Ciudad de Mexico8, Castillo de Chapultepec

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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EsteEste sâmbătă 29 decembrie 2012sâmbătă 29 decembrie 2012, , şi deşi eşi deşi este ora ste ora 23:00:5723:00:57,,

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Ahora mismo Ahora mismo son las son las 23:0023:00 h. h.

Hoy es Hoy es sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Chapultepec Park, more commonly called the "Bosque de Chapultepec" (Chapultepec Forest) in Mexico City, is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere, measuring in total just over 686 hectares (1,695 acres). Centered on a rock formation called Chapultepec Hill, one of the park's main functions is to be an ecological space in the vast megalopolis. It is considered the first and most important of Mexico City's "lungs", with trees that replenished oxygen to the Valley of Mexico.

Calzada del Rey Street at Chapultepec Park

Castillo de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Castle) is located on top of Chapultepec Hill. The name Chapultepec stems from the Náhuatl word which means "at the grasshopper's hill". It is located in the middle of Chapultepec Park in Mexico City at a height of 2,325 meters (7,628 ft) above sea level.

Maximilian I

The site of the hill was a sacred place for Aztecs, and the buildings atop it have served several purposes during its history; including that of Military Academy, Imperial residence, Presidential home, observatory, and presently, the Museo Nacional de Historia.

It is one of only two Royal Castles in the Americas, as well as the only one in North America that was used to house sovereigns: the Mexican Emperor Maximilian I, and his consort Empress Carlota, during the Second Mexican Empire.

The castle started to acquire its current look during the Second Mexican Empire, when Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico and his wife Empress Carlota chose it as their residence and the seat of their Court in 1864.

The Emperor hired several European and Mexican architects, among them Julius Hofmann, Carl Gangolf Kayser, Carlos Schaffer, Eleuterio Méndez and Ramón Cruz Arango, to design the several projects, which followed a neoclassical style and made the palace more habitable.

Botanist Wilhelm Knechtel was in charge of creating the aerial garden located on the roof of the building. Additionally, the Emperor brought from Europe countless pieces of furniture, objets d'art and other fine household items that are exhibited to this day.

The castle fell into disuse after the fall of the Second Mexican Empire in 1867. Almost ten years later, in 1876, a decree established an Astronomical, Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory on the site, which was opened in 1878.

In 1864, Maximilian and Carlota arrived in Mexico, placed on the throne by Napoleon III as Emperor and Empress of Mexico. (Her father had been offered the Mexican throne and rejected it, years earlier.)

Maximilian and Carlota believed that they had the support of the Mexican people. But nationalism in Mexico was running high, Maximilian was too liberal for the conservative Mexicans who supported monarchy, and the neighboring U.S.A. refused to recognize their rule as legitimate

At this time, the castle was still located on the outskirts of Mexico City. Maximilian ordered the construction of a straight boulevard (modeled after the great boulevards of Europe, such as Vienna's Ringstrasse and the Champs-Élysées in Paris), to connect the Imperial residence with the city centre, and named it Paseo de la Emperatriz ("Promenade of the Empress"). Following the reestablishment of the Republic in 1867 by President Benito Juárez and the end of the Reform War (Guerra de Reforma) the boulevard was renamed Paseo de la Reforma.

Monumento a los niños heroes

Paseo de la Reforma

El Ángel de la Independencia (The Angel of Independence), most commonly known by the shortened name El Ángel and officially known asMonumento a la Independencia, is a victory column located on a roundabout over Paseo de la Reforma in downtown Mexico City. El Ángel was built to commemorate the centennial of the beginning of Mexico's War of Independence, celebrated in 1810

Carlota bedroom

In a scandal, Maximilian and Carlota attempted to adopt as heirs the nephews of the daughter of Mexico's first emperor, but the American mother of the boys claimed that she had been forced to give up her sons. The idea that Maximilian and Carlota had, essentially, kidnapped the boys further eroded their credibility. Soon the Mexican people rejected foreign rule. When Maximilian refused to leave after the French troops pulled out, the Mexican forces arrested the imposed Emperor

Carlota convinced her husband not to abdicate. She went to Europe to attempt to gain support for her husband, but during that time, she slipped into what was likely a serious depression, described at the time by her secretary as "a grave attack of mental aberration.“ Maximilian, hearing of his wife's mental illness, still did not abdicate. Finally he was executed on June 10, 1867. His body was buried in Europe. Carlota lived in seclusion for the last nearly sixty years of her life in Belgium and Italy, never recovering her mental health, and apparently never knowing of her husband's death.

Maximilian and his Mexican generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía, were led up to the hill top square, Cerro de las Campanas, Queretaro. Seven uniformed men armed with rifles lined up; To each the Emperor handed an ounce of gold and he asked them to take good aim for his heart and make a clean death. He asked that the men not deface him, so his mother, the Archduchess, could see him once more in his coffin.

.The last words of Maximilian were in Spanish:"I die in a just cause. I forgive all, and pray that all may forgive me. May my blood flow for the good of this land. Long live Mexico! Long Live Independence!,"

Fertilidad y abundancia, los vitrales del Castillo de Chapultepec






Pomona Hebe


Diana Ceres




Text and pictures: InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Sound: Placido Domingo-El Triste (The Sad One) by Mexican composer Roberto Cantoral

Luis Cobos - Mexico Lindo Y Querido (Popurri)