Cu Chi2, Vietnam

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Vietnam, a name too long associated with the horrors of war, has finally won its last battle - to capture the imagination of the travelling public. Cu Chi is about 40 km northwest of Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam. In recent years, Cu Chi tunnel become the most popular tourist destination.


Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus )

Manioc (Manihot esculenta) o plantã tropicalã (denumitã si cassava, madioca, yuca, kappa) din ale cãrei rãdã cini, sub formã de tuberculi, se obţine o substanţã alimentarã fãinoasã , cunoscutã sub numele de tapioca.,


Poinsettia, Steaua Crãciunului

Cassia fistula, Golden shower

Cassia fistula, Golden shower

Poinsettia, Steaua Crãciunului


Muzică: ♦ Huong Sen Dong Thap - Lotus Fragrance Of The Dong Thap

Fotografii: ♦ Nicoleta Leu

♦ Sanda Foişoreanu

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu