Cititi toate instructiunile cu atentie inainte de a folosi ... · Cand p rog amul intra in noua...

Post on 22-Oct-2020

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  • Cititi toate instructiunile cu atentie inainte de a folosi

    acest produs.

    Pastrati acest manual de utilizare pentru referinta viitoare !

  • 1


    Inainte de a incepe antrenamentul periodic si intensiv, consultati doctorul. Acest consult este necesar

    pentru persoanele cu varsta mai mare de 35 ani sau cu probleme de sanatate. Trebuie sa respectati

    intotdeauna instructiunile de siguranta, in caz contrar nu ne asumam responsabilitatea eventualelor

    accidentari. Conectarea la curent a benzii de alergare se va face doar dupa ce banda a fost asamblata

    cu atentie, iar carcasa motorului a fost montata.

    ATENTIE: 1. Inainte de a incepe antrenamentul, asigurati-va ca magnetul de siguranta a fost atasat la hainele sau

    cureaua dvs.

    2. Va rugam sa nu introduceti nici un obiect in nici o parte a aparatului,care ar putea deteriora aparatul.

    3. Asezati intotdeauna aparatul pe o suprafata plana, curata. Nu asezati banda pe covor des deoarece

    poate impiedica ventilatia corespunzatoare a benzii. Nu folositi banda niciodata langa apa sau in spatii


    4. Nu porniti niciodata banda de alergare daca sunteti asezat pe covorul de alergare. Dupa pornirea

    benzii si reglarea vitezei poate exista o pauza inainte de punerea in miscare a covorului de alergare,

    stati intotdeauna pe sinele laterale ale cadrului pana cand covorul de alergare se pune in miscare.

    5. Folositi intotdeauna imbracaminte adecvata pentru antrenament. Nu va imbracati cu haine lungi sau

    care s-ar putea agata in banda de alergare. Folositi intotdeauna incaltaminte de alergare sau aerobic cu

    talpa de cauciuc.

    6. Nu lasati copiii sau animalele in preajma aparatului in timpul antrenamentului.

    7. Dupa ce ati mancat, asteptati 40 minute inainte de a incepe antrenamentul.

    8. Acest produs a fost creat pentru a fi folosit doar de catre adulti. Tinerii trebuie sa fie insoti de catre

    adulti in timpul antrenamentului.

    9. Inaintea inceperii antrenamentului, tineti-va de manere pana cand va obisnuiti si pana va simtiti

    familiar cu banda de alergare.

    10. Banda de alergare este un produs destinat utilizarii in spatii interioare, nu o folositi in spatii exterioare

    pentru a evita deteriorarea acesteia. Depozitati-o intr-un mediu curat, uscat si neted. A nu se folosi in

    alte scopuri, doar pentru antrenament.

    11. Cablul de alimentare cu curent trebuie achizitionat de la distribuitor, deoarece se poate folosi doar

    cablul de utilizare compatibil cu banda de alergare.

    12. Daca banda de alergare creste viteza datorita unei nereguli eletronice sau daca viteza benzii creste

    neasteptat, banda se va opri dintr-o data cand magnetul de siguranta nu este atasat la consola.

    13. Nu conectati la mijlocul cablului un alt fir; nu prelungiti cablul, nu schimbati stecherul; nu asezati

    obiecte grele pe cablu sau asezati cablul langa sursa de caldura; este interzisa utilizarea prelungitorului

    cu mai multe locuri deoarece aceasta poate determina aprinderea focului sau ranirea persoanelor prin


    14. Decuplati alimentarea cu curent cand nu utilizati aparatul. Cand aparatul este decuplat de la curent,

    nu trageti cablul de alimentare pentru ca firele sa nu se defecteze. Introduceti stecherul in priza cu

    impamantare sigura, deoarece cablul de alimentare cu curent este un echipament profesional. Trebuie

    sa contactati persoane specializate in cazul in care cablul de alimentare este deteriorat.

    15. Aceasta banda de alergare a fost conceputa doar pentru utilizare acasa..

    16. Zona de siguranta ce trebuie lasata in spatele benzii de alergat este de: 1000*2000MM


  • 2

    Cand deschideti cutia produsului, veti gasi urmatoarele piese componente in cutie:


    NR. DESCRIERE Specificatie Cant


    NR. DESCRIERE Specificatie Cant


    1 Cadru principal 1 49 Magnet de siguranta 1

    12 Cheie surubelnita S=13\14\15mm 1 51 Surub M8*16 4

    13 Cheie franceza #5 5mm 1 64 Saiba arc 8 6

    14 Cheie franceza #6 6mm 1 70 Surub M8*45 2

    26 Aparatoare stanga 1 83 Surub ST4.2*19 4

    27 Aparatoare stanga 1 84 MP3 cablu option 1

    46 Sticla ulei 1


    Cheie franceza 5# 5mm 1 Buc

    Cheie franceza 5# 5mm 1 Buc

    Cheie surubelnita S=13、14、15 1 Buc

    OBS: Nu conectati produsul la curent inaintea de a finaliza asamblarea.


  • 3

    ATENTIE: 1. Banda pliata nu se utilizeaza

    2. Permiteți suprafeței de alergare să se oprească complet înainte de pliere;

    3. Sistemele de monitorizare a ritmului cardiac pot fi inexacte. Suprasolicitarea

    organismului prin exercitii poate duce la vătămări grave sau la moarte. Daca

    simțiți slabiciune sau ameteli opriți imediat exercitiul.

    4. Zgomotul emis este mai mare sub sarcina decat fara sarcina.

    PASUL 1:

    Deschideti cutia, scoateti piesele de

    schimb mentionate mai sus si

    asezati cadrul principal pe o

    suprafata neteda.

    PASUL 2:

    Fixati cadrul computerului pe suportul

    superior drept si stang folosind cheia

    franceza 5# (12), surubul M8*16 (51) si

    Saiba arc (64), folosind poza din

    stanga ca si referinta.

  • 4

    PASUL 3:

    PASUL 4:

    Impingeti suportul computerului

    precum si suportul superior stanga

    si dreapta asa cum indica sagetile.

    Atentie: Prindeti cu mana suportul

    superior si computerul pentru a evita

    caderea si accidentarea.

    1. Folositi cheia franceza 5# , fixati

    Tubul suportului drept pe cadrul de

    baza folosind surubul M8*45 (70) si


    2. Folositi cheia franceza 5# , fixati

    surubul M8*16 (51), si saiba arc(64)

    de cadrul de baza prin tubul

    suportului drept.

    Folositi poza din stanga ca si


    Partea stanga se monteaza la fel ca

    cea dreapta.

    Atentie: Prindeti cu mana suportul

    superior si computerul pentru a evita

    caderea si accidentarea.

  • 5

    PASUL 5:

    PASUL 6:

    Utilizati cheia surubelnita si

    montati partea ce acopera coltul

    bazei (27) de suportul drept

    vertical si de baza cu ajutorul

    surubului ST4.2*19 (83)

    Partea stanga se monteaza la fel.

    Puneti magnetul de siguranta (49)

    pe computer.

  • 6

    Deschiderea cadrului

    Coborarea cadrului:

    Ridicati cadrul de baza in pozitia A,

    pana cand auziti sunetul de fixare a

    barei de presiune aer B in tija


    Prindeti cu mana partea A, coborati

    bara de presiune aer, apoi cadrul de

    baza va cobora automat (Nu lasati

    persoane sau animale in preajma

    aparatului in momentul coborarii).

    ATENȚIE: Vă rugam sa asamblati banda complet așa cum este prezentat mai sus și să strangeti toate

    șuruburile. Înainte de a utiliza banda de alergat, citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile.


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    PRODUS (mm) 1609*748*1319mm CURENT

    Conform indicatilor de pe







    Conform indicatilor de pe




    ALERGARE (mm)







    Viteza, Timp, Distanta, Calorii, Puls


    Acest produs trebuie impamantat. Daca va suferi defectiuni sau daca functioneaza

    necorespunzator, impamantarea reprezinta o cale de rezistenta electrica sa reduca riscul

    socului electric. Acest produs este echipat cu un cablu conductor cu impamantare si cu un

    stecher cu impamantare. Stecherul trebuie pus intr-o priza corespunzatoare care este instalata

    corect si impamantata in conformitate cu toate reglementarile in vigoare.

    PERICOL – Conectarea incorecta a echipamentului conductor cu impamantare poate

    produce riscul unui soc electric. Verificati impreuna cu un electrician calificat daca aveti dubii cu

    privire la impamantarea corecta a produsului. Nu modificati cablul furnizat impreuna cu

    produsul – daca nu se va potrivi cu priza, trebuie sa aveti o noua priza instalata corect. Acest

    produs se poate folosi la un circuit de 220 volt si cu o priza impamantata conform imaginii A de

    mai jos. Asigurati-va ca produsul este conectat la o priza cu aceeasi configuratie ca si cablul.

    Nu folositi nici un adaptor pentru acest produs.

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    SPEED (VITEZA): Indica viteza si programul; la deschidere pe fereastra va aparea textul: 3,2,1.; cand

    se seteaza programul va arata P1-P15

    TIME (TIMP): Indica timpul de alergare;

    DIST (DISTANTA): Indica distant parcursa.

    CALO (CALORII).: Indica caloriile ;

    PULSE (PULS): Indica ritmul batailor inimii;

    INCL (Inclinatie): arata gradul de inclinare


    Butonul “PROG”: Apasati acest buton pentru a alege modul manual : P1----P15---FAT (GRASIMI);

    Butonul “MODE”: Cand banda de alergare este in stadiul de asteptare, apasati acest buton pentru a

    alege modul: modul timp descrescator, mod - distanta descrescatoare, mod-calorii descrescatoare

    Butonul “START”: Apasati acest buton pentru a porni aparatul, aparatul va porni la cea mai joasa

    viteza sau la viteza programului initiala dupa 3 secunde timpul descreste;

    Butonul “STOP”: Apasati acest buton pentru a opri aparatul, aparatul va incetini usor.

    Butonul SPEED +, - : Reglarea vitezei. Apasati acest buton pentru a regla viteza in timpul

    Ghid operational

  • 9

    antrenamentului, reglati valoarea cand va opriti;

    Butonul SPEED(2,4,6,8,10):Reglarea rapida a vitezei;

    Butonul “ INCLINE+”,“INCLINE-”: Reglarea gradului de inclinare. Apasati acest buton pentru a regla

    inclinarea in timpul antrenamentului, reglati valoarea cand va opriti;

    Butonul INCLINE(2,4,6,8,10):Reglarea rapida a gradului de inclinare;


    Apasati butonul de pornire, ecranul se va lumina, banda va intra in stadiul de pornire.


    Asezati magnetul de siguranta, apasati butonul “START”, banda va porni la cea mai joasa viteza in 3

    secunde, apasati “SPEED +,-” pentru reglarea vitezei. Apasati butonul “STOP” sau scoateti direct

    magnetul de siguranta pentru a opri banda de alergare.


    Apasati butonul “MODE” pentru a alege modul timp descrescator, modul distanta descrescatoare, modul

    calorii descrescatoare, si ecranul va indica valorile initiale si va licari. In acelasi timp, apasati “SPEED +/-”

    pentru a fixa valorile. Apasati butonul “START”, banda va functiona la cea mai joasa viteza, apoi apasati

    “SPEED +/-” pentru a schimba viteza. Cand valoarea coboara la 0, banda se va opri usor. Prin apasarea

    butonului “STOP” sau prin scoaterea magnetului de siguranta din computer puteti opri banda de


    In modul Standby apasati butonul MODE pentru a selecta:

    Timpul: se va afisa 15:00 si o lumina, apoi se va apasa butonul “SPEED+”、“SPEED-”、

    “INCLINE+”、“INCLINE-” pentru a stabili timpul de care aveti nevoie(00—99:00)

    Distanta: se va afisa 1:00 si o lumina, apoi se va apasa butonul “SPEED+”、“SPEED-”、

    “INCLINE+”、“INCLINE-” pentru a stabili distant de alergat de care aveti nevoie (0.50—99.90)

    Calorii: se va apasa butonul “SPEED+”、“SPEED-”、“INCLINE+”、“INCLINE-” pentru a stabili

    caloriile ce se doresc a fi arse (10.0—999.0);


    Apasati butonul “PROG” pentru a alege programul interior de instalare intre P1----P15. Cand alegeti

    programul, fereastra timp va indica valorile initiale si va licari, apasati butonul “SPEED” sau “INCLINE”

    pentru a fixa timpul de alergare. Fiecare program a fost impartit in 20 de sectiuni, timpul fiecarui exercitiu

    = timpul fixat/20. Apasati butonul “START”’, banda va functiona cu primul nivel al vitezei. Cand sectiunea

    s-a terminat, va intra in urmatoarea sectiune automat, viteza va creste la urmatorul nivel. Cand terminati

    un program, banda se va opri usor. In timpul antrenamentului, puteti schimba viteza prin apasarea

    oricand a butonului “SPEED+”,“SPEED-” .Cand programul intra in noua sectiune, va reveni la viteza

    actuala. Pentru a opri banda oricand, apasati butonul “STOP’ sau scoateti magnetul de siguranta.

  • 10



    timpul fixat/20= interval timp de alergare

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    P01 Viteza 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 5 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3

    Inclinare 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2

    P02 Viteza 2 4 4 5 6 4 6 6 6 4 5 6 4 4 4 2 2 5 4 2

    Inclinare 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2

    P03 Viteza 2 4 4 6 6 4 7 7 7 4 7 7 4 4 4 2 4 5 3 2

    Inclinare 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 3 2 2

    P04 Viteza 3 5 5 6 7 7 5 7 7 8 8 5 9 5 5 6 6 4 4 3

    Inclinare 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 3 2 2

    P05 Viteza 2 4 4 5 6 7 7 5 6 7 8 8 5 4 3 3 6 5 4 2

    Inclinare 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2

    P06 Viteza 2 4 4 4 5 6 8 8 6 7 8 8 6 4 4 2 5 4 3 2

    Inclinare 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2

    P07 Viteza 2 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 6 6 5 3 3

    Inclinare 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 6 6 5 3 3

    P08 Viteza 2 3 3 6 7 7 4 6 7 4 6 7 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 2

    Inclinare 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 8 6 3

    P09 Viteza 2 4 4 7 7 4 7 8 4 8 9 9 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 2

    Inclinare 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 5 8 8 9 9 9 7 4 2

    P10 Viteza 2 4 5 6 7 5 4 6 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 2 4 4 3 3

    Inclinare 5 6 6 6 7 5 8 8 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 10 10 8 6 3

    P11 Viteza 2 5 8 10 7 7 10 10 7 7 10 10 5 5 9 9 5 5 4 3

    Inclinare 4 5 3 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 3 2 5 5 2 0

    P12 Viteza 3 4 9 9 5 9 5 8 5 9 7 5 5 7 9 9 5 7 6 3

    Inclinare 1 2 3 2 3 5 5 0 0 2 3 5 7 3 3 5 6 5 3 3

    P13 Viteza 2 4 4 7 7 4 7 8 4 8 9 9 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 2

    Inclinare 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 2 2 5 5 2 2

    P14 Viteza 3 4 9 9 5 9 5 8 5 9 7 5 5 7 9 9 5 7 6 3

    Inclinare 3 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 2

    P15 Viteza 2 5 7 10 9 6 4 10 4 5 8 10 6 5 8 3 9 7 4 3

    Inclinare 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 3 3 8 9 3 3


    Exista 3 programe predefinite: U01, U02, U03

    5.1. Setari

    Apăsați tasta program pentru a selecta orice program U01-U03. Apoi apăsați tasta MODE pentru a seta

    viteza și inclinata (Buton SPEED/INCLINE +/-). Apăsați butonul MODE pentru a confirma si seta

    perioada următoare.După finalizarea celor 20 de sectiuni puteți stoca toate datele până la o nouă setare.

    Aceste date nu vor fi pierdute prin întrerupere.

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    5.2. Start

    A: În modul de așteptare, apăsați continuu "PROG" pentru a seta direct programul predefinit (U01-U03).

    Când setarea de timp este gata, apăsați "START" pentru a începe.

    B: După ce ați setat programul și ora apăsați START pentru a începe alergarea.

    5.3. Manual de setari

    Fiecare program se împarte în 20 sectiuni de timp egale. Doar dupa ce setati sectiunea cu viteaza si

    inclinarea dorita va porni banda de alergare.


    Apasati butonul “PROGRAM”,si va aparea in fereastra vitezei : “FAT”’. “FAT” este modul de testare al

    grasimilor corporale. Apasati butonul “MODE” pentru a alege parametrii ‘”F1-SEX -GENDER/ F2- AGE


    TIME/DIST (TIMP/DIST) va indica “F1”,“F2”、“F3”“F4". Cand setati fiecare parametru, apasati “SPEED

    +/-” pentru reglarea valorii (folositi tabelul de mai jos ca referinta),

    Apăsați butonul "mod" după ce ați setat datele. In interfața de testare a corpului F-5, puneti mâinile pe

    detectorul de puls două-trei secunde, si astfel vi se va indica indexul de sănătate și vizualiza greutatea și

    înălțimea pentru a fi verificate dacă sunt sau nu corecte. . Indicele de constituție (grăsime) evaluează o

    persoană în înălțime și greutate și nu este proporțională cu grăsimea aplicabilă oricărui bărbat și femeie

    și împreună cu alți indicatori de sănătate pentru ajustarea greutății grăsimii. Grăsimea ideală ar trebui să

    fie cuprinsă între 20 și 25, dacă mai puțin de 19 înseamnă subponderal, dacă greutatea este cuprinsa

    între 25 și 29 înseamnă supraponderală și dacă mai mult de 30 inseamna obez. (Datele sunt date ca

    referință și nu pot fi tratate ca date medicale.)

    F-1 Sex 01 barbati 02 femei

    F-2 Varsta 10------99

    F-3 Inaltime 100----200

    F-4 Greutate 20-----200


    Grasime ≤19 subponderal

    Grasime =(20---24) Greutate normala

    Grasime =(25---29) Supraponderal

    Grasime ≥30 Obezitate

  • 12



    Mod automat

    Interval de


    Interval aratat

    Timp(min;sec.) 0:00 15:00 5:00-99:00 0:00-99:59

    Inclinatie(grade) 0 0 0-15 0-15

    Viteza(km/h) 1.0 1.0 1.0-16.0 1.0-16.0

    Distanta (km) 0.00 1.00 0.50-99.9 0.00-99.9

    Puls (batai/min) P N/A N/A 50-200

    Calories(Kilocal) 0 50.0 10.0-999 0.0-999


    Daca trageti magnetul de siguranta, banda se va opri imediat, toate valorile vor ajunge la zero, iar toate

    ecranele vor afisa “―――”. Toate operatiile normale se fac in stadiul in care magnetul de siguranta este

    blocat. Pentru a reporni banda se ataseaza magnetul de siguranta la computer.


    Daca banda este oprita pentru mai mult de 10 minute fara a fi utilizata, sistemul nu va mai afisa nici o

    valoare intrand in stadiul de hibernare. Prin apasarea oricarui buton, sistemul va reporni.

    10. Functia USB ( Option):

    Când banda de alergare este pornită, puteți introduce orice stick de memorie USB care conține fișiere

    audio.Computerul va detecta fișierele audio de pe stick-ul de memorie și va reda direct muzica

    11. Functia MP3 ( Option)

    Când banda de alergare este pornită, puteți introduce un MP3 si computerul va reda muzica existenta.

    Volumul se poate regla si direct de la aparatul MP3 extern, acesta trebuind fi reglat corespunzator pentru

    a proteja dispozitivul.

  • 13



    Daca aveti varsta peste 35 de ani sau aveti probleme de sanatate si este prima oara cand folositi

    bada de alergare pentru antrenament, va rugam sa consultati medicul inainte de inceperea


    Inainte sa folositi banda de alergare va rugam cititi cu atentie instructiunile de utilizare pentru a sti

    foarte bine cum se porneste si se opreste, cum se regleaza viteza,etc.iar in acest timp nu stati asezat pe

    covorul de alergare in timp ce reglati banda. Nu folositi aparatul pana nu cunoasteti bine aceste lucruri.

    Asezati-va pe sinele laterale pentru a evita alunecarea si tineti-va cu ambele maini de manere. Mentineti

    aparatul la viteza redusa de cel mult 1.6-3.2 km/h, apoi testati banda de alergare cu un picior pana va

    obisnuiti cu viteza benzii, puteti mari viteza incepand cu 3 – 5 km/h. Mentineti viteza timp de 10 minute

    apoi opriti aparatul.


    Inainte de utilizare invatati cum se regleaza viteza si cum se inclina aparatul. Pasiti aprox. 1 km cu

    viteza constanta si notati-va timpul, va va lua aproximativ 15-25 de minute. Daca pasiti la o viteza de 4.8

    km/h, va dura aproximativ 12 minute sa parcurgeti 1 km. Daca va simtiti in siguranta la viteza constanta,

    puteti mari viteza si sa inclinati aparatul dupa 30 de minute pentru a avea un exercitiu corect. In acest

    moment, nu puteti mari viteza sau sa inclinati prea mult aparatul dintr-o data pentru a va simti in



    Incepeti antrenamentul cu o incalzire la o viteza de 4.8 km/h timp de 2 minute, apoi mariti viteza la

    5.3 km/h si, continuati antrenamentul timp de 2 minute, mariti din nou viteza la 5.8 km/h si continuati

    antrenamentul timp de 2 minute. Dupa aceasta cresteti viteza cu cate 0.3km/h la fiecare 2 minute,

    pana vi se accelereaza respiratia dar fara a va crea o stare de disconfort.

    Metoda cea mai eficienta de ardere a caloriilor:

    Incalziti-va timp de 5 minute la viteza de 4-4.8km/h, apoi mariti treptat viteza cu 0.3km/h/2 min pana

    ajungeti la o viteza constanta care nu va creaza disconfort timp de 45 de minute. Pentru imbunatatirea

    intensitatii miscarii puteti mentine viteza timp de 1 ora cat dureaza un program TV, apoi mariti viteza cu

    0.3km/h la fiecare moment de publicitate TV, apoi reveniti la viteza initiala. Cea mai eficienta metoda in

    arderea caloriilor este in timpul intervalului de publicitate TV prin cresterea frecventei batailor inimii. La

    sfarsitul antrenemantului trebuie sa incetiniti viteza gradual timp de 4 minute.


    Program ciclic de antrenamnet: 3-5 ori/saptamana, 15-60 minute/exercitiu. Creati-va programul de

    exercitiu profesional nu doar pentru hobby. Puteti controla intensitatea exercitiului prin reglarea vitezei si

    a inclinarii benzii de alergat.

    Va recomandam sa nu reglati inaltimea benzii la inceputul antrenamentului; reglarea inclinarii este

    metoda cea mai eficienta de crestere a intensitatii exercitiului.

    Consultati-va medical inaintea inceperii antrenamentului. Persoanele specializate va pot ajuta sa

  • 14

    construiti un program de antrenament in functie de varsta si conditia fizica a dvs., determinarea vitezei

    miscarii si a intensitatii antrenamentului. Va rugam sa va opriti imediat daca simtiti ca nu puteti respira,

    durere in piept, batai neregulate ale inimii, dificultati de respiratie, ameteala sau orice alta senzatie de

    disconfort in timpul antrenamentului. In aceste cazuri, trebuie sa va consultati imediat medicul inainte sa

    continuati antrenamentul.

    Puteti fixa viteza normala de mers sau viteza de alergare daca va antrenati mereu pe banda de


    Daca nu aveti suficienta experienta in testarea vitezei, puteti urma instructiunile de mai jos:

    Viteza 1-3.0 KM/H Conditie fizica cu probleme

    Viteza 3.0-4.5 KM/H Sedentarism

    Viteza 4.5-6.0 KM/H Plimbare normala

    Viteza 6.0-7.5 KM/H Pas alergator

    Viteza 7.5-9.0 KM/H Alergare usoara

    Viteza 9.0-12.0KM/H Alergator cu viteza intermediara

    Viteza 12.0-14.5M/H Alergator experimentat

    Viteza 14.5-16.0KM/H Alergator excelent

    Atentie: Viteza miscarii pentru mersul normal este ≤ 6KM/H;

    Viteza miscarii pentru alergare este ≥ 8.0KM/H.

  • 15


    Incalzirea este o parte foarte importanta a

    antrenamentului, care trebuie realizata la

    inceputul fiecarei sesiuni de exercitii. Efectuati 5-

    10 minute de exercitii de incalzire pentru a va

    pregati corpul pentru antrenament prin

    intinderea muschilor. Respectati urmatoarele

    instructiuni ale exercitilor de incalzire si relaxare

    – fiecare exercitiu de incalzire se efectueaza de

    5 ori, pentru fiecare picior de fiecare data cate 10

    secunde sau mai mult si se reia dupa terminarea


    1. Atingerea degetelor picioarelor: genunchii

    usor curbati, aplecati-va usor in fata, astfel incat

    spatele si umerii sa fie relaxati, cu mainile

    incercati sa va atingeti degetele picioarelor.

    Ramaneti in aceasta pozitie timp de 10-15

    secunde, apoi relaxati-va. Repetati de 3 ori

    (vedeti Fig. l).

    2. Intinderea tendoanelor: asezati-va pe o

    suprafata plana si intindeti drept un picior.

    Asezati-va talpa in directia contrara a corpului.

    Intindeti-va mana spre degetele picioarelor atat

    cat va este permis. Ramaneti in aceasta pozitie

    timp de 10-15 secunde,apoi relaxati-va. Repetati

    de 3 ori pentru fiecare picior (vedeti Fig. 2).

    3.Intinderea picioarelor si a calcaielor:

    sprijiniti-va de perete, cu un picior in fata. Pastrati

    picioarele intinse in directia peretelui. Ramaneti

    in aceasta pozitie timp de 10-15 secunde,apoi

    relaxati-va. Repetati de 3 ori pentru fiecare picior

    (vedeti Fig. 3).

    4 Intinderea coapselor: sprijiniti-va cu mana

    stanga de perete, apoi ridicati inapoi piciorul

    drept cu mana dreapta (vedeti Fig. 4)..

    5. Intindere interioara: Uniti-va talpile cu

    genunchii indreptati inafara. Prindeti cu mainile

    varful picioarelor. Ramaneti in aceasta pozitie

    timp de 10-15 secunde, apoi relaxati-va. Repetati

    de 3 ori (vedeti Fig.5).

  • 16



    Curatare: Curatarea generala a benzii, ii va prelungi viata.

    Pastrati banda curata prin stergerea de praf periodica. Stergeti cu atentie partea expusa a covorului de

    alergare si pe partea laterala. Pentru a reduce depunerea de murdarie sub covorul de alergare, purtati

    papuci curati de alergare.

    Atentie: Intotdeauna deconectati banda din priza electrica inainte de indepartarea carcasei

    motorului. Cel putin o data pe an, indepartati carcasa motorului si aspirati sub aceasta.


    Aceasta banda de alergare este echipata cu un sistem pre-lubrificat, de intretinere redusa a

    platformei.Frecarea covorului /platformei reprezinta un rol important in functionarea si durata vietii benzii,

    de aceea este necesara lubrifiere periodica. Va recomandam o inspectie periodica a platformei. Trebuie

    sa contactati centrul nostru service daca vedeti ca platforma de alergare s-a deteriorat .

    Va recomandam lubrifierea platformei in functie de programarea de mai jos:

    Utilizare usoara (mai putin de 3 ore/ saptamana) : anual

    Utilizare medie (3-5 ore/ saptamana) : la fiecare 6 luni

    Utilizare grea (mai mult de 5 ore/ saptamana) : la fiecare 3 luni

    Va recomandam sa cumparati lubrifiant compatibil cu banda de alergare.

    Atentie: Orice reparatie trebuie realizata de catre un specialist tehnic.

    1, Va recomandam sa intrerupeti alimentarea cu curent 10 Minute dupa un antrenament de 2 ore ,

    pentru protejarea benzii.

    2, Pentru a evita alunecarea in timpul alergarii, verificati covorul sa nu fie slabit; pentru evitarea uzurii

    intre rola si covor si mentinerea functionarii benzii , verificati covorul sa nu fie prea strans. Puteti regla

    distanta dintre placa si covor, covorul trebuie sa fie la o distanta de aprox. 50-75 mm pe ambele parti ,

    pentru a nu fi nici prea strans nici prea slab.

  • 17

    Centrarea covorului de alergare

    Asezati banda de alergare pe o

    suuprafata neteda. Utilizati banda la o

    viteza de aprox. 6-8 KM/H, verificati

    conditia de alergare.

    Daca covorul de alergare se misca spre

    dreapta, trageti blocajul de siguranta si

    rotiti 1/4 in sensul acelor de ceasornic

    boltul drept de reglaj, apoi porniti banda

    de alergare doar dupa centrarea covorului

    de alergare. FIG. A

    Daca coborul de alergare se misca spre

    stanga, trageti blocajul de siguranta si

    rotiti 1/4 in sensul acelor de ceasornic

    boltul stang de reglaj, apoi porniti banda

    de alergare doar dupa centrarea covorului

    de alergare. FIG. B

    Reglati periodic intinderea covorului de

    alergare deoarece acesta se largeste

    dupa o perioada de timp de utilizare.

    Trageti blocajul de siguranta si rotiti 1/4 in

    sensul acelor de ceasornic boltul stang si

    drept de reglaj, apoi porniti banda de

    alergare doar dupa centrarea covorului de

    alergare. FIG.C

  • 18


  • 19



    1 Cadrul principal 1 43 Releu 1

    2 Cadrul de sustinere al display-ului

    (partea de jos)

    1 44 Releu inferior


    3 Partea stanga a cadrului de sustinere al


    2 45 Inel magnetic


    4 Partea dreapta a cadrului de sustinere al


    1 46 Sticla cu ulei de ungere


    5 Suportul placii de baza 1 47 Intrerupator pornire/oprire 1

    6 Capac superior motor 1 48 Cablul de alimentare 1

    7 Tub protectie instalatie 4 49 Siguranta 1

    8 Roata trasportare banda 2 50 Stecher, cablu de alimentare 1

    9 Amortizor de cauciuc 4 51 Bolt M8*16 10

    10 Cilindrul fata 1 52 Cablul de alimentare 1

    11 Cilindrul spate 1 53 Fir albastru curent 1

    12 Cheie cu surubelnita S=13,14,15 1 54 Fir marou curent 1

    13 Imbus # 5 5mm 1 55 Piulita de blocare M10 4

    14 Imbus # 6 6mm 1 56 Bolt M8*55 3

    15 Cilindru ridicare banda 1 57 Protectie suprasarcina 1

    16 Capac roata stanga 1 58 Piulita de blocare M8 12

    17 Capac roata dreapta 1 59 Bolt M10*42 1

    18 Cureaua 1 60 Bolt M10*55 1

    19 Capac lateral stanga pe unde se schimba


    1 61

    Bolt M8*35 1

    20 Covorul benzii 1 62 Saiba plata 1

    21 Chenarul benzii de alergare 2 63 Bolt ST2.9*6.5 2

    22 Capacul motorului 1 64 Saiba plata 8 17

    23 Capac stanga 1 65 Bolt M8*25 1

    24 Capac dreapta 1 66 Bolt ST4.2*25 4

    25 Cauciuc elastic in timpul pedalarii 2 67 Bolt M10*45 4

    26 Capac protectie cadrul stanga 1 68 Bolt M8*42 1

    27 Capac protectie cadru dreapta 1 69 Bolt M5*8 4

    28 Roata fata transport banda 2 70 Bolt M8*45 4

    29 Capacul rotii 2 71 Bolt M8*40 6

    30 Tampon cauciuc 4 72 Bolt M8*32 8

    31 Senzor/led lumina 1 73 Bolt ST4.2*55 2

    32 Inclinarea motorului 1 74 Bolt ST4.2*13 19

    33 Motor 1 75 Bolt ST4.2*20 6

    34 Computer/display 1 76 Saiba plata 10 4

    35 Capacul superiror al


    1 77

    Saiba plata 8 6

    36 Capacul inferior al


    1 78

    Saiba grover plat 8 6

    37 Spuma/cheder protectie 2 79 Bolt M8*25 4

    38 Capac maner/ghidon 2 80 Saiba 5 2

    39 Panou de control 1 81 Saiba blocare tip siguranta 5 2

    40 Inel etansare 2 82 Saiba grover plat 10 2

    41 Buton reglare viteza +/- 1 83 Saiba plata ST4.2*19 15

    42 Buton reglare inclinatie +/- 1 84 MP3 conectare option 1

  • 20



    E01 Mesaj de eroare intre computer si placa de baza inferioara.

    1. Verificati daca computerul si firele placii de baza sunt conectate corect;

    2. Verificati daca circuitul placii de baza este slabit, resetati circuitul.

    3. Alimentarea cu curent a placii de baza are probleme, inlocuiti placa de baza.

    E02 Conflict 1. Verificati daca intensitatea curentului este corecta, in caz contrar, testati intensitatea corecta;

    2. Verificati daca placa de baza s-a ars, inlocuiti-o cu o noua placa de baza; reconectati firele motorului.

    E03 Lipsa semnal 3. Verificați dacă firul senzorului de viteză se conectează bine, reconectați cablul

    4. Verificați dacă senzorul de viteză a fost deteriorat, schimbați cu unul bun.

    E04 Eroare de inclinare 1. Verificați dacă firul motorului înclinat se conectează bine, reconectați cablul

    2. Verificați dacă motorul înclinat a fost deteriorat, schimbați cu unul bun.

    E05 Protectie suprasolicitare actuala 1. Supra-solicitarea sau blocarea motorului, cauzeaza curent excesiv, banda va porni cu un sistem de autoprotectie. Reglati banda si reporniti-o;

    2. Verificati daca se aud sunete de la motor sau daca motorul / placa de baza s-au ars. Daca s-au ars, inlocuiti motorul si placa de baza. Utilizati curent cu o intensitate corecta.

    E08 Probleme de driver 1. Verificati daca pinul 24C02 8 din placa de baza este conectat bine; reconectati-l.

    2. Schimbati placa de baza.

  • 21

    ! Read all instruction carefully before use this

    product. Retain this owner’s manual for the future’s



    DHS 8451

  • 22

    Safety Instructions Warning: Now here we suggest that you should consult with your physician or health professional before

    starting your workout, especially for the age up to 35 old or once-health problem people. We take no

    responsible for any troubles or hurts if you don’t following our specification. Treadmill will be carefully

    assembled and covered the motor shield, then connect to the power.

    Before the assembly, be sure to check if delivery is complete by using the included


    1, Ensuring the safety clamps were attached to the clothing or belts before using the treadmill.

    2, Please do not insert any items to any part of the equipments, which would damage the equipment.

    3, Position the treadmill on a clear, level surface. Do not place the treadmill on thick carpet as it may

    interfere with proper ventilation. Do not place the treadmill near water or outdoors.

    4, Never start the treadmill while you are standing on the walking belt. After turning the power on and

    adjusting the speed control, there may be a pause before the walking belt begins to move, always

    stand on the foot rails on the sides of the frame until the belt is moving.

    5, Wear appropriate clothing when exercising on the treadmill. Do not wear long, loose fitting clothing

    that may be caught in the treadmill. Always wear running or aerobic shoes with rubber soles.

    6, Keep the children and pets away from the treadmill while starting workout.

    7, Don’t exercise in 40-Minutes after dinner.

    8, The equipment is suitable for adults, Juveniles need be accompanied with adults while workout.

    9, You must hold on to the handrails until you become comfortable and familiar with the treadmill at your

    first start the workout.

    10, Treadmill is indoor-using equipment, not outdoor-using for avoiding damage. Keep the store-place

    clean and flat, drying. Prohibiting the other purpose using, only for workout.

    11, Please purchase the power-line to the distributor or contact with our company directly, for the

    power-line only equip to the treadmill.

    12,If the treadmill should suddenly increase in speed due to an electronics failure or the speed being

    inadvertently increased, the treadmill will come to a sudden stop when the pull pin is disengaged from

    the console.

    13, Do not connect line to the middle of cable; do not lengthen cable or change the cable plug; do not put

    any heavy thing on cable or put the cable near the heat source; forbid using socket with several

  • 23

    holes, these may cause fire or people may be hurt by the power.

    14, Cut off the power when the equipment is not used. When the power is cut off , do not pull the power

    line to keep the wire unbroken. Insert the plug to the socket with the safety ground circuit, for the

    power-line is professional equipment .You must contact with the professional people directly while

    the line is damaged.

    15,This Treadmill only for home-using.

    The owner’s manual is only for customers’ reference.

    The supplier can not guarantee for mistakes occurring due to translation or change in technical specification of the product.

    All data displayed are approximate guidance and cannot be used in any medical application

    When you open the carton, and you will find the below parts in the carton.

    Spare Parts List:

    No DES. Specification


    No DES. Specificati



    1 Main frame 1 49 Safety key 1

    12 wrench w/screw driver S=13\14\15mm 1 51 Bolt M8*16 4

    13 #5 Allen wrench 5mm 1 64 Lock washer 8 6

    14 #6 Allen wrench 6mm 1 70 Bolt M8*45 2

    26 Left base cover 1 83 Bolt ST4.2*19 4

    27 Right base cover 1 84 MP3 wire option 1

    46 Oil bottle 1


    #5 Allen Wrench 5mm 1pc

    #6 Allen wrench 6mm 1pc

    Wrench w/screw Driver S=13、14、15 1pcs

    Notice: Do not get through power before complete assembly.

  • 24

    STEP 1:

    STEP 2:


    1.Open the carton, get out the above

    spare parts, and put the Main Frame

    onto the level ground.

    1. Push up computer as the illustration,

    Use the 5# Allen wrench,lock the

    Computer frame to Left Upright and

    Right Upright tight by Bolt M8*16(51)

    and Lock washer(64).

    Pull up the Computer and L& R upright

    as the arrow position.

    Notice: When you pull up them, make

    sure the upright not press the wires in

    upright; keep touch the upright and

    computer by hand, that they will not fall

    down escaping any hurt.

  • 25

    STEP 4:

    STEP 5:

    STEP 6:

    Use the 5# Allen wrench (13), lock the

    Bolt M8*45 (70) and Lock

    washer(64),lock the Right Upright Tube

    to the Main Frame;

    Use the 5# Allen wrench (13),lock Bolt

    M8*16 (51) and Lock washer(64) to the

    base frame through base and right

    upright tube. Reference the picture left.

    Left side assembly method same as right


    Notice: Support the upright with hand

    avoid falling down to have any hurt.

    Use wrench w/screw driver,lock the Right

    base cover (27) to the right upright by

    ST4.2*19 Bolt(83).

    Left side assembly method same as right


    Put the safety key (49) on the


  • 26

    ATTENTION:Tighten all the bolts to ensure the safety of using the machine Your treadmill is assembled and ready for operation.

    Pulling up:


    Pulling down:

    Pull up the base frame at position A, till

    hearing the sound that the air pressure

    bar B is locked into the round tube

    Support place A with hand , kick the

    place of air pressure bar, then the base

    frame will fall down automatically

    ( Please keep anybody and any pet

    away the machine when falling down)

    ATTENTION:Please confirm complete assembly as the require above and lock all the bolt. Do

    the following operation after checking everything is OK. Before you use the treadmill, please .

    read the instruction carefully.

  • 27


    1) warning: that a folded treadmill should not be operated;

    2) warning: to allow the running surface to come to a complete stop before folding;

    3) WARNING! Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over exercising

    may result in serious injuryor death. If you feel faint stop exercising immediately

    4) statement: “Noise emission under load is higher than without load.”

  • 28


    Technical Parameter





    As the rating label showing






    As the rating label showing














    GROUNDING METHODS This product must be grounded. If it is malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least

    resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord

    having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an

    appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local appliance.

    DANGER – Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric

    shock. Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the product is

    properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the product – if it does not fit the outlet, have

    a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.

    This product is for using on a nominal 220-240/100-120 volt(please choose the correct voltage) circuit

    and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustrated in sketch A in following figure. Make that the

    product is connected to an outlet having the same configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used

    with this product.( The below picture is just for reference,the actual plug and jack is depends on import


  • 29


    1. LCD WINDOW DISPLAY: SPEED: Show speed and program;

    When running, the speed show 1.0-16.0KM/h. When starting,The window will count down:3,2,1.

    When programming,it shows P1-P15.

    TIME: Show running time;

    DIST.: Show distance;

    CAL.: Show calories;

    PUL.: Show heart beat data;

    INCL.: Show the incline data


    “PROG” button: Press this button to choose program P1----P15---FAT;

    “MODE” button: When machine in standby state, press this button to choose the mode: mode-time

    count down, mode-distance count down, mode-calories count down;

    “START” button: Press this button to start the machine, the machine will run at the lowest speed or at

    the speed of default program after 3 seconds time count down;

    “STOP” button: Press this button to stop the machine, the machine will stop smoothly;

    “ SPEED+” 、 “ SPEED-” : Adjust the speed. Press the button to adjust the speed when running, and

  • 30

    adjust the data when stop;

    “ INCLINE+” 、“INCLINE-”: Adjust the incline. Press the button to adjust incline section when run, and adjust the data when stop;

    SPEED(2,4,6,8,10): Adjust the speed quickly INCLINE(2,4,6,8,10): Adjust the incline quickly

    When the user hold the bar of hand heartbeat about 6 second,it could show the pulse data.


    Open the power switch, the window will light, the machine will enter into ready state.


    Attach the magnet end of the safety pulling rope to the computer, press ‘ START’ button to start the

    machine, it will run at the lowest speed, press “ SPEED+” “ SPEED-” to adjust the speed. When you

    would like to stop machine, press the ‘ STOP’ button or take out the safety key directly


    Press the ‘ MODE’ button, it can choose time countdown mode, distance count down mode, calories

    countdown mode, and the window will show the default data and glitter. At the same time, press

    “ SPEED+” “ SPEED-” to set the data. Press ‘ START ’ button, the machine will run at the lowest speed,

    you can press “ SPEED+” “ SPEED-” to change the speed. When it counts down to 0, the machine will

    stop smoothly. Certainly, you can press ‘ STOP’ button or take out the safety key from the computer to

    stop the machine.

    When Standby mode,press button“MODE”“Time”Window show“15 : 00”and light , press

    button“SPEED+” 、 “SPEED-” 、 “INCLINE+” 、 “INCLINE-” could set the time , setting arrange :


    Press “MODE” to get into the distance count down mode,“DISTANCE” window display “1.00”with

    light , press button “SPEED+”、“SPEED-”、“INCLINE+”、“INCLINE-”could set running distance, setting


    Press “MODE” to get into the calories count down mode, press the button “SPEED+”、“SPEED-”、

    “INCLINE+”、“INCLINE-”,could set calories,setting arrange:10.0—999.0.


    Press ‘PROG’ button to choose the inner install program from P1----P15. When set the program, the

    time window will show default data and glitter, press SPEED or INCLINE button to set the running time.

    Each program has been divided into 20 section, Each exercise time=the setting time/20. Press ‘START’,

    the machine will run at the first section speed. When the section is over, it will enter into next section

    automatic, the speed will change as next section data. When finish one program, the machine will stop

    smoothly. During the running, you can change the speed by the “SPEED+”、“SPEED-” whenever,

    When the program enter next section will come back to the current speed. And you can press ‘STOP’ or

    take out the safety key to stop the machine whenever.

  • 31




    To set time / 20 time = running time of each period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    P01 SPEED 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 5 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3

    INCLINE 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2

    P02 SPEED 2 4 4 5 6 4 6 6 6 4 5 6 4 4 4 2 2 5 4 2

    INCLINE 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2

    P03 SPEED 2 4 4 6 6 4 7 7 7 4 7 7 4 4 4 2 4 5 3 2

    INCLINE 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 3 2 2

    P04 SPEED 3 5 5 6 7 7 5 7 7 8 8 5 9 5 5 6 6 4 4 3

    INCLINE 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 3 2 2

    P05 SPEED 2 4 4 5 6 7 7 5 6 7 8 8 5 4 3 3 6 5 4 2

    INCLINE 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2

    P06 SPEED 2 4 4 4 5 6 8 8 6 7 8 8 6 4 4 2 5 4 3 2

    INCLINE 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2

    P07 SPEED 2 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 6 6 5 3 3

    INCLINE 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 6 6 5 3 3

    P08 SPEED 2 3 3 6 7 7 4 6 7 4 6 7 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 2

    INCLINE 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 8 6 3

    P09 SPEED 2 4 4 7 7 4 7 8 4 8 9 9 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 2

    INCLINE 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 5 8 8 9 9 9 7 4 2

    P10 SPEED 2 4 5 6 7 5 4 6 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 2 4 4 3 3

    INCLINE 5 6 6 6 7 5 8 8 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 10 10 8 6 3

    P11 SPEED 2 5 8 10 7 7 10 10 7 7 10 10 5 5 9 9 5 5 4 3

    INCLINE 4 5 3 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 3 2 5 5 2 0

    P12 SPEED 3 4 9 9 5 9 5 8 5 9 7 5 5 7 9 9 5 7 6 3

    INCLINE 1 2 3 2 3 5 5 0 0 2 3 5 7 3 3 5 6 5 3 3

    P13 SPEED 2 4 4 7 7 4 7 8 4 8 9 9 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 2

    INCLINE 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 2 2 5 5 2 2

    P14 SPEED 3 4 9 9 5 9 5 8 5 9 7 5 5 7 9 9 5 7 6 3

    INCLINE 3 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 2

    P15 SPEED 2 5 7 10 9 6 4 10 4 5 8 10 6 5 8 3 9 7 4 3

    INCLINE 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 3 3 8 9 3 3


    There are three program U01, U02, U03 for user defined.

    1. Setting

    Press program key to select any U01-U03 for self setting program.Then press MODE key enter to self

    condition, the speed& incline window show the value of the segment. By plus or minus to adjust the

    speed and incline paragraph. Press the MODE button to confirm and at the same time setting the next

    period. After finishing the 20th time setting. You can storage all data till next time you get a new setting,

    This data won’t lost by outage.

    2. Start

    A: Under standby mode, press “PROG” continuous to set user defined program(U01-U03) directly. When

  • 32

    time setting is ready, press “START” to start.

    B: After setting user program and time, press START to start running.

    3. Setting manual

    Each program divide into 20 time segments equally. Only finish the setting each time segment for speed

    and incline, you can start the treadmill.


    Under standby mode, continued to press the button to enter the program's index (FAT) detection

    capabilities, Press “mode” button into F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5 interface (F -1 gender, F-2 age, F-3, height, f

    -4 weight, and f -5 constitution, to detect), press "speed+", “speed-” could adjust the 01-04 parameters

    setting, (the following table for reference), press “mode” button after setting, into F-5 body test interface,

    hands clasped hand pulse two to three seconds will show you the health index and view your weight and

    height is whether or not. Constitution index (fat) is evaluating a person in height and weight and is not in

    proportion, fat applicable to any male and female, and together with other health indicators for the

    adjustment of the weight of fat. the ideal fat should be between 20 and 25, if less than 19 means too thin,

    if it were, sandwiched between 25 and 29 means overweight, and if more than 30 that are fat. (the data

    for reference only and cannot be treated as medical data.)

    F-1 Seg 01 men 02 women

    F-2 Age 10------99

    F-3 Hight 100----200

    F-4 Weight 20-----200


    FAT ≤19 Underweight

    FAT =(20---24) Normal weight

    FAT =(25---29) Overweight

    FAT ≥30 Obesity

    7. Data display and set range:









    Time(min;sec.) 0:00 15:00 5:00-99:00 0:00-99:59

    Incline(piece) 0 0 0-15 0-15

    Speed(km/h) 1.0 1.0 1.0-16.0 1.0-16.0

    Distance(km) 0.00 1.00 0.50-99.9 0.00-99.9

    Pulse(piece/min) P N/A N/A 50-200


    ) 0

    50.0 10.0-999 0.0-999


    Pull out the safety pulling rope, then the treadmill will stop immediately. All the windows

    display“―――” , the buzzer will make 3 sound “B—B—”,now the treadmill must be stop. Attach the

    magnet end of the safety key to the computer, the treadmill will be at the beginning of running.

  • 33


    Stopped for more than 10 minutes without any operation, the system completed all showed off into

    the body of sleep state. Press any key to wake up.

    10. USB FUNCTION( Option): When treadmill is power on, you may insert any USB memory stick which contains audio files.The

    computer will detect the audio files on the memory stick and play the music directly

    11. MP3 FUNCTION( Option)

    When the power on, Contacting the external MP3 equipment, the computer will play. The voice is

    adjustable from operate the external MP3 equipment, the voice should be adjusted on the proper section

    to protect the computer loudhailer.

  • 34

    Warmup stage:

    Exercise Instructions

    If you are over 35 years old, or not very healthy, also it’s your first time exercise, please consult with

    your doctor or professional person.

    Before you use the motorized treadmill, please learn how to control the machine, know well how to

    start, stop, adjust the speed and so on, don’t stand on the machine at this time. After that, you can use

    the machine. Stand on anti-slip pad both sides and handle the handle bar with your both hands. Keep

    the machine at the low speed about 1.6~3.2 km/h, then test the running machine by one foot, after get

    used to the speed, then you can run on the machine and you can add the speed between 3 and 5

    km/h. Keep the speed about 10 minutes, then stop the machine.

    Exercise stage: Learn how to adjust the speed and incline before using. Walk about 1 km at stable velocity and write

    down the time, it will take you about 15-25 minutes. If walk at 4.8 km/h, it will take you about 12 minutes

    in 1 km. If you feel comfortable at the stable velocity, you can add the speed and incline, after 30 minutes,

    you can have good exercise. At this stage, you can not add the speed or incline too much at one time, it

    can keep you feel comfortable.

    Exercise intensity: Warm up at the speed 4.8 km/h in 2 minutes, then add the speed to 5.3 km/h and keep walking in 2

    minutes, then add to 5.8km/h and walk in 2 minutes. After that, add up 0.3 km/h in each 2 minutes, until

    rapid breath but not feel comfortable

    Calorie burning---the best effective way

    Warm-up for 5mints by the velocity:4-4.8KM/H, then slowly increase the speed by 0.3KM/H/2Mints ,until

    up to the stable speed which you feel is comfortable for 45Mints.For improving the intensity of movement,

    you can maintain the speed during 1H of TV program, then increase the speed by 0.3KM/H each

    Advertisement interval time, after that return to the original speed . You can acquaint the best efficiency

    of workout for calorie burning during the advertisement time and subsequent heart frequency increasing

    time. Finally , you should slow down the speed step by step for 4Mints.

    Exercise frequency: The cycle time: 3-5times/Week, 15-60mints/Times.Make up the schedule of workout scientific, not

    only for your hobby.

    You can control the running intensity through adjusting the velocity and incline of treadmill. We

    suggest that you don’t set the incline at first; improve the incline is the effective way to strengthen the

    exercise’s intensity.

    Consult with your physician or health professional before starting your workout. The professional

    people can help you make up the suitable exercise time-chart according to your age and health condition,

    determine the velocity of movement, the intensity of exercise. Please stop at once, If you feel chest

  • 35

    tightness, chest pain, irregular heart beat, breath difficulty, dizziness or other discomfort during exercise.

    You should consult with your physician or health professional as keep going.

    You can choose the normal walking speed or the jogging speed ,if you always take workout with


    If you don’t have enough experiences or confirm the testing velocity ,you can follow the instruction :

    Speed 1-3.0KM/H not well physical

    Speed 3.0-4.5KM/H less movement and workout

    Speed 4.5-6.0KM/H normal walking

    Speed 6.0-7.5KM/H Fast walking

    Speed 7.5-9.0KM/H Jogging

    Speed 9.0-12.0KM/H intermediate speed walking

    Speed 12.0-14.5M/H well experiences of running

    Speed 14.5-16.0KM/H excellent runner

    Attention: The velocity of movement ≤6KM/H , the normal walking; The velocity of movement

    ≥8.0KM/H ,the runner.

  • 36


    Before exercise, it is better to do stretching exercises . Warm

    muscles stretch more easily, so the first of 5 ~ 10 minutes to

    warm up. Then in accordance with the following methods to

    stop and do stretching exercises - do five times, each leg every

    time 10 seconds or more time to do it again after the end of the


    1. Down the stretch: knees slightly curved, the body bent

    forward slowly, so that the back and shoulders relaxed, hands

    try to touch your toes. Maintain 10 to 15 seconds, then relax.

    Repeat three times to do (see Figure l).

    2. Hamstring stretch: sitting on the clean seat, put one leg

    straight. Inward close to the other leg to make it close to the

    inside leg straight. hand try to touch the toes. Maintain 10 to 15

    seconds, then relax. Repeat for each leg do three times (see

    Figure 2).

    3. Legs and feet tendon stretch: two on the Rotary wall or tree

    stand, one foot in the post. Keep legs straight and heel to tilt

    the direction of the wall or tree. Maintain 10 to 15 seconds,

    then relax. Repeat for each leg do three times

    (see Figure 3).

    4 .quadricones stretch: the left hand wall or table Cu master

    balance, and then stretched his right hand back to seize the

    right foot to the buttocks with slowly pull until you feel the front

    thigh muscles tense. Maintain 10 to 15 seconds, then relax.

    Repeat for each leg to do three times (see Figure 4).

    5. Sartorius muscle (inner thigh muscles) stretch: Foot In

    contrast, the knee outward to sit down. The hands grasp the

    feet to the groin pull. Maintain 10 to 15 seconds, then relax.

    Repeat three times(see Figure 5).

  • 37




    Clean: General cleaning or the unit will greatly prolong the treadmill.

    Keep treadmill clean by dusting regularly. Be sure to clean the exposed part of the deck on either side of the walking belt

    and also the side rails. This reduces the build up of foreign material underneath the walking belt by wearing the clean

    running shoes.

    Warning: Always unplug the treadmill from the electrical outlet before removing the motor cover. At least once

    a year remove the motor cover and vacuum under the motor cover.


    This treadmill is equipped with a pre-lubricated, low maintenance deck system. The belt/ deck friction may play a major

    role in the function and life of your treadmill, thus requiring periodic lubrication. We recommend a periodic inspection of the

    deck. You need contact with our service center if you find the damage of the deck.

    We recommend lubrication of the deck according to the following timetable:

    Light user (less than 3 hours/ week) annually

    Medium user (3-5 hours/ week) every six months

    Heavy user (more than 5 hours/ week) every three months

    We recommend that you buy the lubrication from our distributor or directly to our company.

    Attention: Any repair need the professional technician.

    1, We suggest that you should cut off the power for 10Mints after keep running 2HS ,so that it’s good for

    maintain the treadmill.

    2,For avoiding the slipping during running , the belt not too loose; for avoiding the more abrasion

    between the roller and belt and maintain the machine’s good running ,the belt not too tight. You can

    adjust the distance between plates and belt , the belt be away from the plates about 50-75mm on both

    sides ,if the best not too tight and loose.

  • 38

    Center the running belt

    ● Place treadmill on a level surface. Run

    Treadmill at approximately 6-8KM/H,

    checking the running condition.

    If the belt has drifted to the right, pull out of

    the save clock and switch, turn the right

    adjusting bolt 1/4 turn clockwise, then start

    running until centering the belt. PIC A

    If the belt has drifted to the left ,pull out of

    the safety clock and switch, turn the left

    adjusting bolt 1/4 turn clockwise ,then start

    running until centering the belt .PIC B

    Timely adjust the tightness of the belt ,for

    the looseness after a period of time running.

    Pull out of the safety clock and switch , turn

    the left and right adjusting bolt 1/4 turn

    clockwise ,then re-start running, confirm the

    belt-tightness until the belt be right tightness.

    PIC C

  • 39


  • 40


    1 Main frame 1

    2 Base frame 1

    3 Left upright 2

    4 Right upright 1

    5 Computer Bracket 1

    6 Motor Bracket 1

    7 Insulation pipe 4

    8 Wheel 2

    9 cushion 4

    10 Front roller 1

    11 Back roller 1

    12 wrench w/screw driver S=13、14、15 1

    13 #5 Allen wrench 5mm 1

    14 #6 Allen wrench 6mm 1

    15 Cylinder 1

    16 Left wheel cover 1

    17 Right wheel cover 1

    18 Motor Belt 1

    19 Running Board 1

    20 Running Belt 1

    21 Side Rail 2

    22 Motor Cover 1

    23 Left Base Cover 1

    24 Right Base Cover 1

    25 Elastic cushion 2

    26 Left end caps 1

    27 Right end caps 1

    28 Transportation wheel 2

    29 Wheel cover 2

    30 Feet Pad 4

    31 Light sendor 1

    32 Incline motor 1

    33 DC motor 1

    34 Computer 1

    35 Computer top cover 1 Computer bottom


    43 Computer up wire 1

    44 Computer bottom wire 1

    45 Magnetic ring 1

    46 Oil Bottle 1

    47 Power switch 1

    48 Power cord plug 1

    49 Safety key 1

    50 Standard power wire 1

    51 Bolt M8*16 10

    52 AC wire 1

    53 Blue single wire 1

    54 Brown single wire 1

    55 Lock nut M10 4

    56 Bolt M8*55 3

    57 Overload protector 1

    58 Lock nut M8 12

    59 Bolt M10*42 1

    60 Bolt M10*55 1

    61 Bolt M8*35 1

    62 Flat wahser 1

    63 Bolt ST2.9*6.5 2

    64 Lock washer 8 17

    65 Bolt M8*25 1

    66 Bolt ST4.2*25 4

    67 Bolt M10*45 4

    68 Bolt M8*42 1

    69 Bolt M5*8 4

    70 Bolt M8*45 4

    71 Bolt M8*40 6

    72 Bolt M8*32 8

    73 Bolt ST4.2*55 2

    Bolt 74 ST4.2*13 19

    75 Bolt ST4.2*20 6

    76 Flat washer 10 4

    77 Flat washer 8 6 Standard elastic washer

    36 1 78 8 6 cover

    37 Foam grip 2 79 Bolt M8*25 4

    38 Inclined tube caps 2 80 washer 5 2

    39 Control board 1 81 Lock washer 5 2

    40 Ring wire plug 2 82 Standard elastic washer 10 2

  • 41

    Hand pulse with speed 41 1

    +/- button

    Hand pulse with incline 42 1

    +/- button

    83 Lock Washer ST4.2*19 15

    84 MP3 wire option 1



    E01 Message failure between computer

    and bottom control board

    1. Check the computer and bottom control board wire

    connect well;

    2. Check if IC on bottom control board is loosen, reset

    the IC

    3. Power on bottom control board has some problem,

    change the bottom control board

    E02 Burst clash 1. Check the power is right, if not, use correct power

    to test;

    2. Check if the bottom control was burnt out, change a

    good one; reconnect the motor wire.

    E03 No sensor signal 1. Check the speed sensor wire connect well,reconnect

    the wire

    2. Check if the speed sensor was damaged,change a

    good one.

    E04 Incline Error 1. Check the incline motor wire connect well,reconnect

    the wire

    2. Check if the incline motor was damaged,change a

    good one.

    E05 Current overload protecting 1. Over rated loaded or the motor is stuck, cause

    excessive current, machine will start self-protecting

    system. Adjust the machine and restart;

    2. Check if the motor has noise from motor or if the

    motor / bottom control board were burnt out, if burnt

    out, change good motor and bottom control; Use

    right voltage.

    E08 Driver Problem 1. Check if the 24C02 8 pin IC in the bottom control

    board connect well, reconnect it.

    2. Change the bottom control board