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Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

INFORMAȚII PERSONALE NUME Carmen-Eugenia COSTEA Telefon (+4) 0 742 945 891 E-mail; Naționalitate Română

POZIȚIA CURENTĂ: 2012 Oct. - prezent

Poziții internaționale academice și științifice:

● Prof.univ.dr. Universitatea Spiru Haret București ● Conducător de doctorat ASE București – Școala doctorală de Administrarea afacerilor Prof. dr. (DS86/1.06, Ord. MECTS /07. 2012, nr. 4628- 06.09.2004) Doctor în Economie. (Nr. 82 din 20.03.2000 Ord. MEN) în a) Economie – domeniul I (Ord. MECT 1071/15.05. 2007) - b) Administrarea Afacerilor – domeniul 2 (Ord. MECTC nr.5123- 6.9. 2010); ● Membru în CSUD ASE București ● Președinte Comisia de educație antreprenorială în Consiliul Național Consultativ SUERD ● Membru Comitetul de audit EURAS ● Președinte fondator la Alternative Sciences Association care promovează femeia ca om de știință și susține tinerii și persoanele cu dezabilități în activitățile lor științifice ● 2016 invited evaluator ENQA ● 2014 Lector la International School on European Leadership TEI Crete Grecia Julie EMRBI ● 2013 Lector la International Summer School de la Kaposvar University Ungaria (ACEU) ● 2009 Visiting Profesor - Open University London, Dept Design, Development, Environment & Materials, UK, ASSYST Fp7 Project and ETOILE (CA); ● 2008-2014 Visiting Profesor la Franța Business School Amiens – master în Management Internațional ● August 2008 Visiting Lecturer - National Cheng Chi University - NCCU Taipei, Taiwan Summer Program în Computational Social Sciences – Econofizică și complexitate; ● Oct. 2007 Visiting Lecturer UNAM Ciudad de Mexico, Mexic (Intelligent Business) ● 2002-2003 Visiting Researcher Universita di Salerno Italia, Globalisation and Privatisation /program internațional de master ERASMUS MUNDI – Economics and Complexity; ● 2001-2002 Visiting Scholar UWS Australia - Globalisation and Privatisation bursa prin competiție ARC Australia – ; ● CEFORA Director de studii onorific; ● Prof. univ.dr. și conducător de doctorat cu activitate la: UWS, Australia, UNAM Ciudad de Mexico, Mexic, Cheng Chi Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, INSEEC Paris și Franța Business School Amiens, Franța și în Romania la univ.: ASE București, Hyperion, Spiru Haret, George Bariţiu. Expert evaluator pt. programe științifice și educaționale: ● Viskumna Agentura Slovakia, ● ATINER, ● COST-ESF, ● UEFISCDI – PCCS ID CNCSIS, ● ANCS, ●CEEX, ● UNDP, ●CNMP, ● PN Ideas, ● AFFPA, ●EU PC7 ICT Call 3,Call 10, ●Office for Economic Policy & Regional , Development – Kielce, Polonia ● EPRD, UE – REGGIO, ●MIUR Italia - Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell' Università e della Ricerca , ● INTAS, Common Call Management of ERAfrica at GermONIAn Aerospace Agency (DLR) EVAL-INCO Federal


Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF), ● Trinity College Dublin – master program , ● International Research Office Università di Padova, for Code PISCN8FMXO; ● German Aerospace Agency (DLR) ERANETMED Membru în Registrul evaluatorilor ARACIS Evaluator și membru în boarduri editoriale și comitete științifice pt.: ● WES Survey group Ifo Institute, Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich ● peer-reviewer Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia ● membru COMPLEXIS 2016 Program Committee the 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems Reviewer Committee member The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT’2016) will be held on 1-3 June 2016, in Kraków,Poland. ● ICALT 2016 International Scientific Committee ● emrbi 2016 CHAIR ● reviewer 2016 Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods ● reviewer 2016 Academic Conferences & Publishing International ACPIL evaluator pt Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia ● reviewer Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing ●reviewer Journal of Security Study and Global Politics ● International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development ● International Symposium on “Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems” Dec 2015 Egipt; ● Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods ( ); ● Physica A/B, ●Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing EMERALD Journals, ● The Service Industries Journal, ● Euro Med Journal of Business Springer, ● BMRJ, ● Journal of Philosophical Economics ,● Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour în Emerging Markets / Membru în Advisory Board; Membru în comitete științifice ale conferințelor, în programe de conferințe și key(invited) speaker: ● Membru în ResearchLeap network ● Membru în Comitetul Tehnic de Program pt. 2016 Intl. Conf. in Business and Management China ● ESSA, ● ECEG2014, ●SCIECONF 2014 - membru pt. 5th World Congress on Social Simulation ● CSSSA & PAAA, ● ENEC, ● DYSES Argentina, ● SCIECONf. Slovacia, ; ● International Conference on Business, Management & Communication, ●ECCS'11, ● ESSA 2011, ● ESSA 2013, ●ICALT'2014, ● ICASS 2012, ● IEEE ICALT'2015, ● SOCIALSIMULATION2014, ● WCSS 2012: sub reviewer ,, Econophysics Quolloquium Membru EUMMAS

Cercetător asociat la Academia Română - IPE (din2005) AFFILIERI INTERNAȚIONALE:

EURAS Membru în comitetul director de audit Euro Mediterranean Institute of Research în Business EMRBI 2008, director pt. Romania World Economics Association – Membru /

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

Human Resources Management Academic Research Society Eurasian Club of Scientists Astana Kazahstan 2011 World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research - European Social Simulation Association Koblenz, Germania, 2008, ( European Society for Ecological Economics EU-RO CLEARING FUNDS 2011 Centre for Global Justice- Consiliul Național Consultativ SUERD – președintele comisiei de educație antreprenorială 2012 International Atlantic Economic Society 2009, Human Development and Capability Association UNDP 2008 Democratic Politic Institute -Politica e Democracia de Honduras 2008 Euro Science, Strasbourg, Franța, 2008, ( Complex Systems Society Paris, Franța, 2005, (

Gender Committee Chair și Membru în: Executive Council of Director Committee of ESC; Committee of education; Committee of Prize and Honour ( (2006-2012)

Alternative Sciences Association fondator 2007, Australasian Association of Heterodox Economists SHE co-fondator – Sydney, Australia, 2002

Principalele responsabilități

Contribuții la dezvoltarea și întărirea educației private ca parte a sistemului național de educație Dezvoltarea și implementarea inter- și crosdisciplinară, identificarea de noi oportunități de finanțare și implementarea proiectelor cu finanțarea europeană Susținerea femeilor și a tinerilor i în activitatea științifică și în ocuparea pozițiilor în top management .



Prof. univ.dr. USH și ASE (Comerț Internațional, Modele de globalizare, Afaceri inteligente, Economie mondială, Management pt. Afaceri, Management comercial)

Prorector USH cu responsabilități în relații internaționale, Conducător de doctorat și membru CSUD ASE București


ASE București Conducător de doctorat și director sau coordonator național pt. mai multe proiecte cu finanțare și internațională,

Prof. Management pentru afaceri (REI) Comerț International, Afaceri inteligente (Fac. de Comerț). Responsabil pt. cooperarea internațională ERASMUS cu INSEEC Paris Franța și Sup de Co Amiens /FBS, și ERASMUS

MUNDI (Univ.Hyperion, Univ. din Salerno și Univ.din Barcelona; 1995- 1997 Banca Agricolă – șef serviciu Marketing și Strategie bancară Doctorand și cadru didactic asociat la ASE București 1990 - 1995 Comisia Națională pentru Statistică Șef serviciu – Cooperare internațională 1986- 1990 Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României Consultant și operator de marketing pt.: - First Leader (UK) - HEFA Ab (Suedia) 1978- 1986 C.I.U.P.M.București economist principal 1976- 1978 Agenția de Import București economist stagiar

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

EDUCAȚIE ȘI INSTRUIRE 2013-2015 ASE București, Facultatea de REI Master program în Communication în English for Teaching and Research (Program în English) Diplomă de master 2010-2011 ASE București Managementul Educației la distanță curs post academic de specializare Certificat nr. 102 din 1.4. 2011 2009- 2010 ALERON Training Centre București Program de formare în Resurse Umane curs de specializare Certificat Nr. 28 din 02.06. 2010. 2008- 2009 Management Universitar ASE București curs post academic de specializare Certificat Nr. 587 din 18.06. 2009 2008- 2009 ASE București Pedagogie & Educație ASE București M 1 & 2 curs post academic de specializare Certificat Nr. 76 din 2.4. 2010, No 113 din 2.4. 2010. 2007- 2008 Univ.Hyperion București ( Program de master Geopolitică și Relații Internaționale Diplomă de master 2005 Univ. din Lyon, Franța Complex Studies - Models for Complex Systems în Human & Social Sciences Certificat 1998-1999 ASE București, Facultatea de Comerț Management comercial - curs post academic de specializare Diploma nr.12267 din 21.03.2000 1996-1999 ASE București Doctorat în Economie Teză: Protecția consumatorilor de produse și servicii financiar-bancare 1995-1997 Institutul Bancar Român București cursuri de PC Certificat. 1996 Institutul Bancar Român București, Banking Audit – curs de specializare Certificat. 1995 Institutul Bancar Român București, Banking Audit – curs de specializare în Banking Activity English Certificate în Legislation in Banking Activity 1993 - 1994 ASE București, Facultatea de REI Management, International Commercial and Banking Techniques curs post academic de specializare Diploma Nr. 157 din 20.01.1995 1985 - 1986 ASE București, Facultatea de Finanțe și Contabilitate, International Financial and Custom Policy

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

curs post academic de specializare Diploma Nr.747 din 06.05.1988 1976-1972 ASE București, Facultatea de Comerț licență Premii și evidențieri pentru activitatea publicistică ● 2015 Honour Diploma The Cultural European Romanian Panarabian Centre CCERPA ● 2013 Diploma Award of EMRBI Conference - Highly Commended Track Chair Award ● 2013 The FuturICT education accelerator J. Johnson, S. Buckingham Shum, A. Willis, S. Bishop, T. Zamenopoulos, S. Swithenby, R. MacKay, Y. Merali, A. Lorincz, C. Costea, P. Bourgine, J. Louçã, A. Kapenieks, P. Kelley, S. Caird, J. Bromley, R. Deakin Crick, C. Goldspink, P. Collet, A. Carbone, D. Helbing The European Physical Journal Special Topics The European Physical Journal Special Topics Nov. 2012, Vol. 214, Issue 1, pp 215-243 ●2013 Diplomăde excelență pentru rezultate de excelență în activitatea de cercetare științifică - centenarul ASE ●2012 A. Vasile, C. Costea, T. Viciu, An evolutionary game theory approach to market competition and cooperation, Advances Complex Systems, Vol. 16, DOI No: 10.1142/S0219525912500440 ASE and CNCS awards ●2012 Ambasador special al României pentru Regiunea Dunării House of Europe ● 2011 Diploma Eurolink House pentru excelență în cercetare și networking European în implementarea bunelor practice de business ● 2010 and 2007 Certificat și gradație pentru excelență în predare; ●2008 -2010 premiul CNCSIS de 200 Euro pt. publicații științifice în 2008 (Web of Science) ●2008 premiul CNCSIS de 1000 Euro ca autor ISI în 2008 (Web of Science) pt. Application of Tuncay's language teacher model to business customer relations în International Journal of Modern Physics C vol.19, no 2 (2008) 1-4 ●2008 premiul ASE București de 200 Euro ISI papers în 2008 (Web of Science) ●2008 premiul ASE București de 1000 Euro pt. publicații științifice în 2007 (Web of Science) ●2007 premiul ASE București de 1000 Euro pt. publicații științifice în 2006 (Web of Science) ●2007 Diplomă și medalia de argint 2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century 2006 IBC Cambridge UK ●2007 International Peace Award pt. Outstanding în Education of Youth United Cultural Convention N. Carolina SUA ●2006 and 2001 diplome de excelență Nicolae Georgescu Roegen în cercetare în 2005 and 2000 ALTE ABILITĂȚI LIMBI STRĂINE CUNOSCUTE


ABILILTĂȚI IT: Programe: Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Eviews, MathCAD, SPSS, Mathematica, Statistica, Axum, KyPlot, DataFit, Gretl, NCSS-PASS, RMSM-X (World Bank Model) etc. MAS COMPETENȚE ȘI CALIFICĂRI PRINCIPALE: Economie, Administrarea afacerilor , Management, Comerț internațional, Educație, Managementul riscului, Evaluare academică, Leadership, Antreprenoriat, Project Management, Dezvoltare personală , Comunicare, Evaluarea cercetării științifice. ALTE INFORMATII Who’s Who 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 European Society for Complexity Who’s Who 2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century 2007 a 4-a Ed Sara Rains, Melrose Press Ltd. Cambridge England Publ. în UK Antony Rowe Ltd. Bumper’s Farm Ind Estate Chippenham Wiltshire ISBN 1 903986 25 7


ARTICOLE ISI WEB OF SCIENCE ȘI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE: Angheluta Andrei, Mihoreanu Larisa, Costea Carmen, Stefanescu Alexandru, (2016), The Health System

Management In Countries With Financial Needs (CFN), 2016 The 9th Annual EuroMed Academy Of Business (ΕMAB) Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, Krakow, Poland ,

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

Sept.2016,, PUBLISHED IN Demetris Vrontis,Yaakov Weber, Evangelos Tsoukatos (ed), 2016 EMAB International Conf.Proceedings Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, EuroMed Press, , ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7, pp: 93-106.

Carmen Costea, Larisa Mihoreanu, Alexandru Stefanescu, (2016), The Medical Mentoring As A Potential Model Of Educational Integration In The European Management Innovation ), 2016 The 9th Annual EuroMed Academy Of Business (ΕMAB) Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, Krakow, Poland , Sept.2016,, PUBLISHED IN Demetris Vrontis,Yaakov Weber, Evangelos Tsoukatos (ed), 2016 EMAB International Conf.Proceedings Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, EuroMed Press, , ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7, pp:548-556.

Adrian Vasile, Valentin Saracin, Larisa Mihoreanu, (2016), Advances On How The Cross-Cultural Values Spring Through The Traditional Food Ethics, 2016 The 9th Annual EuroMed Academy Of Business (ΕMAB) Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, Krakow, Poland , Sept.2016,, PUBLISHED IN Demetris Vrontis,Yaakov Weber, Evangelos Tsoukatos (ed), 2016 EMAB International Conf.Proceedings Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, EuroMed Press,, ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7, pp:1210-1221.

Carmen Costea, Larisa Mihoreanu, (2016), Education – emerging countries’ drift in promoting market sustainability and people satisfaction, 2016 The 9th Annual Euromed Academy Of Business (ΕMAB) Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, Krakow, Poland , Sept.2016, PUBLISHED IN Demetris Vrontis,Yaakov Weber, Evangelos Tsoukatos (ed), 2016 EMAB International Conf.Proceedings Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, EuroMed Press, , ISBN: 978-9963-711-43-7, pp:556-571.

● (2014) A GENERALIZED LOTKA-VOLTERRA MODEL (GLVM) ADEQUACY OF A VOTING PROCESS Costea, Carmen; Balta, Cornel, Edited Vrontis, D; Weber, Y; Tsoukatos, E, Conference: 7th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business Location: Kristiansand, NORWAY SEP 18-19, 2014, Sponsor(s): EuroMed Acad Business; EuroMed Res Ctr; EuroMed Res Business Inst; EuroMed Journal Business Future Of Entrepreneurship Pag.: 2070-2074 Publ.: 2014 ● (2013) NEW NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION DATA ON SELECTED TRADITIONAL FOODS CONSUMED în BLACK SEA AREA COUNTRIES, Costa, HS (Costa, Helena S.) ; Albuquerque, TG (Albuquerque, Tania G.) ; Sanches-Silva, A (Sanches-Silva, Ana) ; Vasilopoulou, E (Vasilopoulou, Effie); Trichopoulou, A (Trichopoulou, Antonia); D'Antuono, LF (D'Antuono, L. Filippo); Alexieva, I (Alexieva, Iordanka); Boyko, N (Boyko, Nadiya); Costea, C (Costea, Carmen); Fedosova, K (Fedosova, Katerina), Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture,Vol.: 93, Issue: 14,Pag.: 3524-3534,Special Issue: SI,,DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6192,Publ.: NOV 2013 ● (2013) TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM THE BLACK SEA REGION AS A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF MINERALS, Albuquerque, Tania G.; Costa, Helena S.; Sanches-Silva, Ana; Costea,C et al., Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture Vol.: 93 Issue: 14 Special Issue: și Pag.: 3535-3544 Publ.: NOV 2013 ● (2013) CAROTENOIDS, VITAMINS (A, B-2, C AND E) AND TOTAL FOLATE OF TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM BLACK SEA AREA COUNTRIES, Sanches-Silva, Ana; Albuquerque, Tania G.; Finglas, Paul; Costea,C., et al. Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture Vol.: 93 Issue: 14 Special Issue: și Pag.: 3545-3557 Publ.: NOV 2013 ● (2013) STATE OF ART ABOUT THE TRADITIONAL, UNIDIRECTIONAL INTERRELATION AMONG CONSUMPTION PATTERN AND SOCIETAL AND CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT, Bondrea, Aurelian; Costea, Carmen-Eugenia, Edited Vrontis, D; Weber, Y; Tsoukatos, E, Conference: 6th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business Location: Cascais, PORTUGAL SEP 23-24, 2013, Sponsor(s): EuroMed Acad Business, Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges Through Management Innovation Pag.: 2573-2576 Publ.: 2013 ● (2013) BEYOND THE LIMITS OF CRISIS, Ionescu, Eduard; Costea, Carmen, Edited Vrontis, D; Weber, Y; Tsoukatos, E,Conference: 6th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business Location: Cascais, PORTUGAL SEP 23-24, 2013, Sponsor(s): EuroMed Acad Business,Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges Through Management Innovation Pag.: 2657-2662 Publ.: 2013 (2013) THE MAS MODELS USE - AN IMPERATIVE APPROACH TO BUILD A NEW ECONOMIC PARADIGM C. Costea, D.Tampu în StudFuzz 305, A.G.S. Ventre, A. Maturo, S. Hoskova-Maierova, J. Kacprzyk (Eds), Multicriteria and Multiagent Decision Making with Applications to Economics and Social Sciences Editors, Springer vol.35.1, Pp. 7-84 Series Ed.: Kacprzyk, Janusz ISSN: 1434-9922 USH ISSN 1434-9922 ISSN 1860-0808 (electronic);ISBN 978-3-642-35634-6 ISBN 978-3-642-35635-3 (eBook); DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35635-3, p 77 ● (2013) CAROTENOIDS OF TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM BLACK SEA AREA COUNTRIES AND THEIR RELATION WITH IMMUNE RESPONSE, Sanches-Silva, A.; Albuquerque, T. G.; Finglas, P.; et al. Proceedings Of The Nutrition Society Vol.: 72 Issue: OCE1 Pag.: E47-E47 Publ.: 2013 ● (2012) THE FUTURICT EDUCATION ACCELERATOR, Johnson, J.; Shum, S. Buckingham; Willis, A, Costa,C et al.EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS Vol.: 214 Issue: 1 Pag.: 215-243 Publ.: NOV 2012

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

● (2012) AN EVOLUTIONARY GAME THEORY APPROACH TO MARKET COMPETITION AND COOPERATION, Vasile, Adrian; Costea, Carmen Eugenia; Viciu, Tania Georgia, Advances in Complex Systems Vol.: 15 Supplement: 1 Article Number: 1250044 Publ.: Jun. 2012 ● (2012) TOWARDS A NEW BUSINESS MODEL în THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Chiru, Codrin; Costea, Carmen; Chiru, Lina Edited Kaynak, E; Harcar, TD, Conference: 21st World Business Congress Location: Haaga Helia Univ Appl Sci, Helsinki, Finlanda Joule. 04-08, 2012, Global Competitiveness În A Time Of Economic Uncertainty And Social Change: Current Issues And Future Expectations Book Series: Advances în Global Management Development Vol.: 21 Pag.: 32-39 Publ.: 2012 ● (2012) THE RELEVANCE OF EDUCATION AS A CAPITAL ASSET FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: REFERENCES TO THE ROMANIAN SITUATION, Costea Carmen, Cismas Laura, Libardea-Vlăducă Laura, , în Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 46, 2012, Pp. 3582–3587, Ed.Gülsün A. Baskan, Fezile Ozdamli, Sezer Kanbul and Deniz Özcan, 4th WCES 02-05 Febr. 2012 Barcelona, Spania ● (2012) YOUNG CONSUMERS' ATTITUDES AND PURCHASING INTENTIONS TOWARDS ECO-FOOD, Costea, Carmen; Chiru, Codrin, Ed.: Hu, J, Conference: 2nd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2012)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia FEB 01-02, 2012 2012 2nd International Conference On Applied Social Science (ICASS 2012), Vol 1 Page: 510-516 Publ.: 2012 ● (2011) THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN TRAP AND GLOBALIZATION MIRAGE, Stanciu, Miltiade; Costea, Carmen,Edited Soliman, KS,Conference: 16th International-Business-Information-Management-Association Conference Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jun. 29-30, 2011,Sponsor(s): Int Business Informat Management Assoc INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: A GLOBAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, VOLS 1-4 Pag.: 1729-1737 Publ.: 2011 ● (2010) BUYING BETTER FOR YOUR MONEY: THE SMART BUYER'S DECALOGUE, Costea, Carmen; Libardea-Vladuca, Laura, Amfiteatru Economic Vol.: 12 Issue: 28 Pag.: 519-529 Publ.: JUN 2010 ● (2010) MANAGING POLITICS UNDER CRISIS TIMES: FROM REVEALED PROBLEMS TO COMPLEX SOLUTIONS, Costea, Carmen; Stanciu, Miltiade, Edited Vrontis, D; Weber, Y; Kaufmann, HR; et al., Conference: 3rd Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business Location: Univ Nicosia, Nicosia, CYPRUS NOV 04-05, 2010, Sponsor(s): EuroMed Acad Business; Cyprus Tourism Org; MTN; 3rd Annual Euromed Conference Of The Euromed Academy Of Business: Business Developments Across Countries And Cultures Pag.: 1332-1333 Publ.: 2010 ● (2009) EXPLORING CREATIVELY THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - AS AN INTELLIGENT SOLUTION în IMPROVING THE LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERS în CRISIS Angheluta, Andrei; Costea, Carmen, Ed.Vrontis, D; Weber, Y; Kaufmann, R; et al., Conference: 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business Location: Univ Salerno, Salerno, Italia Oct. 26-28, 2009, Sponsor(s): EuroMed Acad Business, Managerial And Entrepreneurial Developments in The Mediterranean Area Pag.: 1978-1978 Publ.: 2009 (2009) ROMANIA în A POST-CREDIT CRUNCH WORLD? A CAUTIONARY TALE FROM AUSTRALIA AND AMERICA , Costea, Carmen; Keen, Steve, Romanian Journal Of Economic Forecasting Vol.: 10 Issue: 1 Pag.: 16-35 Publ.: 2009 (2008) APPLICATION OF TUNCAY'S LANGUAGE TEACHER MODEL TO BUSINESS-CUSTOMER RELATIONS, Costea, Carmen, International Journal Of Modern Physics C Vol.: 19 Issue: 2 Pag.: 267-270 Publ.: FEB 2008 (2008) COMPLEXITY: NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR UNDERSTANDING CONSUMPTION - art. no. 680219, Costea, Carmen, Edited Abbott, D; Aste, T; Batchelor, M; et al. Conference: Conference on Complex Systems II Location: Canberra, AUSTRALIA DEC 05-07, 2007,Sponsor(s): SPIE; Australian Natl Univ; Australian Res Council Nantechnol Network; COSNET ARC Complex Open Syst Res Network; CUDOS; RPO; Bandwidth Foundry, COMPLEX SYSTEMS II Book Series: Proceedings Of The Society Of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Spie) Vol.: 6802 Pag.: 80219-80219 Publ.: 2008 (2008) ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION în THE SERVICE OF HUMAN AUTO-GOVERNING Costea, C & Al în Metalurgia International 9/2008, SJR Pp. 87-94 (2008) TALKING ON FOOD AND CONSUMPTION în A PROFIT LANGUAGE, Costea, Carmen, Edited Curic, D,Conference: 4th Central European Congress of Food/6th Croatian Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists Location: Cavtat, Croația, Mai 15-17, 2008, Sponsor(s): Soc Food Technologists, Biotechnologists & Nutritionists; Univ Zagreb, Fac Tood Technol & biotechnol; Int Inst Refrigerat; European Federat Food Sci & Technol; European Assoc Chem & Mol Sci, Div Food Chem; European Soc Agr Engineers, Proceedings Of The 2008 Joint Central European Congress, Vol 2 Pag.: 427-437 Publ.: 2008 (2006) COMMENTS ON THE USE OF NETWORK STRUCTURES TO ANALYSE COMMERCIAL COMPANIES' EVOLUTION AND THEIR IMPACT ON ECONOMIC BEHAVIOUR, Costea, Carmen, Conference: International Econophysics Colloquium Location: Canberra, AUSTRALIA NOV 14-18, 2005, Sponsor(s): COSNet; ARC Complex Open Syst Res Network; ANU, Appl Math; Ctr Biomed Engn; Univ Adelaide; Univ Studi Piemonte Orientale, Dipartimento Sci & Tecnol Avanzate; Natl Inst Phys Sci; Natl Inst Econ & Business; ANU, Res Sch Phys Sci; Australian Natl Univ, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications Vol.: 370 Issue: 1 Pag.: 140-144 Publ.: OCT 1 2006

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

ARTICOLES ÎN BAZE DE DATE INTERNAȚIONALE: Larisa Mihoreanu, Carmen Costea, Alexandru Stefanescu, (2016), The Healthcare System And The Hidden Traps Of Its Logistics, Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 2016, 19 BDI: ProQuest, Doaj,RePeC, EconBiz, ErichPlus, Sherpa/RMeo, Academic Resource Index, Gale Directory Library, BASE, UlrichsWEB Global Serials Directory, Cornell University, WorldCat, JournalTOCs Scholar Google, CZ3 Electronic Journals Library, Illinois I, Together We Reach the Goal, PKP, Environmental Science Journals, Natural Science Journals, SciTech Journals, Illustrata: Natural Science; ISSN-L:2285-5642; ISSN:2285-5642; Vol. 5(2), pp.67-78; Adrian Vasile, Larisa Mihoreanu, Adrian Vasile, Carmen Costea, (2016), Advances On How To Strengthen The Peace Within The Black Sea Region, Annals of Spiru Haret University – Economics Series, 2016, 4 BDI: RePeC, Ideas, SSRN, Road, Scholar Google Vol.7/16 (2), 2016, ISSN: 2393-1795, ISSN-L:2068-6900; pp:102-109 Carmen Costea, Larisa Mihoreanu, Adrian Vasile, Alexandru Stefanescu, (2016), Towards 2030 And More: Designing A Sustainable Future, Annals of Spiru Haret University – Economics Series, 2016, 4 BDI: RePeC, Ideas, SSRN, Road, Scholar Google, Vol.7/16 (2), 2016, ISSN: 2393-1795, ISSN-L:2068-6900; pp:110-119; (2016) Viciu, Mihoreanu,Costea, An Essay on the Applicability of the Linder Hypothesis in Determining the Patterns of the Romanian International Trade Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People Volume 5, Issue 1, 2016 URL: e-mail: 52 (2014)Tania Georgia Viciu , Antoniu Ovidiu Balint,Carmen Eugenia Costea, Quality of life: a multifaceted approach. A review of 'Measuring Equitable and Sustainable Well-being în Italia' Quality of life: a multifaceted approach. A review of 'Measuring Equitable and Sustainable Well-being în Italia' by Enrico Giovannini and Tommaso Rondinella, Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People. Vol.3,No.1 (Mar),Pp. 5-10 (2014) Eduard Ionescu, Carmen Costea, Beyond the Limits of Crisis, Global economic Observer No. 2, Vol.1/2013 :152-155 /20http://Www.Globeco.Ro/Wp-Content/Uploads/Vol/GEO_No_2_Vol_1.Pdf#Page=15 ISSN 2343-9742; ISSN-L 2343-9742;ISSN(ONLINE) 2343-9750 (2014) Bondrea, Mihoreanu, Costea, Viciu, Emerging from Crisis with New Approaches to Science of Society WREMSD BDI Special issue (2013) A.Vasile, C.COSTEADeveloping a sustainable future by identifying and understanding the limitations of the past USH Annals on Economics accepted for publication ● (2013) A.Vasile, O.Balint, C.COSTEAAn inquiry into the characteristics, applicability and prerequisite of intelligent management solutions 2013 IECS ISI Proc Revista Economica 65:6 (2013)● (2013) D.Tampu, C.Costea, Why society is a complex problem? A review of Philip Ball's book: Meeting Twenty first Century Challenges with a New Kind of Science, Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People,Vol 2, Issue 1,ISSN 2285 – 3642,ISSN-L = 2285 – 3642 ● (2013) L.Libardea, D.Tampu, C.Costea, Approach of consequences of increasing taxation în Romania from benefits to collateral effects, Revista economica Supplement No. 1/2012,Journal of economic-financial theory and practice 412-421 ISSN 1582-6260 ● (2012) D.Tampu, C.Costea,"A Concerning View în The Liquidity Crisis Through The Game Theory," REBR, Journal of Information Systems, Romanian-American University, vol. 6(1), Pag. 175-184, Mai ISSN 1843-4711 ● (2012) Viciu, T.G.; Vasile. A.; Costea, C.E. „A new appraisal of the relationship between economic growth and the economic structure”, Journal of Information Systems and Operations Management, Vol. 6.1, p. 10-18. ISSN 1843-4711 ● (2011) Proto, Araceli N. & Costea, Carmen, "MAS Approach To Political Prospection and Alliance Analysis," Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series, USH, vol. 2(1), pp. 73-80. ● (2011) A., Vasile; C. E., Costea; T, G., Viciu A Game’s Theory Perception on Interstate Cooperation: Trade Incentives în the Black Sea Region and The Implications For Romania”, Journal of Information Systems and Operations Management, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, pp 237-247 ISSN 1843-4711. ● (2011) Costea,C; Varga, A; Cinatti F. How Transnational Companies Are affected by Globalisation International Journal of Management Cases, Special Issue: CIRCLE Conf., pp. 286-290(5) Publisher: Access Press UK în association with GSE ● (2011) Libardea, Tampu, Costea,The economic recession, the everlasting bridge to the informal economy, Ovidius Annals Economic Sciences Series, 11,, ISSN 1582-9383 ● (2011) Carmen, E., Costea, Adrian, Vasile, Assessing the incentives for peace în the Black Sea Region, în EURO-PHORUM IGWT Austria, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Sp.Issue1/p. 29-34 ISSN 1810-7028; ● (2011) A., Angheluta, C.Costea, Sustainable go-green logistics solutions for Istanbul metropolis. Transport Problems Journal 6 (2): 59-70. ● (2011) Viciu, T.G.; Vasile. A.; Costea, C.E. „An inquiry into quality of life: measurements and implications for the Romanian economy”, 19th International Economic Conference – IECS 2012 „The persistence of the global economic crisis: causes, implications, solutions” Proc. p.1149-1158 ISSN 978-606-12-0323-9

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

● (2011) Vasile, A. Viciu, T.G. Costea, C. Business development through innovation and research, 19th Intl Economic Conference – IECS Proc. „The persistence of the global economic crisis: causes, implications, solutions”, ISSN 978-606-12-0323-9 pp.620-624 ● (2011) Viciu, T.G.; Costea, C.E.; Vasile, A. „Quality of life indicators from illusive concepts to tangible resources”, „COST MP0801 - Final Annual meeting, management committee meeting and action review” ● (2011) Enache, C.; Costea, C.E. “Households sector risks to financial stability în Romania” „COST MP0801 - Final Annual meeting, management committee meeting and action review” Proc. ● (2011) Costea, C., and A. Angheluta, “Contributions to the development of e-logistics as a smart process.” International Journal - Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems JDYSES 2 (1): 63–80. . ● (2011) Costea, C., G.Ungureanu, A.Varga, Could the corporations become engines for international cooperation? ECO-TREND, Economics and Globalisation, Tg Jiu, The Intl Sc. Conf.Proc., RePeC, Ed Academica Brancusi, ISBN 978-973-144-409-3, pp.24-31 Costea, C., Libardea Vladuca L., The long way to Sound Development / Spirala dezvoltarii sanatoase Analele Univ Tg Jiu after Intl Conf. Knowledge and Communication under Globalization Tg.Jiu 29-30.04. 2010, http://Www.Utgjiu.Ro/Fse_New/Ecotrend_ 2010/PROGRAMME.Htm, Magazine of/ec/pdf/ 2011-01/5_CARMEN_COSTEA.pdf ● (2010) Angheluta, A., Costea C., Utilization of e-Logistics în multinational companies to overcome difficulties of today’s economic environment, Management Marketing, ISSN 1842-0206 Vol 5 nr 1 Cabell’s, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Publishing, RePec[22]=en&var[1]=1&var[3]= 2010 2010i1n6.html, ISSN 1842-0206;[22]=ro&var[0]=autori&var[1]=Carmen%20COSTEA&var[2]=177 ● (2010) Costea, C., et al, Breaking traditional performance; contribution on development of e-logistics as a corporate smart process în Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems International Journal Buenos Aires ISSN 1852-379X ● (2009) Costea, C., Coping with Robust Development: Contribution to Lengthen Life & Pleasure ECTAP, vol. 11(540), nr.11(540), pp 15-26 Commerce Review, RePEC IDEA ISSN 1841-8648 2009i11(540)p15-26.html ● (2009) Costea, C The crisis under crisis: An alphabetic dilemma European Research Studies Journal, EBSCO, SCOPUS ISSN 1474-90 ● (2009) Costea, C et al, As a Pattern of a Healthy Univ. Organization ESRJ Vol. XII, Issue (3) 2009, pp 101-118, RePec, EBSCO, EconLit, SCOPUS ISSN 1474-90 2009i3p101-118.html ● (2009) Costea, C., Anticipating Leadership for Managers and Consumers Theoretical and Applied Economics RePEC IDEA în Anticipating Leadership for Managers and Consumers at Leadership, Change and Communication în Emerging Markets în International Workshop Curtea de Arges Mai ISSN 1841-8678 (ed print) and ISSN 1844-0029 (ed online) Suppl. ECTAP 2009, B+ ● (2009) Costea, C., The impact of inequality în rebranding Romania Annals of Univ Spiru Haret (C) Economics, year 7.8 ISSN 1582-8336 ● (2008) C. Costea et al, Being Proactive Versus Reactive; The Solution of Self-Government Integrarea Europeana-noi provocari pentru economia Romaniei”, Ed.IV Jean Monnet - „European Economic Integration” & „International Trade and European Trade Policy”, AFER, CCCDD and AGER Mai, Oradea). The Journal of the Faculty of Economics - Economic.Tom XVII/ 2008, Vol. 2 Economy and Business Administration, RePEC, IDEA, SCOPUS, ISSN 1582- 5450 2008i1p77-82.html ● (2007) Costea, C., Popescu C-tin, Tasnadi A., Badea L., Stanciu M., Sanatatea organizatiei universitare din perspectiva Intregului viu, ECTAP HTTP://WWW.ECTAP.RO/ARTICOL.PHP?VER=RO&ID=255&RID=30 ● (2007) Costea, C., Understanding Econophysics: A Comment On Platen’s Portfolio Selection And Asset Pricing Under A Bench Approach Hyperion Intl Journal of Econophysics and New Economy vol. 1 no. 2 ● (2007) Costea, C., Popescu C-tin, Tasnadi A., Badea L., Stanciu M., The Health of the Academic Organization from the Point of View of the Common Living Entity, Theoretical and Applied Economics Commerce Review, no. 10(515)/Oct; RePEC IDEA ISSN 1841-8648 ● (2007) C Popescu, I Rosca, V Lefter, C Costea, A Tasnadi, M Stanciu, L Nutu, The Complexity of the Living Entity - A New Paradigm European Research Studies Journal,Vol.XI, Issue (3-4) pp 3-19 EBSCO, SCOPUS ISSN 1474-90 2007i3-4p3-18.html

CĂRȚI. CAPITOLE ÎN CĂRȚI, CD-URI ● (2016) C.COSTEA Mozaicuri culturale de antropologie gastronomica Ed ASE Bucuresti ● ((2015) C.COSTEA, Antropologia patrimoniului gastronomic – note de curs pentru proiectul CLIO Valorizarea patrimoniului național ● (2015) C.COSTEA(coord), Manager de inovare note de curs pentru proiectul CLIO Valorizarea patrimoniului național ● (2015) Larisa Mihoreanu Andrei Angheluta Aurelian A. Bondrea Carmen Costea Mind The Gap! – How Innovation Can Reduce Gender Salary Variations în Helena de Sina, Carmen Costea (editors) în WOMEN'S VOICES în

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016


● (2015) L.Mihoreanu, Rodica Pamfilie, A.Angheluta, C.Costea, Engineering An Innovative Management Systems: Accomplishments And Challenges în Demetris Vrontis, Evangeloc Tsoukatos, Amedeo Maizza, INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES ON CONFRONTING CNTEMPORARY CHALLENGES,Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, ISBN (10): 1-4428-7245-8; ISBN(13): 978-1-4438-7245-4 Http://Www.Amazon.Com/Innovative-Management-Perspectives-Confronting-Contemporary/Dp/1443872458/Ref=Sr_1_1?Ie=Utf8&Qid=1442817873&Sr=8-1&Keywords=Vrontis#Reader_1443872458 ● (2014) C.Costea, A.Bondrea, BaSeFood - a European way for blossoming the international cooperation inside the universities, Raportul cercetarii în ASE, DCE, ED. ASE ● (2013) EACEA David Koczj (rapp) Saving Europe’s Lost Generation Report on the High Level European Policy Summit co-organised by Friends of Europe and De bating Europe în association with the Irish Presidency of Council of the EU 2013 with the Support of Eurofund and with media partner Europe’s World ● (2013) C.Costea, D.Tampu The MAS models use - an imperative approach to build a new economic paradigm în StudFuzz 305, A.G.S. Ventre, A. Maturo, S. Hoskova-Maierova, J. Kacprzyk (Eds), Multicriteria and Multiagent Decision Making with Applications to Economics and Social Sciences Editors, Springer, vol.35.1, pp77-84-6 ISBN 978-3-642-35634-6 ● (2013) C.Costea, D.TampuM.Toma, The very hungry caterpillar:a dark lesson of crisis în L.D.Ilincuta, CCDMCIG Management Accounting and Management Information Systems MAMIS2013, Criza economiei sau economia de criza Oportunitati și provocari ale pietei romanesti, Ed Universitara București p.64-71 ● (2012) C.Costea, A.Stroia, S.Rascu, A, Ungureanu A.Vasile, Report on the awareness, knowledge, acceptance and expectations of Romanian migrants în Western Europe and immigrants în Romania în A.Berardineli, L.D'Antuono (ed), Basefood ISBN ● (2012) Costea, C.(coord) 2012, Romania asa cum este Ed ASE/Curtea Veche București ● (2011) Andrei Angheluta, C.Costea, Creative solutions for reducing the gender gaps Vienna IGWT EURO-PHORUM IGWT Austria, Vienna University Of Economics and Business Administration; ● (2011) C.Costea, A.Stroia, IC. Chiru, (A.Thricopoulou) Flow Charts on the preparation procedure of the composite traditional foods accompanied if possible by audiovisual material Hellenic Health Foundation, Greece ● (2011) Adrian Vasile C.Costea, The Relation Between Trade And Conflict, A Factor Of Stability în The Black Sea Region EURO-PHORUM IGWT Austria, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration; ● (2011) Costea, C., Stroia, A., (Coord), Invata de toate, Ed. ASE, București, 100 pp. ISBN 978-606-505-390-8; ● (2011) Costea, C., Chiru,C., Rethinking partnership în Biz coaching based education în Respiritualization and Holism în Interpreting Human Beings Behaviour Vol. bilingual CEFS, Ed Fd. Romania de Maine ISBN 978-973-63-590-3 ● (2010) Costea, C., Popescu, C., Tasnadi, (Coord) et al, Criza e în NOI, ASE, București, 500 pp. ISBN 978-606-505-383-0 ● (2010) Costea, C., Stanciu, M., Managing Politics Under Crisis Times: From The Magazine of Real Problems To Complex Solutions în Business, Developments Across Countries And Cultures, Conf Reading proc., Euromed Research Journal EuroMed Press Pp. 1335 ISBN 978-9963-634-83-5 ● (2010) Costea, C., et al, Complexitatea Intregului Viu Studiu de caz: Sănătatea Organizatiei Universitare in: Idei, Parteneriate, Mediu de Afaceri, Proiecte Internationale -Rezultate obtinute în cadrul temelor finantate în trim III 2009, vol.Cercetarea stiintifica în ASE din București, Ed ASE, București, pp.15-54, ISBN 978-606-505-288-8 ● (2009) Costea, C., Bulinski, M., Popescu, C., Tasnadi, A., Econophysics and Complexity: Business and Management via Complexity - teaching support CD Ed Universitatii București ISBN 978-973-737- ● (2009) Costea, C.,(Coord) et al - Saseanu, Angheluta, Stanciu, Maruntelu, Varga, Economia Comertului Intern și International - Aplicatii practice vol.2 Ed. Uranus, București, ISBN 978-973-7765-73-4 ● (2009) Costea, C., (Coord) & Saseanu, A., Economia Comertului Intern și International Ed. Uranus București vol.1 ISBN 978-973-794-666 ● (2009) Costea, C The health of the academic living entity - Ideas and Human resources- în vol. Scientific Research în ASE București în 2007 Ed. ASE București ISBN 978-606-505-037-2 ● (2009) Costea, C et al, Re-spiritualization of Economic Education from the point of view of the Fulfilment of Human Life în chapt. Challenges to Mainstream Economics and Higher Education sector în vol. Globalization and Higher education în economics and Business Administration Ed. Universitatii A.I.Cuza Iasi ISBN 9789737034113 ● (2008) Costea, C Complexitatea intregului viu Studiu de caz: sanatatea organizatiei universitare în vol. xxx ASE DCE Cercetarea Stiintifica în ASE din București Ed ASE București 2007 ISBN 9786065050372 and ISBN number: 978-606-505-234-5 CD 4th ASECU Intl Conf.: Development: Cooperation and Competitiveness ASE ● (2008) Costea, C., et al, Complexitatea intregului viu – rezultate în Cercetarea Stiintifica în ASE Rezultate obtinute în cadrul temelor finantate prin Programele Idei și Resurse Umane, Ed ASE, București, pp.7 ISBN 978-606-505-161-4, 978-606-505-230-7 ● (2008) Costea, C., Talking on food and consumption în a profit language CEEFOOD Proceedings on the 2008 Joint Central European Congress Croatian Chamber of Economy Rooseveltov trg, 3 GIPA. Zagreb, vol. 2 p.429-437, ISBN 9789536207886

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

● (2008) Costea, C., & Bulinski M. (editors) Econophysics and Complexity – teaching support (Ed 2008) Adding value beyond training and mentoring Universitatii Publishing House București CD ISBN 978-973-737-531-5 ● (2007) (Costea Carmen (coord), Popescu Ctin, Tasnadi Alex editor Bulinski, M., Identity versus Diversity Essays on the complexity of the living entity Universitatii Publishing House București (HOJO) ISBN 978-973-737-408-0 ● (2007) Costea Carmen et al (co-editor) Econophysics and Complexity – teaching support (Ed 2007 Paltinis) Science and education în a world of diversity: applications to the knowledge-based society CD Universitatii Publishing House București CD ISBN 978-973-594-737-3 ● (2007) Stanciulescu, G., Costea C., Economia comertului și turismului suport de curs CD Ed ASE București; ISBN 978-973-594-927-3 ● (2007) Costea, C., (coord) Economia comerciala suport de curs - Ed ASE București; ISBN 978-973-594-913-6 ● (2007) Costea, C., Management for doing business Teaching support for REI CD în English Ed ASE București; ISBN 978-973-594-912-9 ● (2006) Costea, C.,(coord) Alternative sciences bridging education, research and economics -teaching support (Ed 2006 Sinaia) CD Ed.Universitatii, București, ISBN 973-737204-2 ● (2006) Visean M, (coord) Commerce and Competitiveness (Commercial Resources Development, New approaches în Corporate social responsibility) p. 329 Ed ASE București; ISBN 973- 594-756-0 ● (2006) Tachiciu,L., (coord) Commerce and Competitiveness (Coordination of commercial policies within the EU integration, Globalization vs. Marketisation în a complex world) p. 51 Ed ASE București; ISBN 973- 594-755-2 ● (2005) Costea, C, (coord) Econophysics and Complexity (teaching support în English (Ed.2005,Navodari) CD Research of excellence between philosophical dreams and real applications Univ. Publishing House, București, ISBN 973-737-079-1 ● (2005) Costea, C Doing business, teaching support for REI ASE București (English language) ISBN 973-594-621-1 ● (2005) Costea, C, (2005) Afaceri comerciale abordari moderne Ed ALL Beck, 2nd Ed. C.H. Beck București ISBN 973-655-694-8 ● (2004) Costea, C, Firma de comert în economia de piata Ed.Uranus, București ISBN 973-9021-98-0 ● (2002) Costea, C, Patriche, D., Administrarea afacerilor Ed Uranus, București ISBN 973-9021-63-8 ● (2001) Costea, C, Comertul de gros și comertul cu amanuntul: mutatii, strategii, tendinte Ed. Uranus, București ISBN 973-9021-51-4 ● (2001) Costea, C, Probleme actuale privind tranzactiile în comert, OMNIA S A Univ. G Baritiu, Brasov ISBN 973-9478-57-3 ● (2000) Costea, C, Tranzactii comerciale pe credit, Forum Consulting partners, București (rec. în T.Econ., No 44/2000) ISBN 973-99218-2-5 ● (2000) Costea, C, Protectia consumatorului de produse și servicii financiar-bancare Uranus, București ( T.Econ, No 27/2000) ISBN 973-9021-41-7 ● (2000) Costea, C, et al Commercial Economics, Fundamentals of Commerce: tests for tutorials and graduation exams, Forum Consulting Partners București ISBN 973-99218-1-7 ● (2001) Costea, C, et al Commerce and Development, Europa Nova, București ISBN 973-9183-89-11 ● (1999) Costea, C, Commerce and Marketing, Romania de Maine, București ISBN 973-582-116-8 ● (1998) Costea, C, et al Protection of Consumers, Monitorul Oficial, București ● (1991) Costea, C, et al The Little Statistical Multilingual Dictionary, EUROSTAT/CNS, Luxembourg / București

TALKS GIVEN AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS 2015 ● ICBE Economics And Business Directions And Actions For Building A Creative Economy Constanta Mai Mihoreanu, Bondrea,Costea, Advances în education: Promoting Satisfaction by Creative Knowledge Transfer 2014 ● 7th Annual Intl Conf.EMRBI Estoril, Portugalia,Sept ● Annual International Conference of University Women București – Rethinking Education ● Transnational Education and Cultural Effects EURAS Dubai Mai ●14th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2014 HTTP://ACADEMIC-CONFERENCES.ORG/ECEG/ECEG2014/ECEG14-HOME.HTM ● 4th Intl Conf.on Law and Social Order Constanta, apr. Societal Consequences of Para-Networking Influences under Crisis ● What’s New în Brussels Seminar ACA about Erasmus + and Horizon 2020 Brussels Jan.2014 ●14th European Conference on eGovernment – eceg 2014 2013 Conferinta Speciala de transfer de bune practici, imbunatatirea bancabilitatii proeictelor majore de investitii: un nou angajament solidar pentru aplicarea strategiei Dunarii Univ.LUMINA Nov. Conference of Transpersonal Physchology and Annual European Conference of Transpersonal Psychology Association /Conferinţa Nationala de Psihologie Transpersonală și a Conferinţei Anuale a Asociației Europene de Psihologie Transpersonală / Oct. Conf. ARPT & ETPA USH București 19-20 Oct.

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

Program Operational Sectorial Cresterea Competitivităţii Economice Investiţii pentru Viitorul Dv. Sistem de eEducatie pentru evaluarea calitatii în invatamantul superior din Romania (SeECIS) ARACIS - cofunded by European Fund of Regional Development - Membru în the target group SNSPA cod SMIS 38699` Investeste în Oameni FSE TICFIN POSDRU/81/3/2/S/53966 Sept 2013 IBR București UNICA RECTORS Seminar 125th Anniv Sofia Univ. Sofia, Bulgaria Sept. 2013 EMRBI Estoril Sept

- C.Costea, A Bondrea State Of Art About The Traditional, Unidirectional Interrelation Among Consumption Pattern And Societal And Corporate Development

- C.COSTEABeyond the limits of crisis Education - an emerging countries’ facilitator în promoting people satisfaction and sustaining development la International Seminar în Business, Management & Environment - a comprehensive study în Asian Economy Bali Jakarta, Oct ; Building Sustainable and Effective regional Cooperation Black Sea NGO Forum 6th ed. 4-6 Sept. Hotel Pullman București Opportunities of projects of investments supported by EU under EUSDR the Green Path to a blue growth IBR 23-24 Mai (Kurt Puchinger Vienna) European Summit on the Lost generation of Europe, Competence deficit and the Reduction of the Labour Force în the European Union: Quo Vadis Education: the private/public academic partnership – the accelerator of reviving the labour market and match making between aspirations and needs – EDP the friends of Europe, Mai, Brussels Generation.aspx The Blue Danube Going Green/Oportunitati de proiecte de investitii sprijinite de Strategia UE pentru Regiunea Dunarii - Calea Verde spre o crestere albastra IBR 23-24 Mai 2013 (Kurt Puchinger Viena) 2012 ●Building the Danube Knowledge Alliance; Setting Milestones în the Strategy: Science and Technology to support Macro-Regional Development Steinbeis-Baden-Wurttemberg Nov. ●1ST EUDSR Annual Forum: How Can The Danube Help Build A More Vcompetitive Europe? Thurn Und Taxis Regensburg Germany Nov. ●The 3rd ACEU Congress (Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities) USH București Nov. ● WCES Barcelona Costea, Libardea, Cismas The Relevance of Education as a Capital Asset for Economic Development: References to the Romanian Situation; ●Costea, Libardea, Cismas The Relevance of Education as a Capital Asset for Economic Development: References to the Romanian Situation COST Galway Physics of Competition and Conflicts ● A., Vasile; C. Costea; T, Viciu A Games Theory Perception on Interstate Cooperation: Trade Incentives în The Black Sea Region & The Implications For Romania IGWT Rome: Vasile, A. Costea, C.E., Tampu, D.L., Viciu, T.G. 2012. The perception on traditional foods and ingredients: Evidence from young consumers în Romania. IGWT Conference Proceedings, Rome 2012. Tampu, D., Libardea, L., Costea, C. 2012. Impact of globalisation on traditional food, health and ethic în Romania. Technology and Innovation for a Sustainable Future: a Commodity Science Perspective, IGWT Proc 282-292, ISSN 978-88-8286-269-2, Rome. BaSeFood (posters and deliverables for the project): (2013) L. Filippo D'Antuono coord.C.Costea, Specific preliminary reports on additional traditional foods of the BSAC Univ.of Bologna ● (2012) Danesi, Ferioli,Giambanelli, Pasini, D'Antuono L.F (ed).C.COSTEAet al Basefood Newsletter Special issue 7 Oct, Traditional foods: from culture, ecology and diversity, to human health and potential for exploitation Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna-Cesena,ISBN 987-88-902152-6-1 pp16,22,28,36,39, 82-83,88-89 (2012) Danesi, Ferioli,Giambanelli, Pasini, D'Antuono L.F (ed).C.COSTEAet al Basefood Newsletter Issue 10.04, Traditional foods: from culture, ecology and diversity, to human health and potential for exploitation Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna-Cesena p.75,145 ISBN 978-88-902152-1-6 D'Antuono L.F., Costa H., Sanches-Silva A. Koçaoglu B., Hayran O., Jorjadze M., Boyko N., Buhyna L., Fedosov S., Alexieva I., Costea C., Stroia A., Karpenko D. Plant and food diversity în the Black Sea Area: preliminary case-studies outline. International scientific symposium: Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets, Nov. 3-5, 2010. FAO Rome, Italia (poster presentation). Soares Costa H., Albuquerque T., Sanches-Silva A., Vasilopoulou E., Trichopoulou A., Alexieva I., Costea C., Fedosova K., Hayran O., Kilasonia Z., Kolesnov A., Koval N.V., D'Antuono L.F., Finglas P.Nutritional composition of traditional foods from Black Sea Area countries. 4ª Reunião Annual PortFIR, Oct. 27, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster presentation). Boyko N., Petrov V., Batit V., Levchuk O., Joriadze M., Sapundzhieva T., Hayran O., Beteva E., Costea C., Kaprel'yants L., Danesi F. Kroon P., Finglas P., Costa H., D'Antuono L.F. Traditional foods of Black Sea Region countries as potential sources of prebiotic compounds and probiotic microorganisms. International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics, IPC 2012, Kosice, Slovak Republic, Jun. 2-4, 2012. ( Keynote Lecture, abstract).

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

T. G. Albuquerque, A. Sanches-Silva, P. Finglas, A. Trichopoulou, E. Vasilopoulou, I. Alexieva, N. Boyko, C. Costea, K. Fedosova, M. Jorjadze, D. V. Karpenko, B. Koçaoglu, L. F. D’Antuono, H. S. Costa, Comparison of proximate data among traditional foods from Black Sea Area countries per food group (poster) C. Costea, A. Sanches-Silva, T. G. Albuquerque, P. Finglas, A. Vasile, D. Tampu, E. Vasilopoulou, A. Trichopoulou, L. F. D’Antuono, H. S. Costa, Selected traditional foods from Romania în the frame of BaSeFood project (poster) V. Dilis, E. Vasilopoulou, H. S. Costa, P. Finglas, I. Alexieva, N. Boyko, C. Costea, S. Fedosov, O. Hayran, M. Jorjadze, D. V. Karpenko, A. Trichopoulou A , Nutrition claims within the EU regulatory context: a potentially important tool for the endorsement of traditional foods of the Black Sea Area Countries (poster) O. Levchuk, V. Bati, V. Petrov, N. Markush, T. Sapundieva, I. Alexieva, M. Jorjadze, C. Costea, D. V. Karpenko, O. Hayran, B. Kocaoglu, N. Boyko Beneficial microorganisms of traditional foods of Black Sea Region and their potential implementation (poster) A. Sanches-Silva, T. G. Albuquerque, P. Finglas, E. Vasilopoulou, V. Dilis, I. Alexieva, N. Boyko, C. Costea, O. Hayran, M. Jorjadze, L. Kaprelyants, D. V. Karpenko, L. F. D’Antuono, H. S. Costa, The potential of traditional foods from Black Sea Area as source of vitamins and bioactive compounds (poster) A. Berardinelli, L. F. D'Antuono, A. Bordoni, F. Danesi, K. Fedosova, L. Zukina, N. Koval, N. Boyko, D. V. Karpenko, C. Costea, A. Stroia, S. Rascu-Pistol, A. Varga-Ungureanu, A. Branni, E. Satberashvili, I. Ebralidze, Z. Kilasonia, I. Alexieva, O. Hayran, B. Koçaoglu, A mini concept based analysis of health promoting traditional food potential, on the basis of expert judgement and consumer expectations (poster) L. F. D'Antuono, O. Ivaniv, K. Fedosova, L. Zukina, N. Koval, N. Boyko, D. V. Karpenko, C. Costea, A. Stroia, S. Rascu-Pistol, A. Varga-Ungureanu, A. Branni, E. Satberashvili, I. Ebralidze, Z. Kilasonia, I. Alexieva, O. Hayran, B. Koçaoglu Generic traditional food perception and specific traditional food attribute rating by consumers of the Black sea area countries Berardinelli (poster) D. L. Tampu, C. Costea, L. V. Libardea The dark side of the Romanian fruits and vegetables market. Considerations regarding the commercial frauds effects on consumer health (poster) A. Vasile, C. Costea, T. G. Viciu An inquiry into the market potential of traditional foods în developing economies: evidence from the Romanian consumers (poster) Vasile, A., Viciu, T.G. Costea, C.E. 2012. An inquiry into the market potential of traditional foods în developing economies: Evidence from the Romanian consumers, Proceedings of the Traditional Food International Conference în Cesena, Costea, C.E. and Vasile, A. 2012. Report on the awareness, knowledge, acceptance and expectations of Romanian migrants în Western Europe and immigrants în Romania Deliverables for the Project: 2013-2012 A. L. Stroia, C. Costea, A. Vasile, D. Tampu – Plum Jam handcrafted Dish A. L. Stroia, L. Libardea, C. Costea – Dried Fruit and Vegetables în Romanian Traditional Cuisine A. L. Stroia, C. Costea, A. Vasile, D. Tampu, T. Viciu – Pickles and their role în traditional Romanian cuisine A. L. Stroia, C. Costea, L. Libardea – Garlic sauce (mujdei, sos de usturoi) or garlic paste A. L. Stroia, C. Costea, A. Vasile, D. Tampu, T. Viciu – The Romanian (hotchpotch) of fresh vegetables D. Tampu, A. Vasile, C. Chiru, C. Costea – Maize, an Ancient Nutritional Engine C. Costea, A. Stroia, C. Chiru – Prioritization of the national documentation files and selection of traditional foods for further investigation based on additional criteria I. Kerbalek, C. Costea, L. Libardea, A. Varga, M. Stanciu – Corn în the traditional Romanian Cuisine C. Costea, A. Stroia, C. Chiru – Flow charts on the preparation procedure of the composite traditional foods accompanied if possible by audiovisual material C. Costea, A. Stroia, C. Chiru – Specific integrated reports on the selected individual foods C. Costea, A. Stroia, A. Vasile, D. Tampu, L. Libardea – Langual indexing of Traditional foods I. Alexieva, T. Sapundzhieva, M. Jorjadze, C. Costea, D. Karpenko, O. Hayran, B. Kocaoglu, L. Kaprelyants – Final report on the microbial regulation of fermentative processes of traditional foods C. Costea, A. Stroia – Report on analytical data on traditional foods to be available for inclusion în the appropriate national FCDB and Euro FIR datasets C. Costea – Report on analytical data on traditional foods to be available for inclusion în the appropriate national FCDB and Euro FIR datasets C. Costea, A. Vasile, A. Bondrea – Report on the awareness, knowledge, acceptance and expectations of Romanian migrants în Western Europe and Western immigrants în Romania O. Hayran, B. Kocaoglu, L. Filippo D’Antuono, A. Branni, S. Fedosov,M. Glibetic, D. Karpenko, I. Alexieva, M. Jorzadza, C. Costea – Report on the interaction between BaSeFood and the stakeholders pool C. Chiru, C. Costea – State-of-the-art project activities short report C. Costea, A. Stroia – Final report on the evaluated dataset of the BSAC traditional foods investigated C. Costea, A. Stroia, S. R. Pistol, A. Varga – Report about the developed concepts of health promoting traditional foods C. Costea, A. Stroia, S. R. Pistol, A. Varga – Report about the awareness, knowledge, acceptance and expectations of consumers of the Black Sea area countries C. Costea, A. Stroia – Report on în vitro antioxidant and anti-platelet activities of traditional Black Sea Area country foods

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

A. Vasile, C. Costea – Herbs and Spices A. Stroia, C. Cace, C. Costea, L. Libardea – Nettle (Urtica dioica) – its role and its importance în the life of the Romanian people and în popular traditions. 2011 Stroia, A., Chiru, C., Costea, C., “Modelling Daily Diet to Reduce the Ingested Nitrates”, 2nd Intl Conf. on FOOD-OMICS, 22-24 Jun. 2011, Dept. Of Food Science - Universita di Bologna, Cesena, Italia, Book of abstracts, pp. 108, ISBN: 978-88-902152-2-3; D'Antuono L.F., Costa H., Sanches-Silva A. Koçaoglu B., Hayran O., Jorjadze M., Boyko N., Buhyna L., Fedosov S., Alexieva I., Costea C., Stroia A., Karpenko D . Plant and food diversity în the Black Sea Area: preliminary case-studies outline. Intl scientific Symposium: Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets, Nov. 3-5, 2010. FAO Rome, Italia (poster presentation) Angheluta, A., Costea, C., Competition în logistics market – conflict and cooperation Annual COST MP0801 Meeting Eindhoven Costea, C., Concepts and interpretation: Human Resources Excellence în Human Being Behaviour Annual COST MP0801 Meeting Eindhoven Costea, C., A. Varga, F. Cinatti, How transactional companies are affected by globalisation, CIRCLE Conference Proceedings, Dubrovnik, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-6025-40-4, pp 269 2010 Costea, C., Libardea Vladuca, L., From Development Economics To Spiritual Global Development: Identifying The Basic Problematic Of Hidden Economy, Corruption, Governance, Full Employment And Poverty Elimination EBC Tg.Jiu Costea, C., - Managing green politics of the crisis times: from problems to complex solutions Lisbon ASSYST ECCS Proto, A. N. Costea, C., MAS approach to political prospection and alliances analysis în Policy, Planning & Infrastructure, ECCS Lisbon Costea, C., Libardea Vladuca, L.,F. Cinatti, Restoring the financial and social prestige of economies - an alternative way Turunc Workshop on Complex Systems, Turunc, Turkey 30 aug.-1 sep 2010 Costea, C., Libardea Vladuca L, et al, Towards a New Model of a Healthy Academic Institution, Turunc Workshop on Complex Systems, Marmaris, Turkey, 30 aug.-1 sep 2010, D'Antuono L.F., Costa H., Sanches-Silva A. Koçaoglu B., Hayran O., Jorjadze M., Boyko N., Buhyna L., Fedosov S., Alexieva I., Costea C., Stroia A., Karpenko D . Plant And Food Diversity în The Black Sea Area: Preliminary Case-Studies Outline. International Scientific Symposium: Biodiversity And Sustainable Diets, Nov. 3-5, 2010. FAO Rome, Italia (Poster Presentation) Costea, C., Libardea Vladuca, and L, From Economics to Spiritual Global Development: Identifying the Basic Knowledge and Communication în the Globalization Era, în Problematic of Hidden Economy, Corruption, Governance, Intl Scientific Conf. Proc. Univ. Tg Jiu. 2009 Crisis under crisis between U and W development - a complex point of view Intl Advanced School on Complexity Erice, Italia, Oct. Debtonation: Will Romania be able to avoid depression? International Workshop on Coping with Crises în Complex Socio-economics Systems Zurich Jun. 2009/abstract_booklet.pdf Costea, C., et al Exploring Creatively the Human Resource Management – as an intelligent solution în improving the Logistics Service Providers în crisis EMRBI www.emrvi.orgConf. Salerno, Oct. Creative destruction of Marshallian theory – a point of view Intl Conf. on Applied Business and Economics, ICABE Conf. Kavalla Greece Oct. Trends and priorities în Human Capital Integration and Modelling for post Bologna Public Policies - a conceptual deMar.e ECCS09 Warwick, UK, Sept. Costea, C., et al, Utilization of e-logistics în multinational companies to overcome difficulties of today’s economic environment and How to turn the economic crisis into a potential engine for Society development (poster) COST Rome Italia Mai Take care of your flower….. Contribution to Lengthen Life & Pleasure inside a Sound Knowledge Based Society International Conference on Tourism and Workshop on “Sustainable tourism within High Risk areas of environmental crisis” Messina Italia Jun. în Proceeding of the 2009 Intl Conf. on Tourism, Messina, SGB Edizioni ISBN 978-88-96116-20-3 The story of real value and profit illusion DYSES On Dynamic of Social and Economic Systems Pinamar Argentina Jun. Kick-Off Meeting Paris (ASSYST) Paris Franța February Increasing the role of females and minorities în Science Feb. Complexity-NET Workshop: Engaging with Social Science. Chantilly January Observer for Romania as Complexity.RO initiator

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2008 About profit at other dimensions EMRBI’s ( 1st Euro Med Conference of Business and PhD Symposium Marseilles, Franța Euro Med (2009) Costea, Carmen About profit at other dimensions work Proceeding CD EMBRI Marseille 2008 ISBN 978-9963-634-58-3 Performing competition as a fresh spirit of economic education Conf Vol „Competitivitatea și inovarea în economia cunoasterii: probleme și solutii pentru Romania și Republica Moldova” ASE Moldova Chisinau 26-27 Sept. 2008 Econophysics and Complexity do we need them? 3 talks NCCU Summer school Taipei Taiwan August Econophysics at a glance: a Comment on Platen's Portfolio Selection and asset pricing under a Bench Approach în ENEC Vol. Victor Publishing House București Marshall’s theory should be discarded, (Steve Keen & Carmen Costea) AHE Cambridge, Jul. The yin-yang of education and research competition WECHI/ESHIA Warsaw Poland Jun. Poster at International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents 2008 The Eco-Systems of the Market and the Philosophy of Common Interest NEW 2008 Salerno Italia Jun. Franchising Excellence: how to profit from transcending the linear paradigm în education NetSci Norwich, Jun. Diet as a new religion 4th Congress on FOOD Cavtat Croatia, Mai Conf Proceedings ISBN 9789536207885 Franchising complexity: how to profit from transcending the linear paradigm în education Data on Complex Systems Palermo, April 2007 Complexity: new opportunities for understanding consumption submitted and to be attended în SPIE conference on Complexity Canberra Dec. SHE Conference Sydney Freedom and responsibility under the complexity of change Dec. 2007 (co-author) Strategies, planning and design în Rumanian companies - talk given at UNAM Mexico City în Oct. 2007 for academics and master/PhD students Intelligent Business - talk given at UNAM Mexico City în Oct. 2007 for academics and master/PhD students The secret of Successful Firms în Romania - talk given at UNAM Mexico City în Oct. 2007 for academics and master/PhD students Handling the risk by dealing with Emotional Business Intelligence ECCS Dresden Oct. 2007 Reshaping behaviour în science and economics: new windows and opportunities în commercial business Econophysics Colloquium and Beyond Ancona Sept. Reshaping behaviour în science and economics: new windows and opportunities în commercial business 4th COST Conference Palermo Sept. 2006 Ukrainian Initiative for Development of European Technology Platform Ushered Ukraine Oct.: Economical Point of View? What is Really Progressive? Complex Systems în Romania Sept. ECCS Oxford Sept. COST and ONCE-CS conference, Vilnius, Mai: Alternatives for the European educational system at the knowledge based economic applied research Vilnius Mai COST and ONCE-CS conference, Vilnius, Mai co-author (M Bulinski, C Costea, I R Andrei, C M Ticos) EOM control of the LFF chaotic behaviour în an ECSL m:n phase synchronization; ECOPLE Capri, Jul.: The Impact of Inequality în Branding Romania 2005 SHE UNWS Sydney Dec. Managing Ethics în Commercial Business; Canberra Econophysics Colloquium Nov. Another approach of supplementary tools used în the analyse of the commercial companies evolution towards network structures influencing the economic behaviour; Bridging economists with physicists: opportunities, approaches, consequences talk given at University of Canberra Department of Physics; DYSES Mar del Plata Jun.: Management of risk: from national business to European market; a new approach of phenomenon using economical models with application on the banking market ; Annual International Conference Faculty of Physics Univ. of București, Mai, București M Bulinski, C Costea, I R Andrei: The numerical modelling of data coding transmission between two multi-mod laser diodes operating with external cavity. 2004 Management of risk: from national business to European market Toledo, Spain; Global quality of the commercial company SHE Sydney Dec.; How Markets Complexity can lead to sustainable development of commercial firms - BEP workshop ASE București, Oct.; The network firm – an approach inside a global market ACE Sydney Australia,Sept.; Globalization - a new tool to develop sustainable în the transition countries NEW Salerno Italia,Sept.;

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

The network theory and the commercial firm Management of Risk COST P10 Kick Off MC meeting Nyborg Denmark April 2002 Is the Romanian banking system on the right way towards a global market economy after thirteen years of transition? What has to be done? The First Conference of Heterodox Economics Association, Sydney, Australia, Dec. Steve Keen & Carmen Costea: The missing lag between Harrods and Hicks Third International Conference on Discrete Chaotic Dynamics în Nature and Society (DCDNS3), Tokyo Japan, Sept. What are the prospects and pitfalls for using physics to model marketing as consumer-corporate interactions? International Conference on Economics and Physics, Bali, Indonesia, August Romania: 12 years of transition towards a global market, the 7th Annual Post-Keynesian Conference, Kansas City USA Jun./Jul. 2001 Theoretical issues concerning the role of credit contracts în protecting consumers of financial and banking products, and în improving the macroeconomic balance of the Romanian market economy New Economic Windows Conference, Salerno, Italia,Sept. 2000 Theoretical issues în the development of the national banking market, Europe Nova Symposium, Slovenia, Oct. 1996 The current state of public statistics în Romania, OECD Working paper, April 1995 On Romanian statistical co-operation under the PHARE Program, Working Paper, Luxembourg 1991 On bilateral co-operation between Romanian and French Statistical Offices under the PHARE Program, Paris Contributions to Romanian statistical activity, to speed the transition towards an open market, by harmonizing and updating economic indicators and improving the Comparative data system, Central and Eastern European countries meeting on Transition issues, Washington.

MAIN PROJECTS AND RESEARCH CONTRACTS OF THE LAST YEARS Proiect POSDRU 154421 Abordarea Tri-Regionala a zonelor industrializate privind combaterea somajului și imbunatatirea ocuparii pe cont propriu - VOM REUSI!PARTENERI: Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Bioresurse Alimentare-IBA Bucuresti,SC. Kubert HPS SRL,Asociatia Operatorilor din Agricultura Ecologica „Bio Romania”, FUNDATIA ROMANIA DE MAINE.Val totala: 4.515.226,04 lei, Val FRM: 343.545,86 lei. Perioada: 24.02.2015- 23.12.2015 Coordinator FRM Costea, C. Eve's Emancipation Women at the Top: Integration Trends and Future Challenges în Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Israel,and Italia consultant POSDRU/156/1.2/G/139498, „CLIO” Program masteral în valorizarea patrimoniului cultural expert pe termen scurt Horizon 2020 YOUNG-2-2014: Youth mobility: opportunities, impacts, policies EMRBI 11-06-2014 16:26:11 RIA SEP-210170836 EYE ( Horizon 2020 Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage And European Identities Perceptive influence to nurture relational reputation and brand positioning: A comparative analysis of the international education industry across the EU region Research and Innovation actions Innovation actions Cyprus, Australia, Croatia,Portugal,Greece,Poland,Israel,UK,Romania,Lithuania,Italia,Ukraine H2020-ISIB-2014-1 CSA SEP-210165708 ToBio Sub call of: H2020-ISIB-2014-2015 Norway; Romania; Italia; Franța; Sweden; Germany • Global Leadership Summer School Programme (ERASMUS) Coord TEI Creteh ttp:// ● Instruments and mechanism to increasing and facilitating the Access to upper education based on partnership: POSDRU/56/1.2/S/41506 SNSPA • Educational Platform Posdru Ase Educational Activity Intelligent Sales Techniques - Membru 2010-2011project Director: Prof Dr Gh.Orzan • Etoile Project Director: Prof. Jeffrey Johnson Open Univ. London, Uk Scientific Representative For And Wp Leader Of Education: C. Costea • Basefood Sustainable Exploitation Of Bioactive Components From The Black Sea Area Traditional Foods Fp7-Kbbe- 2008-2b 227118 Coordinator: Prof.Dr.Filippo D'antuono Univ Of Bologna 2009-2012 16 Partner Countries; Scientific Director For Romania And Ase: Carmen Costea; Financement: Eu Euros 5 Millions /146,000

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

• Physics Of Competition And Conflicts Esf Cost Mp0801 2008-2011 35 Partner Countries; Director Of Project; Peter Richmond Trinity College Ireland Funded By Cost Esf; Representative For Romania & Membru în The Management Committee Carmen Costea • Assyst Action For The Science Of Complex Systems And Socially Intelligent Ict Fp7-Ict-2007-3 231710 2008-2011 9 Partner Countries Director Of Project: Prof Jeffrey Johnson Open University London, Uk; Scientific Representative For Romania: A.S.E. And Wp5.3 Coordinating Female Scientists And Minorities To Attend Eccs Carmen Costea; Financement: Once-Cs & Fp7 Ict Ca Euros 900.000/30,000 • Nest General Integration Of The Applications Of Complexity în Science Fp 6 Giacs 012380 Nest-2003-Path-1 For Tackling Complexity în Science • Once-Cs Brainstorming 2005- 2008; 22 Partner Countries; Once-Cs Brainstorming 2005-2008; Www.Giacs.Org;Partners 28 Universities Of 22 European Countries Representing International Consortium For Complex Studies; Contributor Fondazione Isi - Istituto Per L'interscamio Scientifico, Director For Romania - Costea Carmen Financement Eu Fp7 Euros 1.3 Mn/8,000 Http://Cordis.Europa.Eu/Search/Index.Cfm?Fuseaction=Search.Resultlist&#Page=1@Perpage=20@Q=Dfe66a9630b0f8d6388cb80e52c9dbc0@Type=Hom@Showtype=Proj@Sortby=Relevance@Sortorder=Desc • Physics Of Risk Cost P10 2003-2008 (Membru în The Management Committee) Http://Www.Cost.Esf.Org/ 28 Partner Countries • Lex Vitae The Complexity Of The Living Entity: A Case Study: The Health Of The Univ. Organization Pn Ii 774 2007 – 2010 Partners: Faculty Of Economics Ase, Financement: Nurc 950 Ths Ron (1 Euro=3.6 Ron) • Complexity .Ro Exploratory National Workshops Ew12/23/062008 - 2008 Director Of Project Costea Carmen Financement: Nurc 29660 Ron • Cambridge Marshall’s Theory Should Be Discarded Mc 23/14/08 (Research Mobility) 2008 Director Of Project- Costea Carmen Value: 3350 Ron Cavtat Consumption And Diet As A New Religion Mc 26/50 2008 (Research Mobility) 2008 Director Of Project- Costea Carmen Value 5206 Ron Assistance To Set Up An Efficient Legal Aid System În Romania Legal Aid-Ro-2004/016-772.01.04-12 Partener: Ministerul Justitiei; Consultant Gdsi Limited Consultant Prof.Dr. Carmen Costea; Eu Finantare; Val: Euro 50, 000/6000 Econophysics – New Approach În Modeling The Competitive Financial And Banking Market Ceres 4-260 Dec 2004-Dec 2006 Trans-Disciplinary Physics: Application Of Statistical Physics To Social Issues And Risk - Proiect Coord. De Dept De Fizică Trinity College, Dublin, Irlanda; 1st Theme Of The 5th Framework, Program For Research, Technological Development And Demonstration Generic Rtd Activities &Infrastructures (1998-2000) Quality Of Life And Management Of Living Resources: The Establishment Of Activities Structured To Foster Partnerships Within The Consumer Science Community Under The Co-Ordination Of Sociedade Portuguesa De Inovacao Lisbon, Portugalia The Creation And Establishment Of A Consumer Science Platform Structured To Foster Partnerships Between The Social And Hard Sciences; Http://Www.Google.Ro/Url?Sa=T&Rct=J&Q=The%20creation%20and%20establishment%20of%20a%20consumer%20science%20platform%20&Source=Web&Cd=3&Ved=0cdkqfjac&Url=Http%3a%2f%2fwww2.Spi.Pt%2fconsumerfocus%2fdocs%2feurconscienceeoi.Doc&Ei=D5gbucnognsxhae9jidqaw&Usg=Afqjcnfdx4qmchazx7udxzi1loywh6on_A Modeling A Sustainable Long Term Reconstruction Of The Romanian Economy According To A Medium-Term Government Strategy Towards A Complex Society: The Relevance Of Research And Innovation For A New Competitive Partnership, Ase Dce, (Faze 1/2001) Theoretical - Methodological Premises On A Sustainable Reconstruction Of Romanian Economy To Set Up New Partnerships Based On Research, Development, Innovation 2000 Integration Of The Environment Within The Market Mechanism: The External Costs Of Energy, Ase Research Department Center Of Studies And Consulting, (Fase 2001) Design Of Methodological Tests To Identify Market Externalities And To Set Up An Adequate Tax System To Better Protect The Environment 1999 The Role Of Economic Networks În Sustainable Development: The Relevance Of Research And Innovation For A New Competitive Partnership, Ase Dce 1994/5 Proiect 43 0 Coordonator Insee Franța, Eurostat, Statistical Foreign Trade Methodology According To European Requirements. The Improvement Of Calculation Methods For Cost Price Indices (310) The Calculation Of Macroeconomic And Financial Indicators Specific To A Transition Period And The Consequences For Population Incomes Fac.Comerţ, Ase Code 27.6 (Coordonator), Methods & Techniques To Determine The Influence Of The Hidden Economy On The Gdp, Eurostat Istat–Ine (59).


●Wild food resources – a cultural pathway to healthier and safer food COMPETITIE MECANISM FINANCIAR SEE 2009/2014

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

●Imperative of regionalisation within implementation of Macro Strategy for Danube regions Promotors and Facilitators Jun. Constanta and Alexandria,,, ● Instruments and mechanisms to increasing and facilitating the Access to upper education based on partnerships: POSDRU/56/1.2/S/41506 SNSPA ●Global Green University coordinated by ERA panel Membru ● COST program inside EC within the Trans-Domain Proposal: Smart Food Supply Systems: Spirituality and Biodiversity / Qvo Vadis Homine_2050? Creative Partnership. ●Digital Campus Services DICAMS EACEA No. 35/2012, Action Governance Reform Coord. Technological Educational Institute of Crete 299-IC-2007-GR-ERASMUS-EUCX-1, value 1450024, 41 euro /59.858,00 Partners from: Greece, Russia, Uzbekistan ● Complexity Sciences for Socioeconomic Decision Making CoSDeM ERASMUS MUNDUS, EACEA/42/11, Action2 Parternership coord University of Sannio Value Eur 2339725,00, partners from Italia, Bolivia, Poland, Spain, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela ● Master Programme în Applied Statistics MAS Programme TEMPUS Joint Projects, EACEA No. 35/2012, Curricular Reform, coord. University of Sannio Membrus from Italia, Bosnia, Spain, Russia, value Eur 732028,73 530180-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR 58916-IC-1-2007-1-IT-ERASMUS-EUC-1 revised proposal of: Master Programme în Applied Statistics MAS Programme TEMPUS Joint Projects, EACEA No. 25/2011, Curricular Reform, coord. University of Sannio Membrus from Italia, Bosnia, Spain, Russia, value Eur 732028,73 530180-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR Promotion of tools and techniques of Econophysics and Complexity at the sustainable development of a knowledge based society to diminish the risk and solve the crises CEEX EPHYCOM PR-D08-PT00-16 15 Sept 2005- 30 Dec 2007; project manager finished Sept. 2007; The role of multiculturalism în implementing alternative research of excellence (Econophysics, complex studies, intelligent business, competitive intelligence); Alternatives în deep integration of Romanian research community inside the European academic world National Workshops, Financement: Romanian Government 6250 lei; Collaborators: Univ of București and Laser Institute of București; Responsible of project CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZATION 2016 ● Go green and Clean Special doctoral webinar EMAB Sept 2016 2015 ● International Webinar EMRBI Sept 2015 2014 Social Innovation facing bioeconomy EMRBI Norway Romania Sept.2014 Let’s talk Business, let’s Talk Life – debates organised by Alternative Sciences Association with ALERON SA, Avant SRL, business representatives Cervantes Institute Spirituality serving Education - debates organised with Harald PH, Seeds for Happiness ARPA, USH Faculty of Pshychology Scientific Doctoral seminar Social Innovation facing bioeconomy ASE phD School în Business Administration 2013 Social Innovation facing bioeconomy EMRBI Estoril-București Sept.2013 Let’s talk Business, let’s Talk Life – debates organised by Alternative Sciences Association with ALERON SA, Avant SRL, business representatives Cervantes Institute Spirituality serving Education - debates organised with Harald PH, Seeds for Happiness ARPA 2012 PhD workshop on FuturICT Accelerator de educatie europeana ASE Business Administration Doctoral School 2011-2004 Lisbon Strategy – source of inspiration for the Knowledge-based society (Cum utilizam ca baza de inspiratie și sprijin Strategia Lisabona și prioritatile Societatii Cunoasterii?) Second incubator of business and projects București 19-21.03. Aleron ASA & House of Europe Why is it vital to use the EU tools and support investments? EU business and projects incubator First demonstrative meeting București Feb. Center ALERON Advanced international School on Complexity co/organizer Univ of Palermo, în Erice Italia, 26-31 Oct. 2009 and august 2010 în Marmaris Turkey 2008-6 ● Round tables on Alternative Sciences bridging education and society: the importance of multicultural approach în building a wealth education within the knowledge based society; 2008 ●Training & Coaching School: Complexity of Communication and Intercultural Relations Albena, Bulgaria August 1-7 2008-4●International Summer School on Econophysics and Complexity annual editions website:;

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

2008-4● scientific seminar (organized on a fortnight basis) for students în the Business Club 2001 ●Marketing în the economic and social process, 1971-2001: 30 years of marketing în Romania, International conference, ASE, București, Nov.. 1997 -2001 Round tables for Ph D students, București 1994 National accounts în Romania, International Workshop București 1994 1993 Statistics în transition, International Workshop, Sinaia

PARTICIPĂRI LA CONFERINȚE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERNAȚIONALE 2015 ICBE Conference on Business and Economics USHConstanta LSO International Conference onLaw and Social Order USH Constanta 2013

Conference of Special Transfers of Good practices EUSDR House of Europe Univ Lumina Nov National Conf. Of Transpersonal Psychology Oct. National Forum EUSDR – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meeting Buc, Mar. CAMAI National Conf of Applied Maths USH București 7 Jun. 2013 CEN MFC USH CCDMCIG The economic crisis vs. The crisis economy Opportunities and challenges for the

Romanian Market CEN MFC USH CCDMCIG – The very hungry caterpillar: a dark lesson of crisis 2011

Costea , Tampu, The crisis alphabet through the academic lens, predictability în nonlinear dynamical systems: the economic crises finds, 10/5/2011 în Proc. on the session on Predictability în nonlinear dynamical systems: the economic crises, p.7-19 ISBN 978-606-515-324-0 Politechnica București 2009 The crises dynamic as a new approach – EDEN București Mai The third Incubator on European Business – The role of SMEs în Europe under crisis Mai Lisbon Strategy – source of inspiration for the Knowledge-based society (Cum utilizam ca baza de inspiratie și sprijin Strategia Lisabona și prioritatile Societatii Cunoasterii?) Second incubator of business and projects București 19-21.03. Aleron ASA & House of Europe Systemic Knowledgement of targets, objectives and evaluation criteria for the investment projects founders (Cunoasterea și exploatarea eficace a raportului dintre tinte, obiective și criteriile de evaluare ale finantatorului proiectului de investitii Second incubator of business and projects) February; Second incubator of business and projects București 19-21.03 Aleron, ASA & House of Europe Fist Incubator of Business and Projects Why is vital to use the EU tools to suport and assist national investments? Why is vital to use the EU supportive tools on investments- First demonstrative working meeting București Centre ALERON February 2009 2008 Alternative și Contributii la Comunicarea Stiintei 60 de ani de la infiintarea Revistei de Stiinta și Tehnica Academia Romana, București, Nov 2008 Costea.C, et al, Being Proactive Versus Reactive – The Solution of Self-Government at „Integrarea Europeana-noi provocari pentru economia Romaniei”, ed.IV Jean Monnet - „European Economic Integration” & „International Trade and European Trade Policy”, with AFER, CCCDD and AGER Mai, Oradea). Tom XVII/2008, Vol. 2 Economy and Business Administration, ISSN – 1582 – 5450 (co-authored0 Understanding Econophysics:a Comment on Platen's Portfolio Selection and asset pricing under a Bench Approach ENEC Hyperion Romania, Mai Anticipating Leadership for Managers and Consumers at Leadership, Change and Communication în Emerging Markets în International Workshop Curtea de Arges Mai ISSN 1841-8678 (ed print) and ISSN 1844-0029 (ed online) Suppl ECTAP 2009, B+ Econophysics as a glance ENEC Pitesti Mar. Conf Proc. Profit Dilemma between globalization vs. marketisation - International Conference on Commerce ED ASE ISBN 978-606-5-5-046-4 2007 The soundness of training by coaching as an alternative în education HOJO Workshop on The Complexity of the living entity Nov. Respiritualisation of Economic Education from the point of view of the Fulfilment of Human Life – Conference on Globalization and Higher Education în Economics and Business Administration, FEAA, Iasi, Oct. (Co-authored) Consumption as a new religion submitted for ECG Conference București Jul. 2007 în vol. Economy, Society, Civilization Ed ASE 2007 ISBN 973-87329-7-2; 978-973-87329-1 2006 Societal approaches în customers’ fidelisation system, în ECR Strategy and the Supply Chain Management Logistic 6-7 Dec. Targoviste, Ed. Valahia University Press, 2007 ISBN 978-973-7616-65-4 A new approach of business în the knowledge based society - networking to survive International Conference on Management, Sibiu, Nov.

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

Alternative tools used în the analyze of commercial companies evolution București – Mar. on 2006 International Conference on Commerce’ 2005 A new approach regarding the corporative social responsibility, Conference on Competitiveness în Commerce Ed II ASE Jun.; The ethical management – a new model of integration inside the European society Conference SNSPS București Mai; 2004 Globalization versus Marketization în a complex world BEP workshop ASE București, Oct.; The Romanian teaching system în Tomorrow’s World ASE Symposium București, Mai; 2002 Possibilities of consumer protection against credit dangers, The Symposium of Quality, ASE, București, April-Mai; 2001 Approaches to marketing the RDI (Research, Development, Innovation) product on the Romanian market at the beginning of the new millennium, International Conference on 30 years of Marketing Research în Romania București, Nov. 2001; Partnership - the ideal formula for communication between commercial agents, Symposium on the Romanian Economy 2001, University George Baritiu Symposium, Brasov, Jun.; A system to protect the implied rights of economic agents against derivative risks în commercial credit transactions, ASE Faculty of Commerce Symposium, București, Jun.; Considerations on credit activity and the rights of Romanian consumers în a market economy ASE Faculty of Finance Symposium, București, Jun.; Could the Romanian Commercial system be integrated into the European financial banking culture? University of Cluj-Napoca, Symposium, Mai; An approach to some European commercial models, Western University Symposium, Oradea, April; The impact of the tendency towards a single European market on Romanian commerce, Western University Symposium, Oradea, April; 2000 Improving and strengthening the financial and banking market: a prerequisite for the success of Romanian integration into the western market economy Symposium on Romania at the beginning of the third Millennium, University George Baritiu, Brasov, Mai; The importance of private capital în developing Romanian financial and banking products and services and enhancing privatization, Symposium on Romania at the beginning of the third Millennium, University George Baritiu, Brasov, Mai; Towards improving the credit business în Romania în keeping with European banking culture, University Dimitrie Cantemir Symposium, Mai; Towards a real protection of consumers în the financial and banking markets, University of Cluj-Napoca Symposium, București; 1999 New issues în commercial policy given the new development strategy în Romanian banking, 130 years of teaching and researching în ASE, A S E, București; Ethical behaviour în business for small to medium sized businesses, 130 years of teaching and researching în ASE, A S E, București; Methods of quantification of poverty levels and their consequences for social protection programs, Symposium on Commerce and Development, A S E, București; Life insurance - a profitable opportunity for banks, Symposium on Commerce and Development, A S E, București; A dynamic approach to enterprise insolvency, Ph D Session, ASE Finance Department, A S E, București ; The consequences for income distribution of improving the relationship between the capital and labour markets - Ph D Session, A S E Commerce Department, A S E, București; 1998 The Impact of asset markets on transition economies, University Dimitrie Cantemir and the Foundation of the Academy of Gh Zane-Iasi Symposium, București; The role of insurance societies and banks în setting up new relationship with clients, University Dimitrie Cantemir and the Foundation of the Academy of Gh Zane-Iasi Symposium, București; Producer and importer responsibility concerning product quality for consumer protection, Western University of Oradea Symposium, Oradea; About bankruptcy and financial diagnosis, Ph D Session, ASE Commerce Department, A S E, București; Deposits insurance în developing countries, Ph D Session, ASE Commerce Department, A S E, București; 1996 Technological convergence on integrated financial services, ASE Symposium, A S E, București

ALTE PUBLICAȚII (2009) Costea, The knowledge based society, Dilema Veche 12.07. 2009 (2009) Costea, C Master programs a need for mobility, Dilema Veche 12.08. 2009

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

(2005) From market to e-market via internet Journal of Commerce 1/2005 (2004) A bridge between economists and physicists Journal of Commerce 11-12/2004 (2002) Strategy for conquer/ defense through alliances, Journal of Commerce 3/2002 (2001) The economy seen from four cardinal points, Journal of Commerce 12/2001 (2001) Channels of distribution în Retailing, Journal of Commerce 11/2001 (2001) Management: the Baldridge system, Journal of Commerce 10/2001 (2001) Increasing commercial transactions on credit, Journal of Commerce 9/2001 (2001) New approaches to commercial politics în development strategy, and policy on the banking market, Journal of Commerce 9/2001 (2001) Still the team! Journal of Commerce 8/2001 (2001) About Leadership, Journal of Commerce 7/2001 (2001)Actual approaches în leadership, Journal of Commerce 6/2001 (2001) Risks and E-payments, Journal of Commerce 5/2001 (2001) Transactions on-line, Journal of Commerce 4/2001 (2001) The client is King în Japan too, but… Journal of Commerce 3/2001 (2001) Identification of demands and opportunities în the market, Journal of Commerce 2/2001 (2001) Discount and hard discount în Europe, Journal of Commerce 2/2001 (2000) The shop as a product, Journal of Commerce 12/2000 (2000) Shop and concurrence, Journal of Commerce 11/2000 (2000) Cash and carry systems (Metro), Journal of Commerce 10/2000 (2000) The shop image, Tribuna economică 10/2000 (2000) Concurrence and specialized shops, Journal of Commerce 9/2000 (2000) Distribution strategy în retailing activity Journal of Commerce 9/2000 (2000) The wholesale market, Journal of Commerce 7-8/2000 (2000) The wholesalers criteria în choosing merchandise, Tribuna economică, 33/2000 (2000) Demand and strategies, Journal of Commerce 7-8/2000 (2000) Updating the labour force to the exigencies of the market economy, Journal of Commerce 7-8/2000 (2000) Approaches to loss control, Journal of Commerce 7-8/2000 (2000) New Considerations on loss control activity, Journal of Commerce 5/2000 (2000) Thoughts on loss control activity, Journal of Commerce 3/2000 (2000) Conceptual interference between protection of consumers and social protection, Journal of Commerce 2/2000 (2000) Merchants and consumers: the necessity of protection, Journal of Commerce 1/2000 (2000) New approaches to consumers rights, Journal of Commerce 1 /2000 (2000) The cash flow limits for economic agents, (The Magazine of Statistics), 1/2000 (1999) New opportunities for commercial banks: insurance services, The Magazine of ASE 4/1999 (1999) Dynamic approaches concerning the test of solvency în business, The Magazine of ASE 3/1999 (1998) Life insurance: a necessary and profitable component of Romanian banking activity, The Magazine of de Statistica, 7-8/1998 (1997) The capital market în Romania, The Magazine of Statistics, 4/1997 (1997) The market shock, The Magazine of Statistics, 3/1997 (1997) Romania: human resources în the transition to a market economy, The Magazine of. Agricultural Bank No 29 (1997) Banking risks management and the consequences for the investors, The Magazine of. Agricultural Bank, No 27 (1997) Consideration on EBRD evaluations concerning the banking system în Central and Eastern Europe, The Magazine of. Agricultural Bank No 27 Samples results on retailing banking products on the French market, The Magazine of. Agricultural Bank No 27 (1997) Ways to improve the relationship system between the capital market and the labour market and the consequences for the distribution of income, ASE Bulletin 1997 (1997) The impact of the relation between public and financial systems on social protection programs, ASE Bulletin 1997 (1995) Banking strategy: the Agricultural Bank—a future starting from tradition, No 27 (1996) Consequences for monetary fluctuations of agricultural changes and policies, No 27 (1996) The role of marketing strategy Dept. în improving the activities of the Agricultural Bank, ABR No 26 (1996) EU and the passage to a unique currency, No 22 (1995) The single European currency, No 21 (1995) Balance-sheet on the agricultural policy reform în Europe, No 20 (1994)New approaches în Romanian statistics development with respect to the international trade comparable data system, Review of Statistics,4/1994 (1994) The EU and Romania, CNS Bulletin, 4/1994 (1994) International technical assistance—the main condition needed to update Romanian statistical activity to European standards, CNS Bulletin, 3/1994 (1994) A study on the actual transition of public statistics în Romania, CNS Bulletin, 2/1994 (1994) Economic transition în Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, CNS Bulletin, 1/1994 (1994) The main issues în Eastern Europe Statistics development, CNS Bulletin 1/1994

Carmen-Eugenia Costea 20.09.2016

(1991)The USA market and some possibilities to improve the Romanian-American relationship, CNS Bulletin, 3/1991 (1991) Consideration of the influences of the hidden economy against the transition of Central and Eastern Europe economies towards an open market, The Review of Statistics,6/1991 (1990) Increasing the efficiency for oil equipment products, 320-3DH, CIUPM Annual Bulletin Prof.dr. Carmen Costea București, 20.09.2016