la ~coaliL

-Prietenul meu mi-a spus ca tatal lui a murit.

That bull is very heavy. He looks dangerous. -Taurul acela e masiv. EI pare periculos.

3.4. Pronumele personate she, her ~i adjectivul posesiv her fac referire la persoane ~i animale de sex

feminin. SubstantiveIe pe care Ie inloeuiesc sunt de genul feminin.

Please visit my mother. She is anxious

to see you.

That is a very good cow. Can I buy her?

- Te rag s-o vizitezi pe mama. E nerabdatoare

sa te vada.

- Aeeasta este 0 vaca foarte buna. Pot sa 0


3.5. Daea vorbitorul este foarte ata~at de animalul despre care vorbe~te (de exemplu, un animal

de casa), in legatura eu acesta se folosese pronumele personal it ~i, respectiv, adjectivul posesiv its.

I wonder where the dog may be.

I haven't seen him for hours.

Come and have a look at aUf cat;she is only three weeks old.


- Ma intreb unde poate fi cainele.

Nu I-am vazut de cateva are.

- Vino sa oe vezj pisica;(ea) nu are decat trei luni.


A. Traduceti 111 romane~te:

1. He is about to make inquiries.

2. A pig is not stupid; it can remember things.

3. 1 am sure they don't mind.

4. Is that a frog? It has ,uch long legs'

5. Don't put it in the corridor; it is too narrow.

6. Yes, this is our donkey; we have had him for a long time.

B. Traduceti in engleza:

I. Prive~te \.'everi~a aceasta~ Tocmai mananca ceva.

"') Unde mi-e cheia? ered ca ai pierdut-o venind aieL

3. 13t-o pe sora tao Spune-i ca nu inteleg.

4. Vita-te ]a acest paianjen. E foarte mare.

5. Stiu, dar nu am nimic impotriva.

6. Vezi veveri1a aceea? (Ea) vine adesea in gradina mea.

C. Completati propozitiile in engleza ell una din urmatoarele expresii, conjugand coreel verbele:

to connect with, in advance, to stay with, single journey, to see to.

I. Do we really have to pay all the amount of money ?

2. You can make inquiries and I will the luggage.

3. Are you sure this train the bus we are going to take in London?

4. How long did a to Paris take?

5. I'm going to some friends of mine when I go abroad.




Yom incepe, ca de obicei, ell recapitularea Yocabularului 1l1va,at pana acum.

A. Completati propozitiile in englez3 eli cate unul din urmatoarele cuvinte:

l. hour

6. six

II. home

Folosili filtrul ro,u:

2. minute

7. eight

12. chair

3. o'clock

8. ten

13. square

4. one

9. nine

14. statue

5. three

10. father

$ase inseamna jumatate de duzina.

La maini avem zece degete.

Tatal meu 11 cunoa~te pe al tau.

Vom incepe intr-un minut.

Ea este inca acasa?

Pune scaunul acela in col~.

- Six is haifa dozen.

- We have >ten fingers.

- My >t~lthcr knows yours.

- We'll start in a >lIlinute.

- Is she still at >homc?

- Put that >chair in the corner.

Pilmantu] are un singur saleht, numit Luna. - The earth has >OIlL moon.

Treaba aceasta va Iua jumatate de ora. - This job will take half an >hour.

Ei locuiesc tot in piata aceea. - They still live in that >square.

Sunt multe statui in ora~uI tau? - Are there many >statuC:-i in your town?

Neua inseamnajurnatate din optsprezece. - Nine is half as much as eighteen.

intotdeauna ma trezesc la ora ~apte. - I always get up at seven >o'clock.

Trenul are opt vagoane. - This train has >cight carriages.

Ce joe se joaca eu trei mingi? - What game is played with >three balls?

B. Completati ProPoziliile in Iimba engleza. Nu uitati sa fo1osili filtrul ro~u:

El va lua toate farfuriile.

Multi oameni s-au dus in gradina.

Va exista ~i 0 a doua ocazie.

Mul\umesc pentru vizita.

Astazi e ultima zi cfmd stau aicL

Ea ne scrie des.

Nu va dura dedit un minut.

Ai scris scrisoarea aceea?

Ea a luat aparatul de radio in camera ei.


He will >take all the plates.

Many people >went into the garden.

There will be a >sccondopportunity.

> Thank you for your visit.

>Today is my last day here.

She often >writcsto liS.

It will >takconly a minute.

Have you> written that letter yet?

She> look the radio> into her room.

c. in exerci~iul de mai jos vom repeta timpul r~~ze~3El)jJlu. Regulile de gramatica pot

fi gasite in compendiul de gramatica, la seetiunea indicata in stanga paginii.

Propozitiile trebuie completate Cll verbele conjugate corect:

Ea conduce foarte bine.

EI ne viziteaza in fieeare an.

Soarele rasare la est.

El ia intoldeauna micul dejun la opt.

Ei VOl' sa pIece acum.

El merge aco10 in fiecare noapte.

Ne intereseaza acest lucrll.

Sora ei preda limba italiana.

Aud lTIuzica de afara.

Ea scrie zece scrisori pe zi.

Vremea se schimba foarte des.

Ea intotdeauna plate~te la timp.

El i~i face multe griji in privinla ei.

Magazinele deschid la ora nOlla.

Aceasta veste ne surprinde.

EI intotdeauna stinge luminainainte de a pleca de aeasa.

Ei i~i amintesc bine.

De obicei zapada eade in timpul iernii.

EI i~i cheltuie toti banii pe carti.

Ce face ea eu asta?

Fratele meu repara ceasuri.

EI fertilizeaza pamantul de doua ori pe an.

Ea intotdeauna intra rara sa faca zgomot.

EI folose~te patul ca scaun.

She >drives very well.

He >visits us every year.

- The sun >riscs in the East.

- He always >has breakfast at eight.

- They >\vant to leave now.

- He >goes there every night.

- We >take an interest in it.

- Her sister >teaches Italian.

- 1 >hearmusic outside.

- She >writes ten letters a day.

- The weather >L'lunges very often.

- She always >ray'~ the money in time.

- He >wol'rics a lot about her.

- The shops >OPCll at nine.

- This news >surpriscs us.

- He always >switches off the lightbefore he leaves the house.

- They >remember well.

- Snow >t~ills in winter as a rule.

- He >spcnds all his money on books.

- Whal >docs she do with it?

- My brother >repairs clocks.

- He >fertiljzes the soil twice a year.

- She always >enters quietly.

- He> uses his bed as a seat.

Acum vom invata cateva cuvinte noio Citi!i-le Cll voce tare ~i invft\atiechivalentul romanesc:

customs > Ikasta11lz] -vama

customs officer > [kastalllz ofisal'] -vame~

take-ofr > [tcikol] -decalare; decala

helicopter > [hclikopta'] -elicopter

flight > [IJait] -zbor, cursa

visibility > [vizibiliti] -vizibilitate

the Atlantic Ocean >[D'i atlEntik aUln] -Oceanul Atlantic

hijacker > [haidjEka'] -pirat aerian (cel cedeturneaza avioane)

collision >lkfllijn] -coliziune, ciocnire

altitude > [Eltitiud] - altitudine

instruments > [instrlJllltl11tsJ - aparatelaparatura de bord;

fear > I Iii,' J - frica, teama

suitcase > [su:tke;s] . \Oaliza

Sa repetam aceste cuvinte in alta ordine:



customs oflicer







> Ikalijn]

> [helikopta']

> lkastamz ofis:Jl']

> [flo']

> [Oait]

> [teikat]

> [kastamzJ

> [su:tkelS]

> [instralll~lllts]

-coliziune. ciocnire



- frica. teama

-zbor, cursa




- aparate/aparatura de bord;

the At\antic Ocean > [lYi iltlEntik all~llJ -Oceanul Atlantic




> [haidjEka'J

> [EltitiuJ]

> !vizibiliti)


-pirat aerian (eel cedeturneaza avioane)



Vom folosi naile euvinte intr-un text despre dilatoria ell avionul. Cititi eu mare atentie:


It was my first flight across the Atlantic Ocean. It took nine hours to travel from New

York to London. When I was boarding the plane l saw the cockpit. The door was wide

open so I could look at all the instruments, I was a little afraid before take-otr I tried

not to think about collisions on the runway and hijackers. A few minutes after take-off

all my fear was gone. I had a window seat and could watch the beautiful views. The

journey was nice. I once flew by helicopter and it was horrible. Helicopters are so

nojsy' In London I had to go through customs, I was glad that the customs officer

didn't ask me to open my suitcases.

In text a aparut 0 wzitate de masurii englezeasca.

I foot = aproximativ 30 centimetri 40,000 feet ~ aproximativ 12,000 metri

In limba englezii, virgula sefolose~te $i fa exprimurea numerelor mai mari de 1000, inclusiv.

Sa exersam acum pronuntia fiedi.rei propozitii 1n parte, invatand ~i traducerea romaneasca:

It was my first flight across

the Atlantic Ocean,

It took nine hours to travel

from New York to London,

When I was boarding the plane

I saw the cockpit.

>[ir 1I 0z l11ai [,):1-51 Ibit akros

D/i atlEntik au~nl

>[ it tuk nain autl'"z tu trEvl

frol11lliu: io:'l tu lanJn]

>[tlen ai lI07 ho:'din(g) Dla plein

ai so: Dla kokpit]

-A fost primul meu zbor peste

Oce.nul Atlantic,

-Calatoria de la New York

la Londra a durat noua ore.

-Cand Ill-am urcat in avian

am vazut cabina pilotului.

The door was wide open so >[D1[l Jo:r lI 07 lIaid 3upn sau -U~a era larg deschisa ~i am putut

I could look at all the instruments. ai ku:d luk Et 0:1 D1i instramants] vedea toat3. aparatura de bordo

I was a little afraid

before take-off

I tried not to think about

collisions on the runway

and hijackers,

A few minutes after take-off

all my fear was gone.

>[ ai Uoz a lit] {lfrciJ

biro:' tcikot]

>[ (Ii tra,d 110t tll T~lnlg)k abaut

kalijnz on D'a ranllei

End haidi Eb'z]

>{;, fit!: minits aftflr teikof

0:1 mai fia rUoz glln)


-Mi-a fast putin teama

inainte de deeolare.

-Am incercat sa nu ma gandesc

la ciocnirile de pe pista de decol.re

sau la piratii aerieni.

-La diteva minute dupa decolare

teama mea disparuse.

I had a window seat and >lai hEd" l:illLbll si:t End

could watch the beautiful views. kud Uot~ rY~1 biu:titl viu:zl

-Am avut loe Hinga fereastra ~i

am putllt vedea priveli~ti minunate.

Visibility was very good.

Most of the time we flew

at the altitude

of 40,000 feet.

The journey was nice.

I once flew by helicopter

and it was horrible.

Helicopters are so noisy!

In London I had to go

through customs.

I was glad that the customs

officer didn't ask me

to open my suitcasCQ •

>[vizibiliti l:O,/ veri gullJ

>[Illi.lllst :h' Df;} taim ui: flu:

Et !)'i EIt;tiu:d

av 1o: l ti T'auznd fit]

>rO l a dja:"ni uoz nais]

>[,li 'clans llu: bai hclikopta t

End it uOI: horibl]

>[hclikoptarz a: 1

sau noizi]

>[ in landn ai hEd tu gall

TSru kastaIllz1

>l ai Uoz gJEd DTt IYi.1. kaSlaIllZ

ofisar didnt i.lsk mi:

tu aupn mai su:tkeisiz]

-Vizibilitatea era foarte buna.

- in eea mai mare p,ute a timpului

am zburat la altitudinea

de 12.000 de metr;.

-(aratoria a fast placuta.

-Am zburat 0 data eu elieopterul

~i a fast ingrozitor.

- Elicoptere!e sunt

atat de zgomotoase!

-In Londra a trebuit sa tree

prin vama.

-M-am bueurat Cel Yamqul

nu mi-a eerut

sa deschid valizele.

Aeum e nindul dvs. sa eompleta~i propozitiile in limba engleza eu cuyintele pe care tocmai Ie-ati

inva~at. Nu uitati sa pronuntati coreet aeeste propozi!ii:

in frica pe care 0 avea nu ~tia ce sa faca. - In his >fear he didn't know what to do.

Ai zburat vreodata eu elicopterul? - Have you ever flown by >helieopter?

La vama a trebuit sa-mi golese geanta. - At >customs I had to empty my bag.

Nu vom deeola daea vizibilitatea - If>visibility doesn't get better,

nu se imbullata~e~te. we shall not take off.

Cand este Un11atorul zbor? - When is the next >flight?

EI n-a traversat niciodata Oceanul Atlantic. - He has never crossed the> Atlantic Ocean.

Piratul aerian a spus ca a va ucide pe stewardesa. - The >hijacker said he would kill the air hostess.

Am facut deja toate valizele. - We have already packed all the >suitcases.

S-a intamplat la pu!in timp inainte de decolare. - It happened shortly before >takc-off.

Capitanului i s-a spus sa sehimbe altitudinea.

Vame~ul I-a rugat sa a~tepte a clipa.

Coliziunea a avut lac pe pista.

S-a intamplat eeva eu aparatura.

- The captain was told to change >altiludc.

- The >custOl1lS oflicer asked him to wait a moment.

- That >collision took place on the runway.

- There is something wrong with the >instruments.

Vom inv:qa acum un nou grup de cuvinte:


to pass through


>[tu p<l:S T\u:]


-a trece prin/pe 1a varna

to fail >ltll foil] -3 se defecta; a e~ua

single-engined >[sin(g'gl endjino] -cu un singur motor (monomotor)

to force >[tu 1(>:'sJ -a forta, a obliga

transatlantic > [trEnzrUI EntikJ -transatlantic

to change course >[tu t~cilldj ko:1s] -3 schimba ruta

intense >lintcns] -intens

to navigate >[tu nEvigeit] -a pilota

strict >rstriktJ -strict; sever

to collide >[tu kitlaid] -a se ciocni

Noile cuvinte vor ti folosite in propozitii. Odat<1 cu aces tea, invatati ~j traducerea romaneasca.

Is there a transatlantic

flight today?

One of the engines failed.

The plane is navigated

to its destination.

Can this plane make a

vertical landing?

A ir traffic is intense.

We often changed course.

>liz Dlctl l i.l trEnzatlEntik

fhit tudeil

>[ lIan av Di'j enginz feildl

>[Dl{1 plein iz nEvigeitid

to its uestinehn]

>[kEn DZis rlein mcik ~l

v<rtikl IEndin!')]

>[ea '-trElik iz intens]

- Este vreun zbor transatlantic


-Unul din motoare s-a defectat.

-Avionul este pilotat

spre destinatie.

-Acest avion poate sa aterizeze

pc verticala?

-Traficul aerian este intens.

- Adesea am schimbat ruta.

They have to be very strict with

people who try to smuggle.

>[[Yci hEv HI hi: veri strikt \LilY -Ei trebuie sa fie foarte severi cu cei

pi:pJ hu: trai tLl smagl] care incearca sa faca contrabanda.

A singJe-engined plane

will take you there.

You have to pass through

customs first.

Most planes take off


The planes almost


We are forced to stay"'"" fl.", .... r".. ""rI

>f {I sin(g}gl e-ndjind plein

Ilil tcik ill: DZefl]

>[ iu: hEy III pas TSru:

kasHi.1l1z fa:1st]

>[ l1l~lUst pleinz teik of


>[D":l pleinz olm[\ll:-it


-Acolo te va duce un

avion monomotor.

-Mai 'intai trebuie sa tfeci

pe la vama.

-Cele mai multe avioane decoleaza

pe orizontala.

-Avioanele erau cat pe ce sa se


-Suntemobliga~isa ramanem

Completa~i propozitiile in limba engleza:

Pentru aterizarea pc verticala nu e nevoie

de pist'l.

in trecut, pilotii trebuiau sa navigheze avand

la dispozitie putine aparate.

Trebuie sa tim foal1e severi in aceasta privinta.

Capitanul a incercat sa mentina avionulla


Ce vom face daca ~i celalalt motorse va defecta?

Trebuie sa schimbam ruta pentru a evitavremea nefavorabila.

Piratul aerian I-a f0l1at pe capitan sa intoarca.

Traficul aerian a devenit foarte aglomerat.

Ei nu au trecut inca pe la vama.

Un avian eu un singur motor estede obieei mai mic.

Sunt patru zboruri transatlantice pe saptamana.

Ma~il111e s-au ciocnit pe 0 ceata deasa.

Sa ne intoarcel11 la partea de gramatica.

For a >verticallanding you don't need

a runway.

In the past pilots had to > navigutewithfew instruments.

We have to be very> strict in this matter.

The captain tried to keep the plane>horizontal.

What shall we do if the other engine>li\ils?

We have to >change course to avoidbad weather.

The hijacker >forccd the captain to return.

Air trame has grown very >intcllse.

They haven't >p;I.'iscJ through customs yet.

A >singk-l'llgined plane

is usually smaller.

There are four >transatlantic flights a week.

The cars> collided in a dense fog.

Cand se face referire la vapoare, QvioQne $i aile vehicule, .'Ie folosesc prollumele personal she ,.'iiadjeclivul posesiv her, mai ales cand vorbilorlll sau altapersoallQ de care acesla este legal emo/iollalde sau este proprietarul vehiculului respecth; ca ill exemplele:

I bought this car last week.She's beautiful, iSH 't she?

She can carry three hundred passengers acrossthe Atlantic Ocean.

I crossed the ocean once on that ship.

She was wrecked in a hurricane last year.

- Am cumparat aceasta ma~ina saptamana trecuta.E frumoasa, nu-i a~a?

- Avionul acesta poate transp0l1a trei sute de persoanepeste Oceanul Atlantic.

- Am traversat oceanul pe acel vapor.

- Anul trecut a naufragiat in urma unui uragan.

Acum e nlndul dvs. sa traduceti in engleza cateva propozitii. Folositi filtrul ro~u:

eel de la care am adus-o spune ca

e foarte fiabila.

Imi place [oarte mull motocicleta mea,

dar In-a costat multi bani.

Fnlnele ei sunt dcfecte.

Poti folosi acel carnion, dar te rag

sa ai grija de el.

>Thc mall ( bought her from says thatshe is very reliable.

>!'m very fond of my motorcyclebut she cost me a lot of money.

>Her brakes ill'L out of order.

>YlIU can L1Sl" that lorry' but, please,

he careful with h~r.


Pronumele reflexive sunt folosite in scap emfatic (pentru a intari ideea) dupaurmatoarele cuvinte:

In toate aceste cazuri este corecta ~i folosirea pronume1ui personal in calitate de



as ... as


-Ia fel de .. ca

-ca, decat




-CU exceplia, in afara de


-numai, doar, cu exceptia

lata diteva exemple:

Those words were addressed to you and


He earns as much as yourself/you.

Everyone but himself/him saw it.

All the boys except yourself/you were 'here.

A man like himself/him is admired

by many people.

I think she is a lot older than mysell/me.

- Acele cuvinte ne-au fast adresate tie

~i mie.

- EI ca~tiga 1a fel de mult ca ~i tine.

- TOli au vazut, numai el nu.

- Toti baietii au fast acolo, in afara de tine.

- Un om ca el e admirat de multi.

- ered ca ea e mutt mai in varsta decat mine.

Pronumele rejlexil'e potfifolosite ~i fn anumite construeri; fixe, dupii cum urmeazii:

to resign oneself to

to avail oneself on

to pride oneself on

to confine oneself to

> (tu rizain lIanself tlI] -a se resemna sa/ell

>[tu aveil uallselfav] -a se folosi de; a profita de

>[tl) rrahl uanselfon] -a se mandri ell

>ltu ktmfain uanselftu] -a se limita la/sa

Exemp1e de propozitii ell astfe1 de construqii:

He resigns himself to his loss.

We shall avail ourselves of the opportunity.

She prides herself on her job.

I shall confine myself to his own words.

- E1 se resemneaza cu aceasta pierdere.

- Ne vom folosi de aceasta ocazie.

- Ea se mandre~te eu slujba ei.

- Am sa rna limitez 1a cuvintele lui.


Pronumele personal este folosit in sens reflexiv dupa prepozitiile ce introduc ......."......_

ideea de lac. lata cateva exemple:

Can I take it with me?

We have a long journey bdore us.

-Pot sa-l iau eu mine?

-Avem un drum lung inaintea noastra.

Did you see who was standing behind you? -Ai vazut cine sHitea in spatele tau?

He has hardly any money about him.

She saw the sea far below her.

-Rareori are bani la eL

-Departe in jos ea vazu marea.

Traduceti in engleza propozitiile unnatoare folosind regulile ~i constructii1e de mai sus:

Sa ne limitam la aceasta problema? - Shall we confinc llursch'l's to his matter?

Un om ca tine poate ea~tiga mult mai mult. - A manlike your.,;elfcan earn a Illt more.

EI nu a putut pleca la fel de devreme ca mine. - He could not kave as carly as myself.

Am privit peisajul din fata naastra. - \Ve looked ill the scene bl'(ore liS.

Poti sa faei asta pentru mine? - Can you do Ihal f'Jf mc?

I-ai adus ell tine? - Have you hl'Ought them with you?

(Ea) poate atinge 0 suta de mile pe ora. - She can do one hundred miles an hour.

Am lasat in urma partea eea mai rea. - V'ie have the worst pari bl'hilld liS.

Oricine poate spune asta, dar nu el. - Anyone but him can say that.

Ea ~i ell mine am fast acola cand s-a intamptat. - She and mysclfwcre tht:rc \vhcn it happened.

Ete erau furioase pe el ~i pe mine. - They \vcre angry v,·jth him and myself.

E1 se mandre~te eu noua lui ma~ina. He prides himself on his fast (<JL

EI se va folosi de aceasta situatie. He will avail himself of it.

intotdeauna ea a ca~tigat mai putin decat tine. She has always earned !l'."s than yourself.

Pronumele personal it se folose$te, de asemenea, cand se riispunde la 0 intrebare in care se identiftcii

o persoallG sau un lueru, dupii cum urmeazii:

Who is that boy? It is Mr. Brown's son.

Who is that woman? It is my secretary.

What is this" It is a tool

to cut glass.

What kind of bird is that? It is an eagle.

- Cine este baiatul acela? (Este) fluI domnuIui Brown.

- Cine este femeia aceea? (Este) secretara mea,

- Ce este acesta? (Este) un instrument

Cll care se taie stiela.

- Ce pasare e aceea? (Este) un vultur.


Penlru a identifica doua sau mai mulle persoane sau lucruri, folosim they, ca in exemplele:

Who are those people? They are

customs officers.

What are these? They are batteries.

- Cine sunt aceste persoane? (Sunt)


- Ce sunt acestea? (Sunt) baterii.

Pronumele it se folose~'\le uneori ~~i penlru a defini doua sau mai mulle persoane. El apare alund

cand persoanele respective sunl privite ca grup.

Who are those people? It is Mr. Black

and his sons.

- Cine sunt aceste persoane? (Sunt) dl. Black

~i fiii sa.i.

Cdnd inten(ia vorbilorului lltl e sa idenlifice persoalle, ci .'Iii dea mai multe il~formafiidespre acestea,

se folosesc pronumele he sau she ell referire la 0 persoanii ~i it cu referire la un lucru, dupa Clim


There goes my friend's father.He is eighty years old.

That man is a pilot.

He lives opposite our office.

Come and have a look at this watch.It is a very expensive one.

- Iata-l p~te~ul tJalui meu.El are optzeci de ani.

- Barbatul acela este pilot.El locuic~te vizavi de biroul nostru.

- Vino sa te uiti la acest ceas.Este (un ceas) foarte scump.

They .'Iefolose~te dind vorbitorul vrea .'Iii dea informafii suplimentare despre doua sau mai multe

persoane sau lucruri:

These are my parents.They have just returned from France.

I bought these vegetables last week.They are not fresh enough now.

- Ace~tia sunt pa.rintii mei.Ei tocmai s-au Intors din Franta.

- Am cumparat aceste legume saptamana trecuta..Acum nu mai sunt atat de proaspete.

Urmeaza un exercitiu In care puteti veri fica daca v-ati Insu~it corect regulile gramaticale privindfolosirea pronumelor personate. Completati propozitiile In limba engleza ell pronumele personaleeorespunzatoare:

Eu nu cunase aceste persaane. Ele sunt aicipentru prima oara.

- I don't know those people. >They are herefor the first time.

Cine este barbatul acela inalt? Este fratele meu. - Who is that tall man? >It is my brother.

Cine este aceasta? Este una din stewardese.

Ce ani male sunt acelea? Sunt bursuci.

~tiu eartea aceea. Nu meritasa 0 cumperi.

Cine sunt femeile din fata magazinului?Sunt doamna Smith ~i fiicele ei.

- Who is that? >It is one of the air hostesses.

- What animals are those? >Thcy are badgers.

- I know that book. >11 is not worthbuying.

- Who are the women in front of that shop?>!t's Mrs. Smith and her daughters.

Vreau s-o ajut pe femeia aceea. Ea duce

o geanta foarte grea.

Cine e femeia eLi care ai vorbit acum diteva

minute? E una din secretarele mele.

Mama mea va fi bucuroasa sa te vada.

E~ Ie ~\te~ptiJ de mult limp.

Cine sunt persoanele de acolo? (Ei) sunt

noii no~tri vecini.

Lasa-I In pace pe omul aceta. (El) e 0 persoana

de incredere.

Ce sunt ace~tia? Cercei.

Cine e barbatul din ma~ina ta? E un mecanic.

Nu ai auzit ce-a spus?

Doar a vorbit tare.

- I want to help that woman. >She is carrying

a very heavy bag.

- Who is the woman you spoke to a few

minutes ago? >It\ one of my secretaries.

- My mother will be glad to see you.

~he h~~ been expectinR you for 9 lonR time.

- Who are the people over there? > They are

our new neighbours.

- Live that man alone. >Hc is reliable.

- What are these? >Thcy are ear-rings.

- Who is the man in your car? >It is a mechanic.

- Couldn't you hear what he said?

>Hc spoke in a loud voice.

in exereitiul urmator vom reeapitula toate situa~iile prezentate in aceasta pat1e a lectiei. Daca vreuna

din propozitii va creeaza dificultati, intoarceti-va la see~iunea In care e tratata problema de gramatiea

respectiva. Traduce~i in engleza:

Ai de gfmd sa-~i vinzi ma~ina?

Da, 0 am de doisprezece ani.

Poate fi reparata inaintea pranzului?

SOlia mea ~i eu mine mergem in Italia.

Limiteaza-te Ia fapte, te rog.

Sotu1 ei e muIt mai in varsta decat ea.

Cine sunt aceia care-ti fae semn Cll mana?

Sunt veeinii mei.

in fat a noastra sUiteau 0 multime de oameni.

Tuturor Ii s-a spus despre asta, numai noua no.

Ei stau la un hotel seurnp.

ered ca a vad pe sora tao Ea vine inspre noi.

El nu s-a putut folosi de ocazie.

Fratele meu ma viziteaza maine.

E1 calatore~te mai muIt decat mine.

> An: you going to sell your car'!

Yes, I've had her for t\velve years.

> Can she be repaired be!()J"c noon?

> My \vife and myself are going to Italy.

> Confine yourself to the facts, please.

> Her husband is much older than herself.

> \\/ho are those people \vaving to you?

They are my neighbours.

> Lots of people wcre standing in front of us.

> Everyone \'-.'as told about it except ourselves_

> They arc staying at an expensive hotel.

> ] think 1sec your sister. Sill' is coming towards us.

> He could not avail himself of the opportunity.

> My brother is visiting me IOlllOITOvV.

I Ie travcls more often than myself.

Yom lncheia aceasta leqie cu un exercitiu de fonetica. Cititi ell voce tare urmatoarele grupuri de

cuvinte care cantin sunete identice:

[eil [ail [ iii'] [aJ

fail collide fear customs

rain smile hear but

day kind here shut

stay wide appear Dutch

May drive near bus



in aceasta parte yom incerca sa ne fixam in memorie materia prezentata. in cele doua lectii. Traduceti

In limba engleza:

iIi amirlt~~ti, 1111·i ~)Q!TOli ~tiau, in afara de el.

Ma~ina este superba.

ered ca merita toti ace~ti bani.

Nevastuica a disparut.

N-ai vazut-o cand a fugi!?

Lui nu-i plac iepurii la fel de mult

cum imi plac mie.

Ce pasare e aceea? E 0 vrabie.

N-am de gand sa ma resemnez.

A venit Mary. Ea are 0 scrisoare pentru tine.

Cine sunt ei? Henry ~i copiii sai.

Capra este pe pa~une. Ea are cinci ani acum.

Poti sa 0 faci daca incerci. .

EI se mandre~te ca are trei case.

Ai vaZU! vulpile pana acum?

Nu trebuie decat sa intrebi.

Vidrele traiesc in acel canal.

Cine-i omul acela din departare?

Cred ca-i un hamal.

Toti copiii au inteles, numai ea nu.

> Everyone excert himsc! f knew.

>The car is beautiful.I think she is \vorth all that money.

>The welsel is gUilt:.

Didn't you sec it rtllIning a\vay?

>He doesn't like rabbits as lllu..:h

as myself.

> \\/11 at kind of bird is that? It's a sparrow.

> I am not going to resign myself.

> Here is Mary. She has a letter for you.

> \Vho are Ihey'.1 It i~ Henry alld his children.

> The goat is in the Pil~turC. She i~ tlve years old now.

>YOLI can do it ifY.'OLl try.

> He prides himself Oil having three hOllses.

> Have yOll seen the foxes yet'!

> You only have to ask.

> The otters live ill that ditch.

> \Vho is that man in the dislance'?

I think it is a porter.

> All the children but herself understood.

Am ajuns ~i 1a ultimul exercitiu din acest manual. Va recomandam ca dupa efectuarea acestui exercitiusa treceti la rezolvarea temei.

~tii cat costa 0 caHitorie spre Timi~oara?

Te poti folosi de asta numai in caz de urgenta.

Spune-le ca e vorba de 0 scurta Intarziere.


Ceilalti pasageri nu erau la fel de

obositi ca noi.

- Do you know what the >1'are to Timi~oan\ is?

- You can >av~lil yoursclfofit only in all >.,tmergency

- Tell them there is a >bricfdelay.

They will understand.

- Our> It:lIow-p:lssengers were not sotired as >ourselves

Se afla in scrisoarea pe care 0 ai in fa~a.

Ei s-au limitat la a-~i cUl11para 0 IYla$ina mica.

Dar cainele? Nu i1 putem lua ell noi.

La aceasta altitudine este aer pu1in.

lrni place aceasta locomotiva. Este foarte fiabila.

intreaba la biroul de infonnatii. Ei iti vor arata.

Et trebuie sa se resemneze sa stea la rand.

Acest animal seamana ell un caine.ered en. este un lup.

Scrisoarea era adresata lui ~i s01iei lui.

Poti sa stai la mine. Nu ma deranjeaza.

Recunosc acele animale. Sunt bursuci.

Zbor ell acest elicopter in fiecare zi.Este foarte rapid.

Toat3 lumea se bucura de priveli~te,

in afara de mine.

Acest avion poate decola pe verticaHi.

- It is in the letter before >yOlI.

- They> con fi ned thcmsel vcs to buying a small car.

- What about the dog? We can't take him with > u~

- At this> altitude there is little air.

- I like this engine. > She is very reliable.

- Ask at the >inguiry ollieC'. They will show you.

- He has to > res ign himsc Irto standing in a > queue

- This animal resembles a dog.1 think> it is a wolf.

- The letter was addressed to his wife and> himsclt:

- You can >slay with lllC. I don't >mind.

- I recognize those animals. >They are >badgcrs.

- I fly this helicopter every day.> She is very fast.

- Everyone but >mysclfwas enjoyingthe >vie\\'.

- This plane can take off>vcrtically.



4.1. Persoanele legate emotional de an1barcatiuni, avioane ~i alte vehicule folosesc adesea pronumele

personale she ~i her ~i adjectivul posesiv her dind se refera la acestea.

Her brakes are out of order.

You can use that lorry but, please,be careful with her.

- FrancIe ei sunt defecte.

- Poti folosi acel camion, dar te rog

sa ai grija de el.

4.2. Dupa cuvinte ca and, as, but, except, like, than, pronumele reflexive sunt folosite in scap


He earns as much as yourself.

Everyone hut himself saw it.

- El ca~tiga la fel de Illult ca tine.

- Tali au vazut, numai el nu.

4.3. Pronumele reflexive sunt folosite in constructii ca:

He resigns himself to his loss.

She prides herself on her job.

- El se rescmneaza eli pierderea.

- Ea se mandre~te ell slujba ei.

4.4. Dupa prepoziliile care introduc ideea de loc se folosesc pronumele personale:

Can I take it with me? - Pot sa·1 iau eu mine?

Did you see who was standing behind you? - Ai vazut cine statea 111 spatele tau?

4.5. Pronumele personal it se folose~te ~i pentru a identifica 0 persoana sau un lucru:

\Vho is that boy? It is Mr. Brown '5 son. - Cine-i acel baiat'? Este tiul domnului Brown.

4.6. Pronumele personal they se folose~te pentru a identitica doua sau mai !TIuIte persoane:

Who are those people?

They are customs officers.

- Cine sunt acele persoane?

Sunt vame~ii.

4.7. It se folose~te uneori pentru a identifica doua sau mai multe persoane, atunci cand intre acesta

exista 0 legatura speciala:

Who are those people?

It is Mr. Black and his sons.

- Cine sunt aceia?

Sunt domnul Black ~i fiii sai.

4.8. Pronumele personate he, she. it sunt folosite in propozitiile care dau mai nlUlte informatii

despre 0 persoana deja prezentata:

This man is a pilot.

He lives opposite our office.

- Barbalul acela e pilot.

EI locuie~te vizavi de biroul nostru.

4.9. Cand vrem sa dam mai multe infonnatii despre doua sau mai 111ulte persoane sau lucruri,

folosim pronumele personal they:

These are my parents.

They have just returned from France.

Here are the books.

They arrived last week.

- Ace~tia sunt parintii meL

Ei tocmai s-au intors din Franta.

- Poftim cartile.

Au sosit saptamana trecuta.


A. Traduceti in romane~te:

1. The mechanic says she needs a new engine.

2. These pens are for your brother and yourself.

3. They will have to resign themselves to it.

4. The new time-table is now lying before you. ., '

5. She can do ninety miles an hour..,

. (.

6. These are my friends. They are leaving now. ,At ~,

/ I,


/,.1/ / / ~,c'

I I ,-/ .

B. Traduceti in engleza:



Cine este femeia aceea? Este sora mea.

Solia lui este mai in varsta dedit mine?, .. ! (


3. ~a intilneam adesea eli acei oameni. Lor Ie place sa caJatoreasca, a~a cum imi place ~i mie.- I .:. l I .

~.' !' / . !




Stii ce fel de animal este? Da, este 0 veverita.'. ;, '. , : ',', 'I, I ~).r

De ce nu te-ai folosit de ocazie?l,,--,Il<cf-- I.I.,S·(( ._" Cl1D" ( '((

Ce ascunzi la spate?\.' t,.~:l

'-'. -; '7 Ukz.Jl r. ~,.,

C. Completati propozitiile unnatoare ell cuvintele care lipsesc. Numarul de linii va arata cate

litere lipsesc din cuvantul respectiv. 0 litera este deja notata pentru a va orienta mai u~or:

I. The '- -'- .c '- _k :'. '- forced the captain of the plane to f1 y to London.,

2. I'm going to pack all my clothes in one;' u '-.:: i'i~S

3. 1_ '-'- _I myself of the opportunity to speak English with her American friends.

4. The engine C _~ ~:::..Ia few minutes after take-off.

5. When the plane reached the '- ~ t '- __ -,._ of 30,000 feet, passengers were served

with lunch.


to act


the Atlantic Ocean

to avail oneself of


to be abollt to

to be anxious

to book


to break




to change course

to collide


to confine oneself to

to connect with




clistoms otlicer


to do \vithout






emergency brake

:J'l Eltitiud]

>[D/i atlEntik au~nl

>[tu ave;l \lallseIU\\,]


>[\11 bi: abaut til]

>[tLl bi: Enk,,!z]

>[tll bllkJ


>[ lu brcik]




>[tu kalaidJ


>[tu blllfain uanselftuJ

>[ tu bmekt lIilY]




>[kastamz ofisal"]

>[ dainin(g) ka:l']

>[tu du: lIiD1aut]

>[ don(g)kiJ


>[ dakJ


>[ ima: Idjansi]

>1 j1l1a:'dJ~msi brcik]

.aaaqionJ, a\@ compona


-Oceanul Atlantic

-a se folos; de


- a fi pe punctu! de a

- a fi nerabdator sa

- a retine, a rezerva

- chio~c de ziare

-3 intrerupe



-dar; numai, in afara de

-3 schimba ruta

-3 se ciocni


-3 se limita la/sa

- 3 face legatura

(despre WI mijloc de transport)

- legatura




- vagon restaurant

- a se lipsi de; a se descurca tara





-(caz de) urgen\a

-semnal de alanna

to fail >1 tLi feill -3 se defecta; a e~ua

fare > [fcit'j -cost al caHHoriei; bilet

fear >11'a:'] - frica, teama

fellow-passengers >\ felaLi pEsindj,,'zj - (ceilalti) pasageri

flight >lllait] -zbor; cursa aeriana

fluent >[fluant] - fluent

to force >[tu fo:'sl -a farla, a obliga

fox >Ifoks] -vulpe

frog >[frog] - broasca

to go abroad >[tu gau itbro:dl -3 merge/calatori In strainatate

goat >[gJLlt] -capra

helicopter > Ihelikopli" J -elicopter

hijacker >[haidjEka'] -pirat aerian (eel ce

deturneaza avioane)

horizontal >ihorizontl] -orizontal

in advance >lin i!lh'a:ns] -in availS, anticipat

incomplete > [inkampli:t] -incomplet

incorrect > I inkarekt] -incorect

in due time >lin diu: lail111 -Ia limp

inquiry office > [inkllaiari oll""J -birou de informatii

instruments > 1instraments] - aparate de bord, aparatura

intense > rintl.'lls] -intens

to make inquiries > ftu melk inkllaiarizl -a cere informatii

mile > [m"ill -mila (unitate de mdsurii)

motorcycle > lmautarsaikl I -motocicleta

to navigate > [tu nEvig~lt] -a naviga, a pilota

on my return >[on mairit:l:'n] -pe drumul (meu) de intoarcere

on my way home > [on lTIai lIei hauml -pe drumul (meu) spre casa

otter > [at"'] -vidra

to pack >[lupEk] -a imp.chel", a face bagajele

to pass through > [Ill p":s T'rll:] - a trece prin/pe la

pig > [pig] -pore

platfoon > [pIEtf,>:'mj -peron

porter > I po:'la'] -hamal


to pride oneself on






to recognize

to resign oneself to


second class

to·see to



single journey


slow train

to smuggle




to stay with







traveller's cheques





to wave




> I tu praid lIanself on]


> IrEbit]

> [rEk]

> [rEt]

> [ri fre~lllant ru:m]

> [tu rekagnaiz]

> l tu rizain uUllsclf tu J

> [ru:t]

> I>ck"nd kla:s]


> [sailant]

> [singlgl [ enJjinJ

> [sing1f'1I dja:rnij

> [sli:pin(gl ka:IJ

> [sbu trcin1

> Itu smagl]

> [spErau]

> [spaidi" I

> [sk""r"l]

> [tu stei lliD']

> [striktJ

> [s,,:tkeis]

> [tcikoi]

> [to:kativ]

> [timidl

> [trEnzirtl Enti k]

>[trEvl'l'z t,eks]

> [vcrtikl]



>( llospl

>ftLl tleiv]


>[ "u]l1

>[ "and"'Il]


-a se mandri eu

-coada, rand; a Sla la coada


-piasa pentru bagaje


- bufet

-a recunoa~te

- a se resemna eu/sa

- mta, traseu

-clasa a doua

-a se oeupa de, a se ingriji de

-lini~tit; tacut

-cu un singur motor (monomotor)

- cahltorie-dus

-vagon de dormit

-(tren) personal

-a face contrabanda

- vrabie



- a sta la, a ramane la

- strict, sever





- transatlantic

- cecuri de caliltorie


-vedere, priveli~te



-a face semn cu mana

- nevastuica


-minunat; superb